Tag Archives: L-15

China: Daily Scan, February 25, 2022

State councilor stresses modern market regulation for high-quality development: Xinhuanet
February 25, 2022

State Councilor Wang Yong has underscored improving the effectiveness of market regulation to further boost market vitality and shore up China’s high-quality development. Wang made the remarks in south China’s Hainan Province, where he conducted inspections on the development and supervision of market entities. Click here to read…

China urges U.S. not to harass Chinese students: Xinhuanet
February 25, 2022

China urges the United States to immediately correct its mistakes and stop harassing Chinese students studying in the country, a Foreign Ministry spokesperson said here Thursday. Click here to read…

China urges U.S. to immediately cease malicious cyber activities: Xinhuanet
February 25, 2022

China on Thursday urged the United States to offer an explanation for and put an immediate end to its malicious cyber activities, vowing to take necessary measures to safeguard its cybersecurity and its own interests. Click here to read…

China urges all parties involved in Ukraine issue to exercise restraint: Xinhuanet
February 24, 2022

A Chinese envoy on Wednesday called on all parties involved in Ukraine issue to exercise restraint. “In the current context, all parties concerned should exercise restraint, and avoid taking any action that may aggravate tensions,” Zhang Jun, China’s permanent representative to the United Nations, told the plenary meeting of the 76th session of the UN General Assembly on Ukraine. Click here to read…

China to increase affordable rental housing supply, says ministry: Xinhuanet

February 24, 2022

China will work to expand the supply of affordable rental housing as part of efforts to resolve housing difficulties, said the country’s housing authorities at a Thursday press conference. Click here to read…

China to host int’l military medicine forum in March: Xinhuanet
February 24, 2022

The Chinese military will host the Seventh Great Wall International Military Medicine Forum in Beijing from March 24 to 27, a military spokesperson announced on Thursday. Military medical experts from more than 10 countries, including Russia, Serbia and Pakistan, as well as from the International Committee of the Red Cross, have been invited to attend the forum, to be held both online and offline, said Tan Kefei, spokesperson for China’s Ministry of National Defense. Click here to read…

25 financial institutions receive disciplinary inspection feedback: Xinhuanet
February 25, 2022

A total of 25 financial institutions have received feedback as the result of the eighth-round disciplinary inspection launched by the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC). Click here to read…

Asia Pacific not arena for zero-sum game, says Defense Spokesperson: China Military
February 24, 2022

“What the US report says about China’s Taiwan region is a gross interference in China’s internal affairs and violation of the one-China principle and the basic norms governing international relations. We are firmly opposed to that,” said a Chinese defense spokesperson on Thursday. Click here to read…

Digital yuan injects fresh dynamism into Chinese economy: People’s Daily
February 25, 2022

China has rolled out a broad range of payment products to help both Chinese citizens and foreigners experience the convenience of mobile payment with China’s digital fiat currency, or the e-CNY, for small-value payments during the 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. Click here to read…

China to help enterprises better hedge exchange rate risks amid rising yuan: People’s Daily
February 25, 2022

The Chinese government will work to help enterprises better hedge exchange rate risks as the yuan rises, Gao Feng, spokesperson for the Ministry of Commerce, said on Thursday. Gao made the remarks after the Chinese currency, the renminbi, or the yuan, had appreciated sharply in recent days. Click here to read…

1,273 fugitives returned to China last year to face justice: Global Times
February 25, 2022

The “Skynet operation 2021” brought back 1,273 fugitives, including 22 with Interpol Red Notice and 318 suspects under investigation, with 16.74 billion yuan ($2.64 billion) in illicit assets recovered, China’s anti-graft agencies announced on Thursday. Click here to read…

China urges US to end poisonous legacy left by Trump after ‘China Initiative’ is dropped: Global Times
February 24, 2022

The US Department of Justice announced on Wednesday it has ended the “China Initiative,” a program launched during the Trump administration to target so-called “Chinese espionage and intellectual property theft,” which the Chinese Foreign Ministry said should have been abolished along with the former administration’s policies toward China a long time ago. Click here to read…

Senior CPC official meets Panchen Lama: Global Times
February 24, 2022

Senior Communist Party of China (CPC) official You Quan met with the 11th Panchen Lama Bainqen Erdini Qoigyijabu in Beijing Wednesday. You, a member of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee and head of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee, extended Tibetan new year greetings to the Panchen Lama and all Tibetan Buddhism believers. Click here to read…

UAE to buy Chinese L-15 supersonic jets despite US pressure: Global Times
February 24, 2022

The Defense Ministry of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) announced on Wednesday that it is planning to purchase a dozen Chinese L-15 advanced trainer and light combat jets with more being considered in the future. Click here to read…

China: Daily Scan, November 15, 2021

Former provincial political advisor expelled from CPC, office: Xinhuanet
November 13, 2021

Xiao Yi, former vice chairman of the Jiangxi Provincial Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, has been expelled from the Communist Party of China (CPC) and removed from his post for grave violations of Party discipline and laws. An investigation conducted by the CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission found that Xiao had abused his power to introduce and support enterprises to engage in virtual currency mining activities, which go against the country’s industrial policies. Click here to read…

China seeks public opinion on internet data protection draft regulations: Xinhuanet
November 14, 2021

The Cyberspace Administration of China on Sunday issued a set of draft management regulations on protecting internet data security to solicit opinion from the public. According to the regulations, the country shall establish a category- and class-based data protection system. Click here to read…

Suspect in massive embezzlement case repatriated to China: Xinhuanet
November 14, 2021

Xu Guojun, a former Bank of China (BOC) manager and a suspect in duty-related crimes, has been repatriated to China, authorities said Sunday. The former head of the Kaiping sub-branch of the BOC in south China’s Guangdong Province, fled to the United States in 2001. The other two former managers involved in this case, Yu Zhendong and Xu Chaofan, were repatriated in 2004 and 2018, respectively. Click here to read…

Xi’s speech builds consensus for Asia-Pacific cooperation, injects impetus into global recovery: China Military
November 14, 2021

President Xi Jinping’s proposals on deepening regional cooperation at the 28th APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting build consensus to overcome difficulties, and inject impetus into global economic recovery, overseas experts have said. Promoting the building of an Asia-Pacific community with a shared future is especially important, said Bambang Suryono, chairman of Asia Innovation Study Center, an Indonesian think tank. Click here to read…

Beijing Stock Exchange to start trading: People’s Daily
November 15, 2021

The Beijing Stock Exchange will start trading on Nov. 15. It will serve small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with a focus on innovation, promote the implementation of various policies and contribute to the high-quality growth of China’s real economy. Click here to read…

China aims to preliminarily cover major cities with IoT by end of 2023: People’s Daily

November 13, 2021

The Internet of Things (IoT) is playing an increasingly prominent role in the production and life of people in all sectors as digital and intelligent transformation and upgrading of industries speeds up. With sensing and network communications technologies as its major means, the IoT is infrastructure that provides services including the sensing, transmission, and processing of information through ubiquitous connection among people, machines, and objects. Click here to read…

China to strengthen crackdown on abnormal patent agent activities: China Daily
November 12, 2021

China will further strengthen its crackdown on abnormal patent agent activities, according to the National Intellectual Property Administration (NIPA). The Chinese IPR authorities will penalize those agents involved in large quantities of abnormal patent applications or patent fabrication activities, either revoking their practice licenses or preventing them from taking on new business, said the NIPA on a new notice. Click here to read…

Private sector urged to contribute to green drive: China Daily
November 15, 2021

China is encouraging the involvement of private capital in environmental protection and restoration, aiming to promote the country’s high-quality development, according to a guideline released by the State Council, China’s Cabinet, on Wednesday. The guideline said China will encourage and support the engagement of private capital throughout the process of environmental protection, including investment, design, restoration and management. Click here to read…

China’s L-15 advanced jet trainer showcased at Dubai Airshow, reflecting nation’s attention to Middle East arms market: Global Times
November 14, 2021

China displayed its L-15 advanced jet trainer at the Dubai Airshow in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on Sunday along with other Chinese arms products, the first time that the Chinese military aviation sector has systematically exhibited its products in a large comprehensive international airshow outside the country since the COVID-19 pandemic. Choosing the L-15, which is regarded as China’s best model in terms of advanced trainers, for display in Dubai despite the pandemic reflects that China attaches great importance to the Middle East military market, experts said. Click here to read…

China’s Communist Party backs Xi Jinping’s firm hand on Hong Kong and Taiwan: South China Morning Post
November 12, 2021

The Chinese Communist Party in a communique on Thursday endorsed President Xi Jinping’s policies on Hong Kong and Taiwan as part of his major political achievements.
The move indicates Beijing continues to hold a firm red line on the two regions, as they will be recognised as important parts of Xi’s legacy. In a communique issued at the close of a four-day plenary session, the party’s top leadership said: “With regard to upholding the policy of ‘one country, two systems’ and promoting national reunification, the Central Committee has adopted a series of measures to address both the symptoms and root problems of the relevant issues, and resolutely implemented the principle that Hong Kong and Macau must be governed by patriots.” Click here to read…