Tag Archives: Beijing

China: Daily Scan, June 20, 2022

Former top official charged on multiple accounts: China Daily
June 17, 2022

Wang Like, a former top official in charge of political and legal affairs in East China’s Jiangsu province, went on trial at the Changchun Intermediate People’s Court in Changchun, Northeast China’s Jilin province on Friday. He is accused of taking and offering bribes, shielding gang members and forging identity documents. Click here to read…

China to ban new heavy industrial projects in key zones: Reuters
June 17, 2022

China will ban new steel, coking, oil refining, cement and glass projects in key zones, the government said on Friday in a wide-ranging policy document aimed at tackling pollution and meeting the country’s climate goals. Click here to read…

Chinese president addresses 25th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum: Xinhuanet
June 18, 2022

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday attended and addressed the plenary session of the 25th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in virtual format upon invitation. Xi pointed out that the world is faced with major changes and a pandemic both unseen in a century, economic globalization is facing headwinds, and there are unprecedented challenges to the implementation of the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Click here to read…

China-developed TP500 unmanned freighter makes maiden flight: Xinhuanet
June 18, 2022

China’s homegrown TP500 unmanned freighter completed a successful maiden flight Saturday, announced the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC). The freighter conducted a 27-minute maiden flight and performed smoothly during the whole flight, said the AVIC. Click here to read…

Chinese property developers increase fund-raising on interbank bond market: Xinhuanet
June 18, 2022

Chinese property developers have increased fundraising on the interbank bond market, data from a market dealer group showed. Nearly 10 developers including Poly Development and PowerChina Real Estate have issued debt financing instruments (DFIs) worth 11.9 billion yuan (1.78 billion U.S. dollars) on the market this month, with 49.5 billion yuan of DFIs by more enterprises in the pipeline, according to the National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors. Click here to read…

China unveils giant aircraft carrier CNS Fujian: China Military
June 18, 2022

China unveiled its third aircraft carrier on Friday in Shanghai, naming it after the eastern coastal province of Fujian. Upon its completion, the gigantic ship will displace more than 80,000 metric tons of water, making it the largest and mightiest warship any Asian nation has ever built, and also one of the world’s biggest naval vessels of all time. Click here to read…

Financial service suspected of long-term crimes: China Daily
June 18, 2022

A number of people suspected of using rural banks in Central China’s Henan province to commit a series of serious crimes have been detained, local police said. Some funds and assets involved in the case have also been sealed, seized or frozen in line with the law, according to a statement released by the public security bureau in Henan’s Xuchang city on Saturday. Click here to read…

China beefs up anti-corruption work in financial units: Global Times
June 18, 2022

The Political Bureau of the Communist Part of China Central Committee held a meeting on Friday to review a report on the rectification and improvement of financial units in the 8th round of inspections of the 19th Central Committee, according to the Xinhua News Agency. The review looked at outcomes of the inspection work for anti-corruption campaigns while extending perspectives for future tasks. Click here to read…

BRICS countries see expanding agricultural cooperation: People’s Daily
June 18, 2022

In recent years, BRICS countries have made continuous efforts to establish a long-term and stable cooperation mechanism focusing on food security and poverty reduction, enhancing exchanges in agricultural production and technological innovation. As a result, they have achieved fruitful results in deepening pragmatic agricultural cooperation. Click here to read…

China manufacturing: fresh lay-offs in the Pearl River Delta add to worries over economic slowdown: South China Morning Post
June 18, 2022

In the Pearl River Delta, China’s export manufacturing heartland, migrant workers are watching their incomes plummet and jobs disappear overnight, as local businesses grapple with challenges ranging from coronavirus outbreaks to tumbling international orders.
Two years ago, tens of thousands of migrant workers were cast out of work as employers scaled back production due to the US-China trade war and the initial coronavirus outbreak, which started in the central Chinese city of Wuhan. Few people then would have anticipated the pace of China’s recovery, with exports hitting new highs in the past year and even migrant workers older than 50 in demand in the region’s factories. Click here to read…

Xi calls for coordinated efforts against corruption: Xinhuanet
June 19, 2022

Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, presided over the 40th group study session of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on Friday afternoon to discuss the issue of making coordinated efforts to ensure officials do not dare, are not able, and have no desire to commit corruption. Click here to read…

China tightens regulation of business activities of officials’ relatives: Xinhuanet
June 19, 2022

The General Office of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee has issued a regulation on the business activities of relatives of officials. The regulation offers clear and specific provisions on the applicable objects and circumstances, working measures and disciplinary requirements concerning officials’ spouses, children and their spouses who run business or enterprises. Click here to read…

Beijing and Shanghai launch inspections of hazardous chemical companies after fire at Shanghai ethylene glycol plant: Global Times
June 19, 2022

Emergency authorities in China’s two metropolises, Beijing and Shanghai, decided to carry out citywide inspections of hazardous chemical companies from Sunday to identify potential risks, after a fire caused by a dangerous chemical explosion in Shanghai. Click here to read…

State Council appoints ‘diversified team’ with loyalty, professionalism for new HKSAR govt: Global Times
June 19, 2022

The State Council, China’s cabinet, approved the list of key officials proposed by the six-term chief executive for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) government on Sunday. By forming a new team with some new faces, the new government is expected to unveil a new chapter for Hong Kong on the 25th anniversary of its return to the motherland. Click here to read…

China’s JD.com posts slowest growth ever in ‘618’ shopping event: Reuters
June 19, 2022

Total sales by China’s e-commerce giant JD.com (9618.HK) rose 10.3% over the 18 days to Sunday during the first major shopping festival since a recent COVID-19 outbreak, the company said, sharply down from the 2021 event’s growth of 27.7%.Click here to read…

China targeting HK ‘foreign forces’: Taipei Times
June 20, 2022

Beijing appears to be using Hong Kong’s National Security Law to target “foreign forces,” and is continuing to change the territory’s governance and institutions to reflect those of mainland China, the Mainland Affairs Council’s (MAC) latest quarterly report said. Click here to read…

Biden says he and China’s Xi to talk ‘soon’ as he weighs Trump-era tariffs: Taipei Times
June 20, 2022

US President Joe Biden on Saturday said he would be talking to Chinese President Xi Jinping “soon,” and is weighing possible action on US tariffs on China that were imposed by the administration of former US president Donald Trump. Asked whether he had decided to lift any of the tariffs, Biden said: “We’re in the process of doing that… I’m in the process of making up my mind.” Click here to read…

‘Mind-reading’ device to detect porn could speed China’s policing of illicit content, say researchers: South China Morning Post
June 20, 2022

A device that can detect when a man is watching pornography by “reading his mind” has been developed in China, according to the research team in Beijing behind the project.
The device, which could speed up the work of censors trying to spot indecent images on the Chinese internet, is worn on the head by the subject and can pick up a spike in the brainwaves triggered by explicit content, according to the researchers. Fifteen male university students aged between 20 and 25 volunteered to wear the item while in front of a computer screen. Click here to read…

Chinese mainland reports 14 new local confirmed COVID-19 cases: Xinhuanet
June 20, 2022

The Chinese mainland Sunday reported 14 locally-transmitted confirmed COVID-19 cases, including 10 in Shanghai and four in Beijing, the National Health Commission said Monday. Click here to read…

CPC leadership reviews report on rectification of financial institutions: Quishi
June 20, 2022

Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, on Friday presided over a meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee to review a report on the rectification of problems discovered during the eighth round of inspections of financial institutions. Click here to read…

China conducts land-based mid-course missile interception test: China Military
June 20, 2022

According to a written statement released by China’s Defense Ministry on Sunday, China conducted a land-based mid-course missile interception test within its territory on June 19, 2022 and achieved the desired test objective. The test is defensive in nature and not targeted against any country. Click here to read…

Structural changes boost media sector: China Daily
June 20, 2022

In May, the All-China Journalists Association released a report on the development of journalism in the country. It was the sixth report about the issue published since 2014, and it showed significant developments leading up to December 2021. The report said the growth of traditional media, such as newspapers, radio and television, has slowed, and China continues to strive for deeper integration and a digital transformation. The quality and ability of China’s millions of journalists continue to improve, and the employees are becoming younger and more educated, it added. Click here to read…

Macao closes public venues after detecting 31 local COVID-19 cases: China Daily
June 20, 2022

China’s Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) reported 31 locally transmitted COVID-19 cases on Sunday, according to the Novel Coronavirus Response and Coordination Center of Macao. Click here to read…

China: Daily Scan, June 16, 2022

Former head of state reserves authority under probe: Xinhuanet
June 15, 2022

Zhang Wufeng, former director of the National Food and Strategic Reserves Administration, is being investigated for suspected severe violations of discipline and law. Zhang is also a former secretary of the leading Party members group of the administration. Click here to read…

Xi’s article on China’s human rights development to be published: Xinhuanet
June 15, 2022

An article by President Xi Jinping on unswervingly following China’s human rights development path and advancing the development of China’s human rights cause will be published Thursday. Click here to read…

Top political advisor stresses consultation on promoting common prosperity: Xinhuanet
June 15, 2022

China’s top political advisor Wang Yang Wednesday stressed the significance of research, investigation, and consultation on effectively promoting common prosperity. Wang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference National Committee, made the remarks during a seminar on the subject. Click here to read…

Xi talks with Putin over phone: Xinhuanet
June 15, 2022

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday afternoon held a phone conversation with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin. During their conversation, Xi noted that since the beginning of this year, bilateral relations have maintained a sound development momentum in the face of global turbulence and transformations. Click here to read…

China to step up efforts to support private investment: Xinhuanet
June 15, 2022

China will step up efforts to support private investment and push ahead with multi-purpose projects aimed at further boosting effective investment, consumption and employment, according to a State Council executive meeting chaired by Premier Li Keqiang on Wednesday. Click here to read…

China adopts targeted measures to prop up foreign trade: Quishi
June 15, 2022

Against headwinds from the latest resurgences of COVID-19 and external factors causing further disruption, China has implemented a series of targeted measures to promote the continued growth of its foreign trade. Click here to read…

PLA Navy’s Type 055 large destroyer Lhasa holds 1st far sea drills in Sea of Japan: Global Times
June 15, 2022

China’s second Type 055 large destroyer, the Lhasa, is reportedly holding its first far sea drills by entering the Sea of Japan, with experts saying on Wednesday that the ship has achieved full operational capability and demonstrated its capabilities in deterring possible foreign military interference in the Taiwan Straits at a time when the US and Japan have been repeatedly provoking China over the Taiwan question. Click here to read…

Comrades-in-arms and netizens share their tribute to commemorate border heroes on 2nd anniversary of Galwan Valley clash: Global Times
June 15, 2022

As June 15 marks the second anniversary of the deadly Galwan Valley clash, comrades-in-arms of border defense heroes and many Chinese netizens expressed their tribute with some sharing moments on social media, commemorating the martyrs and paying tribute to those Chinese soldiers hailed as the real model of the young generation. Click here to read…

Chinese companies’ overseas projects boost image of “Made in China construction”: People’s Daily
June 15, 2022

Chinese companies’ overseas projects have not only helped to improve local infrastructure, create job opportunities for local people and cultivate a batch of professionals and technicians, but have also contributed to local economic and social development while introducing advanced Chinese technologies, equipment and construction management standards to the rest of the world, thus boosting the image of “Made in China construction.” Click here to read…

US anxiety to push decoupling with China in mineral supply chains ‘a dangerous signal’: Global Times
June 16, 2022

Since NATO will adopt a new Strategic Concept for the coming decade at its summit in Madrid later this month, the US is getting increasingly anxious on the issue of critical mineral supply, especially on mineral resources that it heavily relies on China and Russia. Some voices in the US are calling for decoupling with China in relevant fields, and seeking a replacement to ensure US demand due to “the risk of war.”
Click here to read…

China’s holdings of U.S. Treasuries skid to 12-year low; Japan also cuts holdings: Reuters
June 16, 2022

China’s holdings of U.S Treasuries tumbled in April to their lowest since May 2010, data showed on Wednesday, with Chinese investors likely cutting losses as Treasury prices fell after Federal Reserve officials signaled sizable rate hikes to temper soaring inflation. Click here to read…

Washington rebuffs Beijing’s claims over Taiwan Strait: Taipei Times
June 16, 2022

The US on Tuesday backed Taiwan’s assertion that the Taiwan Strait is an international waterway, a further rebuff to Beijing’s claim to exercise sovereignty over the strategic passage. On Monday, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said the country “has sovereignty, sovereign rights and jurisdiction over the Taiwan Strait,” and called it “a false claim when certain countries call the Taiwan Strait ‘international waters.’” Click here to read…

U.S. concerned over China’s alignment with Russia after Xi-Putin call: Kyodo
June 16, 2022

The United States on Wednesday expressed concern over China’s alignment with Russia after the leaders of the two countries reaffirmed their partnership in phone talks in the midst of Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine. Click here to read…

China vows to crack down on online racism, spurred by new details of video featuring Malawi children: South China Morning Post
June 16, 2022

China has promised to crack down on online racism against Africans after it emerged that a racist video first circulated in 2020 was shot in Malawi by a Chinese producer. A BBC investigation aired early this week found that a video in which a group of children are being told to chant phrases in Chinese was shot in Malawi by Chinese national Lu Ke, who allegedly takes hundreds of videos a day to sell. In the video, the children are told to repeat the words: “I am a black monster and my IQ is low”. Click here to read…

China’s party congress promotions to emphasise political security: South China Morning Post
June 16, 2022

President Xi Jinping is expected to consolidate his reshaping of China’s national security apparatus at the 20th party congress in the autumn, to rebuild the battered reputation of a sector that has been plagued with corruption scandals. Under Xi’s leadership, Beijing has significantly sharpened and reshaped the country’s zhengfa departments, the political and legal organs that form its security mechanisms. Observers and insiders expect the process to continue, with appointments that will reinforce Xi’s all-encompassing security vision covering everything from politics, through technology and the Covid-19 response, to food supply. Click here to read…

Senior Chinese official chairs BRICS security meeting: Xinhuanet
June 16, 2022

Yang Jiechi, director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, chaired the 12th Meeting of BRICS National Security Advisers and High Representatives on National Security via video link on Wednesday. Click here to read…

Chinese mainland reports 42 new local confirmed COVID-19 cases: Xinhuanet
June 16, 2022

The Chinese mainland on Wednesday reported 42 locally-transmitted confirmed COVID-19 cases, including 14 in Beijing, 13 in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and nine in Shanghai, the National Health Commission said Thursday. Click here to read…

Postgraduate education expanded in past decade: Quishi
June 16, 2022

China has not only educated more postgraduate students in the past decade than ever before, but has also improved the quality of teaching and research programs, training more capable graduates to better serve national development needs. According to the Ministry of Education, more than 600,000 doctoral graduates and 6.5 million master’s graduates have been educated in the past decade. Click here to read…

Modest subsidies less likely to boost birthrate: China Daily
June 16, 2022

The distribution of subsidies to help couples raise children is not expected to have a marked impact on encouraging births among college students, according to a recent survey. Instead, boosting nursery care services and offering housing subsidies could play a larger role in raising students’ willingness to have children, according to the questionnaire-based survey released by researchers from the Population Development Studies Center at the Renmin University of China in April. Click here to read…

Anhui space lab to foster local talent: China Daily
June 16, 2022

China has established a deep-space exploration laboratory to serve future lunar and interplanetary programs, according to the China National Space Administration. The lab, headquartered in Hefei, capital of Anhui province, is managed by the CNSA, the provincial government of Anhui and the University of Science and Technology of China in Hefei. Click here to read…

Guideline released for monkeypox: China Daily
June 16, 2022

China released its first diagnosis and treatment guideline for monkeypox on Wednesday, making it clear that the virus can spread through close contact and droplets, but most patients can recover without special treatment. Click here to read…

China: Daily Scan, June 14, 2022

Xi signs order to promulgate outlines on military operations other than war: China Military
June 13, 2022

Xi Jinping, chairman of the Central Military Commission, has signed an order to promulgate a set of trial outlines on military operations other than war. The outlines aim to protect people’s lives and property, safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interest, and safeguard world peace and regional stability. Click here to read…

Chinese vice premier urges solid efforts to contain COVID-19 in Beijing: Xinhuanet
June 13, 2022

Chinese Vice Premier Sun Chunlan on Monday urged solid and meticulous COVID-19 prevention and control work in Beijing in order to contain the spread of the epidemic as soon as possible. Click here to read…

China prosecutes former banking regulatory official: Xinhuanet
June 13, 2022

Cai Esheng, a former vice chairman of China’s top banking regulatory body, is being prosecuted over suspected bribe-taking and abuse of power, an official statement said Monday. The Zhenjiang Municipal People’s Procuratorate in east China’s Jiangsu Province recently filed a lawsuit at the Intermediate People’s Court of Zhenjiang. Click here to read…

Minors banned from getting tattooed: China Daily
June 13, 2022

As minors are persons with little or no civil capacity, getting a tattoo is beyond their ability to understand, the ministry said in a response to an inquiry to its Children’s Affairs Department. Click here to read…

Beijing suspends sports events, postpones return of classes as bar-related cluster infection involves 228: Global Times
June 13, 2022

Beijing on Monday canceled all sports events and postponed the resumption of face-to-face classes in schools due to the bar-related cluster infections which have involved 228 COVID-19 cases in 100 communities as of Monday. Click here to read…

Experimental monkeys become hot commodity in China despite soaring prices as domestic innovative drug R&D projects grow: Global Times
June 13, 2022

In the late 1980s, monkeys were both frightening and indispensable in the discovery of Ebola and the fight against the virus. Frightening because the virus first appeared in experimental monkeys, followed by outbreaks of infection and death; indispensable because the monkeys became a firewall for humans in the process of understanding the virus and developing vaccines and drugs. Click here to read…
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Ex-deputy banking regulator prosecuted for ‘particularly severe’ corruption, power abuse: Global Times
June13, 2022

Cai Esheng, former vice chairman of China’s banking regulator, is being prosecuted for corruption and the abuse of power. Cai, who was arrested in February this year, is accused of taking bribes and illegally accepting other people’s property in a “particularly large” amount, said a statement by China’s Supreme People’s Procuratorate on Monday. Click here to read…

China unveils steps to ease fiscal strains on local governments: Reuters
June 13, 2022

China’s cabinet unveiled some steps on Monday to improve the allocation of resources among local governments to help ease their growing fiscal strains and debt risks, amid efforts to support the slowing economy. Click here to read…

Shanghai reimposes ban on dining at restaurants: Taipei Times
June 13, 2022

Shanghai reimposed a ban on dining at restaurants in most districts, while a dozen local officials were punished for a management lapse at a quarantine hotel, as COVID-19 cases in China’s largest city, as well as in Beijing, continued to climb. Click here to read…

China develops AI that ‘can use deception to hunt satellites’: South China Morning Post
June 13, 2022

A research team in China said that an anti-satellite artificial intelligence system has mastered the art of deception in a simulated space battle. In the experiment, the AI commanded three small satellites to approach and capture a high-value target, repeating the exercise thousands of times. Eventually the targeted satellite learned to detect the incoming threat and fired up powerful thrusters to evade the pursuit. But it was then lured into a trap after the AI ordered the three hunters to veer off their original trajectory, as if giving up the pursuit. Click here to read…

China aiming for 3,500 registered general aviation airplanes: Xinhuanet
June 14, 2022

China will strive to have 3,500 registered airplanes for general aviation by the end of the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025) period, according to the country’s civil aviation regulator. A new plan on general aviation unveiled by the Civil Aviation Administration of China states that the number of registered airports for general aviation will top 500, and no less than 25 provincial-level regions will provide general aviation emergency rescue services by end-2025. Click here to read…

Chinese mainland reports 60 new local confirmed COVID-19 cases: Xinhuanet
June 14, 2022

The Chinese mainland Monday reported 60 locally-transmitted confirmed COVID-19 cases, including 42 in Beijing, 15 in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and three in Shanghai, the National Health Commission said Tuesday. Click here to read…

One-time relief offered to those in need during epidemic: China Daily
June 14, 2022

People experiencing financial difficulty can collect a one-time subsidy to help them through the COVID-19 epidemic, according to government officials. The Ministry of Civil Affairs and the Ministry of Finance recently issued a notice to deploy a safety net to ensure the basic livelihood of people in financial difficulty. Click here to read…

Handling of petitions, complaints standardized: China Daily
June 14, 2022

No organization or individual may retaliate against people lodging petitions, according to new regulations. Moreover, the work of dealing with public complaints or proposals will be assessed annually as a reference point for the performance evaluations of officials and government departments.Click here to read…

China endeavors to advance green transformation of construction sector: People’s Daily
June 14, 2022

Although the lowest temperature in Harbin city, northeast China’s Heilongjiang province, can drop to below minus 30 degrees Celsius in winter, an eco-tech industrial park in the city’s Songbei district has never needed the city’s heating network. “These buildings are like ‘vacuum bottles’ that insulate the inside from the heat in summer and from the cold in winter. And they are also more energy-efficient than conventional buildings,” explained Guo Xuebing, manager of the company providing property services for the industrial park. Click here to read…

Senior Chinese diplomat Yang Jiechi warns US not to havemiscalculation or illusion on Taiwan question: Global Times
June 14, 2022

In talks with National Security Advisor of the US Jake Sullivan in Luxembourg, senior Chinese diplomat Yang Jiechi said the US shouldn’t have miscalculation or illusion on the Taiwan question and warned that the Taiwan question, if inappropriately handled, will have a disruptive impact. Click here to read…

Nine men arrested in China after women attacked: Taipei Times
June 14, 2022

China has arrested nine men after video footage of a vicious attack on a group of female diners at a barbecue restaurant sparked outrage and debate on women’s rights on social media. The attack took place early on Friday in the city of Tangshan, Xinhua news agency reported. Click here to read…

US lawmakers reach compromise on screening investments in China: South China Morning Post
June 14, 2022

A bipartisan group of US lawmakers has struck a compromise on a long-debated plan to screen outbound investments into China, members of the Senate and House of Representatives said on Monday. It comes as Congress continues to negotiate a final version of sweeping legislation meant to strengthen US competitiveness with Beijing, and the lawmakers’ announcement raises the odds that the new outbound investment rules could be included in that final bill. If it is included, the new rules on outbound investments could theoretically become law as soon as this summer, although an exact timeline is still unclear. Click here to read…

China: Daily Scan, June 13, 2022

Xi calls for creating a new chapter in Sichuan’s development: Xinhuanet
June 10, 2022

Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made an inspection tour of southwest China’s Sichuan Province. Xi stressed resolute implementation of the decisions and plans of the CPC Central Committee, carrying forward the great founding spirit of the Party, and being firm in the general principle of pursuing progress while ensuring stability. Click here to read…

Senior CPC official underscores studying, implementing Xi Thought: Xinhuanet
June 10, 2022

Huang Kunming, a senior Communist Party of China (CPC) official, on Friday underscored the necessity of studying and implementing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. Click here to read…

Chinese, U.S. defense chiefs agree to enhance strategic mutual trust, properly manage differences: Xinhuanet
June 10, 2022

Chinese State Councilor and Defense Minister Wei Fenghe and U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin agreed on Friday to enhance strategic mutual trust and properly manage differences between the militaries of the two countries. Click here to read…

Major water transfer project to start construction in China: Xinhuanet
June 10, 2022

The construction of a project to channel water from China’s Yangtze River to the Hanjiang River will start by the end of this month, the Ministry of Water Resources said on Friday. With a total investment of 59.8 billion yuan (about 8.93 billion U.S. dollars), the project is a supplement to the middle route of the country’s South-to-North Water Diversion Project. Click here to read…

Tycoon sentenced to death with reprieve for bribery: China Daily
June 10, 2022

Yun Gongmin, a former tycoon in China’s electricity industry, was sentenced to death with a two-year reprieve for accepting more than 468 million yuan ($70.2 million) in bribes, a court in Northeast China’s Jilin province ruled on Thursday. Click here to read…

Drug negotiations saved Chinese patients billions: China Daily
June 10, 2022

The National Healthcare Security Administration said recently that Chinese patients saved nearly 150 billion yuan ($22.4 billion) in costs last year as a result of its price negotiation program with drug manufacturers and reimbursement through national medical security funds. Click here to read…

Yangquan in N China’s Shanxi shifts to green development through burgeoning automated driving industry: People’s Daily
June 10, 2022

Once having thrived on its local coal industry, Yangquan city, in north China’s Shanxi Province, has successfully blazed a new trail in the automated driving industry. Since 2012, the city has shifted to a green development path, and has become China’s first city to carry out autonomous driving in all of its administrative areas, having meanwhile served as a pilot city for the application of the Internet of Things in China. Click here to read…

U.S., China defense chiefs trade barbs over Taiwan situation: Kyodo
June 10, 2022

U.S. and Chinese defense chiefs on Friday traded barbs over the situation surrounding self-ruled democratic Taiwan on the fringes of a key security meeting in Asia, with both sides warning against actions that they view as destabilizing. Click here to read…

Tesla cancels three June online hiring events for China: Reuters
June 10, 2022

Tesla Inc (TSLA.O) has cancelled three online recruitment events for China scheduled this month, the latest development after Chief Executive Elon Musk threatened job cuts at the electric car maker, saying it was “overstaffed” in some areas. Click here to read…

U.S., China defense chiefs trade barbs over Taiwan situation: Kyodo
June 10, 2022

U.S. and Chinese defense chiefs on Friday traded barbs over the situation surrounding self-ruled democratic Taiwan on the fringes of a key security meeting in Asia, with both sides warning against actions that they view as destabilizing. Click here to read…

Chinese local governments speed up implementation of policy to stabilize economy in crucial quarter: Global Times
June 11, 2022

Senior leaders of several Chinese provinces have recently made field trips to coordinate on the solution to problems encountered by the local economy, the latest efforts by China’s local authorities to promote the implementation of various policies and measures aimed at stabilizing the economy. Click here to read…

Beijing warns of ‘explosive’ COVID outbreak, Shanghai conducts mass testing: Reuters
June 11, 2022

China’s capital Beijing is experiencing an “explosive” COVID-19 outbreak connected to a bar, a government spokesman said on Saturday, as the commercial hub, Shanghai,conducted mass testing to contain a jump in cases tied to a hair salon. Click here to read…

Chinese fighter crash kills civilian: Taipei Times
June 11, 2022

A Chinese air force jet crashed into houses during a training mission in central China, killing one person on the ground and injuring two others, state media said. The report was unusual because China generally keeps military accidents under wraps or emphasizes the heroic role of the pilot in avoiding casualties on the ground. Click here to read…

Chinese local governments speed up implementation of policy to stabilize economy in crucial quarter: Global Times
June 11, 2022

Senior leaders of several Chinese provinces have recently made field trips to coordinate on the solution to problems encountered by the local economy, the latest efforts by China’s local authorities to promote the implementation of various policies and measures aimed at stabilizing the economy. Click here to read…

China’s Xiamen to build 5G-powered telemedicine platform for eye diseases: Xinhuanet
June 12, 2022

Xiamen, a coastal city in east China’s Fujian Province, will build a 5G-based telemedicine platform for eye diseases, as part of its efforts to promote smart medicine and health. Approved by China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the project is one of the “5G plus medical and health” application pilot projects in the country. Click here to read…

Senior military officials of China, Pakistan advocate more coordination and cooperation: China Military
June 12, 2022

Vice Chairman of China’s Central Military Commission (CMC) General Zhang Youxia met with the visiting Pakistan’s Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Qamar Javed Bajwa in Qingdao, capital city of east China’s Shandong province, on the morning of June 12, 2022. Click here to read…

China bears no responsibility for border conflicts with India: Chinese Defense Minister: Global Times
June 12, 2022

The merits of the China-India border conflicts are very clear, and the responsibility does not lie with China, said China’s State Councilor and Defense Minister Wei Fenghe at the International Institute for Strategic Studies’ 19th Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore on Sunday morning. Click here to read…

China bids to strengthen vocational education amid a new wave of industrial transformation: Global Times
June 12, 2022

China has ramped up efforts to promote the development of its vocational education system, aiming to expand the nation’s employment channels while cultivating more targeted talent for emerging high-tech industries, which is in line with the country’s economic transformationClick here to read…

Chinese defense minister elaborates China’s Vision for Regional Order at 19th Shangri-La Dialogue: China Military
June 12, 2022

Chinese State Councilor and Defense Minister General Wei Fenghe delivered a speech on “China’s Vision for Regional Order” at the 19th Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore on June 12, 2022. General Wei pointed out that the human society is undergoing multiple crises rarely seen in history, and the right course lies in maintaining and implementing multilateralism and promoting the establishment of a community with a shared future for mankind. Click here to read…

What’s fuelling China’s lithium rush in Zimbabwe? The long game on zero carbon: South China Morning Post
June 13, 2022

Zimbabwe holds Africa’s largest lithium reserves, the fifth-largest globally, with its province of Masvingo home to the Bikita mine – site of the world’s largest-known deposit of the metal at around 11 million tonnes. The resource, however, has remained largely untapped for decades due to a lack of investment. But the growing global demand for electric vehicles has seen Bikita and other Zimbabwean mines attract more Chinese companies in recent years, turning the southern African nation into China’s next frontier for the key EV battery component. Click here to read…

Chinese mainland reports 69 new local confirmed COVID-19 cases: Xinhuanet
June 13, 2022

The Chinese mainland on Sunday reported 69 locally-transmitted confirmed COVID-19 cases, including 29 in Beijing, 27 in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and 11 in Shanghai, the National Health Commission said Monday. Click here to read…

Smart expressway in China makes travel more convenient, faster, safer: Quishiv
June 13, 2022

Thanks to intelligent transformation, a section of the Beijing-Taipei expressway, a partially completed smart expressway that will connect Beijing and Taipei, southeast China’s Taiwan, has seen its monthly average number of traffic accidents decrease by 40.9 percent from 66 to 39, and the average handling time of accidents drop from 28 minutes to 19 minutes, with the accident handling efficiency increasing by 32.1 percent. Click here to read…

Digital technology helps narrow regional divides: China Daily
June 13, 2022

The development of digital technology is expected to narrow the economic gap between eastern and western China, according to a new report on the digital countryside released by Peking University’s New Rural Development Research Institute and AliResearch, the research arm of Alibaba Group. Click here to read…

China to fight at all costs for its sovereignty: China Daily
June 13, 2022

China will have no choice but to go to war and fight to the end if anyone dares to separate Taiwan from the motherland, said State Councilor and Defense Minister General Wei Fenghe at the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore. Click here to read…

China: Daily Scan, June 10, 2022

China to improve public interest litigations on water resources: Xinhuanet
June 9, 2022

A new regulation on establishing and improving the cooperation mechanism between water resources law enforcement and procuratorial public interest litigations was made public Thursday. Click here to read…

China’s State Council appoints, removes officials: Xinhuanet
June 9, 2022

The State Council, China’s cabinet, announced the appointment and removal of several officials on Thursday. Xu Lin replaced Nie Chenxi as head of the National Radio and Television Administration, and no longer serves as director of the State Council Information Office. Chen Daojiang was appointed China’s permanent representative to the International Seabed Authority, replacing Tian Qi. Click here to read…

Chinese president appoints new ambassadors: Xinhuanet
June 9, 2022

Chinese President Xi Jinping has appointed nine new ambassadors in accordance with a decision by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, according to a statement from China’s top legislature on Thursday. Sun Haiyan was appointed China’s ambassador to Singapore, replacing Hong Xiaoyong. Zhang Jianwei was appointed ambassador to Kuwait, replacing Li Minggang. Zhang Yiming was appointed ambassador to the United Arab Emirates, replacing Ni Jian. Click here to read…

Chinese-invested uranium mine exceeds budgeted production targets in 2021: Xinhuanet
June 9, 2022

Rossing Uranium, a Chinese-invested company in Namibia, exceeded budgeted production targets by a significant margin, as the 2,882 tonnes of U3O8 produced during 2021 represented a 16 percent increase compared to 2020, the company’s managing director Johan Coetzee said. Click here to read…

China releases new geologic map of Moon: Xinhuanet
June 9, 2022

China has released a new geologic map of the Moon on a scale of 1:2,500,000, the first one in the world, according to the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). Chinese scientists from the Institute of Geochemistry of the CAS and other research institutes and universities have created the map based on data from the country’s Chang’e project and other data and research findings from international organizations. Click here to read…

Ex-manager of China’s power firm given death with reprieve over bribery: Xinhuanet
June 9, 2022

A former manager of state-owned China Huadian Corporation Ltd. was sentenced Thursday to death with a two-year reprieve for taking bribes worth 468 million yuan (about 70.05 million U.S. dollars). Click here to read…

China launches manhunt for telecom, online fraud suspects: Xinhuanet
June 9, 2022

China launched a manhunt on Thursday for major heads and key members of telecom and online fraud gangs across the country. The yearlong operation, launched by a joint task force under the State Council, vowed to bring the suspects to justice and demanded that they surrender in order to receive leniency. Click here to read…

Guideline to help MSMEs stay afloat: China Daily
June 9, 2022

New measures to lower taxes, increase financing for companies struggling due to COVID-19 outbreaks. China is beefing up support for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) by enacting measures to alleviate the financial burden brought on by outbreaks of COVID-19. Click here to read…

PLA jet crash with the pilot surviving: China Daily
June 9, 2022

A J-7 fighter jet belonging to the People’s Liberation Army Air Force crashed on Thursday morning in Hubei province’s Xiangyang, with the pilot surviving, according to China Central Television. A local resident was killed, and two others were injured. Click here to read…

Breakthrough achieved in quantum computing: China Daily
June 9, 2022

Chinese physicists have created a large-scale, ordered and tunable lattice of Majorana zero mode, one of the most exotic phenomena in condensed matter physics-the study of the physical properties of matter, according to a study published in the journal Nature on Wednesday. Click here to read…

Chinese scientists make breakthrough in push toward intelligent robotics: Global Times
June 09, 2022

Chinese scientists have developed a multimode-fused spiking neuron (MFSN) array that can sense different shapes, temperatures and weights just like people’s multisensory perception. It can contribute to the development of highly intelligent robotics in future. Click here to read…

China-Russia trade up 28.9% in Jan-May; further growth expected: Global Times
Jun 09, 2022

China’s trade with Russia saw faster growth in the first five months of 2022, according to Chinese customs data on Thursday, as Russia accelerated the shift of its supply chain to Asia amid US-led Western economic sanctions. Click here to read…

China’s securities regulator says no assessment pending on Ant IPO: Global Times
June 09, 2022

The China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) said on Thursday that it is not assessing or studying the potential revival of Ant Group’s IPO, in response to media reports claiming that the agency has set up teams to review the fintech firm’s listing plan. Click here to read…

China’s smartphone makers chip away at Samsung, Apple’s Russian market share: Reuters
June 9, 2022

China’s market share in the Russian smartphone market jumped significantly in May as manufacturers like Apple and Samsung (005930.KS) paused new sales in Russia and Western sanctions weighed on the Russian economy. Click here to read…

Another district in Beijing shuts entertainment venues to contain COVID outbreak: Reuters
June 9, 2022

China’s capital city of Beijing shut down entertainment venues in its Dongcheng district from Thursday in an effort to contain a new outbreak of COVID-19, the state-backed Beijing Daily said late on Thursday. The move came after Beijing’s largest district, Chaoyang, also ordered entertainment venues and internet cafes to shut from 2 p.m. (0600 GMT) on Thursday. Click here to read…

Japan, China defense chiefs to meet June 12 amid Chinese naval activity: Kyodo
June 9, 2022

Japanese Defense Minister Nobuo Kishi will meet with his Chinese counterpart Wei Fenghe Sunday on the sidelines of a security forum in Singapore to air concerns over Beijing repeatedly sending ships around the Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea, a government source said Wednesday. Click here to read…

Chinese state broadcasting gets a new chief: Xi protégé Xu Lin: South China Morning Post
June 9, 2022

Xu Lin, a protégé of President Xi Jinping, has taken over as head of the National Radio and Television Administration, which oversees state broadcasting in China. The 59-year-old attended an event at the NRTA in Beijing on Wednesday as its director and Communist Party branch secretary, according to a post on the agency’s website. It said Xu spoke about creating television shows that focus on ordinary people’s stories for the ruling party’s national congress later this year. It was the first confirmation that Xu has been appointed to the top job at the NRTA and comes ahead of a twice-a-decade political reshuffle at the party congress, to be held in autumn. While China is likely to see a new leadership line-up unveiled at the event, Xi is expected to secure a third term as the party’s top leader. Click here to read…

Chinese court awards woman US$4,500 compensation for 7 years of housework and child-rearing from ex-husband after divorce: South China Morning Post
June 9, 2022

A woman in China who received 30,000 yuan (US$4,500) in compensation for being a full-time wife and mother during her marriage has kicked off a national discourse about housework in mainland China. The woman, surnamed Wang, from Suzhou city in Jiangsu province, eastern China, was awarded the payment as compensation for being the full-time family carer for about seven years after she and her husband, surnamed Tan, divorced this year. During the marriage, Wang was a stay-at-home wife and looked after their son who was born prematurely shortly after the couple married in 2015. Wang also handled all the housework while Tan worked full time. Click here to read…

Chinese mainland reports 30 new local confirmed COVID-19 cases: Xinhuanet
June 10, 2022

The Chinese mainland Thursday reported 30 locally-transmitted confirmed COVID-19 cases, including 15 in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, seven in Beijing, six in Shanghai and two in Liaoning, the National Health Commission said Friday. Click here to read…

Several local cases reported in Beijing, Shanghai: China Daily
June 10, 2022

Beijing and Shanghai reported new clusters of COVID-19 infections on Thursday, involving a bar in Beijing and a beauty salon in Shanghai. The cases show the insidious risks of a rebound of infections still exist, the two cities’ health officials warned. Click here to read…

Xi stresses support for employment of college graduates, development of private sector in tour to Sichuan: Global Times
June 10, 2022

During an inspection tour in Southwest China’s Sichuan Province on Wednesday, President Xi Jinping stressed the need to adhere to the dynamic zero-COVID strategy of containing the virus while ensuring economic development, called for more effective measures to tackle specific issues such as employment for college graduates and boosted morale by pointing to the bright path ahead. Click here to read…

Shanghai to restart lockdowns, testing in Minhang District: Taipei Times
June 10, 2022

Shanghai tomorrow is to lock down a district of 2.7 million people to conduct mass testing for COVID-19, city authorities said yesterday, as the Chinese metropolis struggles to fully emerge from punishing curbs. Click here to read…

China: Daily Scan, June 8, 2022

Chinese premier stresses smoothing transportation and logistics, stabilizing economy: Xinhuanet
June 7, 2022

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has stressed further smoothing transportation and logistics to ensure the operation of market entities and stabilize the economy. Li, also a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, made the remarks while inspecting the Ministry of Transport on Monday, urging efforts to reconcile COVID-19 control and economic and social development. Click here to read…

State Council appoints, removes officials: Xinhuanet
June 7, 2022

The State Council, China’s cabinet, announced the appointment and removal of officials on Tuesday. Cui Maohu was appointed director of the National Religious Affairs Administration, replacing Wang Zuo’an. Fu Hua replaced He Ping as president of Xinhua News Agency and is no longer editor-in-chief of the agency. Click here to read…

China, Russia vow to promote cooperation along Yangtze, Volga rivers: Xinhuanet
June 7, 2022

China and Russia pledged to strengthen cooperation along the Yangtze and Volga rivers at a virtual meeting of the chairmen of the Council of Cooperation between the upper and middle reaches of the Yangtze River and the Volga Federal District, which was held Tuesday. Click here to read…

BRICS countries vow to deepen financial cooperation: Xinhuanet
June 7, 2022

The Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors of BRICS countries issued a joint statement at a virtual meeting on Monday, reaching consensus on deepening financial cooperation and strengthening coordination on macroeconomic policy. Click here to read…

China holds national college entrance exam with tailored COVID-19 countermeasures: Xinhuanet
June 7, 2022

China has adopted tailored measures to ensure candidates take the 2022 national college entrance exam on schedule despite the impact of the latest COVID-19 resurgences. The exam, also known as the “gaokao,” saw a record 11.93 million candidates sign up this year. Except for a postponement in Shanghai due to COVID-19, the exam kicked off Tuesday nationwide. Click here to read…

Heavy rains, floods affect over 800,000 in China’s Jiangxi: Xinhuanet
June 7, 2022

Over 800,000 residents in east China’s Jiangxi Province have been affected by torrential rains and rain-induced floods as of 4:30 p.m. Monday, according to local authorities. The latest round of rainfall since May 28 has wreaked havoc in 80 counties of the province, damaging 76,300 hectares of cropland and causing direct economic losses of 1.16 billion yuan (about 174 million U.S. dollars), according to the provincial flood control and drought relief headquarters. Click here to read…

Major wind power project starts construction in China’s Sichuan: Xinhuanet
June 7, 2022

Construction on a major wind power project began Tuesday in Dechang County, southwest China’s Sichuan Province. Located mainly in Laba Mountain, the wind power project is designed to have an installed capacity of 192,000 kW and include 60 wind turbines. Click here to read…

China’s Greater Bay Area emerging as a global innovation hub: People’s Daily
June 7, 2022

The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, a vibrant city cluster in southern China which comprises Hong Kong, Macao, and nine cities in south China’s Guangdong province, witnesses stories about scientific and technological innovations every day. Click here to read…

HK introduces textbooks for Citizenship, expected to resolve much criticized education problem: Global Times
June 7, 2022

On Monday, the Hong Kong Education Bureau (EDB) announced the first batch of textbooks applicable to the subject of Citizenship and Social Development in Hong Kong, with six sets of textbooks from five publishers selected. With designated textbooks and a detailed syllabus issued by the EDB, some teachers will no longer be able to convey their wrong and poisonous political views to students when teaching this course. Such a situation, previously much-criticized by the Hong Kong education community, will be changed, a textbook reviewer told the Global Times. Click here to read…

Wang Yi meets with Kazakh president, stresses vigilance against external forces: Global Times
June 7, 2022

Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Tuesday met with Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev in Kazakhstan’s capital Nur-Sultan, during which he stressed the importance of vigilance to external forces attempting to involve regional countries in major-power conflicts and to coerce countries to take sides. Click here to read…

China’s top diplomat says new, old China-Japan problems intertwined: Reuters
June 7, 2022

Old problems in China-Japan relations are intertwined with new ones, and the challenges cannot be ignored if the countries wish to have a “healthy” relationship, China’s top diplomat said on Tuesday. Click here to read…

Chinese blogger goes silent after ‘tank cake’ video: Taipei Times
June 8, 2022

One of China’s top bloggers has gone silent after livestreaming footage of a cake apparently shaped like a tank just before the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre, prompting debate over the highly sensitive event among tens of millions of young fans. Click here to read…

China gains ground on US in hi-tech ‘tug of war’, as Beijing spends billions on national champions: South China Morning Post
June 8, 2022

China has been gaining global market share in hi-tech industries at the expense of the United States, according to a new report, as the race for tech supremacy between the two countries heats up. Measured across key seven sectors, China’s share of the advanced technology market leapt from less than 4 per cent in 1995 to 21.5 per cent in 2018, said the Information Technology & Innovation Foundation (ITIF) on Wednesday.
The sectors covered in the report include: IT and information services; computer, electronic and optical products; electrical equipment; machinery and equipment; motor vehicle equipment; other transport equipment; and pharmaceutical products. Click here to read…

Deep dive for Chinese underwater lab in mission to bottom of South China Sea: South China Morning Post
June 8, 2022

China has put an unmanned deepwater station through its paces in a major test at the bottom of the South China Sea last month, state broadcaster CCTV reported on Tuesday.
The test included connecting a laboratory to the base station – a first for the country – and assessing the operations of a deep-sea glider and virtual mooring buoy for communication.
The test was carried out by researchers aboard the scientific vessel Tansuo 2, or Exploration 2, which returned to port in Hainan on Monday. Click here to read…

Taiwan on agenda at Shangri-La Dialogue as China, US defence chiefs to come face to face: South China Morning Post
June 8, 2022

Chinese and American defence chiefs are expected to reaffirm their tough security stands at a conference in Singapore this week but their appearance signals realisation of the need to improve ties, experts said. A source close to the People’s Liberation Army said Chinese Defence Minister Wei Fenghe and his American counterpart Lloyd Austin were expected to hold their first in-person meeting on the sidelines of the Shangri-La Dialogue, which starts on Friday. “There are many topics Austin wants to discuss with Wei, including Taiwan, Hong Kong, Tibet, Xinjiang, and other regional and global issues,” said the source, who declined to be identified. Click here to read…

Chinese mainland reports 44 new local confirmed COVID-19 cases: Xinhuanet
June 8, 2022

The Chinese mainland Tuesday reported 44 locally-transmitted confirmed COVID-19 cases, including 35 in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, the National Health Commission said Wednesday. Click here to read…

Stricter guidelines target bribery: China Daily
June 8, 2022

The National Supervisory Commission and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate have released details of typical bribery cases to guide the fight against the crime. The cases cover key areas for the central government to investigate bribery, including bidding and tendering, medical drugs, illegal mining and environmental protection. Click here to read…

China’s top security authority institutionalizes rewarding citizens for reporting activities that endanger national security: Global Times
June 08, 2022

China’s Ministry of State Security (MSS) on Monday released a regulation on rewards for citizens reporting activities that endanger national security who will be given an incentive based on the effectiveness and contribution of their reports, with the maximum amount exceeding 100,000 yuan ($15,000). Click here to read…

China will adopt targeted measures to help foreign trade firms, says vice commerce minister: Reuters
June 8, 2022

China’s foreign trade is facing uncertainty and huge pressure due to domestic and external factors, including logistics problems and soaring raw material prices, Vice Commerce Minister Wang Shouwen said on Wednesday. China will adopt targeted measures to lower costs, improve supply chains and help foreign trade firms, Wang told a news conference. Click here to read…

China: Daily Scan, June 06, 2022

China’s ‘no jab, no insurance’ notice for over-60s blamed on misreading of policy: South China Morning Post
June 3, 2022

Elderly people over 60 who refuse to get a Covid-19 vaccine will not have their basic medical insurance suspended, a local government in China’s port city of Wenzhou has clarified, after a notice from community officials sparked alarm. Residents of the community in Wenzhou’s Kunyang town had been notified that, unless they had hospital certificates to exempt them, unvaccinated elderly people would be barred from public spaces like supermarkets, the Beijing-based China News Weekly reported on Wednesday. Click here to read…

China-Pakistan working group meeting stresses safe, smooth progress of CPEC projects: Global Times
June 03, 2022

The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) Transportation Infrastructure working group has held its 9th meeting by video link, during which the two sides conducted “candid exchanges” on “remaining issues” concerning some completed projects and discussed plans for projects under construction, aiming to ensure safe and steady progress, according to the Chinese Embassy in Pakistan. Click here to read…

Xinjiang plans over 134 bln USD fixed-asset investment in 2022: Xinhuanet
June 3, 2022

Northwest China’s Xinjiang Autonomous Region plans a total fixed-asset investment of over 900 billion yuan (about 134.1 billion U.S. dollars) in 2022. The regional development and reform commission said the investment will focus on major projects in infrastructures and strategic emerging sectors, including railways, airports, power transmission lines and new energy bases. Click here to read…

1st batch of Chinese emergency humanitarian medicine aid arrives in Sri Lanka: Xinhuanet
June 4, 2022

The first batch of Chinese emergency humanitarian medicine aid arrived at Sri Lanka’s Bandaranaike International Airport on Friday night. China fully relates to the difficulties and challenges faced by Sri Lanka and will continue to provide assistance within its capacity through all possible channels, said Chinese Ambassador Qi Zhenhong at the handover ceremony. Click here to read…

Agricultural Bank of China steps up support for manufacturing industries: Xinhuanet
June 4, 2022

The Agricultural Bank of China, one of the country’s largest commercial lenders, has scaled up support for the manufacturing sector. By the end of April, the bank’s outstanding loans to the manufacturing industry exceeded 2 trillion yuan (about 298 billion U.S. dollars), an increase of nearly 16 percent compared with the beginning of the year, according to the bank. Click here to read…

Beijing issues action plan to stimulate business, consumption amid epidemic: Xinhuanet
June 4, 2022

Beijing has issued an action plan to gear up business operation and consumption as the epidemic eases in the city. According to the plan announced by the Beijing Municipal Government on Thursday, the Chinese capital will upgrade its “white list” of key enterprises in line with different classifications and dynamic management. It aims to facilitate the logistics and transportation services for the enterprises that have resumed production. Click here to read…

Driver killed, eight injured in train accident in China: Reuters
June 4, 2022

A passenger train accident in southwestern China on Saturday killed the driver and injured eight people, state broadcaster CCTV reported. As the Guangzhou-bound train was about to enter a tunnel in Guizhou province, it ploughed into debris deposited on the tracks by a mudslide, derailing two carriages and killing the driver, CCTV reported. Click here to read…

China prioritizes industrial, supply chains stability in reviving industrial economy: Xinhuanet
June 5, 2022

China will make the unimpeded and stable operation of its industrial and supply chains a top priority, as it looks to revive its industrial economy after flare-ups of COVID-19 in recent months. Click here to read…

More than a hundred COVID-19 silent carriers reported in NE China’s border city: Global Times
June 5, 2022

A total of 128 COVID-19 asymptomatic cases have been reported in Northeast China’s Liaoning Province from May 24 to Saturday, all in the border city Dandong which is about 160 kilometers from Pyongyang. Click here to read…

Train derailment sounds alarm for road, rail networks as flood season in S.China comes: Global Times
June 5, 2022

The Guizhou-Guangzhou Railway resumed operation on Sunday after a high-speed train derailed in Southwest China’s Guizhou Province due to a mudslide on Saturday, killing a driver and injuring one attendant and seven passengers. Click here to read…

Drones deployed on aircraft carrier Shandong; ‘more advanced tech to come soon’: Global Times
June 5, 2022

The deployment of lightweight drones on the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Navy’s aircraft carrier Shandong sparked a wave of speculation by overseas media, which hyped that China has surpassed the US in deploying drones on aircraft carriers. Click here to read…

Chinese EV makers scramble to acquire lithium, aiming to curb battery prices: Global Times
June 05, 2022

Chinese electric vehicle (EV) industry players such as BYD are striving to secure deals with lithium mines overseas in a bid to curb surging prices of batteries while securing the stable supply of EVs, for which China is one of the leading producers in the world. Click here to read…

China’s property market gradually rebounds during Dragon Boat Festival, as government supportive measures kick in: Global Times
June 5, 2022

China’s real estate market saw brisk business during the Dragon Boat Festival, with second-hand home transactions increasing from the previous month, industry insiders told the Global Times on Sunday, pointing to a gradual recovery amid intensifying efforts to boost the property market and stabilize housing and land prices. Click here to read…

Xi urges efforts to build beautiful China: Quishi
June 6, 2022

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Sunday urged efforts to build a beautiful China in which humanity and nature coexist in harmony and contribute more to jointly constructing a clean and beautiful world. Click here to read…

Beijing lifts several COVID measures: China Daily
June 6, 2022

Beijing announced it would lift a series of COVID-19 control and prevention measures starting Monday, considering the current epidemic situation. Except for Fengtai district and some places in Changping, all restaurants in the city can resume dine-in services starting Monday, city authorities said. Click here to read…

Chinese ambassador to India revisits Chennai to follow up summit’s spirit; bilateral relations ‘have opportunities for breakthrough’: Global Times
June 6, 2022

In a sharp slap in the face to the West, which attempts to drive a wedge between China and India by piling pressure on New Delhi to take a tough stance against Moscow with the hypothesis that the country may face “similar challenges” from China in the future, Indian Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar outlined the country’s position by emphasizing that China-India relations have nothing to do with the Russia-Ukraine conflict and India is capable of managing its ties with Beijing. Click here to read…

Shandong Port Group releases China’s first emissions inventory for ports: Global Times
June 6, 2022

Shandong Port Group (SPG) released the nation’s first emissions inventory among China’s ports, aiming to support the country’s carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals. The emissions inventory was released on Sunday, according to SPG’s official Wechat account, marking SPG’s start of a new chapter of systematic assessment, precise policy implementation and carbon reduction as another milestone in constructing the world’s leading smart and green ports. Click here to read…

China astronauts sent to complete space station: Taipei Times
June 6, 2022

China yesterday launched a rocket carrying three astronauts on a mission to complete construction on its new space station, the latest milestone in Beijing’s drive to become a major space power. Click here to read…

China: Daily Scan, June 2, 2022

Senior Guangdong provincial legislator under probe: Xinhuanet
June 1, 2022

Chen Rugui, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of Guangdong Provincial People’s Congress, is being investigated for suspected severe violations of discipline and law. The investigation is being conducted by the Communist Party of China Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission, according to a statement released on Wednesday. Click here to read…

Cambodia, China ink deal to build COVID-19 vaccine filling factory in Cambodia: Xinhuanet
June 1, 2022

Cambodia and China on Wednesday signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on the construction of a COVID-19 vaccine filling and packaging factory in Cambodia. The MoU was inked by Cambodian Health Minister Mam Bunheng and Gao Qiang, general manager of Sinovac Life Sciences Co., Ltd. via video link. Click here to read…

China unveils measures to bolster food supply capacity: Xinhuanet
June 1, 2022

China will step up its food supply capacity to keep prices stable, authorities said, citing challenges brought by COVID-19. The country encourages local governments to get a clear picture of the acreage, variety, output of vegetables in the field, and the variety and output of aquatic and livestock product stock on hand, according to a circular jointly released by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and other government organs Wednesday. Click here to read…

China to expedite delivery of policy package to keep economy stable: Xinhuanet
June 1, 2022

China will speed up the implementation of a package of policy measures to maintain stable economic performance and ensure that market entities and the people are well-informed of these policy steps and benefit to the fullest extent, according to a decision made at the State Council’s Executive Meeting chaired by Premier Li Keqiang on Wednesday. Click here to read…

Chief procurator of Shanghai under investigation: Xinhuanet
June 1, 2022

Zhang Bencai, the chief procurator of the Shanghai People’s Procuratorate in east China, is under investigation for suspected disciplinary and legal violations, according to an official statement on Wednesday. Zhang is now under disciplinary and supervisory probe by the Communist Party of China Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory CommissionClick here to read…

China activates level-III response after 6.1-magnitude quake jolts Sichuan: Xinhuanet
June 1, 2022

A level-III national emergency response has been activated after a 6.1-magnitude earthquake hit southwest China’s Sichuan Province, the Ministry of Emergency Management said Wednesday. Click here to read…

China aims to achieve annual clean energy output of 3.3 trln kWh by 2025: Xinhuanet
June 1, 2022

China’s annual power generation from renewable energy sources will reach 3.3 trillion kWh by 2025 amid efforts to achieve carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals, according to a plan spanning from 2021 to 2025 unveiled Wednesday. Click here to read…

Four dead after earthquakes strike Sichuan: China Daily
June 1, 2022

Four people were killed and 14 others were injured as of 7:40 pm on Wednesday after two earthquakes struck Ya’an, Sichuan province. A magnitude-6.1 earthquake hit Lushan, a county under the administration of Ya’an, at 5 pm on Wednesday according to the China Earthquake Networks Center. Click here to read…

PLA holds three combat drills around Taiwan in one month amid US-Taiwan military collusion: Global Times
June 1, 2022

The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Eastern Theater Command on Wednesday announced the third large-scale military exercise around the island of Taiwan in the past 30 days targeting US-Taiwan collusion, seeing US Senator Tammy Duckworth off as she was leaving Taiwan following her three-day visit, in which the island’s regional leader Tsai Ing-wen said that a cooperation plan between the US National Guard and Taiwan’s armed forces was in the works. Click here to read…

Chinese provinces resume inter-provincial group tours ahead of holiday to boost tourism: Global Times
June 1, 2022

More than ten Chinese localities have moved to restart inter-provincial group tours, after the Ministry of Culture and Tourism (MCT) on Tuesday announced more targeted anti-epidemic measures in an effort to boost tourism, while preventing the spread of COVID-19 ahead of the three-day Dragon Boat Festival holiday starting on Friday. Click here to read…

China to test first maglev-suspension monorail in new breakthrough of rail technology: Global Times
June 1, 2022

Researches in East China’s Jiangxi Province are testing a maglev hanging on an 800-meter-long monorail with a top speed of 80 kilometers per hours, the first of its kind in the country, the Science and Technology Daily reported on Wednesday, marking a new breakthrough in the country’s rapid development of rail technology. Click here to read…

Head of China’s market regulator takes over as acting mayor of Tianjin: South China Morning Post
June 1, 2022

Zhang Gong, China’s top market regulator, has been named as acting mayor of Tianjin following the sudden death of his predecessor. Zhang, 60, who has headed the State Administration for Market Regulation since July 2020, was named as deputy Communist Party chief of the northern port city on Saturday before the city’s legislature confirmed him in the role of acting mayor on Tuesday. Click here to read…

China should give up ‘illusion’ of avoiding US rivalry, Beijing think tank says: South China Morning Post
June 1, 2022

China should give up the “illusion” of avoiding competition with the United States, and even be prepared for the worst-case scenario of possible military conflict, a Chinese think tank has advised, while also urging Beijing to seek ways to reduce tensions. The Chongyang Institute for Finance Studies at Renmin University said the war in Ukraine had intensified US worries about and strategy against China, heightening the risk of an “all out” confrontation between the two major powers. Click here to read…

7 more industries in for tax benefits: People’s Daily
June 2, 2022

China is likely to extend its current value-added tax credit refund policies to seven more industries including wholesale and retail, agriculture, accommodation and catering, education, social work, entertainment and sports. The move is expected to increase this year’s tax refunds by 142 billion yuan ($21.23 billion) to 1.64 trillion yuan. Click here to read…

U.S. is ready to implement ban on Xinjiang goods on June 21: Reuters
June 2, 2022

U.S. authorities are ready to implement a ban on imports from China’s Xinjiang region when a law requiring it becomes enforceable later in June, a U.S. Customs official said on Wednesday, adding that a “very high” level of evidence would be required for an exemption. Click here to read…

China hits ‘selfish’ Japan over claim: Taipei Times
June 2, 2022

China blasted Japan for a “selfish” claim over an area of the Pacific Ocean larger than France, reigniting a long-standing territorial fight between Asia’s two largest economies. Japan has long claimed Okinotori, which is about halfway between Taiwan and Guam, as its southernmost island. China says it is merely a reef, and does not entitle Japan to benefits such as a 200 nautical-mile (370.4km) radius exclusive economic zone that would apply to an island under international law. Click here to read…

Chinese scientists produce world’s first pigs cloned entirely by robot: South China Morning Post
June 2, 2022

Researchers in China say they have developed a process to clone pigs entirely through the use of robots – a development that may help the world’s largest pork consumer reduce its reliance on imported breeding pigs. In March, a surrogate mother gave birth to seven cloned piglets at the College of Artificial Intelligence at Nankai University in Tianjin. Click here to read…

Chinese mainland reports 18 new local confirmed COVID-19 cases, 11 in Beijing: Xinhuanet
June 2, 2022

The Chinese mainland Wednesday reported 18 locally-transmitted confirmed COVID-19 cases, including 11 in Beijing and five in Shanghai, according to the National Health Commission’s report ThursdayClick here to read…

Blueprint to improve national health: China Daily
June 2, 2022

China has unveiled its first five-year blueprint to improve the health of its residents through 2025, pledging to lift the average life expectancy by another year and make the public health network better able to respond to major outbreaks and other public health emergencies. Click here to read…

Collaborative research probes antimatter: China Daily
June 2, 2022

An international collaboration led by Chinese physicists has developed a new method to probe the differences between matter and antimatter, according to a study published on Thursday in the journal Nature. Click here to read…

China expands foreign debt program for smaller high-tech firms in push for economic stabilization: Global Times
June 2, 2022

The State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE), the country’s forex regulator, on Tuesday announced the expansion of a cross-border financing program for smaller high-tech firms, in the latest push to bolster the economy amid the COVID-19 fallout. Click here to read…

China: Daily Scan, June 1, 2022

China’s Tianjin appoints acting mayor: Xinhuanet
May 31, 2022

Zhang Gong was appointed deputy mayor and acting mayor of north China’s Tianjin Municipality on Tuesday. The appointment was made at the 34th session of the Standing Committee of the 17th Tianjin Municipal People’s Congress. Click here to read…

Xi stresses efforts to promote children’s healthy, all-round development: Xinhuanet
May 31, 2022

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday stressed efforts to promote the healthy and all-round development of children and extended festive greetings to children across the country ahead of the International Children’s Day which falls on June 1. Click here to read…

Xi congratulates China Soong Ching Ling Foundation over 40th anniversary: Xinhuanet
May 31, 2022

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday sent a congratulatory letter to the China Soong Ching Ling Foundation (CSCLF) over the 40th anniversary of its founding. In the letter, Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, urged the foundation to make new and greater contributions to the promotion of solidarity of all the sons and daughters of the Chinese nation at home and abroad. Click here to read…

U.S. urged to stop fabricating, spreading lies and rumors to smear China: Xinhuanet
May 31, 2022

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian on Tuesday urged the United States to stop fabricating and spreading lies and rumors of all kinds to smear and denigrate China, and stop interfering in China’s internal affairs in the name of so-called human rights issues. Click here to read…

Chinese FM stresses cooperation over competition in Sino-U.S. relations: Xinhuanet
May 31, 2022

Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi delivered a speech here via video at a symposium named “Kissinger and China-U.S. Relations” on Tuesday to express his opinion on the right path of bilateral relations. Click here to read…

China relaxes restrictions, cuts taxes to boost auto sales: Xinhuanet
May 31, 2022

China will halve the purchase tax for eligible passenger vehicles and ease restrictions to spur auto sales and underpin consumption, authorities said. The country will slash the purchase tax by half for passenger cars under 300,000 yuan (about 45,040 U.S. dollars) with engine displacements within 2 liters purchased between June 1 and Dec. 31 this year, said a notice jointly released by the Ministry of Finance and the State Tax Administration Tuesday. Click here to read…

Chinese scientists reveal human impact on extreme precipitation: Xinhuanet
May 31, 2022

Human activities may increase extreme precipitation events, according to a study recently published in the journal npj Climate and Atmospheric Science. The study was conducted by a research team from the Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography under the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Click here to read…

Shanghai’s largest temporary COVID-19 hospital closes: Xinhuanet
May 31, 2022

The largest temporary hospital for COVID-19 patients in Shanghai during the latest resurgence of infections was closed on Tuesday. The hospital, which was set up in the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai), started to receive patients on April 9. More than 174,000 patients in the megacity received treatment there during the outbreak. Click here to read…

China issues guideline on disinfection procedures amid epidemic: Xinhuanet
May 31, 2022

Chinese health authorities on Tuesday issued a set of disinfection procedures, banning any “simplistic or unmannerly” conduct of disinfectant workers while spraying disinfectant in the homes of coronavirus-infected people. Click here to read…

China to intensify efforts in improving rural transport infrastructure: Xinhuanet
May 31, 2022

China is planning to increase its efforts to improve transport infrastructure in rural areas this year, the country’s Vice Minister of Transport Zhao Chongjiu said Tuesday. China will complete the reconstruction of an extra 30,000 km of rural highways this year, bringing the total annual reconstruction goal to 150,000 km, Zhao told a press conference. Click here to read…

Shanghai rolls out measures to boost tourism: Xinhuanet
May 31, 2022

The Shanghai municipal government Tuesday released new measures to promote the recovery and development of tourism, the third year in a row that the city has introduced such measures. Click here to read…

Firefighting seaplane makes debut flight in Zhuhai: China Daily
May 31, 2022

The fire-extinguishing variant of China’s AG600 seaplane carried out its first flight in Zhuhai, Guangdong province, on Tuesday morning, according to the Aviation Industry Corp of China. The State-owned aircraft maker said in a release that the plane was piloted by a four-member crew and took off from the Zhuhai Jinwan Airport at 10:55 am. It flew for 20 minutes before returning to the airport. Click here to read…

Air-inflated testing lab built in Beijing’s Fangshan district: China Daily
May 31, 2022

Beijing has completed the construction of an air-inflated testing lab in Fangshan district, covering an area of 4,000 square meters, which will have a daily testing capacity of 100,000 tubes of samples, including for nucleic acid tests, according to the official WeChat account of Fangshan district on Tuesday. Click here to read…

Chinese Defense Minister to attend Shangri-La Dialogue; throws possibility of a meeting with US defense chief into spotlight: Global Times
May 31, 2022

Chinese State Councilor and Defense Minister General Wei Fenghe will attend the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore in early June, the ministry announced Tuesday. With speculation rising over the possibility of a first in-person meeting between Wei and US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin at the event amid tensions across the Taiwan Straits, Chinese experts said on Tuesday that both sides should keep communicating, despite low expectations for a tangible result. Click here to read…

PLA sends 30 warplanes near Taiwan island amid US senator visit, carrier drills: Global Times
May 31, 2022

The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) reportedly dispatched 30 warplanes to the vicinity of the island of Taiwan on Monday, the same day a US senator arrived on the island for a surprise visit, and also at the same time the US Navy was holding dual carrier drills not far away from the region. Click here to read…

Shanghai-based shipyard in full swing as Omicron abates, ‘ready for launch of 3rd aircraft carrier’: Global Times
May 31, 2022

In a significant achievement of work resumption after the latest COVID-19 resurgence in Shanghai, the Jiangnan Shipyard on Monday launched three new ships and readied two ships for the next stage of construction, with the shipbuilder vowing to make up for lost time and complete all production missions on time. Click here to read…

China rolls out 33 detailed measures to boost growth; major rebound expected in Q3: Global Times
May 31, 2022

China has mounted a full-fledged battle to stabilize its economy, as all levels of governments – from the State Council, the cabinet to ministries to local governments – raced to implement a sweeping set of 33 measures aimed at tackling specific challenges and keep economic operations within in reasonable range, according to an official notice on Tuesday. Click here to read…

Chinese apparel brand JNBY fined 800,000 yuan for using incorrect national map: Global Times
May 31, 2022

Chinese clothing brand JNBY was fined 800,000 yuan ($120,140) by the market supervisor for using an incorrect national map on its official website, according to an administrative penalty record shown on business information site Tianyancha. Click here to read…

China vows new financial tools to support drive to carbon neutrality: Reuters
May 31, 2022

China’s government said it will expand its range of financial tools and make greater use of fiscal and taxation policies to support the shift towards carbon neutrality. China aims to create a basic financial policy framework by 2030 to support green and low-carbon development, and will also aim to give more play to market mechanisms like carbon and pollution discharge trading, according to policy recommendations from the Ministry of Finance published late on Monday. Click here to read…

China announces detailed stimulus measures to support virus-hit economy: Reuters
May 31, 2022

China’s cabinet announced a package of 33 measures covering fiscal, financial, investment and industrial policies on Tuesday to revive its pandemic-ravaged economy, adding it will inspect how provincial governments implement them. Click here to read…

U.S. investigates Chinese companies over export sanction issues: Reuters
June 1, 2022

U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo said on Tuesday the Biden administration is actively considering adding new Chinese companies to the government’s economic blacklist as it investigates what it calls efforts by China to evade U.S. sanctions. The Commerce Department’s Entity List restricts access to U.S. exports. Click here to read…

China stops media questioning Wang: Taipei Times
June 1, 2022

Journalists covering a tour of the Pacific by Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi say they have been blocked from filming or accessing events, and that not a single question from a Pacific journalist has been allowed. The allegations raise serious press freedom concerns and alarm about the ability of Pacific journalists to do their jobs, particularly as the relationship between the region and China becomes closer. Click here to read…

PRC actress fined over fat-loss ads: Taipei Times
June 1, 2022

Chinese actress Jing Tian has been slapped with a US$1.1 million fine for breaching the nation’s advertising law by touting candies as a weight-loss drug. Jing, who has been in Hollywood blockbusters such as The Great Wall with Matt Damon and Kong: Skull Island, has been a brand ambassador for Infinite Free, a Guangzhou-based company that claimed its fruit and vegetable candy could prevent the body from absorbing sugars, oils and fats. Click here to read…

China urges supporting African countries to resolve problems in African ways: Xinhuanet
June 1, 2022

A Chinese envoy on Tuesday called on the international community to support African countries in resolving their own problems in their own ways. “We call on the international community to support the efforts by regional countries in resolving African issues in African ways,” Dai Bing, China’s deputy permanent representative to the United Nations, told a UN Security Council meeting on the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Click here to read…

China to defer social-insurance payments for more pandemic-hit sectors: Xinhuanet
June 1, 2022

Chinese authorities announced on Tuesday the temporary deferment of social-insurance premium payments for more firms that have been hit by the pandemic, as the latest move to alleviate the financial burden on certain industries. Click here to read…

1 dead, 13 injured after blast rocks restaurant in central China: Xinhuanet
June 1, 2022

One person had been killed and 13 others injured as of 10:30 a.m. after a blast rocked a rice noodle restaurant in Changsha County, central China’s Hunan Province, at about 6:30 a.m. on Wednesday, according to the local publicity department. Click here to read…

Chinese mainland reports 22 new local confirmed COVID-19 cases, 14 in Beijing: Xinhuanet
June 1, 2022

The Chinese mainland Tuesday reported 22 locally-transmitted confirmed COVID-19 cases, including 14 in Beijing and five in Shanghai, according to the National Health Commission’s report Wednesday. Click here to read…

China ready to boost friendship, cooperation with UAE: Quishi
June 1, 2022

China is ready to work with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to consolidate friendship, cement mutual trust and deepen cooperation, said Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday afternoon. Click here to read…

China remains attractive destination for foreign investment: Quishi
June 1, 2022

Data from China’s Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) indicated that China saw 185 newly-added major projects during the first four months of this year, each with foreign investment of over $100 million. This means that an average of 1.5 major foreign-funded projects had been launched in China per day during the period. Click here to read…

Defense minister to attend forum: China Daily
June 1, 2022

The attendance of China’s defense minister at the Shangri-La Dialogue will be vital amid the current fluctuating international situation, and provide an opportunity to avoid miscalculations among different parties, said experts. Click here to read…

Chinese state councilor stresses need for efforts to defuse major safety risks: China Daily
June 1, 2022

Chinese State Councilor Wang Yong has called for solid efforts to forestall and defuse various major safety risks and resolutely prevent serious and major accidents. Wang made the remarks during a national video conference on production safety held on Tuesday. Click here to read…

Beijing advises against traveling outside city during Dragon Boat holiday: China Daily
June 1, 2022

The Beijing government is encouraging all residents to spend the coming Dragon Boat Festival in the city and people should avoid infection by staying away from places of high or medium risk for COVID-19, a senior official said on Tuesday. Click here to read…

More Chinese students using e-cigarettes: Global Times
June 1, 2022

Nearly 5 percent of Chinese students in middle schools have the habit of smoking and 3.6 percent of the group use e-cigarettes regularly, according to a survey conducted in 2021 by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (China’s CDC). The data was released on Tuesday, the World No Tobacco Day, along with other reports that demonstrate an increasing tendency of Chinese minors to use e-cigarettes. Click here to read…

China ranks first in world in numbers of MOOCs and viewers: People’s Daily
June 1, 2022

China ranks first globally in the numbers of massive open online courses (MOOCs) and viewers, and sees fast growth in the figures, said Wu Yan, director of the Department of Higher Education of China’s Ministry of Education (MOE). Smart Education of China, a government-sponsored online education platform in China, offers courses in a wide variety of fields. Click here to read…

Companies promote recruitment via livestreaming in China: People’s Daily
June 1, 2022

Livestreaming shows for recruitment, one of the most popular online recruitment methods lately, is in the ascendant on Chinese short-video sharing platforms such as Douyin and Kuaishou. Click here to read…

China: Daily Scan, May 31, 2022

China’s top legislature schedules standing committee session: Xinhuanet
May 30, 2022

The Standing Committee of the 13th National People’s Congress (NPC) will convene its 35th session from June 21 to 24 in Beijing. The decision was made on Monday at a meeting of the Council of Chairpersons of the NPC Standing Committee, which was presided over by Li Zhanshu, chairman of the NPC Standing Committee. Click here to read…

Political advisors discuss revising arbitration law: Xinhuanet
May 30, 2022

Chinese national political advisors convened a bi-weekly seminar on Monday to discuss revising the country’s law on arbitration. The seminar, held by the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), China’s top political advisory body, was presided over by Wang Yang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the CPPCC National Committee. Click here to read…

State Council appoints, removes officials: Xinhuanet
May 30, 2022

The State Council, China’s cabinet, announced the appointment and removal of officials Monday. Zheng Xincong replaced Fu Ziying as head of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR), and national security affairs adviser of the Committee for Safeguarding National Security of the Macao SAR, and no longer serves as the national security technical adviser of the committee. Click here to read…

Xi meets new HKSAR chief executive John Lee: Xinhuanet
May 30, 2022

President Xi Jinping met with John Lee, the newly appointed sixth-term chief executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), on Monday in Beijing. Lee, who won the chief executive election on May 8, will assume office on July 1, 2022. Click here to read…

China’s first solar-tidal photovoltaic power plant connected to grid: Xinhuanet
May 30, 2022

China’s first intelligent power plant utilizing solar and tidal power to generate electricity was connected to the power grid on Monday. The full operation of the power plant in east China’s Zhejiang Province marks the country’s new achievements in the utilization of marine energy resources and the development and construction of its new-energy network. Click here to read…

China leverages fiscal policies to spur decarbonization: Xinhuanet
May 30, 2022

China’s Finance Ministry unveiled a guideline on Monday further leveraging the role of fiscal policies to achieve the country’s carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals. By 2030, a fiscal and taxation system that is conducive to green and low-carbon development will be basically established to achieve the goal of peaking carbon emissions, according to the guideline released on the website of the Ministry of Finance. Click here to read…

China to boost wind, solar power capacity for cleaner energy mix: Xinhuanet
May 30, 2022

China has rolled out a raft of measures to significantly increase its installed wind and solar power capacity in the latest step toward a low-carbon, secure and efficient energy mix. From more suitable power grids to technological breakthroughs and financial support, an official action plan issued on Monday specifies a total of 21 policies to bring the country’s combined wind and solar power capacity to 1.2 billion kilowatts by 2030. Click here to read…

China to raise fuel retail prices: Xinhuanet
May 30, 2022

China will raise the retail prices of gasoline and diesel from Tuesday, the country’s top economic planner said on Monday. Based on recent changes in international oil prices, the retail prices of gasoline and diesel will rise by 400 yuan (about 59.66 U.S. dollars) and 390 yuan per tonne, respectively, according to the National Development and Reform Commission. Click here to read…

Record 11.93 mln students to take China’s college entrance exam: Xinhuanet
May 30, 2022

A new high of 11.93 million students will take China’s national college entrance exam for 2022, also known as “gaokao.” Aside from a postponement in Shanghai due to COVID-19, the exam will be held on June 7 and 8 nationwide. Gaokao is deemed critical for social mobility and national talent selection in China. More than 10 million students took the exam across the country in 2021. Click here to read…

Former Ningxia senior political advisor punished for serious violation of discipline, law: Xinhuanet
May 30, 2022

Li Zefeng, a former senior political advisor of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, has been punished and demoted for serious violations of the Communist Party of China (CPC) discipline and laws. Click here to read…

Maternal, infant mortality rates in China drop to historic low: Xinhuanet
May 30, 2022

China’s maternal and infant mortality rates have both dropped to a historic low, the National Health Commission said Monday. In 2021, China recorded a maternal mortality rate of 16.1 per 100,000, said Song Li, head of the commission’s department of maternal and child health. At the same time, the mortality rates of infants and children under five have decreased to 5 per thousand and 7.1 per thousand, respectively, both dropping to a record low. Click here to read…

China celebrates science workers: China Daily
May 30, 2022

The Chinese scientific and engineering community will continue to help promote the nation’s socioeconomic development efforts and improve self-sufficiency in science and technology, Wan Gang, president of the China Association for Science and Technology, said on Monday. Click here to read…

Xi praises new HK chief John Lee for his patriotism, conveys central govt’s trust in meeting in Beijing: Global Times
May 30, 2022

Chinese President Xi Jinping met with John Lee Ka-chiu on Monday afternoon and congratulated him on his election as the new Hong Kong Special Administrative Region chief executive. Click here to read…

China donates 10m doses of COVID-19 vaccine, 13m syringes, 2 mobile laboratory vehicles to Myanmar: Global Times
May 30, 2022

China has donated 10 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines along with 13 million COVID-19 vaccine syringes and two mobile laboratory vehicles to Myanmar, according to a statement from the Chinese Embassy in Myanmar on Sunday. Click here to read…

China accuses US of being destroyer of international order: Global Times
May 30, 2022

The international order pursued by the US based on “American rules” is the “most serious long-term challenge” to the world, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said on Monday in response to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s China policy speech. Zhao said that the US is the biggest destroyer of the international order. Click here to read…

China uses digital yuan to stimulate virus-hit consumption: Reuters
May 30, 2022

China is using the digital yuan to stimulate consumption in its pandemic-hit economy, with more e-CNY applications expected in future to boost transparency and effectiveness of government policies. Click here to read…

China fails to persuade Pacific island nations to sign security pact: Kyodo
May 30, 2022

China has failed to persuade Pacific island countries to sign an agreement covering a wide spectrum of issues from trade, security and police cooperation to fisheries, Australian media reported Monday, while Beijing has been stepping up efforts to boost its influence in the region. Click here to read…

Xi delivers written remarks at China-Pacific Island Countries Foreign Ministers’ Meeting: Quishi
May 31, 2022

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Monday delivered a written speech at the second China-Pacific Island Countries Foreign Ministers’ Meeting. Xi said that China and Pacific island countries have enjoyed a time-honored friendship that crosses mountains and oceans. Click here to read…

China makes all-out efforts to prop up foreign trade: Quishi
May 31, 2022

Against the headwinds from COVID-19 resurgences and external complexity, China’s efforts are underway to stabilize and upgrade foreign trade, a key underpinning for the economy. The latest data showed a feeble April growth of only 0.1 percent in the total exports and imports, indicating that the country’s foreign trade firms are under strain. Click here to read…

Political advisors discuss revising arbitration law: China Daily
May 31, 2022

Chinese national political advisors convened a bi-weekly seminar on Monday to discuss revising the country’s law on arbitration. The seminar, held by the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, China’s top political advisory body, was presided over by Wang Yang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the CPPCC National Committee. Click here to read…

Shanghai to fully restore normal production and life order of the entire city starting from June 1: Global Times
May 31, 2022

Shanghai will fully resume normal production and daily operations starting from June 1, as the epidemic has been curbed effectively, authorities said on Tuesday. The number of residents under lockdown has been reduced to less than 200,000. Click here to read…

Guangzhou Nansha Port railway launches first China-Europe freight train: Global Times
May 31, 2022

The Guangzhou Nansha Port railway has launched its first freight train to Europe on Monday, one of the latest international rail routes to boost China’s foreign trade with countries under the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), contributing to regional economic recovery and improving the global industrial supply chain. Click here to read…

Chinese Red Cross donates $40,000 dry ration packs to Sri Lanka: Global Times
May 31, 2022

The Red Cross Society of China has donated 2,100 dry ration packs worth $40,000 to Sri Lanka. Chinese Ambassador to Sri Lanka-Qi Zhenhong and his wife attended the donation ceremony on Monday, according to the Chinese Embassy to Sri Lanka on Tuesday. Click here to read…

China to appoint special envoy, deepen practical cooperation with Pacific island countries: People’s Daily
May 31, 2022

China will appoint a Chinese government special envoy for Pacific island countries affairs, and strengthen win-win cooperation on infrastructure, economy, climate change and other areas, according to a position paper issued here Monday after the second China-Pacific Island Countries Foreign Ministers’ Meeting. Click here to read…

China’s foreign minister visits Tonga after Pacific islands delay regional pact: Reuters
May 31, 2022

Samoa says it didn’t have enough time to consider a sweeping proposal from China for a regional trade and security pact, and has urged fellow Pacific islands to stay united as big powers seek more sway in the region. China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Tuesday arrived in Tonga on a tour through the region where Beijing’s ambitions for wider security ties has caused concern among U.S. allies. Click here to read…

Japan launches new strategy team for longer-term China diplomacy: Kyodo
May 31, 2022

Japan’s Foreign Ministry has established a new strategy team to coordinate diplomatic policies on China and analyze Beijing’s movements from a mid- to long-term perspective as Chinese President Xi Jinping seeks a controversial third term as leader, according to ministry sources. The creation of the new team within the First China and Mongolia Division of the ministry’s Asian and Oceanian Affairs Bureau in April comes as Xi is believed to maintain his helm of the ruling Communist Party, and tensions between the United States and China continue to intensify. Click here to read…

Man sends 5,000 people into quarantine: Taipei Times
May 31, 2022

A Beijing man is under criminal investigation after he skipped out on mandated home isolation, prompting authorities to send his more than 5,000 neighbors into home or government quarantine. The actions by the man, who later tested positive, come as the Chinese capital and Shanghai begin to ease restrictions. Click here to read…

China’s third aircraft carrier ‘to be launched on Dragon Boat Festival’: South China Morning Post
May 31, 2022

A shipyard in Shanghai appears to be preparing to launch China’s third aircraft carrier, the Type 003, and according to a military source it will take place this Friday – coinciding with the Dragon Boat Festival. The Maritime Safety Administration last Friday issued a notice calling for berths to be cleared for an operation at the No 3 and No 4 docks at the Jiangnan shipyard on Changxing Island, where the warship is under construction. It said the operation would be under way from 5.30am to 4pm on Monday and would involve five platforms, three tugboats and two salvage ships. Click here to read…

China continues to dismantle missing tycoon Xiao Jianhua’s financial empire: South China Morning Post
May 31, 2022

Rongtong Fund Management, which was once part of Xiao Jianhua’s Tomorrow Group, has unveiled a management reshuffle, marking its official exit from the missing Chinese magnate’s embattled financial empire. Zhang Wei was named Rongtong’s chairman on Friday, taking over from Gao Feng who resigned citing personal reasons after seven years in the position, according to a statement issued by the asset management firm. Click here to read…

China hopes to expand win-win cooperation with Pacific island countries for common development: Xinhuanet
May 31, 2022

China has put forward a series of proposals to deepen its comprehensive strategic partnership featuring mutual respect and common development with Pacific island countries, according to a position paper issued here Monday after the second China-Pacific Island Countries Foreign Ministers’ Meeting. Click here to read…

Chinese mainland reports 28 new local confirmed COVID-19 cases, 16 in Beijing: Xinhuanet
May 31, 2022

The Chinese mainland Monday reported 28 locally-transmitted confirmed COVID-19 cases, including 16 in Beijing and nine in Shanghai, according to the National Health Commission’s report Tuesday. Click here to read…