Tag Archives: China

VIF Cyber Review: May 2022


CERT-In issued advisory on Mobile-based Malware

On 30 May 2022, Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) issued advisory on mobile-based malware, along with methods and countermeasures. With the advent of smartphones and high-speed Internet connection, mobile accounts for more than 50 per cent of the Internet traffic worldwide, making it a worthwhile attack surface for cybercriminals.

The advisory included methods through which cybercriminals carried out activities, including fake applications, On-device fraud, Bypassing App store, fake calls, and where mobile-based malware are also using design practices like accessibility engines, infrastructure and C2 protocols that enable them to update their capabilities. Along with, the advisory also suggested countermeasures and best practices for users, including keeping OS (Operating System) and applications updated, use of strong authentication such as biometric and PIN, safe browsing practices, deleting data before discarding the device. [1]

Cisco Launched a tool of SMBs to assess Cyber Security Readiness

Cisco, on 26 May 2022, launched a cyber security tool for Small and Medium-sized Businesses (SMBs) based in Asia-Pacific region to assess their cyber security readiness amid of hybrid work environment. The tool’s concept is based on the premise that no attempt to access an organisation’s network architecture can succeed until trust is verified. As per Cisco’s cyber security for SMBs: Asia-Pacific businesses prepare for digital defense study, 62 per cent of Indian SMBs suffered cyber incidents in 2021 and cyber-attacks cost their business over ₹ 3.5 crore. Around 74 per cent SMBs also reported 85 per cent of customer information loss in cyber incidents.

“When a user accesses an application using a device, both the user and device are verified, with that trust continuously monitored. This helps secure the organisation’s applications and environments from any user, device, and location,” read the statement released by Cisco. The threat landscape for the SMBs becoming more sophisticated due to the digitisation at speed, therefore, securing their businesses is one of the top priorities for SMBs. “With new tool, the SMBs will ensure end-to-end protection across their workforce, and the workplace, with adoption of a zero-trust strategy to manage and strengthen their cyber security posture in a cloud-first world,” said Cisco India & SAARC’s Senior Director (System Engineering)— Anand Patil.[2]

The 7th Edition of India-Japan ICT Joint Working Group meeting recognised the importance of India-Japan Digital Partnership

On 13 May 2022, V L Kantha Rao (Additional Secretary, Department of Telecommunications, India) and Sasaki YUJI (Vice-Minister for Policy Coordination— International Affairs, Japan) virtually co-chaired the 7th edition of India-Japan ICT Joint Working Group (JWG) under the India-Japan ICT Comprehensive Cooperation Framework. Senior representatives from both governments and non-governmental stakeholders from industry, R&D, and Academia attended the meeting.

Recalling the India-Japan Summit held in March 2022, both sides recognised the need to strengthen the growing cooperation under India-Japan digital partnership, with a vision to enhance digital economy through promotion of joint projects for digital transformations. The JWG discussions were focused on enhancing further cooperation in various fields like 5G, Open RAN, Telecom Network Security, submarine cable systems, and Quantum Communications. [3]

Government of India proposed to set up India Data Management Office

Under the Digital India Corporation, India’s Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) will set up an India Data Management Office (IDMO), which will be responsible for framing, managing, reviewing, and revising the National Data Governance Framework Policy. The draft of the National Data Governance Framework Policy was released by the MeitY, seeking public comments on the draft till 11 June 2022.

The earlier version of the policy— India Data Accessebility and Use Policy had faced many criticism from experts, who believed that there was a lack of security safguards for anonymization, privacy infringement, and economic incentivisation. As per the draft of the data governance framework, the IDMO will design and manage the India Datasets platform which will in turn handle the requests of Indian researchers and start-ups which require access to non-personal or anonymised datasets. [4]

CERT-In issued discovery of Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability in Apple products

On 20 May 2022, the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) highlighted a Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability in Apple watchOS, tvOS, and macOS, affecting Apple Watch, Apple TV, and Apple Mac systems. The vulnerability existed due to an out-of-bounds write issue in the AppleAVD component. Successful exploitation of this vulnerability may allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code with kernel privileges on the targeted system.[5]


Canada to ban China’s Huawei and ZTE from its 5G/4G networks

Following to the review by Canada’s independent security agencies and consultation with ‘closest’ allies, the Government of Canada decided to ban China’s Huawei and ZTE products and services from Canada’s 5G/4G communication networks. In a statement released on 19 May 2022, the Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry— Francois-Philippe Champagne has stated that “the Government of Canada is ensuring a long term safety of telecommunication infrastructure. As a part of that, the government intends to prohibit the inclusion of Huawei and ZTE products and services in Canada’s telecommunication systems.” [6]

As per the decision, the companies that already using the Huawei and ZTE equipment installed in their networks would be required to cease its use and remove it. The implementation of these measures are part of a broader agenda to promote security of Canada’s telecommunications networks, in consultation with industry.

Mastercard strengthen cyber security consulting practice with new Cyber Front threat simulation platform

In recent years, Mastercard invested in risk quantification, Always-On security monitoring and fraud prevention, to help its customers strengthen their cyber resilience. On 24 May 2022, Mastercard made an announcement of launching a new attack simulation and assessment platform— Cyber Front. The platform will assist businesses and governments enhance their cyber security operational resilience. Cyber Front is enabled by a strategic minority investment in Picus Security.

By leveraging a continuously updated library of more than 3,500 real-world threat scenarios, the Cyber Front highlights security gaps and provides mitigation insights in real-time so that organisations can improve upon security investments with continuous validation. The goal of Cyber Front is for organisations to understand if their current systems are effective and identify areas of exposure to ensure greater protection in both— immediate and long term.[7]

Spanish Prime Minister’s phone hacked with Pegasus tool

On 02 May 2022, the Spanish government informed that Prime Minister (PM) Pedro Sanchez’s phone was hacked with Pegasus software. Earlier, in May-June 2021, Spanish Defence Minister— Margarita Robles’ phone was also hacked using the same software. Pegasus software is an Israel-made digital hacking tool to snoop on phone communication.

Researchers investigate and revealed that in April 2022, several political figures in Catalonia were victims of digital espionage. [8] It is assumed that top European Union (EU), the United Kingdom (UK), Poland and Hungary officials may also been targeted with Pegasus software. The use of digital hacking tools such as Pegasus has helped security officials around the world fight crime and ward off national security concerns, therefore, European governments have been wary of delving into the intricacies of spyware programs.[9]

Amid foreign hacking threats, Pentagon contractors looking for software flaws through VDP

Considering Russia and China’s efforts to steal sensitive data from the United States (US) defence industrial base, Pentagon’s pilot program discovered an array of software vulnerabilities with dozens of defence contractors. The objective of pilot program— “Vulnerability Disclosure Program” (VDP) is to identify and fix flaws in the e-mail programs, mobile devices and industrial software used by the Pentagon’s defence contractors before hackers can take advantage of these vulnerabilities.

“We really wanted to focus on those smaller defence contractors that may not have the budget and resources,” said Melissa Vice, interim director of the Department of Defense (DoD) Cyber Crime Centre’s DoD VDP. In the business sector, VDPs are widespread practise, in which vetted cyber professionals scan systems for defects and report them internally. The Pentagon has been running a VDP since 2016, but after the pilot, the intention is to permanently expand the programme to include defence contractors.[10]

Cybercriminals used call forwarding technique to obtain WhatsApp accounts

Cybercriminals used call forwarding as a technique, allowing them to hijack a targeted WhatsApp account and gain control to messages and contact list. The method relied on the mobile carriers’ automated service to forward calls to a different phone number, and WhatsApp’s option to send a OTP (One-Time Password) verification code via voice call.

According to the founder and CEO of ‘CloudSEK’— a digital risk protection company— Rahul Sasi, after knowing the targeted WhatsApp account number and some social engineering, the attacker convinced the victim to make a call to a number that starts with Man Machine Interface (MMI) code that mobile carrier set up to enable call forwarding. A separate MMI code can send all calls to a terminal to a different number or merely when the line is busy or there is no reception, depending on the carrier. “First, you receive a call from the attacker who will convince you to make a call to the following number **67* or *405* (subject to be vary as per the mobile carrier). Within a few minutes, your WhatsApp would be logged out, and the attackers would get complete control of your account”, said Rahul Sasi.

As a protection against such attack, turning on Two-Factor Authentication (TFA) protection in WhatsApp is an effective measure. By requiring a PIN (Personal Identification Number) whenever you register a phone with the messaging app, this feature prevents malicious actors from gaining control of the account.[11]

Endnotes :

[1]India. “CERT-In Advisory CIAD-2022-0014”, Indian Computer Emergency Response Team, 30 May 2022, Available from: https://cert-in.org.in/
[2]“Cisco launches new tool for SMBs to assess their cyber security readiness”, Financial Express, 26 May 2022, Available from: https://www.financialexpress.com/industry/sme/msme-tech-cisco-launches-new-tool-for-smbs-to-assess-their-cybersecurity-readiness/2538348/
[3]India. “7th India-Japan ICT Joint Working Group meeting held under India-Japan ICT Comprehensive Cooperation Framework”, Press Information Bureau- Ministry of Communication, 13 May 2022, Available from: https://pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1825159
[4]ET Tech. “Government proposes to set up India Data Management Office”, ET Telecom, 28 May 2022, Available from: https://telecom.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/government-proposes-to-set-up-india-data-management-office/91846155?utm_source=Mailer&utm_medium=ET_batch&utm_campaign=ettelecom_news_2022-05-28&dt=2022-05-28&em=YW51cmFnQHZpZmluZGlhLm9yZw==
[5]India. “Remote Code Execution vulnerability in Apple products”, Indian Computer Emergency Response Team , 20 May 2022, Available from: https://cert-in.org.in/
[6]Canada. “Statement from Minister Champagne on telecommunications security”, Ministry of Innovation, Science and Industry, 19 May 2022, Available from: https://www.canada.ca/en/innovation-science-economic-development/news/2022/05/statement-from-minister-champagne-on-telecommunications-security.html
[7] “Another arrow in the quiver: Mastercard strengthens cybersecurity consulting practice with new cyber front threat simulation platform”, Mastercard, 24 May 2022, Available from: https://www.mastercard.com/news/press/2022/may/another-arrow-in-the-quiver-mastercard-strengthens-cybersecurity-consulting-practice-with-new-cyber-front-threat-simulation-platform/
[8]Aarup, Sarah Anne. “Pegasus spyware targets top Catalan politicians and activists”, Politico, 18 April 2022, Available from: https://www.politico.eu/article/pegasus-spyware-targets-top-catalan-politicians-and-activists/
[9]Manancourt, Vincent. “Hack of Spanish PM’s phone deepens Europe’s spyware crisis”, Politico, 02 May 2022, Available from: https://www.politico.eu/article/pegasus-hacking-spyware-spain-government-prime-minister-pedro-sanchez-margarita-robles-digital-espionage-crisis/
[10]Lyngaas, Sean. “Pentagon contractors go looking for software flaws as foreign hacking threats loom”, CNN, 02 May 2022, Available from: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/05/02/politics/pentagon-defense-contractors-software-flaws/index.html
[11]Ilascu, Ionut. “Hackers steal WhatsApp accounts using call forwarding trick”, Bleeping Computer, 31 May 2022, Available from: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/hackers-steal-whatsapp-accounts-using-call-forwarding-trick/

Africa Now – Weekly Newsletter (Week 23, 2022)

Welcome to Africa Now, your weekly newsletter for Africa, presenting the most important developments in the continent – news that matters.


Will France’s Africa Policy Hold Up?

While Macron’s pivot has created new political space for France-Africa engagement on more equal footing, the French president’s vision of mutual aid and reciprocal partnerships between France and African countries remains unfulfilled. Click here to read…

“The Harambee Factor: India – Africa Economic and Development Partnership” by Ambassador Gurjit Singh

A wealth of literature illustrates China’s relationship with Africa in all of its facets. In comparison, there isn’t nearly enough research on India’s engagement in Africa in its entirety. In that sense, there is hardly any literature that deals specifically with the India-Africa development partnership. Click here to read…


Africa provides a ‘home for hope’, despite new challenges: Guterres

On Africa Day, the world celebrates the diverse and dynamic continent’s “enormous promise and potential”, the UN chief saidClick here to read…

AU expresses deep concern over complex humanitarian situations in Africa

The African Union (AU) on Friday expressed deep concern over the complex humanitarian situations in the African continentClick here to read…

Somalia president welcomes U.S. troops, calls for peace

U.S. President Joe Biden this month authorised the redeployment of hundreds of U.S. soldiers who will help train, equip and support the military’s elite Danab special forces fighting the al Qaeda-linked al Shabaab militants. Click here to read…

Angola to hold general elections on August 24

Angola will hold general elections on August 24. President João Lourenço announced the date before the Council of the Republic, a consultative body that met on Friday to vote on the head of state’s proposal. Click here to read…

An epic contest between Ruto and Odinga

Kenya goes to the polls on August 9, 2022, to elect the country’s fifth President, besides national lawmakers, governors and assemblies of its 47 counties. Click here to read…

Buhari Backs Setting Up of African Standby Force On Terrorism

President Muhammadu Buhari on Saturday backed the planned creation of the African Standby Force on Terrorism, saying the move would help tackle criminal activities on the continent. Click here to read…

Rwanda-DR Congo row: Tensions rise again in the Great Lakes

Tensions erupted last week between the Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda. Click here to read…

UK targets mid-June for first Rwanda asylum flight

Britain said Tuesday it intends to fly a first planeload of asylum-seekers to Rwanda on June 14, under a new agreement that has drawn threats of legal challenges from angry campaigners. Click here to read…

Will Comoros Be China’s Next “Djibouti” In Indian Ocean Region?

In the past seven years, China created and developed its first overseas military base for the Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) at Djibouti. Click here to read…

One killed in first major protest under Guinea junta

One person was killed in Guinea’s capital late on Wednesday during protests over fuel price hikes, in the most serious unrest since a military junta took power last year. Click here to read…

Three years on, still no justice for Sudan ‘massacre’ victims

Families ask for accountability after at least 120 people were killed at a sit-in protest by security forces in 2019. Click here to read…

Ethiopia to supply South Sudan with electricity, as Nile dam talks continue to falter

Ethiopia plans to export electric power to South Sudan as part of an electrical interconnection project between the two countries, as negotiations with Sudan and Egypt on Ethiopia’s controversial dam on the Nile River are at a dead end. Click here to read…

Western Sahara activist arrives in Spain for medical tests following months-long house arrest

Sultana Khaya, a Sahrawi activist, arrived in Spain for medical treatment following months of house arrest, where she had suffered “countless human rights abuses”, according to her legal team. Click here to read…

Eritrean troops shell town in north Ethiopia – U.N.

Eritrean forces shelled a town in north Ethiopia over the weekend, according to internal U.N. documents and regional forces, in a rare bombardment after two months of relative peace in the Tigray conflict. Click here to read…

ECOWAS leaders postpone decision on sanctions in Mali, Burkina Faso and Guinea

West African leaders on Saturday failed to agree what action to take against military juntas in Mali, Burkina Faso and Guinea, postponing a decision until July, said insiders at the meeting. Click here to read…

China invites Sudan for Horn of Africa peace conference

China has invited Sudan to participate in the forthcoming Horn of Africa conference from June 20-22 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Click here to read…

Nigeria’s political system favours old wealthy men

Despite young people making up the majority of Nigeria’s voters, the country’s politicians are mostly old, wealthy and male. Such a system makes it harder for young people to enter politics. Click here to read…

Tunisia: Ennahda leader Ghannouchi decries state of ‘tyranny’

The speaker of Tunisia’s dissolved parliament says the country is living under a state of tyranny as President Kais Saied pushes ahead with plans for a controversial referendum on replacing the constitution. Click here to read…

Civilians in peril as tensions in DR Congo escalate: HRW

Fighting between government forces and armed groups in the conflict-torn North Kivu province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo could seriously endanger the safety of civilians in the area. Click here to read…

Al-Qaida Affiliate Claims May Attack in Togo

Togo’s government had confirmed a “terrorist attack” on May 11 in the northern town of Kpekankandi, near the border with Burkina Faso, where the insurgents are also present. Click here to read…

2 UN peacekeepers killed in 6th incident in Mali in 2 weeks

Two U.N. peacekeepers were killed Friday when their armored personnel carrier hit an improvised explosive device in central Mali in the sixth incident in less than two weeks. Click here to read…

Nigeria violence: Gunmen attack Catholic church killing worshippers in Ondo state

Gunmen have killed worshippers in a Catholic church in Ondo, south-west Nigeria, the state’s governor has said. Click here to read…

Kenya: Case of growing Chinese debt obligations

According to Kenyan officials, releasing the documents would undermine Kenya’s national security, “since terms in the contract touch on foreign government information with implications on national security and foreign relations”. Click here to read…

Libya participates in NATO exercises in Turkey

A number of Units of the ground and naval forces of the Libyan army will participate in the exercise of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Click here to read…

Chad Declares ‘Food Emergency’, Urges International Help

Chad on Thursday declared a “food emergency” in the impoverished landlocked country, urging the international community to help. Click here to read…

Oraimo to Build Africa’s Largest Mobile Technology Factory in Nigeria

Indigenous smart phone accessories manufacturers, Oraimo mobile technology has announced plans to erect the largest mobile technology factory in Nigeria. Click here to read…

Coca Cola inaugurates its ‘mega’ factory in Ethiopia

Coca Cola has inaugurated its new ‘mega factory’ in Sebta City in Ethiopia. The $100 million factory, located 25 km from the capital, Addis Ababa, is equipped with state-of-the-art machinery and will create 30,000 job opportunities. Click here to read…

South Africa president accused of ‘kidnapping’, bribing burglars

An ex-spy chief Wednesday said he had filed a legal complaint against South Africa’s president, accusing him of “kidnapping” and bribing robbers who stole millions of dollars from one of his properties. Click here to read…

‘From Russia with Love’: A Putin Ally Mines Gold and Plays Favorites in Sudan

Backed by the Kremlin, the shadowy network known as the Wagner Group is getting rich in Sudan while helping the military to crush a democracy movement. Click here to read…

Nigeria agrees step on new gas pipeline through Morocco to Europe

Nigeria’s government has directed its state-run oil company NNPC to implement a deal on a gas pipeline to Europe through Morocco. Click here to read…

Central African Republic announces plan to tokenize country’s minerals

The Central African Republic (CAR) revealed the next step in its bitcoin adoption journey with plans to tokenize access to its natural resources. Click here to read…

Key Hydrocarbon Discoveries in Namibia Could Ensure Strong Economic Growth

Namibia’s sizeable 2022 discoveries – the Graff-1 discovery made by Shell and the Venus discovery by TotalEnergies –are expected to kickstart the country’s oil and gas boom as well as a new era of increased exploration, production and monetization of hydrocarbons in the southern African country. Click here to read…

Southern Spain focuses of huge Europe-Morocco migration after COVID-19

Morocco on Sunday begins welcoming an influx of its citizens living in Europe after the pandemic led to a halt in what has been called one of the world’s biggest cross-continental migrations. Click here to read…

Tanzania seeks to be key rice producer in Africa

Tanzania is racing against time to become Africa’s rice hub. To begin with, the country wants to meet East Africa’s total rice demand, a senior government officer has said. Click here to read…

Guinea Junta Rejects UN Call to End Ban on Protests

Guinea’s ruling junta has rejected a UN call to lift a ban on political demonstrations, insisting protests should only be allowed during the election period in three years’ time. Click here to read…

In Niger, Scholz vows to support fight against Islamist militants

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz promised Niger long-term military and financial support to fight Islamist insurgents across West Africa, during a visit on Monday on his inaugural Africa tour. Click here to read…

Cameroon, CAR Join Forces to Fight Rebels on Border

A commission of senior security and state officials from the troubled Central African Republic and Cameroon has agreed to jointly fight armed C.A.R. rebels they say are fleeing intensive fighting and infiltrating refugee camps in Cameroon. Click here to read…

Samia: Tanzania gearing up to connect countries through rail, road

Tanzania is ready for regional integration and is in the process of completing road and railway networks with the goal of linking neighbouring countries. Click here to read…

Xi says China ready to expand ties with Zambia

Chinese President Xi Jinping told his Zambian counterpart in a telephone call on Tuesday that China was willing to strengthen and broaden bilateral ties with Zambia. Click here to read…

Polish president visits Egypt for the first time in decades

The Polish president visited Egypt recently in the first such visit since 1992, which comes as the Russian war on Ukraine rages on. Click here to read…

Abraham Accords accelerate Israel-Africa rapprochement

Israeli and African diplomats are engaged in expanding bilateral relations and taking them much further than ever before in many fields. Click here to read…

Zambia commissions China-aided milling plants

Zambia on Friday officially commissioned three state-of-the-art milling plants funded by China. Click here to read…

In oil-rich Niger Delta, coastal erosion frustrates locals endlessly

Residents of the oil-rich region say they are losing their houses and farmlands to coastal erosion and there is a long history of government neglect of the area. Click here to read…

AU Head Says ‘Reassured’ After Talks with Putin on Food Shortages

African Union head Macky Sall said on Friday he was “reassured” after talks in Russia with President Vladimir Putin on food shortages caused by Moscow’s military campaign in Ukraine. Click here to read…

Belgian king, in shadow of colonial past, to visit DR Congo

Belgium’s King Philippe on Tuesday begins a historic visit to the Democratic Republic of Congo, in a region cruelly exploited by his ancestors, as tensions rise in the volatile east. Click here to read…

Tunisia’s Gabes Cinema Fen: The festival bringing back cultural life

No other festival captures both the spirit and challenges facing Tunisia than Gabes Cinema Fen, the Arab World’s first digital arts festClick here to read…


Naidu embarks on tour of Gabon, Senegal, Qatar

Vice-President M Venkaiah Naidu on Monday embarked on a three-nation tour of Gabon, Senegal and Qatar. Click here to read…

MoS Muraleedharan to visit Zimbabwe, Malawi

Minister of State for External Affairs, V. Muraleedharan will pay an official visit to African nations — Zimbabwe and Malawi — from June 6 to 9. Click here to read…

India organises Def expo in Tanzania to expand defence sector footprints in Africa

Indian High Commission in Dar es Salaam organised a Mini-DefExpo in Dar-es-Salaam. 16 Indian companies (7 from government sector and 9 from private sector) participated in the event. Click here to read…

In Order to Extend Its Defence Sector Footprint In Africa, India Launches A Defence Expo In Tanzania

Through a defence exhibition hosted in Dar-es-Salaam on Friday, India sought to deepen its defence partnership with Tanzania, a Southeast African country. Click here to read…

VP Naidu interacts with Indian diaspora in Gabon

Interacting with the Indian diaspora in Gabon, Vice President Venkaiah Naidu has said that despite being only 1,500 in number, the community has made a significant contribution in various fields in the country. Click here to read…

India committed to be Gabon’s reliable partner, says Vice President Venkaiah Naidu

India attaches great importance to its relations with Gabon, Vice President M. Venkaiah Naidu said on Tuesday. Click here to read…

India-Africa relations prospering on mutual respects & co-operations among others

Dating back several centuries, the relations between India and African countries are driven and shaped by a number of factors, including trade and investments, cultural, historical and political engagements. Click here to read…

New Delhi attaches utmost priority to India-Africa partnership: Vice President

Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu has said that India’s cooperation with Africa will centre around health, digital and green growth, and asserted that New Delhi attaches utmost priority to India-Africa partnership. Click here to read…

Senegal Is Most Stable and Model Democracies in Africa: Naidu

Vice President M. Venkaiah Naidu on Friday emphasised the need for mutual respect among political opponents in democracy and termed debates, discussions and dialogues as the essence of the legislative process. Click here to read…

India-Somalia relations: Indian response to the new government?

The nation of 15 million people has endured conflict with no strong central government since the fall of the dictator Mohamed Siad Barre in 1991 and has also faced severe drought and dire famine crises. Click here to read…

At UNSC, India abstains from sanctions being extended to South Sudan

India has abstained from a United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolution that has extended sanctions against South Sudan. Click here to read…

Kenya: Indian Market Posts Strong Growth as Kenya’s Tourism Recovers

The Indian market will play a significant role in the recovery of Kenya’s tourism sector, tourism players in Kenya have saidClick here to read…

Egypt rejects ship carrying Indian wheat originally intended for Turkey

Egypt barred the entry of a ship carrying 55,000 tonnes of Indian wheat that was originally intended for Turkey. Click here to read…

Egypt envoy Hamed dismisses reports of Indian wheat being infected with pests

Egyptian ambassador to India Wael Hamed has dismissed reports of Indian wheat being infected with pests even as the country receives its first consignments. Click here to read…

Egypt in talks with India on wheat-for-goods swap deal to fight shortage: Minister

Egypt is in discussions to import wheat from India in a deal that may include the export of products such as fertilizers in return. Click here to read…

Morocco eager to become India’s IT outsourcing hub for Europe & Africa: Minister

The Minister informed that HCL will set up its presence in Morocco and key focus of her trip was engaging with the HCL and leading a business mission to India. Click here to read…

Facelifted Toyota Starlet (Made-In-India Glanza) Launched in South Africa

Toyota has launched the Starlet premium hatchback in South Africa from SAR 226,200 (~ Rs 11.30 lakh). It’s indeed the made-in-India Glanza that is exported to South Africa, just like the Maruti Suzuki Baleno. Click here to read…

Saatvik secures solar module supply order for Mauritius project

Indian PV manufacturer Saatvik Solar will supply 9.3 MW of mono PERC modules to Bharat Heavy Electricals for a PV project in Mauritius. The panels will feature multi-busbar and half-cut cell technology. Click here to read…

Apartheid, riots, and being Indian in South Africa: The recollections of a revolutionary

Ebrahim Ismail Ebrahim was a South African revolutionary of Indian descent who spent 15 years at the Robben Island prison alongside the legendary Nelson Mandela and Ahmed Kathrada, also an anti-apartheid activist. Click here to read…

Africa Now – Weekly Newsletter (Week 22, 2022)

Welcome to Africa Now, your weekly newsletter for Africa, presenting the most important developments in the continent – news that matters.


African-Indian Ocean Diving: Inside Modi government’s Africa policy

India is Africa’s fourth-largest partner with a volume of $70 billion. India’s Duty-Free Tariff Preference scheme extends duty-free access to 98.2 per cent of India’s tariff linesClick here to read…

Africa Day 2022: the Good, Bad and Ugly

Every year May 25, the world celebrates Africa Day. On May 25 1963, 30 independent African leaders signed the founding charter of the OAU (Organization of African Unity). In 2002, to give more impetus to the organization, many new areas were added and it was transformed into African Union (AU). Click here to read…


Africa provides a ‘home for hope’, despite new challenges: Guterres

On Africa Day, the world celebrates the diverse and dynamic continent’s “enormous promise and potential”, the UN chief saidClick here to read…

For new Somalia government, al-Shabab a threat to authority

Somali police officer recently received an unexpected summons from the enemy. An unknown caller ordered him to report to a town outside the capital, Mogadishu. Click here to read…

Tunisia’s trade union rejects president Saied’s proposed dialogue

Tunisia’s powerful trade union centre UGTT has refused to take part in a dialogue proposed by President Kais Saied. Click here to read…

Security tensions in Tripoli as armed conflict appears to be looming

Tens of armed vehicles with tens of armed fighters took to roads in Hay Al-Andalus neighbourhood in Tripoli chanting words against the Prime Minister of the Government of National Unity Abdul Hamid Dbiebah. Click here to read…

South Africa’s Zuma suffers new setback in corruption trial

South Africa’s former president Jacob Zuma has suffered another setback in his attempts to remove the lead prosecutor from his arms deal corruption trial. Click here to read…

UN votes narrowly to extend arms embargo on South Sudan

The U.N. Security Council voted by a narrow margin Thursday to extend an arms embargo on South Sudan and a travel ban and financial sanctions for targeted individuals for a year. Click here to read…

Afwerki defends Russia, China in Eritrean Independence Day speech

President Isaias Afwerki, authoritarian leader of Eritrea, defended both Russia and China while holding the West responsible for the situation in Ukraine. Click here to read…

Algeria-Morocco: Western Sahara diplomatic fight continues with Kabylia weaponised

The latest assertion from Morocco’s permanent representative to the UN against Algeria’s UN ambassador shows that Rabat is now determined to use the Kabyle card as a tool of counter-attack in the Western Sahara dossier.Click here to read…

Secretary of State Antony Blinken meets Angola’s FM

Secretary of State Antony Blinken welcomed his Angolan counterpart to the State Department on Thursday. Click here to read…

Uganda criminally charges leader of protests over prices

Ugandan opposition leader Kizza Besigye was criminally charged Wednesday by authorities who accused him of inciting violence with his efforts to stage street protests against rising commodity prices that the government largely blames on the war in Ukraine. Click here to read…

Rwanda hotels prepare to receive asylum seekers from UK

Hotels and guest houses in Rwanda are being prepared to accommodate asylum-seekers illegally arriving into the UK. Click here to read…

Islamic State group ‘trying to control’ Mali-Niger border with series of attacks

The Islamic State (IS) group appears to be stepping up attacks close to the border between Mali and Niger, with sources suggesting that the jihadists are trying to seize control of the border itself. Click here to read…

Zimbabwe President Praises China, Slams West in Column

If there’s a new cold war brewing and both China and the United States are trying to get African countries on their side, it’s clear where Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s allegiance lies. Click here to read…

Kenya elections: Ruto and Odinga square up to fight for presidency

Kenya’s upcoming presidential election might mark the seventh time its citizens have expressed their views at the ballot box, but polls in the East African powerhouse still make the international community wince. Click here to read…

Ethiopia arrests 4,000 in Amhara region crackdown, local state media report

Ethiopian authorities have arrested more than 4,000 people in the northern Amhara region. Click here to read…

Algeria lawmakers seek to criminalise normalisation with Israel

Algerian lawmakers, on Tuesday, submitted a Bill criminalising normalisation with Israel, including articles prohibiting travel or any direct or indirect contact with Tel Aviv.Click here to read…

M23 rebels advance on major military base in eastern Congo

Fighters from the M23 rebel group advanced in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo on Wednesday and were locked in heavy fighting with the army outside the region’s largest military base. Click here to read…

Armed assailants kill about 50 people in eastern Burkina Faso

Armed assailants have killed about 50 people in a part of eastern Burkina Faso ravaged by Islamist violence. Click here to read…
Rwanda accuses Congo of shelling its territory” target=”_blank”>Click here to read…
Rwanda said on Monday that several civilians were injured in cross-border shelling of its territory by the military of the neighboring Democratic Republic of Congo, known as Congo. Click here to read…

Mauritius protests: “When people feel lost, they resort to revolt”

In late-April, protests against the soaring cost of living erupted in cities across Mauritius. In Beau Bassin, Rose Hill, and the capital Port Louis, large groups of frustrated residents – particularly from low-income neighbourhoods – took to the streets. Click here to read…

Nigeria’s Jonathan can contest presidential elections next year, court rules

Former Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan can run in next year’s presidential election, a court ruled on Friday, clearing doubts over his eligibility and paving the way for him to return to national politics. Click here to read…

World Bank won’t support Central African Republic’s Sango crypto hub

The World Bank has signaled its concerns over the Central African Republic (CAR) adopting Bitcoin (BTC) as a legal currency and says it won’t support the newly announced “Sango” crypto hub. Click here to read…

Cameroonian Villagers Protest China Iron Ore Mining Deal

Cameroonian authorities say Monday several hundred civilians took to the streets of Lolabe, a small coastal village on the banks of the Atlantic Ocean. Click here to read…

Zambian President announces ‘big decision’ to abolish death penalty

Zambian President Hakainde Hichilema has announced he is making moves to abolish the death penalty in the country. He termed it a “big decision” by the government. Click here to read…

Nigeria, Ethiopia to Hold Bilateral Talks on Trade, Economy, Politics

Nigeria and Ethiopia have concluded plans to hold a Joint Ministerial Commission meeting in Addis Ababa in June 2022 to discuss various areas of bilateral relationship and exchange perspectives on a wide range of international issues of mutual interest. Click here to read…

Italian energy giant Eni signs deal to boost Algerian gas supply

Italian energy giant Eni and Algeria’s state-owned Sonatrach have reached agreement to boost both gas exploration and the development of green hydrogen in the North African nation. Click here to read…

Is Japan Beginning to Overtake China on Infrastructure Financing in Kenya?

Recent media reports on Kenya’s infrastructure financing trends have suggested that Japan has overtaken China in the “loans race.” Click here to read…

In Niger, Scholz vows to support fight against Islamist militants

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz promised Niger long-term military and financial support to fight Islamist insurgents across West Africa, during a visit on Monday on his inaugural Africa tour. Click here to read…

German chancellor Scholz kicks off Africa trip in Senegal

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said his country is interested in a major gas exploitation project in Senegal as he began a three-nation visit to Africa. Click here to read…

Israel seeks to double trade with Egypt

The visit to Egypt of the Israeli Firqat Alnoor Orchestra reflects a clear trend in the past year and a half of cultural, environmental and economic ties warming up between the two countries. Click here to read…

In Morocco, Israeli innovation minister hails ‘amazing’ opportunities ahead

Israel and Morocco are signing the first government-to-government agreement to facilitate tech and science collaborations. Click here to read…

Central African Republic’s adoption of bitcoin is mostly about geopolitics

Imagine a landlocked, coup-prone country where armed groups control much of the territory outside the tiny capital and where people get by on a median income of $493 a year. Click here to read…

Has China changed its ‘hands-off’ foreign policy in South Sudan?

China has a reputation for maintaining a diplomatic strategy of non-interference, which is core to its foreign policy principle. Click here to read…

Dar port reaps from rising political heat ahead of Kenya polls

Smarting from the 2007 post-election violence that subjected businesses to heavy losses, Tanzania has become the favourite for most importers, who are avoiding the Northern Corridor ahead of the August polls. Click here to read…

A post-war surfing renaissance is underway in Africa’s oldest republic

Nestled between Ivory Coast, Sierra Leone and Guinea, Liberia is the oldest republic in Africa. But despite its historic legacy, in the minds of many outsiders the West African nation is still more commonly associated with civil war and convicted war criminal Charles Taylor. Click here to read…

Tanzania’s Samia among Time 100 most influential people

Tanzania’s first female president, Samia Suluhu Hassan, has been named among the 100 most influential people in the world by Time magazine. Click here to read…

Mauritania details ambitious drive to exploit huge gas, solar and wind resources

Mauritania has laid out detailed plans to become a leading exporter of natural gas and green hydrogen, while also using these resources to develop and decarbonise the country. Click here to read…

Ghana secures $1.3 billion for climate adaptation

The Global Center on Adaptation (GCA) on Thursday pledged to help Ghana secure at least 1.3 billion U.S. dollars to implement its climate adaptation programs. Click here to read…

Davos 2022: Namibia pitches green hydrogen to Europe

It’s difficult to miss the Namibia House on Davos Promenade. The Namibian residence is plastered with posters exhorting potential investors to take a bet on its renewable potential. Click here to read…

Ghana and Uganda ban grain and food exports

Global food protectionism is now in full swing. After India, some major EU food exporting nations like Hungary halted the export of certain cropsClick here to read…

SADA launches national digital academy in Ghana

As a pan-African dynamic learning ecosystem, SADA says it aims to improve digital skills qualifications, employability, and meet the emerging talent needs of African citizens. Click here to read…

Russia Alleges Monkeypox Spread Began From 4 Biological Labs Operated by US In Nigeria

After accusing the US of having military-biological laboratories in Ukraine, Russia has claimed that there are at least 4 US biological laboratories in Nigeria. Click here to read…

Things are looking up again in Africa’s tourism sector

Africa’s tourism industry all but disappeared during the pandemic, but since the start of 2022, travellers are returning to the continent. DW’s Arian Kriesch reports from Cape Town. Click here to read…

African Heads of Missions in New Delhi celebrate Africa Day

African Heads of Missions in New Delhi and the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) jointly celebrated Africa Day on Wednesday in New Delhi, the MEA said on Wednesday. Click here to read…

India’s cumulative investments in Africa stand at USD 70 billion: MEA

India’s cumulative investments in Africa stand at USD 70 billion while it has extended Lines of Credit (LoCs) worth USD 12.26 billion to countries in the continent, according to the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA). Click here to read…

Africa is ‘priority continent’ for India, huge potential to join collaboration in resource exploration: MEA

Terming Africa a priority continent for India, the Ministry of External Affairs on Friday said the continent has a huge potential of joining collaboration in the exploration of Oil and Gas, especially in Western Africa. Click here to read…

India committed to support Africa in Covid vaccination: Mandaviya

Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya on Wednesday said India is committed to Africa in taking the journey from vaccine availability to vaccination. Click here to read…

Africa Day: Here’s why the second largest continent is strategically important for India

According to reports in the vision statement of IMS 2050, the main aim is to develop a blue economy, and to foster increased wealth creation from the oceans and seas in Africa. Click here to read…

Noida International University Remembers Africa’s Culture, Heritage, History on Africa Day Celebration

Leading educational institute Noida International University (NIU) recently celebrated Africa Day by paying tribute to the rich African history, heritage and culture. Click here to read…

Vice President Venkaiah Naidu to visit Gabon, Senegal, Qatar from May 30: MEA

Ministry of External Affairs on May 27 informed that Vice President Venkaiah Naidu will pay an official to visit Gabon, Senegal and Qatar from May 30. Click here to read…

Main focus of Vice President’s visit to Sengal, Gabon is Francophone countries: MEA

The main focus of Vice President Venkaiah Naidu’s visit to Senegal and Gabon is the Western African region which is Francophone countries. Click here to read…

Indian troops, others under UN mission fend off militant attack in Congo

The efforts by the Indian peacekeepers were lauded by UN Under-Secretary-General for Peace Operations Jean-Pierre Lacroix. Noting that the M23 armed group has been active. Click here to read…

SII plans plant in Africa

The Serum Institute of India (SII) is considering setting up its first manufacturing plant in Africa as it looks to expand globally after its success in selling COVID-19 shots, its CEO told Reuters recently. Click here to read…

2 diesel locomotives exported to Mozambique 15 months back stabled due to mechanical failure

Two out of the five Cape Gauge Diesel Locomotives exported to Mozambique from India have been stabled due to Mozambique from India have been stabled due to mechanical failure. Click here to read…

Airtel recalls bonds, sells towers in Tanzania, Malawi and Madagascar

Airtel Africa Plc has recalled $505 million bonds and sold off telecommunication towers in Malawi, Madagascar and Tanzania for a total consideration of $284 million. Click here to read…

‘Make in India’ Gets a Further Boost with Kenyan Interest in Indian Warehousing and Agri Derivatives Sector

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ‘Make in India’ campaign gets a major boost in the African country. Click here to read…

Kenya keen to replicate Indian agriculture derivative ecosystem

High level committee from the African nation is on a visit in India to understand the process of issuance of electronic warehouse receipts. Click here to read…

Ashok Leyland partners with ETG Group to strengthen presence in Africa

As part of the tie-up, ETG Logistics (ETGL) will operate dealerships for Ashok Leyland in six key southern African countries. Click here to read…

TVS HLX 125 Gold and TVS HLX 150 Gold limited editions launched in Kenya

TVS Motor has announced the launch of limited edition TVS HLX 125 Gold and TVS HLX 150 Gold in Kenya. Click here to read…

ArcelorMittal studies pellet/DRI joint venture with Mauritania’s SNIM

Mauritanian iron ore mining company SNIM – Société Nationale Industrielle et Minière – and ArcelorMittal have signed a non-binding memorandum of understanding to assess jointly developing iron ore pelletising and direct reduced iron plants in Mauritania. SNIM would supply iron ore feedstock. Click here to read…

Modi carried friendship band to Africa, except it is a 10-point guide for mutual engagement

In ‘The Harambee Factor’, former Indian ambassador to African Union Gurjit Singh talks about how under Modi ministry, Africa has been receiving a lot of economic support. Click here to read…

Nigerian man who duped over 300 Indian women on marriage pretext arrested in Delhi

The accused befriended women through social media and matrimonial websites, where he introduced himself as a non-resident Indian (NRI) settled in Canada and a prospective groom, the officials said. Click here to read…

Africa Now – Weekly Newsletter (Week 20, 2022)

Welcome to Africa Now, your weekly newsletter for Africa, presenting the most important developments in the continent – news that matters.


It’s Africa’s Century—for Better or Worse

Since the 1990s, the idea that we might be entering an “Asian century” has preoccupied and disorientated the West. However, once we take in view the long sweep of history, the return of China and India to the centre stage of world affairs is less a revolution than a restoration. Click here to read…

Why Is Madrid Pandering to Morocco?

Spain has traded five decades of neutrality on Western Sahara while getting nothing but a spyware scandal in return.
https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/05/13/spain-sanchez-morocco-polisario-western-sahara-algeria/” target=”_blank”>Click here to read…

Aapravasi Ghat: Witness to the Great Indian Migration to Mauritius

The largest human migration in history occurred between 1834 and 1923 when the British in its experimental bid to abolish slavery brought mostly Indians as indentured labourers to work in the sugarcane estates of Mauritius. Click here to read…


Somalia set to hold overdue presidential election

Somalia is set to hold its long-delayed presidential vote this weekend, ending the convoluted electoral process that raised tensions in the country when the president’s term expired last year without a successor in place. Click here to read…

Somalia police announce 33-hour curfew in capital Mogadishu during Sunday’s Presidential vote

President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed is facing 37 opponents in the vote, including two former Presidents, Sharif Sheikh Ahmed and Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, who analysts see as the frontrunnersClick here to read…

Ivory Coast: President Ouattara sets the agenda at COP15 summit in Abidjan

The COP15 against desertification began Monday in Abidjan in the presence of several African heads of state, to try to take concrete action against the rapid degradation of land and respond “to the climate emergency. Click here to read…

vGuinea announces three-year transition period before restoring civilian rule

Guinea’s legislative body on Wednesday announced there would be a three-year transition period before civilian rule is restored, defying regional partners who have called for a swifter timetable following a coup. Click here to read…

Sudanese protests against military rule persist

Sudanese demonstrators are back on the streets to protest against the military in power and ask for the implementation of a civil government. Click here to read…

Mali: Thousands in new demonstration to show support for junta

Several hundred Malians gathered Friday in Bamako to support the junta, the army and the military cooperation with the Russians, denounced by the West. Click here to read…

Can Niger become the main Western ally in the Sahel?

Niamey has consistently presented an image of a friendly and reliable partner to the international community and used Western aid to boost its military strength. Click here to read…

Uganda’s plans for first nuclear power station approved

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has approved Uganda’s plan to build East Africa’s first nuclear power station. Click here to read…

China cuts down investment pledges for Africa amid mounting debt fears

While infrastructure projects are one of the main priority areas in China-Africa cooperation, Beijing has cut down on its investment pledges for the continent for the first time in December 2021, according to reports. Click here to read…

Sierra Leone launches bid for UN Security Council seat

Sierra Leone on Monday launched a bid for a seat in the Non-permanent category of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). Click here to read…

Nigeria-Morocco Gas Pipeline Is Paramount to Regional Economy, Politics

The Nigeria-Morocco gas pipeline project is of critical importance for inter-Africa development and integration as it would significantly address regional energy security issues. Click here to read…

Guinea Coup: You can be free, but you will have to wait three years

The military junta in Guinea said its transition back to civilian rule would probably take more than three years, a proposal likely to upset West Africa’s political bloc that has called for a swift return to constitutional order. Click here to read…

As Wheat Prices Soar, Africa Pivots to Cheaper Alternatives

Global wheat prices are so high that African consumers are starting to ditch the grain from their diet and Food companies using rice, manioc flour and sorghum in recipes. Click here to read…

AFC Plans $2 Billion Fund to Support Africa Economic Revival

Africa Finance Corp. is setting up a $2 billion fund to help institutions on the continent recover quickly from the pandemic and overcome challenges posed by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Click here to read…

Museveni woos Turkish investors to Uganda

President Museveni yesterday made a case for Uganda as a favourable and profitable investment destination, rallying investors to set up business across different sectors of the economy. Click here to read…

Africa roundtable unites with European allies

Politicians from African and European countries gathered in Berlin on Thursday for The Africa Roundtable to discuss strategies to cope with common challenges. Click here to read…

Kenyans are protesting plans by tax authority to snoop on their online chats

There is outrage across Kenya after the country’s tax authority announced on May 11 that it plans to start mining data from digital devices in a bid to combat tax and financial fraud. Click here to read…

At least 35 killed in attack on DR Congo gold mine: local sources

Raiders killed at least 35 people in an attack on a gold mine in Ituri, in the strife-torn northeast of Democratic Republic of Congo, local sources said Sunday. Click here to read…

Female student killed by mob at Nigeria school over blasphemy claims

A female student in northern Nigeria was killed by a mob who stoned, beat and set fire to her for allegedly posting a blasphemous statement against the Prophet Mohammed, according to police. Click here to read…

Head of Tunisian opposition party claims he is under investigation

The head of a Tunisian opposition party said on Friday he had been summoned for investigation over a radio interview and accused President Kais Saied of attempting to intimidate opponents. Click here to read…

Ethiopia-China cooperation benefits both sides: Ethiopian Ambassador to China

Ethiopia’s newly launched 10-year development plan opens the door to bilateral cooperation that will benefit both China and Ethiopia, said Teshome Toga Chanaka, the Ethiopian ambassador to China Click here to read…

Burkina Faso’s Junta Under Pressure to Deliver on Security Promises

The junta in power in Ouagadougou justified the 24 January coup by citing the inability of former president Roch Marc Christian Kaboré’s government to provide security in Burkina Faso. By making security its primary objective, the regime raised people’s hopes of a rapid return to peace and stability. Click here to read…

Rwanda-Burundi relations to improve further

Rwanda-Burundi relations will improve when 2015 coup plotters, said to be hiding in Kigali, are handed over Gitega to face justice, said Burundian President Evariste NdayishimiyClick here to read…

Spain, Morocco to open land borders next week after 2 years

The Spanish government says the land borders between Morocco and Spain’s North African enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla will reopen next week. Click here to read…

Sinosteel signs $690 million deal for Cameroon iron ore mine

China’s Sinosteel Corp. has signed a $690 million contract to exploit an iron ore mine in southern Cameroon amid a push to cut Chinese reliance on Australian and Brazilian ore. Click here to read…

South Africa’s COVID-19 spike intensifies

As daily COVID-19 cases in South Africa topped 10,000 cases today, officials from the World Health Organization (WHO) African regional office said today. Click here to read…

Algerian President Tebboune to visit Turkey to discuss bilateral cooperation

Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune is set to pay an official visit to Turkey on May 16-17 upon the invitation of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, according to a statement by the Algerian Embassy on Friday. Click here to read…

Togo suffers its first deadly jihadist attack

It was probably only a matter of time, as terrorist groups are targeting the countries of the subregion one by one. Click here to read…

Meet election deadline for smooth transition, South Sudan urged

South Sudan’s peace monitoring agency has appealed to the Revitalized Transitional Legislative Assembly to urgently enact legislations aimed at meeting the elections deadlines as stipulated in the 2018 revitalized peace deal. Click here to read…

Europe looking to get a million tonnes of coal annually from Botswana, says President Masisi

Botswana has been inundated with inquiries to supply coal to Europe and estimates that demand from Western countries could top a million tonnes a yearClick here to read…

Ghana’s President Strongly Supports African Development Bank’s Quest for More Resources to Accelerate Continent’s Transformation Agenda

Ghana’s President Nana Akufo-Addo has backed calls for more resources for the African Development Bank Group (www.AfDB.org) to accelerate its transformative role across the continent. Click here to read…

Russia’s Growing Strategic Interest in Eritrea

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has reaffirmed Russia’s strategic interest to make coordinated efforts aim at building logistics hub along the coastline of the Republic of Eritrea. Click here to read…

Zimbabwe’s bank lending freeze will worsen economic crisis, business chamber says

Zimbabwe’s decision to suspend bank lending in a desperate bid to arrest the rapid devaluation of its currency will worsen the economic crisis and expose borrowers to predatory loans. Click here to read…

Will bitcoin succeed in the Central African Republic? Probably not

The Central African Republic has become the second country to adopt the cryptocurrency as legal tender, but experiences in El Salvador, the first nation to do so, point to a gloomy outlookClick here to read…

World Bank to Give Mozambique $300 Million To Support Its Budget

By June the World Bank plans to provide $300 million to support the national budget of the Republic of Mozambique, according to the World Bank country director for Mozambique, Idah Pswarayi-Riddihough. Click here to read…

Zambia wants to be a model for resolving Africa’s debt crises

After five unsuccessful attempts and a spell in prison on trumped-up charges of treason, Hakainde Hichilema was elected president of Zambia in August. Click here to read…

Angola’s central province is massively behind the MPLA

The governing People’s Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA, in Portuguese) received today the support of tens of thousands of people in the central province of Huambo, in a campaign rally for the next general elections in the country. Click here to read…

Life in Egypt Is Getting Harder, but Don’t Dare Protest About It

A new study predicts that Egypt’s public debt will climb to half a trillion dollars in coming years. But while economists offer pessimistic views, the public is likely to find itself in prison if it dares criticize the high cost of livingClick here to read…

Gabon: 2023 presidential candidate Mike Jocktane asks for “free and transparent elections”

Gabonese bishop and politician Mike Jocktane held a press conference in the capital, Libreville to talk about his candidacy for next year’s presidential electionClick here to read…

Liberia: ANC’s Stalwart Abraham Sesay Gets Huge Support Ahead Of 2023 Elections

Executives and supporters of fallen Brewerville City Mayor George Varney Curtis, who was defeated in the 2017 general and presidential elections, have endorsed the representative bid of top Liberian humanitarian and businessman Abraham Carlison SesayClick here to read…

Namibia launches sovereign wealth fund following oil discoveries

Namibia launched a sovereign wealth fund, months after oil discoveries by oil giants TotalEnergies and Shell off its coast. Click here to read…

Botswana: Former president Khama claims continued harassment by President Masisi

The Botswana government has rubbished claims by former president Ian Khama that his successor, Mokgweetsi Masisi, was harassing him. Masisi himself refuses to speak on the matter himself. Click here to read…


Mauritius PM inaugurates second phase of Metro Express project spearheaded by India

Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, along with PM Jugnauth inaugurated the first phase of the metro via video-conferencing in October 2019Click here to read…

Mozambique-India joint working group on defence back on track to tackle terrorism, drug trade

Mozambique and India intend to revive its joint working group on defence as part of counter-terrorism efforts and at the same time promote their respective blue economies and curtail drug trafficking. Click here to read…

Egypt in talks with India on wheat export ban exemption

Egypt is in talks with Indian officials about getting an exemption from India’s decision to ban wheat export. Click here to read…

Kenya mulls ending India wheat import ban as prices soar

Kenya is set to send a team of inspectors to India with the aim of ending along standing wheat import ban from the Asian nation amid low global supply. Click here to read…

Gravita’s Ghana unit commences waste rubber recycling plant

Gravita India announced that its step-down subsidiary in Ghana, Recyclers Ghana has started commercial production and recycling of waste rubber with an annual capacity of around 6,000 MTPA. Click here to read…

Prasar Bharati inks MoU with Madagascar for broadcasting collaboration

The MoU aims at exchange of programmes, exploring co-production of programmes and training and exchange of personnelClick here to read…

Deployment of ins gharial to Seychelles – mission Sagar ix

As part of ongoing deployment of Indian Naval Ship Gharial in South West Indian Ocean, under Mission SAGAR IX, the Ship called at Port Victoria, Seychelles from 11 to 14 May 22. Click here to read…

Indian Navy’s P-8I begins 5-day mission to La Reunion Island in Southern Indian Ocean

The Indian Navy’s P-8I long-range maritime patrol aircraft arrived on Monday at the La Reunion Island in the southern Indian Ocean on a five-day mission to undertake coordinated surveillance with French warships in the region. Click here to read…

INS Kolkata visited Djibouti as part of anti-piracy patrol by Indian Navy

INS Kolkata visited Djibouti from May 4-7, 2022, as part of the anti-piracy patrol being undertaken by the Indian Navy to ensure safe transit of merchant vessels in the Gulf of Aden. Click here to read…

India, Madagascar planning direct flights between Mumbai and Antananarivo

“Ambassador Abhay Kumar met M Rolland Ranjatoelina, Hon’ble Minister of Transport and #Meteorology of Madagascar today. They discussed the possibility of starting a direct flight between #Mumbai and #Antananarivo,” Click here to read…

Kenya Welcomes Indian Travellers as Tourism Recovery Takes Shape

The tourism sector has received a major boost from the Indian market with a visit of about 300 tourists for an excursion of the country’s tourism products. Click here to read…

India Keen to Cement Ties with Ethiopia

The Director-General of the Middle East, Asia, and Pacific at the Ethiopian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Gebeyehu Ganga (Ph.D.) had a meeting on Thursday with the Ambassador of the Republic of India, Shri Robert Shetkintong. Click here to read…

Indian envoy Abhay Kumar talks cooperation with Madagascar in mining sector

India imports many thousand tonnes of nickel every year which is a key ingredient in EV batteries. Madagascar can be a source of nickel and cobalt import for India as well as coal and goldClick here to read…

Indian ‘Military Base’ In Agalega: New Satellite Imagery Shows Hangars Large Enough to House Navy’s Submarine Hunting P-8I Aircraft

India is building military infrastructure on Mauritius’ Agalega Island to increase its presence in the western Indian Ocean. Click here to read…

South Africa court bars some ArcelorMittal workers from strike

South Africa’s labour court has ordered workers at ArcelorMittal South Africa Ltd’s steel plants, blast furnaces and coke batteries to be excluded from an ongoing job boycott, after the company argued these are essential services barred from striking by law. Click here to read…

Vedanta challenges Zambia’s appointment of new KCM liquidator

Vedanta Resources has challenged Zambia’s appointment of a new Provisional Liquidator for Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) following the resignation of the previous office holder. Click here to read…

Africa Now – Weekly Newsletter (Week 21, 2022)

Welcome to Africa Now, your weekly newsletter for Africa, presenting the most important developments in the continent – news that matters.


The Crisis in Ethiopia is not all about Ethiopia

One and half years ago, when Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed decided to punish the Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) for their alleged role in attacking a federal military base, it was expected to be a swift operation. Click here to read…

Why it has taken Uganda so long to embrace Kiswahili

There is an old east African joke that Kiswahili was born in Zanzibar, grew up in mainland Tanzania, fell sick in Kenya, died in Uganda, and was buried in Democratic Republic of Congo. Click here to read…


Hassan Mohamud: The second coming of Somalia’s new president

He will have to tackle insecurity, rising inflation, and severe drought while building trust in a country polarised by in-fighting between the federal and regional governmentsClick here to read…

Divided Libya Looms as Rival Premier Sets Up Outside Tripoli

Libya’s parliament-elected prime minister plans to set up his new government in the central city of Sirte on Wednesday after being forced to flee the capital, threatening to again fracture the country between two rival administrations. Click here to read…

Mali’s Military Junta Pulls Out of Regional G5 Sahel Force

Mali is pulling out of a multi-national military force in West Africa’s Sahel region combatting an Islamist insurgency, the country’s military junta said in a statement on Sunday. Click here to read…

Egypt tells US should use leverage, pressure on Ethiopia to resolve dam issue

A senior Egyptian diplomat said Tuesday that the Biden administration is not putting enough pressure on Ethiopia to help resolve the controversy surrounding Addis Ababa’s construction of a controversial dam on the Nile River. Click here to read…

Guinea Bissau president dissolves parliament in new political row

The disagreements between parliament and the president centre around the immunity of opposition leader and lawmaker Domingos Simoes Pereira who lost to the president in 2019. Click here to read…

Netherlands backs Morocco’s Western Sahara autonomy plan- statement

The Netherlands views Morocco’s plan for autonomy for Western Sahara as serious and credible, it said on Wednesday, moving closer to Rabat’s stance on the disputed territory where the Algeria-backed Polisario Front seeks an independent state. Click here to read…

Thousands in Tunisia protest against president, demand democratic return

Thousands of Tunisians protested on Sunday against President Kais Saied, demanding a return to the normal democratic order and rejecting his replacement of the independent electoral commission with one he named himself. Click here to read…

Guinea: Doumbouya and political parties harden their tone

The ban on demonstrations announced on 13 May by the “Comité National de Rassemblement pour le Développement” (CNRD) has caused an outcry in Conakry. The parties plan to coordinate their response at a series of meetings taking place in the near future. Click here to read…

Jihadis’ attack in eastern Burkina Faso kills 11 soldiers

Eleven soldiers were killed and nearly two dozen injured by jihadis targeting a military base in eastern Burkina Faso, the government said. Click here to read…

Mali government says it has thwarted countercoup attempt

Malian government headed by a two-time coup leader announced late Monday that security forces had thwarted a countercoup attempt that it said was supported by an unnamed Western government. Click here to read…

IMF extends Somalia funding to August following election

The IMF accepted the Somali government’s request for a three-month extension to examine and endorse planned reforms. Click here to read…

COP15: Ivory Coast hosts desertification talks

The COP15 conference is meeting to address issues of land degradation, advancing deserts and deforestation. Experts and activists hope that this will not be just another high-level conference with no concrete results. Click here to read…

U.N. says Benin will terminate contribution to peacekeeping mission in Mali

Benin has decided to terminate its military and police unit contributions to a United Nations peacekeeping mission in regional neighbour Mali. Click here to read…

Sudanese communist leader arrested as protests rage in Khartoum

A leading Sudanese politician was arrested on Thursday as protests raged in the capital Khartoum for the seventh month against military rule, with tear gas and heavy security force deployment. Click here to read…

Eleven migrants die off coast of Algeria while trying to reach Europe

Eleven migrants have reportedly drowned after their both sank off the Algerian coast of Tipaza on Sunday evening. Click here to read…

Rwanda to get first batch of asylum seekers from UK this May

Rwanda expects the first group of 50 asylum seekers to be transferred from the United Kingdom by the end of May, a government spokesperson has said. Click here to read…

Niger President says Mali’s withdrawal marks ‘death’ of G5 Sahel alliance

Niger’s President has said Mali’s withdrawal from the G5 Sahel, a multinational force created to fight Islamist militants, will mark the end of the alliance. Click here to read…

Uganda says it will pull out troops from DR Congo

The military in Uganda says it will withdraw hundreds of troops it sent last year to help neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo combat an Islamist insurgency. Click here to read…

Mossad Chief Cohen Kicked Out of DRC, on a Mission That Could Jeopardize Israel

Former senior Mossad officials described Yossi Cohen’s conduct as ‘madness’ after three trips to Congo on Israel’s behalf for problematic purposes that are barred from publication. The visits weren’t coordinated with Congo’s government and ended with him being deported. Click here to read…

Violence, Lockdown, Running Battles Paralyze Cameroon National Day in Western Regions

Cameron’s National Day on May 20 has been marked by running battles between government troops and separatists who imposed a lockdown, crippling business in English-speaking western regions. Click here to read…

Ethiopia’s Tigray forces announce release of thousands of POWs

The Tigray rebel forces fighting Ethiopia’s federal army have said they will release 4,000 prisoners of war as part of an amnesty. Click here to read…

Eritrea accuses TPLF of planning fresh attacks against Asmara

War drums are beating again on the restive Ethiopia-Eritrean border after Asmara accused the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) of plotting to launch attacks to reclaim lost territory. Click here to read…

Burundi reforms frustrated by hardliners – Analysts

In Burundi, this has been an open question since President Evariste Ndayishimiye took power two years ago, ending years of isolationism to great fanfare, but failing to improve its dire record on rights abuses. Click here to read…

Namibia launches sovereign wealth fund following oil discoveries

Namibia launched a sovereign wealth fund, months after oil discoveries by oil giants TotalEnergies and Shell off its coastClick here to read…

Spain, Morocco reopens land borders after two years

Morocco and Spain have reopened the land borders between the north African country and the Spanish enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla, two years after they were shut due to Covid restrictions and a major diplomatic row. Click here to read…

Ireland, Liberia to Establish Military Relations

Ireland Ambassador accredited to Liberia, but with residence in the Republic of Sierra Leone, Clarie Buckley has assured the Minister of National Defense, Maj/Gen. Daniel D. Ziankahn (Rtd), of her country’s willingness to establish strong military ties with the Armed Forces of Liberia, especially in the area of peacekeeping. Click here to read…

Foreign investors from Mauritius likely to keep taxman at bay

One such attempt by the Income tax (I-T) department to lift the ‘corporate veil’ was struck down this week by a court which ruled that the tricky subject of ‘beneficial ownership’ (BO) of the Mauritian entity cannot be linked to capital gains. Click here to read…

Algeria looks to Türkiye to realise untapped economic potential

Growing regional ties and cooperation are leading rapid economic recovery for Algeria and Türkiye, despite nearly two years of pandemic disruption and market volatility. Click here to read…

Japan steps up its Africa engagement

Laying the foundation for the Eighth Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD), Japanese Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi held talks on 28 March 2022 with ministers from 50 African nations. Click here to read…

For the first time in half-a-century, Chad welcomes Israeli envoy

Israeli diplomat Ben Bourgel presented his credentials to the president of Chad this week – the first time in half-a-century the country has welcomed an Israeli ambassador, as the two countries move to strengthen diplomatic ties. Click here to read…

Saudi delegation visits Namibia, Rwanda, Burundi

A Saudi delegation led by Ahmed bin Abdulaziz Kattan, adviser at the Royal Court, visited southwest and East African countries. The delegation met Namibian President Hage Geingob, Rwandan President Paul Kagame and Burundian President Evariste Ndayishimiye. Click here to read…

Germany backs two Togolese training centers with €6M financing

As part of the African Union’s Skill Initiative for Africa (SIFA) support mechanism, Germany’s development fund, KfW, will provide €6 million to two training institutions in Togo. Click here to read…

Kenya’s debt obligations towards China more than double in one year

Kenya’s debt obligations towards China have shot up by a staggering 135.15 per cent in the last one year on the back of Chinese-funded infrastructure projects in the African country. Click here to read…

World’s longest subsea cable lands in Djibouti, East Africa

Meta’s 2Africa subsea cable has landed in Djibouti City, Djibouti. Djibouti Telecom announced on 13 May that the country’s 9th subsea cable, which is 45,000 km long, had landed in the capita. Click here to read…

Pakistan overtakes Uganda as top market for Kenyan exports

Pakistan overtook Uganda as Kenya’s biggest export destination in the first quarter of the year, boosted by growth in tea exports. Click here to read…

Southeast DR Congo seizes 1.5 tonnes of elephant ivory

Authorities in southeastern DR Congo have seized one and a half tonnes of elephant ivory, legal and environmental officials said, in one of the largest hauls in Africa in years. Click here to read…

Botswana plans to build $2.5bn facility to convert coal into liquid fuels

State oil company Botswana Oil is planning to build a new coal-to-liquids plant, with an investment of $2.5bn, in a bid to reduce its dependence on imported fuel. Click here to read…

Egypt launches National Climate Change Strategy 2050

Egypt has launched its billion-dollar National Climate Change Strategy 2050 to support a stronger, greener Egyptian economy. Click here to read…

Turkey’s TIKA trains South Sudanese beekeepers

Thanks to the support of the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA), villagers in South Sudan earn extra income through beekeeping. Click here to read…

Ghana: President Akufo-Addo Expresses Concern Over Russia-Ukraine War Impact on Food Security

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has expressed concerns over the impact the crises in Ukraine is having on food security in the country and on the continent. Click here to read…

Botswana invites bids to build 200 MW solar plant

The scope of the bid covers financing, construction, operation and maintenance as well as decommissioning the plant at the end of its economic life. Click here to read…

EU Calls for Zimbabwe to Implement Electoral Reforms Ahead of 2023 Polls

Elmar Brok, the head of the EU electoral mission, told reporters Friday that as Zimbabwe prepares for next year’s elections, it must amend its electoral laws so that all parties have a fair chance of winning at the polls. Click here to read…

Tanzania ports authority opens offices in landlocked neighbors

The Tanzania Ports Authority (TPA) has opened liaison offices in neighboring landlocked countries to attract more business, Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa said on Thursday. Click here to read…

Botswana, with an import ban on 16 vegetables, plans to ban more over the next two years

Botswana’s government says it has no plans to lift its ban on vegetable imports, citing that it plans to expand its list, which comprises 16 vegetables, over the next two years. Click here to read…

Mozambique confirms first wild poliovirus case in 30 years

Mozambique has identified its first case of wild polio in three decades following the genetic sequencing of a similar strain of the childhood disease in Malawi earlier this year. Click here to read…


India and Africa must respond to uncertain world: Jaishankar

India and Africa must respond to the “volatile and uncertain” world and important lessons can be learnt from the COVID-19 pandemic and knock-on effects of the Ukraine conflict. Click here to read…

India working with African states to counter threat of terrorism: Jaishankar

The first India-Africa defence ministers’ conclave, held in February 2020, institutionalised defence cooperation between the two sides. Click here to read…

India-Africa relations are truly deep-rooted: Jaishankar

India-Africa relations are truly deep-rooted and go back into the recesses of history, said External Affairs Minister (EAM) S Jaishankar on Tuesday as he touched upon the shared bonding of fighting against colonialism. Click here to read…

Africa must be included in reformed UNSC, says EAM Jaishankar

India’s external affairs minister (EAM) Dr S Jaishankar has backed African representation at the United Nations Security Council, a long-standing policy of the Indian government. Click here to read…

MoS Muraleedharan, Zambian counterpart discuss issues covering gamut of bilateral cooperation

Union Minister of State for External Affairs V Muraleedharan engaged in discussions with the Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation Minister of Zambia, Stanley Kakubo on Thursday on the sidelines of the high-level Ministerial meeting on “Global Food Security- Call to Action” in New York. Click here to read…

India, France carries out second joint patrol in Southern Indian Ocean

The navies of India and France concluded their second joint patrolling in the South-Western Indian Ocean last week, while an Australian P-8 maritime patrol aircraft is expected in India next month on a reciprocal visit. Click here to read…

India to instal coast guard radar system for Seychelles

India will be helping Seychelles with the installation of a coast guard radar system and other defence matters, Indian High Commissioner General Dalbir Singh Suhag (retd) has saidClick here to read…

U.S. hopes India would reconsider wheat export ban

India, the world’s second-biggest wheat producer, has banned wheat exports in a bid to check high domestic prices amid concerns of wheat output being hit by scorching heat waves. Click here to read…

India ships wheat to Egypt post ban, gets diplomatic requests from 12 nations

India, which banned all private export of wheat on May 13 to manage the country’s food security, has kept a window open for overseas shipments on the specific request of a foreign government to meet their food-security needs. Click here to read…

Nigeria: India Says Open to Exporting Wheat to Poor Nations Despite Ban

The ban is expected to affect the price of the produce globally, including in Africa and Nigeria in particular. The world’s second largest producer of wheat, India, has banned wheat exports, at a time the Russian invasion of Ukraine crippled the supply of the crop across the globe. Click here to read…

Over 500 workers at Indian-owned Mozambique coal mine go on strike

Over 500 workers at a coal mine in Mozambique owned by a subsidiary of an Indian company have been on strike for a week, the company said in a statement. Click here to read…

Arms sales: India zeroes in on African markets

Attempting to tap into the large African arms market, a delegation of the Ministry of Defence, having representatives of top private manufacturers, is visiting Tanzania at the end of this month. Click here to read…

Liberia: President Weah Announces Renegotiations with Arcelor Mittal for an ‘Amendment That Fairly Satisfies’ All Parties

President George Weah has announced the authorization of the Inter-Ministerial Concession Committee (IMCC) to engage Arcelor Mittal for the resubmission of an amendment that will be in the interest of all parties. Telugus in South Africa help with blankets

In an initiative, the Telugu community in Johannesburg, South Africa, distributed blankets to the needy, an act which earned it much appreciation by the Midrand police. When during these times, it gets cold, we show our concern for those who need to be helped. Click here to read…

Kenya’s Indian origin doctor campaigning silently to retain Kesses parliamentary seat

In the August 9 General elections in Kenya, voters will elect the President, members of the National Assembly and Senate, county Governors and members of the 47 county assemblies. The Constitution requires that a presidential election take place at the same time as the general election. Click here to read…

Indian philanthropists and spiritual leaders address ethics summit in S Africa

Several globally-recognised Indian-origin philanthropists and spiritual leaders addressed the Conscious Leadership and Ethics Summit here, delving deep into the relation between businesses, consciousness, leadership and the environment. Click here to read…

Book Review

Talmiz Ahmad’s Encyclopaedic Study of West Asia and North Africa

In ‘West Asia: Repression, Resistance and Great Power Games’, the author begins his narrative with the 19th century scramble among European powers for dominance in the region. Click here to read…

From South Africa, a success story for democracy

In a new book, MIT political scientist Evan Lieberman examines a quarter-century of post-Apartheid government and finds meaningful progress. Click here to read…

Africa Now – Weekly Newsletter (Week 19, 2022)

Welcome to Africa Now, your weekly newsletter for Africa, presenting the most important developments in the continent – news that matters.


West Africa: Enablers of Political Extremism – a Checklist for West African Countries

The Sahel – the region just south of the Sahara – is home to the world’s fastest growing extremist group, Jama’at Nasr al-Islam wal Muslimin or JNIM, and the deadliest group, Islamic State in West Africa, according to the 2022 Global Terrorism IndexClick here to read…

What Elon Musk Does Not Get about Twitter and Democracy in Africa

Last month, Elon Musk gave an insight on the path that Twitter may take following his acquisition of the social media platform. Click here to read…

The sacred Indian hues of Mauritius

Situated just a few hundred kilometres from the fourth largest island in the world, Madagascar, and located off the southeastern coast of Africa, Mauritius is a gem of a destination whose cultural history remains widely unknown. Click here to read…


U.N. chief calls for debt relief, investment on West Africa trip
U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres urged debt relief for African countries and more investment to help their economies recover from the COVID-19 pandemic and weather the impacts of the Ukraine war. Click here to read…
Somalia: Lawmakers to decide president on May 15

Somali lawmakers are expected to pick the country’s new president on May 15, a long-overdue final step in a protracted political crisis. Click here to read…

Kenya election 2022: A record 47 independents vie for the presidency

On Monday 2 May 2022, the registrar submitted the list of names to the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) for the final clearance, in line with election timelines. Click here to read…

Nigeria 2023: Buhari warns US to stay out of elections

Widely believed to have benefitted from tacit US support for his 2015 campaign, Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari is now the one warning western diplomats to stay out of next year’s elections. Click here to read…

Congo: First round of legislative elections set for July 10

The first round of legislative elections and local elections in Congo-Brazzaville will be held on July 10, according to a government decision announced Friday on state television Télé-Congo. Click here to read…

Muhoozi announces interest in Uganda presidency

After almost a decade of speculations, Lt-Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba has publicly expressed his interest in succeeding his father Yoweri Museveni as president of Uganda. Click here to read…

Tunisia union rejects any formal dialogue over political reforms

Tunisia’s powerful UGTT labour union rejected on Friday any formal dialogue over political reforms that marginalise political and social forces in the country and include “ready-made decisions”Click here to read…

Interfaith tensions simmer in Ethiopia

Muslims and Christians in parts of Ethiopia are on edge after an attack in Gondar sparked a swell of unrest. Politics is usually to blame when interfaith tensions turn deadly in the countryClick here to read…

Burkina Faso: Seven soldiers and four auxiliaries killed in ambush

Seven soldiers and four auxiliaries of the Burkina Faso army were killed on Thursday in two ambushes by “terrorists” in the northern and central-northern regions. Click here to read…

Benin: Five soldiers killed in national park attack

Five soldiers were killed in an attack by suspected an armed group possibly linked to ISIL or al-Qaeda in a national park in the north of Benin Republic, two military sources have said. Click here to read…

Burundi says 10 of its peacekeepers killed in Somalia attack

Burundi’s military said on Wednesday 10 of its African Union (AU) peacekeepers were killed in an attack on their base in Somalia, while a security source in the region and a Mogadishu-based source said dozens were dead. Click here to read…

Cameroon takes over as chair of AU’s Peace and Security Council

Cameroon will preside over the Peace and Security Council (PSC), the standing decision-making organ of the African Union (AU) on the prevention and resolution of conflicts for the month of May. Click here to read…

Germany to end EU training mission in Mali

Germany will end its participation in the European Union training mission in Mali but is ready to continue with a U.N. peacekeeping mission in the country under certain conditions. Click here to read…

Western Sahara: International Support ‘Refutes’ Algeria’s Outdated Narrative

The growing international support for the Moroccan Autonomy Plan reflects a strong rejection of secessionist aspirations and Aleria’s narrative on Western Sahara, according to a Mexican politician. Click here to read…

South Africa to host international conference to tackle child labour

South Africa is going to host the International Labour Organisation (ILO) global conference on the elimination of child labour later this month, announced Employment and Labour Minister Thulas Nxesi on Thursday. Click here to read…

Al-Shabab attack on African Union forces in Somalia: What we know

Islamist militant group al-Shabab says it has carried out what may prove to be one of its most deadly attacks on the African Union mission in Somalia, however the two sides provide very different death tolls. Click here to read…

Turkey to take tangible steps for deeper ties with Africa: FM

Turkey plans to improve its relations with the African continent, and take tangible steps to deepen ties with regional organizations such as the African Union and Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). Click here to read…

Algeria to raise oil output by 11,000 barrels a day

Algeria will raise its oil output by 11,000 barrels a day in June, Energy and Mining Minister Mohamed Arkab said on Thursday. Click here to read…

Libya’s Bashagha denies writing Times article condemning Russia

Fathi Bashagha, one of two rival Libyan prime ministers, has denied writing an article published on Tuesday under his name by the Times newspaper in London. In the article, purportedly written by Bashagha, the Libyan politician declares that he wants his country to “stand with Britain against Russian aggression”. Click here to read…

Sudan’s coup leaders hold secret consultations with political leader

Yasir al-Atta, a member of the Sovereign Council, revealed that the coup leaders held a series of meetings with the political forces to create a suitable atmosphere and to ensure the needed basic agreement before starting the process of national dialogue. Click here to read…

Guinea to Prosecute Ousted President Alpha Conde

Guinea’s military government this week announced plans to prosecute ousted President Alpha Conde and 26 of his former officials for murder, rape, kidnapping and other crimes. Click here to read…

Togo agrees to mediate in Mali political crisis

Togo’s President Faure Gnassingbe has agreed to act as a mediator in Mali’s political crisis as the West African country’s military government faces pressure to re-establish civilian rule, their foreign ministers have said. Click here to read…

Egypt’s President Sissi sells assets to try to boost the country’s economy

The Russia-Ukraine war has highlighted the Egyptian economy’s flaws. Faced with the risk of social unrest, the government has introduced a series of emergency measures. Click here to read…

Dollar o’clock: Should Zimbabwe axe its faltering currency again?

In early 2019, Zimbabwe’s central bank announced plans to bring back the Zimbabwe dollar as legal tender after a decade of using the US dollar. Click here to read…

Ethiopia ‘foils’ cyber-attack on Nile dam, financial institutions

Ethiopian Authorities on Tuesday said they had stopped international cyber-attack attempts targeting the massive Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) and the country’s major financial institutions. Click here to read…

AD Ports signs agreement to develop Egypt’s Safaga Port

Abu Dhabi’s AD Ports Group is to develop, operate, and manage a multi-purpose terminal at Safaga Port on Egypt’s east coast as a part of a consortium. Click here to read…

Russian-linked forces ‘tortured’ and ‘executed’ civilians in Central African Republic since 2019, HRW says

Forces identified by witnesses as Russian have “summarily executed, tortured, and beaten civilians” in the Central African Republic (CAR) since 2019, a report by rights group Human Rights Watch (HRW) has alleged. Click here to read…

Nigeria’s central bank chief to run for presidency in 2023

The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) governor, Godwin Emefiele, has bought a nomination form from the governing All Progressive Congress party in a bid to become President Muhammadu Buhari’s successor. Click here to read…

China Should Lead $17 Billion Zambia Debt Talks, Minister Says

China should head the creditors committee being formed to renegotiate Zambia’s $17.3 billion of foreign debt because that will help accelerate the resolution process, the southern African country’s finance minister said. Click here to read…

Mozambique: President Nyusi and President Chakwera Inaugurate Electricity Interconnection

President Filipe Nyusi on 21 April announced that laying the first stone for the regional electricity interconnection between Mozambique and Malawi is a historic landmark. Click here to read…

Ukraine’s Zelensky renews request to address African Union

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has once again requested to address the African Union (AU), Moussa Faki Mahamat, AU Commission Chairperson said on Friday. Click here to read…

Angola and Spain Sign Protocol in Geosciences Field

According to the figures, Angola was responsible for almost 300,000 bpd of the of the OPEC+ supply shortfall while Nigeria was pumping almost 400,000 bpd below target. Click here to read…

Family of Hotel Rwanda hero launches $400m lawsuit over his alleged abduction

The family of Hotel Rwanda hero Paul Rusesabagina has filed a $400m lawsuit in the US over his alleged abduction and torture. Click here to read…

UN Slavery Investigator Arrives in Mauritania, Rights Group Urges UNHRC to Oust Regime

The independent non-governmental human rights group UN Watch today called on U.S. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield to move for the suspension of Mauritania from the 47-nation Human Rights CouncilClick here to read…

Gabon’s Plan to Revive Economy

The Gabonese government has announced the construction of a new special economic zone (SEZ), the Mpassa-Lebombi, in the south-eastern province of Haut-OgoouéClick here to read…

Africa’s tourism operators need local visitors

With international tourism still in a slump, African tour companies need local visitors to stimulate tourism. But many on the continent can’t afford to travel. Click here to read…


PM Narendra Modi Thanks Madagascar President Andry Rajoelina

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has thanked Madagascar President Andry Rajoelina for recognising India’s leadership in promoting climate and disaster resilience. Click here to read…

India-Nigeria relations: Onyeama calls for stronger ties

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Geoffrey Onyeama, has called for stronger ties between Nigeria and India. This was even as Onyeama said the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) is a “game-changer”. Click here to read…

Madagascar: A firm partner of India

The visit in late April of Madagascar Foreign Minister Richard Randriamandrato to India revitalized the India-Madagascar relationship in diverse ways. Click here to read…

Indian Amb Abhay Kumar discusses cooperation with Madagascar in mining sector

Indian Ambassador to Madagascar Abhay Kumar held talks with Madagascar’s Mining Minister Rakotomalala Herindrainy Olivier and discussed the prospect of a partnership in the mining sector. Click here to read…

Deputy NSA visits Tanzania to widen defence ties in Indian Ocean Region

Deputy national security adviser Vikram Misri visited Tanzania this week to strengthen defence ties with one of India’s key partners in Eastern Africa and Indian Ocean Region (IOR) through measures including export of defence productsClick here to read…

India, Mauritius pact may include safeguard mechanism related provisions

India-Mauritius trade agreement may include safeguard mechanism related provisions to protect the domestic industry from a sudden or unusual surge in imports of goods. Click here to read…

India and Mozambique to expand fight against terror

These issues, along with efforts to curb illegal narco smuggling, which fuels terrorism, and to expand defence ties, including maritime security, topped the agenda of deputy national security adviser (NSA) Vikram Misri’s visit to Mozambique this week, according to people aware of the matter. Click here to read…

Kenya-India Strengthen Trade-Deal Talks

Kenya and India have continued to build bilateral trade relations with the ceramic business between the two countries increasing by 27 per cent in the past one year. Click here to read…

Coromandel International acquires 45% stake in Senegal-based BMCC for Rs 225 cr

Coromandel International will acquire 45% stake in Baobab Mining and Chemicals Corporation (BMCC) for $19.6 million (Rs 150 crore approx.), besides a loan infusion of of $9.7 million (Rs 75 crore approx.) into BMCC for capital projects and expansion. Click here to read…

ASIA RICE Strong demand from Asia, Africa lift Indian prices

Export prices of rice from India rose this week on increasing demand from Asia and Africa, while dwindling supplies of the staple lifted Vietnamese rates. Click here to read…

Ethiopian Airlines Increases Focus On India

After successfully navigating the COVID pandemic and ending 2021 in a profitable state, Ethiopian Airlines plans to retain its sharp focus on network expansion that is likely to be high in demand. Click here to read…

Nexcharge to use India plant for exports to Africa, Middle East & S America

Nexcharge, a battery pack three-way partnership between Exide Industries and Leclanché, will discover choices to take its tropical market experience to different world markets. Click here to read…

Holcim likely to seek exemption under India-Mauritius tax agreement

Mauritius-based Holderind Investments, which holds a 63 per cent stake in Ambuja Cements, can claim capital gains exemption under the India-Mauritius tax treaty. Click here to read…

Nigeria accuses Indian drug makers, exporters of unethical practices

Accusing Indian pharmaceutical manufacturers and exporters of indulging in unethical and unprofessional practices in connivance with Nigerian importers. Click here to read…

Indian footprints in Africa

A close linkage between LOC and boosting of India’s trade, investment and technology has been well brought outClick here to read…

Over 1,100 Indian peacekeepers receive UN medals for exceptional service in South Sudan

The daunting tasks that include protecting civilians, undertaking a variety of engineering assignments, and offering health services, are some of the capabilities of 1,160 Indian peacekeepers who were recently decorated with UN medals for their exceptional service in South Sudan. Click here to read…

China, India eye Russian oil, move to jettison Nigeria

Nigeria may lose its largest crude oil buyers, China and India, as both countries plan to negotiate Russian oil at discount prices. Click here to read…

Gabon ‘greedy’ For Investments from India: Minister Madiya

Resource-rich Gabon is “greedy” for investments from India and is expected to sign a bilateral trade and investment treaty later this year with India to further improve the bilateral economic ties. Click here to read…

High Commissioner of Tanzania to India Anisa Mbega visited LPU to meet hundreds of Tanzanian Students

Her Excellency Mrs Anisa Kapufi Mbega, the High Commissioner of the United Republic of Tanzania to India visited Lovely Professional University, today, to meet and interact with hundreds of Tanzanian students studying at LPU campus. Click here to read…

India, Germany to work together in Africa, Latin America as part of triangular cooperation: FS Kwatra

India and Germany are to undertake development partnership projects in three African countries and one country in Latin America as part of the agreement on triangular cooperation signed between the two countries. Click here to read…

Solar Inds bags orders worth Rs 1563-cr from Singareni Collieries

Solar Industries India said that the company and its subsidiary have received orders worth Rs 1,563 crore from Singareni Collieries Company. Click here to read…

Fresh fruit importer IG International all set to introduce Tanzanian avocados in India

Avo Africa is a part of the Keitt Group of companies. Keitt Exporters Limited prides itself on being the leading grower & exporter of fruits and vegetables to markets in Europe and the Middle East for over two decades now. They are the biggest growers and exporters of avocados from Tanzania and Kenya. Click here to read…

VIF Cyber Review: April 2022


Cabinet approves upgradation of mobile sites in LWE-affected areas

On 27 April 2022, the Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has approved a ‘Universal Service Obligation Fund (USOF)’ project for upgrading 2G mobile services to 4G at security sites in the Left-Wing Extremism (LWE) areas. The Cabinet also authorised Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) payment of LWE Phase-I 2G site operations and maintenance costs for an additional five years beyond the contractual period of five years at a cost of ₹541.80 crore. The extension will last up to 12 months from the date of Cabinet approval or the commissioning of 4G sites, whichever comes first.

The upgrade will improve internet and data services in certain LWE locations. It satisfies the standards of the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) as well as the state governments. It will also meet the communication requirements of the security forces stationed in these regions. The suggestion is consistent with the goal of increasing rural mobile connectivity. Furthermore, delivery of various e-governance, banking, tele-medicine, tele-education, and other services via mobile broadband will be possible in these locations. [1]

CERT-In issued advisory on multiple vulnerabilities in Oracle products

On 22 April 2022, the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) issued an advisory on multiple vulnerabilities in Oracle products which could be exploited by an attacker to bypass security restrictions, execute arbitrary code, disclose sensitive information, and cause Denial of Service (DoS) attack on the targeted system. Such vulnerabilities are remotely exploitable without authentication, i.e., may be exploited over a network without requiring user credentials. [2] As a solution, CERT-In provided link to apply appropriate patches available at: Click here to read…

India Post issued warning against fraudulent URLs/Websites claiming to give prizes through certain surveys

On 23 April 2022, the India Post issued a warning against various URLs/Websites getting circulated in social media and communication platforms, such as WhatsApp, Telegram, Instagram, and through e-mail/SMS containing tiny URLs, claiming to provide government subsidies as prize money through certain surveys. “We wish to inform the citizens of the Country that India Post is not involved in any such activities like announcing Subsidies, Bonus or Prizes based on Surveys etc. Public receiving such notifications/messages /emails are requested not to believe or respond to such fake and spurious messages or share any personal details.

It is also requested not share any personally identifiable information such as date of birth, Account numbers, mobile numbers, place of Birth & OTP etc”, read the advisory issued by the India Post. The India Post and Fact Check Unit of Press Information Bureau (PIB) have declared these URLs/Websites as fake through social media. [3]

CERT-In issued advisory on Malware targeting ICS/SCADA systems

On 16 April 2022, the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) issued an advisory about the Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) actors targeting Industrial Control Systems (ICS)/Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems through custom made tools. The tools enabled cyber threat actors to scan for, compromise, and control affected systems after gaining access to the operational technology (OT) network.

The APTs are targeting ICS/SCADA and have capabilities to gain complete access control of certain ICS/SCADA devices including:

– Schneider Electric programmable logic controllers (PLCs).

– OMRON Sysmac NEX PLCs, and,

– Open platform communications Unified Architecture (OPC UA) Servers.
According to the advisory, the APT actors could also exploit a known-vulnerable ASRock-signed Motherboard driver— “AsrDrv103.sys”, exploiting CVE-2020-15368, to execute malicious code in the Windows kernel to move laterally within an IT or OT environment and disrupt critical devices or functions. [4]

Qualcomm and MeitY’s C-DAC partner to support Indian Semiconductor start-ups

For 2022, Qualcomm India announced a collaboration with the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), an autonomous scientific society of the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), to initiate and conduct Qualcomm® Semiconductor Mentorship Program (QSMP) 2022 for select start-ups from the semiconductor space in India, with further programme to provide and facilitate mentorship, technical training, and industry outreach. Under the collaboration, the C-DAC and Qualcomm India intend to work towards following broad objectives:

– Nurture technical advancements and intellectual-property-driven innovation and product development required for semiconductor design in the Indian ecosystem.

– Help reduce risks in innovation; accelerate the pace of business development; and develop soft skills and knowledge base of Indian start-ups engaged in semiconductor design.

– Facilitate access for the selected start-ups with domain experts, VCs, accelerators, incubators, industry associations and large companies that could help them scale up their business.

– Create platforms and forums that provide opportunities to work with high-growth-potential small businesses and start-ups who have potentially disruptive technologies that could develop or reshape semiconductor supply chains in the future.

Up to ten Indian semiconductor start-ups will be shortlisted for QSMP 2022 by Qualcomm India. Each nominated firm will be connected with a Qualcomm India executive for product development and planning mentoring. Through meetings, webinars, seminars, and tradeshows, C-DAC and Qualcomm India will help these entrepreneurs gain exposure to government stakeholders. [5]

CERT-In issued advisory for safe and trusted Internet

On 28 April 2022, The Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) issued directions related to the best information security practices, procedure, prevention, response, and reporting of cyber-crimes under the provisions of sub-Section (6) of the Section 70B of the Information Technology (IT) Act, 2000. The directions will become effective after 60 days.

The directives included aspects relating to synchronisation of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) system clocks; mandatory reporting of cyber incidents to CERT-In; maintenance of logs of ICT systems; subscriber/customer registrations details by Data centres, Virtual Private Server (VPS) providers, Virtual Private Network (VPN) Service providers, Cloud service providers; KYC norms and practices by virtual asset service providers, virtual asset exchange providers and custodian wallet providers. These directions shall enhance overall cyber security posture and ensure safe & trusted Internet in the country. [6] The directions are available at: Click here to read…


Eurojust and Europol cracked an online investment fraud scheme responsible for losses of at least Euro 20 million

On 21 April 2022, Authorities in Finland, the Netherlands, Lativa, France, Germany, and Ukraine, supported the operation during which more than 50 servers and services were seized in six countries. “At the request of the Estonian authorities, Eurojust and Europol assisted in taking down an online investment fraud scheme, which defrauded victim 21 April 2022.

As modus operandi, the perpetrator— belong to an international Organised Crime Group (OCG) contacted victims by telephone via Internet. They project themselves as brokers of online trading platforms, dealing with Cryptocurrencies, to convince victims to make investments. It is believed that more than 30,000 people from at least 71 countries, at least 522 victims are registered in Estonia alone. [7]

Japan proposed first domestic quantum computer use by March 2023

The Japanese government proposed its intentions to enter the global Quantum Computing campaign by placing its first indigenous quantum computer into service within current fiscal year ending March 2023. As per the new strategy, Japan plans to establish four quantum research centres across the country, which could be finalised this month, after the ruling party— Liberal Democratic Party proposed expanded investment in quantum computing and artificial intelligence (AI). [8] Also, the Japanese government expects 10 million users by the end of decade too.

As for the research centres, one of the two will be established at Tohoku University in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, on the north-eastern coast of Japan. The centres will train personnel and support research and development. The other new site, at Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, will serve as a hub for advancing joint research by global scientists,” read a report by Nikkei. [9]

Russian hacktivists launched DDoS attacks against Romania’s govt. websites

On 29 April 2022, the Romanian National Cyber Security and Incident Response Team— DNSC, issued a statement informing a series of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks targeting several public websites management by the State authorities. The attacks had been claimed by pro-Russia hacktivist group— ‘Killnet’. According to the statement released by the DNSC, the hacktivist group targeted the following Romania-based servers:

– gov.ro (official website of Romania’s Government),

– mapn.ro (official website of Romania’s Ministry of Defense),

– politiadefrontiera.ro (official of Romanian Border Police),

– cfrcalatori.ro (official website of Romania’s National Railway Transport Company), and

– otpbank.ro (site of a commercial bank operating in Romanian).

According to the Romania’s primary domestic intelligence services— SRI (Serviciul Roman de Informatii), the DDoS attack began at 0400 hrs local time, and it originated from a compromised network equipment outside Romania, and that had been compromised by exploiting security vulnerabilities. [10]

China-backed hackers are targeting Russian State officials

Security researchers discovered a phishing campaign led by China-based threat actors, Mustang Panda aka HoneyMyte, and Bronze President) targeting Russian State officials. Earlier, the threat group— Mustang Panda, was spotted orchestrating intelligence gathering campaigns against the European targets, employing phishing lures inspired by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Despite, two countries— Russia and China, maintains good geopolitical relationships, Russia has always remained in the Mustang Panda’s cross hair.

Although the files sent are Windows executables (.exe), they are made to appear as PDFs and are named after Blagoveshchensk— Russian city closer to the border with China. This suggests that the targets of this campaign are Russian personnel in the region, which further supports the theory that China may be shifting to new intelligence gathering objectives. Upon launching the executable, a host of additional files are fetched, including the previously mentioned decoy EU document, a malicious DLL loader, an encrypted PlugX variant, and a digitally signed .EXE file. [11]

Endnotes :

[1] Government of India. “Cabinet approves upgradation of 2G mobile sites to 4G at security sites in Left-Wing Extremism (LWE) areas”, Press Information Bureau, 27 April 2022, Available from: https://pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1820512
[2] Government of India. “Multiple Vulnerabilities in Oracle Products— CERT-In Advisory CIAD-2022-0011”, Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In), 22 April 2022, Available from: https://www.cert-in.org.in/
[3] Government of India. “India Post warns public against fraudulent URLs/Websites claiming to provide subsidies/prizes through certain surveys”, Press Information Bureau, 23 April 2022, Available from: https://pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1819189
[4] Government of India. “Malware targeting ICS/SCADA systems— CIAD-2022-0010”, Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In), 16 April 2022, Available from: https://www.cert-in.org.in/
[5] Government of India. “Qualcomm and MeitY’s Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) partner to support Indian semiconductor start-ups”, Press Information Bureau, 29 April 2022, Available from: https://pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1821268
[6] Government of India. “CERT-In issues directions relating to information security practices, procedure, prevention, response and reporting of cyber incidents for Safe & Trusted Internet”, Press Information Bureau, 28 April 2022, Available from: https://pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1820904
[7] “Takedown of Infrastructures of call centre involved in online investment fraud responsible for losses of at least EURO 20 million”, European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation, 21 April 2022, Available from: https://www.eurojust.europa.eu/news/take-down-infrastructure-call-centres-involved-online-investment-fraud-responsible-losses
[8] “Tokyo sets Quantum Computing Deadline— Japan Times”, Asia Financial, 08 April 2022, Available from: https://www.asiafinancial.com/48334-2
[9] Kaur, Dashveenjit. “Japan’s first domestic quantum computer targets 10m users by 2030”, Techwire Asia, 18 April 2022, Available from: https://techwireasia.com/2022/04/japans-first-domestic-quantum-computer-targets-10m-users-by-2030/
[10] Toulas, Bill. “Russian hacktivists launch DDoS attacks on Romanian govt sites”, Bleeping Computer, 29 April 2022, Available from: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/russian-hacktivists-launch-ddos-attacks-on-romanian-govt-sites/ ; Government of Romania. “Atacuriciberneticeasupra site-urilorunorinstituțiipubliceșifinanciar-bancare”, SRI, 29 April 2022, Available from: https://www.sri.ro/articole/atacuri-cibernetice-asupra-site-urilor-unor-institutii-publice-si-financiar-bancare.html
[11] Toulas, Bill. “Chinese state-backed hackers now target Russian state officers”, Bleeping Computer, 27 April 2022, Available from:https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/chinese-state-backed-hackers-now-target-russian-state-officers/

China: Daily Scan, April 26, 2022

Xi calls for blazing new path to developing China’s world-class universities: Xinhuanet
April 26, 2022

Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, and chairman of the Central Military Commission, arrived at Renmin University of China (RUC) for inspection on Monday morning in Beijing, ahead of China’s Youth Day, which falls on May 4. Click here to read…

Xi’s Economic Agenda: Going digital, Chinese gov’t on the move: Xinhuanet
April 26, 2022

China is looking to expedite the building of a digital government to achieve greater efficiency in public service delivery and modernize the country’s governance system and capacity. The central authorities have put their foot on the accelerator as the guidelines on building a digital government was adopted at a meeting of the Central Commission for Comprehensively Deepening Reform. Click here to read…

Chinese premier stresses need to further anti-corruption fight, build clean government: Xinhuanet
April 25, 2022

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on Monday called for further efforts to combat corruption and build a clean and honest government. Li, also a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, made the remarks at a State Council meeting on clean governance. Click here to read…

China continues to advance concrete measures to uphold authority of constitution: Xinhuanet
April 25, 2022

China has adopted concrete measures over the past decade to uphold the authority of the country’s constitution, ensuring that all laws and regulations are in strict compliance with it, a Chinese official said Monday. Click here to read…

China to work with international community for implementation of Global Security Initiative, says FM: Xinhuanet
April 25, 2022

China stands ready to work with the international community to make sure the Global Security Initiative takes root and bears fruit to make the world more peaceful, secure and prosperous, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said. Click here to read…

China’s Canton Fair attracts record number of overseas buyers: Xinhuanet
April 25, 2022

The number of overseas purchasers registered for the just-concluded 131st session of the China Import and Export Fair, also known as the Canton Fair, hit a record high of 536,000 from 228 countries and regions. Click here to read…

Chinese mainland reports 1,908 new local COVID-19 cases, 1,661 in Shanghai: Xinhuanet
April 26, 2022

The Chinese mainland on Monday reported 1,908 locally transmitted confirmed COVID-19 cases, of which 1,661 were in Shanghai, according to the National Health Commission’s report Tuesday. Apart from Shanghai, 17 other provincial-level regions on the mainland saw new local COVID-19 cases, including 91 in Jiangxi, 44 in Jilin, and 32 in Beijing. Click here to read…

China’s toll stations closed due to epidemic have mostly resumed operation: Xinhuanet
April 25, 2022

China has seen a significant decrease in the number of expressway toll stations and service zones shut down due to the COVID-19 epidemic, the Ministry of Transport said. The ministry’s data showed that 11 toll stations nationwide were still suspended by Saturday. They accounted for only 0.1 percent of the nation’s total, 667 fewer than the figure on April 10, down 98.38 percent. Click here to read…

Ships catch fire in Macao sea waters, blasts heard: Xinhuanet
April 25, 2022

Ships anchored in sea waters near Macao caught fire Monday evening, with multiple blasts heard, according to the Fire Department of the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) Government. Click here to read…

China to further tap consumption potential: Quishi
April 26, 2022

China on Monday unveiled guidelines to further tap the country’s consumption potential, with detailed measures to tackle short-term bottlenecks and boost longer-term consumption vitality. Click here to read…

China gives green light to new nuclear power projects: Quishi
April 24, 2022

Six reactors approved for launch in three cities to support clean energy transition. With the future power supply growth coming mostly from nonfossil energy in China as the country is going through a green energy transition, nuclear power will be crucial for China to reach its carbon peak goal by 2030, said analysts. Click here to read…

Kazakh president, Chinese defense minister agree to strengthen military cooperation: China Military
April 26, 2022

Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev and visiting Chinese State Councilor and Minister of National Defense Wei Fenghe voiced common readiness on Monday to step up bilateral cooperation. Click here to read…

New rules to foster culturally relevant place names: China Daily
April 26, 2022

China will implement a new regulation to guide the naming or renaming of places, such as banning the use of the names of foreign people or places as place names. Premier Li Keqiang signed a State Council decree to unveil the new rule on the management of place names on Thursday. It will take effect from May 1. A State Council executive meeting adopted the revision on Sept 1. Click here to read…

Hong Kong to start application for employment support scheme this week: China Daily
April 26, 2022

The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government announced on Monday that the application for the 2022 Employment Support Scheme will start on Friday. Law Chi-kwong, secretary for labor and welfare of the HKSAR government, announced during a press conference that the application for the 2022 ESS will be open from April 29 till May 12, with a view to granting financial assistance to the first batch of successful applicants in early May. Click here to read…

China launches maritime trial website: Xinhuanet
April 25, 2022

The China Maritime Trial website was officially launched on Monday. It includes both Chinese and English versions and will serve as a dynamic information-sharing platform for maritime adjudication. Click here to read…

New vessels taking part in exercises: China Daily
April 26, 2022

Missile destroyers, assault ship latest additions to growing PLA Navy fleet. The People’s Liberation Army Navy has recently commissioned at least two Type 055-class guided-missile destroyers and a Type 075-class amphibious assault ship. Click here to read…

Shanghai makes initial progress in combating Omicron, facing challenges in treating severe cases: Global Times
April 25, 2022

Although Shanghai has made initial progress in fighting the latest Omicron outbreak with a declining number of infections found in communities, the city is still facing the biggest challenge in treating severe COVID-19 patients as 51 more deaths were recorded on Sunday, lifting the total in this round of the outbreak to 138. Click here to read…

Chinese mainland detects Omicron BA.2.3 for 1st time, ‘not likely to affect epidemic control’: Global Times
April 25, 2022

Cases of COVID-19 infection by an evolved sublineage of Omicron’s BA.2 mutation, Omicron BA.2.3, were reported on Monday in Yantai, East China’s Shandong Province, the first time the strain has been detected in the Chinese mainland. Click here to read…

Beijing launches mass testing for nearly 90% of its population, ‘timely, decisive and necessary’: Global Times
April 25, 2022

Beijing’s health authorities announced at a late night news conference that the Chinese capital will launch mass nucleic acid testing on its nearly 20 million residents, about 90 percent of the population, on Tuesday, after the city reported 70 COVID-19 infections in eight districts in the last four days. Click here to read…

Deputy chief designer of CR929 dies of sudden illness in Shanghai: Global Times
April 25, 2022

Deputy chief designer of wide-body aircraft CR929 with Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC), passed away on Sunday at the age of 43, according to caixin.com on Tuesday. Meng Qinggong, COMAC’s Composite Material Center, deputy chief designer of wide-body CR929 of COMAC, passed away after having a heart attack at his home in the Xinzhuang Industrial Zone, in Shanghai’s Minhang district, a source confirmed with the Global Times, but the source declined to elaborate further. Click here to read…

Several public venues in Beijing closed amid COVID-19 surge: Global Times
April 26, 2022

Several public venues, including the National Center for the Performance Arts (NCPA) in Beijing closed after the capital saw a COVID-19 flare-up in recent days. The NCPA, located in the citys Xicheng district, said on its WeChat account that it will be closed from Tuesday to Saturday. Several other public places in Chaoyang district, where most of the cases were detected, also announced to close temporarily. Click here to read…

33 years old male COVID-19-related patient died of sudden cardiac arrest in Shanghai: Global Times
April 26, 2022

A 33-year-old male COVID-19 patient on Monday died of sudden cardiac arrest in Shanghai, and he had received two doses of COVID-19 vaccines, Shanghai health commission said on Tuesday. Click here to read…

China is neither the only nor the largest creditor of Sri Lanka, says Ambassador: Global Times
April 26, 2022

China is neither the only creditor nor the largest creditor of Sri Lanka. The so-called debt trap theory fabricated by some foreign media outlets is completely untrue, according to Chinese ambassador to Sri Lanka. Click here to read…

Apple’s supplier Foxconn suspends production at Kunshan plant, impact ‘limited’: Global Times
April 25, 2022

Apple’s supplier Foxconn confirmed to the Global Times on Monday that its plants in Kunshan, East China’s Jiangsu Province, remain suspended for local epidemic control requirements and production will not resume until further government noticeClick here to read…

Chinese regulators urge more prudent IPO pricing after market debut flops: Reuters
April 25, 2022

Chinese regulators have urged underwriters to price initial public offerings more reasonably after a third of more than 100 new listings so far this year fell on their trading debut. Click here to read…

BMW and Audi suspend shipments by train to China: Reuters
April 26, 2022

German carmakers BMW (BMWG.DE) and Volkswagen’s Audi (VOWG_p.DE) have suspended shipments of cars by rail from Germany to China due to the war in Ukraine, the Nikkei business daily reported on Tuesday. Click here to read…

Hong Kong’s Foreign Correspondents’ Club suspends top Asian human rights awards: Reuters
April 25, 2022

Hong Kong’s Foreign Correspondents’ Club (FCC) has suspended its annual Human Rights Press Awards so as not to “unintentionally” violate any laws, according to a statement from the club president on Monday. Click here to read…

Lockdown fears grow in Beijing’s biggest district of Chaoyang: Kyodo
April 25, 2022

People in Beijing’s biggest district of Chaoyang, where a large number of foreign expats live, tried to stock up on enough food on Monday amid mounting fears about a possible lockdown, as the Chinese capital began carrying out mass COVID-19 tests in the central area. Click here to read…

Beijing testing sparks panic buying: Taipei Times
April 26, 2022

Fears of a hard COVID-19 lockdown yesterday sparked panic buying in Beijing, as long lines for compulsory mass testing formed in a large central district of the Chinese capital. China is already trying to contain a wave of infections in its biggest city, Shanghai, which has been almost entirely locked down for weeks and reported 51 new COVID-19 deaths yesterday. Click here to read…

China’s Hainan free-trade port tipped to deepen Asean ties, but island must ‘brave’ uncertainty: South China Morning Post
April 26, 2022

Hainan’s transformation into a free-trade port will open new doors for trade between China and Asean, but its success will require a leap of faith and pioneering spirit, experts said. Beijing plans to turn the 35,000 sq km island into the world’s largest free-trade port by 2035, using lower taxes to attract investors, businesses and individuals, and looser visa requirements to lure foreign tourists and talent. It plans to have an independent customs regime in place by 2025. Click here to read…

‘Innovation is shifting East’ as China amasses patents, says official: South China Morning Post
April 26, 2022

China approved about 700,000 patents for inventions last year, a 30 per cent increase compared to a year earlier, according to the China National Intellectual Property Administration. Administration head Shen Changyu said on Sunday that a total of 696,000 invention patents were authorised in 2021, an average of 7.5 of high-value patents per 10,000, or nearly double the ratio for 2017. Click here to read…

Africa Now – Weekly Newsletter (Week 15, 2022)

Welcome to Africa Now, your weekly newsletter for Africa, presenting the most important developments in the continent – news that matters.


Justice for Thomas Sankara

This week, Blaise Compaoré was jailed for his role in the murder of Burkinabe revolutionary Thomas Sankara –but real justice can only be won by a movement that fights to bring Sankara’s socialist vision back to life. Click here to read…

Corridor in uncertainty

The Asia-Africa Growth Corridor, a joint initiative of India and Japan, was announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi at a meeting of the African Development Bank in 2017Click here to read…


Morocco, Spain mend ties after change in policy on Western Sahara

Spanish PM Pedro Sanchez and Moroccan King Mohammad VI met in Rabat after a year of tense relations. Spain said it backed the kingdom’s plan of limited autonomy under Moroccan sovereignty for Western Sahara. Click here to read…

EXCLUSIVE- Draft Sudan deal seeks to cement military’s grip

Factions aligned with Sudan’s military have drawn up a deal to form a transitional government that would cement the army’s control and bypass pro-democracy groups it shared power with before an October coup. Click here to read…

Russia blocks UN security council request for investigation into Moura massacre

A UN Security Council request for independent investigations into the alleged Moura massacre in Mali has been blocked by Russia. Click here to read…

Despite a recent agreement, new clashes broke out between supporters of South Sudan’s rivals

Less than a week days after a major agreement was sealed between South Sudan’s rival leaders, fighting erupted in the North of the country. Click here to read…

Sparring Somali leaders now at odds over expulsion of African Union envoy

Somalia’s prime minister on Thursday expelled the African Union representative because of “acts incompatible with his status” but the president rejected the order, signalling a new rift between the leaders of the Horn of Africa nation. Click here to read…

Tunisia to compensate victims of revolution

Tunisian President Kais Saied, facing political and economic crisis and accusations that he took power in a coup, announced compensation on Sunday for the families of those killed and wounded in the 2011 revolution that brought democracy to the country. Click here to read…

DR Congo’s Tshisekedi signs EAC Treaty

Tshisekedi’s accession signature immediately brought the DR Congo into the realms and provisions of all the protocols and regional policies of the EAC. Click here to read…

Nigeria’s electricity grid collapses for the second time in a month

Nigeria’s national electricity grid has collapsed for the second time in a month, the federal ministry of power said on Saturday, leaving the parts of the country it serves, including capital Abuja and Africa’s biggest city Lagos, without power. Click here to read…

Burkina ex-president moved to home after house arrest

Burkina Faso’s military-led government said in a statement that former president Kabore would return to his home after house arrest. Click here to read…

Eastern Libyan military commanders urge closure of road to west

Military commanders in eastern Libya said on Saturday they had suspended participation in a U.N.-backed joint military council, accusing the Tripoli-based government of failing to hand power to a new cabinet and calling for the road west to be closed. Click here to read…

The Gambia votes for a new National Assembly

Gambians to vote for 53 legislators on a five-year term, with President Barrow picking five others, including the parliament’s president. Click here to read…

What is happening with Chad’s peace talks in Doha?

About 300 rebels landed in the Qatari capital, seeking a peace deal, but find themselves in a curious cohabitation. Click here to read…

Guinea junta chiefs warns mining giants over inequality

The head of Guinea’s ruling junta, Colonel Mamady Doumbouya, has warned foreign mining companies to build processing factories locally and to share revenues with the country equally. Click here to read…

Angola: UN Supports Angola’s Transition to Middle Income Country

The resident coordinator of the United Nations in Angola Zahira Virami reaffirmed Wednesday the support of the UN system in the preparation process of Angola’s transition from Least Developed Country to Middle Income Country. Click here to read…

New COVID-19 variant discovered in Botswana

A new COVID-19 variant has been discovered in Botswana, a government official said. The new variant, which has characteristics of both the Alpha and Delta variants, has yet to be named. Click here to read…

Kenya’s Odinga running his fifth presidential race. Why outcome means so much for Kenya

“Odinga has a common touch that resonates with Kenyans who have felt locked out of the power matrix controlled by two ethnic groups.” Click here to read…

Life sentence for Burkinabe ex-leader Compaoré for Sankara murder

The long-awaited verdict brings to close a six-month trial for the assassination of Thomas Sankara on October 15, 1987. Click here to read…

Separatist commander killed in infighting in Cameroon’s restive Anglophone region

Security and local sources said on Saturday that a notorious separatist commander has been killed in Cameroon’s war-torn Anglophone region of Northwest in clashes between rival separatist groups. Click here to read…

Ghana on high alert against terrorist attacks – Minister of National Security assures

The Minister of National Security, Albert Kan-Dapaah, has given the assurance that the country will be able to respond and ward off any terrorist attacks in the country. Click here to read…

Coptic Christian Priest Killed in Egypt’s Alexandria

On Thursday 7 April 2022, the Ministry of Interior announced on its official Facebook page the arrest of a 60-year-old man who stabbed an archpriest to death in Alexandria. Click here to read…

US Alarmed by Reports of Atrocities in Ethiopia’s Tigray Region

The United States expressed concern Friday about reports of ethnically motivated atrocities in Ethiopia’s Tigray region. Click here to read…

Draghi Heads to Algeria as Italy Seeks to Cut Russia Gas Imports

Mario Draghi will visit Algeria on Monday as part of a plan to wean Italy off Russian natural gas. Click here to read…

Zambia’s President Hichilema goes eight months without salary

The Zambian leader, who was elected into office last August, says a salary was not his motivation for seeking public office. Click here to read…

Togo dismisses more teachers in new dispute with teachers’ union

The Togolese government has dismissed nine teachers, within a week of firing 137 others, even as the teacher’s union continues to demand that the Faure Gnassigbe administration honour its promises to them. Click here to read…

The problem with gaming in Uganda

The gaming industry in Uganda is highly informal, with individual-owned gaming parlours charging per hour of game time. However, the opportunity is huge. Click here to read…

Tanzania commemorates 100 years of founding leader Julius Nyerere

Tanzanian President Samia Suluhu Hassan on Saturday joined fellow citizens in commemorating 100 years of the birth of founding leader Julius Nyerere. Click here to read…

Negotiating Local Business Practices with China in Benin

Beninese officials have shown how even small countries can use close coordination between ministries and other negotiating tactics to strike deals with Chinese counterparts that better protect their own interests. Click here to read…

Mozambique: All eyes on suitors as they await news on bid round qualification

Thirteen players — including two from Russia — will hear this week if they have succeeded in their plans to take part in Mozambique’s upcoming licensing round. Click here to read…

29,000 COVID-19 Vaccines Expired in Botswana: Official

At least 29,000 AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines have already expired and some will expire at the end of April in Botswana, an official said Saturday. Click here to read…


Haryana signs collaboration deal with Ethiopia to strengthen trade, investment ties

The FFC was signed by Haryana’s Principal Secretary Yogender Choudhary and Ethiopian Ambassador Dr Tizita Mulugeta. Click here to read…

India, Kenya holds 2nd Foreign Office Consultations, review bilateral relations

India and Kenya on Friday held the 2nd round of Foreign Office Consultations (FoC) and reviewed the entire gamut of bilateral relations including political and economicClick here to read…

MoU with Congo-based foundation

MS University has signed an MoU with the Vinmart Foundation of the Democratic Republic of the Congo for our scholarships to students of Congo who will be coming to Vadodara to pursue higher education. Click here to read…

Haryana, Ethiopian panel sign trade framework

During the two-day meeting of the Haryana-Ethiopia Investment Commission (EIC), a framework of collaboration (FFC) was signed between Haryana and the EIC. Click here to read…

Madagascar joins India-backed Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure

Madagascar has become the 30th country to join the India-backed Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI) that aims to help small island nations develop resilience to deal with the adverse impact of climate change. Click here to read…

Fishermen team meets Kanimozhi for release of five captains from Seychelles

Thoothukudi MP and DMK leader Kanimozhi has assured a delegation from the International Fishermen Development Trust (INFIDET) that she will take efforts for the release of five captains and their boats detained in Seychelles. Click here to read…

Rwandans in India pay tribute to genocide victims

The Rwandan High Commission in New Delhi, India in collaboration with the India Africa Trade Council commemorated the 1994 Genocide against Tutsi on April 7Click here to read…

Why India’s beautiful flowers miss the plane of exports while Kenya & Ethiopia fly high

Ethiopia and Kenya have promoted floriculture in key markets, offered tax holidays, organised producers and worked to create infrastructure for farmers. Click here to read…

Why is a dragon carved on Jain temple in Mangalore? Medieval Africa-China trade holds answer

While many of us have heard of Indian interactions with Southeast Asia and China, or even Arabia, Africa is a gaping hole in how we think about premodern trade. But it was one of the most prosperous. Click here to read…

Review: India-Africa Relations: Changing Horizons by Rajiv Bhatia

A meticulously detailed book that tells us why Africa matters so much to India and presents good suggestions on how the India-Africa relationship should be enhanced and pushed ahead. Click here to read…

Chibuzor, who once ruled Kolkata football, dies in Nigeria

Nigerian striker Chibuzor Nwakanma – the first foreigner to play for Kolkata’s big three clubs and whose unique nose for goals often set the field afire with his special somersault celebration – is no more. Click here to read…

Egyptian Govt expresses interest to buy Indian wheat

Team from Cairo to visit New Delhi next week, to inspect facilities for imports by supplies and commodities authorityClick here to read…

Nigeria Exports Crude Oil worth NGN774.5 Bln to India in 4Q

Nigeria exported crude oil worth 774.5 billion Nigerian naira ($1.86 billion) to India in the fourth quarter of 2021, the Nigeria Bureau of Statistics said in a report. Click here to read…

Paree Sanitary Pads Eyes Global Expansion, Enters Tanzania, Africa, and Nepal

With an objective to cater to women’s needs and make sanitary pads easily accessible, Paree Sanitary Pad has now expanded its operations to Tanzania, Africa, and Nepal. Click here to read…

Indian community to strengthen economic relations with Ghana

The Indian community in Ghana has said it will expand business operations as part of efforts to boost investment and increase its economic relations with the country. Click here to read…

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest: March 31, 2022

Central Bank Holds Street Demonstration to Free Foreign Assets: Tolo News

The Central Bank held an exhibit on a street in Kabul city displaying photos and banners to encourage the international community and particularly the US to release the Afghan assets that remain in the US banks. Click here to read…

China, US, Russia, Pakistan to Hold Talks on Afghanistan: Tolo News

A top US diplomat will meet this week in China to discuss issues in Afghanistan with his Chinese, Russian and Pakistani counterparts, the Chinese foreign ministry and the State Department said on Tuesday. Click here to read…

Prosperous Afghanistan is in interest of regional countries, international community: President Xi: The Khaama Press

China’s President Xi Jinping said a prosperous, peaceful, and stable Afghanistan is not only a hope of the Afghanistan people but also in the interest of the countries in the region and the world community. Click here to read…

Indo-Bangla ties vital for South Asia’s stability- The Daily Star

Constructive Bangladesh-India ties could be a major stabilising factor for South Asia, said State Minister for Foreign Affairs Shahriar Alam, insisting on resolving the irritants and harnessing the potentials of the two countries. Click here to read…

UNGA vote on Russia: Dhaka stood for humanity- The Daily Star

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina yesterday said Bangladesh abstained from voting on the UN General Assembly resolution reprimanding Russia for invading Ukraine as it was against a particular country. Click here to read…

Malaysia’s role in Rohingya issue lauded- The Daily Star

Malaysia’s strong support to Bangladesh in the Rohingya crisis was lauded at a webinar that focused on shared heritage and good relations between the two countries. Click here to read…

Misuse of law stifles press freedom- The Daily Star

The country’s newspapers have made significant contribution to the Liberation War struggle, creating a nation as well as establishing democracy, said speakers yesterday. Click here to read…

Border deaths a major stain on bilateral engagement with India: Shahriar- The Daily Star

The death toll of Bangladeshis on the border has become a major stain on bilateral engagement with India, along with the thorny water-sharing issue of transboundary 54 rivers, said State Minister for Foreign Affairs Shahriar Alam today. Click here to read…

PM enjoys concert while public struggle to buy food: BNP- The Daily Star

BNP today slammed Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina for joining a gala concert that was organised by the Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB) spending crores of taka, while they claimed that common people are struggling to cope with skyrocketing prices of daily essentials. Click here to read…

The biggest joy: PM breaks down in tears in parliament- The Daily Star

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina today broke down in tears in the parliament while stating that providing land and houses from the government to the destitute in Bangladesh has been one of the biggest joys of her life. Click here to read…

Bangladesh Embassy gives reception to diplomats in Egypt marking Independence Day- The Daily Star

On the occasion of the Independence Day and National Day of Bangladesh, the Embassy of Bangladesh hosted a reception and dinner in honour of foreign diplomats in Egypt. Click here to read…

Foreign Ministers of Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal meet Sri Lankan President: Colombo Page

The Foreign Ministers of Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal who are in Sri Lanka to attend the BIMSTEC Summit called on President Gotabaya Rajapaksa at the President’s House in Colombo this afternoon (30). Click here to read…

MMPRC launches campaigns to market Maldives in Southeast Asia: Raajje Mv

Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC) have launched campaigns to promote Maldives in the Southeast Asian market. Click here to read…

Response to Ukraine underscores foot-dragging on Myanmar crisis- Frontier Myanmar

But in Myanmar, where the military seized power in a coup more than one year ago, the expressions of support for the Ukrainian people are all the more moving because of the terrifying risks implicit in the very act of gathering – being shot by soldiers or police officers, or arbitrary arrest, torture and death in custodyClick here to read…

Response plan launched to support 1.4 million Rohingya and Bangladeshis – UN News

“Humanitarian agencies are seeking more than $881 million to support approximately 1.4 million people, including over 918,000 Rohingya refugees in Cox’s Bazar and Bhasan Char, and around 540,000 Bangladeshis in neighbouring communities,” UNHCR spokesperson Babar Baloch told journalists during a press briefing in Geneva. Click here to read…

Myanmar’s rebellion, divided, outgunned and outnumbered, fights on – Washington Post

Nearly seven months after Myanmar’s parallel government declared a “people’s defensive war” against the military junta, pro-democracy rebels are hanging on — not winning, but not losing either — using explosives, black market weapons and widespread popular support to keep junta soldiers out of key territories. Click here to read…

Misreading the room: Why Hun Sen is failing on Myanmar – Aljazeera

When Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen became the first head of state to visit Myanmar since the military seized power in a coup last year, he seemed to think he would be able to bring the generals back into the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) despite the country’s worsening humanitarian crisis. Click here to read…

Damning report exposes atrocities committed by junta forces in Myanmar – People’s Dispatch

The 193-page report accuses army chief General Min Aung Hlaing of creating a special command that deployed snipers to kill unarmed protesters. It also identifies 61 military and police officials from the junta forces who it recommends must be investigated for committing crimes against humanity Click here to read…

Nepal PM Deuba’s visit to India: How New Delhi can drive Kathmandu’s policy of strategic diversify: Daiji World

Nepal PM Deuba’s visit to India: How New Delhi can drive Kathmandu’s policy of strategic diversific. Additionally, it has also been reported that Deuba and his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi are likely to inaugurate the Kurtha-Jayanagar Railway Project. Click here to read…

Milestones in India-Nepal development partnership: ANI

Recent initiatives and milestones in India’s development cooperation with Nepal are likely to be highlighted during the upcoming visit of Nepal Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba to India, his first official trip since his appointment as PM in July last year. Click here to read…

Editorial: Fait accompli: Dawn

THE prime minister is as good as gone. With the MQM’s departure, the coalition government has lost the sliver of a margin it stood on. There is at the moment not much that Prime Minister Imran Khan can do politically to prevent further desertions. The mysterious foreign letter he had hoped would rehabilitate his misfortunes seems now to have been of limited utility. Click here to read…

PM discloses contents of ‘threat letter: Dawn

The government confirmed on Wednesday that its allegation about a foreign conspiracy against the prime minister was based on a diplomatic cable received from one of the country’s missions abroad. Click here to read…

No-trust vote: Sindh nationalist parties unhappy with PPP, MQM-P pact: The Express Tribune

Hours after Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) and Muttahida Qaumi Movement-Pakistan (MQM-P) leadership reached written agreements, Sindhi nationalist parties on Wednesday expressed “serious concerns” over it. Click here to read…

China agrees to fresh rollover of $2.5bn commercial loans: The News

Out of the approximately $21 billion in outstanding official loans, including commercial, bilateral and safe deposits, China has agreed in principle for granting a fresh rollover of $2.5 billion in commercial loans to Pakistan for one year. Click here to read…

Sri Lanka
Explained: Sri Lanka economic crisis and India’s $2.5 billion line of credit: Hindustan Times

Sri Lanka economic crisis: India has lent over $2.5 billion in credit so far, in addition to $500 million for a shipment of diesel. Click here to read…

Sri Lanka: No medicines, 10-hour power cuts as economic crisis worsens: Business Standard

Ceylon Petroleum requested the public not to queue for diesel on Wednesday and Thursday after the state-run refiner failed to unload a shipment of 37,500 metric tonnes of the fuel. Click here to read…