Tag Archives: China

VIF Cyber Review: September 2022


Pegatron Mobile Manufacturing facility in Tamil Nadu: another milestone added to PM’s vision of making India a global electronics manufacturing hub.

On 30 September 2022, the Minister of State for Electronics & Information Technology and Skill Development & Entrepreneurship— Rajeev Chandrasekhar, inaugurated the Pegatron mobile manufacturing facility in Chenglapattu near Chennai, Tamil Nadu and said that the facility is another milestone in Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision of making India a global electronics manufacturing hub. “It is a symbol of the partnership between the Central and State government to help India achieve the target of USD 300 billion in electronics manufacturing, from the current USD 75 billion,” said Minister Chandrasekhar during the inaugural of the facility. The facility was established by Taiwan’s electronics giant— Pegatron Technology India, under the Indian government’s Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme, in an industrial park in Chenglapattu, near Chennai.

The PLI scheme has played a significant role in ushering the investments and employment in electronics manufacturing and has catalysed an investment of ₹ 6,500 crores in a short period, generating employment of over 40,000 in Tamil Nadu alone. “It has been an extraordinary journey for Pegatron to be in India. We are overwhelmed by the support extended by the Government of India and Tamil Nadu,” said Cheng Jian Jong, Chairman of Pegatron Technology India.[1]

Ministry of Communications initiated the ‘Public Consultative’ process on the draft of the Indian Telecommunication Bill, 2022.

The Ministry of Communications, Government of India (GoI), had initiated a public consultative process to draft a contemporary and futuristic legal framework in telecommunications. As per the process, in July 2022, the ministry published a consultation paper on ‘Need for a new legal framework governing Telecommunications in India’ and invited comments/suggestions from various stakeholders, including industry associations.

Based on the consultations and suggestions, the ministry has prepared the draft Indian Telecommunication Bill, 2022. The draft Bill and explanatory note can be accessed at: https://dot.gov.in/relatedlinks/indian-telecommunication-bill-2022. The deliberations can be shared with the ministry by 20 October 2022.[2]

“Pervasive digital infrastructure and ensured access to digital services to all is key for a better digital future,” said MoS for Communications.

On 25 September 2022, the Minister of State (MoS) for Communications— Devusinh Chauhan, addressed the Ministerial Roundtable, part of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in Bucharest, Romania. The Minister said that a better digital future could only be built on pervasive digital infrastructure, developing digital platforms to deliver government services to all citizens and ensuring access to digital services to all.

The MoS also cited stories about the Government of India’s (GoI) commitment to building telecom infrastructure, such as the plan to extend mobile services to all 6,40,000 villages in India by 2023 and Optical Fibre by 2025. It is the result of citizen-centric and industry-friendly public initiatives and policies that point to a bright future for India’s digital economy. The MoS also highlighted the success of the Digital India Initiative, mainly the Aadhaar and Aadhaar Enabled Payment System (AEPS), under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. As per the data, around 400 million transactions were carried out on AEPS, which is the best example of financial inclusion affected by the development of digital infrastructure. “India has been contributing to the goals of the ITU and will take all necessary steps to fulfil Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030,” said MoS Chauhan.[3]

Indian banking users targeted by SOVA Android Trojan.

On 10 September 2022, the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) issued an advisory about Indian banking customers being targeted by a new variant of mobile banking malware using SOVA Android Trojan. In July 2022, SOVA added India to its target list, where the US, Russia, and Spain were already enlisted. The latest version of this malware hides within fake Android applications that show up the logo of a few famous legitimate apps, such as Chrome and Amazon, to deceive users into installing them. The malware captures the credentials when users log into their net banking apps and access bank accounts. The new version of the malware— SOVA- seems to target over 200 mobile applications, including banking apps and crypto exchanges.

SOVA’s list of functions includes the ability to:

  • Collect keystrokes,
  • Steal cookies,
  • Intercept Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) tokens,
  • take screenshots and record videos from a webcam,
  • copy/paste,
  • Mimic over 200 banking and payment applications.

Another feature of SOVA is its “protections module” refactoring, which aims to protect itself from different victims’ actions. For instance, if the user tries to uninstall the malware from the settings, SOVA can intercept these actions and prevent them (through the abuse of Accessibilities) by returning to the home screen and showing a pop-up displaying “this app is secured”. The attack can effectively jeopardise the privacy and security of sensitive customer data and result in large-scale attacks and financial fraud. The advisory also includes detailed information about the malware and best practices to avoid being a victim of SOVA.[4]

Quad Foreign Ministers committed to an open, secure, stable, peaceful cyberspace.

The foreign ministers of India, Australia, Japan, and the United States (US) met on September 23, 2022, to discuss the Quad’s commitment to an open, secure, stable, and peaceful cyberspace, as well as regional initiatives to strengthen nations’ ability to put the United Nations’ (UN) Framework for Responsible State Behaviour in Cyberspace into practice. The security and resiliency of the cyber infrastructure in the region would be guaranteed through targeted actions to improve the cyber capabilities of Indo-Pacific nations.

The Foreign Ministers emphasised their commitment to addressing the global ransomware threat, which has hampered the security and economic growth of the Indo-Pacific region, and referred back to their previous meeting held on 11 February 2022. Ransomware’s global reach has the potential to harm the national security, the financial and commercial sectors, key infrastructure, and the privacy of individuals. The Quad nations value the strides the 36 nations supporting the Counter Ransomware Initiative (CRI) under US leadership and the ongoing, pragmatic consultations against cybercrime in the Indo-Pacific region.a href=”#_edn5″ name=”_ednref5″>[5]

In 2021, the Indian healthcare sector faced a 7.7 per cent share of cyber-attacks on the global healthcare sector.

According to a report prepared by CloudSEK on “Increased cyber-attacks on the global healthcare sector”, India recorded the second highest number of cyber-attacks, with a total of 7.7 per cent of total cyber-attacks on the healthcare industry in 2021. The United States (US) healthcare sector witnessed 28 per cent of global attacks. According to the same report, the cyber-attack incidence on the Indian healthcare industry translates into over 71 lakh records, whereas Australia has been the most-hit country with around 70 crore records in the first four months of 2022.[6]

In India, 2021 saw the highest cyber-attacks/breaches in the last four years.

According to the data presented in Lok Sabha (the Lower House of the Indian Parliament), India witnessed the highest number of cyber-attacks or breaches compared to the last four years. A total of 160,560 Indian websites were hacked between 2016 and 2021, translating to around 73 websites per day. The year 2021 reported the highest number of cyber-attacks, with a total of 28,897 cyber-attacks, including on 186 government websites.

Some of the significant cyber-attacks involved the State Bank of India (the year 2019), COVID-19 test results (the year 2021), Air India (2021), and Domino’s (2021).[7]


Denmark banned Hikvision camera purchases based on a security assessment.

One of the most populous regions of Denmark, which includes Copenhagen, banned the purchases of China-made Hikvision cameras, followed by a security assessment that highlighted Hikvision as a ‘critical’ threat to security. In January 2022, Denmark’s intelligence agency warned against PRC (People’s Republic of China)-made cameras, calling out Hikvision’s vulnerabilities and PRC data laws.

On 26 September 2022, Region Hovedstaden, Denmark’s Capital Region, declassified a June 2022 briefing stating that the Capital Region’s Steering Group for IT and Information Security “has decided to purchase video cameras from the manufacturer Hikvision must be discontinued.” On 15 February 2022, the Danish Security and Intelligence Service (PET/ Politiets Efterretningstjeneste) and the Centre for Cyber Security sent a “Security recommendation regarding the use of surveillance cameras.” The threat consists of a backdoor that “makes it possible for an attacker to access the camera without the use of authentication.” However, the recommendation did not recommend bans but urged patches, and those video cameras are connected to their own (domestic) network.”[8]

Huawei Technologies staged its ‘Huawei Connect’ in Thailand.

In efforts to avoid a crackdown from the West, mainly the United States (US), China’s Huawei Technologies showcased its ‘Huawei Connect’ annual technology showcase in Thailand, where Digital and Economic ministers from Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Bangladesh had gathered to attend the event. All four countries have already allowed their respective mobile network operators to source 5G telecom equipment from Huawei, despite security concerns, warnings and sanctions/bans issued by the US and European governments.

In South-East Asia, Vietnam has become an alternative destination for electronics manufacturers leaving China, while Indonesia and Thailand are vying to be the centre of a regional electric vehicle supply chain. After Thailand, Huawei Connect will be held in Dubai and Paris. France has discouraged telecom operators from using Huawei 5G equipment but has allowed Huawei to build a factory. Despite US concerns, Gulf countries, including the United Arab Emirates (UAE), have continued to use Huawei in their networks.[9]

Optus data breach: hacker released 10,000 records from the Australian Prime Minister’s and Defence Minister’s office.

On 26 September 2022, a purported hacker released a text file of 10,000 customer records and ‘promised’ to leak around 10,000 per day for the next four days unless Optus paid them USD 1 million. “Federal Police investigated a post on an online forum purported to release the records from the recent data breach and threatened to release more until a USD 1 million ransom is paid,” said CEO of Optus— Kelly Bayer Rosmarin. The customer records included e-mail addresses from the Department of Defence and the Office of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. The Optus attack has affected up to 10 million customer records. On 27 September 2022, the hacker deleted the original post with links to the data and apologised for attempting to sell data.[10]

US Senators aimed to amend the Cyber Security bill to include Crypto.

The US Senators Marsha Blackburn (Tennessee) and Cynthia Lummis (Wyoming) attempted to provide frameworks for the digital asset industry. Both Senators urged the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act, 2015 amendment to include cryptocurrency. The Electronic Transactions Association endorses the bill.

According to Senator Blackburn, Some criminals have utilised cryptocurrencies to conceal their unlawful activities and escape punishment. The revised “Cryptocurrency Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act” will review and revise current laws to directly address this misuse. It will give bitcoin companies a voluntary way to report rogue actors and safeguard cryptocurrency from risky practices. The bill also aims to mitigate losses from several cyber-related incidents, including data breaches, ransomware attacks, and network damages.[11]

Endnotes :

[1]Press Information Bureau. “Pegatron plant roll out another milestone in PM Shri Narendra Modi ji’s vision of making India a global electronics manufacturing hub: MoS Shri Chandrasekhar”, Ministry of Electronics and IT, 30 September 2022, accessed on 03 October 2022, available from: https://pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1863721
[2]Press Information Bureau, “Inviting comments on the draft Indian Telecommunication Bill, 2022”, Ministry of Communications, 22 September 2022, accessed on 03 October 2022, available from: https://pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1861399
[3]Press Information Bureau, “Better digital future can only be built on pervasive digital infrastructure, developing digital platforms and ensuring access to digital services to all – Shri Devusinh Chauhan”, Ministry of Communications, 25 September 2022, accessed on 03 October 2022, available from: https://pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1862131
[4] “SOVA Android Trojan targeting Indian banking users”, Indian Computer Emergency Response Team, 10 September 2022, available from: https://www.cert-in.org.in/
[5]“Quad Foreign Ministers’ Statement on Ransomware”, Ministry of External Affairs- Government of India, 23 September 2022, accessed on 05 October 2022, available from: https://mea.gov.in/bilateral-documents.htm?dtl/35746/Quad_Foreign_Ministers_Statement_on_Ransomware
[6]PTI. “cyber-attacks on Indian healthcare industry second highest in the world: CloudSEK”, Outlook, 20 September 2022, accessed on 05 October 2022, available from: https://www.outlookindia.com/business/cyber-attacks-on-indian-healthcare-industry-second-highest-in-the-world-cloudsek-news-224600
[7]Basu, Orin and Suparna Shree. “73 websites hacked every day in India, 2021 saw highest cyber breaches in four years”, Zee News, 23 September 2022, accessed on 05 October 2022, available from: https://zeenews.india.com/india/73-websites-hacked-every-day-in-india-2021-saw-highest-cyber-breaches-in-four-years-2513355.html
[8]Rollet, Charles. “Danish Capital Region bans Hikvision purchases, calls ‘critical threat to security’”, IPVM, 28 September 2022, accessed on 05 October 2022, available from: https://ipvm.com/reports/danish-capital?code=1&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
[9]Regalado, Francesca. “Huawei courts Thailand, Indonesia with supply chain support”, Nikkei Asia, 19 September 2022, accessed on 05 October 2022, available from: https://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Technology/Huawei-courts-Thailand-Indonesia-with-supply-chain-support
[10]May, Natasha and Josh Taylor. “Purported Optus hacker releases 10,000 records including e-mail addresses from defence and prime minister.” The Guardian, 27 September 2022, accessed on 05 October 2022. available from: https://www.theguardian.com/business/2022/sep/27/police-all-over-dark-web-ransom-threat-to-release-10000-customer-records-a-day-optus-ceo-says
[11]Melinek, Jacquelyn. “US Senators aim to amend cybersecurity bill to include crypto”, Tech Crunch, 29 September 2022, accessed on 06 October 2022. available from: https://techcrunch.com/2022/09/28/us-senators-aim-to-amend-cybersecurity-bill-to-include-crypto/

Africa Now – Weekly Newsletter (Week 45, 2022)

Welcome to Africa Now, your weekly newsletter for Africa, presenting the most important developments in the continent – news that matters.


DefExpo 2022 paves the way for a new golden era of India-Africa defence cooperation

The DefExpo 2022 took place in Gandhinagar, Gujarat, between 18 and 22 October 2022. Initially scheduled to take place in March 2022, it was postponed due to logistic challenges. Click here to read…

In Zambia’s Reform Process, Political Parties Remain a Weak Link

In Zambia’s August 2021 elections, Hakainde Hichilema defeated then-incumbent President Edgar Lungu by a margin of over twenty percent. Lungu’s defeat and timely commitment to ensuring an orderly transition of power. Click here to read…

Thomas Sankara’s ghost haunts Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso, like the rest of West African countries lately, is becoming a geopolitical dilemma for Paris. As ex-President Thomas Sankara put it, ‘We must choose either champagne for a few or safe drinking water for all’Click here to read…


Ethiopia Peace Deal Hailed as First Step to End Africa’s Deadliest Conflict

World leaders are reacting with cautious optimism after the announcement of a peace deal and a cease-fire between warring parties in northern Ethiopia’s Tigray region. Click here to read…

Ethiopia: Peace agreement between Government and Tigray ‘a critical first step’: Guterres

A peace deal between the Ethiopian Government and the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) signed on Wednesday in South Africa, represents “a critical first step” towards ending the brutal two year war, said the UN chief. Click here to read…

Guinea: Junta gives order to prosecute ex-president Alpha Condé

Guinea’s ruling junta on Thursday ordered prosecutors to take legal action against former president Alpha Conde (who was overthrown in a 2021 coup) and over 180 other officials and ex-ministers, notably for alleged corruption. Click here to read…

Zimbabwe: How Mnangagwa ‘crushed’ Chiwenga’s dream of becoming president

Zimbabwe’s President Emmerson Mnangagwa has outmanoeuvred his deputy Constantino Chiwenga in the fierce battle to be the 2023 presidential candidate for the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (Zanu–PF). Click here to read…

Biden confirms that Burkina Faso is now on Russia’s side

The West’s attempt to hurt the economy of an African country just got unmasked with its sinister motives coming out in the open. The west is so blind in it obsessive fear of losing Africa to its nemesis, that it is willing to cause destruction. Click here to read…

US to Cut Burkina Faso from Africa Trade Program After Counter-Coup

The US said it will end Burkina Faso’s access to a preferential trade program for African countries, citing concern about unconstitutional changes in the nation’s government. Click here to read…

Pro-Coup Coalition Forms in Sudan, Hopes to Break Country’s Political Stalemate

In Sudan, armed groups and supporters of the military’s coup last year have formed a new political coalition to appeal to marginalized groups. Calling itself the “Forces for Freedom and Change – Democratic Bloc (FFC-DB),” the pro-coup group wants to replace the Forces for Freedom and Change (FFC) group, which has opposed military rule. Click here to read…

Sudan’s Burhan says political talks ongoing but Bashir loyalists not welcome

Sudan’s military leader General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan confirmed on Sunday that talks on a new political framework for the country were being held, but he warned the former ruling party in harsh words not to interfere with the military or in politics. Click here to read…

E.Guinea accuses France, Spain, US of election ‘interference’

Equatorial Guinea on Sunday accused Spain, France and the United States of “interference” in its presidential and legislative elections scheduled for November 20. Click here to read…

Russia to send $100m in food and fuel to Mali, minister says

Mali expects Russia to send shipments of fuel, fertiliser and food worth around $100 million to Mali in the coming weeks, the West African country’s economy minister, Alousseini Sanou, says. Click here to read…

Burkina junta chief holds talks in Mali on first foreign trip

Burkina Faso’s new military leader on Wednesday visited Mali for his first foreign trip since taking power, holding what his Malian counterpart hailed as “fruitful” exchanges on peace and security. Click here to read…

Crisis in South Africa Shakes Up Politics Before Party Election

The economy is shrinking, power cuts are at a record, unemployment is close to an all-time high, living costs have surged, towns are falling apart and there are sporadic outbreaks of xenophobic violence. Click here to read…

800 schools forced to close in Niger

Hundreds of children, with their blue Unicef-stamped school bags on their backs, walk down small sand dunes to study on the outskirts of Ouallam, a town in southwestern Niger that has been plagued by jihadist violence for five years. Click here to read…

South Africa vows to support Western Sahara

South Africa has for decades been supporting the self-proclaimed Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) in Western Sahara, a move that continues to anger Morocco which views this region as part of its territory. Click here to read…

Congo and Rwanda hold talks to resolve conflict in eastern Congo

Officials from Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda held talks on Saturday aimed at ending a political stand-off between the two countries caused by widespread conflict near their shared border. Click here to read…

Congolese diaspora in Rwanda backs ‘sincere dialogue’ to end tensions

The Congolese community living in Rwanda say they support peaceful means to the end of the conflict between the M23 rebels group and the Kinshasa government. Click here to read…

Cameroon’s Paul Biya marks 40 years as president

When Paul Biya first took the helm of Cameroon, Ronald Reagan was in his second year of presidency, Madonna had not yet made the charts and the Soviet Union was still nearly a decade away from break-up. Click here to read…

Sam Matekane – can a diamond magnate help Lesotho to sparkle?

Sam Matekane has taken many chances in his life – it is how he has been able to build a multimillion-dollar mining empire and become one of Lesotho’s most formidable businessmen. But those close to him say entering politics is by far his biggest gamble. Click here to read…

Leaders head to Algeria for first Arab League summit in two years

The first Arab League summit since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic is set to begin in Algeria, but political divisions continue to rankle among the regional organisation’s members. Click here to read…

Arab Tourism Organization honors Algerian leader for supporting industry

The Arab Tourism Organization has honored Algeria’s president for his country’s role in supporting the tourism industry in the Arab world. Click here to read…

New Tunisia electoral law ‘eliminates’ gender parity: HRW

New electoral changes, including ending public financing of campaigns, will make it difficult for women to run for office, critics say. Click here to read…

Turkey looks to sell armed drones to Libya

Ankara’s new deals with one of Libya’s rival premiers have inflamed the country’s internal rows, bringing the north African nation closer to acquiring armed drones. Click here to read…

Angola: The end of Isabel dos Santos at Unitel

The nationalisation of Unitel, the country’s main telephone operator, as decided by president João Lourenço, signals the exit of Isabel dos Santos and the general ‘Dino’ from a pillar of the Angolan economy. Click here to read…

Chinese builder completes US$1.5 billion deep water port in Nigeria

About 60km (37 miles) east of Lagos, Nigeria’s largest city, China Harbour Engineering has finished building the US$1.5 billion Lekki Deep Sea Port. Click here to read…

UK agrees to negotiate with Mauritius over handover of Chagos Islands

The UK has agreed to open negotiations with Mauritius over the future handover of the Chagos Islands, in a major reversal of policy following years of resistance and legal defeats in international courts. Click here to read…

Zimbabwe teachers hits back at Zanu-PF

TEACHERS unions have hit back at the ruling Zanu-PF’s accusations that they were being funded by “hostile” embassies to destabilise the country’s education system. Click here to read…

Oil theft: Vessel arrested in Equatorial Guinea is on its way back to Nigeria, says navy

The Nigerian Navy says it is conducting an investigation into the activities of MV HEROIC IDUN, a supertanker, arrested by Equatorial Guinea forces over alleged crude oil theft in Nigeria. Click here to read…

Mozambique to Export First Gas to Europe in November

Mozambique’s petroleum regulator, the National Petroleum Institute (INP), says the country is set to ship its first liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports to the European market from the Coral Sul floating LNG facility by the end of October or early November this year. Click here to read…

After six years, UN climate summit returns to Africa

The 27th annual Conference of the Parties of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change – better known as COP27 – will be held in the resort city of Sharm el-Sheikh in Egypt and begins next week. Click here to read…

COP27 shines spotlight on Egypt’s rights abuses

From a small blue tent pitched outside the UK’s Foreign Office, Sanaa al-Seif has been leading a one-woman protest in a bid to secure her brother’s release from an Egyptian jail as the Arab state prepares to host global leaders at the COP27 summit. Click here to read…

Egypt Eyes Diplomatic Payoff From Hosting COP27 Climate Summit

Authorities want to show “that Egypt is not an irrelevant country, that Egypt has the prowess, the diplomatic clout and the power, the security presence to be a pivotal figure”, a scholar said. Click here to read…

Two Million People Are Demanding Payment for Forest Preservation

Right now, countries and companies can get paid for all kinds of pollution-reducing initiatives, including lowering historic rates of deforestation or planting new trees. Click here to read…

Afreximbank plans $1.5 billion economic package for Botswana

The African Import and Export Bank (Afreximbank) plans a $1.5 billion economic package for Botswana to support key economic sectors such as mining, manufacturing, transport and agricultureClick here to read…

South Africa says it needs $84bln for energy transition in next 5 years

South Africa needs about 1.5 trillion rand ($84 billion) over the next five years for its plans to cut carbon emissions, harness economic opportunities from the energy transition and support affected communities. Click here to read…

EU signs six financing agreements with Mozambique

The European Union has signed six financing agreements with Mozambique. They are worth more than 148 million euros for development programs in the country. Click here to read…

Xi exchanges congratulations with Madagascar’s president over 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Sunday exchanged congratulatory messages with President of Madagascar Andry Rajoelina on the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. Click here to read…

Pakistan’s economic tilt towards Africa

AFRICA spreads over 30 million km2 which makes it the second largest continent of the planet earth. Africa is also the second most populous continent. The continent sits at the intersection of international commerce and is adjacent to critical sea lanes of communication. Click here to read…

Passengers stranded as Kenya Airways’ pilots strike

Kenya Airways (KQNA.NR) on Saturday warned its striking pilots they could be dismissed if they do not return to work immediately as industrial action led to the cancellation of dozens of flights and left thousands of passengers stranded. Click here to read…

15 People Killed In Alleged Suicide Bombing At Military Base In Somalia’s Capital

A sucide bomb killed over a dozen on 5 november at Somalia Military Base named General Dhagabadan militarya training facility. 15 people dead. Click here to read…

Somali Government Says 21 Al-Shabab Militants Killed

The Somali government Sunday said its elite soldiers have killed 21 al-Shabab militants and wounding 10 others in an operation in the country’s lower Shabelle region. Click here to read…

Police: 21 bodies found at mine in South Africa

South African police are investigating the discovery of at least 21 bodies suspected of being illegal miners that were found near an active mine in the town of Krugersdorp, west of Johannesburg. Click here to read…

Hundreds of elephants, wildebeests and zebras dead in Kenya amid prolonged drought

Hundreds of elephants, wildebeests, and zebras have died across Kenya amid the nation’s longest drought in decades. Click here to read…

Tanzanian plane crash-lands into Lake Victoria, 19 passengers dead

A Precision Air flight, carrying 43 persons, made a crash-landing into Lake Victoria on Sunday while attempting to reach a nearby airport in Bukoba, Tanzania. Click here to read…

World’s largest uncut emerald unearthed in Zambia, reminds people of kryptonite

Guinness World Records (GWR) regularly keeps people updated about different amazing and extraordinary things. The latest inclusion in their list of things that may make your jaw drop in wonder is a piece of uncut emerald. Click here to read…

Uganda extends lockdowns as Ebola spreads

Uganda on Saturday extended a three-week lockdown on two districts at the center of an Ebola outbreak which has claimed over 50 lives, curbing travel and closing public places. Click here to read…

Africa lost its largest female Elephant

Wildlife authorities have confirmed Dida, Africa’s giant female elephant, died between 60 and 65 years old on Tuesday at a national park southeast of the Kenyan capital Nairobi. Click here to read…

South Africa throws mega party as new Zulu king crowned

South Africa’s new Zulu King was formally declared the head of the country’s most influential traditional monarchy at a colorful ceremony presided over by President Cyril Ramaphosa on Saturday. Click here to read…


Indian Exim Bank Inks Pact With Southern Africa’s Leading Bank to Boost India-Africa Trade

Export-Import Bank of India (India Exim Bank) has concluded a Master Risk Participation Agreement for supporting trade transactions with FirstRand Bank (FRB) Limited. The agreement was signed in Johannesburg on the sidelines of the India – Southern Africa Regional Conclave. Click here to read…

India Could Emerge As Major Supplier Of Africa’s Defence Requirements: Report

The report by India Exim Bank released on Tuesday talks about various major areas of defence like aerospace, defence, maritime equipment and boats which can safeguard the security and boost Africa’s technological capability while accelerating India’s defence export target of USD 5 billion by 2025. Click here to read…

India could fulfill Africa’s maritime, aerospace and defence requirements: Exim Bank report

The report by India Exim Bank, titled ‘Reinvigorating India’s Economic Engagements with Southern Africa’, was released at the inauguration of the CII-Exim Bank Regional Conclave on India-Southern Africa Growth Partnership, where government officials and captains of business and industry are meeting on Tuesday to discuss a wide range of areas of potential cooperation. Click here to read…

Africa ‘major buyer’ of Indian arms

India has emerged as a leading defence exporter in recent years and could fulfil Africa’s maritime, aerospace and defence requirements, with Mauritius, Mozambique and Seychelles becoming the major buyers of Indian arms during 2017-2021, according to a research report released here. Click here to read…

Bharat sharpens focus on East Africa with new round of naval exercises

As it ended Saturday, the first-ever India-Mozambique-Tanzania Trilateral (IMT TRILAT) maritime exercise began a new chapter in the Indian Navy’s growing efforts to enhance the security of the east coast of southern Africa and the Indian Ocean Region as a whole. Click here to read…

First India-Africa trilateral naval exercise ends

India has held its first-ever trilateral Navy exercise with Africa as part of initiatives to expand defence partnership with the continent. The Trilateral exercise comprising the Navies of India, Tanzania and Mozambique was held late last month. Click here to read…

4th India-Namibia Foreign Office Consultations

India and Namibia held the 4th round of Foreign Office Consultations (FOCs) on 3rd November 2022 in Windhoek, Namibia. Click here to read…

IFS Rajesh Ranjan named as next Indian envoy to Ivory Coast

Indian Foreign Service officer, Dr Rajesh Ranjan has been appointed as the next Indian Ambassador to the West African nation of Cote d’Ivoire or Ivory Coast. Click here to read…

Stalled gas supplies may be part of EAM’s Russia agenda

Mint reported earlier that India is in talks with Angola and Algeria to procure liquefied natural gas on long-term contracts and that it has also reached out to the US, UAE, Saudi Arabia and Iraq at a government-to-government level to secure additional spot LNG cargoes at affordable prices. Click here to read…

Two Kochi natives and Vismaya’s brother among 16 ship crew detained by Guinea

Concerted efforts for the release of the 16 Indian crew of a ship detained by the Navy of Guinea, a West African nation, are on. Click here to read…

Africa Now – Weekly Newsletter (Week 44, 2022)

Welcome to Africa Now, your weekly newsletter for Africa, presenting the most important developments in the continent – news that matters.


A new chapter in India-Africa relations?

The size and health of India’s US$3.5 trillion economy have made the country a force to be reckoned with in global affairs. It has surpassed the United Kingdom in size and looks set to outstrip Germany by 2028, according to the International Monetary Fund.
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Kenyan politics, hit squads and Indians gone missing: The story so far

After having a blast of a lifetime at a popular club in a posh residential neighbourhood of Nairobi, the duo came out and got into a cab. Minutes later, a vehicle, the ones used by the now disbanded Directorate of Criminal Investigations’ (DCI) Special Service Unit (SSU), blocked the cab.
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Turkey deepens its defence diplomacy in Africa

Sales of drones and other arms to African nations are booming after Turkey signed military cooperation deals with dozens of governments on the continent. DW examines why so many countries are turning to Turkey for arms.
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Diamond magnate Sam Matekane takes over as Lesotho’s prime minister

Sam Matekane officially became Lesotho’s new prime minister on Friday, vowing to make the small southern African state “great again.” 64-year-old businessman formed his political party just 6 months before winning October elections.
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Burkina Faso: Apollinaire Kyélem de Tambèla, Captain Traoré’s surprise prime minister

A popular polemicist and convinced Sankarist without claiming it, Apollinaire Kyélem de Tambèla is known for his outspokenness and iconoclastic positions.
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US is now at Burkina Faso’s mercy in the Sahel region

There have been worries that Burkina Faso could follow the example of its neighbor Mali, which late last year hired mercenary fighters from the Russian Wagner organization to support its army’s efforts to combat Islamist insurgents.
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Burkina Faso not planning to hire Russia’s Wagner mercenaries like Mali

Burkina Faso’s interim President Ibrahim Traore has assured US diplomats that he has no intention of inviting mercenaries from Russia’s Wagner group to fight militants in the country.
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US blames Russia’s Wagner Group for worsening security in Mali

Mali’s security situation has become “significantly worse” due to the ruling junta’s choices, including an alleged decision to partner with Wagner, a Russian private security firm, a senior US official said Wednesday.
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Sudan Islamists protest UN post-coup mediation, call for religious rule instead

Some 3,000 protesters in Khartoum on Saturday rejected UN mediation efforts between civilian and military leaders as “foreign interference” and called for religious rule in Sudan.
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US orders families of embassy employees to depart Nigeria due to heightened risk of terrorism

The State Department has ordered non-emergency US embassy employees and their family members in Abuja, Nigeria to leave the country “due to the heightened risk of terrorist attacks there.”
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Arab League seeks new start for joint Arab action, says Algerian foreign minister

The Arab League is seeking a new start for joint Arab action and global developments should not affect the pursuit of solving Arab issues
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Senegal: NGOs urge Macky Sall to give up 3rd mandate

Several Senegalese organisations on Thursday urged President Macky Sall to dispel any doubts and openly declare that he would not run for his own succession in 2024, a candidacy they say could spread “chaos”.
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Ethiopia peace talks start in South Africa

The first formal peace talks aimed at ending two years of war between the Ethiopian army and forces from the country’s northern region of Tigray started in South Africa.
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Witnesses allege deadly abuses by Eritrean forces during Ethiopia peace talks

Even as Ethiopia’s warring sides attend their first formal peace talks in a devastating two-year conflict, witnesses in the country’s embattled Tigray region tell The Associated Press that forces from neighboring Eritrea are killing some civilians and looting as they and allied Ethiopian forces head for the regional capital.
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Western Sahara: Morocco Welcomes Adoption of Resolution 2654

Morocco welcomed on Thursday the adoption of Resolution 2654 by the Security Council, which renewed the mandate of peacekeeping operation MINURSO in Western Sahara to one year.
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Madagascar minister fired for voting against Russia’s Ukraine annexation

Madagascar’s president has fired his foreign affairs minister for voting at the United Nations to condemn Russian-organised referendums to annex four partially-occupied regions in Ukraine.
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Zimbabwe President Gets Ruling Party’s Backing for Another Term

Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa secured his party’s backing to be its candidate in next year’s elections.
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Seychelles: President Ramkalawan Announced Members of the New Defence Forces Council

President Wavel Ramkalawan today announced and convened the first meeting of the Defence Forces Council, at State House. The new Council has been set up following the promotions and restructuring of the Seychelles Defence Forces (SDF).
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UN Security Council to receive report on Abyei region

The United Nations Security Council will on Thursday receive a briefing on the Secretary-General’s most recent report on the world body’s peacekeeping force in Abyei (UNISFA), covering the period from 15 April to 3 October.
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US Embassy issues demonstration alert for Port Louis, Mauritius, Oct. 29. Increased security likely.

The US Embassy in Port Louis issued a security alert Oct. 28, warning of a demonstration in the city Oct. 29. The purpose of the action is to demand justice for the killing of a local politician. Organizers plan protests at Place d’Armes, near Rogers House, from 14:00.
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Ramaphosa Criticizes US Over South Africa Terror Warning

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa criticized the US for failing to discuss a terror alert issued by the American Embassy with local authorities.
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Uganda: Keep Private Sector Money Out of Politics, Govt Asked

Stakeholders have raised concern over the increased financing of politics by the private sector that they said in turn kills the public interest of service delivery.
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Rice shipment brings relief to shortage-hit Comoros

It’s late in the evening in the Comorian capital of Moroni but the city’s port is filled with eager faces. An 800-tonne rice shipment docked in the Indian Ocean archipelago and was offloaded on October 3.
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President of Guinea-Bissau visits Kyiv after trip to Moscow

President of Guinea-Bissau and Chairman of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Umaro Sissoco Embalo arrived in Kyiv on Wednesday and met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
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French-Australian veterinarian kidnapped in Chad

Jérôme Hugonot, a conservationist with dual French and Australian citizenship, has been kidnapped in north-eastern Chad and a search and rescue mission is under way, the Chad government has said.
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Two car bombs set off outside education ministry in Somalia; 100 dead, says President

Two car bomb explosions outside Somalia’s education ministry in its capital Mogadishu on Saturday left at least 100 people dead and 300 injured
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DR Congo expels Rwandan ambassador as M23 rebels seize towns

The Democratic Republic of the Congo’s government has ordered Rwandan Ambassador Vincent Karega to leave the country within 48 hours after accusing Kigali of supporting M23 rebels, who have seized two towns in the DRC’s east, raising tensions between the two countries.
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Burkina Violence Displaces 4,000 in Togo

More than 4,000 people have been displaced this year in northern Togo after the security climate worsened following jihadist attacks in neighboring Burkina Faso, the government said.
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Al-Qaeda Claims Deadly Attack In Burkina Faso

A powerful jihadist group has claimed responsibility for an attack Monday on an army base in northern Burkina Faso, adding it had also freed scores of prisoners in addition to killing 10 soldiers.
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Niger Lists 15 Anti-rebel Operations With French Forces

Nigerien and French forces staged 15 “joint operations” seizing arms and ammunition from jihadist insurgents along the African country’s volatile border with Mali from July to October, Niger’s army said Saturday.
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Saudi Fund for Development helps Comoros with $5m water project

A Saudi Fund for Development delegation laid the foundation stone for a $5 million water project in Moroni, Comoros.
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World Bank approves $275 million in development support for Zambia

The World Bank has approved US$275 million in assistance to help Zambia recover from the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic and deal with the fallout from the war in Ukraine.
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Angola Oil & Gas (AOG) 2022 to Examine Best Approaches for Angola to Achieve Fuel Self Sufficiency

The upcoming Angola Oil & Gas (AOG) 2022 conference and exhibition (https://bit.ly/3sButIz) which runs from November 29 – December 1, will explore the best approach Angola should implement to ensure fuel self-sufficiency.
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Guinea’s Colonel Doumbouya visits Sierra Leone

The leader of Guinea’s ruling junta, Colonel Mamady Doumbouya, was greeted in Freetown during a visit to neighbouring Sierra Leone.
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Tanzanian President to visit China with focus on cooperation in agriculture, infrastructure

At the invitation of Chinese President Xi Jinping, Samia Suluhu Hassan, president of the United Republic of Tanzania, will pay a state visit to China from November 2 to November 4.
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Turkey looks to sell armed drones to Libya

Ankara’s new deals with one of Libya’s rival premiers have inflamed the country’s internal rows, bringing the north African nation closer to acquiring armed drones.
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Burundi declares border with Rwanda open more than 5 years after closure

Burundi’s foreign affairs minister officially declared that the border between the East African country and Rwanda has been reopened.
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Tunisia could lose its World Cup spot weeks ahead of 2022 kick off

FIFA has sent a warning to the Tunisian Football Federation (TFF) stating that its participation at the World Cup could be threatened if government interference is found within the organisation
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Saudi, Algerian ministers discuss bilateral ties

Saudi Deputy Foreign Minister Waleed Al-Khuraiji met Algerian Foreign Minister Ramtane Lamamra in Algiers, the Saudi Press Agency reported on Saturday.
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Ivory Coast and Ghana join hands to destroy western chocolate industry and reclaim the cocoa throne

There is a famous saying that ‘God helps those who help themselves’. Two African countries have after years of exploitation decided to catch the devil by its horns in order to do something against the injustice being done to their farmers at the hands of the western multinational corporations.
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Gas, the new deal for Mauritania

In just a year, production is due to commence on the $4.8bn Grand Tortue Ahmeyim (GTA) liquefied natural gas platform. It will be operated by the British oil giant BP and Kosmos Energy of the US.
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Biden to visit Egypt, Cambodia and Indonesia for COP27, Nov summits

US President Joe Biden, as part of his North Africa and Asia visit, will attend the UN Climate Change Conference COP27 in Egypt and other November summits in Cambodia and Indonesia.
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Greenpeace accused of greenwashing Egypt’s image ahead of Cop27

Greenpeace has been accused by human rights defenders of “greenwashing” the Egyptian government’s image and discouraging other activists from forcefully raising the country’s abysmal human right record ahead of Cop27.
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Nearly 200 dead as Niger flooding death toll rises

Flooding caused by torrential rain in Niger has left 195 people dead and affected more than 322,000, an official toll showed on Saturday.
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India-COMESA Trade Council office opened

The launch was announced in a release on the first India – COMESA trade conference here on Thursday, an event in which Ambassadors of Ethiopia, Malawi, Djibouti, Zimbabwe, Madagascar and Sudan participated.
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Jaishankar meets his UK, Ghana, UAE counterparts, discusses ways to boost bilateral ties

External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar on Saturday met his UK, Ghana, and UAE counterparts – James Cleverly, Shirley A Botchwey and Reem Al Hashimy respectively.
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MoS Muraleedharan underscores policy to deepen engagement with Africa

Minister of State for External Affairs, V Muraleedharan underscored India’s policy to intensify and deepen its engagement with Africa at the Dakar Forum held in Senegal.
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India stands ready to support Africa on its developmental priorities: MoS V Muraleedharan

Mr Muraleedharan was on a two-day visit to Senegal from 24th of this month to participate in the 8th edition of the Dakar International Forum on Peace and Security. Click here to read…

Indian Navy’s Goa Maritime Symposium to commence from Monday

The fourth edition of the Goa Maritime Symposium (GMS) is being conducted by the Naval War College (NWC) at Goa from 31 October to 1 November 2022.
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India Takes Part in Maiden Trilateral Maritime Exercise With Mozambique And Tanzania

The 1st edition of India-Mozambique-Tanzania Trilateral Exercise between the navies of the respective countries commenced at Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania on Oct 27.
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Navy holds drill with Mozambique,Tanzania

The first edition of the India-Mozambique-Tanzania Trilateral Exercise (IMT TRILAT), a joint maritime exercise, concluded at Tanzania’s Dar es Salaam on Saturday.
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INS Tarangini Departs Djibouti

INS Tarangini visited Port of Djibouti from 23 to 25 October 2022 as part of Lokayan 2022. High level interactions were undertaken with Djibouti Coast Guard during stay. The ship was also open to visitors and a guided tour of ship was organised to help visitors understand the nuances of life onboard a ‘Tall Ship’.
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With India’s generous help, Morocco will be providing “green energy” to Europe

Indian business tycoon Gautam Adani is holding talks with the Moroccan government to develop its renewable energy projects which will be used to supply electricity and hydrogen to Europe.
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Exports to African and Latin American countries on the rise

Exports to African and Latin American countries have jumped in the first five months of the fiscal compensating to an extent diminished opportunities in the US and Europe because of a global slowdown.
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‘Global interest in India-modified M4’ — South African defence firm wants to manufacture in India

South African defence major, Paramount Group — which has a tie-up with India’s Kalyani Group for the joint production of M4 armoured vehicles for the Army here — wants to expand its Indian manufacturing presence to cater to its global clients.
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India’s G20 Presidency and the next phase of industrial growth

India will assume the Presidency of the Group of Twenty (or G20) for one year from 01 December 2022 to 30 November 2023 and this is expected to be a turning point for further deepening India’s global footprints.
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Bug diplomacy: Parasitoid from Africa’s Republic of Benin comes to aid of India’s tapioca

India is the number one producer of tapioca (fresh tubers) in the world with 35.0 tonnes/hectare as against the world average of 10.76 tonnes/hectare.
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EAM @DrSJaishankar Met FM of Ghana, Shirley A. Botchwey; Thanked Her for Participation in … – Latest Tweet by Prasar Bharati News Services

The latest Tweet by Prasar Bharati News Services states, ‘EAM @DrSJaishankar met FM of Ghana, Shirley A. Botchwey; thanked her for participation in UNSC special meeting.
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UNESCO-India-Africa Hackathon 2022 From November 22 For Students, Teachers; 23 Nations To Participate

The UNESCO India – Afrika Hackathon scheduled to be held between November 22 and 25, is an annual event that brings together students, educators, teachers and the research community of India.
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Why two Indians disappeared on a July night in Kenya

Two Indian tourists and their local driver disappeared in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, on a July night. More than two months after the incident, nine policemen have been arrested in connection with the case, which India says it is “closely watching”.
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Deaths of Gambian children cast dark shadow over India’s drugs industry

The tragic demise of 66 children in the West African nation of Gambia as a result of the use of suspect cough remedies has brought into focus a dangerous aspect of India’s massive pharmaceutical industry.
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Airtel Africa profit after tax down 17.2% at $180 mn in Sept quarter

Airtel Africa’s revenue grew 12.7 percent on a reported basis and 18.5 percent in constant currency, to $1,308 million in Q2 September 2022.
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Pramukh Swami Maharaj Centenary Celebrations, Lusaka, Zambia

More than 8,800 visitors, including 1,500 students, from all over Zambia and Malawi, visited the seven-day Pramukh Swami Maharaj Centenary Celebrations organized by BAPS at the six-acre Pramukh Swami Nagar set up on the CPS Ground in the Kamwala area of Lusaka.
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Africa Now – Weekly Newsletter (Week 43, 2022)

Welcome to Africa Now your weekly newsletter for Africa, presenting the most important developments in the continent – news that matters.


Indo-Africa: The Rising Relationship

The foreign policy of India is visible from the increasing number of high-level visits from both the sides, which primarily concerns areas related to cooperation in various fields. Today, the bilateral trade between the two has increased from $34 billion in 2009 to $69 billion in 2019. Click here to read…

Raksha Mantri’s Visit to Egypt: Significance for India–Africa Defence Cooperation

Raksha Mantri Rajnath Singh’s visit to Egypt from 18 to 20 September 2022 has opened new avenues for defence cooperation. The visit signifies India’s growing defence ties with the African region. Click here to read…

Africa’s next wannabe third-term presidents must be stopped

If the presidents of Senegal and the Central African Republic are planning constitutional coups, the AU must step in. Click here to read…


Lesotho election body says it made a mistake over parliament seats

Electoral authorities in Lesotho have said they incorrectly allocated parliamentary seats after an Oct. 7 election, asking the country’s top court to amend the allocations and halt the legislature’s first sitting, court papers showed on Saturday. Click here to read…

Tigray peace talks to start on Monday, says Addis Ababa

The African Union (AU) has set October 24 as a new date for the start of direct talks between Tigray and the Ethiopian government. Click here to read…

Ethiopia, seeking to control Tigray airports, takes a town

Ethiopian authorities said Monday they are aiming to get immediate control of airports and other infrastructure in Tigray, a statement of their war intentions that was followed by the capture of a town in the embattled northern region. Click here to read…

Ibrahim Traore sworn in as Burkina Faso interim president

Ibrahim Traore has been sworn in as interim president of Burkina Faso, several weeks after Paul-Henri Sandaogo Damiba was removed in a coup. Click here to read…

Sudan’s civilian coalition presents vision for military exit from politics

Sudan’s main political coalition on Monday presented its vision for a fully civilian-led authority to lead a transition to elections; following stepped up efforts to end an 11-month-old stalemate between the ruling military and pro-democracy forces. Click here to read…

South Africa vows ‘unapologetic’ support for Western Sahara independence from Morocco

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has vowed his government’s “unapologetic” backing for the partially recognised Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic in Western Sahara. Click here to read…

Western Sahara: Morocco Hits Back at South Africa’s Hostile Position

The Moroccan FM recalled that half of African countries have opened representations in the southern provinces, reflecting their unwavering support for the country’s territorial integrity. Click here to read…

Guinea junta agrees return to civilian rule in two years

West African leaders had last month suspended Guinea from the bloc and imposed sanctions on a number of individuals following a military coup. Click here to read…

Tripoli-based PM Dbeibah rejects ‘sovereign positions’ deal in Libya

Abdul Hamid Mohammed Dbeibah, the prime minister of Libya’s Tripoli-based unity government, rejected a deal with the east Libya-based parliament on changing the heads of the country’s sovereign positions. Click here to read…

Tunisian protesters denounce ‘coup’, demand president steps down

Thousands of Tunisians have demonstrated in the capital Tunis, denouncing President Kais Saied’s moves to consolidate political power and demanding accountability for the country’s long-running economic crisis. Click here to read…

Togo’s flag raised at Marlborough House to mark admission into the Commonwealth

The flag of Togo was raised for the first time at the Commonwealth Headquarters in London, formally marking the country’s entry into the 56-member association. Click here to read…

Attack on hotel in Somalia’s Kismayo ends with 9 civilians dead

An attack on a hotel in the centre of the port city of Kismayo in southern Somalia killed nine civilians on Sunday before security forces killed the gunmen. Click here to read…

Several killed in suspected ‘insurgency attack’ in western Niger

An attack on three Lorries and a motorcycle in western Niger near the border with Mali has killed 11 people, local sources have said, calling it a suspected insurgency attack. Click here to read…

DR Congo troops clash with M23 rebels, 4 civilians killed

Fresh clashes between the army and M23 rebels have erupted in eastern DR Congo, officials said Sunday, with at least four civilians killed and dozens more wounded in the fighting. Click here to read…

60 killed as anti-government protests intensify in Africa’s Chad

At least 60 people were killed in Africa’s Chad after security forces opened fire on anti-government demonstrators. This came amid demonstrations in the central African nation against interim leader Mahamat Idriss Deby’s two-year extension of his power. Click here to read…

Hundreds Flee Attacks in Mozambique’s Ruby Mining Region

This week, suspected Al-Shabab fighters attacked precious gem-rich areas of Mozambique’s Cabo Delgado province, closing at least two mining operations and causing hundreds of people to flee villages in Ancuabe and Montepuez districts. Click here to read…

US hits al-Shabab finance facilitators with sanctions

The Treasury Department said Monday that it has sanctioned a group of high-ranking members of the Somalia-based al-Shabab militant group, who act as key middle men between the group and local companies in Somalia. Click here to read…

Saudi Arabia and South Africa sign 17 MoUs worth more than $15 billion

On the occasion of South African President Cyril Ramaphosa’s visit to the Kingdom, both countries agreed to strengthen their bonds in several fields by signing MoUs worth above 15 billion. Click here to read…

At least 150 killed in two days of fighting in Sudan’s Blue Nile

At least 150 people were killed during two days of fighting in the latest ethnic clashes over land disputes in Sudan’s southern Blue Nile state. Click here to read…

Walmart doubles down on Africa despite a decade of frustration`

The strategy – according to nine analysts, investors and sources with direct knowledge of Walmart’s plans – is firstly to build Massmart into a force able to see off its brick-and-mortar rivals and then win a looming battle against Amazon for the future of African e-commerce. Click here to read…

Ethiopia, Djibouti eye strong electricity connectivity

The governments of Ethiopia and Djibouti have expressed the need to augment electricity connectivity to spur socio-economic ties among the two neighboring countries. Click here to read…

Ghana and Zambia race to secure IMF bailouts

Runaway inflation and soaring food prices have compelled Ghana and Zambia to seek bailouts from the International Monetary Fund. This week, traders across Ghana closed shop to protest the worsening economy. Click here to read…

Germany Allocates €38 Million For Morocco’s First Green Hydrogen Plant

Germany has vowed to allocate €38 million (MAD 408 million) to support the construction of Morocco’s first green hydrogen plant amid bilateral efforts to consolidate diplomatic and economic ties between Rabat and Berlin. Click here to read…

Burundi: $23 million from the African Development Bank Group to Develop the Agro-Pastoral Sector for the Youth and Women

The Board of Directors of the African Development Bank Group has greenlighted the award of a $23.26 million grant to Burundi to implement the Agro-Pastoral Entrepreneurship and Professional Development Project for the Youth and Women. Click here to read…

China may seize Kenyan assets, external debt reaches more than USD 36 billion

The default occurred a year after Kenya requested a six-month extension of the debt repayment moratorium from bilateral lenders, including China. However, the lenders, particularly the Exim Bank of China, refused to consider Kenya’s application. Click here to read…

China launches first-ever intermodal service to Africa

China set in motion a new intermodal service connecting the country with Africa via Europe. The rail part of the service will run between Chengdu, in southwest China, with Hamburg, in Germany, via the China-Europe Railway Express. From there, goods are shipped to Casablanca, in Morocco, by sea. Click here to read…

Cop 27: Uganda-Tanzania oil pipeline sparks climate row

Uganda and Tanzania are set to begin work on a massive crude oil pipeline a year after the International Energy Agency warned that the world risked not meeting its climate goals if new fossil fuel projects were not stopped. The two East African countries say their priority is economic development. Click here to read…

Fire breaks out at Tanzania’s Mount Kilimanjaro, locals help firefighters tackle blaze

Firefighters work to extinguish a fire at Tanzania’s Mount Kilimanjaro that was spread due to heavy winds overnight. They were assisted by the police and the locals. Click here to read…

UN Agencies Say Rains Have Flooded Two-Thirds of South Sudan

The United Nations refugee agency says that South Sudanese flood victims are in desperate need of international support. Click here to read…


MoS V Muraleedharan to visit Senegal 24-25 October

V. Muraleedharan, Minister of State (MoS) for External Affairs and Parliamentary Affairs, will visit the Republic of Senegal during 24-25 October. Muraleedharan will participate in the Dakar Forum on Peace and Security. Click here to read…

India-Africa Defence Dialogue held on the sidelines of DefExpo 2022 in Gandhinagar, Gujarat

The India-Africa Defence Dialogue (IADD) was held on the sidelines of DefExpo 2022 in Gandhinagar, Gujarat on October 18, 2022. The dialogue successfully brought out various aspects of the IADD’s theme ‘Adopting Strategy for Synergizing and Strengthening Defence and Security Cooperation’. Click here to read…

Rajnath Singh meets African counterparts ahead of India-Africa Defence Dialogue

Ahead of the India-Africa Defence Dialogue which is scheduled for Tuesday, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh held fruitful discussions with defence ministers of various African nations. Click here to read…

India committed to provide all-round support to African nations: Defence Minister

Addressing the delegates from 43 African countries during ‘India-Africa Defence Dialogue’ (IADD) in Gandhinagar today, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh put forth India’s stand as committed partner to provide support in all arenas to African countries, for fulfilling their aspirations for peace and stability in the region. Click here to read…

India to showcase arms to Africa, Indian Ocean Region nations

Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, who is holding bilateral talks with his counterparts from several African nations including Mauritania, Gambia and the Central African Republic (CAR) at the sidelines of the show, said India’s target is to achieve exports worth ‘35,000 crore by 2025, up from last year’s Rs 13,000 crore. Click here to read…

To counter China’s influence, India seeks to boost defence cooperation with African countries

Underlining that India does not believe in making another country a “client” or “satellite state”, New Delhi is aspiring for deeper defence cooperation with African countries in the form of training and sale of equipment like attack choppers, drones, missiles, patrol vessels and small arms, among others. Click here to read…

‘India-Africa Security Fellowship Programme’ at MP-IDSA launched during India-Africa Defence Dialogue on the sidelines of DefExpo 2022

During the IADD, in keeping with the new proposals of the Gandhinagar Declaration, Raksha Mantri Shri Rajnath Singh launched the ‘India-Africa Security Fellowship Programme’ and released its brochure by handing it over to Director General, Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (MP-IDSA). Click here to read…

India remains steadfast in supporting people of Mali in seeking peace

India remains steadfast in supporting the people of Mali in their quest for seeking enduring peace, security and development. Click here to read…

Jaishankar meets Botswana’s Foreign Minister

In a continuation of India’s deepening engagement with Africa, External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar met Lemogang Kwape, Minister of International Affairs and Cooperation of Botswana on 19 October 2022. Click here to read…

International Solar Alliance approves funding facility

The payment guarantee mechanism is expected to stimulate investments into solar projects through two financial components — a Solar Payment Guarantee Fund and Solar Insurance Fund. Click here to read…

INS Tarkash Arrives for IBSAMAR-VII in South Africa

INS Tarkash reached Port Grequhrea (also known as Port Elizabeth) in South Africa to participate in the seventh edition of IBSAMAR, a joint multinational maritime exercise among Indian, Brazilian and South African Navies from October 10-12. Click here to read…

Mudurunu receives an order in Gabon

Mudunuru has received orders worth US$355,395 for a project to implement the SmartPort solution for the mining port of Gabon (Central Africa). According to the filing, the order was received from Owendo Mineral Port (OMP). And it concerns the people and resources monitoring and management system for the Owendo mining port. Click here to read…

Billionaire Adani to Target Europe with Huge Morocco Clean Energy Project

Gautam Adani, Asia’s richest person, is in exploratory talks for a giant renewables project in Morocco, which would aim to supply electricity and emissions-free fuel to Europe. Click here to read…

The importance of the India-Africa defence dialogue

India is taking steps to increase its defence exports and emerge as a hub of defence production in the Indo-Pacific region. It is useful for building up a domestic defence-industrial-technological base, creating local capabilities and, in the long run, will reduce weapons imports. Click here to read…

2 missing Indians part of Kenyan President’s campaign killed: Report

A close aide of Kenyan President William Ruto has claimed that the two Indians, who went missing in July, have been killed. Zulfiqar Ahmed Khan and his friend Mohammed Zaid Sami Kidwai were part of President Ruto’s digital campaign team. Click here to read…

Ekta Kapoor contacts Ministry of External Affairs and Kenya Red Cross to find the ex-COO of Balaji Telefilms after he goes missing in Nairobi

The owner of Balaji Telefilms, Ekta Kapoor recently took to social media to share a post regarding one of her friends and her colleagues who went missing during a recent trip. Zulfikar Ahmad Khan, who was the COO (Chief Operating Officer) of Balaji Telefilms and also a former journalist, recently took off to Nairobi and has been missing since the past three months. Click here to read…

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest – October 19, 2022

Islamic Emirate Urges Turkey to Recognize Govt: Tolo News

The Islamic Emirate’s Spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid called on Turkey to engage in “deep” relations with Islamic Emirate and recognize its government. Mujahid made the remarks in an interview with a Turkish TV channel. Click here to read…

Germany New Admission Programme to Admit 1,000 Afghan Refugees Per Month: The Khaama Press

Under a new admission programme for Afghan refugees, Germany will admit people deemed most at risk following the Taliban takeover last August, the foreign ministry said in a statement Monday. Click here to read…

PM Hasina inaugurates installation of second reactor of Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant: Dhaka Tribune

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Wednesday inaugurated the installation of the second and final reactor of the Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant. The reactor pressure vessel was installed at the second unit of the 2,400MW power plant. Click here to read…

MoU on e-visa inked between Bangladesh-UAE: Dhaka Tribune

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between Bangladesh and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in a bid to implement ‘e-Visa/e/-TA’ in the capital on Tuesday. Security Services Division under Home Ministry Md Abdullah Al Masud Chowdhury and UAE Ambassador to Bangladesh Abdulla Ali Abdullah Khaseif Al Hamoudi signed the MoU on behalf of the respective countries with Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan in the chair at a program at the conference room of the ministry. Click here to read…

Bhutan becomes a voice of vulnerable mountain countries on the frontlines of climate change – Kuensel Online

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC, report 2021 paints an alarming picture of melting Himalayan glaciers in the face of the climate crisis and the strains this is placing on the hundreds of millions of people globally who rely on glaciers for water, agriculture and power. The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development, ICIMOD, says the Third Pole or High Mountain Asia, which spans Asian 12 countries will continue to warm by at least 1.8 to 2.2 degree Celsius even if the global average temperatures stable at 1.5 degrees over pre-industrial levels and is projected to lose a third of the glacier volume by the end of the century. Click here to read…

Documenting Bhutan’s vanishing cultures – Kuensel Online

The initiative led by Loden Foundation was supported by the International Information and Networking Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Asia-Pacific Region under the auspices of UNESCO in South Korea. The documentaries under the initiative captured Lhop Festivals, Local Teeth Healing, Subba and Mongar’s Marriage System, Sang: A Women Festival, Yak Lha, Namkha Namsey Festival, Bjawa Kam Nyaru, Jomja: A Local Cuisine, Story of Pawos, and Mani: The Hymn. Click here to read…

No difficulty in paying Maldives’ debt: Finance Minister Ameer – Edition MV

Finance Minister Ibrahim Ameer said on Monday that there is no difficulty in repaying the debt the government is under. In response to questions asked by parliament members regarding the economic status of Maldives, Ameer said the nation’s economy is going better than expected. He said that the National Bureau of Statistics had estimated that Maldives’ economy would see a 37 percent improvement by the end of 2021. However, the latest data from the bureau indicate that the economy had improved by 41.6 percent. Click here to read…

Myanmar signs Middle Paunglaung Hydropower project with Russia – The Star

Myanmar has signed the Notice to Proceed (NTP) with PTG Energy Company for the development of the Middle Paunglaung Hydropower project, said the Ministry of Electric Power. Union Minister for Electric Power U Thaung Han and Union Minister for Energy Myo Myint Oo who attended the Russian Energy Week International Forum held in Moscow, Russia met with General Director Alexey Yakovlev from Inter RAO-Export Company, which is a major, power Generation Company in Russia. Click here to read…

Lieutenant Colonel Among Over 50 Regime Forces Killed by Myanmar Resistance in Two Days – The Irrawaddy

A military lieutenant colonel was among over 50 regime forces killed by People’s Defense Force groups (PDFs) and ethnic armed organizations (EAOs) during their attacks and ambushes on regime targets in the last two days. Incidents were reported in Chin, Shan and Kayah states and Sagaing, Magwe and Yangon regions. Click here to read…

Myanmar’s Democrats Must Strive to Win Over China: Analyst – The Irrawaddy

President Xi Jinping is due to be confirmed as president and CCP general secretary for a third term and head of the powerful Central Military Commission. The 20th national congress of the Chinese Communist Party in Beijing runs until October 22. China is a major investor in Myanmar and has important projects as part of the Belt and Road Initiative that will give it access to the Indian Ocean. Xi visited Myanmar in 2020 and signed 33 memorandums of understanding, agreements, exchange letters and protocols with the then National League for Democracy government. Click here to read…

Smuggled drugs from Myanmar worth Rs 31 cr seized in Mizoram, 1 held – Hub Network

With the continuation of seizure of drugs smuggled from Myanmar, the Assam Rifles troopers on Tuesday seized 92,550 highly addictive Methamphetamine tablets worth around Rs 31 crores and arrested one person in this connection in Mizoram, officials said. Click here to read…

UN agencies’ Myanmar PR campaign raises more questions than it answers – Myanmar Now

Faced with growing criticism over their push to normalise relations with Myanmar’s illegal military junta, United Nations agencies have embarked on an effort to justify their actions. Using social media, they have deployed infographics and other tools to demonstrate just how indispensable international aid organisations are in a country wracked with conflict. Click here to read…

Final corruption cases filed against Myanmar’s Aung San Suu Kyi – RFA

Detained State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi’s last five remaining cases of corruption were filed at Naypyidaw Prison Court Tuesday, sources close to the court, who wished to remain anonymous for security reasons, told RFA. The trial is set for next Tuesday and its believed that four witnesses will attend including the plaintiff, Aung Khant, who is an officer of the State Administration Council’s (SAC) Anti-Corruption Commission. Suu Kyi’s lawyers made submissions to the court to examine the recalled witnesses. Click here to read…

UML Chair Oli challenges PM Deuba for live debate – The Himalayan Times

Considering the upcoming Provincial Assembly and House of Representatives elections, many have suggested on social media that PM Deuba and Chairman Oli participate in a live debate and Chair Oli has agreed. Posting a status on Facebook this afternoon, former PM Oli said such debates were held in Western countries during elections and said he was ready for it. In the upcoming elections, KP Sharma Oli is contesting from Jhapa Constituency-5. Oli stated that “Many friends on social media have requested to come to the ‘live debate’. Most of them have suggested an agenda-based debate between me and NC Chairman Sher Bahadur Deuba. Click here to read…

Election fever grips Madhes Province – The Himalayan Times

With the November 20 polls for the House of Representatives and Provincial Assembly just a month away, election fever has gripped Madhes Province. A few candidates, including independents and the incumbent chief minister, have projected themselves as possible future chief minister of the province. Incumbent Chief Minister Lalbabu Raut had won the last polls from Parsa Constituency-1 B with a margin of 2,975 votes. Click here to read…

President Alvi seeks SC’s opinion on new Reko Diq deal: Dawn

In a voluminous reference submitted to the court on Tuesday, the president also asked the apex court whether the proposed Foreign Investment (Protection and Promotion) Bill 2022, whenever enacted, would be a valid law under the Constitution. Click here to read…

Pakistan sides with Saudi Arabia over its tension with US: The Express Tribune

Saudi Arabia and Russia, which lead the OPEC + cartel, recently decided to cut crude oil supply by 2 million barrels a day in order to avoid a plunge in the oil prices in the international markets because of fear of global economic recession. Click here to read…

US wants ‘sustained action’ from Pakistan against terrorist groups: The News

Talks between the authorities in Islamabad and Washington are routine and part of standard bilateral protocol, said the US State Department spokesperson Vedant Patel amid the recent stir in light of President Joe Biden’s statement on Pakistan’s nukes. Click here to read…

Sri Lanka
Most of the migrants at British Indian Ocean Territory are Sri Lankans – UK: Daily Mirror

Most of the migrants at the British Indian Ocean Territory located in the south Indian Ocean, are Sri Lankans, the British Government said. “There are 127 migrants, most of whom are Sri Lankan nationals, on the British Indian Ocean Territory. 25 are children,” Minister of State – Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, Jesse Norman informed UK Parliament. Click here to read…

Supreme Court rules Chinese law firm is not entitled to engage in legal professional work in Sri Lanka: Daily Mirror

The Supreme Court today held that Baqian Law Group Lanka Pvt. Ltd, a Chinese law firm is not entitled in law to engage in any legal professional work within Sri Lanka. Click here to read…

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest – October 18, 2022

Plan Launched to Collect Major Debts: DABS: Tolo News

Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat (DABS) said it has made a scheme through which it will collect the debts of consumers. “We have been able to identify 329 major debts. Out of them, 33 debt owners expressed readiness to pay their debts,” said Hekmatullah Maiwandu, a spokesman for DABS. Click here to read…

Afghanistan, the new blank space for a triangle super-powers: The Khaama Press

The mountainous land in the heart of Asia known as Afghanistan has always remained a major geo-political dispute among the superpowers. The great game (Tsar Russia vs Britain), Cold-War (USSR/Russia vs America) and war on global terrorism gained attention of these giant-fish to fight for supremacy, domination and securing their strategic depth in this piece of land. But on the other hand, the host nation (Afghanistan) escaped from above-mentioned disputes with one self-salvage neck-name “the graveyard of empires”. Click here to read…

ICRC: Humanitarian Needs of Afghans Growing Every Day: The Khaama Press

As more Afghans are compelled to live on the streets and struggle to find food, the International Committee of the Red Cross stated that there is an increasing need for humanitarian aid in Afghanistan. Millions of people in Afghanistan, including widows and orphans, have reportedly been forced to scavenge for food on the streets, according to the committee’s findings. Click here to read…

Continued Global Protests against Hazara Genocide; Protests in Austria, South Korea and Turkey: The Khaama Press

Since October 8, there have been widespread protests against the “genocide” of the Hazaras. Large crowds have most recently protested against the Hazara genocide in Austria, America, South Korea, and Turkey.

Protesters gathered in Vienna, Austria’s capital, on October 16th to call for an end to the Hazara genocide in Afghanistan. The demonstrators also kept screaming anti-Taliban chants. A member of the Austrian parliament, Harald Troch, also joined the protesters and offered his support. Click here to read…

Hasan: BNP aims to create chaos in country: Dhaka Tribune

Information and Broadcasting Minister Dr Hasan Mahmud on Monday said BNP wants to create a chaotic situation in the country in the name of movement. “With a view to creating anarchy, BNP is trying to wage their so called movement but they cannot execute it successfully,” he said. Click here to read…

Momen seeks Kuwaiti, Iranian support on Rohingya issue: Dhaka Tribune

Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen sought support from Iran and Kuwait on the Rohingya issue as Bangladesh eyes early repatriation of the Rohingyas to their place of origin in Rakhine State. Click here to read…

Enhancing the country’s digital future – Kuensel Online

Around 70 participants are training on Linux administration and network or information security as part of the Bhutan Network Operators Group’s (btNOG) conference in Thimphu which began on October 14. Speaking at the opening session, Information and Communications Minister Karma Donnen Wangdi said, “As we continue our journey towards transforming Bhutan’s digital society, we need to continue building the capabilities of our ICT professionals.” Click here to read…

Chinese Ambassador to India’s visit to Bhutan ‘helps advance friendly ties’ – Global Times

Chinese Ambassador to India Sun Weidong recently paid a three-day visit to Bhutan, during which Sun met with Bhutanese leaders and the two sides vowed to promote the development of relations, the Chinese Embassy in India said in a statement on Saturday night. Click here to read…

Xi Jinping Exchanges Congratulatory Messages with Maldives President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih on the 50th Anniversary of the Establishment of China-Maldives Diplomatic Relations – FMPRC

On October 14, 2022, President Xi Jinping exchanged congratulatory messages with Maldives President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. Hailing the time-honored friendship between China and the Maldives, Xi Jinping pointed out that over the past 50 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations, the two countries have always respected and supported each other, setting a good example of equal treatment and mutual benefit between countries of different sizes. Click here to read…

Government of Maldives, UNICEF and young people urge climate action now – UNICEF

Leading up to COP27, the “Multi-Stakeholder Consultation with Young People on Climate Action” was hosted by the Government of Maldives in partnership with UNICEF Maldives. The pre-COP27 event provided the opportunity for young people to engage with key government stakeholders, civil society organizations, and private sector partners working around climate action in the Maldives. Through the three key themes ‘Plastic-Free Maldives’, ‘Protection and Conservation’ and ‘Energy and Innovations’, the sessions highlighted the critical role children and young people can play in leading the change to create a safer and a more resilient future for all. Click here to read…

Journalists go into hiding after threats by Myanmar’s military junta – RFA

Local reporters from two media outlets in Myanmar went into hiding after the country’s ruling military junta threatened to sue the news agencies for reporting that regime troops killed three civilians and wounded 19 others near a Buddhist pagoda in Mon state last week. BBC Burmese and The Irrawaddy online news journal reported that military soldiers allegedly fired random shots into crowds at the Kyaiktiyo Pagoda in Mon state, one of the most famous Buddhist sites in Myanmar, on Oct. 12. Click here to read…

Myanmar Junta and Ethnic Armed Group Trade Accusations Over Fatal Pagoda Shooting – The Irrawaddy

Myanmar’s military regime and an armed ethnic Karen group have blamed each other for the fatal shooting of female pilgrims at the base of Kyaik Htee Yoe Golden Rock pagoda in Mon State last week. Three Buddhist pilgrims were killed during a firefight between regime troops and a resistance force at a junta outpost near the temple on Wednesday. Click here to read…

The arrest of former Army Captain by the AA triggers civilian arrests in the Arakan township – BNI Online

After the Arakan Army (AA) arrested a former Army Captain in Ramree Township, the Military Council retaliated by detaining seven local residents in an act of revenge. “A former Army Captain U Tun Kyi was arrested by ULA/AA at U Maung Kyaw’s pharmacy in Inndaung. That’s why the army is retaliating and arresting local people who have nothing to do with that matter”, a local resident explained. Narinjara is still trying to reach AA spokesperson U Khaing Thukha to confirm whether the former army officer was arrested by AA. Click here to read…

Ruling alliance to protect constitution and achieve prosperity: Nepali Congress – My Republicca

Nepali Congress Spokesperson Dr Prakash Sharan Mahat has said that the main goal of the ruling alliance is to protect the constitution and achieve prosperity. At a press conference organised by the Nepali Congress Central Office on Monday, Dr Mahat said that the current government was formed to implement the constitution and protect democracy. He also claimed that in a short period of time the government has succeeded in moving the country towards the rule of and has also succeeded in doing important tasks related to the people’s livelihood. Click here to read…

Multidimensional poverty slumped in Nepal before Covid-19, global report says – Kathmandu Post

Nepal and India made rapid progress towards reducing multidimensional poverty in the years before the Covid-19 pandemic hit the world, a new global report on multidimensional poverty says. In 2011, 39 percent of Nepalis were multidimensionally poor and the percentage dipped to 25.7 in 2016 and 17.5 in 2019, according to the report. “It means 5.13 million Nepalis are multidimensionally poor based on Nepal’s total population of 29,192,480 as per the census 2021,” said Dharma Swarnakar, policy advisor at the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Nepal at a press briefing on Monday. The report, Global Multidimensional Poverty Index 2022, was prepared by the UNDP in coordination with the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative and was released on Monday. Click here to read…

Fuel still expensive despite fall in international prices – Kathmandu Post

Nepal Oil Corporation continues to charge high prices even when the cost of oil on the international market has tumbled, analysts say. Inflation-stricken consumers complain they are hit with a price hike every time rates on the international market go up, but the state-owned oil monopoly does not respond with the same quickness when it is the other way around. Nepal Oil Corporation says it cannot slash prices because of massive losses, but insiders point out that it is making a profit for the first time in 20 months. Click here to read…

US ‘confident’ Pakistan’s nuclear assets are secure: Dawn

“The United States is confident of Pakistan’s commitment and its ability to secure nuclear assets,” a US State Department spokesperson told journalists in Washington shortly after a meeting between Ambassador Masood Khan and Counselor Derek Chollet. Click here to read…

Imran gives govt few more days to announce polls: The Express Tribune

Former premier and PTI Chairman Imran Khan on Monday admitted that the next general elections were linked with ex-premier Nawaz Sharif’s consent, saying elections won’t take place until the PML-N supremo took a decision. Click here to read…

WB steps in to mediate Indo-Pak water dispute: The Express Tribune

The World Bank announced on Monday the beginning of two parallel legal processes to address Pakistan’s concerns over two hydropower projects on the western rivers by India in violation of the Indus Basin Treaty, breaking a six-year-old gridlock. Click here to read…

Ready to buy fuel from Russia on ‘India rate’: Dar: The News

Finance Minister Ishaq Dar, who is on an official visit to the United States (US), said on Monday Pakistan was ready to buy fuel from Russia on the rate it was providing to neighbouring country India. Click here to read…

Sri Lanka
Rajapaksas responsible for economic crisis in England, France? – Aluthgamage: Daily Mirror

Government MP Mahindananda Aluthgamage recently asked whether the Rajapaksas were involved with the current fuel shortage in France and for the children who suffer from hunger. Addressing an event, he said the schoolchildren used to bring lunch boxes without food. “The children used to go to the playground during lunch time. The English cannot provide food for their schoolchildren. Click here to read…

Japan to organize SL creditors’ meeting by end of this year: Daily Mirror

Japan is working to organize a meeting of Sri Lanka’s creditors by the end of this year in hopes of solving that country’s debt crisis, The Yomiuri Shimbun has learned. The meeting, which will discuss such issues as finding ways to reduce debt payments, aims to curb China’s influence by helping Sri Lanka cope with its so-called debt traps, which arose after China provided huge loans to the country to fund infrastructure developments and other projects. Click here to read…

Africa Now – Weekly Newsletter (Week 42, 2022)

Africa Now – Weekly Newsletter (Week 42, 2022)Welcome toAfrica Now, your weekly newsletter for Africa, presenting the most important developments in the continent – news that matters.


Harnessing the Trade Winds: History of Indian Traders in Eastern Africa

Imagine someone telling you, Indians knew the monsoon winds much before European sailors. Imagine someone claiming that Indians started sailing long before the European explorers of the 14th century; even before Hippalus.Click here to read…

How death of Gambian children will affect India’s African outreach

FROM THE INDIAN perspective, Bangladesh and The Gambia may be worlds apart. But, there are a couple of commonalities between the western African country and India’s eastern neighbour. First is India’s diplomatic outreach. Click here to read…

Why Russia is cheering on the Burkina Faso coup

The latest coup in Burkina Faso saw young people waving Russian flags in the streets of the capital, Ouagadougou – something that must have warmed hearts in the Kremlin. Click here to read…


Millionaire businessman turns tables to win Lesotho polls

Revolution for Prosperity (RFP), a party set up only six months ago by a 64-year-old businessman Sam Matekane, won 56 out of 120 seats in parliament. Click here to read…

Lesotho populist party wins most seats in election, falls short of majority

A Lesotho party led by a diamond magnate won the most seats in last week’s election, but fell short of an overall majority, the election commission said on Monday, raising the prospect of more political gridlock. Click here to read…

Lesotho’s RFP party forms coalition government with other opposition after election win

Lesotho’s newly formed party Revolution for Prosperity (RFP), which won the most seats in last week’s election but fell short of an overall majority, has formed a coalition government with two other opposition parties. Click here to read…

Burkina Faso geared for political change following coup unrest

Political parties, social and religious groups and representatives of the security forces gather Friday to chart the next phase in Burkina Faso’s future after the country’s latest coup. Click here to read…

Burkina Faso’s latest coup leader named transition president

Burkina Faso’s latest coup, announced on September 30 on state television, has raised fears that the country’s political chaos could result in more violence from the region’s Islamic extremists. Click here to read…

Sudan ‘close’ to a national consensus: army chief

Head of Sudan’s ruling Sovereign Council, General Abdel Fattah al Burhan, has said the country’s political groups are close to reaching a national consensus. Click here to read…

Mali’s new draft constitution bolsters president’s power

The draft of a new constitution handed to Mali’s military ruler bolsters the powers of the future president and rules out extensive autonomy for the country’s north. Click here to read…

Chadian prime minister resigns to pave way for new government

Chad’s Prime Minister, Albert Pahimi Padacke, has resigned to pave the way for a new government after the Central African country pushed back elections by two years. Click here to read…

Chad names opposition politician Saleh Kebzabo as new PM

Chad’s transitional government on Wednesday named opposition politician Saleh Kebzabo as the new prime minister after the former prime minister resigned to pave way for a new administration. Click here to read…

Tunisia: Thousands from rival political parties protest against President Kais Saied

Thousands of protesters have taken to the streets of Tunisia’s capital to demonstrate against the president. Parallel demonstrations by political movements who are deeply opposed to each other were held in Tunis. Click here to read…

Angola’s President gives first National Assembly speech since re-election

Angolan President Joao Lourenço delivered his first speech before the National Assembly since his re-election admitting to devoting all his strength and attention to the search for the best conditions for the population. Click here to read…

Botswana President reaffirms continuous support to Sahrawi people right to self-determination and independence

President of Botswana, Mr. Mokgweetsi Masisi, has reaffirmed his country’s historical position in support of the right of the Sahrawi people to self-determination, liberation and independence. Click here to read…

Somalia Warns Traders Not to Pay off Islamist Militants

Somalia’s government Saturday threatened to sanction businesses that pay extortion money to al-Shabab, looking to choke a lucrative cash pipeline the Islamist militants use to fund a deadly insurgency. Click here to read…

China’s CRRC Qiqihar branch exports largest railway flat wagon to Tanzania

A railway flat wagon, with a maximum capacity of 200 tons, which will be exported by CRRC Qiqihar Rolling Stock Co. has been loaded for shipment to Tanzania at Tianjin port, North China, on Saturday. Click here to read…

Kenya denies defaulting on China railway debt

Kenya on Thursday denied it had defaulted on interest repayments on a loan advanced by China for the construction of a railway line from the port city of Mombasa that opened in 2017. Click here to read…

Zambia finance minister eager to renegotiate debt, awaits China’s team

Zambia’s finance minister said on Saturday it is still unclear who will be leading talks for renegotiating its nearly $6 billion debt with China, the largest bilateral creditor of the first African sovereign default in 2020 after the COVID-19 pandemic hit. Click here to read…

Palestinian factions sign reconciliation agreement in Algeria

Rival Palestinian factions meeting in Algiers for talks mediated by the Algerian government have agreed on a reconciliation deal that aims to resolve 15 years of discord through new elections in the occupied Palestinian territories. Click here to read…

Nigeria election: Dangers of being religious in a religious nation

Religious intolerance – in one of the most religious countries in Africa if not the world – is one of the issues dominating debate ahead of next year’s elections. Click here to read…

Inter-Parliamentary Union condemns coups in Africa

The Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) on Tuesday condemned the increasing coups on the African continent. Much of Africa’s Sahel region has been battling growing unrest which has prompted a spate of coups in Mali, Guinea and Chad since 2020. Click here to read…

‘Our problems are our problems,’ South Africa, Botswana and Mozambique have sent a strong message to the West

African countries have decided that their internal security crisis can be resolved only by them and not by any external player.Click here to read…

Sudan, Ethiopia agree to resolve border issues peacefully

The head of Sudan’s Sovereignty Council and the country’s de-facto leader Gen. Abdel Fattah Burhan and Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed agreed to resolve border issues peacefully, the office of the Sudanese leader said on Saturday. Click here to read…

Nigeria dismisses terrorism charges against separatist leader

Charges against a Nigerian separatist leader accused of terrorism and instigating violence in the country’s southeast have been discharged by a local court, his lawyer told The Associated Press. Click here to read…

Ethiopia restricts use of foreign currency

Ethiopia has ordered banks to deny foreign currency to businesses importing non-priority goods, in an effort to shore up dwindling foreign reserves in one of Africa’s major economies. Click here to read…

With the help of Israel, Morocco is the first African country to enter the drone manufacturers club

Morocco has entered the club of drone manufacturers by virtue of the recent deal it concluded with Israel, according to which Morocco will manufacture Israeli war drones. Click here to read…

Zimbabwe inks deal to manufacture lithium-ion batteries

Zimbabwe entered into a deal with an unnamed foreign investor to manufacture lithium batteries, Deputy Mines Minister Polite Kambamura said on Sunday. Click here to read…

New commercial shipping service between France, Spain and Morocco

The French company CMA-CGM will put into service the transport of containers between France, Spain and Morocco with a stopover in Algeciras and Barcelona Click here to read…

Europe turns to Africa in bid to replace Russian natural gas

A new liquefied natural gas project off Africa’s western coast may only be 80% complete, but already the prospect of a new energy supplier has drawn visits from the leaders of Poland and Germany. Click here to read…

Mauritania boosts its industrial investments after finding new gas reserves off the country’s coasts

The Mauritanian country has accelerated the pace of awakening gas reserves on its Atlantic coast with the award of new exploration contracts, under the watchful eye of the European Union. Click here to read…

A $1 billion investment by Google in Africa is rooted in the ‘spirit of Ubuntu’

Pan-Africanism was meant to be centred on the Ubuntu principle, but it has been difficult to implement because some African nations are pushing for protectionist policies even under the Africa Continental Free Trade Area (Afcfta.) Click here to read…

Botswana’s first indigenous bank to launch in early 2023

Botswana’s BBS Limited will launch as the country’s first indigenous commercial bank early next year after the central bank issued it a full banking licence. Click here to read…

6th Africa Agri Expo to kick off in Kenya next year in February!

Africa’s rich agribusiness, fertile untapped land, and enormous underlying prospects have always paved the way for such events that connect the continent’s agribusiness to the rest of the world – while also providing exclusive networking and brand-building opportunities for global agricultural industry players. Click here to read…

Africa’s longest oil pipeline takes shape in Niger

With a projected length of nearly 2,000 kilometres (1,240 miles) – including 1,250 km in Niger itself – the pipeline will connect oil wells in the eastern region of Agadem, a zone troubled by deadly jihadist incursions, with the Beninese port of Seme. Click here to read…

Africa’s airline industry to return to profit in 2024, IATA official says

Those problems were exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic as national airlines sought government bailouts while others were liquidated when passenger seats plummeted during strict lockdowns. Click here to read…

Mauritius becomes a model for innovation-driven development in Africa

Despite a turbulent year of inflation fuelled both by the war in Ukraine and the lingering effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, Mauritius has retained its crown as Africa’s most innovative country, besting the likes of South Africa, Kenya, and Senegal. Click here to read…

Ghana, Kenya, Ethiopia on edge as Africa fraught with default risks

The months-long Ukraine war and other global headwinds have left Africa’s largest economies struggling with relentless fiscal pressures and default risks, with soaring yields on the continent barely reversing an exodus of non-resident investors to developed nations. Click here to read…

Africa’s Only G-20 Member Wants to Reform Its Debt Framework

Africa’s only member of the Group of 20 nations is working with its continental peers to propose reforms to the forum’s mechanism for countries to restructure unaffordable debt. Click here to read…

Turkish ship suspected of carrying weapons arrives in Misrata, 444 militia start movement south

The movement of the 444 militia south of Misrata to Bani Walid on Friday took place after the Turkish container ship MATILDE A docked at the Port of Misrata on Wednesday around 1:30 pm, which continued unloading its cargo until Friday. Click here to read…

Jihadis Kill 11 in Burkina Faso Ambush, Security Sources Say

Jihadi militants killed at least three soldiers and eight civilian auxiliaries in an attack Saturday in Burkina Faso’s volatile north, security sources told AFP. Click here to read…

Blast in Central African Republic kills 3 Bangladesh UN peacekeepers

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres “conveys his deepest condolences to the families of the peacekeepers and the people in government of Bangladesh,” he added. Click here to read…

11 killed, dozens injured in bus blast in central Mali

The bus hit an explosive device while travelling the road between Bandiagara and Goundaka, in the Mopti area, known as a hotbed for jihadist violence. Click here to read…

Mozambique jihadi violence spreads despite military effort

The 5-year wave of jihadi violence in Cabo Delgado province has killed more than 4,000 people and scuppered international investments worth billions of dollars. Click here to read…

Villagers brutally massacred in DRC’s eastern Ituri province

Unidentified militants have killed 12 civilians in a village in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo, a region which has been plagued by violence perpetrated by armed groups for years. Click here to read…

DR Congo colonels get death penalty for murder of Chinese workers

Six people, including two army colonels, sentenced to death while four others were jailed for 10 years in connection with the March killing. Click here to read…

Chinese investors dogged by controversy with gross human rights violations of Zimbabwean workers

Chinese-run companies in Zimbabwe have been dogged by controversy with gross human rights violations and safety norms for mining workers. Click here to read…

Chinese peacekeeper to South Sudan (Wau) awarded UN Peace Medals

An award ceremony was held on October 11 local time at the Chinese engineering camp in the Super Camp of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) in Wau. Click here to read…

Head of Africa CDC alleges mistreatment at German airport

The acting director of the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention alleged he was “mistreated” upon his arrival at Germany’s Frankfurt Airport on Saturday and had decided to return to Africa. Click here to read…

Ebola in Uganda: Three-week lockdown announced for two districts

A three-week lockdown has been declared in two districts of Uganda as the country battles an Ebola outbreak. Bars, nightclubs, places of worship and entertainment venues will be closed in Mubende and neighbouring Kassanda, and a curfew will come into force. Click here to read…

From Shining Shoes in Africa to a Seat in Italy’s Parliament

When Aboubakar Soumahoro was a child in his West African home country of Ivory Coast, he cleaned people’s shoes to make money. He also had a dream to go to Italy. Click here to read…


Visit of External Affairs Minister to the Arab Republic of Egypt (October 15-16, 2022)

At the invitation of H.E. Mr. Sameh Hassan Shoukry, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Egypt, External Affairs Minister Dr. S. Jaishankar, will pay an official visit to the Arab Republic of Egypt from 15-16 October 2022. Click here to read…

Jaishankar begins his first bilateral visit to Egypt

External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar began his visit to Egypt visit in the capital city of Cairo on Saturday where he met eminent personalities in the field of foreign policy. Click here to read…

Jaishankar meets Egyptian president, says both countries promote global peace

India foreign minister S. Jaishankar on Sunday met the Egyptian president Abdel Fattah El-Sisi. Describing both the countries as “independent-minded” nations, in a series of tweets, Jaishankar said both the countries contribute towards global discourse and promote the cause of peace, progress and development. Click here to read…

In Egypt, EAM Jaishankar talks Ukraine, Indo-Pacific

External affairs minister S Jaishankar met his Egyptian counterpart Sameh Shoukry in Cairo on Saturday and the two leaders discussed regional developments and exchanged views on the Ukraine conflict and the Indo-Pacific. Click here to read…

India, Egypt to now explore opportunities in renewable energy, trade: Jaishankar

Addressing a joint news conference with his Egyptian counterpart Sameh Shoukry following their meeting in Cairo, Jaishankar said bilateral trade had recorded the highest-ever figure of $ 7.2 billion last year. Click here to read…

India, Egypt to collaborate on premier higher educational institutes like IIT

A committee was constituted by the Union education ministry after IIT-Delhi submitted a proposal last year for opening centres in Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Click here to read…

EAM Jaishankar thanks diaspora for shaping India’s image in Egypt

External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar thanked the Indian business community in Egypt for advancing national interests and shaping the country’s image in the region. Click here to read…

Visiting Egypt very much on PM Modi’s mind: EAM Jaishankar

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has very good personal relationship with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El Sisi and he has been wanting to visit the key north African country for some time, but the Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted the travel schedule, India’s top diplomat has said. Click here to read…

Partnership with Africa a top priority for India: Ruchira Kamboj at UNSC

Ruchira Kamboj, India’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, held that terrorist outfits like armed groups merit the attention of the Council. While addressing the council meet on October 11, Ruchira Kamboj said, “Terrorist outfits like armed groups deserve the attention of the council in their response to addressing security threats confronting Africa today. Click here to read…

African defence ministers to attend India-Africa Defence Dialogue in Gujarat next week

As many as 13 African defence ministers will be travelling to India to participate in the India-Africa Defence Dialogue that will take place on October 18 on the sidelines of the 12th DefExpo in Gandhinagar, Gujarat. Click here to read…

Defence exports to cross Rs. 13,000 cr, Gujarat to get 5th airbase

Defence Minister Rajnath Singh will chair the second India-Africa defence dialogue and a conclave of defence ministers of over 25 countries during the DefExpo 2022, scheduled to begin in Gandhinagar on October 18. Click here to read…

Indian Naval Ship Tarkash Reaches South Africa for IBSAMAR VII

INS Tarkash reached Port Grequhrea which is also known as Port Elizabeth in South Africa. INS Tarkash will participate in the seventh edition of IBSAMAR, a joint multinational maritime exercise. Click here to read…


The 7th edition of IBSAMAR, a joint multinational maritime exercise, among the Indian, Brazilian and South Africa navies was held at Port Gqeberha (also known as Port Elizabeth), South Africa from 10 to 12 Oct 22. The Indian Navy was represented in it by the guided missile frigate, INS Tarkash, a Chetak helicopter and MARCOS Special Forces. Click here to read…

Former media executive among 2 missing in Kenya for over 80 days, friends seek PM Modi’s help

An Indian national and former senior executive at Star and Balaji, Zulfiqar Khan, has been missing in Kenya since July 21 this year. His friends say that there has been complete silence since then. Click here to read…

India pushes for settlement of international trade in rupee with Sudan

India has reached out to Sudan towards settlement of international trade in rupee as part of its push towards internationalisation of the domestic currency. Click here to read…

Airtel and Cellulant Plan to Increase Their Customer Base in Zambia

In order to increase their position in the Zambian market, operator Airtel Africa and payments provider Cellulant have made announcements. The Lusaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) and Cellulant Zambia have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to provide digital payments to the LCCI’s member companies. Click here to read…

From obscure bank to a fintech darling: The curious case of SBM

What do fintech competitors Slice, Uni and Lazypay have in common? And we are not talking of their ambition to outrace each other in the digital lending space. The answer: State Bank of Mauritius (SBM) India.Click here to read…

Doon School Srinagar bags award of excellence from Mauritius Govt

The Doon International School (DIS) Srinagar has received a prestigious award in excellence in School Education Awards- 2022. Click here to read…

Cough Syrup death case: Death toll rises to 70, Gambia begins probe

As the world turns their eyes tot he cough syrup deaths of children, the Gambian government has informed that the death toll has risen to 70 from a previous toll of 69. Click here to read…

Nigeria, Liberia flag Maiden syrups after Gambia deaths

The head of India’s apex pharma export promotion body warned of rising “negativity” over the Maiden Pharma controversy after Nigeria and Liberia issued alerts over four Maiden-manufactured cough syrups linked to the deaths of 69 Gambian children. Click here to read…

Jaishankar: Deepest condolences to Gambia over death of children

“In a telecon with Gambian FM Dr Mamadou Tangara, conveyed our deepest condolences on the deaths of young children recently. Underlined that matter is being seriously investigated by appropriate authorities; we agreed to remain in touch,” Jaishankar tweeted. Click here to read…

The Gambia deaths | India seeks more data

India has sought more information from the World Health Organization on the deaths in the Gambia linked to contaminated cough syrups made by Maiden Pharma in India. Click here to read…

The cough syrups linked to child deaths in Africa: a wake-up call for India’s drug regulators

The World Health Organisation says cough syrups supplied by an Indian company are linked to the deaths of 66 children in Africa’s Gambia. The incident puts the spotlight on India’s weak drug regulatory system, which experts say has acquired a reputation and has been often found lacking due to a history of corruption. Click here to read…

India halts production of cough syrups suspected of links to child deaths

Indian health authorities have halted production at a pharmaceutical company in New Delhi after the World Health Organization (WHO) said its cough and cold syrups may be linked to the deaths of dozens of children. Click here to read…

Murder charge against Indian-origin doctor in South Africa over patient’s death after surgery

35-year-old Dr Avindra Dayanand surrendered before the police after his patient died following gall bladder surgery, according to a report in the Sunday Times. Click here to read…

Of drug quality, Gambia and India: an interview with the authors of The Truth Pill

The Truth Pill, by Dinesh Singh Thakur and Prashant Reddy Thikkavarapu investigates the challenges of drug regulation in India. It looks at why enforcement by authorities is lax; and how this sows the seeds for incidents such as the deaths of 66 children in The Gambia. Click here to read…

India has great potential in athletics, a champion from the country will come soon: Haile Gebrselassie

New Delhi is hosting legendary athlete Haile Gebrselassie. The Ethiopian won the 10,000m gold in successive Olympics and eight World Championships in his 25-year storied career. Click here to read…

China: Daily Scan, October 14, 2022

(CPC Congress) CPC Central Committee holds meeting to seek opinions from non-CPC personages on major report: Xinhuanet
October 13, 2022

The Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee held a meeting on Aug. 31 to seek opinions and suggestions from non-CPC personages on the draft report to the 20th CPC National Congress. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, presided over the meeting and made an important speech. Click here to read…

(CPC Congress) Communique of the Seventh Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China: Xinhuanet
October 13, 2022

The 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China concluded its seventh plenary session in Beijing on Wednesday with a communique issued. The following is the full text of the communique:

Communique of the Seventh Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of ChinaClick here to read…

China to ensure implementation of rent exemption policies for market entities: Xinhuanet
October 13, 2022

China will intensify its implementation of premises rent reductions or exemptions for small and micro-sized firms and self-employed businesses in the services sector, the state-assets regulator has said. All rent relief policies and measures should be implemented effectively, according to a circular released by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council. Click here to read…

China Development Bank issues bonds to support green infrastructure: Xinhuanet
October 13, 2022

China Development Bank, one of the country’s policy banks, has issued 12 billion yuan (about 1.69 billion U.S. dollars) of green bonds to boost the green transformation of infrastructure. Click here to read…

China’s J-20 stealth fighter jets drive away foreign aircraft in combat patrols over East China Sea: Global Times
October 13, 2022

J-20 stealth fighter jets of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Air Force recently carried out a series of combat patrols over the East China Sea, driving away foreign aircraft which were flying close to China’s territorial airspace in the process, with experts saying on Thursday that with advanced warplanes like the J-20 and others, China is well-equipped to deal with close-in reconnaissance provocations by foreign militaries. Click here to read…

China’s chip association urges US to rectify its wrongdoings, disruptive and discriminative policies: Global Times
October 13, 2022

China Semiconductor Industry Association (CSIA) said on Thursday that it opposes the US’ arbitrary move on its chip technology ban against China with regard to new export control measures announced by the US Department of Commerce last week. Click here to read…

China’s 20th Communist Party Congress: who could be in Xi’s new team?: Reuters
October 13, 2022

China’s Xi Jinping is widely expected to clinch a third five-year leadership at the upcoming congress of the ruling Communist Party, a mandate that would secure his stature as the country’s most powerful ruler since founding leader Mao Zedong. Click here to read…

When Chinese protesters came up against Xi’s security machine: Reuters
October 13, 2022

Jack Yao, a Chinese Communist Party member, never wanted to be an activist. Having escaped rural poverty and joined Beijing’s middle classes through decades of study and work, he saw himself as a patriotic poster child of the party’s successful rule. Yet the 43-year-old’s life has been upended since he and thousands of other people abruptly lost access to their savings in a banking fraud scandal that erupted in April, which centred on a string of rural lenders in Henan and Anhui provinces. Click here to read…

Rare political protest banners removed in Chinese capital: Reuters
October 13, 2022

Beijing authorities removed rare banners of political protest from an overpass in the Chinese capital, according to images circulated widely on social media on Thursday, just days before the start of a twice-in-a-decade Communist Party congress. The banners bore several slogans, including a call for President Xi Jinping’s ouster and an end to strict COVID-19 policies, according to numerous images and videos circulated on Twitter, which is blocked in China. Click here to read…

Chinese mainland reports 249 new local confirmed COVID-19 cases: Xinhuanet
October 14, 2022

The Chinese mainland on Thursday reported 249 locally transmitted confirmed COVID-19 cases, including 56 in Inner Mongolia and 53 in Guangdong, according to the National Health Commission’s report Friday. A total of 1,010 local asymptomatic carriers were newly identified. Click here to read…

Consumption market tipped to expand: China Daily
October 14, 2022

Despite facing downward pressures and uncertainties at home and abroad, China’s consumer market is expected to gain growth momentum in coming months, according to experts. This impetus will be fueled by better containment of the COVID-19 pandemic, and a package of stimulus measures taking effect gradually to spur consumption, the experts said. Click here to read…

Shanghai logs 49 new COVID-19 infections: China Daily
October 14, 2022

Shanghai reported two new local confirmed COVID-19 cases and 47 asymptomatic infections on Thursday, according to the city’s health commission. Among them, two asymptomatic infections were found outside quarantined populations. Another 20 buildings and neighborhoods were added to the city’s list of medium-risk zones. Click here to read…


CPC Central Committee meets with non-CPC personages on major report; united front key to securing national rejuvenation: Global Times
October 14, 2022

The united front is important for the Communist Party of China (CPC) to unite all non-CPC personages within and outside China to gather the wisdom and strength of all Chinese people to realize the great rejuvenation for the Chinese nation, said analysts, as the Xinhua News Agency reported three days ahead of the 20th CPC National Congress that the Party’s Central Committee had a crucial meeting with non-CPC personages. Click here to read…

38 problematic mobile apps revealed for infringing upon users’ rights: Global Times
October 14, 2022

China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology released on Thursday a notification about problems with dozens of mobile applications that infringe upon users’ rights. A total of 38 mobile applications were identified with problems such as pushing pop-up information that violates regulations or coercively, frequently, and excessively asking for permission from users. Click here to read…

2,500 reporters, including 750 foreign journalists apply to attend the 20th CPC National Congress: Global Times
October 14, 2022

About 2,500 journalists, including 750 foreign reporters have applied to attend the upcoming 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the press center of the congress will organize various activities for reporters to facilitate access to information about the big event in China, according to information from the press center. Click here to read…

Xi gets chance to tighten economic hold at congress: Taipei Times
October 14, 2022

Chinese President Xi Jinping (習近平) is on the verge of installing more allies who share his vision of tighter control over entrepreneurs and a more dominant role in the economy for the Chinese Communist Party at a congress that starts this weekend. Click here to read…

Africa Now – Weekly Newsletter (Week 41, 2022)

Welcome to Africa Now, your weekly newsletter for Africa, presenting the most important developments in the continent – news that matters.
Week 41, 2022


Coups d’état as Instrument of France Non-grata in Africa: The Cases of Mali and Burkina Faso

Very few African countries had an independent status before 1960. These countries included Ethiopia in East Africa, Liberia and Ghana in West Africa. When many of the dependent countries began to accede to both national and international sovereignty in the 1960s, coup-making was generally presented as an instrument to achieve better governance and not necessarily for good governance. Click here to read…

For the second time this year soldiers stage a coup in Burkina Faso

At first glance the images of soldiers in a television studio on September 30th, some of them masked and bristling with guns were almost indistinguishable from those broadcasts in Burkina Faso in January, when the army overthrew an elected president, Roch Kaboré. Click here to read…

vWho is Peter Obi, and why is he making the Nigerian establishment so nervous?

It is not easy to get 2 000 Nigerians to sing the national anthem as if they mean it. On a Monday evening earlier this month, at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles, Peter Obi did exactly that. He was there to give a speech on the role of the Nigerian diaspora in civic leadership, as part of his global tour. Click here to read…


Ibrahim Traore declared Burkina Faso president after coup

Captain Ibrahim Traore has been appointed as president of Burkina Faso after Paul-Henri Damiba was removed in the West African country’s second coup in less than nine months. Click here to read…

Who is Ibrahim Traore, the soldier behind Burkina Faso’s latest coup?

As a heavily armed convoy drove through a cheering crowd in Burkina Faso’s capital on Sunday morning, the boyish face of the country’s latest military ruler, Captain Ibrahim Traore, emerged from the turret of an armored personnel carrier. Click here to read…

Pro-Russia demonstrators rally in Burkina after coup

Several dozen protestors waving Russian flags rallied in Burkina Faso’s capital Ouagadougou on Tuesday as West African delegates arrived on a fact-finding mission following the country’s second coup in less than nine months. Click here to read…

Protesters attack French Embassy in Burkina Faso after coup

Protesters in Burkina Faso’s capital have attacked the French Embassy after the military junta in charge accused France of sheltering the ousted interim president. Click here to read…

Burkina Faso coup supporters gather near regional mediation

Protesters waving Russian flags gathered in Burkina Faso’s capital where West African regional envoys were meeting on Tuesday to press the country’s latest coup leaders to swiftly return the country to civilian rule. Click here to read…

Burkina Faso’s new military government meets West Africa bloc

Burkina Faso’s new military leaders met with representatives of West Africa’s main political and economic bloc ECOWAS on Tuesday to discuss plans for a democratic transition after the country’s second coup this year, the interim presidency said. Click here to read…

vOusted Burkina Faso Leader Leaves Country for Togo

Burkina Faso’s ousted coup leader Lt. Col. Paul Henri Sandaogo Damiba left the country for Togo Sunday two days after he himself was overthrown in a coup, while the new junta urged citizens not to loot or vandalize. Click here to read…

AU invites Tigray, Ethiopia leaders for peace talks in South Africa

Ethiopia’s government on Wednesday said it has accepted an invitation from the African Union to take part in peace talks aimed at ending a nearly two-year-long ongoing civil war in the country’s northern Tigray region. Click here to read…

Junta set to stay in power after Chad delays elections by two years

Chad has adopted resolutions that push back democratic elections by two years and allow interim leader Mahamat Idriss Deby to stay in power and be eligible to run for president in the eventual vote. Click here to read…

Lesotho votes in election with political crisis still unresolved

Lesotho citizens were due to vote in an election on Friday, after years of political instability that the southern African mountain kingdom’s lawmakers have yet to resolve. Click here to read…

Gabon Takes the UN Security Council Hot Seat, Sticking to African Views

Naturally enough, Gabon is focusing on Africa as the country leads the United Nations Security Council this month. Gabon’s UN ambassador, Michel Xavier Biang, detailed his country’s plans for the rotating presidency, elaborating on a climate change agenda as well as counterterrorism, alignment of UN and African Union interests plus strengthening women’s resilience in conflicts. Click here to read…

Uganda president apologizes to Kenya for son’s ill-advised invasion tweets

President Yoweri Museveni has apologized to Kenyans over tweets posted by his son Muhoozi Kainerugaba that had repeatedly threatened to invade Uganda’s East African neighbor. Click here to read…

Two Including Russian Pilot Killed in Mali Plane Crash

A Russian pilot and a member of ground crew staff died Tuesday when a plane that Russia recently delivered to Mali’s armed forces crashed near the northern city of Gao, an official and the military said. Click here to read…

Sudan’s democracy groups approve charter opposing army rule

More than 50 Sudanese pro-democracy groups have agreed on a new draft constitution, in one of the largest shows of unity from the country’s opposition since the 2019 popular uprising. Click here to read…

Malawi: Political crisis looms as VP Chilima graft scandal unfolds

A report by Malawi’s anti-corruption body has landed Vice President Saulos Chilima in hot water. With pressure from President Lazarus Chakwera, his second-in-command might be tried in court at some point, a scenario that could lead to a political deadlock. Click here to read…

DR Congo appoints new army chief as part of military reforms

The Democratic Republic of the Congo’s President Felix Tshisekedi has replaced the head of the country’s armed forces as part of broader military reforms aimed at boosting efficiency. Click here to read…

Lawmakers in breakaway Somaliland extend president’s term

The House of Elders in Somalia’s breakaway region of Somaliland has extended the term of office of President Muse Bihi Abdi by two years, a decision expected to cause more unrest by opposition groups. Click here to read…

Tunisian labour union warns of strikes as IMF talks loom

Tunisia’s powerful UGTT labour union has no deal with the government on reforming subsidies and publicly owned companies and will lead street protests over any “painful” changes, it said on Monday, potentially complicating foreign bailout talks. Click here to read…

Nigeria Discovers Huge Pipeline Used for Oil Theft

The head of Nigeria’s petroleum company told a legislative committee this week that a 4-kilometer pipeline from the Forcados export terminal has been used to steal oil for nine years, resulting in the theft of hundreds of thousands of barrels of oil per day. Click here to read…

Ghana Cedi is worst performing currency against US dollar – World Bank report

The World Bank has ranked the Ghana cedi as the worst-performing currency in Africa since the beginning of the year with a depreciation of 60 per cent against the United States dollar. Click here to read…

Somalia, Ethiopia sign deal to strengthen ties

Somalia and Ethiopia say they will work together to protect each other’s territories, including requesting the UN Security Council to lift an age-old arms embargo on Mogadishu. Click here to read…

South Africa’s phoenix president Zuma wants to rise from the ashes

Popular wisdom dictates that you will not die as long as you stay in politics, which means that every leading politician does their best to remain in the local political landscape, just like 86-year-old Silvio Berlusconi, who was seen during Italy’s election weekend. Click here to read…

Cameroon’s Biya Orders Enforcement of Bilingualism Law

Cameroon’s president has ordered officials to enforce a 2019 law on bilingualism and make life easier for English speakers in the French-speaking majority country. Click here to read…

Youth are vital for Sudan’s post-coup stability

Sudanese youth drove the demonstrations and uprising that toppled former president Omar al-Bashir’s nearly 30-year-long rule. They were instrumental in mobilising and creating a social movement urging the military to eventually step in to remove al-Bashir from power in a popular coup in April 2019. Click here to read…

US airstrike killed an al-Shabaab leader in Somalia on Saturday

A US airstrike in Somalia killed an al-Shabaab militant leader on Saturday in coordination with the Somali government, US Africa Command said in a statement. Click here to read…

‘Ma’awisley’ Militias in Central Somalia Mobilizing Against al-Shabab

For years, Somali clans and villages have tried to resist demands from the Islamist group al-Shabab, which can include taxes called “zakat,” plus livestock, weapons and boys they can turn into fighters. Click here to read…

Blast in Central African Republic kills 3 Bangladesh UN peacekeepers

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres “conveys his deepest condolences to the families of the peacekeepers and the people in government of Bangladesh,” he added. Click here to read…

Mozambique Marks Five Years of Extreme Violence in Cabo Delgado

Mozambique marks five years since extreme violence erupted in northern Mozambique’s Cabo Delgado province, forcing nearly 1 million people to flee during that time in October. Click here to read…

Regional court dismisses Maasai eviction case against Tanzania government

A regional court on Friday dismissed a case brought by a group of Maasai villagers claiming the Tanzanian government used violence to evict them from their ancestral lands in the north of the country. Click here to read…

Rwanda, IMF agree on $310m deal on climate financing

Rwanda has secured $310 million (approximately Rwf318 billion) loan from the International Monetary Fund (IMF)’s Resilience and Sustainability Facility (RSF) to tackle climate change. Click here to read…

In Kenya, green parties struggle for votes

In August, Kenya held its fifth general elections since the introduction of multiparty politics in 1991. Four of the 93 registered political parties were green parties. Click here to read…

Amid climate politics, Uganda presses on with oil pipeline

Uganda’s ambitions of joining the oil producer’s club almost entirely rest on a pipeline being built between the oil fields in the Lake Albert region and the Tanzanian port of Tanga on the east African coast. Click here to read…

Zimbabwe is poised to become Africa’s largest steel producer

Zimbabwe is poised to become Africa’s largest steel producer and one of the biggest steel players in the world. A multi-billion steel plant is being constructed in Manhize, central Zimbabwe, that has the potential to meet all of the country’s requirements plus that of most countries in Africa and beyond. Click here to read…

Namibia, Zambia sign deal to develop oil, gas pipeline

Namibia and Zambia on Thursday inked an agreement in Swakopmund, Namibia, to facilitate a private sector-led infrastructure development project. Click here to read…

Nigerians mark independence anniversary ahead of key poll

Nigerians celebrated the 62nd anniversary of their independence Saturday with the country’s leader acknowledging the economic and security hardships citizens are facing as they prepare to vote for a new president in four months. Click here to read…

Botswana turns 56: From one of the poorest countries to an upper middle-income economy

Botswana celebrates 56 years of independence on Friday after attaining self-government in 1965, following 80 years as the British protectorate Bechuanaland. Click here to read…


MoS Muraleedharan meets Gabon FM, conveys wishes on UNSC Presidency

On the sidelines of the UNSC High-Level debate at New York, MoS for External Affairs V Muraleedharan met with the foreign minister of Gabon Michael Adamo and held discussions on various aspects of bilateral relations. Click here to read…

‘Terror outfits enhancing their finances and presence by exploiting natural resources in Africa’: Indian minister V Muraleedharan at UNSC

V Muraleedharan said terrorist organisations were exploiting resources to bolster their finances. “These regions have remained vulnerable to money laundering and terrorist financing. Click here to read…

India and Nigeria hold Foreign Office Consultations

New Delhi played host to the second round of Foreign Office Consultations (FOC) between India and Nigeria on 29 September 2022. Click here to read…

INS Tarkash visits Namibia’s Port Walvis Bay

Indian Navy warship, INS Tarkash visited Port Walvis Bay at Namibia from Oct 3-6 as a part of an ongoing extended-range operational deployment, the Indian Navy said in an official statement. Click here to read…

INS Sunayna participates in combined maritime forces exercise in Seychelles

The Indian Naval Ship Sunayna participated in the capacity-building exercise Operation Southern Readiness conducted by Combined Maritime Forces (CMF) at Seychelles during September 24-27, the Ministry of Defence said in a statement. Click here to read…

India in talks with Angola, Algeria for LNG supplies

India is in talks with Angola and Algeria to procure liquefied natural gas (LNG) on long-term contracts, said two officials aware of the development, amid concerns of a global gas shortage fuelled by the Ukraine crisis. Click here to read…

Togo govt plans to sign MoU with Andhra University on IT, space

Togo’s minister of education and research, Dr Wateba said that they will sign a Memorandum of Understanding with Andhra University and will work in various fields. Click here to read…

‘A Hell Of A Fighter’ – Why India’s Joint Collaboration With Egypt Failed To Develop A Supersonic Warplane – The Helwan 300?

With the recent visit of the Indian defense minister to Egypt, the two nations are boosting their security cooperation. However, their defense ties stretch back to the 60s, when India played a pivotal role in Egypt’s attempts to develop a supersonic aircraft. Click here to read…

Nigeria, Ghana, Senegal: India’s export restrictions complicate rice supply

New Delhi’s rice export restrictions herald higher prices for many West African countries, including big rice importers Nigeria, Senegal and Ghana. Click here to read…

Tunisia runs out of sugar, to import from Algeria and India

Tunisian sugar reserves have run out, according to the secretary general of the Ben Arous regional office of the tourism, trade and industry federation of the UGTT trade union Souhail Boukhris. Click here to read…

Gambia deaths: 4 states had red-flagged Maiden Pharma

Several Indian states and at least one foreign country have red-flagged the quality of medicines manufactured by Maiden Pharmaceutical, whose contaminated cough syrups has reportedly led to the deaths of more than 60 children in The Gambia, in west Africa, prompting the WHO to issue an alert. Click here to read…

India-made cough syrups and deaths in Gambia: what we know so far

The World Health Organisation has issued an alert about four Indian-manufactured cough syrups that it said could have caused 66 deaths in Gambia. What do we know about the cough syrups? Are they sold in India? Should you be worried? Click here to read…

Why Bhagwat brought up East Timor, South Sudan & Kosovo in speech about ‘population imbalance’

In his annual Vijayadashmi speech in Nagpur, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh chief Mohan Bhagwat called for a comprehensive population control policy, citing “religion-based population imbalance”. Click here to read…

India Community in Ghana commemorates Gandhi’s 153 anniversary

The India Community in Ghana has commemorated the 153 anniversary of Mohandas Mahatma Gandhi, late leader and the foremost campaigner for India’s independence, in Accra. Click here to read…

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest: September 27, 2022

Taliban denounce Pak PM Sharif’s ‘terror in Afghanistan’ remarks in UNGA address – Hindustan Times

Taliban has hit out at the U.S and Pakistan for claiming that terrorism exists in Afghanistan during the UN General Assembly address. In a scathing statement, the Afghanistan Foreign Ministry termed the claims as incorrect and pitched for UNGA seat handover to the Afghan government, who can then counter these ‘unsubstantiated’ concerns. Watch this video for more details. Click here to read…

Visit of Bangladesh Navy Operational Sea Training Group to SNC – Indian Navy

An eight member delegation from the Bangladesh Navy Operational Sea Training Group (BNOSTG) visited Headquarters Sea Training at Kochi to witness Operational Sea Training at Southern Naval Command. As part of the orientation training, interactive session along with practical classes on seamanship, firefighting, damage control, first aid and safety at sea were conducted. The interactive sessions also provided an opportunity to exchange the best practices followed. Click here to read…

No room to cut: Rising inflation traps Bangladesh climate migrants – Thomas Reuters Foundations

The rising cost of living is taking a heavy toll on the world’s poorest and most vulnerable, including many already struggling to survive after climate change-fuelled disasters have claimed their homes and land. Bangladesh’s inflation rate is now about 7.5%, according to the country’s central bank, after the government dramatically boosted fuel prices in the face of rising global fossil fuel costs, in part as a result of the Ukraine conflict. Click here to read…

Vaccine Maitri: Bhutan and Nepal expressed their gratitude to India in UNGA, India sent vaccine to more than 100 countries – The Weekly Mail

Bhutan and Nepal expressed their gratitude to India at the United Nations General Assembly on Monday. During this, he has expressed his gratitude for the significant support in the supply of covid-19 vaccines under the ‘Vaccine Maitri’ initiative of the Government of India. Let us tell you that under India’s Vaccine Friendship Initiative, neighbouring countries got a lot of help in vaccinating their population. Click here to read…

Kyrgyzstan and Maldives sign agreement on the establishment of visa-free regime – Azer News

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kyrgyzstan Jeenbek Kulubaev met with his Maldivian counterpart Abdullah Shahid on September 23, Trend reports citing the Kyrgyz Foreign Ministry’s press service. Click here to read…

The Maldives received 100,000 more Pfizer vaccine doses from the United States – The Paradise

The US government has provided the Maldives with an additional 100,620 doses of Pfizer vaccines as part of the COVAX deal. The latest shipment comes after the United States sent 439,920 Pfizer vaccine shots to the Maldives in January 2021 and January 2022.Click here to read…

India should negotiate with Myanmar military, ethnic groups to restore peace: Mizoram CM – Indian Express

India should negotiate with military authorities in trouble-torn Myanmar and various ethnic groups there to restore peace in the neighbouring country, Mizoram Chief Minister Zoramthanga has said. India shares an over 1,600-km-long international border with Myanmar. Click here to read…

Recruitment Crisis Bites as Myanmar Junta Scrambles to Fill Gaps in Ranks – The Irrawaddy

“The Tatmadaw wants you,” used to be a familiar slogan on recruitment posters across Myanmar. Propaganda songs, like one which began: “Support the great Tatmadaw in every way to help it gain strength, never should we forget comrades who are our kin,” were played on the television and radio. But recruitment has broken down, forcing the regime to buy recruits since before the 2021 coup. Officers are being offered promotions and other incentives to find recruits, according to analysts. Click here to read…

Oral update on the human rights situation in Myanmar to the Human Rights Council – OHCHR

Military tactics increasingly involve indiscriminate attacks and weaponry. The growing use of air power and artillery during the monsoon season is significantly impacting civilians and residential areas. In Magway and Sagaing regions as well as Kachin, Shan, Kayah, and Kayin states, residential buildings – as many as 30,000 – schools and other civilian infrastructure have been burnt to the ground during military ground operations. Click here to read…

‘Rapid demography change happening, Islamists getting help from Pakistan’: MP from Kapilvastu discusses growing security concerns at the India-Nepal border – OpIndia

There have been several reports in the recent past highlighting the rapidly changing demography in the sections of India near the Indo-Nepal border. The number of mosques and madrasas is constantly increasing. From August 20 to 27, 2022, an OpIndia team visited Nepal areas bordering India to take an account of the ground situation on that side of the border. This is the 23rd report in a series of articles documenting the facts discovered by the OpIndia team. Click here to read…

US asks Pakistan to better manage ties with India

The US has advised Pakistan to improve its ties with India even as it sidestepped New Delhi’s concerns over an upgrade assistance for Islamabad’s F-16s. “In our discussions today, we talked about the importance of managing a responsible relationship with India,” said US Secretary of State Antony Blinken during an event with Pakistan Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari. Click here to read…

Pakistan FM replaced, veracity of audio tapes established – Tribune India

Rumours over the bugging of the Pakistan Prime Minister’s Office were vindicated after the ruling coalition government replaced its Finance Minister as was discussed in a viral audio tape of conversation between PML-N vice-president Maryam Nawaz and her uncle and PM Shehbaz Sharif. Click here to read…

Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka keen to restart cancelled Japanese projects; Japan willing to lead creditor talks – Economy Next

Sri Lanka President Ranil Wickremesinghe has told Japanese Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi that his government is keen to restart Japan-funded projects cancelled by the previous administration, while Minister Hayashi has expressed his country’s willingness to take a leading role in Sri Lanka’s negotiations with her creditors. Click here to read…

HNB allocates Rs. 10Mn to assist MSMEs affected by the economic crisis – Colombo Page

Sri Lanka’s most MSME-friendly bank, HNB PLC, once again allocated Rs. 10 million to assist entrepreneurs affected by the ongoing economic crisis as a part of its flagship ‘Oba Venuwen Api’ initiative to rebuild and revive the economy. Click here to read…