Tag Archives: Economy

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest – November 17, 2022

Envoys of Over 10 Countries Discuss Afghanistan at Moscow Format: Tolo News

Representatives and officials from more than 10 countries exchanged views on the Afghan situation in the “Moscow Format” meeting on Afghanistan that began on Wednesday. Click here to read…

Doha Office Says Gaining Recognition Takes Time: Tolo News

The Islamic Emirate’s Political Office in Qatar said it considers the recognition of the Islamic Emirate by the international community to be a process that will take time, and that efforts are ongoing to achieve recognition. Click here to read…

SIGAR Assesses Factors Behind the Collapse of Afghan Gov’t: The Khaama Press

The US Special Inspector for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) in a recent report assessed the underlying factors behind the collapse of former Afghan government in 2021, listing at least nine factors that led to Taliban’s regime in Afghanistan. Click here to read…

Russia’s Multilateral Talks on Afghanistan Opens without Taliban: The Khaama Press

Sputnik reported that there are 11 countries represented at this meeting, including Russia, China, Pakistan, Iran, India, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan. At a news conference in Moscow, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova said that the discussion will center on the military-political, socioeconomic, and humanitarian situation in Afghanistan as well as coordinating measures to bolster regional security. Click here to read…

Lavrov’s Dhaka visit: Dhaka to focus on food, energy supply, Rohingya crisis – The Daily Star

Lavrov will visit Bangladesh to attend the 22nd Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) meeting on November 23-24 to be held at Hotel InterContinental at the invitation of Bangladesh, the current chair of IORA. Lavrov, who happily accept the invitation, will also be meeting Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen, officials have confirmed. International relations analysts said Russia faces global isolation. The UN General Assembly has adopted several resolutions since March this year demanding end to the war, territorial integrity of Ukraine and Russia’s reparation for the damages caused by attacks in Ukraine…Bangladesh has abstained from voting in two UNGA resolutions and voted for Ukraine in one…The US and European Union are Bangladesh’s major export destinations and they are supporting Bangladesh in the Rohingya crisis, politically and financially. Click here to read….

Bangladesh seeks Singaporean investment to become ‘connectivity hub’ – The Daily Star

Decribing Singapore as a “connectivity hub” for distribution of services as well as trade, State Minister for Foreign Affairs Md Shahriar Alam yesterday shared the aspirations of Bangladesh to emerge as a facilitator of regional connectivity for the land locked countries and regions of South Asia. Highlighting the need for more investment in infrastructure development, including sea ports and air ports, he sought more Singaporean investments to facilitate Bangladesh’s transition as a regional connectivity and manufacturing hub. Click here to read…

Shahriar Alam: Dhaka, Tokyo relations to be strengthened through PM-level talks – Dhaka Tribune

State Minister for Foreign Affairs Md Shahriar Alam on Wednesday expressed his optimism that Bangladesh-Japan relations would further be strengthened through the upcoming prime ministers-level meeting in Tokyo. The prime minister is scheduled to pay the official visit to Japan from November 29 to December 1 at the invitation of her Japanese counterpart Fumio Kishida. Click here to read…

Dhaka to warn diplomats against commenting on internal matters – Dhaka Tribune

Bangladesh will warn diplomats stationed in Dhaka against making remarks on the country’s internal matters, Agriculture Minister Dr Md Abdur Razzaque has said. “We will not tolerate any ambassador’s interference; they will be cautioned again,” the minister said while responding to questions from reporters in Meherpur on Wednesday morning. “Bangladesh is a sovereign nation; we liberated this country through a bloody war. We will not make any concessions when it comes to maintaining the dignity of our country.” The minister’s comments came in light of Japanese Ambassador Ito Naoki’s statement on Monday that he had heard about “ballot stuffing” and that some police officers had stuffed ballot boxes the night before the last general election, which was something he had never heard about happening in any other country. Click here to read…

RBI provides an additional currency swap facility of USD 200M to RMA – Kuensel online

RBI and RMA signed an agreement to extend the validity of the Bilateral Currency Swap Agreement signed on January 31, 2020 and also to provide additional swap support to Bhutan, yesterday. This agreement enables the RMA to avail an additional swap amount of up to USD 200M or equivalent in Nu 16.57B from the RBI. This support of USD 200M INR equivalent is in addition to the existing currency swap support of USD 200M INR equivalent extended by the RBI. This agreement was facilitated by the government of India at the request of the government of Bhutan. The agreement will be valid till June 30, 2023. Click here to read…

Japan, Bhutan sign technical cooperation project on digital health – Kuensel online

To improve healthcare services, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the Ministry of Finance (MoF) signed a record of discussions in Thimphu for implementation of the project “Strengthening government capacity for using digital technology and data” yesterday. Representatives from the Ministry of Information and Communications (MoIC) and the Ministry of Health (MoH), which will implement the project, attended the signing ceremony. Click here to read…

Bhutan at risk of dropping to Tier 3 of Trafficking in Persons Report – Kuensel online

Since 2020 Bhutan was ranked on Tier 2 Watch List in the Trafficking in Persons Report. This means that the country is not fully compliant but making significant efforts to be compliant to eliminate the severe forms, nature and scope of trafficking. The ranking also risks the country losing loans or aid from multinational financial institutions, according to Home Minister Ugyen Dorji who introduced the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crime (UNTOC) to the members of the National Council (NC) on November 14. Click here to read…

New type of drug smuggled into Maldives – The Edition

Maldives Customs Service seized a new type of drug smuggled into Maldives. Customs found the drug; methorphan while inspecting a box posted through courier from Bahrain. Officials claim that after finding a suspicious substances within the package, they conducted a more thorough investigation. The substance found inside the package were inspected on September 17 and had tested positive for Methorphan, according to Customs. Click here to read…

Myanmar releases ex-U.K. ambassador, Australian aide to Suu Kyi from prison

Myanmar’s junta released four foreign prisoners including an Australian aide to Aung San Suu Kyi and a former British ambassador to the Southeast Asian country, according to state media, in what authorities described as an amnesty to mark a national holiday on Thursday. The military government, which took power in a 2021 coup that deposed Suu Kyi’s democratically elected government, will free Australian economist Sean Turnell, Briton Vicky Bowman, Japanese filmmaker Toru Kubota and American Kyaw Htay Oo, the state-run MRTV News channel said. The four will reportedly be deported. Click here to read…

Detained Japanese documentary-maker to return from Myanmar, sources say – Japan Times

A Japanese documentary filmmaker detained in July in Myanmar’s largest city, Yangon, was set to return to Japan Thursday after being released, according to sources familiar with the matter. Toru Kubota was sentenced last month to a total of 10 years in prison for violating the immigration law and for sedition and electronic communications-related violations. Click here to read…

Myanmar Will Not Hold an ‘Election’ in August 2023 – The Irrawaddy

An election is understood to mean “a formal and organized choice by vote of a person for a political office or other position.” Myanmar’s junta has claimed it will organize an ‘election’ for August 2023. Don’t call it what it isn’t. The junta’s event, whatever it is and looks like, will in no way be an election. If analysts, media, and diplomats use the term ‘election’, the onus is on them to justify and prove why and how exactly it wasn’t legitimate when in fact it wasn’t even what happened. Click here to read…

Vice President Harris Heads to Asia, Will Discuss Myanmar, South China Sea Disputes – VOA News

U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris heads to Thailand this week to promote U.S. economic interests at a regional summit and discuss concerns over an ongoing military crackdown in Myanmar. Harris will deliver remarks at the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation summit, a gathering that includes 21 members who push for increasing economic integration and prosperity. Click here to read…

B’desh intelligence officer shot dead by Rohingya drug smugglers on Myanmar border – Hindu Post

An Bangladesh Air Force officer, working at the Directorate General of Forces Intelligence (DGFI), was killed in a gunfight with drug traffickers along the Myanmar border in Bandarban’s Naikkhyangchhari, Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal said on Tuesday. RAB constable Sohail Barua, who was injured in the firing, has been admitted to the Neurosurgery Department of the Dhaka Medical College Hospital DMCH and has already undergone head surgery, he added. Click here to read…

Exports may fall slightly after LDC graduation, report says – The Kathmandu Post

Nepal will be stepping into uncharted territory after it is inducted into the company of middle-income developing countries in 2026, and exporters are beginning to worry about the higher tariffs and stricter rules of origin provisions that will follow. Being a least developed country (LDC) meant Nepal got preferential treatment; but after 2026, it will have to hold its own. And the thought disconcerts many. Click here to read…

Nepal closes Uttarakhand border for three days ahead of polls – Times Now

The Nepal-India border will be closed for three days in advance of the federal and provincial assembly elections in the Himalayan nation on November 20. A meeting of Nepalese and Indian security officials in Rupandehi on Saturday decided to beef up border security and seal the border for three days beginning November 18Click here to read…

Shape up, or ship out’—why Nepal’s young politicians are challenging an ageing establishment – The Print

The current crop of top leaders is quite exceptional in that each has allied with their opponent in the past. Chances are that if neither the Nepali Congress-led coalition—led by Sher Bahadur Deuba and Maoist politician Pushpa Kamal Dahal, or Prachanda—nor the United Marxist Leninist (UML) party of K.P. Oli and Madhesi leader Upendra Yadav’s grouping get a majority, then one or the other weak link in any of the chains may snap and new chains may be created. Click here to read…

Default risk soars amid political turmoil, delay in IMF talks: Dawn

The country’s default risk as measured by five-year credit-default swaps (CDS) — insurance contracts that protect an investor against a default — rose sharply overnight amid political turmoil and uncertainty about talks with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Click here to read…

Pakistan floods ‘10th costliest disaster’ in a decade: Dawn

THE calamitous Pakistan floods of 2022 were the tenth most expensive climate disaster to have buffeted a nation over the last decade, according to risk modelling firm RMS. The floods inflicted an estimated loss of $3 billion on the country, caused over 1,700 deaths and displaced eight million people. Click here to read…

PTI ‘steps back’ from next COAS appointment issue: The Express Tribune

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chief Imran Khan on Wednesday indicated that his party has now taken a ‘hands-off’ approach to the imminent appointment of a new army chief, saying that it has “taken a step back” on the matter. Click here to read…

Govt lambastes Imran for selling Toshakhana gifts: The Express Tribune

As PTI chief Imran Khan faces fresh allegations of unlawfully selling state gifts, volley after volley of statements from the ruling coalition called out the former prime minister for the abuse of Toshakhana, hinting that criminal proceedings would be initiated as per the Election Commission of Pakistan’s order. Click here to read…

Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka abstains from UN vote seeking Russian reparations to Ukraine – Daily Mirror

Sri Lanka abstained in the UN General Assembly on a draft resolution calling for Russia to be held accountable for violations of international law by its invasion of Ukraine and requiring Moscow to pay reparations to Kyiv for damages, loss and injury resulting from the war. The draft resolution, ‘Furtherance of remedy and reparation for aggression against Ukraine’, introduced by Ukraine was adopted Monday in the 193-member UN General Assembly by a recorded vote of 94 in favour, 14 against and 73 abstentions, including by India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brazil, Egypt, Indonesia, Israel, Nepal, Pakistan, South Africa and Sri Lanka. Those voting against the resolution were Belarus, China, Cuba, North Korea, Iran, Russia and SyriaClick here to read…

President directs immediate implementation of FTA with Singapore – Daily FT

President Ranil Wickremesinghe yesterday instructed the relevant officials to implement the Singapore-Sri Lanka Free Trade Agreement (FTA) immediately. He issued these instructions during the discussion held at the Presidential Secretariat on the implementation of the Singapore-Sri Lanka Free Trade Agreement. The existing problems in this regard were discussed at length and the President highlighted the need to provide quick solutions to all the existing problems. Click here to read…

Special Envoy of South Korean Foreign Minister pays courtesy call on Speaker – Daily News

Special Envoy of South Korean Minister of Foreign Affairs Han Dongman and his delegation paid a courtesy call on Speaker Mahinda Yapa Abeywardana on Tuesday. Dongman whilst thanking the Speaker for being a host during the visit of South Korea’s National Assembly Speaker Park Byeong-Seug, extended an invitation to him to visit South Korea in 2023. During the cordial discussion between them focusing on several matters of mutual interests, the Speaker expressed the intentions of the Government to encourage electric cars and renewable energy sources as a policy. Dongman acknowledging that the world is heading towards renewable energy and environmentally friendly methods stated that the two nations could look into future prospects on the matter in future. Further discussions also looked at future investment opportunities and increasing the quota for Sri Lankans who wish to be employed in South Korea. Click here to read…

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest – November 16, 2022

Kabul: Unidentified Man Killed Pakistani Soldier at Spin Boldak Crossing: Tolo News

The US State Department said that Washington’s “commitment to the people of Afghanistan is enduring,” in a recently released statement. “We will continue to press for an orderly transition of power to an inclusive government with broad support, especially women and minorities,” the US State Department said. “We will use every diplomatic, economic, political, and assistance tool at our disposal to uphold the basic rights of all Afghans; support continued humanitarian access to the country; and ensure the Taliban honors its commitments.” Click here to read…

Bangladesh abstains from UN vote against Russia – Dhaka Tribune

Bangladesh has abstained at the UN General Assembly on a draft resolution calling for Russia to be held accountable for violations of international law through its invasion of Ukraine and requiring Moscow to pay reparations to Kyiv for damages, loss and injury resulting from the war. Click here to read…

COP27: Bangladesh wants climate finance doubled by 2025 – The Daily Star

Bangladesh has demanded that developed countries double their collective provision of adaptation finance by 2025, as was agreed at COP26 in Glasgow last year, and provide support to vulnerable countries to implement the National Adaptation Plan (NAP). Click here to read…

G7 ‘global shield’: Bangladesh among first to receive climate funding – The Daily Star

Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Ghana will be among the first recipients of funding from a G7 initiative to help countries affected by climate change, according to a programme announced Monday at the COP27 summit in Egypt. The “Global Shield” initiative, coordinated by G7 president Germany, aims to provide rapid access to insurance and disaster relief funding for climate-vulnerable countries following floods and droughts. Click here to read…

First-ever hajj conference from Nov 17 – The Daily Star

The first-ever national level conference and fair on hajj and umrah management will be held in the capital from November 17. The three-day conference will be held at the capital’s Bangabandhu International Conference Center. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will inaugurate the conference virtually at 10:00am on Thursday. Click here to read…

Bangabandhu Railway Bridge: Crossing the Jamuna in 5 minutes: Dhaka Tribune

Rail travel over the Jamuna River is set to become significantly faster with the expected completion of the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Railway Bridge in 2024. Due to the risky condition of the existing Jamuna Bridge, trains currently need half an hour to trundle across the river. Furthermore, broad-gauge trains are not allowed to operate on the bridge in order to ensure safety. On the other hand, the Bangabandhu Railway Bridge will allow trains to travel across the river at over 100kmph, cutting down the river-crossing time to around five minutes. The bridge will also allow broad-gauge trains to cross. Click here to read…

SoEs should let private sector grow: NA’s Economic and Finance Committee – Kuensel online

The National Assembly’s Economic and Finance Committee (EFC) recommended that state-owned enterprises (SoE) refrain from venturing into businesses that offer better prospects and opportunities to the private sector. The chairperson of the committee and MP for Gangzur-Minjey, Kinga Penjor, said that most of the SoEs operate in commercial sectors such as manufacturing, energy, natural resources, financial, communication, aviation, trading, and real estate sectors. Click here to read…

Maldives arrests 14 for alleged Islamic State-tied bomb plot – The Hindu

Police in Maldives have arrested 14 people allegedly working with foreign Islamic extremists to carry out a bombing in the tiny archipelago state, police said. The suspects had been working with the Islamic State group and apparently planning an attack with the intent of killing many people, Uswath Ahmed, the nation’s counterterrorism head, told reporters Monday night. He did not elaborate. Click here to read…

Ground Report: Myanmar Refugees in Mizoram Camps Are a Picture of Resilience – The Wire

On September 19, military helicopters attacked a school and village in Myanmar, killing at least 13 people, including seven children. Six days earlier, India’s National Investigation Agency announced it had seized explosives and cash in Mizoram that were meant for the Chin National Front (CNF), a constituent group of the democratic resistance to Myanmar’s military coup in February 2021. Click here to read…

Myanmar, climate and economy on agenda for U.S. VP Harris in Asia – Kalki Media

U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris will discuss Myanmar, regional security, economic ties and the climate crisis during a trip to Asia that starts this week, according to a senior administration official. Harris is expected to meet with Thai Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha on Saturday in Bangkok and on Monday she will sit down with Philippines leader Ferdinand Marcos Jr., the U.S. official said on Tuesday. Click here to read…

India Should Exercise Caution Over Myanmar Timber Imports – The Irrawaddy

The confusion over Myanmar timber exports to India was laid to rest last month when the central government in New Delhi informed the Indian border state of Mizoram that timber was not on the restricted list of commodities from Myanmar. New Delhi’s directive was in response to a letter written by Mizoram governor Hari Babu Khambhampati seeking clarification on the issue of timber imports, following a petition by an association of wood-based industries in the state pushing for the removal of timber from the restricted list of commodities. Click here to read…

Malaysia Says No to Myanmar Junta’s Poll Plan – The Irrawaddy

Malaysia announced on Monday it will not support the Myanmar junta’s planned election next year, becoming the first among the 10 members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to reject the polls. Myanmar’s military staged a coup in February last year after the ruling National League for Democracy (NLD) government won a second term with a landslide election victory. The military accused the NLD of serious election fraud – a claim that was debunked by international observers. Click here to read…

Nepal, China seal a deal for utilisation of Rs15 billion in Chinese grant – The Kathmandu Post

Nepal and China on Tuesday signed an agreement for the utilisation of Rs15 billion (800 million RMB) in Chinese grants for various projects selected by the Nepali side. Bishnu Pukar Shrestha, Nepali ambassador to China, and Luo Zhaohui, chairman of the China International Development Cooperation Agency (CIDCA), signed the agreement on the behalf of their respective governments, in Beijing. CIDCA is China’s external aid and development agency that has already made a foray in Nepal with different developmental activities. Click here to read…

Elections fail to perk up the economy – The Kathmandu Post

Polling day is less than a week away, and the high-pitch campaigning has reached a crescendo; but the same fervour is not being seen in the economy as the expected election bonanza has failed to materialise. Domestic airlines are flying half-empty planes, retailers are reporting low demand for meat, restaurant owners say only a few diners are walking in through the doors, and beverage dealers say alcohol consumption has dropped to an all-time low. Click here to read…

In Kathmandu, leaders compete to be ‘different’, make & break ties, as Nepal voters ‘seek change’ – The Print

Communist leader and former Prime Minister K. P. Oli, 70, released a rap song at the Lord of the Drinks (LOD) nightclub in the heart of Kathmandu’s tourist paradise Thamel in the past weekend, in a bid to connect with the youth. Outgoing Prime Minister, and Nepali Congress leader, Sher Bahadur Deuba’s wife Arzu Rana Deuba, disarmingly told a podcaster Monday — who asked her if she wanted to be PM — that she had taught assertiveness training to young women and yes, someday (she would), but that Nepal’s patriarchal society was likely not ready for a woman PM. Click here to read…

Govt seeks IMF waivers amid flood-driven slippages: Dawn

Pakistan’s formal talks with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on the 9th quarterly review of the Extended Fund Facility (EFF) have been delayed further amid authorities’ request for a series of waivers on performance criteria owing to flood losses and the Fund’s push for sticking to committed tax-to-GDP ratio of at least 11pc.Click here to read…

Sri Lanka
Budget allocated Rs.852 bn for social welfare – State Minister – Daily News

Finance State Minister Ranjith Siyambalapitiya told Parliament yesterday that social welfare has not been forgotten in this year’s Budget and the government has allocated Rs. 852 billion out of the total state expenditure through this Budget. Click here to read…

China’s top global ambassador says Sri Lanka is ready to take off – Daily News

President Xi Jinping’s top-most international roaming ambassador said Sri Lanka’s infrastructure facilities, human resources and other required facilities are in place and the country is all set to take off. President of the Chinese Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Ambassador Lin Songtiyan said now what is needed to attract foreign investments is to enact necessary legal reforms. Click here to read…

UNP to take action against its LG member for holding protest in front of Chinese Embassy – Daily Mirror

UNP is to take action against its local government member Sashi Hettiarachchi who held a protest in front of Chinese Embassy asking China to restructure Sri Lanka’s debt to that country, Party General Secretary Palitha Range Bandara said yesterday. Click here to read…

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest- October 12, 2022

Afghanistan is Candidate for UN Human Rights Council: Faiq: Tolo News

The Chargé d’Affaires of the Afghanistan Permanent Mission to the UN, Naseer Ahmad Faiq, said that Afghanistan is a candidate for membership in the UN Human Rights Council. Faiq said that 14 countries including Afghanistan have been nominated to be selected for membership in the OHCHR. Click here to read…

Islamic Emirate Leader Meets with Provincial Intelligence Heads: Tolo News

Islamic Emirate spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid said on Twitter that the Islamic Emirate leader Mawlawi Hibatullah Akhundzada met with officials of the general intelligence department and provincial intelligence heads. According to a statement issued by Mujahid, Akhundzada ordered the officials to protect the rights, culture, religion and property of the citizens. Click here to read…

Earthquake of Magnitude 4.9 Shakes Northern Afghanistan: The Khaama Press

The provincial capital of Balkh province in northern Afghanistan, Mazar-e-Sharif, was jolted by an earthquake that had a moderately strong Richter magnitude of 4.9, according to the United States Geological Survey (USGS). According to the USGS, the US scientific agency that provides information on natural hazards, the earthquake shook Mazar-e-Sharif at around noon on Tuesday, October 11. Click here to read…

Shahriar: Bangladesh elected UNHRC member because of experience with rights issues: Dhaka Tribune

In a video message, State Minister for Foreign Affairs Md Shahriar Alam has said the UN member states voted for Bangladesh with an expectation that it will be able to help with its experience in dealing with human rights issues. Click here to read…

LNG: European thirst for natural gas puts Bangladesh in dark: Dhaka Tribune

European countries have already bought more liquefied natural gas (LNG) in 2022 than in any year previously. The surge in demand followed Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, with various European governments rushing to end their dependence on Russian energy as quickly as possible. Click here to read…

Bhutan To Launch Its First-Ever International Snowman Race – News18

Bhutan is all set for its first-ever international Snowman Race which is touted to be one of the high-altitude ultra-marathons. The event is geared to being on October 13 and will conclude on 17 in the Land of Thunderbolt. The event will witness 25 athletes of which nine are hailing from Bhutan, who will compete across five days to cover a distance of 203 kilometres as they travel across an oxygen-sparse average of 14,800 ft. The race will start from Gasa Dzong and will finish at Chamkhar, Bumthang. Click here to read…

Suspected drug lord arrested upon arrival in the Maldives – Avas

A suspect believed to be one of the most notorious drug lords of the Maldives, Arshad Khalid, 28, of Alora, S. Hoadedhdhoo, has been arrested. At the time, the state charged him due to links to nine kilograms of drugs and MVR 4.2 million that were seized by the police. Late last year, the police seized 119 kg of drugs in another drug operation, linked him to the drugs, and attempted to arrest him. However, he had already left the country by then. Click here to read…

More Than 40 Myanmar Junta Troops Killed in Two Days of Resistance Attacks – the Irrawaddy

Over 40 Myanmar junta forces were reportedly killed in the last two days as People’s Defense Force (PDF) groups continued to attack regime targets in Sagaing, Magwe, Mandalay and Tanintharyi regions and Chin State. Click here to read…

Myanmar Junta Jails and Files Cases Against Journalists – the Irrawaddy

Myanmar junta’s media crackdown has continued with one journalist being sentenced to three years in jail for incitement while two charges were filed against an editor last week. Detained political columnist U Sithu Aung Myint was sentenced to three years in prison with labor by a special court inside Insein Prison in Yangon on October 5 for alleged incitement under Article 505(a) of the Penal Code. Click here to read…

Myanmar Junta Uses Japan-Donated Ships to Transport Troops in Rakhine: HRW – the Irrawaddy

Myanmar’s military regime used ships donated by Japan for civilian use to transport troops in war-torn northern Rakhine State, Human Rights Watch (HRW) said on Tuesday. The rights watchdog called on the Japanese government to suspend non-humanitarian aid to Myanmar and sanction junta officials linked with serious human rights violations. Click here to read…


‘Govt committed to providing citizenship to NRNs’ – the Himalayan Times

Home Minister Bal Krishna Khand has said the incumbent government was committed to providing citizenship to Non-Resident Nepalis as per the constitutional provision.At a programme organised by the Non Resident Nepalis Association on the occasion of its establishment day here today, Home Minister Khand recalled that the bill on citizenship had not been authenticated by the president though the bill was passed twice by the federal Parliament. He added that the bill was passed with the purpose of granting citizenship to all Nepali citizens and also to give citizenship to the NRNs as per the constitution. Click here to read…

Government to utilise knowledge of elderly – The Himalayan Times

The Ministry of Women, Children, and Senior Citizens has invited applications from eligible non-governmental organisations to receive grants for construction and operation of senior citizens’ meeting centre.According to the notice published on it website, the MoWCSC said the applications along with required documents should be submitted to the ministry before October-end. The MoWCSC said the NGOs would be selected on the basis of provisions mentioned in the Senior Citizens’ Meeting Centre Grant Procedure, 2022. Click here to read…

Stage set for major reshuffle in top military brass: Dawn

The promoted generals, according to ISPR, are Maj Gen Inam Haider Malik, Maj Gen Fayyaz Hussain Shah, Maj Gen Nauman Zakria, Maj Gen Mohammad Zafar Iqbal, Maj Gen Ayman Bilal Safdar, Maj Gen Ahsan Gulrez, Maj Gen Syed Aamer Raza, Maj Gen Shahid Imtiaz, Maj Gen Mohammad Munir Afsar, Maj General Babar Iftikhar, Maj Gen Yousaf Jamal, and Maj Gen Kashif Nazir. Click here to read…

Editorial: Much-needed probe: Dawn

Last evening, there were several tweets from the president’s official Twitter handle to ‘clarify’ that there was no change in his views on the matter, that he very much had suspicions about a conspiracy. In the TV interview, he said he had already requested the Supreme Court to launch an inquiry and while he did not expect any “smoking gun”, he believed it should take “circumstantial evidence” into account. He also asserted on air that he was impartial in his role as president and that his affiliation with the PTI — of which he is one of the founders — was in the past. Click here to read…

Civilian, democratically elected govt main interlocutor of Pak-US: Ned Price: The News

The US appreciates the longstanding cooperation with Pakistan, State Department spokesperson Ned Price said on Tuesday. He said Pakistan and the US governments share common interests in many areas.

“We value our longstanding cooperation with Pakistan. There are a number of areas where our interests are aligned,” he said, addressing a press briefing at the State Department in Washington. Click here to read…

Unemployment, inflation to rise: IMF: The News

Without incorporating the impact of recent floods, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has kept Pakistan’s GDP growth projection at 3.5 percent for the current fiscal year 2022-23 against 6 percent growth achieved in the last financial year. Click here to read…

Sri Lanka
President’s office strikes at Bandula, says SL will remain ’middle income’: Daily Mirror

Contradicting Cabinet Spokesman Bandula Gunawardane, President’s Media Division (PMD) said Sri Lanka will remain a middle-income country.
The PMD said in a statment that the government is pursuing a “reverse graduation” policy for a limited period of time. Click here to read…

Import, Export Control Act to be submitted to parliament for approval: Daily Mirror

The regulations under the Import and Export Control Act will be submitted for parliament approval in due course after Cabinet nod for the same was given this week. Approval for the gazette issued in September will be sought to pave the way for migrant workers to import electrical vehicles. The allowance is made by the government as a means to encourage Sri Lankans working overseas to remit foreign earnings via legal and formal channels into the country. Click here to read…

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest – November 01, 2022

Women Hold Protest for Right to Learn and Work: Tolo News

Following calls to reopen girls’ schools above sixth grade and employment for women, a group of women staged a protest in Kabul to express their concerns about the continued effective ban on female students over 6th grade and on female employment. Click here to read…

Save the Children: Malnourished Afghan Children Up Nearly 50% Since January: Tolo News

The number of dangerously malnourished children has spiked 47% since January this year, Save the Children said in a recent report. However, the Ministry of Public Health denied an increase in the number of children affected by malnutrition. Click here to read…

World Bank: Climate change to hit Bangladesh’s poor, vulnerable hardest: Dhaka Tribune

A new World Bank report predicts that climate change will hit poor and vulnerable people the hardest. Average tropical cyclones cost Bangladesh about $1 billion annually. By 2050, a third of agricultural GDP could be lost. In case of severe flooding, GDP could fall by as much as 9%, according to the World Bank Group’s Country and Climate Development Report for Bangladesh, published on Monday. Click here to read…

Asian Development Bank to Fund Bhutan’s First Utility-Scale Solar Project – Saurenergy

Bhutan may well be moving beyond hydropower as far as renewable energy development in the Himalayan country is concerned. In a key development, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved a $18.26 million financing for the construction of the first utility-scale solar photovoltaic power plant in BhutanClick here to read…

How BRO used shredded plastic to construct road in Bhutan – The Kashmir Monitor

Border Road Organisation (BRO) has used shredded plastic in resurfacing 4.5 km on Phuentsholing-Thimphu Road under Project Dantak in Bhutan. BRO has used the technology in It has been used in the resurfacing of the 5.22 km Hnahthial-Sangau-Saiha Road under Project Pushpak in Mizoram and the two km resurfacing of Hapoli-Sarli-Huri Road under Project Arunank in Arunachal Pradesh. Click here to read…

Maldives govt proposes MVR42.6 bln budget for 2023 – Avas

Maldives government on Monday proposed an MVR42.6 billion state budget for next year, keeping with the increasing annual trend. Finance Minister Ibrahim Ameer presenting the state budget to the parliament on Monday, said next year’s budget aims to ensure fiscal and debt sustainability while mitigating the challenges caused by the global economic crisis stemming from the Russian-Ukrainian war. Click here to read…

Maldives state debt soars to 113 billion – Edition

Forecasts show that the Maldives national debt including sovereign guarantees will reach MVR 113 billion in 2023. According to the proposed state budget, Internal borrowings are expected to rise from MVR 57 billion to MVR 62 billion in 2023. It is anticipated that external borrowing will rise from MVR 35 billion to MVR 40 billion and the sum of sovereign guarantee is expected to be reduced from MVR 12.4 billion to MVR 11.7 billion, according to the Ministry of Finance. Click here to read…

Myanmar rebels moving arms via Mizoram to fight junta, say security forces in Northeast – Deccan Herald

Sources in Assam Rifles said more than 20 Myanmar nationals have been arrested in the past few months in Mizoram alone. However, security agencies in the region, have been recently claiming that they have begun to witness a “reversing trend”, where rebel groups of Myanmar are now found to be using Mizoram to arrange and transport arms and equipment to aid their fight against the military junta that usurped the elected government there last year. Click here to read…

Myanmar junta bans Irrawaddy news agency after months of harassment – RFA

Myanmar’s junta has officially banned online news outlet The Irrawaddy and charged the outlet’s registered publisher for violating national security laws, state media reported over the weekend, following months of legal harassment. Click here to read…

ASEAN, EU invite Myanmar youth to express their thoughts on climate change issues – Mizzima

The European Union continues to emerge as the world’s climate trailblazer. Every year in the lead up to the Conference of the Parties (COP27), EU delegations and embassies of EU Member States around the world hold various events to foster dialogue and cooperation on climate change, showcase success stories, and inspire further action. This year, the EU delegation to ASEAN is preparing a series of events to be held from 25 to 31 October 2022 as part of the Climate Diplomacy Week. Click here to read…

Myanmar Junta Frees NLD Finance Minister and Two Political Prisoners – The Irrawaddy

Former planning and finance minister U Soe Win of the deposed National League for Democracy (NLD) government was among three regime opponents released from jail by the junta on Friday, sources close to the trio said. The other two political prisoners freed were singer Po Po and beauty blogger Win Min Than. Click here to read…

Nepal enters full campaign mode – The Hans India

With just three weeks left for the November 20 elections, political parties in Nepal are campaigning at a feverish pitch. This is the second general election in Nepal after the country adopted its first secular republican constitution in 2015. The first elections under the new federal structure were held in late 2017. Click here to read…

Nepal election is crucial for India – Deccan Herald

When China’s outgoing ambassador to Nepal, Hou Yanqi, recently penned an article in The Kathmandu Post, she made it a point to take note of the upcoming parliamentary elections and hoped bilateral relations would “continue to reach new levels”. Click here to read…

Nepal: Hindu procession attacked by an Islamist mob in Mahottari, several people including police officials injured – OpIndia

On Thursday, October 27, a Hindu procession allegedly came under attack from a Muslim mob. Reportedly, following a dispute over a flag hoisting, the procession came under attack. Police had to resort to lathicharge and tear gas to bring the situation under control. In the preceding violence, several people as well as police officials were left injured. Click here to read…

Imran promises revolution, through ‘ballot’ or ‘bloodshed’

Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan kicked off the fourth day of his ‘Haqeeqi Azadi’ long march with an aggressive message, tweeting early on Monday that the sea of people on the roads with him indicated the dawn of a revolution, and asked “handlers and facilitators” if they would allow a soft revolution through the ballot or a destructive one through bloodshed. Click here to read…

PM hopes to revive CPEC, expand trade with maiden China visit: Dawn
Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif is embarking on a two-day official visit to China on Tuesday (today) in an effort to revive the multi-billion-dollar China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), expand trade and investment ties with the neighbouring country by making optimal use of the second phase of the China-Pakistan Free Trade Agreement. Click here to read…

Sri Lanka
SL starts discussions to join OACPS with potential EU FTA: Daily Mirror
Sri Lanka’s Presidential Envoy to Europe and Commonwealth Niranjan de Silva Deva Aditya (Nirj Deva) said this week in Brussels that he has started discussions for Sri Lanka to join the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS). Click here to read…

Colombo inflation rate eases to 66% in October: Daily Mirror
Inflation in the Colombo district made an about turn in October, bringing an end to the current spell of runaway inflation, which set off more than a year ago when the global commodities prices started rising, caused by the surge in demand amid the supply chain bottlenecks and emergence of foreign currency shortages in the domestic market. Click here to read…

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest – October 31, 2022

15 Months After Takeover, Islamic Emirate Not Recognized by World: Tolo News

Since the Islamic Emirate come to power in Afghanistan, nearly fifteen months ago, no country has recognized its government. However, the Islamic Emirate’s deputy spokesperson, Bilal Karimi, said that Kabul has completed all the requirements for recognition and that the international community should recognize it.

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Study Indicates 30% Increase in Child Laborers in Baghlan: Tolo News

The Department of Labor and Social Affairs in Baghlan said that the latest survey by a foreign institution, Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development (ACTED), with the ministry’s cooperation, revealed that more than 14,000 children are engaged in hard labor, which is a thirty percent increase from last year.

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Can Dhaka become a top livable Asian city by 2035?: Dhaka Tribune

Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh, is currently the seventh least livable city in the world and initiatives are underway to turn it into a top livable city in Asia by 2035.

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50 years of Germany-Bangladesh development cooperation celebrated in Dhaka: Dhaka Tribune

High ranking officials of Bangladesh and Germany and representatives of other development partners and the Bangladeshi Society on Sunday celebrated 50 years of Development Cooperation between both countries. After a welcome by German Ambassador Achim Tröster, the parliamentary state secretary for Development Cooperation, Dr. Bärbel Kofler, delivered a speech highlighting achievements and challenges and describing pathways for the future development cooperation between Bangladesh and Germany, says a press release.

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Indian Railways goes International; Delivers 75 utility vehicles to Bhutan from Chennai for the first time – Zee News

Indian Railways had delivered its first shipment of commodities to Bhutan via a multi-modal route. A freight train brought 75 utility vehicles that Bhutan had purchased from Chennai to Hasimara Railway Station in West Bengal. According to them, the vehicles were transported by road to the neighbouring Himalayan country on Saturday morning after the freight train arrived at the Alipurduar railway station in northern West Bengal’s Alipurduar district late on Friday night.
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Army Chief visits India – Kuensel Online

On the invitation of the Chief of Army Staff of the Indian Army, General Manoj Pande the Chief Operations Officer of the Royal Bhutan Army Lieutenant General Batoo Tshering is in India for a six-day visit. According to a press release from the Royal Bhutan Army, Lt General Batoo Tshering will meet the Chief of Defence Staff, Chief of Army Staff, Chief of Air Staff, Vice Chief of Army Staff and Director General of Military Operations.
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Maldives’ tourist arrivals exceeded total visitors of 2021 – Edition

Maldives’ tourist arrivals for 2022 has so far exceeded the total amount of tourists it welcomed in 2021, and are nearing the projected amount of tourist arrivals for this year. Last year, Maldives welcomed 1.3 million tourists. As per statistics released to the public by the Tourism Ministry, this amount was exceeded on Wednesday, October 26.
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Cigarette imports decline due to tax increase – Avas

Customs statistics have shown that cigarette imports into the Maldives have declined. Cigarettes are the highest-taxed item in the Maldives. While import duties on cigarettes have increased in recent years, a tax of MVR 3 is currently levied on each cigarette. According to customs statistics, the number of cigarettes imported into Maldives declined with the increase in import duties.
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Will Asean norms, absence of Malaysia’s top diplomat doom Myanmar peace plan – SCMP

As frustration builds within Asean on the lack of progress in solving Myanmar’s political crisis, concerns of an “internal rupture” and the coming Malaysian election could affect the bloc’s ability to pressure the junta at the regional leaders’ summit next month, analysts say.
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Border tensions: Myanmar’s BGP expresses regret – The Daily Star

Myanmar’s Border Guard Police (BGP) at a flag meeting with Border Guard Bangladesh has expressed sincere regret for all the recent incidents that took place in the Bangladesh-Myanmar border areas. Called to discuss the recent border incidents, the meeting was held at the BGB-2 Battalion office in Cox’s Bazar’s Teknaf upazila yesterday. Both the BGB and BGP expressed their firm resolve to perform respective duties to maintain peace and order, and ensure the security of the people living in the border areas, Lt Col Iftekhar said at a press briefing.
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Tripura, Manipur to get international flights to Bangladesh, Myanmar under UDAN scheme – Deccan Herald

In what could be a major push to India’s Act East Policy, Tripura and Manipur capitals may soon be connected by air with neighbouring Bangladesh and Myanmar under the Centre’s UDAN scheme. Union Civil Aviation Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia on Sunday announced that flights would soon begin between Tripura capital Agartala and Chittagong in Bangladesh, and between Manipur capital Imphal and Mandalay in Myanmar.
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Will Nepal be a front for China-US rivalry – The Hans India

It is very likely that China will pursue the BRI with more vigour whereas the US and its allies may try to block the BRI projects. This may also cause unease in the South Asia region. China made an unsuccessful attempt to prevent the passage of the US-initiated Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Compact from the Nepali Parliament in February this year Powered By PlayUnmute Loaded: 0.50% Fullscreen As Chinese President Xi Jinping began his third five-year term as the General Secretary of Communist Party of China (CPC) on Sunday, the fresh political development in the northern neighbour was also deeply observed in next-door Nepal. In Nepal, Xi’s re-election to the party’s top job is being viewed from two perspectives.
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NC manifesto: Museums to be established in all seven provinces – The Himalayan Times

The Nepali Congress has prioritized the establishment of cultural museums in all the seven provinces to reflect the art, culture, costumes and ethnic identity of all castes and communities.In the manifesto released by the party for the November 20 elections to the House of Representatives and the Provincial Assemblies, the Congress has pledged to establish at least one province-level museum that reflects the language, literature, art, culture, music and history of different castes, communities and geography.
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Diplomatic note sent to India on Darchula incident – The Himalayan Times

The government has sent a diplomatic note to India over the death of a 10-year-old boy from Darchula district after he was hit by a stone on his head in course of road construction in the opposite side- Dharchula area of Uttarakhand, India.Spokesperson at the Foreign Ministry, Sewa Lamsal, informed that the government sent the diplomatic note to India via the Indian Embassy based in Kathmandu on Sunday.
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Imran claims dialogue on with ‘establishment’: Dawn

Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) Chair¬man Imran Khan confirmed on Sunday that dialogue was underway with the powers-that-be to find a solution to the political crisis prevailing in the country, following the ouster of the PTI government in April through a no-confidence vote.

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Editorial: At a crossroads, again: Dawn

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif rejected these gratuitous remarks, calling them “factually incorrect and misleading”. The American ambassador in Islamabad was summoned to the Foreign Office for an explanation. In another rebuke to Washington, a statement issued after a meeting of the country’s top army generals, declared that as a responsible nuclear weapon state, Pakistan has taken all necessary measures to strengthen its nuclear security regime.

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PTI trounces PDM in Kurram by-poll: The Express Tribune

PTI chairman and premier Imran Khan on Sunday won the National Assembly constituency NA-45 Kurram, with a significant margin against his rival, JUI-F’s Jamil Khan, who was backed by the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM).

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Sri Lanka
Sri Lankans fail to secure highly paid employment opportunities overseas: Daily Mirror

The Committee on Public Accounts (COPA) has directed the Foreign Employment Ministry and the Bureau of Foreign Employment (BOFE) to prepare an efficient programme within two weeks to send skilled and trained workers for overseas jobs in collaboration with vocational training institute.

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VIF Neighbourhood News Digest – October 14, 2022

Uzbekistan President Suggests Forming Intl Group to Coordinate with Kabul: Tolo News

Speaking at the 6th CICA Summit Astana 2022, the president of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, suggested the establishment of an international group to arrange and coordinate with the Afghan authorities. Click here to read…

Ministry Says Media Law is Essential, Urges Its Approval Be Expedited: Tolo News

The head of publications in the Ministry of Information and Culture said he considers the mass media law to be a necessity and that this law should be approved as soon as possible. The head of publications added that in a meeting of the Media Violations Commission there have been violations by eleven media outlets. Click here to read…

Bangladesh defends latest UN resolution vote against Russia: Dhaka Tribune

Bangladesh on Wednesday voted in favour of a UN resolution that condemned Russia’s “illegal” annexation of four Ukrainian regions last month, at the 11th emergency special session of the UNGA on the Russia-Ukraine war. Click here to read…

Local growers worried as Centre decides to import areca from Bhutan – The Hindu

Areca growers of Malnad region are up in arms over the recent Central government decision to import green arecanuts from Bhutan. The unconditional consent to import 17,000 metric tons of arecanuts will bring down the price in the local market, they fear. Growers, who are already facing difficulties due to yellow-leaf disease and leaf spot disease, that brought down the yield significantly in many parts of the region, are planning protests against the move. Karnataka Rajya Raitha Sangha (KRRS) has called for a protest march in Shivamogga on October 14 on this issue. Click here to read…

Bhutan brings business back to Jaigaon – Telegraph India

The reopening of Bhutan’s land borders with India after a gap of two-and-a-half years has made Jaigaon — that sits on the international border — a bustling town once again. After March 2020, when the Himalayan kingdom had closed its land borders for passenger movement because of the Covid-19 pandemic, the economy in Jaigaon took a hit as the town had flourished because of demand from Bhutan. Click here to read…

Fitch Revises the Maldives’ Outlook to Negative; Affirms at ‘B-‘ – Fitch Ratings

The Outlook revision reflects our assessment that tightening global financial conditions are intensifying the Maldives’ external liquidity strains, even though tourism has made a remarkable recovery to pre-pandemic levels. A sharp decline in foreign-exchange buffers, if sustained, could complicate the government’s external debt-servicing and maintenance of the currency peg to the US dollar. Click here to read…

Maldives wins a seat at the UN Human Rights Council – Raajje

Maldives won in the voting held at the United Nations General Assembly in New York on Tuesday. The election saw 17 countries competing for 14 vacant seats. The Maldives competed in the Group of Asia-Pacific States, for one of the 4 vacant seats. The Maldives won with 154 votes, out of a total of 189 votes cast. Along with the Maldives, Bangladesh, Vietnam, and Kyrgyzstan also won seats in the Asia-Pacific Group. Click here to read…

The Dominance Of The Myanmar Military Is Under Challenge Now – Eurasia Review

The Myanmar military seized power in a coup by toppling democratically elected government in February 1, 2021. In 2020 election, National League for Democracy had a landslide victory and was preparing to lead the democratic government for the second time in Myanmar’s recent history. People spontaneously came out to protest against military takeover. Myanmar is currently in a state of civil war and the army is desperate to control the conflict and has increased the level of torture and oppression on the people. Click here to read…

Challenges Await New Contractor as India Rejigs Plan for Completion of Kaladan Project in Myanmar – The Irrawaddy

The Indian government has fine-tuned plans to complete the delayed Kaladan Multi Modal Transit Transport Project in Myanmar, considered crucial for New Delhi’s ambitious Act East Policy. A corpus of 17.8 billion rupees (US$216.32 million) has been earmarked for completion of the stalled project in Myanmar’s troubled Chin State contiguous to the Indian border state of Mizoram. The estimated cost will be adjusted owing to fluctuations or change in the availability of essential commodities required for the project. Click here to read…

Nepal votes in favour of UN resolution to condemn referendums in Ukraine – Kathmandu Post

Nepal on Wednesday voted in favor of a resolution condemning Russia’s attempted annexation of four Ukrainian areas by conducting a referendum within Ukraine, at the United Nations General Assembly. According to the United Nations news, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that condemns Russia’s “illegal so-called referendums” in regions within Ukraine’s internationally-recognized borders, and demands it reverses its annexation declaration. Click here to read…

Major changes unlikely in Nepal-China ties during Xi’s third term – Kathmandu Post

The 20th plenum of the Chinese Communist Party scheduled to begin on October 16 in Beijing is expected to give a third presidential term to the incumbent, Xi Jinping. Over 2,292 party delegates will also select the CPC’s Politburo Standing Committee (PSC) as well as a new Cabinet for the next five years. Click here to read…

IMF team due in November for next review: Dawn

The Inter¬national Monetary Fund (IMF) said on Thursday that it would send a team to Pakistan early next month to start the process for the next review of their current programme. Click here to read…

US sees China, not Russia, as ‘biggest geopolitical challenge’: Dawn

The 48-page document, released on Wednesday evening, does mention terrorism and other geo-strategic threats in the South and Central Asian region, but unlike the recent past, it does not name Pakistan as an ally needed to tackle those threats. Pakistan was also absent from the 2021 strategy paper. Click here to read…

Sri Lanka
SL to set up climate change Uni – President Wickremesinghe: Daily Mirror

Sri Lanka is to set up a climate change university soon, President Ranil Wickremesinghe said yesterday. Speaking during an interview with Leader TV, the President said he will send former Maldivian President Mohamed Bashir as his convoy together with advisor on Climate Change Erik Solheim to a number of countries to get support from.various nations for the proposed university and to minimise effects of climate change. Click here to read…

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest – October 13, 2022

Imposing Sanctions Does Not Benefit Kabul, Washington: Islamic Emirate: Tolo News

The Islamic Emirate reacted to the new sanctions imposed by the US on the members of the Islamic Emirate, saying that such sanctions do not benefit Kabul and Washington. The US Department of State announced on Tuesday new restrictions on the “issuance of visas for the current or former Taliban members, members of non-state security groups, and other individuals believed to be responsible for, or complicit in, repressing women and girls in Afghanistan through restrictive policies and violence Click here to read…

Indian President: Dhaka, Delhi connectivity improved with Maitri Setu on Feni River: Dhaka Tribune

President of India Droupadi Murmu has said that connectivity between Bangladesh and India has increased with the construction of Maitri Setu over Feni River. At the same time, she said, it has become convenient for entrepreneurs of India’s Tripura state to use the ports of Chittagong and Ashuganj. Click here to read…

India looking forward to expanding cooperation: Sitharaman tells Bhutan FM: Business Standard

Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman met her Bhutan counterpart Lyonpo Namgay Tshering in Washington on Wednesday and expressed India’s wish to expand bilateral cooperation between the two countries including hydropower, COVID-19 assistance, among other issues. Click here to read…

The Maldives wins UN Human Rights Council seat: Avas

The Maldives has won a seat at the United Nations Human Rights Council at the elections held Tuesday at the United Nations General Assembly in New York.

Tuesday’s election saw 17 countries competing for 14 vacant seats. The Maldives competed in the Group of Asia-Pacific States, for one of the 4 vacant seats. Click here to read…

Former Myanmar army general Shwe Mann dissolves his political party: Myanmar Now

Former general Thura Shwe Mann disbanded his political party on Wednesday morning, more than one-and-a-half years after Myanmar’s military coup and ahead of promises of a junta-controlled election allegedly taking place in August 2023. He announced in a statement that the central executive committee (CEC) members of the Union Betterment Party (UBP) had unanimously decided to dissolve the party, which he founded in April 2019 ahead of Myanmar’s general election in late 2020. Click here to read…

Nepal votes in favour of UN resolution to condemn referendums in Ukraine: The Kathmandu Post

Nepal on Wednesday voted in favor of a resolution condemning Russia’s attempted annexation of four Ukrainian areas by conducting a referendum within Ukraine, at the United Nations General Assembly. Click here to read…

UN sees major gap between pledges and flood relief aid: Dawn

United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator Julien Harneis said on Wednesday that aid pledges made by UN member states towards the 2022 flood response plan for Pakistan were not converting into commitment as quickly as they were a couple of weeks ago. Click here to read…

Sri Lanka
SL abstains from UN vote condemning Russia’s ’annexation’ of parts of Ukraine: Daily Mirror

Sri Lanka on Thursday abstained as the UN General Assembly voted to adopt a resolution condemning Russia’s “attempted illegal annexations” of the four Ukrainian regions following a “referendum”. The resolution, which declared that “attempted illegal annexation” of the regions of Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk and Zaporizhzhia in Ukraine have no validity under international law, was adopted by a 143-5 vote in the 193-member General Assembly. Thirty-five countries, including Sri Lanka, India, China and Pakistan abstained. Click here to read…

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest- October 10, 2022

Intelligence Head Wasiq Meets Deputy CIA Head in Doha: Source: Tolo News

A source from the Islamic Emirate confirmed that a delegation of the Islamic Emirate met with US officials in Doha on Saturday. The source said they discussed the issue of US drones in Afghan airspace and drone strikes in the country, violations of the Doha agreement and its fulfillment, restrictions on Afghan banks and the recent transfer of Afghan assets to the Swiss bank. Click here to read…

Islamic Emirate Urges US to Engage in ‘Positive’ Way with Kabul: Tolo News

The Islamic Emirate spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid called on the US to engage in good relations with the current Afghan government. Speaking at a gathering held to mark the US attack on Afghanistan, Mujahid said that the way of force has not been successful. Click here to read…

Taliban Meets Members of Afghan Sikh and Hindu Community: The Khaama Press

The Taliban administration’s Kabul mayor, Mawlawi Abdul Rashid, met with some Afghan Hindu and Sikh community members. The Hindu and Sikh participants at this meeting demanded that usurpers be driven off their land. Click here to read…

Bangladesh’s first 6-lane bridge over Madhumati River set to be inaugurated Monday morning: Dhaka Tribune

In a fillip to residents of the country’s north-western districts, the long-awaited Kalna Bridge, the first six-lane bridge in Bangladesh is set to be inaugurated on Monday morning, bridging the Madhumati River in Narail. Click here to read…

Brunei envoy puts direct air connectivity on table ahead of Sultan’s visit: Dhaka Tribune

Ahead of the Sultan of Brunei’s much-anticipated maiden visit to Bangladesh, the High Commissioner of Brunei Darussalam Haji Haris Bin Othman has called for direct air connectivity between the two friendly Muslim countries to boost tourism and trade.

“Bangladesh tourists are most welcome to Brunei,” he said while speaking to reporters on Sunday at the High Commission, ahead of Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Muizzaddin Waddaulah’s state visit scheduled for October 14-16. Click here to read…

Traditional pilgrims extended SDF waiver – Kuensel Online

The government has approved the exemption of USD 200 daily sustainable development fee (SDF) for foreigners visiting Bhutan under 22 categories other than tourists. SDF will be waived for pilgrims to Gomkora, Hindu pilgrims to Jayanti Mahakal temple, near Phuntsholing, only if the pilgrims stay within Trashi Yangtse and the pilgrimage site for the duration of the festival. According to the list of waivers, nationals of Thailand and Switzerland with diplomatic and official passports will be exempted from the SDF only if the purpose of the visit is for official business. If the purpose of the visit is tourism, then SDF would be imposed and collected at the port of entry. SDF is to be waived only if the purpose of the visit is for nationals of member states of SAARC entitled to SAARC visa exemption scheme. If the purpose of the visit is tourism, then SDF would be imposed and collected at the port of entry. Click here to read…

Bhutan all geared up to host the first-ever Snowman Race – Times of India

Bhutan is all set to host the Snowman Race, which is touted to be one of the most ultra-challenging ultra-marathons. This event will be hosted on October 13 and 17, 2022 in Bhutan.

As per the reports, the competition will witness 29 endurance athletes, nine Bhutanese runners, who will compete with each other for more than 203 km across five days at an oxygen-sparse average of 14,800 ft with the highest point of 17,946 ft. Click here to read…

Tourist arrivals from India and Russia see increase – Avas

Statistics shared by the Tourism Ministry show that 166,030 tourists from India and 83,369 tourists from Russia visited the Maldives in 2019. However, these numbers increased this year, with the tourism-dependent archipelago seeing 172,911 tourists from India and 146,806 tourists from Russia by October 5 this year. Click here to read…

Myanmar army brutally arrest civilians in Mandalay – Mizzima

A civilian in Yanbetlon village (Yepyit), Kyuakse Township of Mandalay was shot and arrested by the Military Council at around 11 am on 5 October. According to local people, Kyaw Min Lwin, a male in his 40s, was shot and arrested by junta troops after 30 soldiers arriving in five vehicles raided his residence. Click here to read…

PDFs attack Myanmar junta vessels on the Chindwin River – Mizzima

On the morning of 4 October, six Military Council vessels traveling to Kalewa from Alon Sit Pin port were ambushed by the Daung Lu Lin-LPDF and other local PDFs near Pann Sai village in Kanni Township, Sagaing region. Daung Lu Lin-LPDF claimed that heavy artillery and light weapons were used in the battle by the local people’s defense forces before gunfire was exchanged. Military Council troops were reportedly injured but the exact details of the damage were not clear at the time of reporting. Click here to read…

Why Are Myanmar Resistance Offensives Yielding Limited Success – The Irrawaddy

While resistance raids on Myanmar junta outposts and police stations continue, their limited firepower means they struggle to occupy targets. The increasing availability of proper firearms among resistance groups has increased their ability to attack junta targets, forcing regime troops in some areas, especially Sagaing and Magwe regions, to retreat into defensive positions. Click here to read…

UN Mission in Myanmar is Lending Legitimacy to Genocidal Military Regime – The Irrawaddy

The traditional approach to humanitarian aid embraces principles like impartiality, neutrality, independence, and humanity. United Nations agencies and international non-profits cherish these ideals, and yet they also empower the legitimacy of a genocidal military regime. The failure to criticize military atrocities and name the junta as perpetrator tells us they fear the regime more than bereaved mothers, fathers and loved ones across the country who courageously speak out. Click here to read…

Nepal loses Rs200 million in Dashain power spillage – Kathmandu Post

Even though the country’s sole distributor had long been seeking India’s approval to sell the power generated by the 456MW Upper Tamakoshi Hydropower Project, India refused to give its nod citing the involvement of Chinese contractors in the project, which is currently Nepal’s largest. Amid reduced domestic demand and India not buying more electricity, the Nepal Electricity Authority saw massive spillage of power during the Dashain festival. The authority said spillage reached as high as 800MW at times with domestic demand falling as low as 700MW against the peak demand of around 1700MW. Click here to read…

As Nepal puts Agniveer recruitment on the back burner, India must tread cautiously – Indian Express

The 200-year-old British Gorkha connection with Nepal, Indianised after Independence, is the unspoken lynchpin of bilateral relations, resulting in a big ex-servicemen community which, properly nurtured, acts as a pro-India constituency in times of political choices, especially when China’s competitive zeal is growing. General Pandey’s visit to Nepal in September to be made Honorary General of the Nepal Army (the Nepali Army Chief is similarly recognised by India) is part of a unique post-Independence tradition. He made the avoidable remarks after a successful visit. Click here to read…

Govt will not seek Paris Club debt restructuring: Dar: Dawn

Finance Minister Ishaq Dar on Sunday said Pakistan will not seek debt restructuring from Paris Club creditor nations, as he seeks to restore market confidence after a credit rating downgrade. The new rating from Moody’s raised concerns that Pakistan could default on its foreign debt as the country contends with economic turmoil and a balance of payments crisis. Click here to read…

UNDP vows to build disaster-resilient Pakistan: Dawn

The United Nations Development Programme on Saturday said Pakistan was ranked eighth among nations most vulnerable to extreme weather, it was working to build a disaster-resilient nation through the glacial lakes outburst flood (Glof-II) project. Click here to read…

Why were five precious years of our lives wasted? asks Nawaz Sharif: The News

Terming the cases lodged against him “fabricated”, PML-N supremo Nawaz Sharif Sunday asked why “five precious years” of his life were wasted. Nawaz made the remarks while addressing a ‘heart-to-heart’ press conference, flanked by her daughter PML-N Vice President Maryam Nawaz, in London. Click here to read…

Bilawal thanks UN for reiterating support for flood-hit Pakistan: The News

Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari Sunday expressed his gratitude to the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) and Secretary General Antonio Guterres as the international body adopted a resolution that expressed solidarity with the flood-hit Pakistani people. Click here to read…

Sri Lanka
CMTA raises concerns on importing used electric vehicles into Sri Lanka: Daily Mirror

The Ceylon Motor Traders Association (CMTA), the most senior automotive association in South Asia, has raised serious concerns about the importation of used electric vehicles to Sri Lanka. In order to minimise the negative impact on the consumer, environment, society, and economy, it is imperative that the country imports EVs which are directly shipped by the manufacturer with the recommendation for this tropical climate, the Association said in a statement to the media. Click here to read…

Central Bank pushes back against widespread calls for lower rates : Daily Mirror

Pushing back on growing calls by many to cut rates to ease the pain on households and businesses and thereby kick start growth in the economy, the Central Bank last week defended its tight monetary policy as necessary until it sees a meaningful deceleration in the inflation which has spiraled out of control this year. Click here to read…

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest: October 06, 2022

University Entrance Exams Held Around Country: Tolo News

University entrance exams were begun on Thursday in 33 provinces of the country. The Ministry of Higher Education said that the university entrance exams will continue for three days. “University entrance exams were held in 33 provinces of the country and this exam will continue for three days,” said Ahmad Taqa, a spokesman for the MoHE. Click here to read…

Requirement of dams on Kabul river for the better management of Afghanistan’s water: Opinion: The Khaama Press

Afghanistan has abundant water resources. 80% of such resources come from surface water that flows from snowfields and glaciers in the Hindu Kush and Himalayan mountains. The country with a total of 75 billion cubic meters of water per annum, surface water capturing 55 billion cubic meters, and groundwater making 20 billion cubic meters, is able to consume 27% of its water and the remaining 73% flows to the neighboring countries. Click here to read…

PM Hasina on way to her village home in Tungipara: Dhaka Tribune

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and her younger sister Sheikh Rehana have started for Tungipara by road from her official residence Ganabhaban. They left Ganabhaban at 7:15am on Friday, according to a message from PM’s press wing. Click here to read…

Dhaka, Tokyo launch cooperation for improved sewerage services: Dhaka Tribune

To promote improved sewerage services, the Asian Development Bank facilitated a high-level dialogue between Bangladesh and Japan, and launched a new partnership between Dhaka Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (DWASA) and Bureau of Sewerage, Tokyo Metropolitan Government. Click here to read…

Assam’s advantage in Bhutan-Bangladesh trade – Sentinel Assam

Bangladesh opening six new ports of call for using its waterways and seaports by Bhutan is good news for Assam as it will make the Brahmaputra River route a growing hub of trade and commerce between India’s two neighbouring countries. The development of multimodal transport facilities along the Brahmaputra will attract more Bhutanese traders to make optimal use of the improved connectivity through Assam for the expansion of their export-import business. The amended Standard Operating Procedure signed by Bangladesh and Bhutan on September 15 in Dhaka on the use of inland waterways designates Aricha, Chilmari, Sirajganj, Mongla, Chittagong and Payra Port as the new ports of call for use by Bhutan. Click here to read…

Bhutan fee funds happiness – TTR Weekly

A daily USD200 sustainable development fee is being tagged onto the cost of visiting Bhutan following the reopening of the mountain kingdom’s borders last month. It’s all about funding Gross National Happiness. Click here to read…

Maldives: the legacy of Islamic State – Lowly Institute

From 2014 to 2018, more people departed the Maldives to join with Islamic State than from any other country. In total, this figure is estimated at 250 men and women from a country of only 500,000. Most who went died. The surviving women and children, around 50, are today detained in the Al Hol and Roj camps in northeast Syria. Click here to read…

MoUs signed between Maldives, Bahrain, prove commitment to further solidify bilateral ties – Raajje

He said this during a joint press conference held alongside Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Bahrain. He reaffirmed that the Maldivian government is committed to solidifying the relationship between both countries, to new heights. The foreign minister also thanked the respective dignitaries for bringing the two countries together. The key agreements signed between the government of Maldives and the Kingdom of Bahrain have proved the commitment of both countries to further solidify bilateral ties, says Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdulla Shahid. Click here to read…

US Announces Sanctions on Myanmar Military-Linked Arms Broker – The Diplomat

The United States has announced a further round of sanctions on Myanmar’s military government, targeting three individuals and one entity “for their roles related to the procurement of Russian-produced military arms from Belarus for the Burmese regime.” Click here to read…

Indonesia told to prioritise Myanmar, Indo-Pacific: Analysts – Asia News Network

Amid preparations for November’s ASEAN Summit less than 40 days away, when the baton of the chairmanship is set to pass from Cambodia to Indonesia, calls are mounting for Jakarta to take decisive steps to address the Myanmar political crisis while juggling an abundance of other challenges that will test the Southeast Asia bloc’s unity. Click here to read…

Nepal faces constitutional crisis – Greater Kashmir

Nepal has a history of the Rana regime (1901-1948), coup d’état led by King Mahendra who dismissed the elected government of B.P. KoiralaiIn 1960 and then imprisoned him which had been responsible for the launch of the democracy movement thereby finally restoring the parliament in 1991. Click here to read…

16 killed, 35 injured as bus falls into river in Nepal’s Bara – India Today

A bus skidded off the road and fell into a river in Nepal’s Bara district, killing 16 people, PTI reported, quoting media reports. As many as 35 people were also injured in the mishap in Nepal’s Madhesh province. The bus was heading towards Birgunj from Narayangadh when the incident happened. An initial probe conducted by the police revealed that the accident took place due to high speed. About 50 people were on board, police said. Click here to read…

Govt to use ‘full force of law’ to counter PTI march: Dawn

A meeting of the party leaders was chaired by PM Sharif wherein the participants termed the PTI’s plan of the long march a “conspiracy” against the state and decided that the government would crush its designs through the power of law, said a statement issued by the Prime Minister’s House. “It will not be a political long march of PTI but a march for a conspiracy,” the PML-N leaders agreed as they gave full authority to Prime Minister Sharif to take appropriate measures to tackle the situation. Click here to read…

Govt unveils big power relief for exporters: The Express Tribune

Finance Minister Ishaq Dar on Thursday struck a deal with exporters under which subsidised electricity at nearly Rs20 per unit would be provided to them in a move that will restore the trader community’s confidence in the government but would not stop misuse of the subsidy for domestic production. Click here to read…

Sri Lanka
New resolution on SL adopted at HR Council with 20 votes in favour: Daily Mirror

The new resolution on ‘Promoting reconciliation, accountability and human rights in Sri Lanka’ A/HRC/51/5, that was presented at the 51st regular session of the Human Rights Council has been adopted with 20 voting in favour while 7 voted against the resolution and 20 abstained from voting. Click here to read…

Debt Restructuring and Implementation of Deep Reforms Critical for Sri Lanka’s Economic Stabilization: Daily Mirror

Sri Lanka’s economic crisis is deepening with unsustainable debt and a severe balance of payment crisis on top of lingering scars of the COVID-19 pandemic. Debt restructuring and the implementation of a deep reform program are critical for Sri Lanka’s economic stabilization, says the World Bank in its twice-a-year update, underscoring the need for Sri Lanka to build resilience. Click here to read…

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest: September 22, 2022

Qatar Calls on ‘All Parties’ to ‘Preserve’ Doha Peace Deal: Al Thani: Tolo News

Speaking at the UN General Assembly Annual Meeting, the Qatari Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani called on “all parties to preserve and build on the Doha Peace Agreement achievements, namely, preventing Afghanistan from becoming a haven for terrorists and radical individuals and groups.” Click here to read…

Taliban Distributes Aid to Families in Central Afghanistan: The Khaama Press

The Taliban distributed food assistance to over 1,600 needy families in Ghor province, in central Afghanistan, the Taliban-controlled Bakhtar state news agency reported. According to the report, the Taliban government’s State Ministry for Disaster Management distributed aid to 1,609 impoverished families in Ghor province who were affected by the recent natural disasters. Click here to read…

PM Hasina invites Biden to visit Bangladesh: Dhaka Tribune

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina invited US President Joe Biden to visit Bangladesh during a reception hosted by the US President on Wednesday.
The US president, along with his wife hosted the event at the American Museum of Natural History in honour of the heads of state and heads of the government who came in New York to attend the 77th UN General Assembly. Click here to read…

PM Hasina to give prize money to Saff champions upon return: Dhaka Tribune

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will give prize money to all the players of the Bangladesh Women Football Team after returning home from United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). Click here to read…

EU, Bhutan launch sustainable agriculture food systems programme – Kuensel Online

The European Union provided Euro 15 million to Bhutan for agricultural development in Thimphu on September 20. Finance Minister Namgay Tshering and the European Union (EU) Ambassador to Bhutan and India, Ugo Astuto launched the programme to promote inclusive, sustainable and resilient agricultural food systems in the presence of Minister of Agriculture and Forests Yeshey Penjor, and Members of the EU Parliament. Click here to read…

Bhutanese products gain access to international markets -Kuensel Online

The Bhutanese traditional products by artisans and farmers, gained access to international markets with the support of the European Union (EU)-Bhutan Trade Support Project. Four years after launching the project in May 2018, it came to an end on September 19 with a display of businesses supported by the project. The project has helped link 1,400 artisans, farmers and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in horticulture and textile handicraft sectors to 11 export markets. Click here to read…

ADB approves $10 M to strengthen COVID-19 vaccination in Maldives – BioSpectrum India

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved a $10 million grant under its Asia Pacific Vaccine Access Facility to help Maldives upgrade storage facilities and strengthen the distribution and administration of COVID-19 vaccines. Click here to read…

Saudi Arabia, Maldives sign political consultations agreement – Saudi Gazette

Foreign Minister Prince Faisal Bin Farhan signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with his Maldivian counterpart Abdulla Shahid on Tuesday for political consultations. The MoU for political consultations between both countries aim at strengthening relations of cooperation and friendship and reaching broader horizons to serve the aspirations of the governments and peoples of the two countries. Click here to read…

Myanmar Junta Arms Dealer Arrested in Bangkok on Drugs, Money Laundering Charges – The Irrawaddy

Myanmar national Dr Tun Min Latt, 53, was arrested along with three Thai nationals in Bangkok last week. They face narcotics and money laundering charges. Over 200 million baht (US$5.4 million) worth of drugs and other items were confiscated from them, the Thai police said. Click here to read…

Myanmar spiralling ‘from bad to worse, to horrific’, Human Rights Council hears – UN News

“With each report I have warned that unless UN Member States change course in the way they collectively respond to this crisis, the people of Myanmar will suffer even further,” he told the Human Rights Council in Geneva, saying that conditions have “gone from bad to worse, to horrific for untold numbers of innocent people in Myanmar”. Click here to read…

Economic Meltdown Highlights Success of NLD’s Policies – The Irrawaddy

Myanmar’s economic troubles caused by Covid have deepened intensely since last year’s coup. The economy has contracted by 18 percent since February 2021 and it is projected to grow 3 percent in the fiscal year ending this month, according to the World Bank. The kyat slumped by 60 percent against the US dollar this year. Click here to read…

Asian Development Bank cuts Nepal’s economic growth forecast – Kathmandu Post

The Asian Development Bank has downgraded Nepal’s growth forecast for the current fiscal year as the economy takes a beating from high inflation, slowed trade and monetary tightening.The Manila-based bank says Nepal’s economy is estimated to expand by 4.7 percent in the fiscal year 2022-23, down from an estimated 5.8 percent in the last fiscal year. Click here to read…

Japan helping Nepal rehabilitate oldest irrigation system with Rs 2 bln grant – Online Khabhar

Japan has committed to helping Nepal rehabilitate its oldest irrigation system with the grant support of Rs two billion. Officials of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Nepal and the Ministry of Finance on Wednesday signed an agreement in this regard, in Kathmandu on Wednesday. Click here to read…

Biden urges world to help ‘underwater’ Pakistan: Dawn

As Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif urged the international community on Wednesday to stay engaged with Islamabad as it struggles to recover from the devastating effects of this season’s unprecedent floods, US President Joe Biden made a fervent appeal to the world to help Pakistan deal with the devastation of the recent floods in his speech to the UN General Assembly (UNGA). Click here to read…

Current account deficit narrows to $0.7bn: Dawn

Pakistan’s current account deficit (CAD) fell to $0.7 billion in August, compared to $1.2bn in the previous month, the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) said late on Wednesday night. This equates to a decline of 41.67 per cent month-on-month. Click here to read…

Sri Lanka
Petroleum Products Bill inconsistent with Constitution: SC informs Speaker:,Daily Mirror

The Supreme Court informed speaker that Petroleum Products Special Provisions Amendment Bill is inconsistent as a whole with the article 12(1) of the Constitution, Speaker announced a shortwhile ago. Click here to read…

National inflation breaches 70% in August: Daily Mirror

The national index of consumer prices for August notched above 70 percent, as the sharp electricity tariff revision, which came into effect from the start of the month, hit the consumer wallets hard on top of the soaring food prices. Click here to read…