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Global Developments and Analysis: Weekly Monitor, 23 May 2022 – 29 May 2022

China urged to deepen ASEAN ties as US becomes India’s biggest trading partner

Fast growing trade between India and the United States has raised eyebrows in China, fuelling concern that the Biden administration is moving swiftly to use its new Indo-Pacific Economic Framework to contain the world’s No 2 economy. China lost its title as India’s biggest trading partner to the US last year, according to new data from the Indian Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The value of merchandise trade between the world’s two most populous countries reached a high of US$115.4 billion in the 2021-22 financial year that ended in March, an increase of 33.6 per cent from a year earlier. But it was surpassed by trade with the US, which rose 48.3 per cent to US$119.4 billion. Indian imports from China, mainly machines and electronics, rose 44.4 per cent to US$94.2 billion, but its China-bound shipments grew only 0.3 per cent to US$21.3 billion. On the contrary, its exports to the US jumped 47.4 per cent from a year earlier to US$76.11 billion, while imports rose 50 per cent to US$43.31 billion. India recorded a US$32.8 billion trade surplus from the US last year, compared with a deficit of US$72.9 billion with China. India’s top 10 trading partners were rounded out by the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Singapore, Hong Kong, Indonesia, South Korea and Australia. Click here to read…

EU won’t approve full Russian oil embargo – Bloomberg

The European Commission has suggested kick-starting an embargo on Russian oil by giving up on seaborne deliveries, while delaying a ban on pipeline supplies, Bloomberg reported on May 28, citing “people familiar with the matter.” The revised proposal was sent to the governments of member states on May 28 and could be discussed by EU ambassadors as soon as May 29, according to the news agency. The EU’s executive arm says shipments of oil through the Druzhba pipeline, which connects Russia to Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Austria and Germany, should for now be spared from the embargo that the bloc is looking to impose on Moscow over its military offensive against Ukraine. The proposal is allegedly aimed at satisfying the objections of Hungary, which has been stalling the sixth package of EU sanctions against Russia. Budapest receives most of its oil from Russia, and has compared a full ban to “an atomic bomb.” Other landlocked nations including the Czech Republic and Slovakia have also voiced reservations over an embargo. The new proposal would give more time to Hungary to find a replacement for Russian pipeline oilClick here to read…

Russian parliament leader calls on Japan to give up Sakhalin-2 stake

The head of Russia’s lower parliamentary house on May 25 slammed Japan as an “unfriendly nation” that is benefiting from its interests in the Sakhalin-2 energy project. Vyacheslav Volodin, the chairman of the State Duma, singled out Japan, the U.K. and the Netherlands for receiving “huge profits” from the Sakhalin-2 oil and gas project in Russia’s Far East, according to the Duma’s website. He insisted stakes in the project held by companies in those countries should be sold to Russia’s state-owned energy company Gazprom or to enterprises from friendly nations. Japanese resources traders Mitsui & Co. and Mitsubishi Corp. own 12.5% and 10% of Sakhalin-2, respectively. Gazprom owns about 50% while U.K.-based Shell controls roughly 27.5%. Sakhalin-2 produces 10 million tons of liquefied natural gas per year, with 50 to 60% of the volume bound for Japan. The project accounts for virtually all of Japan’s LNG imports from Russia, and for about 10% of Japan’s overall LNG imports. Shell has announced it will exit from the Sakhalin-2 project over Russia’s war with Ukraine. The energy major is reportedly discussing a sale of its stake to Chinese enterprises. Japan has decided to maintain the interests in Sakhalin-2 to avoid potential disruptions in gas supplies. Click here to read…

Brent crude climbs above $120 a barrel as China eases lockdowns

Oil climbed to a two-month high as China eased anti-virus lockdowns and the EU worked on a plan to ban imports of Russian crude. Brent crude rose above $120 a barrel, building on last week’s 6% rally, to reach the highest intraday level since late March. China’s key commercial hub of Shanghai allowed all manufacturers to resume operations from June, while officials said Beijing’s coronavirus outbreak is under control. Brent crude is on course for a sixth straight monthly climb that would be the longest such run in more than a decade. The advance has been driven by the fallout from the war in Ukraine, as well as increased demand as more economies return from Covid-related restrictions. In the US, the summer driving season kicked off at the weekend with retail gasoline prices at a record. “It’s tight supply – China demand and beginning of US driving season in focus,” said Ole Hansen, head of commodities strategy at Saxo Bank A/S. At the same time OPEC+ has fallen behind production targets and is struggling to meet quotas. The surge in energy prices has contributed to a sharp pick-up in the pace of inflation, spurring central bankers to move toward tighter monetary policy. Data this week will likely show record price gains in European economies. Click here to read…

Economist points to downside of strong ruble

The combination of a strong ruble and high oil prices will temporarily tame inflation, however, it also could accelerate consumer prices in the future, according to Dr Denis Domashchenko, as quoted by the Russian business daily RBC. The analyst warns that the dominance of energy sector revenues along with a firm national currency may evoke the so-called ‘Dutch disease’. In economics, the ‘Dutch disease’ is the seemingly causal relationship between the increase in economic development of a specific sector and a decline in other sectors. It could emerge as the negative consequences that can arise from a spike in the value of a nation’s currency due to the rapid growth of the export of goods of one dominant industry, most commonly fossil fuels. At first, the influx of foreign currency reduces inflation in the country, but at the same time, it slows down the development of other industries and hinders economic growth, leading to price acceleration. The term was first used in 1977 by The Economist to describe the decline of the manufacturing sector in the Netherlands after the discovery of the large Groningen natural gas field in 1959. The economist warned that the ‘Dutch disease’ or the Groningen effect may manifest itself in the Russian economy, as a high exchange rate can provoke a backlog of high-tech sectors of the economy and lead to a delayed price increase. Click here to read…

Russian reserves frozen by EU much smaller than expected – Reuters

The European Union has frozen roughly €23 billion ($24.5 billion) worth of assets of the Russian Central Bank, Reuters reported, citing EU Justice Commissioner Didier Reynders, who revealed the figure at a news conference on May 25. The amount is much smaller than expected out of the reported $300 billion frozen by the US and its allies as part of Ukraine-related sanctions against Russia. According to Reynders, some €10 billion ($10.68 billion) worth of physical assets linked to Russian businessmen and officials, their yachts and villas, for instance, were also arrested. The official did not mention whether all 27 EU member-states had reported the seizure of Russian assets and their amount. This is the first time the EU has revealed the amount it froze in connection with the conflict in Ukraine. Previously, Moscow confirmed that a total of about $300 billion of the central bank’s assets had been seized globally, which is roughly half the Bank of Russia’s overall reserves. Of these funds, around $100 billion was reportedly frozen by the US, while other funds appear to be scattered in central banks across the globe. Click here to read…

Global food crisis may spread from grain to sugar

Sugar prices are expected to soar due to the export restrictions imposed by a number of key producing nations seeking to tame rising domestic food prices. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, which seriously undermined global supply chains, has been dramatically aggravated by the crisis in Ukraine and the subsequent sanctions imposed on Russia. The conflict between the two major grain exporters has disrupted global supplies. A number of countries have moved to limit exports of other key commodities, putting global food security under threat, while risking further increases in the prices of agricultural products. On May 22, Kazakhstan began a six-month ban on white and cane sugar exports. India is reportedly considering placing restrictions on sugar exports for the first time in six years to prevent a surge in domestic prices. India’s ban is expected to target around 10 million tons of this season’s exports. Last week, Reuters reported that sugar cane mills in Brazil, the world’s biggest producer and exporter of sugar, were cancelling sugar export contracts and shifting production to ethanol in an attempt to take advantage of the high energy prices. The estimated cancelations could equate up to 400,000 tons of raw sugar. In March, Russia banned sugar exports until the end of August. Click here to read…

African Development Bank to send emergency fertiliser to W Africa

The African Development Bank is looking to source about 500,000 tonnes of fertiliser for West Africa by the end of August as an emergency stopgap to avert a food crisis, a source with direct knowledge of the matter has told the Reuters news agency. The move is part of the bank’s announced allocation of $1.5bn to shore up the continent’s food production and help with fertiliser due to the disruptions caused by the Russia-Ukraine war, Reuters reported on May 27. Akinwumi Adesina, its president, told Al Jazeera in April that the price of urea, a low-cost fertiliser, has gone up by 300 percent. “It’s [the war] driving inflation in Africa, and it could — if not quickly well-managed — trigger a food crisis in Africa,” he said. The bank said there was a two-million-tonne fertiliser supply gap across the continent. It has been meeting with chief executives of leading fertiliser companies in Africa and abroad to discuss fertiliser affordability, without confirming the volume sought. “We are talking to partners and farmers as well,” the bank said in a statement to Reuters, adding that a country must request to participate. “Fertiliser needs are two-fold at this time, half of the fertiliser in May and June for some planting seasons, depending on location across the continent. The second half, called a top dressing, is needed a month or two months later.” Click here to read…

AU chairperson says Africa a ‘collateral victim’ of Ukraine war

Africa has become a “collateral victim” of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, further denting the continent’s ability to fulfil its “enormous promise and potential”, top officials of the African Union and United Nations have said in messages for Africa Day. Every year, May 25 is marked as Africa Day, the anniversary of the founding of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) on May 25, 1963, which became the African Union in July 2002. “Africa has become the collateral victim of a distant conflict, that between Russia and Ukraine,” said Moussa Faki Mahamat, chairperson of the African Union Commission. “By profoundly upsetting the fragile global geopolitical and geostrategic balance, it has also cast a harsh light on the structural fragility of our economies. “The most emblematic sign of these fragilities is the food crisis following the climatic disorders, the health crisis of COVID-19, amplified today by the conflict in Ukraine,” he added. “This crisis is characterised by a shrinking world supply of agricultural products and a soaring inflation of food prices.” Millions of people in Africa, which has an estimated population of 1.3 billion, have been pushed into extreme poverty by the COVID-19 pandemic. And now, the continent has been hit hard by rising food costs caused partly by disruptions linked to the war. Click here to read…

Australia’s record wheat harvest is no fix for the global food crisis

Clogged ports and soaring fertilizer costs are impeding Australia’s bid to boost exports of its bumper wheat harvest, worsening a global food crisis. Australia typically accounts for 10-15% of the 100 million ton annual global wheat trade and was seen as making up some of the shortfall this year from Russia and Ukraine, which together supplied more than a quarter of the world’s wheat before Russia’s invasion. But its exporters say they have been unable to cater to the recent spike in overseas demand. “Our limited port capacity means we are fully booked,” said Rabobank senior grains analyst Cheryl Kalisch Gordon. “We’re trying to respond to the additional demand in international markets, but we can’t move it fast enough to meet that need at this point.” Thanks to above average rainfall, Australia is set to realize a record wheat crop of 36.3 million tons for the 2021-22 financial year that ends June 30, according to the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences. This follows a previous best harvest of 33.3 million tons in the last fiscal year. A potentially even bigger challenge developing for Australian farmers — directly related to the war in Europe — is the soaring costs of fertilizers and other inputs. Click here to read…

China, Sri Lanka’s ‘all-weather friend’, is now displaying low-key approach to island’s economic meltdown – which could upend IMF debt discussions

Sri Lanka’s Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe has said he is expecting China, along with India and other creditor nations, to help keep the island’s bankrupt economy afloat until the government can clinch an International Monetary Fund (IMF) bailout and tackle its huge foreign debt. So far, though, China, hitherto considered an “all-weather friend” by Sri Lanka – which belongs to its flagship Belt and Road Initiative – has displayed a low-key approach to the island’s economic meltdown that has triggered mass protests over widespread food, fuel and other shortages, 10-hour power cuts and soaring inflation. China has offered to lend a “few hundred million dollars” for essential imports and early-stage talks are under way for more loans, Wickremesinghe, who has assumed the crucial finance job in his shaky unity government, told The Financial Times late last week. But China’s immediate cash outlay will not go far as Sri Lanka needs US$500 million in foreign exchange each month to cover basic imports, according to the central bank, and foreign exchange reserves are “running on fumes” at near zero, a government official said. Wickremesinghe expects to meet China’s ambassador in the coming days and get more clarity on what Beijing is offering. Click here to read…

Pakistan says IMF is only resort, shut out of bond markets

Pakistan’s government is unable to secure funding from the global bond market and commercial banks, making it even more important to secure an agreement with the International Monetary Fund, Finance Minister Miftah Ismail said. Pakistan’s dollar bonds, which reached a record low this month, gained on May 27 after the government raised fuel prices, a key benchmark for the IMF to resume its loan program. Pakistan is seeking to secure a staff-level agreement with the fund in June. “All roads lead to the IMF,” Ismail said May 28 to a virtual conference. “Saudi Arabia and other countries are all ready to give money, but all of them say we need to go to the IMF first.” Former Prime Minister Imran Khan reduced and froze fuel prices, stalling the $6 billion bailout program. His successor Shehbaz Sharif, who took office in April, banned luxury imports and the central bank raised borrowing costs more than expected this month to deal with all-time high imports. Pakistan needs about $36 billion to $37 billion in financing for the fiscal year starting June, said Ismail. An IMF deal would help secure funds from other sources such as the World Bank and friendly nations including China. Click here to read…

Bangladesh needs preferential trade terms beyond 2026, PM says

Bangladesh last year gained United Nations recognition to move from “least developed country” (LDC) status to “developing country” in 2026, although Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is asking for extended assistance from OECD countries beyond that time frame. “We have urged through the U.N. mechanism to our friends and partners to consider extending preferential facilities to Bangladesh for an extended period beyond 2026,” Hasina said in a pre-recorded speech during Nikkei’s Future of Asia conference on May 27. “We would deeply appreciate if Japan and other OECD countries do it at least till 2029 to help us to attain the overarching goals of sustainable development by 2030,” she said. Bangladesh, one of the fastest growing economies of the Asia-Pacific region, met the targets to move above LDC in 2018. After the second review in February 2021, the U.N. recommended an official change in status in 2026. Such a move will improve the country’s image, and mark a major milestone given that last year was only Bangladesh’s 50th anniversary of independence from Pakistan. On the other hand, the removal of LDC status also has some disadvantages. For example, Bangladesh will lose special preferential treatment in export tariffs. “We are already taking various measures for a smooth graduation,” she said. Click here to read…

Tourism in Asia is bouncing back, but can the rebound survive a global recession?

The sigh of relief was palpable across Asia as countries began lifting strict Covid-19 movement restrictions to allow in foreign travellers after two years of living in the shadow of the coronavirus. From Singapore to Japan, and most everywhere in between, inbound travel protocols are being relaxed as governments and the public adapt to the shift towards treating Covid-19 as endemic, buoyed by the protection against severe infections afforded by high rate of vaccinations. Travel surged as people celebrated their renewed freedom of movement, but for governments and tourism industry players, the reopening of borders addresses the more existential issue of survival. The total number of international arrivals in the Asia-Pacific region plunged by 94 per cent to just 21 million in 2021 – compared to more than 360 million two years earlier before Covid-19 struck – according to data from the World Tourism Organization. For many tour operators and airlines, that meant major job cuts, or even closing up shop for good. But for those who managed to tough it out, the reopening of international borders has presented an opportunity to rebuild with fewer competitors. However, the region’s tourism rebound risks being grounded by the combined effects of soaring food prices, runaway inflation and global supply chain disruptions. Click here to read…

Indonesia’s Jokowi urges quick rollout of China-backed trade bloc

Indonesian President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo urged the swift implementation of the world’s largest trade bloc backed by China, just a few days after the launch of a new economic grouping in the Indo-Pacific region led by the U.S. The 15-member Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership formally took force on Jan. 1, but not all of the provisions in the pact, including lowering tariffs, are expected to immediately take effect. Widodo said the free trade agreement has become more important than ever as supply chain disruptions and inflation due to the Russia-Ukraine war cloud the growth outlooks for Asian countries still reeling from the COVID-19 pandemic. “RCEP that was agreed on two years ago needs to be implemented immediately to strengthen a mutually beneficial regional economic integration,” Widodo said in a pre-recorded speech during the Future of Asia conference in Tokyo on May 27. “The implementation of RCEP has a potential to lift regional trade by 10% in the next five years and to contribute $187 billion to the region’s GDP.” Three signatories have not yet ratified the pact: Indonesia and two other ASEAN members, the Philippines and Myanmar. Indonesian Trade Minister Muhammad Lutfi on May 30 said Southeast Asia’s largest economy is “finalizing” its ratification. Click here to read…

Antony Blinken delivers ‘old content in a new context’ in China speech

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s long-awaited policy address may have rattled some in China, with a narrative aimed at rallying support for American efforts to “shape the strategic environment around Beijing”. And while Chinese observers say there was less confrontational rhetoric in May 26’s speech, few see any signs of a softening in Washington’s China policy following recent US inroads into the Indo-Pacific region. The speech has been described by some as underwhelming and was not well received in Beijing, where the foreign ministry called it an effort to “contain and suppress China’s development and maintain the US hegemony and power”. Despite Blinken’s “eloquence”, ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said: “In essence, it was spreading false information, exaggerating China’s threats, interfering in China’s internal affairs, and smearing China’s domestic and foreign policies.” Wang also accused the US of forming a “small bloc” with other regional nations to contain China, and again stated that Hong Kong, Taiwan, Xinjiang and Tibet were all internal matters for China. Blinken reiterated that the US one-China policy had not changed, after Biden on May 23 pledged to defend Taiwan in the event of an attack from mainland China. Click here to read…

Chinese food security push poses threat to US – report

China’s efforts to achieve food security represent a threat to the US, according to an American federal agency focused on trade with Beijing. Officials warn that Chinese firms could attempt to steal intellectual property, cut into Washington’s foodstuff exports profits, undermine supply chains, and even target America’s genetically modified crops with biological warfare. A report issued this week by the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission centers on “China’s interest in US agriculture” and states that Beijing is “augmenting food security through investment abroad” after facing “challenges” in recent years. “The Chinese government’s domestic efforts, however, are not enough to solve China’s problems,” the report concluded, adding that Beijing is now looking overseas “to address its needs through investments and acquisitions of farmland, animal husbandry, agricultural equipment, and intellectual property (IP), particularly of GM [genetically modified] seeds.” Arguing that China is “hungry” for American intellectual property, the document goes on to warn of potential “military applications” of agricultural technologies, even suggesting the People’s Liberation Army could someday attempt to wage biological warfare against genetically modified American crops. Click here to read…

China and Russia block US sanctions drive against North Korea

The UN Security Council failed to reach common ground on new sanctions against North Korea (the DPRK), on May 26. Washington proposed the penalties in the wake of Pyongyang’s latest missile test this week, which came on the heels of US President Joe Biden’s Asia tour.The vote took place just a day after North Korea was accused of test-launching its largest intercontinental ballistic missile and two others. Ahead of the vote, US Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield called for unity in the face of “a threat to the entire international community.” However, China and Russia vetoed new sanctions on humanitarian grounds, pointing to their futility and even “inhumanity,” as North Korea struggles to contain a massive Covid-19 outbreak.The UNSC imposed sanctions on the country back in 2006, following its first nuclear test, and has tightened them over the years. Since the latest round of restrictions in 2017, Moscow and Beijing have increasingly been arguing that further pressure is a road to nowhere and unlikely to force Pyongyang to disarm unilaterally. “We do not think additional sanctions will be helpful in responding to the current situation. It can only make the situation even worse,” China’s UN Ambassador Zhang Jun said on May 26. Click here to read…

Xi Jinping invokes China’s past to rally confidence in its future as country vies with West

China’s president has urged top officials to look to the country’s history as a source of confidence, saying the nation had long walked a “different path” from other civilisations. Xi Jinping’s appeal to members of the Communist Party’s Politburo on May 27 is the latest in a series of attempts to use culture to bolster confidence in China’s political system in the face of growing competition with Washington and its allies. “Chinese civilisation … is the unique spiritual identity of the Chinese nation, the root of Chinese culture and the spiritual bond that links the Chinese people around the globe,” Xi told the 25 members of the party’s decision-making body. “In its long history, the Chinese nation has … walked a different path from other civilisations. “[We should] have a profound understanding of the 5,000-plus years of history of the Chinese civilisation to enhance historical awareness and cultural confidence in the pursuit of national rejuvenation,” state news agency Xinhua quoted Xi as saying. The message was underlined at the meeting on May 27 with a report from Wang Wei, a researcher with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Wang is best known for heading a 14-year research project to determine how far back Chinese civilisation extended. Click here to read…

Analysis: Xi envoy Wang Qishan visits Seoul with message for U.S.

Washington earlier this week conducted a flurry of top-level diplomacy in Asia. The underlying theme in President Joe Biden’s visit to South Korea and Japan, the Quad leaders’ summit, and the launch of the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework was how to deal with China. Meanwhile, U.S.-China relations are teetering on the edge of an abyss. This is a major concern for Chinese President Xi Jinping as he seeks to remain the country’s top leader at the Chinese Communist Party’s national congress this autumn. Under the circumstances, he has made a quiet, strategic move. Xi seems to have tapped Vice President Wang Qishan, his long-time ally, to put relations with Washington back on track. Wang has strong connections to Wall Street due to his long career overseeing China’s finance and commerce sectors. On May 10, when new South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol held an inauguration ceremony, Wang was dispatched as “Chinese President Xi Jinping’s special representative.” Wang handed Yoon a personal letter from the Chinese leader. Sources familiar with the matter said that during this short visit, Wang sent a signal to the U.S. delegation showing China was ready for dialogue. He was putting out feelers to gauge if some kind of U.S.-China high-level engagement would be possible in the near future. Click here to read…

After China visit, U.N. rights chief says she urged counterterrorism review

U.N. human rights Chief Michelle Bachelet, whose rare visit to China was criticized by rights groups and Western countries, said she urged Beijing to review its counterterrorism policies to ensure they comply with international human rights standards. Bachelet reiterated, however, that her six-day trip, which ended on May 28 and included a visit to the western region of Xinjiang, was not an investigation into China’s human rights policies but an opportunity to engage with the government.Bachelet started her China trip, the first by a U.N. Human Rights High Commissioner in 17 years, on May 23 in the southern city of Guangzhou before heading to Xinjiang. Her office said last year it believed Uyghurs in Xinjiang had been unlawfully detained, mistreated and forced to work. “I have raised questions and concerns about the application of counterterrorism and deradicalization measures under broad application, particularly the impact on the rights of Uyghurs and other predominantly Muslim minorities,” she said during an online press briefing on May 28. China denies all accusations of abuse in Xinjiang. Bachelet’s access was limited as China arranged for her to travel in a “closed loop” — isolating people within a virtual bubble to prevent the spread of COVID-19 — with no foreign press. Click here to read…

China, Pacific islands unable to reach consensus on security pact

China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi on May 30 urged the Pacific region not to be “too anxious” about his country’s aims after a meeting in Fiji with his counterparts from 10 island nations was unable to agree to a sweeping trade and security communique. Wang hosted the meeting with foreign ministers from Pacific island nations with diplomatic ties with China midway through a diplomatic tour of the region where Beijing’s ambitions for wider security ties has caused concern among U.S. allies. A draft communique and five-year action plan sent by China to the invited nations ahead of the meeting showed China was seeking a sweeping regional trade and security agreement. But the draft communique, first reported by Reuters, prompted opposition from at least one of the invited nations, Federated States of Micronesia, according to a letter leaked last week. After the meeting, which included Samoa, Tonga, Kiribati, Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Niue and Vanuatu, Wang said the nations had agreed on five areas of cooperation, but further discussions were needed to shape more consensus. The five areas he listed included economic recovery after the COVID pandemic, and new centers for agriculture and disaster, but did not include security. Click here to read…

China unseats Japan as ‘important partner’ to top ASEAN poll

China is seen as an important partner for the future by the largest share of respondents in a survey in Southeast Asia, knocking Japan from the top perch. When asked which among the Group of 20 leading economies will be an “an important partner in the future,” 48% chose China while 43% picked Japan. The results, released May 25, are a reversal of the 2019 poll, which placed Japan in the lead with 51% while China garnered 48%. China is the biggest trading partner for Indonesia, the Philippines and other members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, according to 2020 data from Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Beijing is also forming closer economic ties in the region through the Belt and Road Initiative, a cross-border infrastructure program. The Ipsos poll, commissioned by Japan’s foreign ministry, surveyed 2,700 people between the ages of 18 and 59 in January. Answers were either received online or through in-person interviews.In a separate poll commissioned by the foreign ministry, 70% of Americans in a general population survey of just over 1,000 people described Japan-U.S. relations as “friendly.” The figure rises to 94% in a poll of 200 U.S. opinion leaders, which include government officials, businesspeople, media members and academics. Click here to read…

Americans use lessons from Ukraine in Taiwan – NYT

The US is seeking to reshape Taiwan’s defence systems in light of the experience gained from sending military aid to Ukraine, which is currently locked in a conflict with Russia, the New York Times reported on May 24, citing unnamed American officials. Washington’s new strategy focuses on providing Taiwan with asymmetric defence capabilities that would help it stave off a much more powerful force, the paper said. The latest arms purchases Taiwan made from the US reflect this changing approach, the NYT said, adding that mobile rocket platforms, F-16 fighter jets, and anti-ship missiles “are better suited for repelling an invading force.” At the same time, Washington has reportedly discouraged Taipei from buying MH-60R Seahawk helicopters and M1A2 Abrams tanks. Analysts told the NYT what future purchases could consist of: “That would include smart mines, anti-ship cruise missiles, cybersecurity capability and special forces who can neutralize Chinese advance teams, and air defence systems,” James Stavridis, a retired four-star admiral and ex-dean of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, explained.“The aim is to turn Taiwan into what some officials call a ‘porcupine’ – a territory bristling with armaments and other forms of U.S.-led support that appears too painful to attack,” the NYT said. Click here to read…

Biden: US will not send Ukraine rockets that can reach Russia

The United States will not send Ukraine rocket systems that can reach Russia, President Joe Biden said on May 30. The US president’s comments followed reports that the Biden administration was preparing to send advanced long-range rocket systems to Kyiv for its fight against Russia. “We’re not going to send to Ukraine rocket systems” that can reach Russia, Biden told reporters after arriving back at the White House on May 30, according to the Reuters news service. Ukrainian officials have sought a longer-range system called the Multiple Launch Rocket System, or MLRS, that can fire a barrage of rockets hundreds of miles away. It was not clear which system Biden was referring to in his remarks. CNN and The Washington Post reported on May 27 the Biden administration was leaning towards sending the MLRS and another system, the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System, known as HIMARS, as part of a larger military aid package to Ukraine. The Ukrainian government has urged the West to provide it with longer range weapons in order to turn the tide in the war, now in its fourth month. US officials had said such weapons systems are actively being considered. The US has provided thousands of portable Stinger anti-aircraft and Javelin anti-tank missiles to Ukrainian forces as well as advanced drones and field artillery. Click here to read…

Putin discusses Ukraine situation, food security with Macron, Scholz

Russian President Vladimir Putin held a phone conversation with French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on May 28 to discuss the situation in Ukraine and the global food security. Putin informed Macron and Scholz of the latest developments of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine, noting that the Russian armed forces strictly observe the norms of international humanitarian law, the Kremlin said in a press release.As for the peace talks between Russian and Ukrainian negotiators, Putin confirmed that the Russian side is open to resuming the frozen dialogue. The Russian leader criticized the supply of Western weapons to Ukraine, which could further destabilize the situation and aggravate the humanitarian crisis. When discussing the issue of ensuring global food security, Putin said the difficulties in food supplies are caused by the erroneous economic and financial policies of Western countries as well as their anti-Russian sanctions. Russia is ready to help find options for the unimpeded export of grain, including the export of Ukrainian grain from the Black Sea ports, he said. An increase in the supply of Russian fertilizers and agricultural products will also help reduce tensions on the global food market, which will require the lifting of relevant sanctions, Putin told Macron and Scholz. Click here to read…

U.N. Says Iran Has Enough Uranium to Produce Nuclear Weapon

The United Nations atomic agency said May 30 that Iran hasn’t offered credible answers to its probe into nuclear material found in the country and reported that Iran’s stockpile of highly enriched uranium has grown to roughly enough material for a nuclear bomb. The two reports, circulated to agency member states and seen by The Wall Street Journal, will sharpen concerns about Iran’s nuclear work at the same time negotiations on reviving the 2015 nuclear deal have stalled. That agreement placed tight but temporary restrictions on Iran’s nuclear work in exchange for lifting most international sanctions. Since the U.S. quit the nuclear deal in 2018, Iran has scaled up its nuclear work, including producing uranium enriched to 60%, which is near weapons-grade material. It has also largely stonewalled a probe into the nuclear material found in Iran, which many experts consider to be related to work on a nuclear weapon Iran carried out many years ago. The reports set up a fight at the International Atomic Energy Agency’s board of member states next month. Iran wants the agency’s investigation closed next month and Iranian officials have said that failure to end the probe could complicate efforts to revive the nuclear deal, according to Western diplomats involved in nuclear talks. Click here to read…

Iran unveils new drone factory in Tajikistan

Iran unveiled a drone factory in Tajikistan this month with the stated aim of increasing defence cooperation between the two countries. The factory in Dushanbe was built with the assistance of specialists from the Iranian Ministry of Defense and will produce the Iranian Ababil-2 drone. The Ababil-2 is a low-cost tactical drone designed for reconnaissance, surveillance and attack missions. It has a range of 200 kilometers and a one-and-a-half-hour endurance. It is not clear what Iran or Tajikistan’s intentions are with this new drone factory. However, Iran’s move to establish a drone factory in Tajikistan may be due to its need to shield its drone factories from attack, export its drones legitimately, escape international isolation and increase its military footprint in Central Asia. Iran’s drone factories are a priority target for Israel, as these facilities produce drones for Iran’s regional proxies. It is estimated that Hezbollah, an Iranian proxy militia based in Lebanon, has an arsenal of 2,000 drones, including advanced Iranian models such as the Mohajer, Shahed, Samed, Karrar and Saegheh types. Iran’s move to establish a drone factory in Tajikistan may be an effort to move these critical facilities out of reach of an enemy attack. Click here to read…

EU-UK tensions surge over N. Ireland

Britain has insisted it is up to the European Union to unblock political paralysis in Northern Ireland, after assuring a delegation from the US Congress of its “cast-iron” commitment to peace in the province. The UK government has provoked anger on both sides of the Atlantic with a plan to overhaul the so-called Northern Ireland Protocol, a trading arrangement that was agreed as part of its Brexit divorce deal with the EU. London is bidding to placate pro-UK unionists who are refusing to join a new power-sharing government in Belfast – led for the first time by pro-Irish nationalists – until the protocol is reformed. Interviewed by the Sunday Telegraph newspaper, Northern Ireland Secretary Brandon Lewis demanded that Brussels adopt a new negotiating mandate to address the fierce objections of the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP). “I made this point to the EU myself before the [May 5] elections. My view was, it was much easier to get a deal before the elections than afterwards.” “The idea that it was going to be easier after the elections was a crazy one from the EU.” The protocol recognized Northern Ireland’s status as a fragile, post-conflict territory that shares the UK’s new land border with the EU. Click here to read…

France limits water usage

A severe drought has prompted 24 out of France’s 96 departments to impose limits on water usage, the country’s Ministry of Ecological Transition said on May 28. The restrictions range from simple calls to save water in some areas to a more than 50% reduction in agricultural withdrawals and bans on washing cars, watering gardens and filling swimming pools in others, the ministry told Le Figaro. Rainfall levels have been well below normal in France since September 2021, and last month the deficit reached 25%. The situation was exacerbated by abnormally hot temperatures in May, which is on track to become the warmest on record. As early as mid-April, eight French departments were forced to impose curbs on water use, compared to just three in the same period of 2021. “This year, the drought had started early,” France’s new Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne said earlier this week. “We are taking steps to manage the water resource and prevent the situation from being unmanageable this summer.” Local authorities have been instructed “to preserve the water resources as much as possible,” Borne said, also calling on “all French people to reduce their water consumption.” The premier also announced that €400 million would be allocated to support farmers, who may be lacking feed for livestock due to the drought. Click here to read…

China Lockdown and Dye Shortage Lead U.S. Hospitals to Cancel Medical Scans

China’s Covid-19 pandemic lockdowns have led to a shortage of a dye widely used in medical scans, prompting U.S. hospitals including the Mayo Clinic to ration supplies, postpone procedures or switch to less optimal imaging. The shortage arose in recent weeks for iodinated contrast media products including Omnipaque, made by General Electric Co.’s GE Healthcare unit at a plant in Shanghai. Omnipaque is given by intravenous injection to patients before imaging procedures to make internal organs, blood and vessels more visible in procedures such as CT scans. The Shanghai plant was shut down for several weeks after Chinese authorities imposed tight restrictions on people’s movement in the city to try to squash a Covid-19 outbreak, GE Healthcare said. As a result, some hospitals in the U.S. have seen incoming Omnipaque supplies fall 80% compared with before the shortage, and have only days left of inventory, said Matthew Davenport, vice chair of the American College of Radiology’s commission on quality and safety. “It’s not an overstatement to say it’s going to be millions of exams that are affected by this and it’s going to last for months,” said Dr. Davenport, a professor of radiology and urology at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Mich. Click here to read…

Countries agree to overhaul WHO funding

Shaken by the pandemic, the World Health Organization’s member states agreed May 24 to overhaul how they fund the UN health agency, giving it much more money to spend on its own priorities. The budget revamp is aimed at strengthening the organization and making it more agile when responding to global health crises. The change will give the WHO a more stable income stream and control over a much bigger portion of the funding flowing through its Geneva headquarters. “This is a historic moment,” WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said as the resolution was adopted at the World Health Assembly, the annual gathering of the organization’s member states which serves as its decision-making body. He said it would transform how the WHO is funded, and how it works. “It will give us a predictable and sustainable funding platform from which to deliver long-term programming in countries,” he said. Member states currently channel most of their cash into short-term health projects of their own choosing, which can fluctuate. But countries will now transition toward giving half of their WHO contributions as straightforward membership fees instead, giving the organization more flexibility. Tedros, who was re-elected earlier May 24, has made overhauling the agency’s finances a key plank of his leadership. Click here to read…

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest: May 31, 2022

MoFA Denies UN Report Alleging Foreign Groups in Country: Tolo News

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) issued a statement rejecting a report by the UN Security Council alleging that Al-Qaida and the Islamic Emirate have a “close” relationship and that foreign groups are in Afghanistan. Click here to read…

Al-Qaida and Islamic Emirate Relationship ‘Remains Close’: UN: Tolo News

“The relationship between the Taliban and Al-Qaida remains close, with the latter celebrating the former’s success and renewing its pledge of allegiance to [Mawlawi Hibatullah Akhundzada],” a UN report said. Click here to read…

SIGAR: 3.2 Million Afghan Children Are At Risk of Malnutrition: The Khaama Press

On Sunday, May29, the organization warned that if these children are not provided for, one million Afghan children could become extremely malnourished and perish. In another tweet, the organization stated that 8.7 million Afghans are at risk of famine-like conditions out of the 22.8 million who would face food insecurity in 2022. Click here to read…

Qatar Warns Western Countries: Taliban Sanctions Increase Extremism: The Khaama Press

Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman al-Thani, Qatar’s foreign minister, has said that keeping the status quo “where the west boycotts Afghanistan and just focuses on part of the humanitarian activities through international agencies” would not keep “Afghanistan intact.” Click here to read…

How PM Ranil Can Overcome crisis by following Bangladesh’s ‘PM Hasina’s Model: Daily News

Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe told the people of Sri Lanka few weeks back, that he will fulfil the promises he had made to them when he assumed office after the fall of the Mahinda Rajapaksa Government. Click here to read…

Bangladesh FM asks India about how to import Russian oil by dodging sanctions: BDNEWS24

The European Union is finalising a further round of sanctions, including a ban on Russian oil purchases. Many European refiners have already stopped buying from Russia for fear of running afoul of sanctions or drawing negative publicity. Click here to read…

India to supply additional 1,500MW of electricity to Bangladesh: Dhaka Tribune

Indian External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar has said an additional 1,500MW of electricity is in pipeline from India to Bangladesh. India currently supplies 1,160MW of electricity to Bangladesh. Click here to read…

MoEA shares advice with MFA to reduce fuel price- Bhutan Times

The Ministry of Economic Affairs (MoEA) has submitted its advice to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) where it has said that the way to reduce fuel prices for Bhutan is to get India to remove bulk pricing being charged to Bhutan. Click here to read…

Inclusive toilets for children and women with disabilities- Kuensel

In what will be a first of its kind, adolescent girls with disabilities in Changangkha and Khuruthang Middle Secondary School will have separate toilets to help them manage proper menstrual hygiene (MHM). Click here to read…

Summer session of NC to deliberate eight Bills- Kuensel

The summer session of the National Council (NC), which will begin on June 2, will deliberate eight Bills, including four money Bills. Click here to read…

Domestic borrowings push debt-to-GDP ratio to 130.9%- Kuensel

The government’s domestic borrowings pushed the public debt to Nu 247.68 billion (B) in the first three months of this year, according to the finance ministry’s quarterly debt report. Click here to read…

Bhutanese economy should move from resource-driven to productivity-driven- Kuensel

With only hydropower dictating the economy of the country, Bhutanese economy is facing the risk of becoming a mono-line economy, according to United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs’ chief of Global Economic Monitoring, Hamid Rashid. Click here to read…

Govt. secures loan of 3.3-billion Japanese yen to boost economy- Bhutan Times

To boost economic recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic and fully return to a path of high and inclusive growth, the government secured a 3.3-billion (US 30-million) loan from Japan. Click here to read…

Japan grants Maldives USD 5.1m as aid: The Sun

During a special ceremony held at the Foreign Ministry, the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Ahmed Khaleel and the Ambassador of Japan to the Maldives, Takeuchi Midori signed the Exchange of Notes relating to the grant aid. Click here to read…

Maldives no longer has a tourism “off-season”: Avas MV

Responding to questions posed by MPs at Monday’s Parliament Sitting, the Minister said top tourism-sector officials agree that the Maldives no longer has a tourism off-season. Click here to read…

Myanmar’s military seizes control of dam in Gangaw Township- Myanmar Now

Resistance forces in northern Magway’s Ye region had fought for nearly a year to capture the dam on the Myittha River. Click here to read…

Six civilians used as human shields found dead near Myaing village- Myanmar Now

The victims were among at least 40 villagers captured by junta soldiers advancing through the area in recent weeks. Click here to read…

It is necessary to focus on the interests of the Union as regions and states are inhabited not only by a single ethnicity but by all ethnicities as a Union: Senior General- GNLM

Chairman of the State Administration Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing received a peace delegation led by Chairman Saw Htaw Lay of the Karen National Liberation Army (Peace Council) KNU/KNLA (PC) at the parlour of Bayintnaung Villa in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday morning to talk about peace issues. Click here to read…

Myanmar Junta Torches 10 Villages in Two Days in Sagaing- Irrawaddy

Myanmar’s regime launched airstrikes on and torched 10 villages in five townships in Sagaing Region over the weekend, displacing thousands of civilians. Click here to read…

UNHCR chief fears for Rohingya support as Ukraine grabs attention- Mizzima

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi callS for continued support for some one million Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh as the crises in Ukraine and Afghanistan grab much of the world’s attention. Click here to read…

Twenty victims found after Nepal air crash, hopes fade for two missing- Himalayan Times

Hopes were fading in Nepal on Monday of finding any survivors among the 22 people aboard a small plane that crashed into a Himalayan mountainside a day earlier, officials said, with just two people still to be accounted for. Click here to read…

KMC Mayor, Deputy Mayor elects take oath of office- Himalayan Times

Newly elected Mayor of Kathmandu Metropolitan City Balendra Shah has taken oath of office and secrecy, today. Click here to read…

Sisdole locals say they won’t allow garbage at Banchare Danda until their demands are met- Kathmandu Post

Over 200 households with around 1,200 family members who reside near the Sisdole and Banchare Danda landfills have been categorised as highly affected households. Click here to read…

Upset at local election results, two Madhes parties look for options- Kathmandu Post

Will Janata Samajbadi and Loktantrik Samajbadi explore merger for upcoming polls? Click here to read…

Nepal’s interface with information- Nepali Times

Anew survey of media trends in Nepal conducted nationwide earlier this year shows that the use of social media networks has left radio, tv and the print press trailing further behind. But even though they interact with and share social media content, most citizens have little trust in it. Click here to read…

Islamabad-ttp-agree-on-indefinite-ceasefire: Dawn

The extension in ceasefire, which was to come to an end last night, indicates significant progress in talks between the two sides in the Afghan capital Kabul, sources familiar with the development said. Click here to read…

Editorial: Talking-to-ttp: Dawn

After years of battling the banned TTP, the state had reopened channels of communication with the TTP, facilitated by the Afghan Taliban. However, if we review the reported demands of the militants, it is easy to understand why a UNSC report has termed prospects of peace between the TTP and the state of Pakistan “bleak”. Click here to read…

Govt pitches Rs3.77tr deficit target to IMF: The Express Tribune

The government has pitched the budget deficit target of 4.8% of the total size of economy, or Rs3.77 trillion, to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for the next fiscal year, which the global lender wants to be adjusted further through a combination of expenditure cuts and additional revenue mobilisation. Click here to read…

Opinion: The state of the economy: The News

The good news is that, as per the national accounts committee’s numbers, the provisional GDP growth rate for the current fiscal year (2021-22) is 5.97 per cent. The bad news is that, despite this healthy growth, Pakistan is once again facing the menace of twin deficits – dollars deficit (current account deficit, CAD) and rupee deficit (fiscal deficit). Click here to read…

Sri Lanka
Lanka central bank governor thanks India for financial aid: The Hindu

Shortage in supply of essential commodities like oil, wheat, iron, etc, in the global market and insufficient liquid resources in Central Bank of Sri Lanka, is leading to Sri Lanka struggling to import essential commodities causing socio-political unrest in the island nation, said P Nandalal Weerasinghe, governor, Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL). Click here to read…

Crisis-hit Sri Lanka urges airlines to fly full tank or fill elsewhere: Business Standard

Sri Lanka is recommending airlines carry enough jet fuel to last return trips or fill up elsewhere, as the island grapples with a shortage of everything from oil to food due to a foreign-exchange crisis. Click here to read…

Sri Lanka protesters blast PM’s proposed political reforms amid economic crisis: Arab News

Political reforms proposed by the Sri Lankan prime minister have failed to appease protesters in the country, as they urged on Monday for the interim government to focus on resolving the ongoing economic crisis. Click here to read…

A great fire sale of Sri Lankan assets could be about to begin: Live Mint

Sri Lanka has a habit of selling off its assets when times are tough. And it doesn’t get much tougher than this. The island nation is in default and in desperate need of $4 billion to pay for food, fuel and fertilizer to stave off a deeper crisis. Click here to read…

China: Daily Scan, May 31, 2022

China’s top legislature schedules standing committee session: Xinhuanet
May 30, 2022

The Standing Committee of the 13th National People’s Congress (NPC) will convene its 35th session from June 21 to 24 in Beijing. The decision was made on Monday at a meeting of the Council of Chairpersons of the NPC Standing Committee, which was presided over by Li Zhanshu, chairman of the NPC Standing Committee. Click here to read…

Political advisors discuss revising arbitration law: Xinhuanet
May 30, 2022

Chinese national political advisors convened a bi-weekly seminar on Monday to discuss revising the country’s law on arbitration. The seminar, held by the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), China’s top political advisory body, was presided over by Wang Yang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the CPPCC National Committee. Click here to read…

State Council appoints, removes officials: Xinhuanet
May 30, 2022

The State Council, China’s cabinet, announced the appointment and removal of officials Monday. Zheng Xincong replaced Fu Ziying as head of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR), and national security affairs adviser of the Committee for Safeguarding National Security of the Macao SAR, and no longer serves as the national security technical adviser of the committee. Click here to read…

Xi meets new HKSAR chief executive John Lee: Xinhuanet
May 30, 2022

President Xi Jinping met with John Lee, the newly appointed sixth-term chief executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), on Monday in Beijing. Lee, who won the chief executive election on May 8, will assume office on July 1, 2022. Click here to read…

China’s first solar-tidal photovoltaic power plant connected to grid: Xinhuanet
May 30, 2022

China’s first intelligent power plant utilizing solar and tidal power to generate electricity was connected to the power grid on Monday. The full operation of the power plant in east China’s Zhejiang Province marks the country’s new achievements in the utilization of marine energy resources and the development and construction of its new-energy network. Click here to read…

China leverages fiscal policies to spur decarbonization: Xinhuanet
May 30, 2022

China’s Finance Ministry unveiled a guideline on Monday further leveraging the role of fiscal policies to achieve the country’s carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals. By 2030, a fiscal and taxation system that is conducive to green and low-carbon development will be basically established to achieve the goal of peaking carbon emissions, according to the guideline released on the website of the Ministry of Finance. Click here to read…

China to boost wind, solar power capacity for cleaner energy mix: Xinhuanet
May 30, 2022

China has rolled out a raft of measures to significantly increase its installed wind and solar power capacity in the latest step toward a low-carbon, secure and efficient energy mix. From more suitable power grids to technological breakthroughs and financial support, an official action plan issued on Monday specifies a total of 21 policies to bring the country’s combined wind and solar power capacity to 1.2 billion kilowatts by 2030. Click here to read…

China to raise fuel retail prices: Xinhuanet
May 30, 2022

China will raise the retail prices of gasoline and diesel from Tuesday, the country’s top economic planner said on Monday. Based on recent changes in international oil prices, the retail prices of gasoline and diesel will rise by 400 yuan (about 59.66 U.S. dollars) and 390 yuan per tonne, respectively, according to the National Development and Reform Commission. Click here to read…

Record 11.93 mln students to take China’s college entrance exam: Xinhuanet
May 30, 2022

A new high of 11.93 million students will take China’s national college entrance exam for 2022, also known as “gaokao.” Aside from a postponement in Shanghai due to COVID-19, the exam will be held on June 7 and 8 nationwide. Gaokao is deemed critical for social mobility and national talent selection in China. More than 10 million students took the exam across the country in 2021. Click here to read…

Former Ningxia senior political advisor punished for serious violation of discipline, law: Xinhuanet
May 30, 2022

Li Zefeng, a former senior political advisor of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, has been punished and demoted for serious violations of the Communist Party of China (CPC) discipline and laws. Click here to read…

Maternal, infant mortality rates in China drop to historic low: Xinhuanet
May 30, 2022

China’s maternal and infant mortality rates have both dropped to a historic low, the National Health Commission said Monday. In 2021, China recorded a maternal mortality rate of 16.1 per 100,000, said Song Li, head of the commission’s department of maternal and child health. At the same time, the mortality rates of infants and children under five have decreased to 5 per thousand and 7.1 per thousand, respectively, both dropping to a record low. Click here to read…

China celebrates science workers: China Daily
May 30, 2022

The Chinese scientific and engineering community will continue to help promote the nation’s socioeconomic development efforts and improve self-sufficiency in science and technology, Wan Gang, president of the China Association for Science and Technology, said on Monday. Click here to read…

Xi praises new HK chief John Lee for his patriotism, conveys central govt’s trust in meeting in Beijing: Global Times
May 30, 2022

Chinese President Xi Jinping met with John Lee Ka-chiu on Monday afternoon and congratulated him on his election as the new Hong Kong Special Administrative Region chief executive. Click here to read…

China donates 10m doses of COVID-19 vaccine, 13m syringes, 2 mobile laboratory vehicles to Myanmar: Global Times
May 30, 2022

China has donated 10 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines along with 13 million COVID-19 vaccine syringes and two mobile laboratory vehicles to Myanmar, according to a statement from the Chinese Embassy in Myanmar on Sunday. Click here to read…

China accuses US of being destroyer of international order: Global Times
May 30, 2022

The international order pursued by the US based on “American rules” is the “most serious long-term challenge” to the world, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said on Monday in response to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s China policy speech. Zhao said that the US is the biggest destroyer of the international order. Click here to read…

China uses digital yuan to stimulate virus-hit consumption: Reuters
May 30, 2022

China is using the digital yuan to stimulate consumption in its pandemic-hit economy, with more e-CNY applications expected in future to boost transparency and effectiveness of government policies. Click here to read…

China fails to persuade Pacific island nations to sign security pact: Kyodo
May 30, 2022

China has failed to persuade Pacific island countries to sign an agreement covering a wide spectrum of issues from trade, security and police cooperation to fisheries, Australian media reported Monday, while Beijing has been stepping up efforts to boost its influence in the region. Click here to read…

Xi delivers written remarks at China-Pacific Island Countries Foreign Ministers’ Meeting: Quishi
May 31, 2022

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Monday delivered a written speech at the second China-Pacific Island Countries Foreign Ministers’ Meeting. Xi said that China and Pacific island countries have enjoyed a time-honored friendship that crosses mountains and oceans. Click here to read…

China makes all-out efforts to prop up foreign trade: Quishi
May 31, 2022

Against the headwinds from COVID-19 resurgences and external complexity, China’s efforts are underway to stabilize and upgrade foreign trade, a key underpinning for the economy. The latest data showed a feeble April growth of only 0.1 percent in the total exports and imports, indicating that the country’s foreign trade firms are under strain. Click here to read…

Political advisors discuss revising arbitration law: China Daily
May 31, 2022

Chinese national political advisors convened a bi-weekly seminar on Monday to discuss revising the country’s law on arbitration. The seminar, held by the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, China’s top political advisory body, was presided over by Wang Yang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the CPPCC National Committee. Click here to read…

Shanghai to fully restore normal production and life order of the entire city starting from June 1: Global Times
May 31, 2022

Shanghai will fully resume normal production and daily operations starting from June 1, as the epidemic has been curbed effectively, authorities said on Tuesday. The number of residents under lockdown has been reduced to less than 200,000. Click here to read…

Guangzhou Nansha Port railway launches first China-Europe freight train: Global Times
May 31, 2022

The Guangzhou Nansha Port railway has launched its first freight train to Europe on Monday, one of the latest international rail routes to boost China’s foreign trade with countries under the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), contributing to regional economic recovery and improving the global industrial supply chain. Click here to read…

Chinese Red Cross donates $40,000 dry ration packs to Sri Lanka: Global Times
May 31, 2022

The Red Cross Society of China has donated 2,100 dry ration packs worth $40,000 to Sri Lanka. Chinese Ambassador to Sri Lanka-Qi Zhenhong and his wife attended the donation ceremony on Monday, according to the Chinese Embassy to Sri Lanka on Tuesday. Click here to read…

China to appoint special envoy, deepen practical cooperation with Pacific island countries: People’s Daily
May 31, 2022

China will appoint a Chinese government special envoy for Pacific island countries affairs, and strengthen win-win cooperation on infrastructure, economy, climate change and other areas, according to a position paper issued here Monday after the second China-Pacific Island Countries Foreign Ministers’ Meeting. Click here to read…

China’s foreign minister visits Tonga after Pacific islands delay regional pact: Reuters
May 31, 2022

Samoa says it didn’t have enough time to consider a sweeping proposal from China for a regional trade and security pact, and has urged fellow Pacific islands to stay united as big powers seek more sway in the region. China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Tuesday arrived in Tonga on a tour through the region where Beijing’s ambitions for wider security ties has caused concern among U.S. allies. Click here to read…

Japan launches new strategy team for longer-term China diplomacy: Kyodo
May 31, 2022

Japan’s Foreign Ministry has established a new strategy team to coordinate diplomatic policies on China and analyze Beijing’s movements from a mid- to long-term perspective as Chinese President Xi Jinping seeks a controversial third term as leader, according to ministry sources. The creation of the new team within the First China and Mongolia Division of the ministry’s Asian and Oceanian Affairs Bureau in April comes as Xi is believed to maintain his helm of the ruling Communist Party, and tensions between the United States and China continue to intensify. Click here to read…

Man sends 5,000 people into quarantine: Taipei Times
May 31, 2022

A Beijing man is under criminal investigation after he skipped out on mandated home isolation, prompting authorities to send his more than 5,000 neighbors into home or government quarantine. The actions by the man, who later tested positive, come as the Chinese capital and Shanghai begin to ease restrictions. Click here to read…

China’s third aircraft carrier ‘to be launched on Dragon Boat Festival’: South China Morning Post
May 31, 2022

A shipyard in Shanghai appears to be preparing to launch China’s third aircraft carrier, the Type 003, and according to a military source it will take place this Friday – coinciding with the Dragon Boat Festival. The Maritime Safety Administration last Friday issued a notice calling for berths to be cleared for an operation at the No 3 and No 4 docks at the Jiangnan shipyard on Changxing Island, where the warship is under construction. It said the operation would be under way from 5.30am to 4pm on Monday and would involve five platforms, three tugboats and two salvage ships. Click here to read…

China continues to dismantle missing tycoon Xiao Jianhua’s financial empire: South China Morning Post
May 31, 2022

Rongtong Fund Management, which was once part of Xiao Jianhua’s Tomorrow Group, has unveiled a management reshuffle, marking its official exit from the missing Chinese magnate’s embattled financial empire. Zhang Wei was named Rongtong’s chairman on Friday, taking over from Gao Feng who resigned citing personal reasons after seven years in the position, according to a statement issued by the asset management firm. Click here to read…

China hopes to expand win-win cooperation with Pacific island countries for common development: Xinhuanet
May 31, 2022

China has put forward a series of proposals to deepen its comprehensive strategic partnership featuring mutual respect and common development with Pacific island countries, according to a position paper issued here Monday after the second China-Pacific Island Countries Foreign Ministers’ Meeting. Click here to read…

Chinese mainland reports 28 new local confirmed COVID-19 cases, 16 in Beijing: Xinhuanet
May 31, 2022

The Chinese mainland Monday reported 28 locally-transmitted confirmed COVID-19 cases, including 16 in Beijing and nine in Shanghai, according to the National Health Commission’s report Tuesday. Click here to read…

Africa Now – Weekly Newsletter (Week 22, 2022)

Welcome to Africa Now, your weekly newsletter for Africa, presenting the most important developments in the continent – news that matters.


African-Indian Ocean Diving: Inside Modi government’s Africa policy

India is Africa’s fourth-largest partner with a volume of $70 billion. India’s Duty-Free Tariff Preference scheme extends duty-free access to 98.2 per cent of India’s tariff linesClick here to read…

Africa Day 2022: the Good, Bad and Ugly

Every year May 25, the world celebrates Africa Day. On May 25 1963, 30 independent African leaders signed the founding charter of the OAU (Organization of African Unity). In 2002, to give more impetus to the organization, many new areas were added and it was transformed into African Union (AU). Click here to read…


Africa provides a ‘home for hope’, despite new challenges: Guterres

On Africa Day, the world celebrates the diverse and dynamic continent’s “enormous promise and potential”, the UN chief saidClick here to read…

For new Somalia government, al-Shabab a threat to authority

Somali police officer recently received an unexpected summons from the enemy. An unknown caller ordered him to report to a town outside the capital, Mogadishu. Click here to read…

Tunisia’s trade union rejects president Saied’s proposed dialogue

Tunisia’s powerful trade union centre UGTT has refused to take part in a dialogue proposed by President Kais Saied. Click here to read…

Security tensions in Tripoli as armed conflict appears to be looming

Tens of armed vehicles with tens of armed fighters took to roads in Hay Al-Andalus neighbourhood in Tripoli chanting words against the Prime Minister of the Government of National Unity Abdul Hamid Dbiebah. Click here to read…

South Africa’s Zuma suffers new setback in corruption trial

South Africa’s former president Jacob Zuma has suffered another setback in his attempts to remove the lead prosecutor from his arms deal corruption trial. Click here to read…

UN votes narrowly to extend arms embargo on South Sudan

The U.N. Security Council voted by a narrow margin Thursday to extend an arms embargo on South Sudan and a travel ban and financial sanctions for targeted individuals for a year. Click here to read…

Afwerki defends Russia, China in Eritrean Independence Day speech

President Isaias Afwerki, authoritarian leader of Eritrea, defended both Russia and China while holding the West responsible for the situation in Ukraine. Click here to read…

Algeria-Morocco: Western Sahara diplomatic fight continues with Kabylia weaponised

The latest assertion from Morocco’s permanent representative to the UN against Algeria’s UN ambassador shows that Rabat is now determined to use the Kabyle card as a tool of counter-attack in the Western Sahara dossier.Click here to read…

Secretary of State Antony Blinken meets Angola’s FM

Secretary of State Antony Blinken welcomed his Angolan counterpart to the State Department on Thursday. Click here to read…

Uganda criminally charges leader of protests over prices

Ugandan opposition leader Kizza Besigye was criminally charged Wednesday by authorities who accused him of inciting violence with his efforts to stage street protests against rising commodity prices that the government largely blames on the war in Ukraine. Click here to read…

Rwanda hotels prepare to receive asylum seekers from UK

Hotels and guest houses in Rwanda are being prepared to accommodate asylum-seekers illegally arriving into the UK. Click here to read…

Islamic State group ‘trying to control’ Mali-Niger border with series of attacks

The Islamic State (IS) group appears to be stepping up attacks close to the border between Mali and Niger, with sources suggesting that the jihadists are trying to seize control of the border itself. Click here to read…

Zimbabwe President Praises China, Slams West in Column

If there’s a new cold war brewing and both China and the United States are trying to get African countries on their side, it’s clear where Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s allegiance lies. Click here to read…

Kenya elections: Ruto and Odinga square up to fight for presidency

Kenya’s upcoming presidential election might mark the seventh time its citizens have expressed their views at the ballot box, but polls in the East African powerhouse still make the international community wince. Click here to read…

Ethiopia arrests 4,000 in Amhara region crackdown, local state media report

Ethiopian authorities have arrested more than 4,000 people in the northern Amhara region. Click here to read…

Algeria lawmakers seek to criminalise normalisation with Israel

Algerian lawmakers, on Tuesday, submitted a Bill criminalising normalisation with Israel, including articles prohibiting travel or any direct or indirect contact with Tel Aviv.Click here to read…

M23 rebels advance on major military base in eastern Congo

Fighters from the M23 rebel group advanced in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo on Wednesday and were locked in heavy fighting with the army outside the region’s largest military base. Click here to read…

Armed assailants kill about 50 people in eastern Burkina Faso

Armed assailants have killed about 50 people in a part of eastern Burkina Faso ravaged by Islamist violence. Click here to read…
Rwanda accuses Congo of shelling its territory” target=”_blank”>Click here to read…
Rwanda said on Monday that several civilians were injured in cross-border shelling of its territory by the military of the neighboring Democratic Republic of Congo, known as Congo. Click here to read…

Mauritius protests: “When people feel lost, they resort to revolt”

In late-April, protests against the soaring cost of living erupted in cities across Mauritius. In Beau Bassin, Rose Hill, and the capital Port Louis, large groups of frustrated residents – particularly from low-income neighbourhoods – took to the streets. Click here to read…

Nigeria’s Jonathan can contest presidential elections next year, court rules

Former Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan can run in next year’s presidential election, a court ruled on Friday, clearing doubts over his eligibility and paving the way for him to return to national politics. Click here to read…

World Bank won’t support Central African Republic’s Sango crypto hub

The World Bank has signaled its concerns over the Central African Republic (CAR) adopting Bitcoin (BTC) as a legal currency and says it won’t support the newly announced “Sango” crypto hub. Click here to read…

Cameroonian Villagers Protest China Iron Ore Mining Deal

Cameroonian authorities say Monday several hundred civilians took to the streets of Lolabe, a small coastal village on the banks of the Atlantic Ocean. Click here to read…

Zambian President announces ‘big decision’ to abolish death penalty

Zambian President Hakainde Hichilema has announced he is making moves to abolish the death penalty in the country. He termed it a “big decision” by the government. Click here to read…

Nigeria, Ethiopia to Hold Bilateral Talks on Trade, Economy, Politics

Nigeria and Ethiopia have concluded plans to hold a Joint Ministerial Commission meeting in Addis Ababa in June 2022 to discuss various areas of bilateral relationship and exchange perspectives on a wide range of international issues of mutual interest. Click here to read…

Italian energy giant Eni signs deal to boost Algerian gas supply

Italian energy giant Eni and Algeria’s state-owned Sonatrach have reached agreement to boost both gas exploration and the development of green hydrogen in the North African nation. Click here to read…

Is Japan Beginning to Overtake China on Infrastructure Financing in Kenya?

Recent media reports on Kenya’s infrastructure financing trends have suggested that Japan has overtaken China in the “loans race.” Click here to read…

In Niger, Scholz vows to support fight against Islamist militants

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz promised Niger long-term military and financial support to fight Islamist insurgents across West Africa, during a visit on Monday on his inaugural Africa tour. Click here to read…

German chancellor Scholz kicks off Africa trip in Senegal

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said his country is interested in a major gas exploitation project in Senegal as he began a three-nation visit to Africa. Click here to read…

Israel seeks to double trade with Egypt

The visit to Egypt of the Israeli Firqat Alnoor Orchestra reflects a clear trend in the past year and a half of cultural, environmental and economic ties warming up between the two countries. Click here to read…

In Morocco, Israeli innovation minister hails ‘amazing’ opportunities ahead

Israel and Morocco are signing the first government-to-government agreement to facilitate tech and science collaborations. Click here to read…

Central African Republic’s adoption of bitcoin is mostly about geopolitics

Imagine a landlocked, coup-prone country where armed groups control much of the territory outside the tiny capital and where people get by on a median income of $493 a year. Click here to read…

Has China changed its ‘hands-off’ foreign policy in South Sudan?

China has a reputation for maintaining a diplomatic strategy of non-interference, which is core to its foreign policy principle. Click here to read…

Dar port reaps from rising political heat ahead of Kenya polls

Smarting from the 2007 post-election violence that subjected businesses to heavy losses, Tanzania has become the favourite for most importers, who are avoiding the Northern Corridor ahead of the August polls. Click here to read…

A post-war surfing renaissance is underway in Africa’s oldest republic

Nestled between Ivory Coast, Sierra Leone and Guinea, Liberia is the oldest republic in Africa. But despite its historic legacy, in the minds of many outsiders the West African nation is still more commonly associated with civil war and convicted war criminal Charles Taylor. Click here to read…

Tanzania’s Samia among Time 100 most influential people

Tanzania’s first female president, Samia Suluhu Hassan, has been named among the 100 most influential people in the world by Time magazine. Click here to read…

Mauritania details ambitious drive to exploit huge gas, solar and wind resources

Mauritania has laid out detailed plans to become a leading exporter of natural gas and green hydrogen, while also using these resources to develop and decarbonise the country. Click here to read…

Ghana secures $1.3 billion for climate adaptation

The Global Center on Adaptation (GCA) on Thursday pledged to help Ghana secure at least 1.3 billion U.S. dollars to implement its climate adaptation programs. Click here to read…

Davos 2022: Namibia pitches green hydrogen to Europe

It’s difficult to miss the Namibia House on Davos Promenade. The Namibian residence is plastered with posters exhorting potential investors to take a bet on its renewable potential. Click here to read…

Ghana and Uganda ban grain and food exports

Global food protectionism is now in full swing. After India, some major EU food exporting nations like Hungary halted the export of certain cropsClick here to read…

SADA launches national digital academy in Ghana

As a pan-African dynamic learning ecosystem, SADA says it aims to improve digital skills qualifications, employability, and meet the emerging talent needs of African citizens. Click here to read…

Russia Alleges Monkeypox Spread Began From 4 Biological Labs Operated by US In Nigeria

After accusing the US of having military-biological laboratories in Ukraine, Russia has claimed that there are at least 4 US biological laboratories in Nigeria. Click here to read…

Things are looking up again in Africa’s tourism sector

Africa’s tourism industry all but disappeared during the pandemic, but since the start of 2022, travellers are returning to the continent. DW’s Arian Kriesch reports from Cape Town. Click here to read…

African Heads of Missions in New Delhi celebrate Africa Day

African Heads of Missions in New Delhi and the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) jointly celebrated Africa Day on Wednesday in New Delhi, the MEA said on Wednesday. Click here to read…

India’s cumulative investments in Africa stand at USD 70 billion: MEA

India’s cumulative investments in Africa stand at USD 70 billion while it has extended Lines of Credit (LoCs) worth USD 12.26 billion to countries in the continent, according to the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA). Click here to read…

Africa is ‘priority continent’ for India, huge potential to join collaboration in resource exploration: MEA

Terming Africa a priority continent for India, the Ministry of External Affairs on Friday said the continent has a huge potential of joining collaboration in the exploration of Oil and Gas, especially in Western Africa. Click here to read…

India committed to support Africa in Covid vaccination: Mandaviya

Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya on Wednesday said India is committed to Africa in taking the journey from vaccine availability to vaccination. Click here to read…

Africa Day: Here’s why the second largest continent is strategically important for India

According to reports in the vision statement of IMS 2050, the main aim is to develop a blue economy, and to foster increased wealth creation from the oceans and seas in Africa. Click here to read…

Noida International University Remembers Africa’s Culture, Heritage, History on Africa Day Celebration

Leading educational institute Noida International University (NIU) recently celebrated Africa Day by paying tribute to the rich African history, heritage and culture. Click here to read…

Vice President Venkaiah Naidu to visit Gabon, Senegal, Qatar from May 30: MEA

Ministry of External Affairs on May 27 informed that Vice President Venkaiah Naidu will pay an official to visit Gabon, Senegal and Qatar from May 30. Click here to read…

Main focus of Vice President’s visit to Sengal, Gabon is Francophone countries: MEA

The main focus of Vice President Venkaiah Naidu’s visit to Senegal and Gabon is the Western African region which is Francophone countries. Click here to read…

Indian troops, others under UN mission fend off militant attack in Congo

The efforts by the Indian peacekeepers were lauded by UN Under-Secretary-General for Peace Operations Jean-Pierre Lacroix. Noting that the M23 armed group has been active. Click here to read…

SII plans plant in Africa

The Serum Institute of India (SII) is considering setting up its first manufacturing plant in Africa as it looks to expand globally after its success in selling COVID-19 shots, its CEO told Reuters recently. Click here to read…

2 diesel locomotives exported to Mozambique 15 months back stabled due to mechanical failure

Two out of the five Cape Gauge Diesel Locomotives exported to Mozambique from India have been stabled due to Mozambique from India have been stabled due to mechanical failure. Click here to read…

Airtel recalls bonds, sells towers in Tanzania, Malawi and Madagascar

Airtel Africa Plc has recalled $505 million bonds and sold off telecommunication towers in Malawi, Madagascar and Tanzania for a total consideration of $284 million. Click here to read…

‘Make in India’ Gets a Further Boost with Kenyan Interest in Indian Warehousing and Agri Derivatives Sector

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ‘Make in India’ campaign gets a major boost in the African country. Click here to read…

Kenya keen to replicate Indian agriculture derivative ecosystem

High level committee from the African nation is on a visit in India to understand the process of issuance of electronic warehouse receipts. Click here to read…

Ashok Leyland partners with ETG Group to strengthen presence in Africa

As part of the tie-up, ETG Logistics (ETGL) will operate dealerships for Ashok Leyland in six key southern African countries. Click here to read…

TVS HLX 125 Gold and TVS HLX 150 Gold limited editions launched in Kenya

TVS Motor has announced the launch of limited edition TVS HLX 125 Gold and TVS HLX 150 Gold in Kenya. Click here to read…

ArcelorMittal studies pellet/DRI joint venture with Mauritania’s SNIM

Mauritanian iron ore mining company SNIM – Société Nationale Industrielle et Minière – and ArcelorMittal have signed a non-binding memorandum of understanding to assess jointly developing iron ore pelletising and direct reduced iron plants in Mauritania. SNIM would supply iron ore feedstock. Click here to read…

Modi carried friendship band to Africa, except it is a 10-point guide for mutual engagement

In ‘The Harambee Factor’, former Indian ambassador to African Union Gurjit Singh talks about how under Modi ministry, Africa has been receiving a lot of economic support. Click here to read…

Nigerian man who duped over 300 Indian women on marriage pretext arrested in Delhi

The accused befriended women through social media and matrimonial websites, where he introduced himself as a non-resident Indian (NRI) settled in Canada and a prospective groom, the officials said. Click here to read…

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest: May 30, 2022

Al-Qaida and Islamic Emirate Relationship ‘Remains Close’: UN: Tolo News

“The relationship between the Taliban and Al-Qaida remains close, with the latter celebrating the former’s success and renewing its pledge of allegiance to [Mawlawi Hibatullah Akhundzada],” a UN report said. Click here to read…

Thomas West Describes the Meeting with Uzbek Officials as “Productive”: The Khaama Press

Uzbekistan is playing a significant role in aiding the Afghan people, according to the US Special Representative for Afghanistan, who wrote on a Twitter thread, Saturday evening, May 28. He maintains that Termez is a crucial “humanitarian hub”, and that Tashkent will continue to supply electricity to Afghanistan. Click here to read…

Protester Women: The Taliban Intervenes Private Affairs of the People Instead of Addressing Economic Issues: The Khaama Press

On Sunday, 29th May, protesting women marched against the Taliban’s actions in the face of rising poverty and unemployment, as well as the Taliban’s actions against women, accusing the group of intruding in people’s private matters. Click here to read…

River links with Bangladesh, Nepal key to India’s growth, Nirmala Sitharaman said: Times Of India

Union finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Sunday said India needs to tap the potential of historic riverine systems with Nepal and Bangladesh to accelerate logistic movement to expedite its growth story.Click here to read…

India-Bangladesh train services resume after two years: Free Press Journal

After two years of ‘distress’ due to pandemic, on Sunday there came ‘good news’ for two countries after Maitree Express and Bandhan Express once again resumed between India and Bangladesh. Click here to read…

Sugar import restriction could hit Bhutanese industries- Kuensel

Without any clear indication whether India’s restriction on export of sugar is applicable to Bhutan or not, industries that require sugar as a key raw material in the country are in dilemma. Click here to read…

(opinion) Life may be forgotten, but not negligence and accountability- Kuensel

Under the wise and farsighted leadership of our Monarchs, Bhutanese are extremely fortunate to enjoy complete free medical services including medicines and referrals. Click here to read…

The three most popular flowers in Bhutan- Daily Bhutan

Bhutan has pristine forest cover; more than 51% of the country is protected land. So you bet they have some gorgeous flowers to boot. Click here to read…

Bhutan faces food shortage; spike in domestic prices- Bhutan Today

Bhutan, which depends on imports to meet food demand, imported cereals amounting $30.35 million, mainly rice and wheat from India, in 2021. Click here to read…

Red Dot Bhutan calls for men to take lead roles in breaking stigma about menstruation- BBS

As Bhutan joined the global community to mark the Menstrual Hygiene Day today, the Red Dot Bhutan called for men and boys to take lead in breaking social taboos and myths concerning menstruation. Click here to read…

Maldives rolls out the powerful pro-India ‘Baakeenuvey’ campaign to take on China-backed parties: Daiji World

ndia has become a major election issue in the tiny Maldives that goes to elections in 2023. The ruling Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) has launched the ‘Baakeenuvey’ campaign to show its solidarity with India while the opposition has been running an intense non-stop India Out campaign for long.″ target=”_blank”>Click here to read…

Tourist arrivals recorded so far in Golden Jubilee Year of tourism exceed 680,000-mark: Raajje

Tourist arrivals recorded so far in the Golden Jubilee Year of Maldives tourism have exceeded 680,000. This was revealed by the Ministry of Tourism in the latest weekly statistics, publicized on Thursday. Click here to read…

Bangladesh says Rohingyas could turn to extremism, seeks help for repatriation – Hindustan Times

Delivering a special address at the inaugural session of the two-day Asian Confluence River Conclave, Natural Allies in Development and Interdependence 3 (NADI-3), in Guwahati, the minister said that Bangladesh is at present hosting 1.1 million Myanmar nationals in Cox’s Bazar region. Click here to read…

China, Russia reportedly block UN statement on Myanmar crisis – DW

China and Russia blocked the UN Security Council from issuing a statement on the crisis in Myanmar on Friday, according to diplomats familiar with the talks. The statement, expressing concern at the violence and humanitarian situation in the country, was aimed at pushing Myanmar’s military leaders to take steps to resolve the crisis. Click here to read…

Gunfighting erupts between Burmese Army and AA in Paletwa – Narinjara

The gunfighting between the Burmese Army personnel and Arakan Army (AA) members erupted on Thusday at around 10 am near Abaung Thar village, which is about a mile away from Paletwa in south Chin State. Click here to read…

Independent media understand the severity of the Myanmar crisis – Mizzima

The Economist magazine raised a few hackles in the Myanmar independent media community this month with a claim that journalists must be “drinking the Kool-Aid” in their coverage of the bitter conflict since the February 2021 military coup. Click here to read…

Myanmar Foreign Minister may not get ASEAN meet call – The Hindu

According to several official and diplomatic sources, India has decided follow the consensus of ASEAN countries instead, to invite only a “non-political”, “non-military” representative to the ASEAN Foreign Ministers and US-ASEAN meetings. Click here to read…

Period pain: Women in Myanmar struggle with menstrual hygiene – AlJazeera

A year after Myanmar erupted into civil war prompted by a February 2021 military coup, more than half a million people have been internally displaced and millions are unable to access basic food and medical needs. Click here to read…

Myanmar junta says Russia to step up as major energy supplier after more international oil, gas firms quit – SCMP

Russia is shaping up to be a major energy supplier for Myanmar amid an exodus by international players from the country’s oil and gas sector, one of the junta’s biggest sources of foreign revenue. Click here to read…

Tara Air plane crashed at Sanosware, Thasang-2 in Mustang- Himalayan Times

Search efforts for the Tara Air plane that has been missing for over 20 hours resumed Monday morning. Click here to read…

Rightist Rastriya Prajatantra Party cashes in on people’s frustration with major parties- Kathmandu Post

As the party improves its vote shares, it hopes to fare better in upcoming polls. Click here to read…

Next year to be marked ‘Agriculture Production National Campaign Year’- The Rising Nepal

The government has presented the budget for the upcoming fiscal year 2022/23 focusing to make the country self-reliant in agriculture by increasing productivity and production of agricultural goods so as to substitute imports. Click here to read…

Notices be issued to Musharraf, successive rulers: IHC: Dawn

The Islamabad High Court (IHC) has directed the federal government to serve notices on former president retired Gen Pervez Musharraf and all successive chief executives, including Imran Khan and incumbent premier Shehbaz Sharif, for following an “undeclared tacit approval of the policy regarding enforced disappearances”. Click here to read…

Balochistan votes in LG polls amid sporadic violence: Dawn

By late night on Sunday, independent candidates had won more than 1,000 seats in municipal corporations, municipal committees and union councils, followed by Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam (JUI-F) winning around 100 seats and the ruling Balochistan Awami Party (BAP) securing 71 seats. Click here to read…

‘Back channel talks going on’ to break deadlock with India: The Express Tribune

Pakistan and India have been engaged in “back channel” talks in order to break the stalemate in the relationship between the two nuclear-armed neighbours, according to official sources familiar with the development. Click here to read…

IMF programme: Raise in base power tariff by Rs7-7.5/unit on the cards: The News

To ensure restoration of the IMF program, a massive increase in electricity base tariff by up to Rs7-7.50 per unit is on the cards within the next 2-3 weeks, which is to be enforced from July 1, 2022, top official sources told The News. “The current average base tariff stands at Rs16.64 per unit, which will go up to Rs24.14 per unit with the expected raise of Rs7-7.50 per unit.” Click here to read…

Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka police tear gas student protesters in fresh clashes: The Hindu

Anti-riot squads used water cannon followed by tear gas, as protesters pulled down barricades across a road leading to President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s official residenceClick here to read…

Sri Lanka PM invites protesting youth to join governance: ABC News

Sri Lanka’s prime minister says protesting youth groups will be invited to be part of governance under political reforms he is proposing to solve the country’s political crisis triggered by an economic collapseClick here to read…

Sri Lankan crisis benefiting Indian Airports: Report: News First

ndia’s Thiruvananthapuram airport has earned 10 million rupees after refueling two SriLankan Airlines flights. The flights, which were heading to Germany and Australia had a stopover at the airport on Friday and Saturday, which led to this amount being earned. Click here to read…

Sri Lanka is counting on more help from India till the cheque from the IMF arrives: Economic Times

The Indian High Commission said the humanitarian supplies are in continuation of the government’s ongoing support to the people of Sri Lanka in multiple forms such as financial assistance, forex support, material supply etc. Click here to read…

China: Daily Scan, May 30, 2022

State Council appoints, removes officials: Xinhuanet
May 27, 2022

The State Council, China’s cabinet, announced the appointment and removal of officials Friday. The State Council appointed Qi Yanjun vice minister of public security, Zhao Fengtao deputy head of China International Development Cooperation Agency, and Bi Baogui deputy head of China Meteorological Administration (CMA). Click here to read…

China releases medium-, long-term plan to develop philosophy, social sciences: Xinhuanet
May 27, 2022

China has released a medium- and long-term action plan to promote the high-quality development of philosophy and social sciences in the country’s higher education system. Targeting 2035, the plan aims to build an independent knowledge system to better answer questions regarding China, the world, the people and the era, said the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and the Ministry of Education, which jointly released the plan. Click here to read…

Profits of Chinese SOEs drop amid coronavirus resurgences: Xinhuanet
May 27, 2022

The combined profits of China’s state-owned enterprises (SOEs) declined in the January-April period owing to a high comparison base in the same period last year and sporadic resurgences of COVID-19, official data showed Friday. a href=”” target=”_blank”>Click here to read…

Foreign-funded banks support Shanghai’s enterprises amid epidemic: Xinhuanet
May 27, 2022

Amid the latest resurgence of COVID-19, foreign-funded banks in Shanghai have provided various financial services to enterprises and helped them raise capital and hedge risks. Considering the impact of COVID-19 on the automobile industry, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ (China) engaged in five asset-backed securities (ABS) transactions to raise capital for companies in the auto industry, underwriting 400 million yuan (about 59 million U.S. dollars) and buying 600 million yuan of ABS in April, said Chen Shile, head of the capital market department of the bank. Click here to read…

Chinese ambassador warns ‘malicious confrontation’ after US announces ‘invest, align, compete’ strategy, analysts says decoupling attempt to fail: Global Times
May 27, 2022

The US’ threefold strategy of “invest, align, compete” to tackle the so-called long-term China challenge, an economic coercion devised by Washington to contain the development of the world’s second-largest economy based upon its hegemonic mindset, is doomed to fail as the approach is contradictory in substance and countries won’t buy into its decoupling attempt to set up a China-free supply chain, Chinese observers and officials saidClick here to read…

China punishes local officials for falsifying economic data: Reuters
May 27, 2022

China has punished a number of local officials with demotions or dismissal for falsifying economic data, the country’s statistics bureau said on Friday, as part of an effort to curb data fraud as the economy falters. Click here to read…

Meeting held to review CPC regulations on political consultation: Xinhuanet
May 27, 2022

Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, presided over a meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on Friday to review the regulations of the CPC on political consultation work. Click here to read…

China, Solomon Islands reach eight-point consensus: Xinhuanet
May 27, 2022

China and the Solomon Islands reached a series of important consensuses after friendly, in-depth and productive communication on deepening bilateral mutually-beneficial cooperation, visiting Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Thursday. Click here to read…

BRICS countries vow to further strengthen education cooperation: Xinhuanet
May 27, 2022

A declaration has been signed by ministers of education from BRICS countries on the priorities and direction of future cooperation in the education sector. At the 9th meeting of BRICS Ministers of Education held via video link, Chinese Minister of Education Huai Jinpeng called for joint efforts to build a BRICS education partnership that is closer, more pragmatic and of higher quality, thus contributing to global education reform and development. Click here to read…

UN peacekeeping chief praises China’s support: Xinhuanet
May 27, 2022

UN Under-Secretary-General for Peace Operations Jean-Pierre Lacroix on Thursday praised China’s support for the UN peacekeeping operations. “China is one of our main supporters, really both in terms of the financial contributions, also in terms of the contributions in the field with more than 2,000 peacekeepers,” the UN peacekeeping chief told reporters at the UN headquarters in New York. Click here to read…

Profits of Chinese SOEs drop amid coronavirus resurgences: Xinhuanet
May 27, 2022

The combined profits of China’s state-owned enterprises (SOEs) declined in the January-April period owing to a high comparison base in the same period last year and sporadic resurgences of COVID-19, official data showed Friday. Click here to read…

Foreign-funded banks support Shanghai’s enterprises amid epidemic: Xinhuanet
May 27, 2022

Amid the latest resurgence of COVID-19, foreign-funded banks in Shanghai have provided various financial services to enterprises and helped them raise capital and hedge risks. Considering the impact of COVID-19 on the automobile industry, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ (China) engaged in five asset-backed securities (ABS) transactions to raise capital for companies in the auto industry, underwriting 400 million yuan (about 59 million U.S. dollars) and buying 600 million yuan of ABS in April, said Chen Shile, head of the capital market department of the bank. Click here to read…

U.S. urged to give up its obsession with containing China: Xinhuanet
May 28, 2022

The key for the China-U.S. relationship to walk out of the predicament is for the U.S. side to abandon its mania for zero-sum games, give up its obsession with encircling and containing China and stop undermining China-U.S. relations, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said Friday. Click here to read…

U.S. extends tariff exclusions on Chinese COVID-19 medical products: Reuters
May 28, 2022

The U.S. Trade Representative’s office on Friday said it extended tariff exclusions on Chinese-made medical products needed to address the COVID-19 pandemic for another six months, to Nov. 30. Click here to read…

Germany denies VW China investment guarantees over human rights concerns: Reuters
May 28, 2022

Germany’s Economy Ministry has refused to provide carmaker Volkswagen with guarantees to cover new investments in China because of concerns over human rights violations in the Xinjiang region, Der Spiegel reported on Friday. Click here to read…

High-tech to help metaverse unspool: China Daily
May 28, 2022

Big data, blockchain, artificial intelligence and other cutting-edge technologies are expected to play a vital role in building the metaverse, one of the hottest buzzwords for the next phase of the internet, experts said at an industry event. Such technologies are set to promote the integration of tangible and virtual worlds, they said. Click here to read…

Let it rip’ approach to COVID-19 definitely not science-based: People’s Daily
May 28, 2022

The “let it rip” approach to COVID-19 by some Western countries will create long-term and sustained negative impacts on social and economic operations. Despite an upsurge in Omicron cases, the United States and some European countries have lifted COVID-19 restrictionsClick here to read…

Xi calls for advancing study of Chinese civilization: Xinhuanet
May 29, 2022

On Friday afternoon, Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, presided over the 39th group study session of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee to further a national research project on tracing the origins of Chinese civilization. Click here to read…

Chinese vice premier stresses summer agricultural production: Xinhuanet
May 29, 2022

Chinese Vice Premier Hu Chunhua has urged unremitting efforts to ensure a bumper summer harvest and good autumn sowing so as to achieve the whole-year goal of grain production. Click here to read…

China punishes 11,351 officials in April for violating frugality rules: Xinhuanet
May 29, 2022

China punished 11,351 people in April for violating the country’s eight-point code on improving Party and government conduct, the top anti-graft body said on its website Sunday. The punished were involved in 7,441 cases, said the monthly statement by the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission. Click here to read…

Chinese mainland reports 54 new local confirmed COVID-19 cases: Xinhuanet
May 29, 2022

The Chinese mainland on Saturday reported 54 locally-transmitted confirmed COVID-19 cases, of which 29 were in Shanghai and 14 in Beijing, the National Health Commission said Sunday. Click here to read…

UN human rights chief wraps up China visit after wide interactions with all sectors: Global Times
May 29, 2022

UN human rights chief Michelle Bachelet has wrapped up her six-day visit in China, including its Xinjiang region, but her statement that showcased her team’s wide interactions with people from different sectors in China and progress in facilitating future exchanges between Beijing and Geneva seemed to have disappointed the US. Meanwhile, anti-China forces attempting to use the visit to nail the allegation of “genocide” on China are now trying to deny Bachelet’s visit and attacking China for “manipulating” her trip for propaganda. Click here to read…

Beijing, Shanghai walk out of shadow of Omicron: Global Times
May 29, 2022

Beijing and Shanghai, China’s two megacities, are gradually walking out of the shadow of Omicron outbreaks, providing valuable experiences for the country in carrying out the dynamic zero-COVID strategy that once again proves to be the most effective approach in containing the highly contagious virus at the minimum costs to the economy and people’s life. Click here to read…

Shanghai, Beijing manifest China’s dynamic epidemic clearing mandate: Global Times
May 29, 2022

Thanks to the strict enforcement of prevention and control protocols, the coronavirus epidemic in Shanghai and Beijing, two megacities in China, has finally abated, with epidemiologists and health officials from both cities feeling upbeat, announcing over the weekend that they are on the cusp of winning another arduous battle against the virus. Click here to read…

China-Switzerland trade talks stall over rights issues, Swiss newspapers report: Reuters
May 29, 2022

Efforts by Switzerland to refresh its free trade agreement with China have stalled as Bern takes a more critical view of Beijing’s human rights record, Swiss newspapers reported on Sunday. Click here to read…

Chinese mainland reports 20 new local confirmed COVID-19 cases, 8 in Beijing: Xinhuanet
May 30, 2022

The Chinese mainland Sunday reported 20 locally-transmitted confirmed COVID-19 cases, including eight in Beijing, and six each in Tianjin and Shanghai, according to the National Health Commission’s report Monday. Click here to read…

Mega data project bolsters China’s digital infrastructure: Quishi
May 30, 2022

As China rides the digitalization wave and seeks to tap into the full potential of the big data industry, a megaproject addressing the soaring demand for computing power is taking shape. In February, China started work on the project to build an integrated national big data system involving the establishment of eight national computing hubs and 10 national data center clusters. Click here to read…

Shanghai enacts post-lockdown action plan: China Daily
May 30, 2022

Shanghai released a 50-measure action plan on Sunday to fully assist domestic and foreign enterprises in recovering from challenges brought by the wave of COVID-19 infections over the past few months and to rehabilitate Shanghai’s economic vitality. Click here to read…

Some in Beijing back to work, Shanghai inches closer to ending COVID lockdown: Reuters
May 30, 2022

Streets in Beijing were busier on Monday as residents in two districts were allowed to return to work, while Shanghai inched closer towards lifting its two-month old COVID-19 lockdown from Wednesday, as the number of infections across China dropped. Click here to read…

Chinese police investigate commercial Covid test labs over alleged fraud: South China Morning Post
May 30, 2022

Police in the Chinese capital are investigating three Covid-19 mass testing laboratories, accusing them of improper testing leading to inaccurate results. Police said on Sunday that eight people from the Beijing Zhongtong Lanbo Medical Testing Laboratory were detained over allegations that the company tried to cut costs and time by mixing too many samples in one test despite knowing it would lead to inaccurate results. Click here to read…

Two mega-kilowatt pumped storage power plants start operation in Greater Bay Area: Global Times
May 30, 2022

Two mega-kilowatt pumped storage power plants in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) officially started power generation on May 28, marking the power grid capacity in the GBA leading the world with the largest installed pumped storage, the strongest grid adjustment capacity, and the highest proportion of clean energy consumption among international bay areas, Chinese media reported on Monday. Click here to read…

Psychological services in demand: China Daily
May 30, 2022

The rumors were quickly denied by the municipal government at a news conference that afternoon, with the authorities saying that daily supplies would not be affected and there was no need for panic buying. These rumors have been dispelled, but as several cities grapple with a new wave of COVID-19 infections caused by the highly transmissible Omicron variant, concern for people’s mental health during the pandemic has again become an important issue that different sides of society are working hard to address. Click here to read…

Shanghai enacts post-lockdown action plan: China Daily
May 30, 2022

Shanghai released a 50-measure action plan on Sunday to fully assist domestic and foreign enterprises in recovering from challenges brought by the wave of COVID-19 infections over the past few months and to rehabilitate Shanghai’s economic vitality. Click here to read…

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest: May 27, 2022

Kabul Airport Customs Office Says Imports Will Increase: Tolo News

The customs office at the Kabul airport said that with the recent signing of the contract of the ground handling operation of the Kabul airport with the UAE’s GAAC company, the import of commodities will increase. Click here to read…

Reporters Without Borders Call the Taliban’s Recent Actions Against Female Anchors A Violation of Human Rights: The Khaama Press

With their recent order to require women to wear masks, the Taliban made a last-ditch effort to crack down on and suppress the media and violate women’s rights, according to Christophe Deloire, the organization’s Director General. Click here to read…

More Than Half of the Afghan Population Do Not Know Where Their Next Meal Is Coming From: The Khaama Press

According to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Afghanistan’s food security is at an all-time high, and more than half of the country’s population is already reliant on humanitarian assistance. Click here to read…

Ctg-Dhaka-Sylhet rail link restored 1.5 hr after oil tanker train derails in Cumilla- The Daily Star

Train communication among Chattogram, Dhaka, and Sylhet routes were restored one-and-a-half hours after a Sylhet-bound oil tanker from Chattogram derailed at Cumilla Rail Station’s outer track. Click here to read…

Launderers to get a chance to bring back money- The Daily Star

The government will give launderers a special scope to bring back the money they had taken out of the country. Click here to read…

Budget 2022-23: Better targeted social safety net- The Daily Star

The government is committed to using the long-overdue National Household Database (NHD) from the next fiscal year to better target the social safety net programmes, in a development that can infuse dynamism in the flat scheme. Click here to read…

1 in 4 Bangladeshi health professionals had PTSD during pandemic- The Daily Star

One in four healthcare professionals engaged in treating Covid patients in Bangladesh had suffered from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), a government study has found. Click here to read…

PM urges Bangladesh’s dev partners to help implement Delta Plan 2100- The Daily Star

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina today urged the country’s development partners to help implement the Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100 that seeks sustainable development for future generations. Click here to read…

Govt hajj package: Last-minute hike puts many on edge- The Daily Star

The religious affairs ministry dropped a bombshell on potential hajj pilgrims yesterday telling them that they would have to pay Tk 59,000 by Monday on top of the already hiked hajj package costs. Click here to read…

13th Plan budget to increase significantly- Kuensel

The 13th five-year plan is expected to be ambitious in terms of investments given the focus on economic recovery and aspiration to make Bhutan a high-income country within the next 10 years. Click here to read…

India to restrict sugar export from June- Kuensel

Starting June 1, India will restrict the export of sugar and the restriction will go until October 31, 2022. Click here to read…

Police take action against officials dereliction of duty- Kuensel

After the stabbing case at the Supreme Court recently, five police officers and five police personnel have been held accountable. Click here to read…

Bhutan faces food shortage; spike in domestic prices- Business Today

Bhutan, which depends on imports to meet food demand, imported cereals amounting $30.35 million, mainly rice and wheat from India, in 2021. Click here to read…

Druk Thuendrel Tshogpa submits registration papers to the ECB- BBS

Druk Thuendrel Tshogpa submitted its application for registration to the Election Commission today. As per the Election Act of Bhutan 2008, an application for registration of a political party shall be made to the Election Commission within one month of the formation of the party. Click here to read…

India completes survey of Maldives’ northern and central waters: Raajje Mv

The work was part of the second joint hydrographic survey of Maldives by the Indian army and Maldives National Defense Force (MNDF). Indian ship INS Sutlej was used for the survey. Maldivian Defense Minister Mariya Ahmed Didi was briefed regarding the findings of the survey on Tuesday. Click here to read…

No risk to the Maldives in repaying debt: Finance Minister: The Sun

The minister made the statement at the Parliament’s Economic Committee on Thursday while briefing the committee on the amendment proposed to the Tourism Act to decrease the land rent imposed on resorts. The government on Wednesday withdrew the amendment after backlash from other agencies and the public. Click here to read…

More than 300 houses burned down in historic Christian village in Myanmar – Christian News

The Myanmar military (Tatmadaw) burned down almost all residential buildings in the predominantly Christian village of Chaung Yoe in the Sagaing Region in a raid on May 20Click here to read…

Rohingya Camps Near the Border — a New Source of Insecurity? – The GeoPolitics

he bordering area at the strategically southern part of Bangladesh is the shelter for over 1.2 million forcibly displaced Rohingya refugees. After the increasing trend of criminal activities notably the kidnapping of four schoolboys from Ramu Upazilla of Cox’s Bazar, killing of the prominent Rohingya leader Mohib Ullah and 7 other people within a month at the Rohingya refugee camp on the Bangladesh-Myanmar border. Click here to read…

Threatened on multiple fronts, Myanmar junta calls on young women to join its armed forces – Myanmar Now

Faced with unprecedented nationwide armed resistance, Myanmar’s military is reportedly recruiting young women into its forces in what defecting officers say may be part of a strategy to bolster troop numbersClick here to read…

NUG Plans More Weapons and Funds for Revolution Against Myanmar Junta – The Irrawaddy

U Naing Htoo Aung, permanent secretary of the National Unity Government’s (NUG) Ministry of Defense, talked recently to The Irrawaddy about Myanmar’s armed struggle against the military regime, what the NUG has been doing to step up the attack against the junta, about the availability of funds and the distribution of weapons to resistance groups, and defections from Myanmar’s military. Click here to read…

Ethnic Karen Fighters Take Control of Lower Myanmar Townships – The Irrawaddy

The Karen National Union (KNU) is consolidating its control of Kyaukkyi and Mone townships in eastern Bago Region. The secretaries of KNU bodies in the two townships released notices on May 21 requiring residents to seek their approval for a variety of administrative functions ranging from education, health and business to regional development works. Click here to read…

Amnesty International calls for removing ‘overly restrictive’ statute of limitations on rape- Himalayan

Nepal must urgently remove the restrictive statute of limitations on cases of rape and other sexual violence through amendment as it continues to be a barrier for survivors in access to justice, said Amnesty International today. Click here to read…

Apex court halts construction of Nijgadh airport- Himalayan Times

The Supreme Court today ordered the government to halt construction of multi-billion-dollar Nijgadh International Airport. Click here to read…

Oli takes govt to task from rostrum of Lower House- Himalayan Times

CPN-UML Chair and main opposition leader KP Sharma Oli today spoke for three hours from the rostrum of the House of Representatives to denounce government’s policies and programmes and its handling of foreign affairs. Click here to read…

Delhi’s sugar export curbs likely to hit market- Himalayan Times

President of Nepal Sugar Mills Association (NSMA) Sashikant Agrawal said the move by India – a sign of growing protectionism around the world – will promote black marketing and price gouging due to tight supply. Click here to read…

Supreme Court says no to Nijgadh airport over environmental concerns- Kathmandu Post

An extended full bench quashes all decisions regarding the airport, envisioned as alternative to Kathmandu airport. Click here to read…

Nepal Army chief to visit Pentagon ahead of Deuba’s Washington trip- Kathmandu Post

General Prabhu Ram Sharma’s proposed travel date is late June, which comes amid increased US political engagements in Nepal. Click here to read…

Balen Shah is the new mayor of Kathmandu Metropolitan City- Republica

Independent candidate Balendra Shah has won the local level election for the post of Kathmandu Metropolitan City. He has received 61,767 votes. Click here to read…

PTI’s march cost government Rs149 million: Dawn

This amount was released to police after officials sent a written request to the government asking for the amount, police officers on condition of anonymity told Dawn. Despite repeated attempts, Inspector General of Police (IGP) Dr Akbar Nasir Khan could not be contacted for comments. Click here to read…

Pakistan mulls gas import deal with countries including Russia: The News

Pakistan said it is considering to sign a liquefied natural gas (LNG) purchase agreement with various countries including Russia as it seeks to secure supply and ease a crippling shortage. Click here to read…

Govt caves in to IMF, drops petrol bomb: The Express Tribune

In a surprise move, the government on Thursday increased the petroleum products rates by Rs30 per liter, or up to one-fourth of their existing prices, paving the way for reaching a staff-level agreement with the International Monetary Fund by June 12. Click here to read…

Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka to restructure public transport to minimize the impact of fuel crisis: Times Of India

In an effort to minimize the impact of the ongoing fuel crisis on the common man, Transport and Highways Minister Bandula Gunawardena said that public transport will be restructured soon. Click here to read…

Sri Lanka PM Wickremesinghe stresses urgency for economic reform plan: Business Standard

Sri Lanka’s prime minister said Thursday that he will quickly prepare an economic reform programme and seek approval from the International Monetary Fund because global inflation and the financial impact of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on other countries could limit their ability to help the island nation. Click here to read…

China will help us weather financial crisis, says Sri Lanka’s prime minister: Financial Times

China has offered “a few hundred million dollars” in lending to Sri Lanka to help alleviate a shortage of essential goods in the crisis-hit country, according to the island’s prime minister. Click here to read…

China: Daily Scan, May 27, 2022

Top legislator stresses legal safeguards for tranquil environment: Xinhuanet
May 26, 2022

Chinese top legislator Li Zhanshu on Thursday called for better laws and law enforcement to foster a “tranquil” environment for the people. Li, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee, made the remarks at a symposium on the enforcement of the Noise Pollution Prevention and Control Law. Click here to read…

Li Xi elected Party chief of China’s Guangdong: Xinhuanet
May 26, 2022

Li Xi has been elected secretary of the Guangdong Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC). Li was elected to the post at the first plenary session of the 13th CPC Guangdong Provincial Committee on Thursday. Click here to read…

Xi meets representatives to meeting on handling public complaints: Xinhuanet
May 26, 2022

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday met with representatives to a national meeting on work related to the handling of people’s complaints. Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, offered warm congratulations to the exemplary individuals and groups honored at the meeting, and extended sincere greetings to officials and people working in the system for addressing public complaints. Click here to read…

Chinese FM underlines “four upholdings” in ties with Pacific island countries:

May 27, 2022

Visiting Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Thursday that China will continue “the four upholdings” in developing its relations with the Pacific island countries. At a joint press conference with Solomon Islands Foreign Minister Jeremiah Manele, Wang said the China-Solomon Islands relations have made unprecedented headway in recent years, which has brought tangible benefits to the people in the region. Click here to read…

China, Venezuela vow to strengthen communication between legislatures: Xinhuanet
May 26, 2022

Wang Chen, vice chairman of the National People’s Congress (NPC) Standing Committee, met with Iris Varela, First Vice President of Venezuela’s National Assembly, via video link on Thursday. Wang, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, said the two countries firmly support each other’s core interests and major concerns. Click here to read…

China to advance efforts in joining CPTPP, DEPA trade pacts: Xinhuanet
May 26, 2022

China will continue to advance its accession into the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) and the Digital Economy Partnership Agreement (DEPA), the commerce ministry said Thursday. Click here to read…

China vows all-out efforts to stabilize industrial, supply chains: Xinhuanet
May 26, 2022

China’s Ministry of Commerce (MOC) on Thursday said that the country will make all-out efforts to stabilize the industrial and supply chains of foreign trade enterprises. Logistics performance is gradually improving nationwide, and China will ensure the smooth transportation of foreign trade goods across the country, MOC spokesperson Gao Feng said at a news briefing. Click here to read…

Chinese official urges high-quality development of digital economy: Xinhuanet
May 26, 2022

A senior official of the Communist Party of China (CPC) on Thursday called for leveraging strategic opportunities to accelerate the high-quality development of the digital economy. Huang Kunming, a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and head of the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee, made the remarks while addressing via video link the opening ceremony of the China International Big Data Industry Expo 2022 held in Guiyang, southwest China’s Guizhou Province. Click here to read…

Chinese scientists design tiny, wriggling inspection robot: Xinhuanet
May 26, 2022

Chinese scientists have developed a tiny robot with “muscles” and “feet” that can wriggle its way around like an earthworm through pipes smaller than a centimeter in diameter. The 2.2-gram, 47-millimeter-long robot, powered by an electric tether, can be potentially used for inspecting complex, narrow pipelines inside aircraft engines or oil refinery machinery, according to the study published on Thursday in the journal Science Robotics. Click here to read…

Xin Changxing elected Party chief of China’s Qinghai: Xinhuanet
May 26, 2022

Xin Changxing has been elected secretary of the Qinghai Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC). Xin was elected to the post at the first plenary session of the 14th CPC Qinghai Provincial Committee on Thursday. Click here to read…

China continues to raise basic pension payments for retirees: Xinhuanet
May 26, 2022

China will raise the basic pension payments for retirees in 2022, the 18th consecutive year of increase, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security announced Thursday. The average monthly payment for pensioners of enterprises, government agencies and public institutions will be lifted by 4 percent from the 2021 level, said a circular jointly issued by the human resources ministry and the Ministry of Finance. Click here to read…

Hong Kong continues tracing COVID-19 through sewage surveillance: Xinhuanet
May 26, 2022

The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) government said Thursday that the COVID-19 virus continues to be detected in sewage samples from different areas in Hong Kong, indicating that there may be hidden cases in the premises in these areas. Click here to read…

More macro measures seen: Quishi
May 26, 2022

China has launched a new package of fiscal and monetary support to alleviate difficulties facing market players as part of the country’s policy mix that might further unfold in the coming weeks to offset a rise in economic challenges, experts said on Tuesday. Click here to read…

US is world’s No 1 bully, defense ministry says: China Daily
May 26, 2022

When it comes to bullying in international relations, the United States is the undisputed initiator and master, a spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense said on Thursday.
The spokesman, Senior Colonel Wu Qian, made the remarks at a news conference in response to some comments made by US senior military officials. Click here to read…

Provinces relaxing traffic restrictions to normalize shipping flows: China Daily
May 26, 2022

Many Chinese cities have eased traffic restrictions in response to measures recently rolled out by the State Council to boost the economy amid COVID-19 flare-ups on the mainland. The State Council, China’s Cabinet, rolled out 33 measures to stabilize growth earlier this week, including steps to cancel traffic restrictions for people from low-risk areas and ensuring free PCR tests are provided to passenger and freight transport drivers. Click here to read…

Insurance program launched in Beijing to encourage vaccination among the elderly: Global Times
May 27, 2022

The insurance industry in Beijing is making efforts to promote vaccination among the local elderly by launching an insurance program for vaccinated people aged 60 and above, the Beijing banking and insurance regulatory bureau told media. It will be paid by the government with a cap of 500,000 yuan ($74,200) in personal liability. Click here to read…

Blinken’s long-awaited China policy address ‘unexciting’: Global Times
May 27, 2022

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken delivered a speech on the country’s China strategy on Thursday, describing China as the “most serious long-term challenge to the international order” but stressed the US does not want a new Cold War. Click here to read…

China to champion multinationals’ setup of domestic big data R&D centers: Global Times
May 27, 2022

China will champion the overseas expansion of domestic big data firms while supporting the setup of big data research and development (R&D) centers by multinationals in the country, the minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Xiao Yaqing, said on Thursday at the opening of an annual big data expo in Guiyang, capital of Southwest China’s Guizhou Province. Click here to read…

U.S. poses biggest nuclear threat to world, says Chinese spokesperson: People’s Daily
May 27, 2022

A Chinese military spokesperson on Thursday refuted remarks by some U.S. military officials to hype up the so-called Chinese “nuclear threat” and “bullying behaviors,” saying the United States is the biggest nuclear threat to the international community and the one that undermines the rules-based international order.
Click here to read…

Global firms warn of sluggish China demand due to lengthy COVID curbs: Reuters
May 27, 2022

Two months into harsh COVID-19 lockdowns that have choked global supply chains, China’s economy is staggering back to its feet, but businesses from retailers to chipmakers are warning of slow sales as consumers in the country slam the brakes on spending. Click here to read…

U.S. to remain focused on China in the midst of Russia’s war, says Blinken: Kyodo
May 27, 2022

The United States views China as posing “the most serious long-term challenge to the international order” and will remain focused on Beijing even in the midst of Russia’s war in Ukraine, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Thursday. The United States, however, is not seeking to block China from its role as a major power, nor is it looking for conflict or a new Cold War, the top U.S. diplomat said amid growing tensions over Taiwan, a self-ruled democratic island Beijing views as its own. Click here to read…

Premier Li signals ‘clear urgency’ on reviving economy, but no change to zero-Covid: South China Morning Post
May 27, 2022

Premier Li Keqiang’s honest assessment of the stress facing China’s economy and rare warning of a potential contraction in the second quarter after two months of zero-Covid containment show Beijing is stepping up efforts to stabilise the economy, analysts say.
Li’s video conference with more than 100,000 government cadres on Wednesday also reinforced the pressure Beijing is putting on local authorities to prevent economic growth losing momentum. Click here to read…

Chinese mainland reports 80 new local confirmed COVID-19 cases: Xinhuanet
May 27, 2022

The Chinese mainland on Thursday reported 80 locally-transmitted confirmed COVID-19 cases, of which 45 were in Shanghai and 22 in Beijing, the National Health Commission said Friday.
Click here to read…

Chinese scientists find gene for drought resistance in rice: Xinhuanet
May 27, 2022

A Chinese research team has found a new gene that can improve rice’s drought resistance, said a study recently published in Plant Biotechnology Journal. The gene OsRINGzf1 could reduce cell water loss by reducing water channels in cells, thus improving the rice plant’s ability to retain water under drought conditions, said the study. Click here to read…

Chinese premier stresses need for concrete efforts to ensure summer harvest: Xinhuanet
May 27, 2022

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on Thursday underlined that solid efforts should be put into this year’s summer harvest. Li, also a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, made the remarks at a national teleconference. Click here to read…

Africa Now – Weekly Newsletter (Week 20, 2022)

Welcome to Africa Now, your weekly newsletter for Africa, presenting the most important developments in the continent – news that matters.


It’s Africa’s Century—for Better or Worse

Since the 1990s, the idea that we might be entering an “Asian century” has preoccupied and disorientated the West. However, once we take in view the long sweep of history, the return of China and India to the centre stage of world affairs is less a revolution than a restoration. Click here to read…

Why Is Madrid Pandering to Morocco?

Spain has traded five decades of neutrality on Western Sahara while getting nothing but a spyware scandal in return.” target=”_blank”>Click here to read…

Aapravasi Ghat: Witness to the Great Indian Migration to Mauritius

The largest human migration in history occurred between 1834 and 1923 when the British in its experimental bid to abolish slavery brought mostly Indians as indentured labourers to work in the sugarcane estates of Mauritius. Click here to read…


Somalia set to hold overdue presidential election

Somalia is set to hold its long-delayed presidential vote this weekend, ending the convoluted electoral process that raised tensions in the country when the president’s term expired last year without a successor in place. Click here to read…

Somalia police announce 33-hour curfew in capital Mogadishu during Sunday’s Presidential vote

President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed is facing 37 opponents in the vote, including two former Presidents, Sharif Sheikh Ahmed and Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, who analysts see as the frontrunnersClick here to read…

Ivory Coast: President Ouattara sets the agenda at COP15 summit in Abidjan

The COP15 against desertification began Monday in Abidjan in the presence of several African heads of state, to try to take concrete action against the rapid degradation of land and respond “to the climate emergency. Click here to read…

vGuinea announces three-year transition period before restoring civilian rule

Guinea’s legislative body on Wednesday announced there would be a three-year transition period before civilian rule is restored, defying regional partners who have called for a swifter timetable following a coup. Click here to read…

Sudanese protests against military rule persist

Sudanese demonstrators are back on the streets to protest against the military in power and ask for the implementation of a civil government. Click here to read…

Mali: Thousands in new demonstration to show support for junta

Several hundred Malians gathered Friday in Bamako to support the junta, the army and the military cooperation with the Russians, denounced by the West. Click here to read…

Can Niger become the main Western ally in the Sahel?

Niamey has consistently presented an image of a friendly and reliable partner to the international community and used Western aid to boost its military strength. Click here to read…

Uganda’s plans for first nuclear power station approved

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has approved Uganda’s plan to build East Africa’s first nuclear power station. Click here to read…

China cuts down investment pledges for Africa amid mounting debt fears

While infrastructure projects are one of the main priority areas in China-Africa cooperation, Beijing has cut down on its investment pledges for the continent for the first time in December 2021, according to reports. Click here to read…

Sierra Leone launches bid for UN Security Council seat

Sierra Leone on Monday launched a bid for a seat in the Non-permanent category of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). Click here to read…

Nigeria-Morocco Gas Pipeline Is Paramount to Regional Economy, Politics

The Nigeria-Morocco gas pipeline project is of critical importance for inter-Africa development and integration as it would significantly address regional energy security issues. Click here to read…

Guinea Coup: You can be free, but you will have to wait three years

The military junta in Guinea said its transition back to civilian rule would probably take more than three years, a proposal likely to upset West Africa’s political bloc that has called for a swift return to constitutional order. Click here to read…

As Wheat Prices Soar, Africa Pivots to Cheaper Alternatives

Global wheat prices are so high that African consumers are starting to ditch the grain from their diet and Food companies using rice, manioc flour and sorghum in recipes. Click here to read…

AFC Plans $2 Billion Fund to Support Africa Economic Revival

Africa Finance Corp. is setting up a $2 billion fund to help institutions on the continent recover quickly from the pandemic and overcome challenges posed by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Click here to read…

Museveni woos Turkish investors to Uganda

President Museveni yesterday made a case for Uganda as a favourable and profitable investment destination, rallying investors to set up business across different sectors of the economy. Click here to read…

Africa roundtable unites with European allies

Politicians from African and European countries gathered in Berlin on Thursday for The Africa Roundtable to discuss strategies to cope with common challenges. Click here to read…

Kenyans are protesting plans by tax authority to snoop on their online chats

There is outrage across Kenya after the country’s tax authority announced on May 11 that it plans to start mining data from digital devices in a bid to combat tax and financial fraud. Click here to read…

At least 35 killed in attack on DR Congo gold mine: local sources

Raiders killed at least 35 people in an attack on a gold mine in Ituri, in the strife-torn northeast of Democratic Republic of Congo, local sources said Sunday. Click here to read…

Female student killed by mob at Nigeria school over blasphemy claims

A female student in northern Nigeria was killed by a mob who stoned, beat and set fire to her for allegedly posting a blasphemous statement against the Prophet Mohammed, according to police. Click here to read…

Head of Tunisian opposition party claims he is under investigation

The head of a Tunisian opposition party said on Friday he had been summoned for investigation over a radio interview and accused President Kais Saied of attempting to intimidate opponents. Click here to read…

Ethiopia-China cooperation benefits both sides: Ethiopian Ambassador to China

Ethiopia’s newly launched 10-year development plan opens the door to bilateral cooperation that will benefit both China and Ethiopia, said Teshome Toga Chanaka, the Ethiopian ambassador to China Click here to read…

Burkina Faso’s Junta Under Pressure to Deliver on Security Promises

The junta in power in Ouagadougou justified the 24 January coup by citing the inability of former president Roch Marc Christian Kaboré’s government to provide security in Burkina Faso. By making security its primary objective, the regime raised people’s hopes of a rapid return to peace and stability. Click here to read…

Rwanda-Burundi relations to improve further

Rwanda-Burundi relations will improve when 2015 coup plotters, said to be hiding in Kigali, are handed over Gitega to face justice, said Burundian President Evariste NdayishimiyClick here to read…

Spain, Morocco to open land borders next week after 2 years

The Spanish government says the land borders between Morocco and Spain’s North African enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla will reopen next week. Click here to read…

Sinosteel signs $690 million deal for Cameroon iron ore mine

China’s Sinosteel Corp. has signed a $690 million contract to exploit an iron ore mine in southern Cameroon amid a push to cut Chinese reliance on Australian and Brazilian ore. Click here to read…

South Africa’s COVID-19 spike intensifies

As daily COVID-19 cases in South Africa topped 10,000 cases today, officials from the World Health Organization (WHO) African regional office said today. Click here to read…

Algerian President Tebboune to visit Turkey to discuss bilateral cooperation

Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune is set to pay an official visit to Turkey on May 16-17 upon the invitation of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, according to a statement by the Algerian Embassy on Friday. Click here to read…

Togo suffers its first deadly jihadist attack

It was probably only a matter of time, as terrorist groups are targeting the countries of the subregion one by one. Click here to read…

Meet election deadline for smooth transition, South Sudan urged

South Sudan’s peace monitoring agency has appealed to the Revitalized Transitional Legislative Assembly to urgently enact legislations aimed at meeting the elections deadlines as stipulated in the 2018 revitalized peace deal. Click here to read…

Europe looking to get a million tonnes of coal annually from Botswana, says President Masisi

Botswana has been inundated with inquiries to supply coal to Europe and estimates that demand from Western countries could top a million tonnes a yearClick here to read…

Ghana’s President Strongly Supports African Development Bank’s Quest for More Resources to Accelerate Continent’s Transformation Agenda

Ghana’s President Nana Akufo-Addo has backed calls for more resources for the African Development Bank Group ( to accelerate its transformative role across the continent. Click here to read…

Russia’s Growing Strategic Interest in Eritrea

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has reaffirmed Russia’s strategic interest to make coordinated efforts aim at building logistics hub along the coastline of the Republic of Eritrea. Click here to read…

Zimbabwe’s bank lending freeze will worsen economic crisis, business chamber says

Zimbabwe’s decision to suspend bank lending in a desperate bid to arrest the rapid devaluation of its currency will worsen the economic crisis and expose borrowers to predatory loans. Click here to read…

Will bitcoin succeed in the Central African Republic? Probably not

The Central African Republic has become the second country to adopt the cryptocurrency as legal tender, but experiences in El Salvador, the first nation to do so, point to a gloomy outlookClick here to read…

World Bank to Give Mozambique $300 Million To Support Its Budget

By June the World Bank plans to provide $300 million to support the national budget of the Republic of Mozambique, according to the World Bank country director for Mozambique, Idah Pswarayi-Riddihough. Click here to read…

Zambia wants to be a model for resolving Africa’s debt crises

After five unsuccessful attempts and a spell in prison on trumped-up charges of treason, Hakainde Hichilema was elected president of Zambia in August. Click here to read…

Angola’s central province is massively behind the MPLA

The governing People’s Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA, in Portuguese) received today the support of tens of thousands of people in the central province of Huambo, in a campaign rally for the next general elections in the country. Click here to read…

Life in Egypt Is Getting Harder, but Don’t Dare Protest About It

A new study predicts that Egypt’s public debt will climb to half a trillion dollars in coming years. But while economists offer pessimistic views, the public is likely to find itself in prison if it dares criticize the high cost of livingClick here to read…

Gabon: 2023 presidential candidate Mike Jocktane asks for “free and transparent elections”

Gabonese bishop and politician Mike Jocktane held a press conference in the capital, Libreville to talk about his candidacy for next year’s presidential electionClick here to read…

Liberia: ANC’s Stalwart Abraham Sesay Gets Huge Support Ahead Of 2023 Elections

Executives and supporters of fallen Brewerville City Mayor George Varney Curtis, who was defeated in the 2017 general and presidential elections, have endorsed the representative bid of top Liberian humanitarian and businessman Abraham Carlison SesayClick here to read…

Namibia launches sovereign wealth fund following oil discoveries

Namibia launched a sovereign wealth fund, months after oil discoveries by oil giants TotalEnergies and Shell off its coast. Click here to read…

Botswana: Former president Khama claims continued harassment by President Masisi

The Botswana government has rubbished claims by former president Ian Khama that his successor, Mokgweetsi Masisi, was harassing him. Masisi himself refuses to speak on the matter himself. Click here to read…


Mauritius PM inaugurates second phase of Metro Express project spearheaded by India

Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, along with PM Jugnauth inaugurated the first phase of the metro via video-conferencing in October 2019Click here to read…

Mozambique-India joint working group on defence back on track to tackle terrorism, drug trade

Mozambique and India intend to revive its joint working group on defence as part of counter-terrorism efforts and at the same time promote their respective blue economies and curtail drug trafficking. Click here to read…

Egypt in talks with India on wheat export ban exemption

Egypt is in talks with Indian officials about getting an exemption from India’s decision to ban wheat export. Click here to read…

Kenya mulls ending India wheat import ban as prices soar

Kenya is set to send a team of inspectors to India with the aim of ending along standing wheat import ban from the Asian nation amid low global supply. Click here to read…

Gravita’s Ghana unit commences waste rubber recycling plant

Gravita India announced that its step-down subsidiary in Ghana, Recyclers Ghana has started commercial production and recycling of waste rubber with an annual capacity of around 6,000 MTPA. Click here to read…

Prasar Bharati inks MoU with Madagascar for broadcasting collaboration

The MoU aims at exchange of programmes, exploring co-production of programmes and training and exchange of personnelClick here to read…

Deployment of ins gharial to Seychelles – mission Sagar ix

As part of ongoing deployment of Indian Naval Ship Gharial in South West Indian Ocean, under Mission SAGAR IX, the Ship called at Port Victoria, Seychelles from 11 to 14 May 22. Click here to read…

Indian Navy’s P-8I begins 5-day mission to La Reunion Island in Southern Indian Ocean

The Indian Navy’s P-8I long-range maritime patrol aircraft arrived on Monday at the La Reunion Island in the southern Indian Ocean on a five-day mission to undertake coordinated surveillance with French warships in the region. Click here to read…

INS Kolkata visited Djibouti as part of anti-piracy patrol by Indian Navy

INS Kolkata visited Djibouti from May 4-7, 2022, as part of the anti-piracy patrol being undertaken by the Indian Navy to ensure safe transit of merchant vessels in the Gulf of Aden. Click here to read…

India, Madagascar planning direct flights between Mumbai and Antananarivo

“Ambassador Abhay Kumar met M Rolland Ranjatoelina, Hon’ble Minister of Transport and #Meteorology of Madagascar today. They discussed the possibility of starting a direct flight between #Mumbai and #Antananarivo,” Click here to read…

Kenya Welcomes Indian Travellers as Tourism Recovery Takes Shape

The tourism sector has received a major boost from the Indian market with a visit of about 300 tourists for an excursion of the country’s tourism products. Click here to read…

India Keen to Cement Ties with Ethiopia

The Director-General of the Middle East, Asia, and Pacific at the Ethiopian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Gebeyehu Ganga (Ph.D.) had a meeting on Thursday with the Ambassador of the Republic of India, Shri Robert Shetkintong. Click here to read…

Indian envoy Abhay Kumar talks cooperation with Madagascar in mining sector

India imports many thousand tonnes of nickel every year which is a key ingredient in EV batteries. Madagascar can be a source of nickel and cobalt import for India as well as coal and goldClick here to read…

Indian ‘Military Base’ In Agalega: New Satellite Imagery Shows Hangars Large Enough to House Navy’s Submarine Hunting P-8I Aircraft

India is building military infrastructure on Mauritius’ Agalega Island to increase its presence in the western Indian Ocean. Click here to read…

South Africa court bars some ArcelorMittal workers from strike

South Africa’s labour court has ordered workers at ArcelorMittal South Africa Ltd’s steel plants, blast furnaces and coke batteries to be excluded from an ongoing job boycott, after the company argued these are essential services barred from striking by law. Click here to read…

Vedanta challenges Zambia’s appointment of new KCM liquidator

Vedanta Resources has challenged Zambia’s appointment of a new Provisional Liquidator for Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) following the resignation of the previous office holder. Click here to read…

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest: May 26, 2022

Blast Near Mosque in Kabul Caused Fatalities: Intl Hospital: Tolo News

The department of Kabul security put the number of casualties at two wounded, but Emergency Hospital tweeted they have received 22 victims from the mosque blast, 5 of whom were dead on arrival. Click here to read…

aliban Gov’t Persuades India to Reopen Embassy in Kabul: The Khaama Press

Head of the Islamic Emirate political office in Qatar Suhail Shaheen encourages India to reopen its embassy in Kabul, according to reports, saying the caretaker Afghan government will provide “full security” to all its diplomats in the country. Click here to read…

NSA Ajit Doval to bat for inclusive Afghanistan govt at Dushanbe meet: Times of India

NSA Ajit Doval will travel to Dushanbe later this week for a security conference on Afghanistan that will review the situation in the country 9 months after the Taliban took over the country, ToI has learnt. The meeting on May 26-27 is expected to address the unfolding humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan and also security challenges including the threat from cross-border terrorism. Click here to read…

Dhaka-Ashulia elevated expressway: Time, cost gallop even before work starts: Daily Star

Work for the Dhaka-Ashulia Elevated Expressway project is yet to formally start but the deadline for the mega project is to expire in just over a month.
The government had approved the project in October 2017 and the deadline for completion of the 24km expressway was set for the end of June, 2022. Click here to read…

Budget 2022-23: Better targeted social safety net: Daily Star

The government is committed to using the long-overdue National Household Database (NHD) from the next fiscal year to better target the social safety net programmes, in a development that can infuse dynamism in the flat scheme. Click here to read…

ACC and OAG: eye to eye finally- Kuensel

The government’s legal arm, the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) reviews cases pertaining to corruption referred by the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC). The OAG prosecutes or dismisses the case depending on several factors, including evidence provided. Click here to read…

India lifts import restriction on Bhutanese ginger- Kuensel

The ministry of commerce and industry, department of commerce, notified on May 19 that the import of wholly produced ginger from Bhutan is free subject to Article–I of the agreement on trade, commerce and transit between India and Bhutan. Click here to read…

Healthy refreshment towards reducing NCDs- Kuensel

With the health ministry sensitising healthy refreshments, the Department of Public Health (DoPH) yesterday conducted a meeting on healthy refreshments with representatives from various organisations. Click here to read…

MoLHR launches new system for employers, job seekers, and training providers- Bhutan Times

To improve the operational efficiency of the Ministry of Labour and Human Resources (MoLHR) by bringing together all allied information systems, the MoLHR launched a new MoLHR- Management Information System (MoLHR MIS) on 20 May this week. Click here to read…

Border closure diverts regional tourists to other hill destinations- Bhutan Times

Bhutan has been an internationally renowned tourist destination, however, the Covid-19 induced border closure has diverted most Bhutan-bound tourists to other destinations like Sikkim, Kalimpong, and Darjeeling. Click here to read…

National CSI Development Bank stops disbursing loans- Paro- BBS

National CSI Development Bank’s NPL has been increasing which raises concern about the bank’s financial stability. As of December last year, the bank had an NPL of 5.23 %. And by March this year, it reached 11.04 %.Click here to read…

“Maldives urgently needs a legislation to protect rights of victims of terrorism”: Raajje Mv

The United Nations (UN) Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism, Fionnuala Ní Aoláin has stated that Maldives urgently needs a legislation to protect rights of victims of terrorism. Click here to read…

India donates two field ambulances to MNDF: The Sun

The Indian army has donated two field ambulances to the Maldives National Defense Force (MNDF). The ambulances were handed over in a virtual ceremony at the Bandaara Koshi on Wednesday by the Indian Defense Advisor to Maldives Captain Mahesh Chandra to MNDF’s Surgeon General Colonel Dr. Ali Shahid Mohamed. Click here to read…

Time For India To Start Rupee-Kyat Border Trade With Myanmar – Swarajyamag

India stayed invested in Myanmar after the 1 February 2021 coup. It was not an easy choice in the times of military raids, counter-attacks by the pro-democracy resistance groups, Covid, US sanctions and a crippling economic crisis. However, the primary goals were achieved. Click here to read…

Ukraine concerns do not mean Rohingyas be abandoned: UN refugee chief – LaPrensaLatina

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, Wednesday urged the international community not to forget the Rohingyas amid a new refugee crisis sparked by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Click here to read…

Thousands Displaced by Myanmar Junta Arson Attacks – The Irrawaddy

More than 5,000 people were displaced by junta raids and arson attacks between May 18 and 22 in Myaung Township, Sagaing Region, according to the Civilian Defense and Security Organization in the township. Click here to read…

Homes of military supporters destroyed in junta arson attack – Myanmar Now

Many of the homes torched by regime forces in a village in Sagaing Region’s Depayin Township on Sunday belonged to military supporters, according to residents. Of the 53 houses destroyed in the village of Na Gar Twin in the day-long attack, six were owned by known backers of Myanmar’s junta, residents said. Click here to read…

Please Don’t Call Myanmar Military Tatmadaw – The Irrawaddy

For me, there are two especially troubling terms used to describe the military. The first is ‘Tatmadaw’, which in the Burmese language means ‘Royal Armed Forces’ and was the name used for Burma’s army in the pre-colonial era when Burma was ruled by a monarchy. Click here to read…

Japan-Trained Myanmar Air Force Officer Took Part in Bombing Raids: Activists – The Diplomat

The advocacy groups Human Rights Watch (HRW) and Justice for Myanmar said in statements on Monday that Lt. Col. Hlwan Moe of the Myanmar Air Force has taken part in aerial raids in Magwe Region, a center of anti-junta resistance. Click here to read…

Migrant workers returning in droves- Himalayan Times

Migrant workers, who had returned home to take part in the local elections, are now heading back to India for work. Click here to read…

Nepal records five COVID-19 cases on Wednesday- Himalayan Times

The national active Covid-19 caseload of Nepal active caseload has reached to 128 on Wednesday as five people tested positive for the infection in past 24 hours. Click here to read…

Rabindra Mishra steps down as president of Bibeksheel Sajha Party- Himalayan Times

Rabindra Mishra resigned as the President of Bibeksheel Sajha Party, on Wednesday. Mishra claimed he is stepping down from the post on moral grounds owing to the party’s dismal results in recently held local elections. Click here to read…

China nudges Nepal on One-China policy- Kathmandu Policy

Beijing seems to be wary amid a series of visits from the United States and a senior official’s recent meetings with Tibetan refugees in Kathmandu. Click here to read…

Imran gives 6-days ultimatum to govt for announcing elections: The Express Tribune

Former prime minister and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan on Thursday gave the incumbent government an ultimatum; to announce elections within six days or have the “entire nation” return to the capital. Click here to read…

Pakistan, IMF again fail to reach staff level agreement: The Express Tribune

Pakistan and the International Monetary Fund have failed to reach a staff level agreement for revival of the $6 billion programme amid huge gaps between their assessments of the economy and the required measures that are immediately needed to stop economic meltdown. Click here to read…

Ties with neighbouring countries and West the way forward: Bilawal: The News

Bilawal Bhutto Zardari told a British wire service that Khan’s ouster last month was in fact a milestone for Pakistani democracy. “Pakistan has a history of prime ministers who have been removed undemocratically, unconstitutionally through various means,” Bhutto Zardari said in an interview on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in the Swiss Alpine resort of Davos.

No conspiracy against Imran govt: UK minister: The News

British Minister for the Armed Forces James Heappey has brushed aside impression that the visit of former prime minister Imran Khan to Russia resulted in a conspiracy against his government by any country in the West. Click here to read…

Sri Lanka
PM Ranil Wickremesinghe sworn in as Finance Minister in Sri Lanka: The Hindu

Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe on Wednesday assumed additional charge as Finance Minister, possibly the toughest job when the island nation’s economy experiences a rapid decline amid an unprecedented crisis. Click here to read…

Fuel distribution in Sri Lanka gets more difficult amid public unrest: Business Standard

Fuel distribution in crisis-hit Sri Lanka has become more challenging due to public anger and a record hike in fuel prices with people many a times spending more than a day to get fuel with the rationed quantity. Click here to read…

Sri Lanka’s Premier Wants IMF Program in Place By Mid-June: Bloomberg

Sri Lanka is looking to fast-track talks with the International Monetary Fund and agree a loan by mid-June so that it can then approach other lenders for urgently needed funds. Click here to read…

Sri Lankans lose hope amid economic crisis: DW News

Sri Lankans are experiencing critical shortages of fuel, power and food, often forcing them to queue for basic necessities. For Dilan Simpson, an engineering student working as a rickshaw driver in Colombo, looking for fuel has become a full-time jobClick here to read…