Tag Archives: Nepal

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest: September 08, 2022

MoFA Criticizes Presence of US Drones in Afghan Airspace: Tolo News

Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs Amir Khan Muttaqi expressed criticism over reports of US drones that are flying above Afghanistan and called on Washington to stop the violation of Afghan air space. Muttaqi called on the international community to put pressure on the US to stop violating Afghan airspace. Click here to read…

Hundreds of Kilograms of Drugs Trafficked by 2 Afghan Nationals Seized by Indian Police: The Khaama Press

Two Afghan nationals were reportedly arrested in New Delhi, India’s capital, for trafficking 312.5 kilograms of methamphetamine and heroin worth hundreds of millions of dollars (Rs. 1,200 crores). The Indian special cell, according to Indian media, apprehended two Afghan nationals who were in possession of drugs close to a metro station in New Delhi, capturing hundreds of kilograms of drugs in “one of the largest seizures” of drug operations in Indian history. Click here to read…

Target $100b export by 2030: BGMEA focuses on Asia, non-cotton items: The Daily Star

Bangladesh’s garment manufacturers are pinning their hopes on the burgeoning Asian markets and the growing use of non-cotton apparel items to elevate their export earnings to $100 billion by 2030. The Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) is drawing up a roadmap to hit the target, in association with an international lender and an international research firm. Click here to read…

Bangladesh-India sign first defence contract under $500 million LoC: Dhaka Tribune

Bangladesh and India have signed the first contract under $500 million Line of Credit (LoC) which India finds an important first step in strengthening defence cooperation between the two countries. “I think the first contract under the defence Line of Credit was signed earlier this week. I’m sure you have been following this closely. It was a modest amount but it was an important first step,” said Indian Foreign Secretary Vinay Kwatra in New Delhi on Tuesday night. Click here to read…

Jaishankar: For Indians, Bangabandhu is a man of action, courage, conviction: Dhaka Tribune

External Affairs Minister of India Dr S Jaishankar has said Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, for them in India, is iconic – a man of action, courage and conviction. Click here to read…

SEAR commits to universal access to people-centred mental health care and services – Kuensel Online

WHO South-East Asia Region (SEAR) member countries adopted the Paro Declaration which commits to universal access to people-centred mental health care and services. The Paro Declaration was adopted at the ministerial roundtable meeting on addressing mental health through primary care and community engagement on the second day of the ongoing 75th Session of the WHO South-East Asia Regional Committee Session. Click here to read…

Cabinet clears India-Maldives MoU on disaster management – Indian Express

THE UNION Cabinet on Wednesday approved a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on cooperation between India and Maldives in the filed of disaster management. The MoU was signed between the National Disaster Management Authorities (NDMA) of the two countries on August 2. Click here to read…

First visit by UN experts on discrimination against women and girls: Maldives – OHCHR

A United Nations expert group on discrimination against women and girls will undertake its first official visit to the Maldives from 11 to 22 September 2022 to assess progress and challenges in achieving gender equality and eliminating discrimination against women and girls in the country. Click here to read…

Airspace violation and shelling: Reckless mistakes or acts of provocation – TBS News

Over the last two weeks, Dhaka summoned the Myanmar ambassador in Dhaka, U Aung Kyaw Moe, three times over their army’s mortar shells landing on Bangladesh soil. The Bangladesh Embassy in Yangon also raised the issue with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Myanmar. Click here to read…

India supports all efforts towards repatriation of Rohingyas to Myanmar: MEA – Economic Times

Foreign Secretary Vinay Kwatra, on September 06, said that India supports all efforts toward repatriating Rohingyas to Myanmar. Addressing a Press Conference, Kwatra said, “We are aware of the Rohingya issue. There is a global appreciation of Bangladesh’s role in giving them refuge. We have also provided financial help. In the future, whatever assistance is required, GoI will give. India supports all efforts towards their repatriation to Myanmar. Click here to read…

Fighting Flares Up Between Military And KIA In Northern Shan State – BNI Online

Fighting between the Burma Army (BA) and the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) brought traffic to a standstill in Kutkai Township on Sunday, 4 September. An anonymous motorcyclist said: “We heard guns and heavy weapons fired” near the highway outside Mang Pein village in the village tract sharing the same name for about an hour at midday. Click here to read…

Myanmar conflict under control, junta chief says – Reuters

Speaking to Russian news agency RIA in a rare interview published on Wednesday, Senior General Min Aung Hlaing said it was too soon to discuss postponing the elections, tentatively slated for August next year, and the junta still had plenty of time to restore order. Click here to read…

30,401 from Myanmar took refuge in Mizoram after Feb 2021 coup: Minister – Business Standard

Altogether 30,401 people from Myanmar have crossed the international border and taken refuge in Mizoram after the neighbouring country’s military ousted the elected government of Aung San Suu Kyi in February last year, state Home Minister Lalchamliana has informed the assembly. Click here to read…

Displaced IDPs increase up to 9600 in Rakhine and southern Chin State due to recent conflicts: UN – Narinjara

No less than 9600 people have been displaced because of the ongoing military conflicts between the Burmese forces and Arakan Army members in various parts of Rakhine and Paletwa township of Chin State, said the UN. As of 5 September, these people have fled their places and it has finally increased the total number of internally displaced people (IDPs) up to 84,000, stated in UN figures. Click here to read…

Nepal on the horns of dilemma over China’s Global Security Initiative – Kathmandu Post

On Tuesday, former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs Sujata Koirala sought the government’s position on the Global Security Initiative (GSI) pushed by Chinese President Xi Jinping and first announced at the Boao Forum for Asia in AprilClick here to read…

Rising cases of love jihad in Nepal and its Delhi connection, smuggling plaguing India’s border with Nepal: Ground report – OpIndia

Several recent reports have shown that demography is changing rapidly along India’s border with Nepal. The number of mosques and madarasas is constantly increasing. From August 20 to 27, 2022, an OpIndia team visited several areas in Nepal bordering India to observe the ground situation. What follows here is the third episode of the series of reports documenting the facts noticed by the OpIndia team. Click here to read…

BRI contributes to the devt of Nepal – Global Times

Since Nepal joined the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in 2017, the two countries have cooperated on a widely based on mutual trust and mutual benefits, which also benefits the development of South Asia. The BRI is “the foundation for global development and the elimination of poverty,” said a recent article published by Kathmandu Tribune, an online English daily in Nepal. Click here to read…

Floodwaters from Manchhar, MNVD breaches pose threat to Bhan Syedabad: Dawn

Floodwater from breaches in Manchhar Lake is increasing pressure along Indus Link canal near Bhan Syedabad town after having inundated several villages in the union councils of Wahur, Arazi, Dal, Bubak and Jaffarabad in Sehwan taluka on Wednesday. Click here to read…

Power tariff rebate to be recovered: Miftah: The Express Tribune

Finance Minister Miftah Ismail on Wednesday cleared the air about electricity relief to the consumers of 300 units a month on account of the fuel cost adjustment (FCA) for the month of June — being recovered in coming months. Click here to read…

Probe reveals Imran withdrew Rs8m from PTI account: The News

Fifty-two transactions from five bank accounts of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) should have been flagged as suspicious, a Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) probe said. These include two large withdrawals made by party Chairman Imran Khan amounting to Rs8 million from a PTI account in March 2013. Click here to read…

Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka explores US $ 6 billion fuel credit line from Saudi Arabia: Daily Mirror

Environment Minister Naseer Ahamed, in his capacity of the president’s envoy to Saudi Arabia, has initiated discussions with the Saudi government last week seeking for a five year credit line of US $ 6 billion for the supply of fuel on a government to government basis, as a long-term solution to Sri Lanka’s current economic crisis, Daily Mirror learns. Click here to read…

‘Sri Lanka’s economic crisis a result of past impunity…’: UN report: Hindustan Times

Sri Lanka is facing a “devastating” economic crisis, a UN report has said, noting that “impunity” for past and present human rights abuses, economic crimes and corruption were the underlying causes for the island nation’s collapse. Click here to read…

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest: September 07, 2022

Following Attack Near Embassy, Russia Halts Visas for Afghans: Tolo News

Following a suicide bombing attack in the vicinity of the Russian embassy in PD7 of Kabul, the embassy announced on Twitter that it has stopped issuing visas for applicants.“Dear Applicants! The reception of citizens in the Consular Department is temporarily suspended. Further information will be announced about the resumption of the reception,” the Russian Embassy in Kabul said on Twitter. “Dear applicants! The Consular Section is temporarily closed. The resumption of admission will be announced later. Click here to read…

Afghan Delegation to Discuss Political Crisis in Afghanistan at UN Office in Vienna: The Khaama Press

The Vienna meeting on the current situation in Afghanistan, solutions, and challenges will be convened on September 15th, with the presence of 31 political figures opposed to the Taliban at the United Nations Office at Vienna (UNOV), in the capital of Austria. Click here to read…

The Mirage of Teesta Treaty: The Daily Star

Every time the prime ministers of Bangladesh and India visit each other’s country, the issue of the Teesta treaty surfaces in public discussions – at least in Bangladesh. The same has happened during Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s ongoing visit to India. Click here to read…

Dhaka to list Indian Oil as G2G supplier of refined petroleum products: Dhaka Tribune

Bangladesh has agreed to designate Indian Oil Corporation Limited as a government-to-government, or G2G, supplier of refined petroleum products, according to Indian Foreign Secretary Vinay Kwatra. Click here to read…

Inflation rises 6.61 percent in July – Kuensel Online

Consumers had to pay 6.61 percent more for the same goods in July this year than the same month last year. This is according to the National Statistics Bureau’s (NSB) latest consumer price index (CPI), released on August 31. For example, if a packet of milk was Nu 100 and the price increased by Nu 6.61 compared with a year earlier, then the milk’s inflation rate is 6.61 percent. Click here to read…

25 percent bond deposit must to appeal in monetary cases – Kuensel Online

Some litigants dissatisfied with lower court’s rulings could not appeal to the High Court (HC) on August 24 after they were asked to deposit 25 percent of the amount involved in the case. “We were shocked to hear that the appellate court wouldn’t accept an appeal without the appeal bond deposit,” one of the litigants said. “We would have taken the money if the judiciary notified the public about the new rule.” Click here to read…

A/HRC/51/29/Add.1: Visit to Maldives – Report of the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention – OHCHR

The Working Group on Arbitrary Detention visited Maldives from 29 November to 9 December 2021 upon the invitation of the Government. The Working Group identified positive developments, including: the ratification of international human rights instruments; the functioning of the Human Rights Commission, including its mandate as the national preventive mechanism for Maldives. Click here to read…

Stark Warning from Maldives Environment Minister – Climate Change Above Internationally Agreed Threshold is ”Death Sentence” for Low-Lying Nations – wral.com

Maldives Climate Crisis Death Sentence – Stark Warning from Maldives Environment Minister – Climate Change Above Internationally Agreed Threshold is ”Death Sentence” for Low-Lying NationsClick here to read…

AA Chief Claims Myanmar Junta Holding Mrauk-U Hostage – The Irrawaddy

The Arakan Army (AA) chief has accused Myanmar’s regime of using Mrauk-U, the historic Rakhine capital, as a hostage amid escalating violence. “The SAC [State Administrative Council] is unleashing its dastardly playbook and modus operandi. Mrauk-U is being held hostage by the cowards who dare fight only against the unarmed civilians,” Major General Tun Myat Naing tweeted on Sunday, using the regime’s name for itself. Click here to read…

Myanmar Junta Leader to Meet Putin in Russia – The Irrawaddy

It will be Min Aung Hlaing’s first meeting with Putin, and the Russian president will be the first leader of a powerful country to host the junta boss, who has been shunned internationally for his military coup and brutal crackdowns on opponents. So far the Myanmar junta has killed more than 2,000 people for rejecting military rule. Click here to read…

UN Envoy Warns of ‘Multidimensional Catastrophe’ in Myanmar, Urges Global Action – The Irrawaddy

The UN Special envoy on Myanmar has warned of a “multidimensional catastrophe” if the regional and international communities don’t make a serious effort to support the Southeast Asian country, which has descended into conflict since last year’s military coup. Click here to read…

Feeble Myanmar Currency and Junta Restrictions Hammer Border Trade – The Irrawaddy

Myanmar’s border trade has ceased as the kyat continues to slump against the Chinese yuan and Thai baht, border traders have told The Irrawaddy. The kyat fell heavily in August with exchange rates reaching 4,500 kyats per US dollar, over 90 kyats per baht and nearly 500 kyats per yuan. Click here to read…

Myanmar Army shells again fall on Bangladesh – Mizzima

Bangladesh officially complained to the Myanmar ambassador about the violation of its airspace by Myanmar for the third time in two weeks. A Bangladesh foreign ministry official, Miah Md. Mainul Kabir said to Anadolu Agency: “We summoned Myanmar’s ambassador over the recent landing of Myanmar’s mortar shells inside Bangladesh. We strongly condemned the violation of airspace and shelling along the border areas”. Click here to read…

Nepal should make its position clear on China’s GSI – Khabar Hub

The labyrinth of geopolitical tug-of-war in a purely volatile world with its own set of norms of values backed up by economic mightiness and ideological variations are creating tension–making the survival of the economically vulnerable countries on edge of the sword. Click here to read…

3 arrested for smuggling marijuana to Nepal from the US via the post office – Online Khabar

Police have arrested three persons on the charge of smuggling marijuana to Nepal from the United States via the post office. SSP Bikas Raj Khanal of the Nepal Police Narcotics Control Bureau says the police first arrested Manoj Kumar Rai of Kavre, who went to the Dillibazar post office to receive his parcel on Monday. Click here to read…

Government issues law for E-governance Commission formation – The Himalayan Times

The federal government has issued the E-governance Commission (Formation and Operation) Order, 2022, for the promotion of electronic system in public service delivery and government functions. Click here to read…

Nepalis do not have to breathe dirty air – Nepali Times

Another report last month, the latest State of Global Air 2022 on Air Quality and the Health of Cities, showed that more than 5,000 deaths in 2019 in Kathmandu alone were due to air pollution. This added up to 42,100 additional deaths in 2019 due to poor air quality. Click here to read…

WHO warns of worsening situation in Pakistan: Dawn

Amid the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) warning that the humanitarian situation in flood-ravaged Pakistan is expected to get worse, Japan pledged to give emergency aid of $7 million, Qatar launched an air bridge and the UN refugee agency mounted a huge airlift operation from Dubai. Click here to read…

Efforts afoot to pit army, judges against PTI, claims Imran: The Express Tribune

PTI chairman and deposed premier Imran Khan on Tuesday maintained that efforts were being made to turn the judiciary and army against him. Addressing a rally in Peshawar, he defended his three-day old statement, saying that he had talked about appointing the army chief on merit because “thieves” could not be given the authority to appoint him. Click here to read…

Nepra hikes power tariff by Rs3.39 per unit: The Express Tribune

Amid ongoing protests against inflated electricity bills, the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra) has indicated allowing power distribution companies to raise the power tariff by Rs3.39 per unit on account of quarterly adjustmentsClick here to read…

Sri Lanka
Govt. sets up multi-sectoral integrated mechanism for food security: Daily Mirror

With growing fears of a severe food shortage coupled with price inflation, the government has decided to establish a multi-sectoral integrated mechanism for food security and nutrition at the National Food Security and Nutrition Council for the next two-year period. Click here to read…

No kerosene, no food, Sri Lanka’s fishermen say: The Indian Express

As the sun rose over Sri Lanka one morning in late August, around a dozen fishermen were laying out their nets on a beach in Mannar, a small island just off the country’s northwestern coast, the start of the day’s work. But many other fishermen in the community are unable to go to sea at all, crippled by the country’s devastating economic crisis, the worst it has faced since independence in 1948. Click here to read…

Proposed National Council to be finalised next week: Prez: Daily Mirror

Highlighting that a ‘Devani Aragalaya’ (A second struggle) will be launched for a systems change shortly, President Ranil Wickremesinghe said the parties will finalise an agreement on the proposed National Council. Speaking during a gathering held to mark the 76th anniversary of UNP, the President said Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena had informed him that parties will finalise an agreement on the National Council next week. Click here to read…

China: Daily Scan, September 7, 2022

China’s State Council appoints, removes officials: Xinhuanet
September 6, 2022

The State Council, China’s cabinet, announced the appointment and removal of officials on Tuesday. Zhang Qingsong was appointed vice governor of the People’s Bank of China. Mao Shengyong was appointed deputy director of the National Bureau of Statistics. Zhao Cheng was appointed vice president of Xinhua News Agency, replacing Zhang Sutang. Li Junjie was named deputy head of the National Immigration Administration. Click here to read…

China experiences hottest summer since 1961: Xinhuanet
September 6, 2022

China had gone through its hottest summer since 1961 when it started to keep complete meteorological records. The country’s average temperature from June 1 to Aug. 31 was 22.3 degrees Celsius, 1.1 degrees Celsius higher than that in the same period of regular years and the highest since 1961, according to the National Climate Center. Click here to read…

China’s largest freshwater lake sees lower water level: Xinhuanet
September 6, 2022

The water level of China’s largest freshwater lake, Poyang, continued to decline due to persistent high temperature and the lack of rainfall, local authorities said Tuesday. Click here to read…

New fraud law to be implemented nationwide: China Daily
September 6, 2022

Courts have been ordered to implement a new law on telecom and online fraud, which imposes heavier punishment on scammers, China’s top court said on Tuesday. “We’ll strengthen efforts to deal with cases of telecom and online fraud, and try our best to help victims recover their money,” Ma Yan, chief judge of the No 3 Criminal Division of the Supreme People’s Court, told a news conference. Click here to read…

Ministry of Public Security helps deter online fraud: China Daily
September 6, 2022

A regulation on how to deal with money involved in telecom and online fraud is being brewed up by the Ministry of Public Security, so as to implement a newly adopted law and improve work efficiency, an official said. Click here to read…

PLA announces rescue operations underway in Sichuan quakezone: China Daily
September 6, 2022

Some 1,900 soldiers from the People’s Liberation Army’s Western Theater Command were dispatched to help with earthquake relief and rescue on Tuesday morning, following the 6.8-magnitude earthquake that hit Luding county in Sichuan province on Monday. Click here to read…

BRI contributes to the devt of Nepal: Global Times
September 6, 2022

Since Nepal joined the China proposed Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in 2017, the two countries have cooperated on a widely based on mutual trust and mutual benefits, which also benefits the development of South Asia. The BRI is “the foundation for global development and the elimination of poverty,” said a recent article published by Kathmandu Tribune, an online English daily in Nepal. Click here to read…

China marks a milestone in new-gen heavy-duty rocket devt with successful engine test: Global Times
September 6, 2022

China has successfully conducted a whole-craft running test for its 25 ton-level closed expander cycle hydrogen-oxygen rocket engine for the first time recently, which its developers claimed marked the world’s largest scale testing for the kind and a key technology breakthrough for the country’s development of the new-generation super heavy-lift launch vehicle. Click here to read…

Germany’s BASF starts production at southern China mega complex: Reuters
September 6, 2022

German chemicals group BASF said on Tuesday it has started production at a giant complex in southern China’s Zhanjiang. The first plant at the site will produce 60,000 tonnes of engineering plastic compounds a year for the automotive and electronics industries, the company said in a statement. Click here to read…

China’s top banks face narrowing margins as calls to help economy grow: Reuters
September 6, 2022

Top tier Chinese banks preparing to respond to Beijing’s call to boost lending to the real economy and debt-laden property sector are set to face a squeeze on their profit margins in the second half, bankers and analysts said. Five of China’s biggest state-owned banks posted modest gains in profits in the second quarter. Four of the banks, except for Bank of China, however, reported falling net interest margins, a key gauge of bank profitability. read moreClick here to read…

Xi to visit Kazakhstan in first trip since virus: Taipei Times
September 7, 2022

Chinese President Xi Jinping is to visit Kazakhstan next week for a state visit, Interfax reported, in what would be his first trip overseas in more than two-and-a-half years. Xi accepted the Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev’s invitation to visit the Central Asian nation on Wednesday next week, the Russian news agency reported, citing Kazakh Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Aibek Smadiyarov. Click here to read…

Trip in countdown to Communist Party congress shows Xi Jinping’s confidence, experts say: South China Morning Post
September 7, 2022

The timing of President Xi Jinping’s first trip abroad in more than two years – just ahead of next month’s 20th Communist Party congress – is a display of confidence in his status and power, experts say Kazakhstan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Monday that Xi would visit the country on September 14. The announcement followed an earlier statement by Beijing that Li Zhanshu, the head of the country’s legislature, would leave for Russia on Wednesday for an 11-day trip. Click here to read…

Xi stresses improving system for achieving breakthroughs in core technologies in key fields: Xinhuanet
September 7, 2022

President Xi Jinping on Tuesday stressed improving a new system for mobilizing the resources nationwide to achieve breakthroughs in core technologies in key fields and comprehensively strengthening efforts to conserve resources. Click here to read…

Top Chinese legislator urges enhanced parliamentary exchanges within BRICS: Xinhuanet
September 7, 2022

Li Zhanshu, chairman of the National People’s Congress (NPC) Standing Committee, on Tuesday called on the legislative bodies of BRICS countries to play an active role in consolidating BRICS unity and deepening cooperation. Click here to read…

74 killed, 26 missing after 6.8-magnitude quake hits China’s Sichuan: Xinhuanet
September 7, 2022

A total of 74 people have been killed and 26 remain missing after a 6.8-magnitude earthquake jolted Luding County in southwest China’s Sichuan Province on Monday, local authorities said Wednesday. The rescue headquarters of the Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture said 40 were killed, 14 were missing and 170 were injured in Ganzi as of 9 p.m. Tuesday. Click here to read…

Chinese mainland reports 323 new local confirmed COVID-19 cases: Xinhuanet
September 7, 2022

The Chinese mainland on Tuesday reported 323 locally transmitted confirmed COVID-19 cases, including 85 in Sichuan and 76 in Tibet, according to the National Health Commission’s report Wednesday. A total of 1,247 local asymptomatic carriers were newly identified. Click here to read…

Draft aims to provide better temporary relief: China Daily
September 7, 2022

The Ministry of Civil Affairs released a draft to solicit public feedback on Monday about strengthening temporary relief for people living with difficulties due to COVID-19 or natural disasters. The draft said local governments should improve their policies for approving those who apply for a basic living allowance. Click here to read…

Scientists to use big data to assist in development: China Daily
September 7, 2022

Chinese scientists will collaborate with international peers to harness the power of big data, digital technologies and remote sensing satellites to help the world achieve sustainable development, experts said on Tuesday. Click here to read…

Two gibbon species declared extinct in the wild in China due to excessive ‘human activities’: Global Times
September 7, 2022

An assessment report on the endangered status of primates in China was released on Tuesday, indicating that the white-handed gibbon and northern white-cheeked gibbon have not been seen in the wild in the past few decades, meeting the criteria for being declared extinct in the wild, according to ScienceNet.cn. Click here to read…

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest: September 06, 2022

Attack Near Russian Embassy in Kabul Sparks Reactions: Tolo News

The suicide attack near the Russian embassy in PD 7 of Kabul faced strong reactions at the national and international level. The UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) condemned the blast. Click here to read…

Kabul Eyes China, India for Coal Exports, Expanding Global Market: The Khaama Press

The Ministry of Mines and Petroleum on Sunday said Afghanistan is looking for new markets to expands distribution of its coal, as India and China show interest in the product. Pakistan is the biggest buyer of Afghan coal for many years, covering its winter needs for thousands of households in the country. Click here to read…

Devastating Earthquake Jolts Eastern Afghanistan Killing and Injuring at Least 10: The Khaama Press

A 5.3 magnitude powerful earthquake shook eastern provinces of Afghanistan on Monday morning, inflicting both human and financial losses to the quake-hit, impoverished people of Afghanistan. Click here to read…

PM Hasina: Any problem with India can be resolved through discussion: Dhaka Tribune

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Monday said any existing problems between Bangladesh and India can be solved through discussion. She also described India as a trusted friend of Bangladesh. Click here to read…

Bangladesh sends 8 tons of hilsha to India: Dhaka Tribune

Bangladesh exported eight tons of hilsha to India on the occasion of the upcoming Durga Puja. The two trucks carrying the fish entered Petrapole port in India after completing Benapole customs and port formalities on Monday evening. Click here to read…

75th session of Regional Committee for WHO South-East Asia begins in Bhutan – The Print

The seventy-fifth session of the Regional Committee for WHO South-East Asia commenced in Bhutan on Monday with health leaders emphasizing continued efforts and sustainable recovery from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Click here to read…

New High Commissioner of Ghana proposes to seek tourism investment opportunities in Maldives – Raajje

The new High Commissioner of Ghana presented his Letter of Credence to President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih on Monday. Discussions were held following the credentials’ ceremony, at the President’s Office. The meeting saw President Solih welcoming the new high commissioner and congratulating him on his appointment. Click here to read…

First-ever Ambassador of Panama to Maldives, presents credentials – Raajje

The new Ambassador of Panama to Maldives, Itzel Patiño de Villarreal presented her Letter of Credence to President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih on Monday. The credentials ceremony was held at the President’s Office. During the meeting that followed, the Maldivian leader highlighted that this is the first time a Panamanian Ambassador had been appointed to the MaldivesClick here to read…

Discussions held on mutually beneficial trade opportunities between Maldives, Gambia – Raajje

The Maldivian leader and the Gambian HC held discussions regarding the long-standing friendly relations between Maldives and Gambia. Further, the president noted that both countries share numerous mutual values such as a shared belief in Islam, historical ties, democratic principles as well as membership in the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and the Commonwealth of Nations. Click here to read…

Myanmar junta ‘losing control’ as armed resistance digs in, rights experts say – SCMP

Myanmar’s junta has lost its grip over most of the country as the pro-democracy resistance drags the army into territory-wide whack-a-mole operations, draining its resources, manpower and morale, a report by human rights experts said on Monday. Click here to read…

Myanmar Must Deescalate Tensions At Bangladesh Border – Eurasia Review

Armed with powerful guns and ammunition, Myanmar soldiers have been patrolling along the barbed wire barriers close to the Bangladeshi border. On Sunday, Maynmar soldiers were also spotted with heavy weapons stationed in bunkers close to the border (4 September). Click here to read…

Sairang-Hmawngbuchhuah railway project in NE to be revived soon – Tripura Times

The Northeast Frontier Railway (NFR) would link Myanmar border by rail through Manipur and Mizoram, officials said on Saturday. A senior NFR official said that while the final location survey of the 111 km Imphal-Moreh (along Myanmar border) section is already underway for the construction of a new broad gauge line, it would construct a broad gauge line from Sairang, near Aizawl, to Hmawngbuchhuah in Mizoram’s Lawngtlai district, near the Myanmar border. Click here to read…

‘Two Asian powerhouses are competing in Myanmar’s Rakhine’ – Daily Star

Myanmar has recently deployed troops on the Bangladesh border. Bangladesh has expressed its concern by writing a letter to the UN Security Council. The Myanmar government-controlled media are seen propagating that Bangladesh has deployed troops on the Myanmar border. Click here to read…

Rohingyas big burden, India can play big role in their return to Myanmar: Sheikh Hasina ahead of India visit – India Today

Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Saturday said that Rohingya refugees are a “big burden” on Bangladesh and the country is reaching out to the international community to ensure they return to their homeland. Click here to read…

AA attacks military bases near Indian border, authority responds with fighter jet – Narinjara

The ongoing fight between the Burmese soldiers and Arakan Army members has affected the socio-political scenario of western Myanmar. Lately, AA members attacked the Myeik Wa-based military camp near the Indian border, which was retaliated by the military Juna forces with aerial bombing. Now hundreds of families from Myeik Wa village had fled to India. Click here to read…

“Seat-sharing delayed due to Nepali Congress” – Khabar Hub

Five ruling partners have intensified political meetings of late. Elections to the House of Representatives and State Assembly have been scheduled for November 20.
However, the ruling partners have failed to decide the distribution of seats so far. Nepali Congress (NC) has claimed 100 seats, CPN-Maoist Center 60, and the United Socialist 40. Other fringe parties, too, have put forth their positions. Click here to read…

Nepal looks to build cross-border railway – China Daily

Nepalis are dreaming of a China-Nepal cross-border railway that they believe will enhance connectivity, trade and people-to-people exchanges between the two countries and beyond, said Bishnu Pukar Shrestha, Nepal’s ambassador to China. Click here to read…

Army chief hands over military equipment to Nepal counterpart – Economic Times

Army chief Manoj Pande was conferred a traditional honorary rank during his first visit to Nepal on Monday. He handed over military equipment, including mine protected armoured vehicles, to his counterpart. The honorary rank of General of the Nepal Army was conferred on Pande by President Bidya Devi Bhandari at a ceremony in Kathmandu. Click here to read…

‘Relief cut’ on Manchhar dyke aggravates flooding in five Sindh UCs: Dawn

The ‘relief cut’ given on Sunday to Manchhar Lake embankment in order to save densely populated cities and towns, including Sehwan and Bhan Syedabad, aggravated flooding in over 100 villages in five union councils’ areas, reports reaching here till Monday evening suggested. Click here to read…

US delegation to support relief efforts: Dawn

US Department of State Counsellor Derek Chollet will arrive in Pakistan this week with an inter-agency delegation to reaffirm the US’ commitment to help Pakistan in dealing with the catastrophic floods. Click here to read…

Army ‘aghast’ at Imran’s ‘defamatory’ allegations on COAS appointment: The Express Tribune

Pakistan Army has been shocked and appalled by what its chief spokesperson called “defamatory and uncalled for” statement of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Chairman Imran Khan about the military top brass. Click here to read…

Miftah asked to open India trade: The Express Tribune

Finance Minister Miftah Ismail, on Monday, hinted at allowing imports of cotton from India after textile exporters demanded 2.5 million bales to meet an emergent shortfall caused by the calamitous floods that washed away about half the country’s total crop. Click here to read…

Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka has an IMF deal, now it courts China and India: Money Control

Sri Lanka’s International Monetary Fund bailout plan could be a turning point in its worst economic crisis, but far-from-stable politics and a need to get debt relief from competing powers China, India and Japan means some of the hardest work is still to come. Click here to read…

SC determines some clauses inconsistent with Constitution; needs to be approved by referendum: Speaker: Daily Mirror

The Supreme Court has determined that some clauses of 22nd Amendment to the Constitution are inconsistent with the Constitution and needs to be approved through a special majority in Parliament and a referendum, Speaker Mahinda Yapa Abeyawardane told Parliament today. Click here to read…

11 Sri Lankans planning to sail to Canada held in Kerala: Police: Daily Mirror

Kerala police on Monday arrested 11 Sri Lankans from a hotel in Kollam in south Kerala after a tip off from Tamil Nadu police that they were planning to sail to Canada in a fishing boat. Police said two Sri Lankan nationals, who reached Tamil Nadu on tourist visa last week, were found to be missing and Q Branch (a CID wing) followed their phone signals and located them in Kollam and alerted its counterparts. Click here to read…

China: Daily Scan, September 6, 2022

Xi orders all-out rescue efforts after 6.8-magnitude earthquake in SW China: Xinhuanet
September 5, 2022

Chinese President Xi Jinping has ordered all-out rescue efforts to minimize casualties after a 6.8-magnitude earthquake jolted southwest China’s Sichuan Province on Monday, stressing that saving lives should be taken as the primary task. Click here to read…

China strongly condemns U.S. cyber attacks on China’s Northwestern Polytechnical University: Xinhuanet
September 5, 2022

China strongly condemns the cyber attacks launched by the United States on China’s Northwestern Polytechnical University, and urges the U.S. side to offer an explanation and immediately stop its unlawful moves, Foreign ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said Monday. Click here to read…

China’s central bank to cut forex reserve requirement ratio by 2 percentage points: Xinhuanet
September 5, 2022

China’s central bank on Monday said that it will cut the foreign exchange reserve requirement ratio for financial institutions by 2 percentage points from Sept. 15. The reserve requirement ratio will be reduced from its current 8 percent to 6 percent, the People’s Bank of China said in a short notice on its website. Click here to read…

Means of production prices rise in China: Xinhuanet
September 5, 2022

Most of the capital goods monitored by the Chinese government posted higher prices in late August compared with mid-August this year, according to official data. Of the 50 major goods monitored by the government, which include seamless steel tubes, gasoline, coal, fertilizer and some agricultural products mainly used for processing, 25 saw their prices increase, while 24 posted lower prices, according to the National Bureau of Statistics. Click here to read…

Chinese mainland reports 264 new local confirmed COVID-19 cases: Xinhuanet
September 6, 2022

The Chinese mainland on Monday reported 264 locally transmitted confirmed COVID-19 cases, including 68 in Sichuan, according to the National Health Commission’s report Tuesday. A total of 1,235 local asymptomatic carriers were newly identified. Click here to read…

China launches nationwide campaign to boost cybersecurity awareness: Xinhuanet
September 5, 2022

The 2022 China Cybersecurity Week kicked off Monday in Hefei, capital of east China’s Anhui Province. The event, which will last until Sept. 11, will consist of both online and offline activities held across the country. Click here to read…

China to boost science popularization by highlighting cyberspace, social funds: Qiushi
September 6, 2022

China will further promote science popularization by highlighting the roles of cyberspace and social funds, according to Li Meng, vice minister of science and technology, at a press conference Monday. The country will strengthen the coordination of over 40 government agencies to jointly implement a newly issued official document on the work of science and technology popularization in the new era, said Li. Click here to read…

Nine government organs launch nationwide campaign to crack down on internet-related criminal activities: Global Times
September 5, 2022

Nine government organs of China, including the Ministry of Public Security and Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC), have launched a one-and-a-half-year nationwide campaign to crack down on and punish criminal activities related to the internet. They also vowed to make every effort to continue and deepen the fight against organized crime in cyberspace. Click here to read…

China-Nepal railway is a way to prosperity; talk of ‘debt trap’ just noise, says Nepali Ambassador to China: Global Times
September 5, 2022

The China-Nepal railway project is a way to our prosperity and it can be a project of the century for Nepal, Nepali Ambassador to China Bishnu Pukar Shrestha told the Global Times in an exclusive interview. Click here to read…

PLA practices counterattack in foreign territories during Russian Vostok-2022 drills: Global Times
September 5, 2022

The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) practiced joint counterattack in foreign territories with the main battle tanks, howitzers, attack helicopters and fighter jets during the ongoing Vostok-2022 exercises in Russia, which displayed the PLA’s outstanding systematic combat capabilities in unfamiliar lands. Click here to read…

China policymakers see renewed urgency for economic support: Reuters
September 5, 2022

Chinese policymakers signalled a renewed sense of urgency on Monday for steps to shore up the flagging economy, saying this quarter was a critical time for policy action as evidence points to a further loss of economic momentum. Click here to read…

Kazakhstan says China’s Xi to visit, in first foreign trip since pandemic: Reuters
September 5, 2022

Chinese President Xi Jinping will visit Kazakhstan on Sept. 14, the Kazakh Foreign Ministry said on Monday, in what would be his first foreign trip since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Xi will meet Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev and sign a number of bilateral documents, ministry spokesman Aibek Smadiyarov told a briefing. Click here to read…

Chinese air force incursions spike dramatically: Taipei Times
September 5, 2022

The Chinese People’s Liberation Army Air Force last month made 446 incursions into Taiwan’s air defense identification zone (ADIZ), the Defense Post reported on Thursday. Last month’s incursions far surpassed the number recorded during the whole of 2020, the report said. Click here to read…

Chinese state media chief vows to toe the line for Communist Party’s national congress: South China Morning Post
September 6, 2022

The head of Xinhua has pledged not to stray from instructions by President Xi Jinping for “one minute”, saying the state news agency will create a “favourable information environment” ahead of the 20th national Communist Party congress in mid-October.
Xinhua editor-in-chief Fu Hua said on Friday the party mouthpiece would publicise the progress of Xi’s governance of the country, and tell the stories of China, of socialism with Chinese characteristics and of the party, to create a stable and healthy economic environment, a peaceful and prosperous social environment, and a clean political environment. Click here to read…

China gaming crackdown: ByteDance cuts ‘hundreds of jobs’ from its video game operations in Shanghai and Hangzhou, sources say: South China Morning Post
September 6, 2022

ByteDance, TikTok’s owner, is aggressively downsizing its video gaming unit, affecting hundreds of employees, in a fresh sign that the smart money in China is continuing to exit the heavily regulated industry, according to people familiar with the situation. The Beijing-based company, which only one year ago was pouring millions into its gaming operations, has stripped Shanghai-based Wushuang Studio of most of its staff through lay-offs and internal transfers, after the closure of 101 Studio in June, said the people familiar, who declined to be named as the information is not public yet. Click here to read…

China slams US over alleged Trojan horse attack on university servers: South China Morning Post
September 6, 2022

China has slammed alleged US hacking of its top state-funded university, urging Washington to “stop stealing [from] and attacking other countries” and help to maintain cybersecurity. This comes after a joint investigation by the university and cyber sleuths concluded that Trojan attacks which saw nearly 140 gigabytes of high-value data stolen in recent years from networks across China had originated in the United States. The Chinese foreign ministry condemned the alleged hacking, saying “China firmly opposes any form of cyberattacks”. Click here to read…

China’s battery producer CATL officially launches Hungarian plant: People’s Daily
September 6, 2022

Chinese battery producer Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited (CATL) signed a real estate deal with the city of Debrecen in Hungary on Monday, marking the official launch of its second European plant. Click here to read…

China ramps up efforts to refund VAT credits to enterprises: People’s Daily
September 6, 2022

China’s value-added tax (VAT) credit refunds this year have exceeded the total of those in the previous three years, and its VAT credit refunds scheduled for the whole year had been handled before the second quarter ended. Click here to read…

Over 50,000 people relocated after Sichuan’s 6.8-magnitude earthquake killing at least 65; 10 aftershocks of 3.0-magnitude or above recorded: Global Times
September 6, 2022

More than 50,000 people have relocated as of Tuesday morning after a 6.8-magnitude earthquake jolted Luding county in Southwest China’s Sichuan Province on Monday, killing at least 65 people, leaving 248 injured and 12 missing. As of 7:00 am on Tuesday, a total of 10 aftershocks of 3.0-magnitude or above have been recorded, including one earthquake of 4.0 to 4.9 magnitude, nine earthquakes of 3.0 to 3.9 magnitude, and the largest aftershocks of 4.2 magnitude so far, according to China Earthquake Networks Center. Click here to read…

Over 1000 PAP troops join rescue efforts in earthquake-hit Luding: China Military
September 6, 2022

A magnitude-6.8 earthquake jolted Luding County,Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in southwest China’s Sichuan Province at 12:52 of September 5. According to the latest update by CCTV (as of 23:16, Spet. 5), 46 people have lost their lives in the earthquake, with 29 deaths reported in Ganzi and 17 in Ya’an; in addition, there are 16 people missing and another 50 wounded.Click here to read…

Chinese mainland reports 264 new local confirmed COVID-19 cases: Xinhuanet
September 6, 2022

The Chinese mainland on Monday reported 264 locally transmitted confirmed COVID-19 cases, including 68 in Sichuan, according to the National Health Commission’s report Tuesday. A total of 1,235 local asymptomatic carriers were newly identified. Click here to read…

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest: September 05, 2022

‘Afghanistan has gone back to the dark ages’: Ahmad Massoud – Indian Express

A year after the Taliban took over Afghanistan, Ahmad Massoud — the founder and leader of National Resistance Front of Afghanistan, the key opposition to the Taliban — says the country has moved several steps back on all fronts. Click here to read…

Afghanistan: A Year Later, US Relies On Drones To Battle Extremist Groups – NDTV.com

But experts say that is not going to be enough to counter the resurgence of Al-Qaeda, or its jihadist rival Islamic State, inside the country now back under the rule of the Islamist Taliban. Click here to read…

How global economic instability is hurting Bangladesh, until recently an Asian tiger in the making – scroll.in

Bangladesh had been performing exceptionally well before the Covid-19 pandemic. The economy had expanded, the per capita gross domestic product had increased, reserves of the dollar had grown, inflation was low and poverty levels were decreasing. Click here to read…

Bangladesh to give scholarships to descendants of 1971 war Indian Army war heroes – Times Now

New Delhi: Bangladesh will provide 200 scholarships for descendants of Indian Army personnel who died or were seriously injured in the effort to liberate the country in the two week long war in December 1971. Click here to read…

Bhutan to host WHO high committee meeting next week – Kuensel Online

The 75th Regional Committee Meeting (RCM) of the World Health Organization (WHO) starts on September 5 in Paro. The committee will discuss policy and technical matters such as Universal Health Coverage (UHC), non-communicable diseases (NCDs), health emergency preparedness, Tuberculosis (TB), disease elimination and control efforts, and progress towards achieving health-related sustainable development goals (SDGs). Click here to read…

State revenue reaches MVR 18 billion – Raajje

Ministry of Finance revealed that the state has received MVR 18 billion as revenue, so far this year. Statistics revealed by the Ministry of Finance show that the state had earned MVR 18.2 billion by August 30, 2022. During the same period last year, the state received MVR 12.7 billion as revenue. Click here to read…

Going 1,000 meters underwater, a first of its kind mission in the Maldives – Edition

Maldivian scientists are rolling up their sleeves for a never before attempted expedition 1,000 feet deep into the Indian Ocean. The leader of the science team behind the undertaking, Shafiya Naeem went on to affirm that they have no idea what they will see 1,000 meters under. The expedition that they are training for, if pulled off, will bring new insight in marine research that would change the nation’s history. Click here to read…

EU condemns jail, hard labour sentence for Myanmar’s Suu Kyi – Swiss Info

The European Union condemned on Sunday the sentencing of Myanmar’s deposed former leader Aung San Suu Kyi to jail with hard labour, after she was found guilty of electoral fraud. Click here to read…

Dhaka summons Myanmar ambassador over aerial firing – TBS News

Bangladesh on Sunday reiterated deep concern over mortar shells landing inside Bangladesh territory and indiscriminate aerial firing from Myanmar in the bordering areas, and air space violations from Myanmar and summoned the Myanmar ambassador to lodge a strong protest. Click here to read…

Army Chief Gen Manoj Pande begins Nepal tour amid Agnipath row – Tribune

The Indian Army carries on with the tradition of recruiting Nepali youth in the Gorkha regiment. The British had started the system almost 200 years ago. Continuing a tradition of friendship between both armies, the Indian Army Chief will be conferred with the honorary rank of General of the Nepali Army tomorrow at a ceremony at the official residence of the President of Nepal. General Pande will meet his Nepalese counterpart apart from meeting the country’s senior military and civilian leadership where he will discuss avenues for enhancing India-Nepal defence relations. Click here to read…

China’s top legislator to visit Russia, Mongolia, Nepal, ROK; attend 7th Eastern Economic Forum – China.Org

China’s top legislator Li Zhanshu will pay official visits to Russia, Mongolia, Nepal and the Republic of Korea (ROK) from Sept. 7 to 17 at the invitation of Chairman of the Russian State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin, Chairman of the State Great Hural (Parliament) of Mongolia Gombojav Zandanshatar, Speaker of Nepal’s House of Representatives Agni Sapkota and the ROK National Assembly Speaker Kim Jin-pyo respectively. Click here to read…

Pakistan breaches lake in plan to save towns from historic flooding – CBC

Authorities in flood-hit Pakistan strategically breached the country’s largest freshwater lake on Sunday, a minister said, displacing up to 100,000 people from their homes but saving more densely populated areas from gathering floodwater. Click here to read…

Pakistan quietly lodges protest with Afghan Taliban over drone charge – Tribune

Pakistan may have publicly expressed concerns over the Afghan Taliban allegations that the country was allowing the US to operate drone from its soil, Islamabad has privately conveyed in categorical terms to the de facto rulers of Kabul that such public outbursts will be detrimental for the bilateral ties. Click here to read…

Sri Lanka
IMF chief pleased Sri Lanka reached staff-level deal for USD 2.9 billion – East Mojo

The IMF chief Kristalina Georgieva on Sunday said she is pleased the Washington-based lender and the Sri Lankan government have reached a staff-level agreement to provide about USD 2.9 billion to help the bankrupt country, terming the deal as an important step forward. Click here to read…

India Provided $4 Billion In Food, Financial Aid To Crisis-Hit Sri Lankan – NDTV

India on Sunday highlighted its constructive and significant role in human-centric globalization at the United Nations General Assembly and said that it had provided nearly $4 billion in food and financial assistance to Sri Lanka. Click here to read…

China: Daily Scan, September 5, 2022

China’s top legislature adopts revised agricultural products law: Xinhuanet
September 2, 2022

Chinese lawmakers on Friday voted to adopt a revised Law on Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products at the 36th session of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People’s Congress (NPC), China’s top legislature. Click here to read…

China’s State Council appoints, removes officials: Xinhuanet
September 2, 2022

The State Council, China’s cabinet, announced the appointment and removal of officials on Friday. Cao Xuetao was appointed deputy head of the National Health Commission. Lin Shangli was appointed president of Renmin University of China, replacing Liu Wei. Click here to read…

China, Nepal to enhance cooperation, boost ties: Xinhuanet
September 2, 2022

China’s top political advisor Wang Yang on Friday met via video link with Chairman of National Assembly of Nepal Ganesh Prasad Timilsina. Wang, chairman of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) National Committee, said that China stands ready to work with Nepal to jointly implement the important consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries. Click here to read…

China issues guideline to further promote national defense education: China Military
September 2, 2022

A guideline on enhancing and improving national defense education for all people has been jointly issued by the Communist Party of China Central Committee, the State Council and the Central Military Commission. Noting the significance of national defense education and people’s increasing awareness of national defense, the guideline specifies further efforts to implement a holistic approach to national security, enhance people’s vigilance against potential dangers in times of peace, respect for military personnel, and sense of responsibility to build a strong country with a strong military. Click here to read…

Great Wall-2022 forum eyes building consensus, enhancing int’l anti-terror cooperation: China Military
September 2, 2022

The Great Wall-2022 International Forum on Counter-terrorism wrapped up here on Wednesday. Sponsored by the Chinese People’s Armed Police (PAP), the two-day forum has attracted more than 170 representatives from the armed police forces or armed forces of this kind in 30 countries including China, Russia, Pakistan, Brazil and Italy. Click here to read…

Shenzhen shuts most public transport as China battles multiple outbreaks: Reuters
September 2, 2022

The main districts of Chinese tech hub Shenzhen shut down public transport andextended curbs on public activities on Friday as cities across China battled COVID-19 outbreaks that have dampened the outlook for economic recovery. Six districts comprising the majority of the city’s population of almost 18 million announced that all residents would be tested twice for COVID-19 over the weekend as subway and bus services were suspended. Click here to read…

China railway travel hits 8-year low in summer months on virus flare-ups: Reuters
September 2, 2022

Railway travel in China hit an eight-year trough and a pandemic low in the usually busy summer season, according to official data, as fresh virus flare-ups curbed mobility and hit tourist confidence. Some 440 million passenger trips were taken on China’s railway network between July 1 and Aug. 31, its lowest since 2014, data from China Railway showed. Click here to read…

China launches campaign against online rumours ahead of party congress: Reuters
September 2, 2022

China’s cyberspace watchdog said on Friday it would a launch a three-month campaign to clear up “rumours and false information involving major meetings”, just weeks before the ruling Communist Party holds its five-yearly congress. General Secretary Xi Jinping is poised to secure a historic third leadership term at the congress, which is due to start on Oct. 16. Click here to read…

New ministerial-level officials appointed by legislative body: China Daily
September 3, 2022

China appointed and removed key ministerial-level officials of the country’s top prosecutor, national supervision commission, and ministries of industry and information technology as well as emergency management on Friday. Ying Yong, 64, was appointed deputy procurator-general of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, according to the decision adopted by the Standing Committee of National People’s Congress, China’s top legislative body. Click here to read…

India agency searches payment firms in Chinese lending probe: Reuters
September 3, 2022

India’s federal financial crime-fighting agency said on Saturday it was searching the premises of online payment companies as part of an investigation of Chinese-controlled firms and individuals suspected of illicit lending practices. The payment companies included Razorpay Pvt Ltd, Cashfree Payments and Paytm Payment Services Ltd, the Enforcement Directorate said in a statement. Click here to read…

Chinese FM addresses seminar on UN Convention on the Law of the Sea: Global Times
September 3, 2022

Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Thursday spoke at a virtual international seminar commemorating the 40th anniversary of the opening for signature of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), a Foreign Ministry press release said Friday. Click here to read…

China’s large solar-powered, near-space UAV makes maiden flight: Xinhuanet
September 4, 2022

China’s independently-developed QMX50, a large solar-powered near-space unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), made its successful maiden flight in Yulin, northwest China’s Shaanxi Province, on Saturday, the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) said Sunday. Click here to read…

E-commerce dimension to BRI in focus at services trade fair in Beijing: Global Times
September 4, 2022

A Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)-themed livestreaming studio at Shougang Park, one of the twin venues for the 2022 China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS) in Beijing, was among the most popular sites at the annual services gathering where an e-commerce dimension to the BRI is the focus of attentionClick here to read…

China to provide another 300 million yuan aid to flood-ravaged Pakistan as flood death toll surpasses 1,200: Global Times
September 4, 2022

China announced another 300 million yuan (roughly $43 million) of aid to Pakistan after the emergency relief supplies worth of 100 million yuan were donated last week, as the death toll in the flood-ravaged country has reached 1,290 as of Saturday. Click here to read…

China sees 13 provincial-level regions record 20% of population being aged 60 or above: Global Times
September 4, 2022

In the Chinese mainland, 13 provinces, municipalities and regions have now recorded more than 20 percent of their population being aged 60 or above, with three places seeing the share of this age period rise above one fifth for the first time, including Beijing, as the country’s aging process continues speeding up. Click here to read…

China sees 13 provincial-level regions record 20% of population being aged 60 or above: Global Times
September 4, 2022

In the Chinese mainland, 13 provinces, municipalities and regions have now recorded more than 20 percent of their population being aged 60 or above, with three places seeing the share of this age period rise above one fifth for the first time, including Beijing, as the country’s aging process continues speeding up.

A place is considered as entering a moderately aging society when the proportion of people aged 60 and above is between 20 and 30 percent, according to international standards. Click here to read…

Chengdu lockdown tightened: Taipei Times
September 5, 2022

China extended a lockdown in districts of Chengdu and ordered more mass testing as it tries to contain a COVID-19 outbreak. Chengdu’s central Jinjiang District would intensify lockdown measures and extend them for at least three days, authorities said in a statement yesterday. Click here to read…

Stability key ahead of CCP meet: Taipei Times
September 5, 2022

Economic and political stability are Beijing’s priorities in the lead-up to the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) 20th National Congress on Oct. 16, a report commissioned by the Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) said. The CCP would be focusing on touting the “significant advantages of socialism with Chinese characteristics,” and major economic and social development achievements, the report said, adding that all official propaganda apparatuses and social media platforms, as well as music, television and film productions, would therefore be “telling good stories about China,” “spreading positive energy” and doing service to “the Chinese dream that reinvigorates the Zhonghua minzu ,( Chinese ethnic group).” Click here to read…

Why is retirement beckoning for 11 members of the Communist Party of China’s top decision-making body? : South China Morning Post
September 5, 2022

Fading out gradually is seldom an option for top Chinese leaders.
They appear on prime-time news every night. Then, when the day of retirement comes, they suddenly vanish, rarely making public appearances or comments. Little is known about how they spend their time. The biggest mystery is how retirement decisions are made. For those who sit on the Politburo – the top echelon of the ruling Communist Party – the only guideline, in place since the party’s first orderly power transition in 2002, remains the unwritten rule of retiring at the age of 68. It was established gradually after decades of political turmoil to rejuvenate the party and ensure a stable transition of leadership at the top. Click here to read…

Chinese localities urge public to stay put or reduce travel during upcoming holidays to stop COVID: Global Times
September 5, 2022

Although two of the most important holidays in the second half of the year – the Mid-Autumn Festival and the National Day Holiday – are approaching in China, people may have to temporarily delay their long-distance travel plans due to the resurgence of COVID-19 in various cities. To stop the spread of the virus, many Chinese localities have requested residents to stay put or reduce travel during the holidays. Click here to read…

Evidence shows US’ NSA behind attack on email system of Chinese leading aviation university: Global Times
September 5, 2022

The email system of a university in Northwest China’s Shaanxi Province – well-known for its aviation, aerospace and navigation studies – was found to have been attacked by the US’ National Security Agency (NSA), the Global Times learned from a source on Monday. Click here to read…

Henan official suspected of financial violations: China Daily
September 5, 2022

Chen Yimin, former director of the Henan Provincial Rural Credit Union, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law, and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Henan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, the commission announced on Friday. Click here to read…

China steps up efforts to increase people’s scientific knowledge: China Military
September 5, 2022

China has issued a guideline on facilitating the popularization of science to encourage innovation throughout society. Describing the propagation of scientific knowledge as a fundamental task for promoting innovation-driven development, the document underscores the importance of giving equal importance to both the popularization of science, and scientific and technological innovation. Click here to read…

Chinese mainland reports 303 new local confirmed COVID-19 cases: Xinhuanet
September 5, 2022

The Chinese mainland on Sunday reported 303 locally transmitted confirmed COVID-19 cases, of which 105 were in Sichuan and 64 in Tibet, the National Health Commission said Monday. Altogether 1,249 local asymptomatic carriers were newly identified on Sunday, including 452 in Tibet, 162 in Heilongjiang, 95 in Qinghai and 93 in Liaoning, said the commission in its report. Click here to read…

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest: September 02, 2022

Biden administration pivoting to long-term strategy to assist Afghans – Edition

The Biden administration is pivoting to a long-term strategy to assist Afghans who worked with or on behalf of the US government, according to a senior administration official. Last year, amid the evacuation out of Afghanistan, the administration stood up “Operation Allies Welcome,” a whole-of-government effort to resettle Afghans to the United States. Since then, around 86,000 Afghan nationals have resettled to the USClick here to read…

China’s economic footprint steadily expanding across Afghanistan – The Print

China is focusing firmly on business and cultural diplomacy to expand its economic footprint across Afghanistan. It is also sparing no effort to promote and support the Taliban, which finds itself in near diplomatic isolation. Click here to read…

Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to visit India next week – The Hindu
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina of Bangladesh will pay an official visit to India next week, the Ministry of External Affairs announced on Thursday. During her stay in India, PM Hasina will offer prayers at Ajmer Sharif and award Mujib Scholarships, an initiative of the Government of Bangladesh for the descendants of 200 Indian Armed Forces personnel who were martyred or suffered critical injuries during the Liberation War of 1971, Dhaka has announced. Click here to read…
JMC seeks Bangladesh PM intervention for implementation of railway project from Balurghat-Hili to Mahendraganj-Tura in Meghalaya – Syllad

A delegation of the Joint Movement Committee for Corridor has recently sought the intervention of the Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina for expediting the process of rendering the long-cherished dream of corridor from Balurghat-Hili to Mahendraganj-Tura (Meghalaya) on and through the land of Bangladesh a tangible reality. Click here to read…


According to research conducted by the BBC, the way Google calculates emissions from flying has changed, meaning flights now seem to be less polluting than they were before. Globetrender applies a new term for this – “Carbon Washing”. Click here to read…

Innovative ICT-integrated classroom in two schools in Thimphu – Kuensel Online

The innovative ICT-integrated pilot classroom project has been established in Dechencholing Higher Secondary School and Loselling Middle Secondary school in Thimphu. The pilot project is for five years from 2021 to 2025 with a total fund of USD 784,000 funded by the Ministry of Education, Republic of Korea. Click here to read…

New WFP country representative presents credentials – Kuensel Online

The new Country Director and Representative of the World Food Programme (WFP) to Bhutan, Carrie Morrison presented her credentials to the Foreign Minister, Lyonpo Dr Tandi Dorji, yesterday. Carrie Morrison, a Canadian national, was appointed as the WFP Country Director by Executive Director of WFP, David M Beasley in July 2022. Click here to read…

Underwater expedition aims to unravel mysteries of the Maldives – Edition

The institute says 10 Maldivian marine scientists have been selected as the first “Maldivian Aquanauts” to lead over 30 first descents in submersibles to explore the country’s deeps. The very first descent will be led by an all-women team of aquanauts. Click here to read…

India our first & closest friend. But China a partner too, says Maldives foreign minister Shahid – The Print

From Operation Cactus in 1988 to the Covid pandemic of 2020, Maldivians have always found India to be their “first and closest” friend, Abdulla Shahid, Foreign Minister of Maldives, has said. However, Malé will continue to work with China, Shahid told ThePrint in an interview. Click here to read…

Junta arrest 60 Rohingya adrift at sea – Mizzima

Junta troops apprehended a drifting boat containing 66 Rohingya, six of whom had died, off the coast from Gayatgyi Village in Ayeyarwaddy Region’s Amar Township on 29 August. According to a resident of Gayatgyi Village there had been two boats. The one captured by the junta troops had engine failure and was just drifting and the other boat escaped before the troops arrived. Click here to read…

Junta offices in Tanintharyi’s Dawei Town attacked – Mizzima

The Regional Immigration Office and Road Transport Administration Department in Dawei Town’s Myothit Ward 4 in Tanintharyi Region were attacked at noon on 30 August. A witness said that two men on motorcycles pulled up in front of the offices and opened fire on them. Click here to read…

UN pursuing ‘Mission Impossible’ negotiating peace with the Myanmar junta – BNI Online

The United Nations Special Envoy’s recent visit to Myanmar is part of a process that the UN feels its representatives need to go through in attempts to reason with the Myanmar military generals who illegally grabbed power in a coup in February 2021. But what is clear, as can be seen in our cover story for Mizzima Weekly this week, is that junta leader Min Aung Hlaing is spinning the UN envoy around his little finger. Click here to read…

Myanmar plans $200m currency intervention to fight inflation – Asia Nikkei

Myanmar’s central bank has decided to inject over $200 million worth of foreign currency into the forex market to control inflation that it says is caused by soaring fuel prices. The central bank has frequently sold dollars to defend its currency, but this marks the first intervention of over $100 million since the military took control of the government last year. Such operations are capped at around $50 million. Click here to read…

Satellite view reveals scope of apocalyptic flooding in Pakistan – Space.com

Heavy monsoon rains have pelted the Asian country since mid-June, exceeding 10 times the average rainfall values for this part of the year, according to(opens in new tab) the European Space Agency (ESA), which released a new satellite image of the beleaguered country on Thursday (Sept. 1) Click here to read…

Urgent aid appeal launched as satellite images show a third of Pakistan underwater – The Guardian

Aid workers have appealed for urgent donations to fight the “absolutely devastating” impact of flooding in Pakistan, as new satellite images appeared to confirm that a third of the country is now underwater. As the UK’s Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) launched an appeal to raise funds for the 33 million people affected, the European Space Agency released stark images based on data captured by its Copernicus satellite. Click here to read…

Onus on Pakistan to resume trade ties with India – siasat.com

The onus is on Pakistan to resume trade with India as it was Islamabad that suspended the bilateral economic engagement in 2019, people familiar with the development said on Thursday. They also said India has not made any decision on extending aid to Pakistan to help it deal with recent devastating floods. Click here to read…

Sri Lanka
IMF provisionally agrees on USD 2.9 billion loan for crisis-hit Sri Lanka – East Mojo

Crisis-hit Sri Lanka has reached a preliminary agreement with the International Monetary Fund for a loan of about USD 2.9 billion, the international lender said on Thursday. Sri Lanka is going through its worst economic crisis since its independence in 1948, which was triggered by a severe paucity of foreign exchange reserves. Click here to read…

IMF agreement gives us confidence, grateful to India: Sri Lankan envoy – Indian Express

The preliminary agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), under which Sri Lanka nation stands to receive $2.9 billion to tackle the ongoing economic crisis, is a “first step” in the long haul of economic recovery but will provide the country and investors “confidence” to attract increased investments and remittances, Sri Lankan High Commissioner to India Milinda Moragoda said Thursday. Click here to read…

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest: September 01, 2022

China in Afghanistan: A year of achievement and aspiration – CGTN

This August marks the first anniversary of the humiliating American troop’s withdrawal from Afghanistan. Washington’s two-decade long military occupation dragged the Afghans into chaos with clouds of uncertainty. Click here to read…

At UNSC, India warns of significant increase in ISIL-K presence in Afghanistan and their capacity to carry out attacks – The Hindu

India has told the U.N. Security Council that there is a significant increase in The Islamic State–Khorasan Province (ISIL-K) presence in Afghanistan, as it warned that linkages between proscribed outfits such as Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammed and provocative statements by other terror groups pose a direct threat to the region’s peace and stability. Click here to read…

Pakistan forces operate against TTP in Afghanistan, says Ex-Afghan Intel chief – The Print

Former Afghan intelligence chief Rahmatullah Nabil on Monday claimed that the Pakistani military has started an operation against the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), in the territory of Afghanistan without consultations with the Taliban officials. Click here to read…

India for synchronised grid link for power supply from Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal: Doraiswami – TBS News

Indian High Commissioner to Bangladesh Vikram Kumar Doraiswami on Monday (29 August) said that his country is interested in developing a grid link for power supply with Bangladesh, adding that it will allow seamless power from Bhutan and NepalClick here to read…

Human Rights’ Chronicles In Bangladesh And Ramifications Of UNHRC Chief’s Recent Visit – Eurasia Review

Undeniably, no government since Bangladesh’s independence in 1971 can be spared from the curse of human rights abuses. The successive trajectory of human rights violative issues has gone bad to worse. On the contrary, inadequate steps for the recognition, promotion and protection of such inalienable and universal rights have sparked national and international criticismClick here to read…

Promoting India-Bangladesh Ties Through PM Sheikh Hasina’s Upcoming Delhi Visit – Eurasia Review

India and Bangladesh to make this visit fruitful; Diplomatic activities on both sides are also on the rise. Meanwhile, the preparation team of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh has also reached Delhi. They are currently finalizing the various logistical details of the trip. Click here to read…

Protests against rising fuel prices in Bangladesh continues – Wio News

As the crippling cost of living crisis continues to bite the pockets of Bangladeshi citizens, protest rage unabated across the country. Bangladesh is being caught in a quagmire of economic crisis and sought a bailout from the IMF. Click here to read…

Sixth AFACI general assembly calls for stronger agricultural cooperation – Kuensel Online

The Ministry of Agriculture and Forests (MoAF) with support from the Asian Food and Agriculture Cooperation Initiative (AFACI) is focusing on strengthening food security of the country through knowledge sharing and technical support. AFACI is an inter-governmental and multilateral cooperation body which aims to improve food production and promote sustainable agriculture in Asian countries through knowledge and technology transfer and sharing. Click here to read…

In the shadow of Bhutan’s tag as the ‘happiest country’ is the trauma of Nepali-origin refugees – Scroll In

Bhutan’s much-touted happiness rating lies atop a bed of pain. The pain of Bhutanese refugees of Nepali origin. I know, because I am one of them. I come from an average working-class family that lived in Bhutan for generations with no interest or involvement in politics. My community, known in Bhutan as Lhotshampa, has traditionally lived in the south of the country. Click here to read…

Coronavirus: tiny Bhutan set to reopen to tourism, ditch zero-Covid policy – SCMP

Bhutan is set to welcome back international tourists from next month, as the Himalayan kingdom eases its strict zero-Covid policy more than two years after slamming shut its borders to keep the virus out. Click here to read…

Cabinet deliberates report on Yoga Day riots at National StadiuM – Raajje

The Cabinet of Ministers, has held deliberations on the findings of a cabinet subcommittee investigation into the riots at the National Stadium on June 21 which saw the disruption of activities to mark the International Day of Yoga. Click here to read…

State minister Khaleel discusses Maldives-Bangladesh engagements with counterpart – Raajje

Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Ahmed Khaleel has discussed the engagements between the government of Maldives and Bangladesh, with his counterpart. The Maldivian state minister met with the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh Md. Shahriar Alam as part of his ongoing official visit to Dhaka, Bangladesh. Click here to read…

ASEAN’s Complete Failure on Myanmar: A Short Overview – Council on Foreign Relations

A year and a half after the 2021 coup that formally reinstalled Myanmar’s military, the junta continues its brutal campaign against resistance groups. The army has targeted both ethnic armed organizations and the People’s Defense Force, groups that launched unsuccessful nonviolent protests in response to the coup. The army continues to commit massive rights abuses in many areas of the country. Click here to read…

Mu Traw District Situation Update: Militarisation, displacement, humanitarian aid, landmines and the impact of COVID-19 in Bu Tho Township, June to August 2021 – Relief Web

This Situation Update describes events that occurred in Bu Tho Township, Mu Traw (Hpapun) District from June 2021 to August 2021. Skirmishes occurred between the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) and the combined forces of the State Administration Council (SAC) and Border Guard Forces (BGF). Click here to read…

Myanmar’s Ethnic Groups Must Unite to Topple the Military Regime – The Irrawaddy

On August 26, BBC Bangla covered the Chin refugees living in India’s Mizoram State. BBC reporter Subhajyoti Ghosh visited several refugee camps and reported that nearly 31,000 Chin, who are ethnically related to the Mizo people of Mizoram, have fled Chin State for neighboring Mizoram since last year’s coup in Myanmar. Click here to read…

Myanmar Junta Imposes New Restrictions on Political Parties – The Irrawaddy

Myanmar’s regime has introduced further restrictions on political parties after it barred them from speaking with international organizations or foreigners without permission from the junta’s electoral body. Click here to read…

Over 30 Myanmar Regime Troops Reportedly Killed in Sagaing and Mandalay Regions – The Irrawaddy

More than 30 Myanmar junta soldiers were reportedly killed over the last two days in clashes with People’s Defense Forces (PDF) in Sagaing and Mandalay regions. On early Sunday, local resistance forces jointly attacked a military detachment which departed from Lay Thar Village in Tigyaing Township, Sagaing Region, said Tigyaing Revolution (TR), the media partner of the township’s PDFs. Click here to read…

Over 28,000 Homes Torched by Myanmar Junta Forces Since Coup – The Irrawaddy

Myanmar junta forces have burned down 28,434 houses in 645 locations since last year’s coup, with Sagaing Region suffering the heaviest damage, according to the independent research group Data For Myanmar. Click here to read…

Suspended Nepal Chief Justice Rana appears before impeachment recommendation committee – The Print

Nepal’s suspended Chief Justice Cholendra Shumsher Rana on Wednesday appeared before an impeachment committee of Parliament to present his clarification on several allegations levelled against him. Click here to read…

Rationalising Nepal-India relationship – Kathmandu Post

By returning the Bill to Amend the Citizenship Act to the federal Parliament for a review, President Bidya Devi Bhandari had put a huge question mark on the cross-border “Roti-Beti” relationship. The parliamentary majority may force her to authenticate the bill, but President Bhandari has succeeded in publicising the prejudices of the dominant HAMNS (Hindu, Aryan, Male and Nepali Speaker) mainstream. Click here to read…

Citizenship bill set to pass NA test – The Himalayan Times

The Legislation Management Committee of the National Assembly today passed the citizenship bill on the basis of majority without any changes. CPN- UML lawmakers registered a note of dissent on the bill. Click here to read…

Cabinet gives nod to MoU with Nepal on biodiversity conservation – Hindustan Times

The Union Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has approved the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between India and Nepal in the field of biodiversity conservation, to promote cooperation between the two countries in the field of forests, wildlife, environment, and climate change. Click here to read…

Pakistan govt to consult coalition partners on importing goods from India: Pak FM Miftah Ismail – Indian Express

Pakistan’s Finance Minister Miftah Ismail said on Wednesday the government will consider importing goods from India after consulting its coalition partners and key stakeholders, as the cash-strapped nation seeks to stablise soaring food prices triggered by flash floods that have wrought havoc across the country. Click here to read…

Ukraine’s munitions might be coming from unlikely source — Russia’s new friend Pakistan
Ukraine is reportedly getting munition supply from an unlikely source — Pakistan- The Print

Yes, it seems to be the case if one goes by the videos of long range artillery shells, manufactured by Pakistan Ordnance Factory Board, being unpacked in Ukraine. Click here to read…

Political turmoil, division in army ranks deepen the crisis in Pakistan – Times of India

Terrorism charges against ousted premier Imran Khan have fuelled political tensions in Pakistan. An FIR was registered on August 21 alleging that the former Pakistan prime minister was ‘terrorising and threatening’ top police officials and a female additional sessions judge. Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Party has denounced the charges as a politically motivated move by Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif’s government. Click here to read…

Sri Lanka
Crisis-hit Sri Lanka will need fresh tactics to survive – UCA News

Having fallen on hard times, Sri Lankans are adopting their own survival tactics, which are set to boomerang even in the short term. The bailout package from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the austerity measures that follow it will further put the entire nation at the mercy of creditors in the long term. Click here to read…

Will Ranil’s Tokenism Work With The 51st Session Of UNHRC? – Eurasia Review

Last July, soon after the 50th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council – UN HRC was over, I wrote the following: “In the opinion of some analysts – Ranil as Prime Minister with a fox’s cunningness; Prof. G. L. Peiris as Foreign Minister and Ms. Aruni Wijayawardena who is currently serving as the Secretary to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – may be able to avert the impending difficulties in the 51 session……. Let’s wait until September.” Click here to read…

IMF likely to make formal announcement on Sri Lanka’s bailout package on Thursday: Reports – Economic Times

The visiting IMF delegation is expected to conclude talks with the Sri Lankan government and make a formal announcement on Thursday on the much-awaited bailout package and staff-level agreement for the cash-strapped island nation, media reports said on Wednesday. Click here to read…

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest: August 30, 2022

UN Aid Chief Pushes for Restart of Afghanistan Development Aid: Tolo News

Countries should restart some development aid for impoverished Afghanistan that was halted a year ago when the Islamic Emirate seized power, the UN aid chief said on Monday, as the US told Russia and China to “put your money where your mouth is.” Click here to read…

Taliban’s Door-to-Door Searches in Northern Afghanistan Extends to Faryab, Takhar, and Jawzjan: The Khaama Press

Local sources in Taloqan, Sheberghan, and Maimana, the provincial capitals of the northern Afghan provinces of Takhar, Jawzjan, and Faryab respectively, said that Taliban forces have started conducting extensive house-to-house searches. The sources say that since early on Monday, the 29th of August, about a thousand Taliban forces have dispersed across Maimana city, the central district of Faryab province, and have begun searching homes. Click here to read…

Important Documents at Bamyan Education Directorate Destroyed by Floods in Province: The Khaama Press

Local sources in the central Afghan province of Bamyan say that important documents, including results and records from the Bamyan Education Directorate’s 1398–1400 years, were destroyed by floods in the province. A source said yesterday, on Sunday, August 28, the Bamyan Education Directorate’s Results and Certificate division, together with at least seven computer workstations and 30 volumes of record booklets, were all destroyed. Click here to read…

UN human rights expert on climate change to visit Bangladesh in September: Dhaka Tribune

UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights in the context of climate change, Ian Fry, will visit Bangladesh from September 4 to 15. This is the first official visit by the UN official, an international environmental law and policy expert, since he took office on May 1 this year. Click here to read…

Padma Bridge: Upto 30 launch services from Sadarghat forced to fold: Dhaka Tribune

State Minister for Shipping Khalid Mahmud Chowdhury on Monday told the Parliament that Bangladesh’s southern region-bound passengers on almost all waterways declined significantly due to the advent of the Padma Bridge. Click here to read…

Khulna-Mongla rail line: Not opening this year: The Daily Star

When Bangladesh Railway in December 2010 took up the project for constructing Khulna-Mongla new rail line without any feasibility study, its deadline was December 2013. But its physical work began around six years after approval, driving the project cost up to Tk 4,260.88 crore from Tk 1,721.39 crore. The deadline was extended up to December this year after several revisions. Click here to read…

BCCI to launch micro-finance loan scheme for SMEs – Kuensel Online

To help small and medium enterprises (SMEs) self-sustain, the Bhutan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) is working on a micro-finance loan scheme to be launched early next year. BCCI’s President, Tandy Wangchuk said that the private sector members had strongly raised their voices on the need for micro-finance loans since the SMEs were badly affected by the pandemic for the past two years. Click here to read…

Bhutan Bans Import Of Most Vehicles As Foreign Exchange Reserves Plummet – Kuensel Online

Bhutan will ban the import of all vehicles except utility vehicles, heavy earthmoving machines and agriculture machinery to save dwindling foreign exchange reserves, the government said in a notice seen by Reuters on Friday. Click here to read…

Export prices rise by 16 percent in first quarter – Kuensel Online

Export prices of goods rose by 16.1 percent in the first quarter (January to March) of the year compared to the figure in the same quarter of last year, according to a report National Statistics Bureau released recently. The export price index was recorded at -0.98 percent in the first quarter of last year. Click here to read…


External Affairs Minister Jaishankar meets Maldives Speaker, minister –

Indian Express

President of the United Nations General Assembly Abdulla Shahid from Maldives Monday stressed the role played by India at the UN and acknowledged the pivotal role the country played during the Covid-19 recovery phase. External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar, after meeting him, said India’s “Neighbourhood First” and the Maldives’ “India First” policies complement each other. Click here to read…

Discussions held on agreements being negotiated between Maldives, Indonesia – Raajje

Discussions have been held on the agreements being negotiated between the governments of Maldives and Indonesia. This was done during a courtesy call paid by the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to the Republic of Maldives, Dewi Gustina Tobing on Vice President Faisal Naseem on Monday morning. Click here to read…

Maldives confirms 68 new Covid-19 cases, additional death – Raajje

Maldives has confirmed 68 new Covid-19 cases and an additional death from the virus. The Health Protection Agency (HPA) in its latest figures publicized on Monday, revealed that 68 new infections were detected between August 21 – 27. Within this period, eight new hospital admissions were also recorded. Click here to read…

Over 28,000 Homes Torched by Myanmar Junta Forces Since Coup – The Irrawaddy
Myanmar junta forces have burned down 28,434 houses in 645 locations since last year’s coup, with Sagaing Region suffering the heaviest damage, according to the independent research group Data For Myanmar. Click here to read…
Myanmar’s Military Regime Cannot Withstand the Revolution – The Irrawaddy

Our resistance forces were established overnight out of the necessity of the revolution. They are made up of civilians who joined the PDFs after a few months of military training. The chain of command is not systematic and there is still room for improvement. There must be a systematic and swift chain of command from the most basic unit of a squad to platoon, company and battalion level right up to the NUG’s defense ministry. Click here to read…

From The Field: Restoring Myanmar’s Mangroves – UN News

Myanmar is believed to be experiencing one of the highest rates of mangrove loss in the world. When a company bought land containing a mangrove forest in the country’s Tanintharyi region, with plans to convert it into prawn farms, the local community fought back. Click here to read…

Myanmar Military Invited to Weapons Expo in Bangkok – The Irrawaddy

The Myanmar military has been invited to an arms fair, defense and security related seminars and technical presentations officially supported by neighboring Thailand’s Ministry of Defense. Click here to read…

India running out of options in Myanmar as a civil war rages and China backs the junta – National Herald

India was caught unawares by events in Myanmar within a month of its election for the seventh time as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council. India shares with Myanmar a land border of over 1600 km and a maritime boundary in the Bay of Bengal. But New Delhi was also grappling to regain a toehold in Kabul, leaving it too preoccupied to take events in Myanmar seriously, until refugees from Myanmar came streaming into North-eastern states. Click here to read…

President consults parties as Parliament ignores her concerns on Citizenship bill – Kathmandu Post

President Bidya Devi Bhandari has expressed concern over the lower house’s endorsement of the amendment bill on Citizenship Act without discussions on her suggestions. On Monday, Bhandari invited office bearers of the ruling Nepali Congress and the main opposition CPN-UML separately and expressed her concerns about the bill which she had returned to the House of Representatives for a review. Click here to read…

India to grant Nepal access to two key ports in Gujarat & Odisha under trade, transit treaties – The Print

Despite several challenges plaguing the bilateral relationship of late, India and Nepal are all set to upgrade their bilateral trade and transit ties under which Kathmandu will be given access to some of the key Indian ports along with enhanced reach for its agriculture produce, ThePrint has learnt. Click here to read…

31 member Indian Army team arrives in Nepal on five-day visit – The Print

A 31-member delegation of the Indian Army’s “Defence Course” arrived in Nepal on Sunday. The visiting team includes students participating in the ‘National Defence Course-62’ that was held at the National Defence College in New Delhi, according to a press release issued by Nepali Army. Click here to read…

3 Arrested With Heroin Worth Rs 60 Lakh From Uttar Pradesh Town On India-Nepal Border – Outlook India

Three people were arrested with heroin on Sunday in two separate incidents from Sonauli town on the Indo-Nepal border here, by Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) and Police, a senior officer said. Click here to read…

Govt to form response centre to manage flood crisis: Dawn

The ruling alliance on Monday held threadbare discussions to devise comprehensive plans for the relief and rehabilitation of millions of flood victims, as well as chalking out a strategy to meet natural catastrophes of this magnitude in future as the flooding caused by unprecedented monsoon rains swept nearly a third of the country. Click here to read…

IMF approves much-needed $1.1bn payout: Dawn

The Exe¬cu¬tive Board of the Interna¬tional Monetary Fund (IMF) on Monday completed the combined 7th and 8th revi¬ews of a loan facility for Pak¬is¬tan, allowing immediate disbursement of $1.1 billion to the country, said an official IMF announcement. Click here to read…

‘Betrayal of country’: Bilawal slams Imran for trying to ‘sabotage’ IMF deal: The Express Tribune

PPP Chairman and Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has accused former prime minister Imran Khan of exploiting PTI-led governments in Punjab and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa to “sabotage” the IMF bailout programme amid devastation caused by floods. Click here to read…

Sri Lanka
Govt. agrees to submit documents in Parliament over Ranjan’s release: Daily Mirror

The government today agreed to submit in Parliament the documents pertaining to the presidential pardon to former MP Ranjan Ramanayake. Responding to a request made by Chief Opposition Whip Lakshman Kiriella, Justice Minister Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe told Parliament that he would submit in Parliament the relevant documents. Click here to read…

Jet fuel shortage worsens SLA’s woes: Daily Mirror

SLA posted a loss of US $ 1.5 million in July, as the airline was forced to make fuel stops outside the country, due to the jet fuel shortage in the country. After 16 years, SLA reported a US $ 10.66 million profit in December 2021 and a profit of US $ 1.7 million in the March 2022 quarter. Click here to read…

Sri Lanka president to present first budget with hopes for IMF loan: The Indian Express

Sri Lankan President Ranil Wickremesinghe will on Tuesday slash defence and other expenditures in a bid to win International Monetary Fund (IMF) support as he presents his first budget since taking over as leader of his crisis-hit country. Click here to read…