All posts by vd@admin

Global Developments and Analysis: Weekly Monitor, 04 October- 10 October


China’s housing bubble fuelled its spectacular growth, but is the country ready for a day of reckoning?

China’s indebted property developers are symptoms, rather than the cause, of its housing problem. The nation’s real estate boom, which started in 1999 when then premier Zhu Rongji privatised home ownership, is one of the most spectacular economic phenomena in recent history. It has profoundly changed China’s urban landscape and improved living standards for hundreds of millions of people. But it has also titled wealth towards the state and capital over labour, and, more importantly, changed the notion among many Chinese that wealth is built by saving, not borrowing. China’s property machine has been sustained by three key ingredients: a land supply system borrowed directly from Hong Kong, where the municipal government has a monopoly; an extraordinary monetary easing cycle where broad money supply has increased 20 times over the past two decades; and a nationwide zeal to invest household wealth into property, rather than other assets. It is no secret that authorities depend on revenue from land sales to property developers to meet operational costs. Chinese cities would be in a terrible state if these funds dried up. The banking system’s exposure to the property sector is another interesting point of debate. Click here to read…

China raises cap on electricity prices to tackle power shortage

China will take further steps to ensure sufficient electricity supplies for the coming winter and spring, including raising the cap on prices, China’s cabinet said in a statement after an executive meeting chaired by Premier Li Keqiang on Oct 09. The State Council also said it will prioritize winter coal and natural gas supplies to ensure people’s livelihoods in northern China, particularly residential heating in north-eastern provinces, according to the statement. The measures come as China grapples with large-scale power shortages that since September have affected 10 provinces, including Heilongjiang and Jiangsu. High coal prices — amid government-mandated cuts to coal production capacity and carbon-reduction measures — combined with a relatively low cap on electricity prices meant that power generators were selling below cost. This meant they cut power output at a time when an economic recovery is driving factories to consume a lot more electricity. In late September, China’s state planner, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), urged miners and power companies to sign additional long-term contracts to guarantee the thermal coal supply. This week, dozens of coal mines in Inner Mongolia were told to boost their production by more than half. Click here to read…

EU Commission should buy gas on behalf of member states, Spanish PM suggests as solution to spiralling energy prices

Spain’s prime minister has proposed that the European Commission (EC) negotiate gas contracts on behalf of all EU member states in order to strengthen cooperation amid soaring gas prices on the global marketplace. Speaking on Oct 06, Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez proposed a novel solution to the spiralling cost of gas in Europe, suggesting the EU’s executive body could buy on its member states’ behalf. “The proposal our government is making is that the EU Commission negotiate on behalf of all 27 member states,” Sanchez told reporters after an EU summit held in Slovenia. “Then what we propose is a strengthened cooperation, in which the countries who want it can join and the Commission would negotiate.” Sanchez added that this proposal involved the EC negotiating in collaboration with private companies. The concept has been backed by Italy. Earlier on Oct 06, the EU said it would review the way the bloc’s power market is organized and consider a revamp of the regulations. On Oct 06, European gas prices reached record highs, rising sharply to above $1,900 per 1,000 cubic meters, equivalent to $186 per megawatt-hour in household terms. Click here to read…

Energy crunch: Qatar says LNG production ‘maxed out’

Qatar, the world’s largest seller of liquefied natural gas (LNG), told consumers it was powerless to cool energy prices as steelmakers in the United Kingdom said they could be forced to halt output in the face of soaring costs. The global rebound in economic activity after the easing of coronavirus lockdowns has laid bare a shortage of natural gas stocks and other fuel supplies, squeezing consumer budgets and causing blackouts in some countries. To keep factories open and homes heated, industry executives and governments are having to pay much more for energy and revert to coal and oil, the most polluting fossil fuels. As some generators switched to burning oil, crude futures jumped to multi-year highs on Oct 11, with analysts predicting that prices will stay strong.LNG prices, which sank to record lows at the height of pandemic lockdowns, have surged this year to record highs, but Qatar said it has no supplies available to calm the market. “We are maxed out, as far as we have given all our customers their due quantities,” said Qatar Minister of Energy Saad al-Kaabi. “I am unhappy about gas prices being high.”Across the globe, the high prices are pressuring governments and industry, which has warned of the risk of job losses and costs being passed on to customers and consumers. Click here to read…

Afghan food prices soar as imports from Pakistan squeezed

Food prices are spiralling in Afghanistan as the local currency plummets under selling pressure and imports from Pakistan decline steeply due to a U.S. dollar shortage that prevents traders making payments. Zia-ul-Haq Sarhadi, vice president of the Pakistan-Afghanistan Joint Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PAJCCI), told Nikkei Asia that food shipments from Pakistan to Afghanistan have reduced to a trickle largely because of the Taliban limiting weekly bank withdrawals to $200 — about 20,000 Afghanis. According to Sarhadi, only cement shipments paid for before the Taliban returned to Kabul are crossing the border at Torkham, Pakistan’s northwest border post with Afghanistan. He told Nikkei that less than 200 trucks were coming across each day compared to more than 1,000 a few weeks ago. The Taliban’s withdrawal caps are meant to prevent a currency flight while the U.S. continues to block access to Afghanistan’s dollar reserves of around $9.5 billion in American banks. The IMF and the World Bank have also stopped dollar-denominated aid, which amounted to around 43% of gross domestic product (GDP) in 2020. Click here to read…

Hong Kong to build 1m homes near China border to speed integration

Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam has announced plans to create a new “metropolis” of up to 2.5 million people near the border with mainland China, looking to tie the former British colony closer to neighbouring cities to boost regional development and tackle a chronic housing shortage. In the fifth and final annual policy address of her term on Oct 06, Lam defended the national security law and political overhaul imposed by Beijing in the wake of widespread antigovernment protests in 2019, emphasizing the need to strengthen pride in and loyalty to China for Hong Kong’s long-term prosperity. The new “Northern Metropolis” would cover nearly 300 sq. km along the city’s border with Shenzhen. Envisaged as an international information and technology hub, it would include up to 926,000 apartments and a new rail link to Shenzhen’s Qianhai district. Beijing last month announced plans to expand the area of the Qianhai zone, where it has been experimenting with financial and other reforms, by eight times to boost integration with Hong Kong. Click here to read…

Pakistan and China unveil ambitious plan to develop Karachi coast

In an ambitious turn, Pakistan and China have agreed to develop the Karachi coast, possibly shifting away from Gwadar as the center stage of the Belt and Road project in Pakistan, following ongoing problems at the south-western province of Balochistan. A memorandum of understanding was signed for the Karachi Coastal Comprehensive Development Zone project during the recently held 10th Joint Cooperation Committee meeting of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, or CPEC, after a gap of almost two years. Based on details shared by Pakistan, China will invest $3.5 billion, separately confirmed by a Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson, in the project which includes adding new berths to Karachi port, developing a new fisheries port and a 640-hectare trade zone on the western backwater marshland of the Karachi Port Trust. The project also envisages building a harbor bridge connecting the port with the nearby Manora islands. Gwadar has proved to be a problematic area for Chinese investment. In August, a suicide bombing targeting a vehicle carrying Chinese nationals in the area killed two children and wounded three. Separatist militants have waged a long-running insurgency in Balochistan. Click here to read…

HSBC boss Noel Quinn: Complex geopolitical landscape a ‘fact of life’ for global banks

Navigating a complex geopolitical landscape that includes financial sanctions is a “fact of life” for international banks and one that can continue to be managed in today’s charged environment, according to Noel Quinn, the CEO of HSBC. There remains a need for financial institutions, such as HSBC that can act as bridge between East and West for commerce and trade, said Quinn in a wide-ranging keynote session at the Sibos 2021 conference. “Our clients still want to be international. They still have needs on a global basis and they’re asking us to help them with those global needs,” Quinn said. “My job is to help this organisation navigate those geopolitics, be very focused on helping our clients navigate their business model needs and remaining focused on the long term, not just the short term.” As Hong Kong’s biggest currency-issuing lender, London-based HSBC has found itself caught in the middle of rising tensions between China and the United States in the past three years, from the arrest of Huawei Technologies chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou to the implementation of a controversial national security law for Hong Kong last year. Click here to read…

China’s Xinjiang faces hidden risk from debt-heavy XPCC, with spending tipped to rise after US withdrawal from Afghanistan

Spending on public security and poverty reduction in China’s Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region is expected to increase after the US withdrawal from Afghanistan, but indebted state-owned enterprises (SOEs), including the sprawling Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (XPCC), are already putting pressure on local government finances. Washington has targeted Chinese officials and Xinjiang-based companies, including XPCC, for what it alleges are serious human rights abuses in the region – something Beijing has repeatedly denied. XPCC is at the heart of international tensions over Xinjiang because of its influential position in the local economy and its central role in ensuring social stability and security. Established in 1954, XPCC – which is also known as “Bingtuan” – operates as a business and paramilitary entity. Today, it controls at least 20 per cent of Xinjiang’s gross domestic product (GDP), with cotton one of its most important goods, and has about 2.7 million members, accounting for 12 per cent of the region’s total population. But the organisation’s massive spending on projects ranging from poverty alleviation and surveillance to re-education camps to counter “religious extremism” make it a potential contingent risk for the Xinjiang government, some observers say. Click here to read…

Japan’s new PM Fumio Kishida defends pro-nuclear stance in parliamentary debut

Japan’s new Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on Oct 11 defended his pronuclear energy policies, saying that restarting nuclear power plants mothballed since the 2011 Fukushima disaster was vital. Energy became a key issue during the ruling Liberal Democratic Party’s (LDP) recent leadership race, during which Kishida beat Taro Kono, a former vaccine minister who had spoken out against nuclear energy, to become prime minister. “It’s crucial that we restart nuclear power plants,” Kishida said as he faced opposition questions in parliament for the first time since becoming prime minister last week. Kishida was responding to questions from Yukio Edano, leader of the main opposition Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan (CDPJ), on the government’s policy for sustainable energy and if nuclear power would be part of the plan. Nuclear energy has been contentious in Japan, especially since a 2011 earthquake off the coast triggered a tsunami that smashed into a nuclear power plant in the Fukushima region north of Tokyo, causing one of the world’s worst nuclear accidents. All of Japan’s nuclear power plants were shut down after the disaster, which highlighted failings in regulation and oversight. While some reactors have been coming back on stream, most remain shut. Click here to read…

Global tax deal seeks to end havens, criticized for ‘no teeth’

A group of 136 countries on Oct 08 set a minimum global tax rate of 15% for big companies and sought to make it harder for them to avoid taxation in a landmark deal that U.S. President Joe Biden said levelled the playing field. The deal aims to end a four-decade-long “race to the bottom” by setting a floor for countries that have sought to attract investment and jobs by taxing multinational companies lightly, effectively allowing them to shop around for low tax rates. The 15% floor agreed to is, however, well below a corporate tax rate which averages around 23.5% in industrialized countries. Some developing countries that had wanted a higher rate said their interests had been sidelined to accommodate richer nations, while NGOs criticized the deal’s many exemptions, with Oxfam saying it effectively had “no teeth.” The accord also promises to be a tough sell in Washington, where a group of Republican U.S. senators sent a letter to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen saying they had serious concerns. Negotiations have been going on for four years, with the deal finally agreed when Ireland, Estonia and Hungary dropped their opposition and signed up. Click here to read…

Thanks to sanctions, Iran loses foreign investors

As the Raisi administration continues to refuse to chart a clear path for the resumption of the stalled nuclear talks with world powers in Vienna, and the removal of the daunting sanctions on Iran remain improbable, things are getting worse for the average Iranian. The naked truth about the oil-rich country is the unchecked entrenchment of poverty has been worsened by the government’s soaring budget deficit and the withdrawal of foreign investors who once helped prop up different sectors of the economy. In 2019, and in a bid to incentivize the influx of foreign capital and resources into Iran, the moderate Rouhani administration proposed an initiative whereby international investors lending credit to Iranian banks and financial institutions worth $250,000 or more or investing a similar amount in Iran’s infrastructural and industrial projects, would be granted five-year residency permits as well as other educational, healthcare, employment benefits and public services. Now, in a rare admission of the failure of the ambitious plan, Iran’s deputy minister of interior Babak Dinparast revealed in late September that after more than two years, “not even a single” foreign investor has signed up to benefit from the scheme, and that it hasn’t paid off as first thought. Click here to read…

New plan to bolster China’s standard-setting ability in crucial technologies

China aims to boost standard-setting in many crucial technological sectors, including high-speed rail, new-energy and smart vehicles and robots, as part of efforts to bolster innovation, opening-up and high-quality growth, according to a development plan jointly issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council, the cabinet, released on Oct 10. Analysts said the plan is conducive to China’s strategy of high-quality development, and it will make China’s standardization work more internationalized. It will also pave the way for a greater role for Chinese companies in the global markets once the issue of differences among standards is ironed out, they said. By 2035, China’s standardization work will be an open and integrated system driven by market forces and guided by the government, with full participation by companies and the public. The development plan calls for scientific and research fruits in 50 percent of all projects concerned with shared key technologies and applied science and technology, and for the time required for setting national standards to be reduced to under 18 months from currently two years. Click here to read…

Economics Nobel honours ‘natural experiments’, from minimum wage to migration

Economists David Card, Joshua Angrist and Guido Imbens won the 2021 Nobel economics prize on Oct 11 for pioneering “natural experiments” to show real-world economic impacts in areas from minimum wage increases in the U.S. fast-food sector to migration from Castro-era Cuba. Unlike in medicine or other sciences, economists cannot conduct rigidly controlled clinical trials. Instead, natural experiments use real-life situations to study impacts on the world, an approach that has spread to other social sciences. “Their research has substantially improved our ability to answer key causal questions, which has been of great benefit to society,” says Peter Fredriksson, chair of the Economic Sciences Prize Committee. Past Nobel Economics prizes have been dominated by U.S. institutions and this was no exception. Canada-born Card currently works at the University of California, Berkeley; Angrist, a dual U.S. and Israeli citizen, at Massachusetts Institute of Technology; and Dutch-born Imbens at Stanford University. Click here to read…


13th round of India-China Corps Commander Level Meeting

The 13th round of India-China Corps Commander Level Meeting was held at Chushul-Moldo border meeting point on 10th October 2021. During the meeting the discussions between the two sides focussed on resolution of the remaining issues along the LAC in Eastern Ladakh. The Indian side pointed out that the situation along the LAC had been caused by unilateral attempts of Chinese side to alter the status quo and in violation of the bilateral agreements. It was therefore necessary that the Chinese side take appropriate steps in the remaining areas so as to restore peace and tranquillity along the LAC in the Western Sector. This would also be in accord with the guidance provided by the two Foreign Ministers in their recent meeting in Dushanbe where they had agreed that the two sides should resolve the remaining issues at the earliest. The Indian side emphasised such resolution of the remaining areas would facilitate progress in the bilateral relations. During the meeting, the Indian side therefore made constructive suggestions for resolving the remaining areas, but the Chinese side was not agreeable and also could not provide any forward-looking proposals. Click here to read…

Tsai says Taiwan will not bow to Chinese pressure

President Tsai Ing-wen said Oct 10 that Taiwan won’t bow to pressure to give up its sovereignty, a day after Chinese President Xi Jinping vowed to bring the democratic island under Beijing’s control. “The more we achieve, the greater the pressure we face from China,” Tsai said during a national holiday speech to an audience of thousands outside the presidential building in Taipei. “We hope for an easing of cross-strait relations and will not act rashly, but there should be absolutely no illusions that the Taiwanese people will bow to pressure.” Taiwan faces a growing threat from China, but the world is waking up to the island’s importance as a democratic partner on the front lines of Beijing’s authoritarian expansion, Tsai said. She pointed to the recent and ongoing dismantling of democracy and civil liberties in Hong Kong as proof of Beijing’s threat to free societies. “I want to remind all my fellow citizens that we do not have the privilege of letting down our guard,” Tsai said. Later in the day, China’s Taiwan Affairs Office denounced Tsai’s speech, saying it incited confrontation and distorted facts, according to Reuters. Click here to read…

French senators meet with Taiwan’s Tsai at tense time

A group of French senators visiting Taiwan as part of a regular parliamentary exchange met with President Tsai Ing-wen on Oct 07 morning during a trip that comes in a particularly tense moment between Taiwan and China.Tsai spoke briefly before their meeting, giving France’s former defense minister, Alain Richard, the Order of Propitious Clouds, a distinction recognizing “his contributions to Taiwan-France relations.” She thanked him for leading an effort in the French Senate to pass a resolution in support of allowing Taiwan to participate in international organizations like the World Health Organization.China tried to discourage the French senators’ visit, with its embassy in France saying ahead of the trip that it would undermine China-France relations.Richard along with the three other senators also plan to meet Taiwanese economic and health officials and the Mainland Affairs Council on their five-day visit. This is the third visit to Taiwan for Richard, a former French defense minister, who previously visited Taiwan in 2015 and 2018. He heads the Taiwan Friendship group in the French Senate.The senators’ trip is a recurrent one that French lawmakers make as part of the Taiwan Friendship group; especially as new senators are elected every three years. Click here to read…

U.S. does not deny involvement in training Taiwan troops

The U.S. has not denied reports that it has sent troops to train military forces in Taiwan for at least a year, working to bolster the island’s ability to defend itself amid growing concerns of an armed conflict with China.Marines and a special operations unit have been training ground and maritime forces there on rotational deployments, the Wall Street Journal reported Oct 07. A Pentagon spokesman did not deny the training of Taiwan’s forces when asked, declining to comment on “specific operations, engagements or training.”China “has stepped up efforts to intimidate and pressure Taiwan, including increasing military activities conducted in the vicinity of Taiwan … which we believe are destabilizing and increase the risk of miscalculation,” the spokesman said. This move toward signalling U.S. involvement in Taiwan’s defense seems intended to curb recent provocations by China that have ratcheted up tensions around the Taiwan Strait. “My understanding is that the United States has been doing training like this for many years. We just don’t publicize it,” a former senior U.S. military official said. The Pentagon had dismissed similar reports last November of planned exercises involving U.S. Marines in southern Taiwan as “inaccurate.” Click here to read…

Malaysia summons Chinese ambassador over South China Sea vessels

The Malaysian government summoned China’s ambassador to formally protest alleged encroachment into its South China Sea waters by Chinese vessels, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on Oct 05. Despite overt displays of warm ties earlier this year, Putrajaya registered its strong objection in a meeting with Ambassador Ouyang Yujing on Oct 04. The ministry said it had detected the presence of Chinese vessels, including a survey ship, in Malaysia’s exclusive economic zone off the coasts of its Bornean states. “Malaysia’s consistent position and actions are based on international law, in defense of our sovereignty and sovereign rights in our waters,” the ministry said in a statement. “In determining Malaysia’s position and course of action with regard to the South China Sea issue, which is complex and involves inter-state relations, Malaysia’s national interests will remain of paramount importance.” The flare-up in the dispute takes the new Malaysian government of Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob into difficult territory. While standing by its maritime rights, Kuala Lumpur has sought positive relations with China of late, including in the fight against COVID-19. Click here to read…

CIA creates working group on China as threats keep rising

The CIA said Oct 07 it will create a top-level working group on China as part of a broad U.S. government effort focused on countering Beijing’s influence.The group will become one of fewer than a dozen mission centres operated by the CIA, with weekly director-level meetings intended to drive the agency’s strategy toward China. China is an especially difficult challenge for the U.S. intelligence community given the insularity of its Communist Party leadership, its large military and security services and its development in advanced technologies that can counter spying. In a statement Oct 07, CIA Director William Burns called the Chinese government “the most important geopolitical threat we face in the 21st century.” “Throughout our history, CIA has stepped up to meet whatever challenges come our way,” Burns said. “And now facing our toughest geopolitical test in a new era of great power rivalry, CIA will be at the forefront of this effort.”As part of agency reorganization, the CIA will fold mission centres on Iran and North Korea into existing groups covering each country’s respective region. Both country-specific mission centres were created during President Donald Trump’s administration. Click here to read…

Biden and Xi explore ‘recoupling’ as advisers meet in Zurich

U.S. President Joe Biden’s national security adviser Jake Sullivan will travel to Switzerland to meet China’s top diplomat Yang Jiechi, the White House announced Oct 05, a sign that the two sides are seeking to lower the temperature after years of rising tensions. Bloomberg reported Oct 05 that Chinese diplomats have informed their G-20 counterparts that Xi does not currently plan to attend the summit in Italy. But a potential trip to an African forum could provide an opening for a Biden-Xi Rome summit. China is preparing to hold the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) in Senegal in the first week of November. Eight months into his presidency, and after a bruising exit from Afghanistan, Biden is seeking a new phase of “relentless diplomacy.” His trade representative Katherine Tai told the Washington think tank Center for Strategic and International Studies on Oct 05 that the administration will be looking for a “recoupling” with China rather than decoupling. At the Zurich meeting, the two sides “will follow up on President Biden’s Sept. 9 call with President Xi as we continue to seek to responsibly manage the competition between the United States and the People’s Republic of China,” the White House statement said. Click here to read…

As US returns to the UN Human Rights Council, it confronts an increasingly forceful China

The latest US effort to challenge China’s expanding global footprint will take place on Oct 06 when Washington is expected to return to the United Nations Human Rights Council at a time when Beijing is working overtime to blunt criticism over its crackdown in Xinjiang and revamp the UN in line with its world view. But Washington faces risks, added Limon, a former British diplomat at the council from 2006 to 2012. “China is now the biggest player in town, has exploited the vacuum, upped their game and introduced a lot of initiatives to try and give a Chinese flavour to things.” The US left the council in 2018 under former president Donald Trump, a vocal sceptic of multilateral organisations. The Biden administration has prioritised returning, arguing that democracies must confront authoritarian states at the UN and elsewhere in concert with partners and allies. In theory, nations on the 47-seat Geneva-based council are elected. In reality, seats are often determined in advance within geographical blocs, frequently involving “back room deals, closed slates, and secret ballots”, according to a Brookings Institution report. The 18 seats up for election on Wednesday are uncontested, and Italy has relinquished its seat for the US. Click here to read…

Taliban calls for improved ‘diplomatic relations’ with US after ‘candid talks’ in Doha, welcomes humanitarian aid

The Taliban has said that the US agreed to provide humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan, insisting it should come with no strings attached after talks in Qatar. Washington called the meeting “candid” and “professional. In a statement released in the wake of two-day talks with US officials in Doha, Qatar, the Taliban said that the US promised to “give humanitarian assistance to Afghans” and “provide facilities for other humanitarian organizations to deliver aid.” The US delegation and representatives of the Taliban discussed “all relevant issues” during the meeting that took place over the weekend, the group said, without elaborating further. Despite US President Joe Biden’s administration refusal to recognize the Taliban as Afghanistan’s legitimate government, the group said that it was ready to mend relations with Washington. The US State Department struck a similarly optimistic tone, describing the talks as “candid and professional,” but added that the US was not taking the Taliban at its word. In a statement that was short on detail, State Department spokesman Ned Price said that the “security and terrorism concerns,” the evacuation of stranded American citizens and allies, as well as women’s rights, dominated the agenda of the meeting. Click here to read…

U.S. F-35B jets used in test for MSDF’s future aircraft carrier

U.S. F-35B fighter jets took off from and landed on the Maritime Self-Defense Force’s destroyer Izumo in a test off the Shikoku region on Oct. 3, the Defense Ministry said Oct. 5.The ministry plans to convert the helicopter-carrying destroyer into an aircraft carrier, and the test was designed to check the heat-resistance of the renovated deck. The F-35B is a stealth fighter capable of short takeoffs and vertical landings. The ministry plans to deploy the aircraft to Air Self-Defense Force’s Nyutabaru Air Base in Miyazaki Prefecture. Defense Minister Nobuo Kishi revealed the test at an Oct. 5 news conference after the Cabinet meeting. It was the first time for F-35Bs to use an MSDF naval vessel for takeoffs and landings. The F-35Bs used in the test belong to the U.S. Marine Corps. “This will improve interoperability between Japan and the United States, leading to strengthened deterrence and responding abilities of the Japan-U.S. alliance,” Kishi said. At the end of 2018, the defense program outline and midterm defense program included plans to convert Izumo-type destroyers into virtual aircraft carriers to strengthen air defense on Japan’s Pacific side, where there are fewer airfields. Click here to read…

Muqtada al-Sadr set to win Iraq vote, former PM al-Maliki second

Shia Muslim religious leader Muqtada al-Sadr’s party is set to be the biggest winner in Iraq’s parliamentary election, increasing the number of seats he holds, according to initial results, officials and a spokesperson for the Sadrist Movement. Former Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki looked set to have the next largest win among Shia parties, the initial results showed on Oct 11. Iraq’s Shia groups have dominated governments and government formation since the US-led invasion of 2003 that toppled Sunni leader Saddam Hussein and catapulted the Shia majority and the Kurds to power. Oct 10’s election was held several months early, in response to mass protests in 2019 that toppled a government and showed widespread anger against political leaders whom many Iraqis said have enriched themselves at the expense of the country. But a record low turnout of 41 percent suggested that an election billed as an opportunity to wrest control from the ruling elite would do little to dislodge sectarian religious parties in power since 2003. Click here to read…

‘Looming disaster’: Oil ship leak threatens millions of Yemenis

A team of researchers from Stanford University, Harvard University, and UC Berkeley released the findings of their models on the impact of an oil spill from the FSO Safer in a paper published on Oct 11 in the Nature Sustainability journal. The researchers stressed urgent action was required to stop a “looming disaster” that would affect an estimated nine million people who would be without drinking water, and shut down Yemen’s main ports, thereby worsening the country’s humanitarian crisis. About 68 percent of humanitarian aid to Yemen enters through the ports of Hodeidah and Salif, which lie near to the stricken Safer, and more than half of Yemen’s population depends on humanitarian aid. “The spill and its potentially disastrous impacts remain entirely preventable through offloading the oil,” the study said. FSO Safer has not been maintained since the start of the conflict in Yemen in 2015, and negotiations between the United Nations and Yemen’s Houthi rebels, who control the ship and the area of Yemen’s coast nearest to it, remain at a standstill.However, it also contains 1.1 million barrels of oil, an amount that is four times the amount spilled in the world’s most environmentally damaging oil spill – the 1989 Exxon Valdez disaster. Click here to read…

ASEAN ministers weigh excluding Myanmar junta leader from summit: Envoy

Southeast Asian countries are discussing not inviting the head of Myanmar’s junta to a summit this month, due to the military’s failure to make progress on an agreed roadmap to restore peace in the strife-torn country, a regional envoy said onOct 06. The junta’s inaction on a five-point plan it agreed in April with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) was “tantamount to backtracking”, Erywan Yusof, the bloc’s special envoy to Myanmar, told a news conference. Erywan, the second foreign minister of ASEAN chair Brunei, said the junta had not directly responded to his requests to meet detained former leader Aung San Suu Kyi, whose government was overthrown in a Feb 1 coup led by military chief Min Aung Hlaing. Myanmar has been in turmoil since the coup, which ended a decade of tentative democracy and prompted outrage at home and abroad at the return of military rule. Click here to read…

Germany: SPD, Greens and FDP resume coalition talks after tight election

Germany’s election-winning Social Democratic Party (SPD) kicked off a second round of “in-depth exploratory coalition talks” with the third-place Greens and fourth-place Free Democratic Party (FDP) in Berlin on Oct 11 morning. The three parties previously met Oct 07 and scheduled 10 hours of negotiations for Oct 11. Four more hours of talks have been scheduled for Oct 12 morning, before SPD chancellor candidate Olaf Scholz departs for a meeting of G20 finance ministers in Washington, DC. More talks between the leaders of the so-called “traffic light” coalition parties — a reference to their party colours — are set to take place on Oct 15 after Scholz returns to Berlin from the United States. No statements on the progress of the talks were expected on Oct 11, with all parties underscoring the need for discretion. Party representatives said they hope to present initial results toward the end of the week. Thus far, none of the negotiators have given details as to the state of talks, only that there are differences of opinion in a number of areas, the two most fundamental being finance and the environment. Click here to read…

Germany, France and Russia may hold summit on Ukraine conflict

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron spoke with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Russian President Vladimir Putin by phone on Oct 11 regarding a solution to the ongoing conflict in eastern Ukraine. Zelenskyy’s office said the four countries may soon meet for a summit on the conflict, in what is known as the Normandy format. The German and French governments have previously mediated between Russia and Ukraine as part of this diplomatic arrangement. The Kremlin also called for a summit on the conflict but did not mention whether Ukrainian officials would take part in the meetings. The Russian government said European leaders have asked their respective foreign ministers to “intensify their contacts” and work on the “difficult” situation in Ukraine. A concrete date for the meeting has not yet been determined, though Merkel spokesperson Steffen Seibert did confirm plans for the gathering. Merkel visited Ukraine and Russia in August and expressed hope that peace negotiations between Ukraine and pro-Russia separatists would continue after she left office. Click here to read…


China PCR test orders soared before first confirmed COVID case

Purchases of PCR tests in China’s Hubei Province surged months before the first official reports of a novel coronavirus case there according to a report by Australia-based Cybersecurity Company Internet 2.0. About 67.4 million yuan ($10.5 million at current rates) was spent on PCR tests in Hubei during 2019, nearly double the 2018 total, with the upswing starting in May, according to the report. Internet 2.0 collected and analyzed data from a website that aggregates information on public procurement bids in China. The analysis team consists of former officials from intelligence agencies in the U.S., the U.K., Australia, and other countries. The report casts further doubt on China’s official line about the origins of the virus, a topic that has fuelled tensions between Beijing and Washington. China’s foreign ministry has disputed the report’s findings. The report alleges the unusual uptick likely signals awareness of a new disease spreading in and around Wuhan, the capital of Hubei Province.Orders doubled from universities, jumped fivefold from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention and surged tenfold from animal testing bureaus. Purchases from hospitals declined by more than 10%. Click here to read…

Over 50 million people suffered from major depressive disorders in 2020 due to Covid-19 pandemic, new global study estimates

The coronavirus pandemic added to the burden of depressive and anxiety disorders in over 200 countries last year, a new study shows, saying the impact of Covid-19 has increased the number of depressed people by nearly a third. While “mental disorders were leading causes of the global health-related burden” even before the pandemic, the spread of the dreaded virus and subsequent restrictive measures to fight the disease have considerably added to the load, a study published in The Lancet medical journal on Oct 08 suggests. An extra 53.2 million cases — an increase of 27.6% — of major depressive disorders and 76.2 million cases of anxiety disorders have added to the number of people suffering from mental health issues, according to researchers. To measure the pandemic’s impact on any given area, the team analyzed daily SARS-CoV-2 infection rates, restrictions on human mobility, and daily excess mortality rates. It turned out that the locations hit hardest based on the first two criteria corresponded to those with a documented spike in depressive and anxiety disorders, with the study concluding that increasing infections and decreasing mobility are “significantly associated” with worsening mental health. Click here to read…

WHO backs Covid-19 booster jab for people with weak immune systems

The World Health Organization has recommended booster shots for people with weak immune systems as they are less likely to respond adequately to the standard course of vaccinations. On Oct 11, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) vaccine advisory group said that people with compromised immune systems should be given a Covid-19 booster shot. “Moderately and severely immune-compromised persons should be offered an additional dose,” the WHO’s Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization said. “These individuals are less likely to respond adequately to vaccination following a standard primary vaccine series and are at high risk of severe Covid-19,” they added. The WHO has previously warned developed nations against administering booster shots, claiming that they should be focusing on sharing their vaccines with poorer nations around the world to ensure a larger proportion of the global population is inoculated. Last week, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) recommended that people with a weak immune system receive a third dose of either the Pfizer or Moderna Covid-19 vaccine. Click here to read…

Africa Now – Weekly Newsletter (Week 41, 2021)

Welcome to Africa Now, your weekly newsletter for Africa, presenting the most important developments in the continent – news that matters.


Sudan-South Sudan Rapprochement and Its Implications for the Region and Beyond

After a decade-long impasse, the borders between Sudan and South Sudan reopened on 1st October, 2021. With this first step of rapprochement, two countries can now slowly advance towards stabilizing the ties between them. Click here to read…


Macron seeks to rejuvenate relationship with Africa at summit

The summit comes just as France’s influence in the former colonial power’s historic turf is increasingly contested, and amid parallel crises in relations between Paris and both Mali and Algeria. Click here to read…

Upcoming Africa-Turkey summit announced, to further strengthen relations

AU Commission Chairperson Moussa Faki Mahamat’s visit has put an end to the suspense as it has been decided that the Turkey-Africa summit will be held in December in Istanbul. Click here to read…

Libya ready for polls despite disputes over laws

The presidential and parliamentary votes were initially set for the same day but on Tuesday parliament announced that the legislative elections, first since 2014, would be postponed until January. Click here to read…

Egypt threatens to send military to remove encroachments along Nile

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi threatened to resort to the army to confront in tandem with mounting fears by the Egyptian government that its share of the Nile water will be prejudiced by the escalating Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam crisis. Click here to read…

Algeria calls for Morocco withdrawal from Western Sahara

Algeria, the main backer of the Polisario Front, called Thursday for the withdrawal of Moroccan forces from the Guerguerat buffer zone in Western Sahara. Click here to read…

In Major Breakthrough, WHO Backs Malaria Vaccine Rollout for Africa’s Children

The WHO recommendation is for RTS,S – or Mosquirix – a vaccine developed by British drugmaker GlaxoSmithKline. This is a vaccine developed in Africa by African scientists and we’re very proud,” said WHO director-general. Click here to read…

From ‘Hotel Rwanda’ hero to convicted ‘terrorist’ — the story of Paul Rusesabagina

Rusesabagina, leader of opposition in exile against Rwanda President Paul Kagame and celebrated for saving lives during 1994 Rwanda Genocide, was sentenced to 25 years in prison this month. Click here to read…

Morocco names new government

Morocco’s King Mohammed VI named a new government on Thursday after last month’s election. The new finance minister, Nadia Alaoui, who was tourism minister in the previous gov’t, will be one of seven women in the cabinet. Click here to read…


In India and Japan’s vision, Kenya key to Indo-Pacific

For India, Kenya is a key partner in East Africa and in the Western Indian Ocean region. With Kenya demonstrating greater interest, India could perhaps engage Kenya in an Indo-Pacific framework. Click here to read…

Seychelles connection

It’s a cause for concern that the name of a former Director General of Military Intelligence, Lt Gen Rakesh Kumar Loomba (retd), who also served as the General Officer Commanding of 3 Corps, has cropped up in the Pandora Papers. Click here to read…

Indian chemicals firm UPL asked to pay for forum on South Africa pollution

UPL has been accused by the department of illegally storing hazardous chemicals that were released into a residential area and a river system. Click here to read…

Mauritius ex-PM gets new life at AIIMS

If I am alive today, it is because of the doctors and nurses at AIIMS and the government of India, an emotional former prime minister of Mauritius, Navinchandra Ramgoolam. Click here to read…

Indian Air Force to take part in exercises in Israel, Egypt

IAF will be participating in exercises with Israel and Egypt later this month. This comes as increased engagement has been seen between Indian defence forces and West Asian counterparts. Click here to read…

China: Daily Scan, October 11, 2021

China to boost energy supply to ensure people’s basic living needs, stable economic performance: Xinhuanet
October 8, 2021

China will take further steps to ensure electricity and coal supply this winter and next spring, to ensure people’s basic living needs and keep economic performance stable, the State Council’s Executive Meeting chaired by Premier Li Keqiang decided on Friday. With surging prices of energy products on international markets since the start of the year, the domestic supply of electricity and coal has been tight, and some places had to ration electricity supply recently. In response, competent departments have taken a raft of measures to shore up energy supply. Click here to read…

Xi expounds on what past 110 years have shown to Chinese since 1911 Revolution: Xinhuanet
October 9, 2021

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Saturday expounded on what the past 110 years have shown to the Chinese people since the Revolution of 1911 while addressing a meeting marking the 110th anniversary of the historical event. “The past 110 years have shown us that to realize national rejuvenation, the Chinese people must have a strong force to lead us forward, and that force is the Communist Party of China (CPC),” said Xi, also general secretary of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission. Click here to read…

Roads for testing self-driving vehicles in Beijing stretch over 1,000 km: Xinhuanet
October 8, 2021

A total of 278 roads stretching more than 1,027 km in Beijing have been opened for self-driving vehicle tests as of September end, according to Beijing Innovation Center for Mobility Intelligent (BICMI). Among these roads, 19 are able to conduct night tests, totaling more than 190 km. Click here to read…

Yan Jinhai appointed acting chairman of Tibet: Xinhuanet
October 9, 2021

Yan Jinhai was appointed deputy chairman and acting chairman of southwest China’s Tibet Autonomous Region on Friday.The appointment came at the 33rd session of the standing committee of the 11th Tibet Autonomous Regional People’s Congress. The resignation of the region’s former chairman, Qizhala, was accepted at the session. Click here to read…

Former vice governor of Shanxi prosecuted for bribery, power abuse: Xinhuanet
October 9, 2021

Liu Xinyun, former vice governor of north China’s Shanxi Province, was charged with taking bribes and power abuse, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate (SPP) said Saturday. The Langfang Municipal People’s Procuratorate in north China’s Hebei Province was designated by the SPP to handle Liu’s case. According to prosecutors, Liu took advantage of his positions to seek illicit profit for others and accepted an enormous amount of money and gifts in return. Click here to read…

Border accusation against Chinese soldiers fabricated, says official: China Military
October 11, 2021

Recent reports in Indian media that Chinese soldiers had been detained for “crossing the border “are purely fabricated, a Chinese military source said on Saturday. The source said that Chinese border troops conducted a routine patrol on Sept 28 in the Dongzhang area on the Chinese side of the Sino-Indian border and encountered “unreasonable obstruction” from the Indian military. The Chinese officers and soldiers took resolute countermeasures and returned after the patrol was completed. Click here to read…

China to provide better education for veterans: China Daily
October 9, 2021

Seven Chinese authorities have jointly issued a directive to improve vocational education for veterans and help them strengthen their capabilities of starting a career or their own business after leaving the military.The directive calls for building an education and training system for veterans. It should comprise adaptability training, vocational skills training, formal education with qualifications, and life-long learning mechanisms. Local governments will take their lead and support from this society. Click here to read…

Over 17 percent of children, adolescents suffer from mental disorders in China, says survey: Global Times
October 10, 2021

A nine-year epidemiological survey starting from 2012 shows about 17.5 percent of children and adolescents in China suffer from mental disorders and experts said many patients have missed the optimal treatment period due to a lack of knowledge of mental health and a sense of shame of their patients and family members. The survey, the first national epidemiological survey of mental disorders of children and adolescents in China, was carried out among 73,000 children and adolescents aged between six and 16, based on epidemiological investigation and data analysis from over nine years of scientific research. Click here to read…

India made unreasonable demands, China says after failed border talks: South China Morning Post
October 11, 2021

China has accused India of making unreasonable demands in their latest round of talks as the two neighbours continued to blame each other for the latest flashpoints on their disputed border.Long Shaohua, spokesman for China’s Western Theatre Command, made the claim after the 13th round of commander-level talks between the two militaries, held on Sunday in Moldo, on the Chinese side of the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in eastern Ladakh. Click here to read…

China wants to incentivise people to have three kids, but young people don’t even want to get married: South China Morning Post
October 9, 2021

Chinese authorities have realised that young people do not want to get married, and have babies that traditionally come with starting a family. Despite a public push to incentivise young adults to start a family – including an overhaul of family planning policies to allow people to have three children – a new survey suggests the marriage rate will only fall in the coming years. The survey, organised by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, found that more than one-third of nearly 3,000 respondents “did not want to enter a relationship” and were uncertain if their opinion would ever change. Click here to read…

Dozens arrested in China over public medical insurance scam: South China Morning Post
October 9, 2021

Dozens of employees of a private hospital in southwestern China have been arrested, accused of defrauding a public medical insurance scheme of more than 10 million yuan (US$1.55 million), according to Chinese media. In all, 47 employees, including the director of Mintai Hospital in Xuanhan county, Sichuan province, were detained, suspected of falsifying medical records and accounts to cover operating costs, shareholder dividends and marketing expenses, China Business News reported. Click here to read…

China proposes adding cryptocurrency mining to ‘negative list’ of industries: Reuters
October 9, 2021

China has added cryptocurrency mining to a draft list of industries in which investment is restricted or prohibited, although it reduced the number of sectors on the list overall, a document released by the state planner showed on Friday. The “negative list” details sectors and industries that are off-limits to both Chinese and foreign investors. Click here to read…

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest: October 11, 2021


Intl Recognition Being Discussed by Islamic Emirate, US: Mujahid: Tolo News

On Friday a high-level delegation of the Islamic Emirate left Kabul for Doha to attend a two-day meeting with US officials. Click here to read…

Dollar Smuggling Out of Afghanistan Increases: Money Changers: Tolo News

They said that “millions of Pakistani rupees” are brought in to Kandahar from Pakistan and are exchanged to US dollars and are taken back to the neighboring country. Click here to read…

US, Islamic Emirate Delegations to Meet in Doha: Tolo News

The high-level US delegation will include officials from the State Department, USAID and the US intelligence community. Click here to read…

Taliban transfer to Finance ministry nearly USD$18 million seized from previous government’s officials: The Khaama Press

Officials of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan said that they transferred nearly USD$18 million from the central bank of Afghanistan-De Afghanistan Bank- to the ministry of finance on Sunday, October 10. Click here to read…

Taliban to continue issuance previous government’s e-NIDs: The Khaama Press

The caretaker cabinet of the Taliban has decided to go with the same electronic National IDs that used to be issued by the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. Click here to read…


Country to get another nuclear power plant- Daily Star

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina yesterday said the government might set up another nuclear power plant in the southern region to meet the increasing demand for electricity. Click here to read…

Biggest hike in LPG price to date- Daily Star

The liquefied petroleum gas, which has progressively become the fuel of choice for cooking and running vehicles, has become 22 percent dearer. Click here to read…

Child marriage in pandemic: A scourge returns on tiptoe- Daily Star

The grim picture unfurled when schools across the country reopened on September 12, after around a year and half, and teachers noticed many of their students did not return to their classrooms. Click here to read…

‘It is important for Bangladesh to engage with India at the state as well as central level’- Dhaka Tribune

Indian High Commissioner Vikram Doraiswami points out that due to the power given to states under the Indian constitution, it makes sense for Bangladesh to also build relationships at the state as well as the national level. Click here to read…

Narcotics department bringing courier services under scanner- Dhaka Tribune

Government wants drug detection machines at courier offices, greater scrutiny of senders and couriers. Click here to read…

Media in crisis globally- Asian Age

Two journalists have been awarded Nobel Peace Prize 2021 who are Maria Ressa from Philippines and Dmitry Muratov from Russia. Click here to read…

Positivity rate comes down to 2.36%- Asian Age

Bangladesh on Sunday logged 481 coronavirus cases while the pathogen claimed14 lives overnight, Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) said in its routine daily statement. Click here to read…

Bangladesh becomes one of fastest growing economies in world: ICCB- Asian Age

Over the past five decades, Bangladesh has transformed itself from being a ‘Basket Case’ to one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Click here to read…

Rohingyas happy over UN engagement at Bhasan Char- The Observer

The Rohingya community on Sunday brought out a procession to celebrate the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the Bangladesh government and the United Nations on humanitarian services to Rohingyas relocated to Bhasan Char, says a press release. Click here to read…

BNP itself has no democracy: Quader- The Observer

Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader on Sunday said BNP is now looking for democracy in the country despite having no democracy within the party. Click here to read…


Bhutan is tapping into solar energy with its first grid-tied solar power plant- Daily Bhutan

Email Electricity in Bhutan is mostly generated from hydropower, a renewable energy source, unlike fossil-fuel driven power plants that are major contributors to carbon dioxide emissions worldwide. Click here to read…

What are the zhey dances in Bhutan?- Daily Bhutan

“Zhey” literally means “dance”, referring to a traditional folk dance of Bhutan. There is singing and dancing to tunes of rapid rhyme. Throughout the performance, the movements are rigorous and the dancers take firm steps as they gradually increase in pace. Click here to read…

Did Shingkhar hold country’s mega solar project to ransom?- Kuensel

The 30-megawatt solar plant at Shingkhar in Bumthang has been deferred indefinitely raising questions about the government’s seriousness to pursue the country’s ambitious alternate renewable energy aspirations. Click here to read…

Talking about mental health: First important step to cure- Kuensel

UNICEF’s report on the state of the world’s children calls for opportunities to promote good mental health for every child. Click here to read…

Urban agriculture initiative struggling to keep beneficiaries- Kuensel

Under the urban agriculture initiative, the Department of Agriculture plans to hand over underutilised land to new beneficiaries. Click here to read…

Bhutan announces reopening of entertainment centres in low-risk areas- Northeast Now

The Bhutan government on Sunday announced reopening of entertainment centres with immediate effect. Click here to read…


India resumes 2018 visa exemption agreement with Maldives – Hindustan Times

India has agreed to resume the 2018 visa exemption agreement with Maldives from October 15. Click here to read…

With tourist arrivals figure crossing 900,000-mark, Maldives inches closer to tourist arrivals target – Raajje

By Saturday, Maldives had welcomed a total of 905,817 arrivals, which is a 122.5 percent increase from the arrivals recorded in 2020, a sluggish year for Maldives tourism due to border-closure. Click here to read…

Cryptocurrency is not a legal tender: MMA – Edition

Maldives Monetary Authority (MMA) said that the Maldivian law does not allow for cryptocurrencies to be used for valid business transactions in the nation. Click here to read…

UNGA President Shahid concludes official visit to Maldives – Raajje

President of the 76th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) and Maldives Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdulla Shahid has concluded his first visit to the Maldives in his capacity as PGA. Click here to read…

SAARC Secretary General arrives in the Maldives – Avas

The Secretary General of South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), His Excellency Esala Ruwan Weerakoon arrived on Saturday on an introductory visit to the Maldives. Click here to read…

IMF cautions Maldives on money printing to stop rufiyaa fall as Sri Lanka wobbles – Economy Next

Maldives should not print money if they wanted to maintain their rufiyaa peg at 15.4 to the US dollar and try to raise funds from bonds and curtail capital spending, the International Monetary Fund has said as Sri Lanka struggles. Click here to read…


UN Fears Imminent Attacks by Myanmar Military in Volatile Areas – VoA News

The U.N. human rights office warns the deployment of troops and heavy weapons by the Myanmar military into Chin state, Central Sagaing and Magway regions over the past few weeks may portend an imminent attack in these areas. Click here to read…

South East Asia’s Media Outlets Can Play Significant Role In Solving Rohingya Refugee Crisis – OpEd – Eurasia Review

We know that media outlets have a strong role in solving any crisis in the world. The print media, social media and electronic media can do much. South East Asia’s media outlets can also play a strong role in solving a serious crisis in South East Asia and South Asia. Click here to read…

Dozens of junta-appointed administrators resign after threats from resistance fighters – Myanmar Now

Scores of local administrators across the country have left their posts in recent weeks after the underground National Unity Government (NUG) demanded they quit and resistance fighters threatened more assassinations of those who continue to serve the coup regime. Click here to read…

Bangladesh signs U.N. deal to help Rohingya refugees on island – Reuters

U.N. officials signed a deal with Bangladesh on Saturday to help provide basic services to thousands of Rohingya Muslim refugees who have been moved to camps on a remote island in the Bay of Bengal. Click here to read…

Myanmar army plans worry UN human rights office – Telegraph India

The UN human rights office said on Friday it is concerned the military in Myanmar could be preparing an imminent attack aimed at its opponents amid a build-up of heavy weapons and troops in areas of the country where theInternet has also been shut down. Click here to read…


There is consensus over Kalapani: Nepal ex-Minister- The Hindu

We are confident territorial dispute can be solved through dialogue, says former Foreign Minister Prakash Sharan Mahat. Click here to read…

China’s BRI in Nepal burdened with hollow promises as Rasuwagadhi border remains closed- Khabarhub

In what can be termed as a blatant violation of its own commitment, China has tightened its grip at the Rasuwagadhi-Kerung border point, which was brought into operation declaring it as a major international border under its ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Click here to read…

Pilgrimage stop in first stretch of revamped rail link to Nepal- Indian Express

Popular since the early 20th century, the rail link between Nepal and India is ready to resume on the neighbouring country’s first-ever broad gauge passenger service. Click here to read…

Industry minister Hamal puts in papers- Himalaya

Newly appointed Minister of Industry, Commerce, and Supplies Gajendra Bahadur Hamal resigned after media outlets and civil society members continued to accuse. Click here to read…

Three killed in Rupandehi police firing- Himalaya

Three persons were killed in police firing after squatters at Rupandehi’s Motipur Industrial Area clashed with police today. Click here to read…

Number of people leaving Kathmandu valley for Dashain up- Himalaya

The number of people leaving Kathmandu valley has started increasing as the greatest festival of Nepali Hindus, Bada Dashain, is approaching. Click here to read…

Congress lays claim to Bagmati chief minister seat- TKP

Coalition partners warn breach of agreement with CPN (Unified Socialist) could affect political alignment at the centre itself. Click here to read…

Global coal supply shortage may hit Nepal too, manufacturers say- KTP

They have warned prices of building materials could skyrocket during the peak construction season. Click here to read…

The start of the Anglo-Gorkha war- Nepali Times

Nepali Times reporter Alisha Sijapati spent a month retracing the Gorkha expansion beyond the Mahakali River more than 200 years ago to Garhwal, Kumaon and beyond. Click here to read…

Minister Ale directs NAC to implement e-ticketing- Republica

Minister for Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation Prem Bahadur Ale has directed the Nepal Airlines Corporation (NAC) to immediately implement the e-ticketing system. Click here to read…

Import of silver soared multifolds in first two months of current FY- Republica

Nepal’s import expense on silver surged multifolds in the first two months of the current fiscal year. Click here to read…

Dakshina counts every Dashain: 7 fun facts about the culture of getting/giving bucks with blessings- Online Khabar

Dashain, the most awaited festival of most Nepalis, is already here. Dashain is famous, and, at the same time, infamous for so many reasons Click here to read…

Why Nepal should prioritise improving girls’ access to education in the wake of Covid-19- Online Khabar

Today, the entire world, including Nepal, is celebrating International Day of the Girl Child 2021 with the theme ‘Digital generation. Our generation’. Click here to read…

Nine-Day Navadurga Dance Of Bhaktapur Begins- Rising Nepal

The nine-day special Navadurga dance of Bhaktapur will begin on Monday by performing specific rituals of various localities of Bhaktapur district and nearby areas. Click here to read…

HoR holding meeting today- KhbaraHub

A meeting of the House of Representatives (HoR) is taking place today. Click here to read…

Should Nepal Ratify the MCC Nepal Compact?- Diplomat

A U.S. grant of $500 million would give the fund-starved Nepali economy a shot in the arm. Click here to read…


PM Imran announces formation of Rehmatul-lil-Aalameen Authority: Dawn

The prime minister was addressing the Ashra-e-Rehmat-ul-Lil-Aalamin (PBUH) conference in Islamabad to kick off the ten-day celebration period till the 13th of Rabiul Awwal. Click here to read…

Afghan dispute overshadows desire for broad-based US-Pakistan ties: Dawn

After the latest round of talks in Islamabad on Friday, both the United States and Pakistan expressed their desire for reviving a broad-based relationship. Click here to read…

Linking snap elections with army reshuffle ‘unrealistic’: The Express Tribune

The ruling party denounced on Saturday Pakistan Democratic Movement’s (PDM) demand for early elections as “ridiculous”, Click here to read…

By-election in AJK: PTI, PPP retain seats in Mirpur, Kotli: The News

The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) and Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) retained their seats in the by-elections held for two constituencies of Azad Kashmir Legislative Assembly on Sunday. Click here to read…

Pak-IMF talks in Washington this week: The News

Pakistan and the IMF are scheduled to kick-start face-to-face policy level talks this week in Washington, DC, from October 13 to 15. Click here to read…

Sri Lanka

US assistance for Lankan lifesavers – The Island

The US Embassy in Colombo has taken an initiative to assist to enhance the first responders’ knowledge and skills among Lankan lifesavers. Click here to read…

President assures constitution will be amended and new electoral system introduced – Adaderana

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa today urged all Sri Lankans to extend their support to move the country forward accurately, under the notion of one country and one law without corruption. Click here to read…

Private sector borrowing hits record spike in August – Daily FT

Private sector borrowing has spiked to a record Rs. 134 billion in August, propelling the first eight months’ figure to Rs. 625 billion. Click here to read…

Oman, Sri Lanka mark 40th anniversary of relations – Times of Oman

Sri Lanka and Oman ODI cricket match began ahead of T20 World Cup with the commemoration of the 40th Anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries. Click here to read…

West Asia Round Up – September 2021


Afghanistan and emergence of Taliban on the centre stage remained a key concern and priority for the international community and major actors and which was equally reflected in the West Asian leaders’ interventions at the UNGA apart from their own regional and bilateral challenges.

In his first address to the United Nations General Assembly, Israeli PM Naftali Bennett claimed that Tehran had in recent years taken “a major leap forward” in its nuclear production capacity and ability to enrich weapons-grade uranium. “Iran’s nuclear weapon programme is at a critical point; all red lines have been crossed”. Iran on its part asked Tel Aviv to stop clandestine attacks on its nuclear facilities.

While US said that the window for Iran to return to JCPOA negotiations was fast closing the French officials asked Iran to return to talks with world powers over its 2015 nuclear deal to avoid a diplomatic escalation that could jeopardize the negotiations. The official also said Iran could not set new conditions before returning to the talks in Vienna as the terms on the table were clear.

Meanwhile, Tehran demanded US to unfreeze $10 bn for it to meet its exigencies as a goodwill gesture. Iranian officials said nuclear agreement “is no longer at the top of the regime’s priorities,” explaining that the Supreme National Security Council will determine the composition of the Iranian nuclear negotiating team. However, it is expected that the teams will return to negotiating table sooner that later.

According to the Director-General of Iran’s Trade Promotion Organisation (TPO)’s Office of Arabian and African Countries, Farzad Piltan, the Islamic Republic’s five Arab trade partners are Iraq with about $5.3 billion worth of exports, followed by the UAE with about $3.7 billion, Oman with exports worth $244 million, followed by Kuwait and Qatar. Piltan said China was Iran’s top export destination.

Iran also joined SCO as a full member

As the Jordan’s King Abdullah II in nearly a decade had his first telephone call with President Assad, mediated by Iraqi PM, Jordan fully reopened its main border crossing with Syria on Wednesday in a boost for the struggling economies of both countries. The move follows a push by Arab states to rehabilitate Syria, which they have shunned during its decade-long civil war. UAE was one of the first to re-establish ties with Damascus.

Sudan had a failed coup

Foreign Minister of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Prince Faisal bin Farhan al Saud visited India and met his counterpart Dr S Jaishankar as well as called on PM. This is the first ministerial visit from Saudi Arabia to India since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic. Both Ministers discussed all issues related to their bilateral relationship and regional and international issues of mutual interest. They reviewed the implementation of the Strategic Partnership Council Agreement signed between the two sides during the visit of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi to Saudi Arabia in October 2019. They expressed satisfaction at the meetings held under the Agreement and progress achieved. Both sides discussed further steps to strengthen their partnership in trade, investment, energy, defence, security, culture, consular issues, health care and human resources.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi had a telephone conversation with Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi H.H. Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan on September 3. Both leaders discussed regional issues of common concern. They agreed that there is no place for terrorism and extremism in the world and stressed the importance of international community standing together against such forces. PM conveyed his best wishes for the Expo 2020 starting October 1 in Dubai in which Indian Pavilion and presence will be remarkable. Later, United Arab Emirates and India have commenced their discussions on a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) which was announced during the visit of (Sept 27) of Dr. Thani Al Zeyoudi, Minister of State for Foreign Trade, who met India’s Minister of Commerce and Industry; Minister of Civil Aviation; Minister of Electronics and Information Technology; and Nirmala Sitharaman, Minister of Finance, where the potential for deepening ties in trade, investment, technology and aviation were discussed.

More details:
Interventions by West Asian Leaders during Annual General Debate at UN General Assembly

Saudi Arabia’s King Salman Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud during his speech at UN General Assembly mentioned that the foreign policy priorities of the Kingdom are peace, security, stability, supporting dialogue and peaceful solutions. The state is keen to set up conditions for development and achieve the aspirations of people for a better future in the region. Saudi Arabia insisted that it would remain the top international donor contributing US$ 800 million to poorer states to combat COVID-19 crisis. The King mentioned the importance of keeping the region free of weapons of mass destruction by supporting international efforts to halt Iran’s nuclear weaponization programme. He brought up the subject of extremism and expressed its commitment to thwart religion-based violence. On Yemen, he blamed the Houthis for rejecting the peace initiatives offered by the UN to peacefully resolve the conflict.

Qatari Emir Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al Thani speaking at the UN General Assembly urged the international community to engage with the Taliban. He stated that boycotting Taliban would only lead to polarisation and reactions. According to him, there is urgent need for support to the Afghan people during this critical juncture and separate between humanitarian aid and political differences. He mentioned that it is Qatar’s humanitarian duty to evacuate thousands of people from Afghanistan and push for preserving tangible gains. His speech did not touch upon the conditions of women under Taliban rule.

The United Arab Emirates (UAE)’s Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Khalifa Shaheen Al-Marar called for ending armed conflicts in Yemen, Syria and Libya. He opined for respecting the sovereignty of Arab states and reaching comprehensive political solutions under the ambit of the UN that remains the only way to end crises in the region. The Foreign Minister insisted that the UAE would utilise its relationship with Israel to stimulate economic growth and advance prosperity and stability for the people in the region. The UAE stressed that the normalisation would eventually benefit the Palestinians who have denounced the agreement. The UAE with regard to Iran stated that any future agreement between the Islamic Republic and world powers on the nuclear programme should involve the states in the region.

Yemen’s internationally recognised government under Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi was represented by Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak at the UN General Assembly. He expressed support for the UN led peace process and pointed to Iran’s backing for the Houthis as part of the problem. With regard to COVID-19 crisis, Mubarak pressed on the need for more vaccines arguing that roughly 1 million doses it received is insufficient to vaccinate even the most vulnerable portions of the population.

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi speaking at the UN called the US presence in the West Asian region as lack of rationality and detrimental to oppressed people from Palestine, Syria, Yemen to Afghanistan as well as the US taxpayers. The US sanctions according to Raisi is a new way of war with the nations of the world and a crime against humanity especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Raisi noted that despite sanctions, Tehran Research Reactor has succeeded in producing radiopharmaceuticals for treating cancer patients and developed its own COVID-19 vaccines. Raisi reminded the danger of terrorism and identified the root causes such as identity and economy. He called Israel as the organiser of the biggest state terrorism and suggested holding referendum with participation of all Palestinians of all religions and ethnicities including Muslims, Christians and Jews. Raisi assured that nuclear weapons have no place in its defence and deterrence policy suggesting that production and stockpiling of atomic weapons are forbidden in Iran by religious decree.

Syrian Foreign Affairs Minister Fayssal Mekdad during his speech on 27 September reaffirmed the state’s commitment to combat terrorism and restoring security and stability. He mentioned that the state is safe for the refugees to return and all relevant institutions are working towards that goal. He blamed the western states for their hypocritical attitude of pretending to care about the Syrians while extracting benefit from their suffering. He called for stopping cross border aid mechanism from Turkey. Mekdad argued that the US and Turkey while occupying its territories are looting its natural resources.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan during his speech talked about a more just world for both Turks and Muslims living in the US. He stressed on the possibility of a fairer world to accomplish its goal through cooperation, solidarity and humanity. With regard to Afghanistan, he pointed towards the failure and indifference of the US and asked who would pay the price for their irresponsible behaviour. Erdogan mentioned that his government is ready to engage with Afghanistan if Taliban is willing to form an inclusive government.

Erdogan’s speech at the UN raised eyebrows in India after he mentioned Turkey’s stance to solve the ongoing problem in Kashmir for 74 years through dialogue between parties and within the framework of relevant UN resolutions.

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennet during his first speech at the UN General Assembly called Israel as a lighthouse in a stormy sea and a beacon of democracy that is diverse by design, innovative by nature and eager to contribute to the world. He identified the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and polarisation as the biggest threat to Israel as well as rest of the world that has weakened public trust in institutions. He elaborated Israel’s efforts to combat the COVID-19 crisis. He mentioned that the state is surrounded by Hezbollah, Shiite militias, Islamic Jihad and Hamas that are backed and funded by Iran. He called by global efforts to halt Iran’s plans to dominate the region through its proxies. He recalled the role of the current Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi in killing around 5000 political activists in 1988. Bennett expressed concerns over Iran’s progress in developing its nuclear R&D, production capacity and uranium enrichment levels.

Israeli Prime Minister reiterated that his government would not allow Iran to acquire nuclear weapons and hinted that it would do whatever is necessary to halt the nuclear programme. Bennet pushed US President Joe Biden to harden stance against Iran’s nuclear programme and its regional policy.

Algeria’s Foreign Minister Ramtane Lamamra during his speech called for holding referendum on self-determination for the disputed Western Sahara region. He assured support for the rights of the Sahrawi people and urged the UN to assume their legal responsibilities and guarantee their inalienable rights.

Tunisia’s Foreign Minister Othman Jerandi during his speech tried to dispel fear about the political developments in the North African state. President Kais Saied in July 2021 suspended the parliament and consolidated political control. Jerandi argued that the state is facing deeply rooted political polarisation, corruption, socio-economic and health crisis which forced the President to take measures. He argued that the chronic problems facing the state has weakened the democratic process, state institutions and judicial system. The Foreign Minister assured that Saied’s efforts would put the state back on the right path towards democracy. In case of Libya, Tunisia suggested that it is willing to provide support to complete the political track and meet their political and electoral obligations.

Developments in Yemen

In South Yemen, protests erupted in Aden and Hadramawt governorates in mid-September over deteriorating living conditions, widespread poverty and power cuts. The protest turned violent following which security forces fired live ammunition towards protestors killing two in Aden and one died in Mukalla. There were several instances of stone pelting, road blockades and arson by protestors in Khour Maksour, Crater and Sheikh Othman districts.

The street protests have been supported by the Southern Transitional Council (STC) that has called for bigger demonstrations against Abdrabbuh Hadi government. The power-sharing deal between Hadi government and STC brokered by Saudi Arabia has reached a fragile state in the current period.

In northern Yemen, Houthi forces has re-launched offensive in Al Bayda governorate and succeeded in taking key strategic sites in Bayhan district in neighbouring Shabwah governorate. Houthi forces succeeded in claiming control over Ain, Bayhan, Usaylan districts in the Shabwah governorate. In Marib governorate, clashes were reported by Houthis and Hadi government’s forces.

Syrian Conflict

In North West Syria, the Islamist group Ansar Abu Bakr Al Saddiq Brigade attacked a Turkish armoured vehicle using IED on the Bennsh Idlib road killing three Turkish soldiers. At the same time, Russian warplanes conducted airstrikes against Hayat Tahrir Al Sham (HTS) locations in Idlib, Latakia, Aleppo and Hama. In separate attacks, HTS killed Syrian and Russian soldiers. On 14 September, three Popular Mobilisation Forces (PMF) fighters were killed in drone strike.

Israel Palestine Conflict

On 6 September, six Palestinian prisoners including one former leader of Al Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade and five Islamic Jihad members escaped from Israel’s Gilboa prison. The escape was seen as a major security and intelligence failure. The prisoners dug a hole in the floor of their bathroom leading to a hollow space underneath the prison and reached the outer wall. According to Shin Bet, the prisoners were picked up in a car. The jail-break was seen as a major embarrassment for the Israeli security establishment.

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett called it a grave incident requiring an across-the-board effort by the security forces. Israeli security forces by 19 September had captured all six prisoners. The last two prisoners were arrested from Jenin. Palestinians in Jenin clashed with Israeli troops and threw stones and explosives at the troops. In other parts of West Bank and Gaza, Palestinians took out marches in support of the prisoners.

Notably, after the first two prisoners were arrested on 11 September, at least one rocket was launched towards Israel which was intercepted by the Iron Dome defence system. Israeli fighter jets conducted retaliatory strikes on Hamas positions in Gaza. There was no reported loss of lives.

Israeli Embassy opens in Bahrain

Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid visited Manama on 30 September to inaugurate its embassy. Incidentally, Bahraini air carrier Gulf Air flight made its maiden flight to Israel the same day. Foreign Minister Lapid met with King Hamad Bin Isa Al Khalifa and Crown Prince and Prime Minister Salman Bin Hamad Al Khalifa to discuss avenues to further deepen the relations. Bahrain along with the UAE, Sudan and Morocco normalised relations with Israel in 2020. Bahrain considers Iran as an existential threat and engagement with Israel including in the sphere of security could help the Gulf state to ward off Iran’s overtures.

School teachers protest in Iran

School teachers in Iran protested throughout the state in the first week of September demanding better working conditions, better salaries and government action to stop high rates of inflation. Teachers are demanding implementation of a new law for ranking teachers based on their qualifications that would reciprocate in their salary scales. The law has already been passed by the parliament’s education committee. The approval process of the law has been slow likely because it could create a new financial obligation for the Iranian government.

China: Daily Scan, October 8, 2021

China achieves remarkable results in pollution control, says white paper: Xinhuanet
October 8, 2021

Through an increasing effort to combat pollution, China has achieved remarkable results in pollution control, according to a white paper released Friday by the State Council Information Office. Having announced a battle against pollution, the country has improved the quality of air, water and soil, said the white paper titled “Biodiversity Conservation in China.” Click here to read…

Chinese ambassador shares seven buzzwords to showcase fast-changing China: Xinhuanet
October 7, 2021

Chinese Ambassador to the United States Qin Gang on Wednesday shared with Americans seven buzzwords that are currently popular in China to illustrate what is going on in his country. “The buzzwords I shared with you today reflect the changing and unchanging elements in our values when China experiences rapid economic growth and profound social transformation,” said Qin in his keynote speech at the online Forum on Tourism, Hospitality and Cultural Exchange co-hosted by the U.S.-Asia Institute and Las Vegas Sands Corp. Click here to read…

Customs in Tibet gets tough against smuggling: Xinhuanet
October 8, 2021

The customs authority in southwest China’s Tibet Autonomous Region has acted against smuggling activities with an iron hand in the first eight months of the year. From January to August, Lhasa customs cracked 13 smuggling cases involving a total value of 6.9 million yuan (about 1.1 million U.S. dollars), it said in a statement. Click here to read…

New fund to spur Yangtze SOE reform: China Daily
October 8, 2021

China launched a 73.75 billion yuan fund in Wuxi, Jiangsu province, on Thursday to facilitate cutting-edge technology innovation and mixed-ownership reform at its State-owned enterprises in the Yangtze River Delta region, its operator said. The big-ticket fund aims to sharpen the core competitiveness of SOEs and spur high-quality development in the region. Click here to read…

Chinese companies display latest technologies at Expo 2021 Dubai:
October 7, 2021

Chinese companies are showcasing their latest technologies at the China Pavilion of the ongoing Expo 2021 Dubai, as they plan to leverage the opportunity to expand their overseas reach. For instance, UBTech Robotics, a Shenzhen-based artificial intelligence and humanoid robotics company, is showcasing its Panda Robot and the Walker X, a large humanoid service robot. Click here to read…

CUHK student union’s fate shows no room for campus troublemakers: Global Times
October 7, 2021

The student union of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) announced its disbandment on Thursday, becoming another opposition-leaning university student union to dissolve following a series of recent events which saw some local universities cut ties with their problematic student unions. Click here to read…

Hungary to build Europe’s first 5G smart railway port together with Huawei: Global Times
October 7, 2021

Chinese telecommunications equipment giant Huawei on Wednesday signed a cooperation agreement with Hungary’s East-West Intermodal Logistics and British telecommunications operator Vodafone, in a joint effort to build Europe’s first smart railway hub managed by a 5G private network to be empowered by Huawei. The move, which comes as some other European countries are still weighing whether to use the firm’s 5G technology due to oppositions from the US government, could enable Hungary to lead the way in 5G industrial solutions ahead of other hesitant countries, Chinese experts said. Click here to read…

Bond defaults of China’s property developers surge as they face debt crisis: Global Times
October 7, 2021

A few Chinese property developers, including Evergrande Group, CFLD and Tahoe, are facing liquidity issues, according to data released by CRIC, a property research center on Wednesday. The data showed that as of September 27, the number of bond defaults by real estate enterprises in 2021 stood at 39, up 25 from 2020, for a cumulative amount of 46.75 billion yuan ($7.2 billion), an increase of 159 percent year-on-year. Click here to read…

China power crisis forces ‘serious’ Beijing to order top coal producer to increase output: South China Morning Post
October 8, 2021

North China’s Inner Mongolia region, China’s second-largest coal producer, has told 72 mines to boost annual output capacity by nearly 100 million tonnes, said a government official and coal traders with direct knowledge of the matter. In an urgent notice dated Thursday, Inner Mongolia’s energy department asked the cities of Wuhai, Ordos and Hulunbuir, as well as Xilingol league, to immediately notify the miners they may operate at stipulated higher capacities straightaway, provided they ensure safe production. A league is an administrative unit of the autonomous region of Inner Mongolia. Click here to read…

Chinese property bonds, shares slump as Evergrande angst spreads: Reuters
October 8, 2021

Bonds and shares issued by Chinese developers slumped on Friday as onshore markets returned from a week-long holiday with few clues as to how regulators propose to contain the contagion from cash-strapped China Evergrande Group’s debt problems. Evergrande, whose shares remain suspended since it requested a trading halt on Monday pending a major transaction announcement, is facing one of the country’s largest defaults as it wrestles with more than $300 billion of debt. Click here to read…

Fall in China’s $1.3 trln land sales to test local finances, economy: Reuters
October 8, 2021

Sagging demand at China’s urban land auctions amid a crackdown on borrowing by private developers risks squeezing regional finances, pressuring local governments to scramble for other income sources to fund investments and support the economy. Land sales soared to a record 8.4 trillion yuan in 2020, the equivalent of Australia’s annual gross domestic product, bolstering fiscal budgets in a pandemic year. Click here to read…

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest: October 08, 2021


20th Anniversary of US Attack on Afghanistan: Tolo News

The US-led NATO forces attacked Afghanistan twenty years ago on October 7, 2021, following the announcement by then US President George W. Bush. Click here to read…

Afghans Complain of Inability to Withdraw Salaries From Banks: Tolo News

On Wednesday, dozens of government employees who have been queuing in front of the capital’s banks to withdraw salaries complained of difficulty withdrawing funds. Click here to read…

World should not hurry in recognizing Taliban: Qatar: The Khaama Press

Deputy foreign minister and spokesperson of the ministry Lolwah Rashid al-Khater in her interview with Foreign Policy said that they have asked the international community not to hurry in recognizing the Taliban in Afghanistan. Click here to read…

We will issue 6,000 passports daily: Taliban officials: The Khaama Press

Officials of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan resumed the issuance of passports on Tuesday, October 5, and promised that the previous government was issuing three thousand passports but they intend to issue six thousand passports per day. Click here to read…


Fearing for life, Mohib Ullah’s family wants to move to a third country- Dhaka Tribune

UNHCR working in close cooperation with the authorities and taking measures to ensure safety for those most at risk. Click here to read…

Daily Covid deaths drop to 12 in Bangladesh, lowest in nearly 7 months- Dhaka Tribune

Over 22,300 samples tested in a day for a positivity rate of 2.97%.Click here to read…

World Bank increases Bangladesh’s GDP growth forecast- Dhaka Tribune

WB says GDP is expected to grow by 6.4% instead of its previous forecast of 5.1%.Click here to read…

Pre-Pandemic Level: Poverty set to drop further- Daily Star

The World Bank in a report noted a gradual recovery in employment and earnings in Bangladesh, forecasting that the country’s poverty rate will come down to pre-pandemic levels in the current fiscal year. Click here to read…

Two ends of Bangabandhu Tunnel meet under Karnaphuli river- Daily Star

Two ends of the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Tunnel were brought together under the Karnaphuli river yesterday afternoon. Click here to read…

5.6 magnitude earthquake jolts Myanmar, tremors felt in Bangladesh- Daily Star

An earthquake of 5.6 magnitude jolted Myanmar early today, with tremors being felt in parts of Bangladesh. Click here to read…

ACC to seize fraudster Shahedul Haque’s assets- Asian Age

Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has taken up steps to seize the assets of Shahedul Haque over his involvement in casino scams. Click here to read…

India allows Serum to send 10 lac doses- Asian Age

The Serum Institute of India has been allowed by the country’s government to send 1 million doses of the AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine to Bangladesh, according to the local media. Click here to read…

‘BD-Nepal ties to grow further’- Asian Age

Nepalese Foreign Minister Dr Narayan Khadka has said that the existing friendly ties with Bangladesh are set to grow further in the days ahead. Click here to read…

AL picks candidates for a constituency, 2 upazilas, 10 municipalities- Observer

Ruling Awami League on Thursday finalized candidates for a constituency, two upazila parishads, 10 municipalities and two union parishads. Click here to read…


Pressure mounts on the Bhutan border with Jaigaon as enquiries start- The Bhutanese

Following reports by The Bhutanese on an extortion network in Jaigaon comprising of five local journalists, some SSB, some customs and others that preyed on Bhutanese exports and even imports, it has been learnt that senior officials in New Delhi are instituting their own enquiries. Click here to read…

The mystery of Nu 1 bn+ cash still circulating in Jaigaon despite a closed border- The Bhutanese

The Royal Monetary Authority (RMA) had planned to set up exchange counters in Phuentsholing to exchange more than Nu 1 bn in cash in Jaigaon by releasing INR of an equivalent amount, however, that plan has hit a snag for now. Click here to read…

SSB officer under enquiry for links with Jaigaon tobacco smugglers and Jaigaon Customs officials accused of taking money from Bhutanese vehicles and exports- The Bhutanese

A Deputy Commandant (DC) of the SSB based in Jalpaiguri, Rajneesh Moral, has been transferred out and is undergoing an enquiry over allegations of his links with tobacco smugglers in Jaigaon who smuggled tobacco into Bhutan. Click here to read…

BPC forwards alleged sexual harassment case to the Royal Bhutan Police- The Bhutanese

The Bhutan Power Corporation (BPC) has forwarded the alleged sexual harassment case to the police on 1 October. Click here to read…

His Majesty grants lag thrams to people of Lunana- Kuensel

His Majesty The King visited Lunana yesterday morning, and granted Lagthram to the 191 households who are receiving Land Kidu in Goenshari, Punakha. Click here to read…

Ngultrum trading thrives in Jaigaon- Kuensel

The illegal trade of Ngultrum (Nu) and Indian Rupee (INR) still thrives in Jaigaon, with Nu plunging in value by as much as eight percent. Click here to read…

Businesses propose fiscal incentives to Ministry of Finance- Kuensel

Business houses have proposed fiscal incentives (FIs) to the Ministry of Finance (MoF) to be included in the new FIs that have been extended until the middle of next year by the National Assembly. Click here to read…


IMF Concludes 2021 Article IV Consultation with Maldives – Mirage News

The economy is recovering after an unprecedented pandemic-induced fall in tourism. Click here to read…

‘Maldives economy expected to recover by 2023’: World Bank – Avas

The Economy Outlook published by the World Bank said the real GDP of the Maldives is projected to grow by 22.3 percent this year. Click here to read…

Maldives’ Recovery Prospects Improve Amidst Uncertainties – World Bank

he Maldives’ recovery continues as tourism rebounded and targeted containment measures helped minimize the economic impacts of the recent waves of COVID-19. Click here to read…

Domestic tourism focus as sector leaders meet in the Maldives – Torno News

The annual UNWTO Executive Training Programme returned to focus on harnessing the power of domestic tourism to drive recovery and growth in destinations across Asia and the Pacific. Click here to read…

Maldives urges global action on a variety of fronts – Daily News

This UNGA session was particularly special as in the Chair when he addressed the UNGA was Maldivian Foreign Minister Abdulla Shahid, who was elected President of the 76th session with a thumping majority. Click here to read…


Malaysia Threatens to Open Talks With Myanmar Opposition Forces – The Diplomat

Malaysia’s foreign minister has suggested his government may be willing to hold talks with Myanmar’s opposition National Unity Government (NUG), the latest sign that the nations of ASEAN are beginning to tire of the junta’s stonewalling on a Five-Point Consensus agreed in April. Click here to read…

Myanmar Military Detains North Western Commander for Planning to Defect: Ethnic Insurgent Sources – The Irrawaddy

The head of one of the Myanmar military’s regional commands has been detained and interrogated by the military regime after his plan to defect and take refuge in an area controlled by an ethnic armed group was exposed, according to sources close to the matter. Click here to read…

Engineer accused of acting as military informant shot dead in Mandalay – Myanmar Now

A train engineer who was accused of informing the military council of other railway staff members taking part in the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) was shot and killed in Mandalay’s Amarapura Township on Tuesday. Click here to read…

Fresh clashes in northern Shan open old wounds and displace thousands – Frontier Myanmar

An escalation in fighting between the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army and the Tatmadaw near the town of Mong Ko on the China border has emptied villages, while inflaming longstanding tensions over who controls the area. Click here to read…

Tatmadaw Seizes Control of Fuel And Rice In Matupi – BNI Online

Life for Matupi residents has become even harder after the Tatmadaw took control of the sale of gasoline and rice, which were already in short supply in the town in southern Chin State. Click here to read…

Myanmar firstly establishes Coast Guard – Eleven Myanmar

A ceremony to form Myanmar’s firstly Coast Guard was held in conjunction with commission the coast guard vessels into service at No.3 Naval Jetty in Yangon yesterday. Click here to read…

A Rohingya leader’s murder highlights rising insecurity in refugee camps -The Economist

Death threats did not appear to faze Mohib Ullah. “If I die, I’m fine. I will give my life,” he told reporters in 2019. Click here to read…


Nepali Congress delegation to arrive in India- The Hindu

A high-level delegation representing the ruling Nepali Congress will arrive in New Delhi on Thursday. Click here to read…

India, Nepal to conduct joint patrols for controlling trans-border crime- The Hindu

Meeting held between heads of Sashastra Seema Bal and the neighbouring country’s Armed Police Force. Click here to read…

Oli’s nationalism, Prachanda’s insecurity and the Hindu politics of India, Nepal- Hindustan Times

In his just released book, Kathmandu Dilemma: Resetting India-Nepal ties, Rae brings his lived experience as well as a deep grasp of structural realities that shape the relationship. Click here to read…

India, Nepal sign agreements to boost cross-border train services- Hindustan Times

The two sides also signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for a final location survey (FLS) for a proposed broad gauge railway line between Raxaul and Kathmandu. Click here to read…

Diplomatic License | Indian ignorance on Nepal- Annapurna Express

They follow developments here only in relation to China: the hungry dragon, apparently, is gobbling up India’s traditional backyard. Click here to read…

Nepal’s Covid-19 tally hits 800000-mark with 667 new cases- Himalaya

Nepal’s coronavirus caseload reached 800,282 on Thursday with 667 more people testing positive for the infection in the past 24 hours. Click here to read…

Foreign policy is country’s image: Minister Khadka- Himalaya

“Domestic politics with unity can create a solid base for effective foreign policy,” Minister Khadka observed. Click here to read…

Coalition partners strike power-sharing deal after hard bargains- TKP

Maoists to lead five ministries, CPN (Unified Socialist) and Janata Samajbadi four each. Unified Socialist will get two chief ministers, deputy Speaker is for Janata Samajbadi. Click here to read…

A long and arduous walk for justice- TKP

The 20-day journey by 14 people, including 11 women, to Kathmandu from Nepalgunj on foot reflects the labyrinthine red tape inhibiting the Nepali justice system and exposes how the state is failing its citizens. Click here to read…

As mobility increases, PCR test numbers are declining- TKP

In the last one week 59,976 polymerase chain reaction tests were performed throughout the country, which showed 5,452 positive results. Click here to read…

UK removes Nepal from red list- Republica

The Government of UK has removed 47 countries and territories including Nepal from its red list, which was in place earlier due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Click here to read…

CPN (Unified Socialist) to finalize ministers today- Republica

The CPN (Unified Socialist) is to finalize the name of ministers to participate in the government on Friday. Click here to read…

Cooperatives Need Regulating Body: FM Sharma- The Rising Nepal

Finance Minister Janardan Sharma said that Nepal needed a regulating body for the cooperatives sector. Click here to read…

Province 2 CM Lalbabu Raut wins vote of confidence- OnlineKhabar

Province 2 Chief Minister Lalbabu Raut has obtained the vote of confidence in the Provincial Assembly on Wednesday. Click here to read…


‘Wait-and-see approach’ on Afghanistan tantamount to world abandoning it: Moeed: Dawn

National Security Adviser (NSA) Moeed Yusuf has said that a “wait-and-see approach” on Afghanistan is tantamount to abandoning the war-torn country. Click here to read…

Cash airlifts planned to bypass Taliban, help Afghans: Dawn

Planning for the cash airlifts is going ahead against the background of a rapidly collapsing economy where money is short. Click here to read…

At least 20 killed, 300 injured as earthquake rattles Balochistan: The Express Tribune

A magnitude 5.9 earthquake struck parts of Balochistan early on Thursday morning, killing at least 20 people and injuring more than 300. Click here to read…

US diplomat in Pakistan for crucial talks on Afghanistan, bilateral ties: The Express Tribune

This is the first visit by a senior American diplomat under the Biden administration though the CIA chief earlier undertook back-to-back trips, those were primarily focused on certain developments inside Afghanistan. Click here to read…

Extended Fund facility review: IMF demands raise in Income tax, sales tax, RD: The News

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has asked Pakistan to take additional taxation measures in the shape of Income Tax, Sales Tax, and Regulatory Duty (RD) for jacking up the annual tax collection target from Rs5.8 trillion to Rs 6.3 trillion. Click here to read…

Sri Lanka

Appropriation Bill for 2022: Defence gets highest allocation; Health reduced – The Morning

The Appropriation Bill for the 2022 financial year was presented in Parliament yesterday (7) by Finance Minister Basil Rajapaksa, with the budgetary allocations for the defence, education, and finance sectors being increased whilst Click here to read…

Sri Lanka Women to not tour Pakistan in October as SLC-PCB talks fall through – espncricinfo

Talks about a potential tour of Pakistan by the Sri Lankan women’s team later this month have hit a stumbling block following a change in management at the PCB. Click here to read…

HSBC Research predicts SL GDP to grow 3.5% – The Morning

As per a report published on Sri Lanka by HSBC Global Research, the expected GDP growth of Sri Lanka in 2021 will be 3.5% due to the effect of recurring waves of Covid-19. Click here to read…

China: Daily Scan, October 7, 2021

Senior Chinese diplomat meets U.S. national security advisor: Xinhuanet
October 7, 2021

Yang Jiechi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, met here Wednesday with U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan. The two sides, in a candid manner, had a comprehensive and in-depth exchange of views on China-U.S. relations as well as international and regional issues of common concern. The meeting was described as constructive, and conducive to enhancing mutual understanding. Click here to read…

China renovating 47,300 old urban residential communities: Xinhuanet
October 6, 2021

China has promoted the renovation of old residential communities this year as part of efforts to improve living conditions in old urban residential areas. In the first eight months of the year, the country initiated the rebuilding and renovation of 47,300 old urban residential communities, official data shows. Click here to read…

Hong Kong to actively push for local legislation on safeguarding national security, says Carrie Lam: China Military
October 6, 2021

Hong Kong will take forward proactively the enactment of local legislation on safeguarding national security to implement Article 23 of the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), HKSAR Chief Executive Carrie Lam said Wednesday. The Secretary for Security of the HKSAR government is drawing up effective and pragmatic proposals and provisions for the legislation, Lam said when delivering the annual policy address at a Legislative Council meeting. Click here to read…

Biden, Xi to meet virtually by year-end amid tense relations: Kyodo
October 7, 2021

The United States said Wednesday it agreed with China to hold a virtual meeting between U.S. President Joe Biden and Chinese leader Xi Jinping by the end of the year, as Washington seeks to manage the growing rivalry between the nations.The announcement was made following talks between U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan and China’s top diplomat Yang Jiechi in Switzerland, which, according to a senior Biden administration official, lasted for six hours and touched on U.S. concerns over China’s possible human rights abuses as well as its pressure on Taiwan. Click here to read…

HKSAR gov’t plans to restructure policy bureaus: People’s Daily
October 6, 2021

Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Carrie Lam proposed to restructure policy bureaus of the HKSAR government in the annual policy address delivered Wednesday. The government is expected to formulate a detailed re-organization report in the coming months, Lam said. Click here to read…

China’s Tibet spends more on ecological protection: People’s Daily
October 6, 2021

Southwest China’s Tibet Autonomous Region spent 20.23 billion yuan (about 3.1 billion U.S. dollars) on ecological protection from 2016 to 2020, according to the local environmental authority. The amount more than doubled the spending for the previous five-year period, the region’s ecology and environment department said Wednesday in a statement. Click here to read…

China’s new J-16D fighter jet has been deployed to an eastern airbase near Taiwan: South China Morning Post
October 7, 2021

China’s military has deployed its new J-16D fighter jet designed for electronic warfare to an eastern airbase near Taiwan, according to satellite imagery and a People’s Liberation Army source. It comes amid heightened tensions across the Taiwan Strait, with a record number of PLA warplanes sent into the island’s air defence identification zone in recent days as Beijing ramps up its campaign of military intimidation. Beijing claims self-ruled Taiwan as its own territory, to be brought under its control by force if necessary, and the PLA has sent planes into the island’s air defence zone nearly every day in the past year. Click here to read…

China welcomes ‘positive statements’ by US as talks hint at change of mood: South China Morning Post
October 7, 2021

The Chinese government has described this week’s talks with the US as constructive, with its top diplomat highlighting the importance of positive recent gestures by Washington in improving the atmosphere. The talks in Switzerland between Yang Jiechi and White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan ended without the confrontational tone that marred their previous meeting in March, in Anchorage, Alaska, with Beijing this time saying the discussion was “conducive to enhancing mutual understanding”. Click here to read…

Su stresses need to be alert over China: Taipei Times
October 6, 2021

Taiwan needs to be on alert for China’s “over the top” military activities, Premier Su Tseng-chang said yesterday, after a record 56 Chinese aircraft flew into Taiwan’s air defense identification zone on Monday. Taiwan has reported 148 Chinese air force planes in the southern and southwestern part of its air defense zone over four days beginning on Friday, the same day China marked its National Day. Click here to read…

HK needs to tackle housing, says Carrie Lam: Taipei Times
October 7, 2021

Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam yesterday said the territory was at a new starting point for development under the National Security Law imposed last year, and that her priority would be to focus on tackling a long-standing housing shortage. Hong Kong and Beijing authorities have long blamed unaffordable housing in the former British colony for deep-rooted social problems that they say helped fuel pro-democracy protests in 2019. Click here to read…

Evergrande backer Chinese Estates’ stock soars on take-private offer: Reuters
October 7, 2021

Shares of Chinese Estates Holdings, a former major shareholder of embattled developer China Evergrande, jumped as much as 32% on Thursday after it announced an offer to be taken private for HK$1.91 billion. The Hong Kong developer said on Wednesday the family of Chinese Estates’ biggest shareholder, Joseph Lau, had proposed to take it private by offering minority shareholders a 38% premium to its last traded price. Click here to read…

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest: October 07, 2021


Afghanistan’s electricity body to sell estate to pay off debt: The Khaama Press

De Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat (DABS)- the electricity body of Afghanistan- decided to sell the estate of its debtors so that they pay nearly $62 million bills of the power to the central Asian countries. Click here to read…

DABS to Sell Off Property of Former Govt Officials: Tolo News

Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat (DABS) on Wednesday said it is preparing to sell off the properties of a number of former government officials. Click here to read…

Afghan Blind Athlete to Compete in Race in London: Tolo News

Wali Mohammad Noori, an Afghan athlete who lost his eyesight in a blast in Helmand a decade ago has now become a well-known athlete in the country and abroad. Click here to read…

UN calls on donors to scale up life-saving response to crisis in Afghanistan: The Khaama Press

Displaced Afghans from the northern provinces are evacuated from a makeshift IDP camp in Share-e-Naw park to various mosques and schools on August 12, 2021 in Kabul, Afghanistan. Click here to read…

We will issue 6,000 passports daily: Taliban officials: The Khaama Press

Officials of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan resumed the issuance of passports on Tuesday, October 5. Click here to read…


Bangladesh trade facilitation initiative launched- The Observer

Commerce Minister Tipu Munshi has launched the “Bangladesh Trade Facilitation,” a new agriculture and economic development project funded by the US Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service. Click here to read…

Tensions ‘highest in decades’`- Daily Star

Military tensions between China and Taiwan are at their highest in four decades, the island’s defence minister warned yesterday. Click here to read…

Covid-19: Bangladesh records 21 more deaths, 703 new cases- Dhaka Tribune

Bangladesh recorded 21 more deaths from Covid-19 and 703 new cases in the 24 hours between 8am Tuesday and 8am Wednesday. Click here to read…

How Covid-19 in Southeast Asia is threatening global supply chains- Dhaka Tribune

Vietnam, Malaysia and Thailand are three of the region’s major manufacturing hubs and produce goods for some of the world’s largest consumer brands. Click here to read…

Mohib Ullah murder: 3 more remanded for 3 days- Dhaka Tribune

A Cox’s Bazar court has granted police three days to interrogate three more suspects in the case filed over the murder of Rohingya leader Mohib Ullah at a refugee camp in Ukhiya. Click here to read…

10C in gold bars found in tissue boxes on Biman flight- Dhaka Tribune

The Customs Intelligence and Investigation Directorate (CIID) has recovered Tk10 crore in gold bars that were being smuggled into the country on a Biman Bangladesh Airlines flight from Dubai. Click here to read…

Fear and loathing in refugee camps- Daily Star

It’s not that fear gripped the Rohingya camps in Cox’s Bazar only after the recent killing of a popular leader; it has always been there due to unrestrained crimes, rivalry between groups, and lax security. Click here to read…

Gun-Running in Southwest: Barrelling on political clout- Daily Star

Some Awami League leaders and activists in Jashore have long been running an illegal arms business in the country’s south-western districts, exploiting their political links to make big money. Click here to read…

Investigation reveals mass trafficking of women from Bangladesh for flesh trade- The Hindu

Investigation into the international prostitution racket busted by the Hyderabad city police revealed a mass trafficking of women from Bangladesh to the country. Click here to read…

Bangladesh honours Indian war veterans- The Tribune

Muhammad Imran, High Commissioner of Bangladesh, honoured 10 Indian naval war veterans from across the country. Click here to read…

Malda lotus to brighten Durga Puja in Bangladesh- The Telegraph

A consignment of lotus will be exported to Bangladesh from Malda ahead of Durga Puja for the first time. Click here to read…


TCB undecided on restarting tourism with normal protocols- Kuensel

Bhutan is yet to decide on when it would open its border for normal tourism like the neighbouring countries. Click here to read…

Road works in Thimphu to be completed by end of October- Kuensel

Road between Jungshina and the Bhutan Telecom office in Chubachu in Thimphu is expected to be completed by the end of this month, Thimphu Thromde officials said. Click here to read…

Quality of blacktopping work under scrutiny- Kuensel

Nn the Mongar-Trashigang highway several potholes have emerged causing problems for travellers and drivers on the highway. It is recently constructed highway. Click here to read…

Pressure mounts on the Bhutan border with Jaigaon as enquiries start- The Bhutanese

Following reports by The Bhutanese on an extortion network in Jaigaon comprising of five local journalists, some SSB, some customs and others that preyed on Bhutanese exports and even imports, it has been learnt that senior officials in New Delhi are instituting their own enquiries. Click here to read…

RAA plans to audit Discretionary Grant of Ministers, MPs and Dzongdas- The Bhutanese

The Royal Audit Authority (RAA) in a notification issued on 1st July 2021 announced its intention to audit the discretionary grant given to ministers. Click here to read…

Treating patients the safe way by local healers- BBS

Besides the modern and traditional medicines, Bhutanese also depend on local healers to treat for treatment. Click here to read…


Pres confers Order of Izzuddin to PGA76 Shahid – Avas

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has presented the Order of the Distinguished Rule of Izzuddin to the President of the 76th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (PGA) and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Abdulla Shahid. Click here to read…

Tamil Nadu: Coast Guard coordinates rescue of crew of stranded Maldives bound vessel – Indian Express

The Coast Guard on Wednesday said it successfully coordinated the rescue of a mechanised sailing vessel’s crew of nine, with the ship bound for Maldives from Tuticorin in Tamil Nadu getting flooded during its voyage. Click here to read…

Maldives tourist arrivals figure tops 890,363 – Raajje

The Ministry of Tourism, through its latest daily statistics publicized on Wednesday, revealed that the figure crossed 890,000 by Tuesday, with 19,501 visitors having been welcomed at Velana International Airport (VIA) so far in October. Click here to read…

Maldives signs UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework with UN in Maldives – Raajje

During the signing ceremony where the President of the 76th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) Abdulla Shahid was in attendance, the UNSDC Framework was signed by Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Ahmed Khaleel. Click here to read…

“Today, Maldivians epitomize what the UN stands for; equality for all” – Raajje

During a joint press conference held at the President’s Office following the PGA’s courtesy call on President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih on Wednesday morning, Click here to read…


In the wake of Burma’s coup, new US legislation offers a roadmap for action – The Hill

Yesterday, Congress introduced the BURMA Act of 2021, a critical next step in responding to the calls of the Burmese people to do everything the U.S. can to support a return to democratic governance and to cut off the money funding the Burmese military. Click here to read…

Checkpoint blown up and one Tatmadaw killed – BNI Online

The checkpoint at the Thilawa Development Junction, Thanlyin township Yangon Region was blown up and one soldier killed and two seriously injured, according to the Thanlyin People’s Defence Force (TLPDF). The TLPDF detonated a remote-controlled mine. Click here to read…

Myanmar’s Opposition Should Focus on Diplomacy, Not War – World Politics Review

With Myanmar’s junta laying waste to the country’s economy and bungling its COVID-19 response, the country stands on the verge of becoming a failed state. Click here to read…

Myanmar junta leader inaugurates armed coastguard – France24

Myanmar’s junta chief announced the formation of a new military coastguard on Wednesday, made up of four armed vessels officials said would improve the nation’s law enforcement capabilities. Click here to read…


Nepal’s overall covid tally nears 800000-mark- Himalaya

Nepal’s coronavirus caseload reached 799,615 on Wednesday with 849 more people testing positive for the infection in the past 24 hours. Click here to read…

China to provide additional 1 million doses of SinoVac under grant assistance- Himalaya

The Chinese government is set to provide Nepal with one million doses of the SinoVac Covid-19 vaccination under grant assistance. Click here to read…

As Nepal runs dry, communities tap water harvesting- Himalaya

When Sita Poddar wants some water, she walks from her home in Nepal’s Kathmandu Valley to a neighbouring town 15 minutes away, where she waits at the public tap in the yard of a temple. Click here to read…

Rule through ordinance threat to democracy, observers say- TKP

Under the principle of separation of powers, lawmaking is the prerogative of the federal parliament—the House of Representatives and the National Assembly. Click here to read…

Private sector wants MCC compact endorsed from Parliament- TKP

Three major private sector bodies on Wednesday urged the government, political parties represented in Parliament, civil society and other stakeholders to implement the MCC. Click here to read…

Nepal’s surplus energy is going to waste as there are no buyers yet- TKP

Nepal until 2017 was power-starved, facing outages up to 18 hours a day. The country now has surplus energy, but it does not have a concrete plan to export power. Click here to read…

Fare of public transport in Kathmandu Valley hiked- Republica

The Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development (MoPID) of Bagmati Province has hiked the fare of the public transport in Kathmandu Valley as well as in all 13 districts in the Province. Click here to read…

Construction of 220 kV Koshi Corridor Package-1 completed- Republica

The construction of the package-1 of the Koshi Corridor 220 kV transmission line has been completed. Click here to read…


Ordinance issued to extend term of NAB chairman: Dawn

Amid criticism by opposition parties, President Dr Arif Alvi on Wednesday signed an ordinance that sharply reduces the jurisdiction of the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) Click here to read…

ISI gets new chief in army reshuffle: Dawn

Lt Gen Nadeem Ahmed Anjum was on Wednesday appo¬inted as new chief of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI). Click here to read…

Pakistan does not have a ‘Chinese debt problem’, says Umar: The Express Tribune

In a press conference flanked by CPEC Authority head Khalid Mansoor, the planning minister said the report raised questions on transparency, debt sustainability, and ‘secret loans’ to Pakistan under CPEC. Click here to read…

PM asks Bill Gates to consider humanitarian assistance for Afghans: The Express Tribune

During the telephonic conversation, held on October 5, the premier stated that more than half of the population in Afghanistan was living below the poverty line and in dire need of financial assistance. Click here to read…

World press, publishers, journalists condemn PMDA: The News

The World Association of News Publishers (WAN-IFRA), the International Publishers Association (IPA), and the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) have called on Pakistani authorities to retract plans to establish the Pakistan Media Development Authority (PMDA). Click here to read…

Sri Lanka

Former LTTE intelligence operative nabbed in Chennai – The Hindu

The National Investigation Agency (NIA) has nabbed a senior intelligence operative of the defunct Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in Chennai on Tuesday. Click here to read…

“New Zealand in talks with Sri Lanka on security cooperation to curb extremism” -Michael Appleton High Commissioner New Zealand – Daily Mirror

Economically we want to build a larger, more diverse trading relationship for the benefit of both sides. We believe in an open, free and inclusive region. Click here to read…

EU GSP+ monitoring mission concludes visit to Sri Lanka – Daily FT

The monitoring mission from the European Union (EU) on its GSP+ scheme has successfully concluded its week-long visit to Sri Lanka. Click here to read…

India provides Rs 300M to construct smart classrooms in Galle – Ceylon Today

Recognizing the urgent need to provide Sri Lankan children with fair access to quality educational opportunities with modern technology, the Government of India has agreed to provide financial assistance of Rs. 300 million for the construction of smart classrooms and modern computer labs for 200 schools in Galle. Click here to read…

China: Daily Scan, October 6, 2021

Chinese envoy urges developed countries to shoulder more financial responsibilities for UN: Xinhuanet
October 5, 2021

Zhang Jun, China’s permanent representative to the United Nations, on Monday urged developed countries to take on greater financial responsibilities for the world body.Zhang made the remarks when addressing the Fifth Committee of the 76th session of the UN General Assembly, a major panel responsible for the organization’s finance and budget. Click here to read…

China strengthens financial support for coal, electricity production: Xinhuanet
October 5, 2021

China’s top banking and insurance regulator has released a circular on strengthening financial support for coal and electricity production and maintaining order in the commodity market. The circular, released by the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, urges efforts to satisfy reasonable financing needs of power, coal, steel and non-ferrous metal producers to ensure supplies and stabilize prices. Click here to read…

China issues 13 mln digital driver’s licenses says ministry: Xinhuanet
October 5, 2021

More than 13 million people in 28 Chinese cities have obtained digital driver’s licenses, according to a press conference by the Ministry of Public Security (MPS). The issuance of digital driver’s licenses was launched in the first batch of 28 cities including Beijing, Changchun and Nanning in September. Click here to read…

China’s Xi instructs military to increase pressure near Taiwan: Kyodo
October 5, 2021

Chinese President Xi Jinping has instructed the country’s army to increase military pressure in the southwestern region of Taiwan, sources familiar with the matter said Tuesday. Xi’s instruction came at a recent meeting of the Central Military Commission, China’s highest military authority, after six democratic nations including the United States and Japan carried out joint military drills near Taiwan earlier this month involving three aircraft carriers. Click here to read…

Ex-bank governor accused of corruption repatriated to China: People’s Daily
October 5, 2021

A fugitive criminal suspect who was formerly governor of the Liaoyang Rural Commercial Bank in northeast China’s Liaoning Province was captured and repatriated to China on Saturday, an official statement said Monday. The ex-bank governor Jiang Dongmei was suspected of taking bribes and illegally granting loans, and she fled overseas in March 2021. Click here to read…

Pure electric vehicles feel charging pinch on highways during National Day holidays: Global Times
October 5, 2021

Some new-energy vehicle (NEV) owners have felt another pinch during the ongoing National Day holidays apart from the normal traffic jams during traditional Chinese holidays when many people hit the road: they are finding it hard to get their electric vehicles (EVs) charged at services zones along highways. Click here to read…

New role for Tibet’s chairman in countdown to China’s Communist Party congress: South China Morning Post
October 6, 2021

Qizhala, chairman of the Tibet autonomous region in China’s mountainous west, has left Lhasa to take up a new job in Beijing, according to a source close to the government. His vacancy is expected to be filled by Lhasa Communist Party chief Yan Jinhai in a reshuffle that is part of the build-up to the five-yearly party congress next autumn. Click here to read…

Fantasia downgraded to default status by rating agencies as Chinese property sector crisis worsens: South China Morning Post
October 6, 2021

Fantasia Holdings Group, the debt-laden property developer founded by the niece of a former Chinese vice-president, has been downgraded to default or near default status by the three major credit rating agencies after it missed a bond repayment this week. The default by Fantasia adds to growing concerns about the Chinese property sector as China Evergrande Group, the world’s most indebted property developer, teeters towards default. Click here to read…

China’s missing MeToo and labour activist pair held by police, family told: South China Morning Post
October 5, 2021

Two activists who disappeared last month in the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou had been detained by police, a family member was told by authorities. However, Guangzhou police refused to disclose what charges high-profile women’s rights campaigner and freelance journalist Sophia Huang Xueqin and labour activist Wang Jianbing were facing, or where they were being held, according to a request filed with authorities by Wang’s younger brother, Jianen. Click here to read…

China steps up coal imports from Kazakhstan, South Africa and Mozambique amid supply crunch: South China Morning Post
October 5, 2021

China has been busy cultivating at least two new coal markets, Mozambique and South Africa, and expanding trade with smaller exporters, including Kazakhstan, Myanmar and Colombia, since the start of the year, as domestic demand for coal-fired power rises acutely amid an electricity crunch and continued ban on the commodity from Australia. On Monday, Zhejiang said it bought its first shipment of thermal coal from Kazakhstan, as the industrial province looks for new sources of supply, local media reported. Click here to read…

U.S. envoy Sullivan to meet China’s top diplomat amid high tensions: Reuters
October 6, 2021

U.S. President Joe Biden’s national security adviser will hold talks with China’s top diplomat Yang Jiechi in Switzerland on Wednesday, upholding a pledge by both countries to boost communication amid a deepening strategic rivalry.The Zurich meeting comes at a time of heightened tensions between the world’s two largest economies over a range of issues including Taiwan. It will be U.S. national security adviser Jake Sullivan’s first face-to-face meeting with Yang since their acrimonious exchanges in Alaska in March, which also involved U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken. Click here to read…