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Global Developments and Analysis: Weekly Monitor, 07 March 2022 – 13 March 2022

Economic Blacklist of Russia Marks New Blow for Globalization

The U.S.-led effort to expel Russia from international commerce marks another fracture in the free-trade vision that guided American policy for nearly 30 years, signalling a future where nations and companies shift away from trading with adversaries and focus more on like-minded partners. The actions taken by the U.S. and Western European allies since Russia invaded Ukraine have been swift and punishing—including banning or scaling back purchases of Russian oil, gas and coal to pressure Russian President Vladimir Putin to call off his troops. The West has also moved to oust Russian banks from international financial networks, while a bipartisan coalition of U.S. lawmakers has introduced legislation calling on the U.S. to press for Russia’s suspension from the World Trade Organization—an action that would have no precedent in WTO history. Jennifer Hillman, a trade lawyer who teaches at Georgetown University sees the future of global trade agreements could be in large regional pacts where there are coalitions of the like-minded. Moves to isolate Russia are “very satisfying in the short run, because the Russians are doing a very bad thing,” said Bill Reinsch, a senior adviser at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. “But nobody wants to talk about the long-term consequences of weakening international institutions.” Click here to read…

Russia Halts Exports Of Over 200 Products But Excludes Energy

Russia said on March 10 that it was suspending, until the end of this year, exports of more than 200 products, including technological and medical equipment, vehicles, and agricultural machinery, but oil, gas, and coal – the main revenue stream for the government – were spared from the list. The measure – which also includes the suspension of exports of electric equipment, railway cars and locomotives, containers, turbines, metal and stone cutting machines, video displays, projectors, consoles, and switchboards—“is necessary to maintain stability on the Russian market,” the government said in a statement. “In addition, the Government has also suspended the export of several types of timber and timber products to states that are undertaking hostile actions against Russia,” it added. Yet, just as Europe has been wary of slapping sanctions on Russian energy, Russia is equally wary of cutting off its largest revenue – energy. Crude oil and natural gas revenue accounted for 43 percent, on average, of the Russian government’s total annual revenue between 2011 and 2020, according to data compiled by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). The Russian Energy Strategy to 2035 prioritizes the increase in energy exports and revenue, which is indicative of the central role hydrocarbons play for the Russian government, the EIA notes. Click here to read…

Palladium, copper and nickel hit historic highs on Russia sanctions

Prices for key industrial metals including palladium, copper and nickel are soaring to record levels as economic sanctions against Russia, a major supplier, threaten to squeeze supply and push manufacturers to seek other options. Nickel surged over 70% on March 07 on the London Metal Exchange, while palladium, used in catalytic converters to scrub auto engine exhaust, hit an all-time high for the first time in 10 months. In addition to political pressure to stop sourcing the metals from Russia, the logistical challenge of receiving shipments from the heavily sanctioned country is exacerbating the price increases. A prolonged supply crunch would push manufacturers to pass on higher prices to customers, aggravating inflation. Aluminium set a new all-time high for a second straight day, touching $4,073.50. The surge was particularly pronounced for nickel, used in electric vehicle batteries. The metal skyrocketed by nearly $21,000 to over $50,000 per ton — the highest since June 2007. Russia produces 3.5% of the world’s copper, 5.4% of its aluminum, 9.3% of its nickel and 42.8% of its palladium. Though such major Russian miners as Norilsk Nickel, the world’s top producer of palladium and nickel, have not been directly targeted by sanctions, it is still growing tougher for them to do business. Click here to read…

China turns to Russian gas to curb dependence on Quad members

Eager to no longer depend on geopolitical rivals like the U.S. and Australia for natural gas, China is forging ahead with new pipeline projects to boost imports from Russia. Preparations for a new pipeline to the Russian island of Sakhalin are in full swing in China’s border province of Heilongjiang despite still frigid temperatures. Currently, the only gas pipeline between Russia and China is Power of Siberia, which began operating in 2019 and has an annual capacity of 38 billion cu. meters. The countries plan to establish a new pipeline under the deal with an annual capacity of 10 billion cu. meters. New developments are underway in Russia as well. Gazprom on March 1 announced it had begun taking concrete steps toward the construction of the Power of Siberia 2 pipeline, which would pass through Mongolia and have an annual capacity of around 50 billion cu. meters. Pollution-plagued China swapped out more of its coal for natural gas to clear its skies for the Beijing Winter Olympics. But the country relies on imports for nearly half the gas it consumes. China imports about 40%, the biggest portion, of its LNG from Australia. Just over 10% comes from the U.S. Click here to read…

EU leaders fail to set a date to end energy dependence on Russia

EU leaders want to end the Russian energy imports that help fund the war in Ukraine, but not yet. In a statement released March 11 following a summit in Versailles, France, they said countries would “phase out our dependency on Russian gas, oil and coal imports as soon as possible.” Russia’s invasion of Ukraine had “brought war back to Europe,” the 27 leaders said. In response, they committed to boosting economic independence, which means slashing imports of Russian natural gas, oil and coal. Energy imports from Russia last year came to €99 billion, the Continent’s largest tie to Moscow. On March 10, Commission President Ursula von der Leyen proposed 2027 as a firm end date. That followed a Commission proposal earlier this week to cut Russian energy dependence by two-thirds by the end of this year and to drive that to zero “well before” 2030. But national leaders balked at agreeing to a concrete date this week. Instead, they asked Brussels to put forward a plan in May. The Commission would “come up with a proposal to phase out our dependency on Russian gas, oil, and coal by 2027, backed by the necessary national and European resources,” von der Leyen said after the summit. Click here to read…

Central Asia Faces Financial Chaos As Russia’s Economy Collapses

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the Western sanctions in response have left former Soviet states in Central Asia facing economic chaos. The uncertainty is gripping Central Asia, where Russia is a top trading partner and the source of critical remittances. Local currencies rise and fall with the ruble. Kazakhstan was the first to respond to the crisis, raising its baseline interest rate from 10.25 percent to 13.5 percent just hours after the war began. The National Bank rapidly intervened in the currency market, selling U.S. dollars to protect the tenge. Kazakhstan is blessed with substantial reserves. The Samruk-Kazyna sovereign wealth fund held some $65 billion as of January. The National Oil Fund reportedly holds another $60 billion or more. While the ongoing restructuring at Samruk-Kazyna could result in revelations that cast doubt on those numbers, tens of billions are known to be held with Bank of New York Mellon and are relatively liquid. Uzbekistan may not be as economically dependent on remittances as Kyrgyzstan or Tajikistan but has more economic migrants in Russia than all the other Central Asian states put together. The strengthening of the sum and dollar against the ruble means that millions of Uzbek migrant workers earning rubles in Russia have taken a 50 percent wage cut in sum and U.S. dollar terms because of Putin’s war. Click here to read…

Russia’s asset seizure threat confronts companies with grim choices

As Russia lays the groundwork for seizing the assets of foreign companies exiting the country, international corporations face a grim choice among financial losses, costly legal battles or reputational ruin. Looking to soften the blow of sanctions squeezing its economy, Russia has drafted proposals that would let it take control of departing companies with more than 25% foreign ownership and hand them over to Moscow-friendly management. It is necessary to “introduce external management and then transfer these enterprises to those who actually want to work,” President Vladimir Putin said in a videoconference with senior officials. This move escalates Moscow’s campaign to crack down on the rapidly growing ranks of foreign companies bowing out of Russia, such as BP and Exxon Mobil, and those halting operations, like Sony Group. Sony declined to comment on Moscow’s plans on asset seizure. Putin signed a decree this month banning taking more than $10,000 in foreign currency out of the country, and the government has restricted sales of Russian assets. Both moves are aimed at discouraging foreign enterprises from leaving. Businesses looking to exit Russia now face multiple potential roadblocks, not all from the government. Russian partners might sue over issues such as unwinding joint ventures. Click here to read…

Rich Russians turning to Dubai to evade sanctions – media

Wealthy Russians have stepped up their efforts to move their funds from Europe to Dubai to evade Western sanctions placed on them over the war in Ukraine, Reuters has reported, citing financial and legal sources in the Gulf state. A globally acclaimed tourist destination, Dubai is also considered the region’s business hub. The United Arab Emirates’ recent refusal to condemn Russia’s military operation in Ukraine at the United Nations Security Council appears to have been interpreted by Russia’s rich as an invitation. An unnamed lawyer based in Dubai told the outlet his firm had received a number of enquiries from Russian entities about shifting “very significant funds” to Dubai. Several reportedly involved hundreds of millions of US dollars. Another source, a senior private banker, said Russian customers with accounts at private banks elsewhere were opening accounts with the same bank’s UAE branch or with local banks. They noted that the number of Russian customers had recently increased. Other sources said they had seen a recent growth in Russian investments in the region’s real estate. Analysts say the UAE, and Dubai in particular, is a convenient location, being only a few hours’ flight from Russia and not having regulators answerable to Western states. Click here to read…

As Ukraine war rages, Israel grapples with fate of oligarchs

Israel is grappling with a situation that involves dealing with dozens of Jewish Russian oligarchs as Western nations step up sanctions on businesspeople with ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin. A worried Israeli government has formed a high-level committee to see how the country can maintain its status as a haven for any Jew without running afoul of the biting sanctions targeting Putin’s inner circle. Several dozen Jewish tycoons from Russia are believed to have taken on Israeli citizenship or residency in recent years. Many have good working relations with the Kremlin, and at least four – Chelsea FC owner Roman Abramovich, Mikhail Fridman, Petr Aven and Viktor Vekselberg – have been sanctioned internationally because of their purported connections to Putin. Israel, which has emerged as an unlikely mediator between Ukraine and Russia, has not joined the sanctions imposed by the United States, United Kingdom, the European Union and others. But as the war in Ukraine drags on, and other names are added to the list, the pressure is increasing. In an interview with Israel’s Channel 12 TV station over the weekend, the US under-secretary of state for political affairs, Victoria Nuland, called on Israel to join the group of countries that have sanctioned Russia. Click here to read…

Yuan deposits replace dollar and euro in Russian banks

With Russia now officially cut off from both the US dollar and the euro, the state-owned VTB Bank has offered its clientele the opportunity to open Chinese yuan savings accounts that yield a maximum interest rate of 8%. The country’s second-biggest bank has been hit by the Western sanctions aimed at the total financial isolation of Russia over its war in Ukraine. “In light of the rising dollar and euro exchange rates, many clients are showing interest in investing in other currencies, and the yuan is one of the most affordable and promising options for investing funds,” the bank said in a statement. Existing customers are reportedly able to open deposits remotely on VTB Online with a minimum amount of 100 yuan ($16). At VTB branches, they can deposit a minimum of 500 yuan. Russian financial institutions have been placed under increasing pressure after Ukraine-related sanctions were introduced. The banks have had to turn to China to start using its UnionPay system for credit cards, after Visa and Mastercard announced the suspension of operations in the country. “Some Russian banks can’t get access to other currencies, so yuan is probably the best other alternative,” Khoon Goh, head of Asia research at the Australia & New Zealand Banking Group, told Bloomberg. Click here to read…

Ukraine war: Russia accuses West of wanting to stage ‘artificial’ default

Russia’s finance ministry on March 14 accused foreign countries of wanting to force Russia into an “artificial default” through unprecedented sanctions over Ukraine and said it would meet its debt obligations. “The freezing of foreign currency accounts of the Bank of Russia and of the Russian government can be regarded as the desire of a number of foreign countries to organise an artificial default that has no real economic grounds,” finance minister Anton Siluanov said in a statement. Ratings agency Fitch last week downgraded Russia’s sovereign debt rating farther into junk territory, warning that the decision reflects the view that a default was “imminent”. But Siluanov denied that Russia “cannot fulfil the obligations” of its government debt. The government is due to pay US$117 million on two of its dollar-denominated bonds on March 16. Technically it has a 30-day grace period, but that is a minor point. If it happens it would represent its first international default since the Bolshevik revolution over a century ago. Siluanov said Russia “is ready to make payments in roubles” according to the exchange rate of Russia’s central bank on the day of the payment, including its Eurobond issued since 2018. Click here to read…

China’s coronavirus lockdowns could trigger ‘shock waves’ across global supply chains

Rising coronavirus cases in China, including in economic powerhouses Shenzhen and Shanghai, are stirring fears about severe disruptions to the global shipping industry and supply chain, according to industry insiders. As the country grapples with its most severe outbreak since the initial wave in early 2020, Beijing has doubled down on its “dynamic zero-Covid strategy”, prompting local governments to impose stringent prevention measures, including lockdowns. On March 13, 19 out of 31 mainland provinces reported local infections, with recorded daily infections across the country reaching 2,243. Experts have warned that strict containment efforts by local governments will weigh on cargo movement inside and out of the country. “Lockdowns in China will further reduce capacity and cause a surge in already inflated shipping prices,” said Johannes Schlingmeier, co-founder and CEO of Container xChange. “The shock waves will be felt across the US and America, and almost everywhere in the world.” China’s tech hub Shenzhen in the southern province of Guangdong entered a de facto lockdown for this week, when three rounds of mass testing will be conducted. The city – home to 17.6 million people – reported 86 infections on March 13. Click here to read…

Turkey’s steelmakers grab for market share from China, Russia, Ukraine

Turkey’s steel industry is making a grab for a bigger share of the global market as China holds back production to cut emissions and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine mires two other key rivals in conflict. Turkish steelmakers pushed production and exports to record levels in 2021 and are further expanding capacity this year, in what could prove a test of the unconventional economic policies being pursued by the government of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The dramatic devaluation of the lira, while increasing raw materials costs for steelmakers, has boosted the competitiveness of the country’s exports. The Turkish industry has also benefited as steel buyers look to secure metal nearer to home after transportation costs soared and supplies were interrupted during the coronavirus pandemic. A World Bank report published in February calculated that on average, a 10-percentage-point decrease in shipping reliability led to a 5% rise in Turkey’s exports, thanks to “European multinationals sourcing more intensively from Turkey, instead of [other parts of] Asia.” Domestic consumption grew 13%, but exports jumped 20% to total 19.9 million tons. Click here to read…

Lebanese youths abandon education as crisis bites

Before Lebanon’s devastating financial crisis struck, Faraj Faraj thought university could set him on a path out of a cramped family home in a poor area of Beirut and toward financial independence. Instead, like increasing numbers of Lebanon’s young people, soaring costs forced the 19-year-old to drop out of studying just over a year ago, before he had finished secondary school. “I don’t have family who can help me complete my education, and there’s no work,” he said, adding that even though he was at a state school, the cost of transport had become hard to bear. UN research published in January showed that 30 percent of those aged 15-24 in Lebanon had dropped out of education. More young people are skipping meals and cutting back on health care, the survey showed. The coronavirus pandemic and the port blast, which still scars Beirut’s seafront, deepened what the World Bank has described as one of the worst economic collapses since the mid-19th century. “Once a young person drops out of school at the age of 13, 14, 15, it’s really difficult to get them back into school, and so they enter into a very precarious job market with a serious lack of education and skills,” said Alexandre Schein, head of UNICEF’s youth section in Lebanon. Click here to read…

The Inflation Hits Just Keep Coming, Raising Stakes for the Fed

For the Federal Reserve, the hits driving inflation keep piling up. Escalating sanctions by the West to punish Russia for its war against Ukraine are driving fears that an episode of increased inflation, already at its highest levels in 40 years, will become harder to wring out of the U.S. economy without a recession. Before Moscow’s invasion three weeks ago, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell had begun laying the groundwork for a more aggressive series of rate increases, driven by concerns that labor markets were overheating. He and his colleagues were also banking on getting an assist from recovering supply chains later this year, limiting how far rates would have to rise. Now, the global economy faces the prospect of higher energy and commodity prices, which will raise the costs to transport and manufacture a range of goods, while the conflict further disrupts global shipping networks. “The war makes inflation more intractable,” said Steven Blitz, chief U.S. economist at TS Lombard, a research firm. The threat is unlikely to alter what the Fed does at its meeting this week. Mr. Powell said earlier this month that the central bank wants to avoid adding to volatility at a time when geopolitical uncertainty has already raised the risk of a sharp pullback in risk-taking by investors. Click here to read…

Oil concerns give Iran the upper hand in nuclear talks: Lawmakers

Iran should use the opportunity provided by instability in the global energy markets and push its demands in nuclear talks in Vienna, a majority of Iranian lawmakers have suggested. A statement signed by 160 of Iran’s 290 members of parliament was read out publicly on March 13. It said Tehran should not bind itself by “fabricated deadlines” by the West and push for its demands in the talks in the Austrian capital. “Now that the Ukraine crisis has increased the West’s need for the Iranian energy sector, the US need for reduced oil prices must not be accommodated without considering Iran’s righteous demands,” the parliamentarians wrote. They also called for “economic, technical and political” guarantees that the United States will not renege on the country’s 2015 nuclear deal with world powers again as it did in 2018 and said American sanctions must be lifted effectively and comprehensively. This comes less than a month after 250 legislators signed a statement that sought to assert dominance by setting strict conditions for a return to the nuclear deal, even as the nuclear file is handled by Iran’s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC). Click here to read…

Ukraine war: US-China talks focus on Beijing’s support of Russia

China’s top diplomat Yang Jiechi met US national security adviser Jake Sullivan in Rome on March 14 as the war in Ukraine threatened to become a new source of tension between the two countries. For seven hours, Yang and Sullivan discussed a full range of tensions now dividing Washington and Beijing, US officials said, but they focused extensively on Ukraine, with the US warning that China will face serious consequences if it backs Russia in the war. “What we have conveyed – and what was conveyed by our national security adviser in this meeting – is that, should they provide military or other assistance that of course violates sanctions or supports the war effort, that there will be significant consequences,” White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki said. The comments were the latest sign that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine late last month has injected even more distrust into Washington’s already tense relationship with Beijing. Psaki declined to discuss the form punitive measures might take, but she indicated that they would be initiated by the US and carried out in coordination with allies. A Chinese readout of the meeting said that Yang warned the US not to mischaracterize Beijing’s stance on the war. Zhao Lijian, a spokesman for China’s foreign ministry, denied US media reports that Moscow had asked Beijing for military assistance. Click here to read…

Xi objects to Russia sanctions in summit with France and Germany

Chinese President Xi Jinping criticized sweeping sanctions against Russia in a virtual summit March 08 with French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, while urging “maximum restraint” in Ukraine to avoid a humanitarian crisis. The punitive measures by the U.S., the European Union, Japan and others will “affect global finance, energy, transportation and stability of supply chains,” Xi said, as reported by China Central Television. Xi warned that dragging down a world economy already burdened by the coronavirus pandemic is “in no one’s interest.” While China has not endorsed Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which Moscow calls a “special operation,” Beijing has emphasized its solid ties with Russia and pushed back against sanctions that threaten to debilitate its economy. Xi called for dialogue on equal footing among the European Union, Russia, the U.S. and NATO. “The pressing task at the moment is to prevent the tense situation from escalating or even getting out of control,” he said. China will remain in communication with France, Germany and the EU on the matter, he said. The Chinese leader continued to avoid committing Beijing to a mediator role, only praising efforts by Paris and Berlin to resolve the conflict through negotiation. Ukraine has asked China to help mediate a ceasefire. Click here to read…

China calls for verification of Russian claims of US bioweapons help to Ukraine

China has urged the United Nations to “properly address” Russian claims that the US is building a military biological programme in Ukraine – allegations that the United States has dismissed as misinformation. At a UN Security Council meeting on March 11, Chinese ambassador Zhang Jun said the relevant parties should give comprehensive clarification and accept multilateral verification. “China has noted with concern relevant information released by Russia,” Zhang said, according to China’s permanent mission to the UN. Zhang said Beijing looked forward to receiving more specific information on World Health Organization advice to the Ukrainian government to destroy pathogens located in laboratories to prevent the spread of disease. Russia first claimed on March 07 that its forces had found evidence of Ukrainian attempts to eradicate traces of a military biological weapons programme in Ukraine financed by the US. The US denies the allegations, with Pentagon spokesman John Kirby saying on March 09 that the claims were “classic Russian propaganda”. Zhang hit back, saying the US envoy had “made groundless accusations” against China. “The US always says they advocate transparency. If they believe the relevant information is fake, they can just provide us with relevant data for clarification, so that the international community can draw a conclusion by itself,” he said. Click here to read…

Xi risks having hands tied as China’s next premier race heats up

As the National People’s Congress wraps up, attention is turning to the question of who will succeed Premier Li Keqiang next year, a decision that could reveal much about the power balance in the Communist Party’s upper echelons. China watchers are looking to the succession race for insight into an economic strategy that has grown murkier over the past few years. The premier is typically tasked with economic planning, though Li has spent much of his tenure as China’s No. 2 leader sidelined by President Xi Jinping. After taking office in 2013, Li set out the economic strategy that became known as “Likonomics” — an effort to transition China’s economy from rapid growth to greater stability. While progress was made on some of the premier’s goals, such as liberalizing the auto market, his influence diminished as Xi took a greater hand in economic policy from around 2016, working through Vice Premier Liu He, a close ally. Xi has tried to strike out on a different path from predecessor Deng Xiaoping’s “reform and opening up” approach, in anticipation of protracted economic friction between China and the U.S., but has yet to settle on a clear replacement. The dual circulation strategy announced in 2020 — focusing on domestic demand while also tapping foreign markets — has fizzled without concrete steps toward implementation. Click here to read…

China looks to military law to protect its overseas presence

Stronger legal protections for China’s security and rights in its territorial waters and airspace – as well as in outer space – were the subject of a military discussion panel as part of the “two sessions” meetings in Beijing this week. President Xi Jinping opened the discussion on March 07 at a meeting of deputies from the People’s Liberation Army and the People’s Armed Police Force during the annual gathering of the National People’s Congress. “China should make more comprehensive the body of military laws and regulations that involve foreign countries, so as to better protect national interests through the use of law,” Xi told a panel on the sidelines of the legislative session. According to briefing notes released to the media, the military delegates discussed Xi’s remarks at a panel meeting the next day, including how to speed up the legislative process. Former Southern Theatre Command chief Wang Jiaocheng, a member of the NPC Standing Committee, said areas covered should include foreign trade, protection of maritime rights and interests, and outer space security “to make good use of legal weapons to maintain national security”. Former air force commander Ding Laihang told the panel legal protections could be strengthened for construction projects related to China’s global infrastructure programme, the Belt and Road Initiative. Click here to read…

U.S. says North Korea tested ICBM system as Kim Jong Un orders space program expanded

North Korea recently used what would be its largest ever intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) system in two secretive launches, likely paving the way for a resumption of long-range tests, U.S. and South Korean officials said. North Korea froze its ICBM and nuclear tests in 2017 after launching its first missiles capable of reaching the United States. It has also not conducted a nuclear weapons test since, but leader Kim Jong Un has warned of a return to testing both. The escalation in North Korea tensions comes as South Korea on March 09 elected a new conservative president. Yoon Suk-yeol has said preemptive strikes may be needed to counter any imminent attack by the North and has vowed to buy American THAAD missile interceptors, while remaining open to restarting stalled denuclearization talks. In launches on Feb. 27 and March 5, North Korea did not specify what missile was used, but said they tested components for reconnaissance satellites Kim said would soon be launched to monitor military activity by the United States and its allies. “The purpose of these tests, which did not demonstrate ICBM range, was likely to evaluate this new system before conducting a test at full range in the future, potentially disguised as a space launch,” Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said in a statement. Click here to read…

South Korea diplomacy faces tough test as Yoon assumes power

With Yoon Suk-yeol’s victory in the South Korean presidential election on March 10, Seoul and Tokyo can now start rebuilding their strained relationships. Yoon will take office on May 10, but the two nations have no time to waste in tackling bilateral issues caused by what many experts call the biggest diplomatic failure of the outgoing administration of Moon Jae-in. What the two countries can achieve over the next three months will determine the course of bilateral relations over Yoon’s five-year term, which runs through 2027. According to a South Korean government insider, Yoon plans to meet Japanese Ambassador to South Korea Koichi Aiboshi to explain his policy toward Japan prior to his inauguration. Before being sworn in, Yoon also wants to propose that the two countries exchange special envoys. On the basis of this, Tokyo is expected to select the appropriate representatives to attend the inauguration while formulating a specific agenda to discuss with the new president. Senior officials in Japan and South Korea say the inauguration is key to setting the tone for bilateral ties. South Korea hopes that Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida will attend the ceremony. “That will make it easier to sell our Japanese policy to the public going forward,” said one government source. Click here to read…

India wary of China setting up Bangladesh missile maintenance hub

With China preparing to set up a maintenance facility in Bangladesh for surface-to-air missile systems it supplied in 2011, alarm bells are ringing in New Delhi. The deal on the maintenance hub has not been officially announced either by Beijing and Dhaka, but a senior Bangladeshi diplomat confirmed to Nikkei Asia that the two countries have reached agreement on the facility. He said, “Beijing and Dhaka want to keep this development under wraps currently as China is under increasing scrutiny from the West — particularly the U.S. — for upsetting the security balance in Asia with its territorial aggression.” He added that the formal announcement of the missile deal has been complicated by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine “which has led the world to cry out for peace rather than war.” The facility, in which Chinese company Vanguard is a partner, is part of a raft of Chinese military-related investments and supplies going to Bangladesh that also includes warships, naval guns, anti-ship missiles and surface-to-air missile systems themselves. According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, a Sweden-based think tank, Bangladesh procured some 17% of all Chinese military exports from 2016 to 2020, making it China’s second-largest arms customer, after Pakistan. Click here to read…

Moscow sets conditions for Putin-Zelensky negotiations

There may be a need for direct talks between Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky, and the Russian president is ready to take part in such negotiations, but it would require some preparation, Russia’s foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov, has said. “We’ve confirmed today that President Putin isn’t rejecting the idea of a meeting with President Zelensky,” Lavrov said after “difficult” talks with Ukrainian FM Dmytro Kuleba in Turkey’s Antalya on March 10. He said he reminded his Ukrainian counterpart that Putin and Russia are “always ready to meet if we can achieve some added value and solve the problem.” However, Moscow sees no use in “meeting simply for the sake of meeting,” the minister pointed out. “Possibly at some point, such necessity will hopefully arise,” Lavrov said of the possible talks between Putin and Zelensky. “But for this to happen preparatory work must be done along the Belarusian track.” The delegations from Moscow and Kiev have already held three rounds of talks in Minsk since the start of the conflict on February 24. However, they haven’t delivered any significant results yet. “Our very specific proposals were heard out by the Ukrainian side, and they promised that there would be very specific answers. We’re waiting,” the foreign minister said. Click here to read…

China urges Japan to be cautious concerning nuclear sharing talks: spokesperson

China on March 14 expressed serious concern over discussions on a nuclear sharing arrangement that would see Japan host U.S. nuclear weapons and urged Japan to be cautious. Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian made the remarks at a daily press briefing when asked to comment on relevant voices from Japan. As a non-nuclear weapon state party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), Japan should earnestly fulfil its international obligations in this regard, Zhao said, noting that China has always opposed the deployment of nuclear weapons by nuclear-weapon states on the territory of other countries. “For historical reasons, relevant movements of the Japanese side in the field of military security have always attracted great attention,” the spokesperson said. Zhao said that in recent days, there have been continuous and dangerous comments in Japan that violate the country’s three non-nuclear principles. This has forced Japan’s Asian neighbors and the international community to strongly question whether or not Japan can adhere to the path of peaceful development. China has expressed serious concern and urges Japan to practice caution in its words and deeds and take a responsible attitude in maintaining regional peace and stability, Zhao said. Click here to read…

Putin approves sending foreign volunteers to Donbass

Russian President Vladimir Putin said March 11 that he supported the idea of allowing volunteers from abroad to provide military assistance to Donbass. Western countries and Ukraine do not hide that they are gathering mercenaries and sending them to Ukraine, Putin said at a meeting with permanent members of Russia’s Security Council. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu told Putin that he had received “a huge number of applications from various kinds of volunteers from different countries” who would like to come to Lugansk and Donetsk in order to “participate in what they consider a liberation movement.” “The largest number is from the Middle Eastern countries. There are already more than 16,000 applications,” Shoigu reported. “If you see that there are people who want on a voluntary basis, especially not for money, to come and help people living in Donbass, you need to meet them halfway and help them move to the war zone,” Putin said after listening to his report. Putin also backed Shoigu’s initiative to transfer Western-made weapons captured by the Russian military in Ukraine to the forces of Donbass. Click here to read…

Rival Libyan premier says he plans to be in Tripoli in days

A rival Libyan prime minister says he plans to be in the country’s capital and seat his government there in a matter of days — even though a parallel administration opposing his is currently located in Tripoli. Fathi Bashagha expressed his belief that the war-torn country could be unified without more fighting and that his government will focus on holding elections soon, the only way out of Libya’s decade-old conflict. However, his statement is likely to add to fears that Libya’s two rival administrations are heading into a deeper confrontation and that the divisions signal a return to civil strife after more than a year of relative calm. On March 10, the United Nations and the United States urged restraint and expressed concern over reports of armed groups deploying in and around Tripoli. A former air force pilot and businessman, Bashagha was named prime minister last month by the House of Representatives, which has been based in Tobruk. The lawmakers selected Bashagha to replace embattled Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dbeibah, who is based in Tripoli, claiming Dbeibah’s mandate had expired after Libya failed to hold its first presidential elections in December. Click here to read…

Iranian Guards claim ballistic missile attacks in Erbil

Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) have taken responsibility for ballistic missile attacks in Iraq’s northern Kurdish regional capital of Erbil, according to Iran’s state media. The elite forces in a statement released on March 13 said it targeted the Israeli “strategic centre” in the country. “Any repetition of attacks by Israel will be met with a harsh, decisive and destructive response,” the statement said. Israel killed two Iranian members of the IRGC earlier this week in Syria, a close ally of Tehran. Earlier, Kurdish officials said a dozen ballistic missiles launched from outside Iraq struck the region, with Erbil Governor Omed Khoshnaw telling local broadcaster Rudaw that there was a terror attack against the US Consulate. According to the Kurdish interior ministry, the missiles caused only material damage to the new consulate building and injured one civilian. A US State Department spokesperson called it an “outrageous attack” but said no Americans were hurt and there was no damage to US government facilities in Erbil. Iraqi state TV quoted the semi-autonomous Kurdish region’s counterterrorism force as saying 12 missiles launched from outside Iraq hit Erbil. Masrour Barzani, the prime minister of northern Iraq’s Kurdish Regional Government (KRG) condemned the attack. Click here to read…

Iran blames US for JCPOA delays as top diplomat heads to Russia

Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian will head to Moscow on March 15 for talks with his Russian counterpart, the Iranian foreign ministry has announced, as it doubled down on its position that the United States is preventing an agreement in the nuclear deal talks held in Vienna. Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatbizadeh told reporters on March 14 that Amirabdollahian’s meeting with Sergey Lavrov will mainly focus on the discussions in the Austrian capital to restore the Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), as the deal is formally known. Khatibzadeh said the pause in the talks announced by European coordinators on March 11 does not signal an impasse. He also portrayed Russia’s last-minute demand that sanctions related to its invasion of Ukraine will not affect its future dealings with Iran, pointing to other proposals brought on the table by the various negotiating sides since the beginning of the talks in April 2021. The spokesman stressed that reports by Western media that the talks are mostly held up by Russia’s demand are part of the US strategy. “Downgrading what is happening in Vienna to one element – meaning Russia’s demand – is what the US wants so everyone would forget its own responsibilities”. Click here to read…

Coronavirus: China doubles down on zero-Covid to confront worst wave since Wuhan

Public transport has been stopped and all but essential travel banned in some of China’s biggest cities, as authorities try to rein in the country’s worst coronavirus outbreak since Wuhan in 2020. Lei Zhenglong, deputy director of the National Health Commission’s disease prevention and control bureau, said on March 14 that more than 10,000 people had been infected with Covid-19 since the start of March, with cases spanning 27 of the 31 provincial-level areas on the mainland. In the country’s south, the tech hub of Shenzhen – home to 17.6 million people – went into lockdown for a week on March 14. Residents will be tested three times before March 20. China has relied on such curbs on movement and mass testing to keep case numbers low but, the latest outbreak raises questions about whether China can continue to avoid living with the virus. The strategy, known as “dynamic zero-Covid”, does not aim to eliminate cases but to strictly suppress them when they arise. But Lei reaffirmed the country’s commitment to its playbook, saying the present outbreak required a stricter, earlier and quicker response. “The general strategy to prevent imported cases and internal rebounds and the general policy of dynamic zero-Covid are fully effective in dealing with the Omicron outbreak,” he told state broadcaster CCTV. Click here to read…

Africa Now – Weekly Newsletter (Week 11, 2022)

Welcome to Africa Now, your weekly newsletter for Africa, presenting the most important developments in the continent – news that matters.


How Burkina Faso became the epicentre of conflict in the Sahel

In 2014, when millions of Burkinabes ended the 27-year rule of Blaise Campaore by forcing him to step down, observers and analysts dubbed the occurrence West Africa’s version of the “Arab Spring”. Click here to read…

How China’s Ambitious Belt and Road Plans for East Africa Came Apart

As China draws back from large scale infrastructure investments in Africa, it is worth considering why so many major Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) projects in the region, unveiled with great fanfare, have ultimately struggled. Click here to read…

UN chief wants Amisom to remain in Somalia

United Nations chief Antonio Guterres has recommended to the Security Council that the African Union maintains its staffing level in Somalia through the end of the year. Click here to read…

Libya armed groups backing rival PM withdraw from Tripoli

Libya’s parliament-appointed Prime Minister Fathi Bashagha said that armed groups backing him have withdrawn from positions around Tripoli, after the UN warned of a new escalation in the divided country. Click here to read…

Russia ramps up ties with Sudan as Ukraine war rages

As much of the West seeks to isolate Russia after it invaded Ukraine, experts say Moscow is boosting relations with its long time African ally Sudan, eyeing its gold wealth and strategic location. Click here to read…

France to continue aerial support to Mali after troop withdrawal

France will still provide aerial military support to Malian troops battling an Islamist insurgency in the Sahel even after its counter-terrorism mission has withdrawn, but only where Russian fighters are not present. Click here to read…

Arab League summit to take place in Algeria starting November 1

The Arab League will hold its first annual summit for three years in November in Algeria, the bloc said on Wednesday, after the pandemic forced the meetings’ suspension. Click here to read…

Ukraine looms over US-African Union summit

The United States and the African Union (AU) held their first high-level summit since the Covid-19 pandemic this week with the conflicts in Ukraine and Ethiopia looming over the gathering. Click here to read…

South Africa is ready for a woman chief justice

During the vetting of the candidates for chief justice, the question was asked if South Africa is ready for a woman chief justice. Although the question is absurd, misogynistic and a confirmation of our patriarchal society, the answer is a resounding yes — and it is long overdue. Click here to read…

Mohamed Bazoum: Is Niger France’s new key partner in the Sahel?

The president of Niger discusses if his country will become the new focal point in the fight against ISIL and al-Qaeda. Click here to read…

Chad junta and rebels gear for tricky talks in Qatar

Chad’s ruling junta is scheduled to meet rebel leaders in Qatar on Sunday for delayed talks aimed at coaxing armed groups into joining a “national dialogue” on the troubled country’s futureClick here to read…

African Start-up Eswatini Air to Launch Soon After Taking First Aircraft

The southern African nation of Eswatini – previously Swaziland – is tiny. At just 6,704 square miles (17,364 square km), it is smaller in area than Wales and only a bit larger than the US state of Connecticut. It is Africa’s smallest landlocked country. Click here to read…

Important Step Toward Justice in DR Congo?

The Congolese human rights minister launched national consultations on a new transitional justice initiative that, if implemented, would help the Democratic Republic of Congo emerge from conflict, address grave human rights violations, and institute needed reforms. Click here to read…

Morocco to chair 6th UN Environment Assembly

At the end of the 5th United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-5) which took place in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, the member countries voted Morocco as the host country for the next edition. By hosting the 6th edition of UNEA, the Cherifian kingdom reaffirms the need to strengthen the fight against pollution and climate change whose effects have impacts on the global economy. Click here to read…

Tunisian authorities urged to drop draft law restricting civil society organizations

Thirteen NGOs urged Tunisian authorities on Friday to drop a draft law providing restrictions on civil society organizations, which could result in a “major setback” for rights after the country’s 2011 revolution. Click here to read…

New Zimbabwe law threatens to criminalise and ban NGOs

The bill will effectively criminalise the operations of NGOs, proposing harsh penalties, including closure of the organisations, require them to disclose their source of funding and jail terms of up to a year for breaches. Click here to read…

Egypt announces the country is to diversify its sources of wheat

Egypt’s Prime Minister announced the country is to diversify its sources of wheat to avoid relying on what he described as “specific sources” for this productClick here to read…

Chinese Imports Edging Out Kenya’s Local Products

Kenyan artisans say they are losing the market for their products to Chinese imports. According to the crafts persons, the high quality and lower prices of Chinese-made goods put them at a disadvantageClick here to read…

Lesotho: EU Considering Deployment of EOM

The European Union (EU) is planning to deploy the EU Election Observation Mission (EOM) to Lesotho ahead of the elections which are due to take place in September 2022. Click here to read…

Malian Army Accused of Killing Mauritanian Citizens

A Malian delegation is expected in Mauritania’s capital Friday to discuss the alleged disappearance of several Mauritanians on Malian territory. Click here to read…

Rwanda to impose tax on watching Netflix

Rwanda is the latest African country to announce plans to tax online services consumed within the country. This comes a few months after Zimbabwe and Nigeria laid out plans for the collection of taxes from e-commerce and digital companies such as Netflix, Google, YouTube, and Amazon. Click here to read…

Guinea suspends Simandou iron ore project, saying there has been no progress

Guinea’s ruling junta has ordered the cessation of all activities at the massive Simandou iron ore deposit owned by Rio Tinto and a Chinese-backed consortium, saying it was seeking clarification of how Guinea’s interests will be preserved.

Turkey’s women diplomats shape relations with Africa

Turkey has made significant progress in its political, economic and cultural ties with African countries in the last two decades, and women diplomats have an important place in these relationsClick here to read…

Uganda: Doctors, MPs unite against bid to jail unvaccinated

In February, the Ugandan parliament introduced a bill proposing to fine anyone refusing to take COVID-19 vaccines four million Ugandan shillings ($1,100) or sentence them to jail for six months. Click here to read…

Ethiopian Airlines, Air Djibouti partner for China-Africa Sea to air transport

Ethiopia’s national air carrier, Ethiopian Airlines announced on Tuesday it has partnered with Air Djibouti and Djibouti Industrial Park Operation (IDIPO) to commence sea-air multimodal transportation. Click here to read…

Eni And bp Finalize Agreement to Create New Independent Joint Venture in Angola

BP and Eni confirmed Friday that they have signed an agreement to form a new 50/50 independent company, Azule Energy [a bp and Eni Company], through the combination of the two companies’ Angolan businesses. Click here to read…

Zambia’s ex-President Rupiah Banda dead at 85

Rupiah Banda, who served as president of Zambia from 2008 and 2011, died Friday evening in the capital Lusaka at age 85 after a two-year battle with cancer. His son Andrew confirmed the former leader’s death, saying, “He is gone.” Click here to read…

Prince William says war normal in Africa and Asia, ‘alien’ in Europe; invites backlash

Prince William’s comments that it is ‘very alien’ to see a war in Europe while it was normal to witness conflict in Asia and Africa has invited a backlash on social media. Click here to read…


Defence Expo put off

The situation in Ukraine has led to the postponement of the prestigious defence exhibition DefExpo-2022, to be held from March 10-14 in Gandhinagar, Gujarat. Click here to read…

India, European Union hold inaugural consultations on Africa

The leaders of India and EU held the inaugural India-EU Consultations on Africa on March 7, in virtual mode, the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) said on Tuesday. Click here to read…

South Africa: Made-in-India Suzuki Celerio goes on sale

Suzuki has launched the second generation Celerio in the South African market. The car is manufactured and exported from Maruti Suzuki’s production facility in India. Click here to read…

Indian Embassy unveils plaque of ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ in Antananarivo

To mark the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav on the occasion of 75 years of India’s Independence, the Indian Embassy in Madagascar organized a special unveiling ceremony of the plaque of “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam”. Click here to read…

India focuses on Revitalization Agreement, election preparations in South Sudan at UNSC

India emphasised the execution of the Revitalization Agreement and election preparations at a UN Security Council (UNSC) briefing on the situation in South Sudan. Click here to read…

South Africa to issue e-visas for Indian travellers soon

As part of post-pandemic revival plans, South Africa will introduce e-visas for Indians to attract more tourists, business travellers and movie-makers, mainly from the south. Click here to read…

26 more Indian fishers held in Seychelles

Twenty-six more Indian fishermen were detained by authorities in Seychelles, off East Africa, on Wednesday on charges of entering their territorial waters. This takes the total number of Indian fishermen detained there in three days to 59. Click here to read…

Sewa International evacuates 467 African students from Ukraine

Houston-based Indian-American non-profit body Sewa International has evacuated 467 African students including 367 Nigerians, from Ukraine’s Sumy amidst a Russian military offensive. Click here to read…

Former diplomat Rajiv Bhatia’s India-Africa Relations: Changing Horizons, is an essential reader on India’s burgeoning ties with African states

This book is certainly rare considering the paucity of scholarly writings by Indians on the core issues of Africa. As a scholar-diplomat, who headed Indian embassies in South Africa, Kenya and Lesotho, Rajiv Bhatia has deftly handled changing horizons of Indo-African ties. Click here to read…

Chennai’s Hindustan Institute of Technology & Science celebrates its 12th Convocation

Chennai’s Hindustan Institute of Technology & Science (HITS) celebrated its 12th annual convocation on March 5 where Dr Grace Akello, Uganda Ambassador to India, was one of the key guest speakers. Click here to read…

Morocco & Jordan join hands with India to organise sporting tournament in Kashmir

Key Arab states of Morocco and Jordan have taken a key step in organising a sporting tournament in collaboration with India in Kashmir. Click here to read…

‘Best experience in India’: Travelers from Morocco join clean-up drive at Thiruvanmiyur beach

Two Moroccon travelers joined the save a turtle team for a beach clean-up drive to create awareness on responsible tourism at Thiruvanmiyur beach on Friday. Click here to read…

Telecoms major Airtel Uganda plans IPO by 2022-end: MD

Airtel Uganda, the country’s second largest telecoms company and a unit of India’s Bharti Airtel, plans to list a part of its equity by the end of this year, a top company official told local NTV Uganda late Monday. Click here to read…

China: Daily Scan, March 14, 2022

China’s top legislator visits journalists covering annual session: Xinhuanet
March 13, 2022

China’s top legislator Li Zhanshu has visited journalists covering the annual session of the national legislature. Li, chairman of the National People’s Congress (NPC) Standing Committee, commended reporters for their coverage of the fifth session of the 13th NPC and sent greetings to them at the Great Hall of the People on Thursday. Click here to read…

China releases reports on budgets, national economic and social development plans: Xinhuanet
March 13, 2022

Two reports approved Friday at the fifth session of the 13th National People’s Congress were released in full via Xinhua News Agency on Sunday. The report on the implementation of the 2021 plan for national economic and social development and on the 2022 draft plan for national economic and social development has three parts: Click here to read…

Chinese lawmakers pass decision on electoral rules for 14th NPC: Xinhuanet
March 11, 2022

Chinese national lawmakers on Friday approved a decision on the quota and election of deputies to the 14th National People’s Congress (NPC) at the closing meeting of the fifth session of the 13th NPC. Click here to read…

Chinese premier vows timely support for contact-based service firms: Xinhuanet

March 11, 2022

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang pledged Friday timely support for contact-based service firms, in particular small ones that have suffered the most amid the COVID-19 epidemic, in an effort to stabilize employment and economy. Click here to read…

China’s State Council appoints, removes officials: Xinhuanet
March 11, 2022

China’s State Council on Friday announced the latest appointment and removal of officials. Guo Tingting was appointed assistant minister of commerce, according to a statement issued by the State Council. Click here to read…

China detects overseas cyberattacks: Xinhuanet
March 11, 2022

China has detected continuous cyberattacks targeting its internet since late February, the country’s cybersecurity watchdog said Friday. Click here to read…

Joint Press Release of the 15th Round of China-India Corps Commander Level Meeting: China Military
March 12, 2022

The 15th round China-India Corps Commander Level Meeting was held at Chushul-Moldo border meeting point on the Indian side on 11th March 2022. The two sides carried forward their discussions from the previous round held on 12th January 2022 for the resolution of the relevant issues along the LAC in the Western Sector. Click here to read…

China’s BeiDou enters new phase of stable services, rapid development: China Military
March 11, 2022

China’s BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) has entered a new phase of sustained stable services and rapid development, according to the China Satellite Navigation Office on Friday. Measured by the global continuous monitoring and evaluation system, the BDS-3 system shows an advanced performance index in providing global positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) services, with more outstanding performance in the Asia-Pacific region, said the office. Click here to read…

China’s top legislature approves way to choose HK NPC deputies: Global Times
March 11, 2022

Chinese lawmakers on Friday passed a method for Hong Kong to elect deputies to the 14th National People’s Congress (NPC) at the closing meeting of the fifth session of the 13th NPC, which stressed that national legislators elected from the special administrative region must be firm patriots and those who have been convicted for harming national security be disqualified. Click here to read…

China fights severest COVID-19 outbreaks with swift responses: Global Times
March 13, 2022

As China faces its severest domestic COVID-19 outbreaks in two years with a record 1,807 new cases reported on Sunday, the country has launched a swift response to contain the virus spread, including allowing rapid antigen tests for public use and sacking senior officials for their slack response to the ongoing health crisis. Click here to read…

Door between China and US should not be shut again or pushed toward decoupling, says Chinese Premier: Global Times
March 11, 2022

With door between China and the US being opened 50 years ago, it should not be shut again or pushed toward decoupling, and cooperation between the two countries carries significance for both and the wider world, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said on Friday morning, adding that competition between the two economies in economic and trade areas should be “benign and fair.” Click here to read…

China delivers first J-10CE fighter jets to Pakistan in a milestone move: Global Times
March 11, 2022

The Pakistan Air Force on Friday held an induction ceremony for the first batch of six J-10CE fighter jets in Kamra, with Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan attending the event. The official commissioning of China’s new-generation main battle aircraft into the Pakistan Air Force marks the systematized, organic export of such aviation equipment by China, and is yet another major milestone in the export of China’s advanced aviation equipment, the Global Times learned from the aircraft’s maker, state-owned Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC), on Friday. Click here to read…

7 killed in North China plant fire: China Daily
March 14, 2022

Seven people were killed in a fire at a chemical plant early Monday in North China’s Inner Mongolia autonomous region, local authorities said. The fire broke out at about 2:08 am Monday in the Hondlon District in the city of Baotou, and was brought under control about an hour later. Seven people were missing. Click here to read…

Mayor removed from post in Jilin city: China Daily

March 13, 2022

Wang Lu, mayor of Jilin city, was removed from his position, according to an official notice released on early Saturday. Wang’s other positions including deputy Party chief of the city in Northeast China’s Jilin province was also removed. Click here to read…

Apple suppliers Foxconn, Unimicron cut output amid China’s COVID curbs: Reuters
March 14, 2022

Apple (AAPL.O) suppliers Foxconn (2317.TW) and Unimicron Technology Corp (3037.TW) said on Monday they have suspended operations in the Chinese city of Shenzhen, after the tech hub imposed strict measures to stem a COVID-19 outbreak. Click here to read…

China’s cyberspace regulator drafts new rules to protect minors: Reuters
March 14, 2022

Companies engaged in online gaming, livestreaming, audio and video in China should set up a “youth mode” to protect minors, according to draft regulations issued on Monday by the Cyberspace Administration of China. Click here to read…

China slams firms for falsifying carbon data: Reuters
March 14, 2022

China’s environment ministry has slammed firms for falsifying carbon data, part of the country’s efforts to improve data quality as it prepares to expand its national emissions trading scheme into more industrial sectors. Click here to read…

Chinese embassy says has never heard of Russian requests for help: Reuters
March 14, 2022

The spokesperson for China’s embassy in Washington responded to media reports on Sunday that Moscow had asked Beijing for military equipment since launching its invasion of Ukraine by saying, “I’ve never heard of that.” Click here to read…

China sees worst virus outbreak in two years: Taipei Times
March 14, 2022

Millions of people across China endured lockdowns yesterday as virus cases doubled to nearly 3,400 and anxiety mounted over the resilience of the country’s “zero COVID” approach in the face of the worst outbreak in two years. A nationwide surge in cases has seen authorities close schools in Shanghai and lock down central neighborhoods in the southern tech powerhouse of Shenzhen as well as whole northeastern cities, as almost 18 provinces battle clusters of the Omicron and Delta variants of SARS-CoV-2Click here to read…

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest: March 11, 2022

Islamic Emirate Delegation to Attend Antalya Diplomacy Forum: Tolo News

A delegation of the Islamic Emirate led by acting Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi has left Kabul for Turkey to attend the Antalya Diplomacy Forum, from March 11-13. Click here to read more…

Afghanistan is in dire need of international assistance: Pakistan’s FM

Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi has expressed concern over Afghanistan’s humanitarian situation and asked for international assistance to the country. Click here to read more…

‘Why didn’t you come back too?’- The Daily Star

As the 28 sailors came out of the Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport’s arrivals terminal one after the other, one pained cry stood out among the otherwise cheerful sounds of happy reunions. Click here to read more…

Bangladesh full of opportunities- The Daily Star

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina yesterday invited United Arab Emirates investors to avail lucrative opportunities in Bangladesh, harness its potentials, and make the country their homeClick here to read more…

PM urges UAE businesses to invest in RMG, ICT sectors in Bangladesh- The Daily Star

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina today urged the United Arab Emirates (UAE) business community to invest largely in Bangladesh Special Economic Zones and high-tech parks particularly in readymade garments (RMG), leather, jute, food, ICT, and ITES (IT Enabled Services). Click here to read more…

Bangladesh urges FAO to help develop new crops to fight climate change- The Daily Star

Bangladesh has urged the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) to mobilise more resources to develop a new variety of crops and innovation of new technologies to combat the impact of climate change in the Asian and Pacific region. Click here to read more…

USAID launches $5m project for Bangladesh’s female RMG workers- The Daily Star

USAID today launched a $5 million project – “Women Thrive in Bangladesh” – to empower women working in the readymade garment factoriesClick here to read more…

Final barrage DPR for PHPA I expected by mid-April- Kuensel

The detailed project report (DPR) for the construction of a barrage at the 1,200MW Punatsangchhu Hydroelectric Project I (PI) has been delayed and is now expected to complete by the end of this month. Click here to read more…

The Ukraine invasion and us- Kuensel

It is not a new experience for Bhutanese as we watch live events unfolding in Ukraine and the impact it is going to have on the world, including Bhutan. Click here to read more…

What are the five main fruits in a Bhutanese fruit bowl ‘thokay’?- Daily Bhutan

While a small country in size nestled between two Asian giants, Bhutan has extremely diverse agro-climatic conditions due to dramatic variation in elevation. This climatic and altitudinal variability of the country allows the growth and cultivation of many crops and fruits. Click here to read more…

India, Maldives to strengthen time-tested bilateral security partnership: NSA Ajit DovalIndia, Maldives to strengthen time-tested bilateral security partnership NSA Ajit Doval said: Indian Express

Doval was in the Maldives to attend the 5th NSA level Colombo Security Conclave (CSC) meeting. The CSC comprises India, Sri Lanka and the Maldives, with Mauritius recently being included as the fourth member” target=”_blank”>Click here to read more…

Colombo Security Conclave: Big news network
India, Maldives, Sri Lanka and Mauritius on Thursday agreed upon a roadmap for further cooperation to enhance and strengthen maritime regional security and counter-terrorism. Chair of ANP asks leaders who joined junta, rebel group if they would like to leave the party – Myanmar Now

The chair of one of Rakhine’s most prominent political forces, the Arakan National Party (ANP), has suggested some of the party’s top leaders are not fit to continue in their roles after one joined the military council and another became a negotiator for a rebel group. Click here to read more…

Threats, torture, and telemedicine: Myanmar’s health workers need help – Devex

Long before Myanmar’s military raided homes and arrested members of the then-ruling National League for Democracy in the early hours of Feb. 1, 2021, Dr. Zaw Wai Soe had been a well-known voice on health in the Southeast Asian country. Click here to read more…

Only Intensifying Pressure on The Military Can Solve Myanmar’s Problems – OpEd – Eurasia Review

Economic and arms embargoes must be imposed to put effective pressure on Myanmar. It is not enough just to impose sanctions on a few military officers or companies. At the same time, the major regional powers need to play a stronger role in ensuring that Myanmar takes responsibility for its own actions. Click here to read more…

Myanmar military follows KNU ultimatum with airstrike – Myanmar Now

Brigade 6 of the Karen National Liberation Army—the armed wing of the Karen National Union (KNU)—sent the junta a warning on Monday to leave the town of Lay Kay Kaw in Karen State’s Myawaddy Township within three days. Click here to read more…

Russia-Ukraine conflict likely to exacerbate economic woes of Nepal- Himalaya

The ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict will likely exacerbate the economic woes of Nepal as the spiralling oil and commodities prices in the international market will further widen the country’s burgeoning trade deficit. Click here to read more…

Nepal records 77 new Covid-19 cases on Thursday vs 68 a day before- Himalaya

The active Covid-19 caseload of Nepal dropped to 5,340 on Thursday as 77 people tested positive for the infection in past 24 hours. Click here to read more…

Forgotten children: Woes of migrant women- Himalaya

This lapse in regulation and delay in addressing the issue has rendered at least 200 children stateless and deprived them of basic rights. Click here to read more…

Opposition red over plans to print poll symbols in green- Kathmandu Post

Observers say parties should focus on manifestos rather than squabble over ballot colour. Click here to read more…

Himalayans on the frontlines- Nepali Times

The people of the Himalaya face the double whammy of climate breakdown and Covid-19. Click here to read more…

EC holding consultations with political parties today- Republica

The Election Commission (EC) of Nepal is holding discussions with the leaders of all major political parties on Friday to brief them about the progress made so far for holding the upcoming local level election. Click here to read more…

Opposition uproar after govt move: Dawn

The capital remained abuzz with political activity on Thursday, with the main opposition parties in uproar after an Islamabad police operation inside the Parliament Lodges and recent “threats” hurled by Prime Minister Imran Khan against opposition leaders. Click here to read more…

Power tariff raised by Rs5.94/unit for Jan: The News

The National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) on Thursday raised the power tariff by Rs5.94 per unit on account of Fuel Charges Adjustment (FCA) for January 2022. According to a notification of NEPRA, the FCA for January 2022 will be charged in the bills of March 2022, which will be paid by all consumer categories of distribution companies, except for lifeline customers of all ex-WAPDA distribution companies (XWDISCOs). Click here to read more…

Bill tabled in US house to declare Pakistan ‘state sponsor of terrorism: The Express Tribune
The bill tabled by US Congressman Scott Perry on March 8 read, “To provide for the designation of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan as a State Sponsor of Terrorism, and for other purposes.” Click here to read more…

Sri Lanka
Indian Coast Guard detains five Sri Lankan fishermen: Times of India

The Indian Coast Guard on Tuesday detained five Sri Lankan fishermen who crossed the International Maritime Boundary Line (IMBL) and were fishing in the country’s waters. Click here to read more…

India, Sri Lanka explore new maritime security pacts: Daily News

New Delhi is exploring with Colombo maritime security agreements that will strengthen India’s interests, particularly around the Eastern Trincomalee Harbour. Click here to read more…

China silent on Sri Lanka’s request for debt waiver: Easy mojo

Last December, Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa requested Beijing’s assistance in mitigating his country’s deepening forex crisis and spiralling external debt. Click here to read more…

China: Daily Scan, March 11, 2022

Panchen Lama encourages Tibetan Buddhism followers to serve society, motherland: Xinhuanet
March 10, 2022

Monks, nuns and followers of Tibetan Buddhism should turn their religious belief into the driving force for building their hometowns, serving the society and the country, the 11th Panchen Lama, Bainqen Erdini Qoigyijabu, said during the annual “two sessions” held in Beijing. Click here to read more…

Documents to be put to vote at China’s annual legislative session: Xinhuanet
March 10, 2022

The presidium for the fifth session of the 13th National People’s Congress (NPC), China’s national legislature, has decided to put a raft of documents to vote at the session’s closing meeting on Friday. Li Zhanshu, an executive chairman of the presidium, presided over the third and fourth meetings of the presidium held Thursday. Click here to read more…

Growth target of around 5.5 pct to generate output equivalent to medium economy, says Chinese premier: Xinhuanet
March 11, 2022

A 5.5-percent increase on the basis of over 110-trillion-yuan (about 17.4 trillion U.S. dollars) GDP in China today would generate the same amount of output equivalent to the size of a medium economy, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said Friday. Click here to read more…

Chinese FM exchanges views on Ukraine issue with French, Italian counterparts: Xinhuanet
March 11, 2022

Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Thursday exchanged views on the situation in Ukraine respectively with his French and Italian counterparts via video link. When meeting with French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian, Wang said the major consensus reached by Chinese, French and German leaders during a virtual summit held on Tuesday should be well implemented. Click here to read more…

Chinese PLA cooperates with militaries of over 50 countries in COVID-19 fight: Xinhuanet
March 10, 2022

The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has played an active role in the global fight against COVID-19 while fully supporting domestic epidemic containment, a military spokesperson said Wednesday. Click here to read more…

China to step up rural highway construction: Xinhuanet
March 10, 2022

China will promote rural highway construction and further improve the country’s rural highway network this year, according to the Ministry of Transport. Last year, the country’s total investment in rural highways reached about 410 billion yuan (about 65 billion U.S. dollars). More than 160,000 kilometers of rural roads were reconstructed, data from the ministry showed. Click here to read more…

China boosts funding to address weak links in social welfare: Xinhuanet
March 10, 2022

China has provided 3 billion yuan (about 475.4 million U.S. dollars) from the central government budget to shore up weak links in social welfare and ensure people’s well-being, the country’s top economic planner said Thursday. Click here to read more…

Digital platform improves legislators’ work efficiency: China Daily
March 11, 2022

A digital platform has been launched to facilitate the work of national legislators by moving the processing of motions online. The platform was officially put into operation on Saturday, when the fifth session of the 13th National People’s Congress kicked off. Click here to read more…

University Party secretary deposed after COVID-19 campus outbreak, sparks heated discussion: Global Times
March 10, 2022

The secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) committee at a university was sacked on Thursday after an outbreak of COVID-19 was detected in the campus. This has shocked Chinese social media and aroused a heated discussion. Click here to read more…

17 officials from E China’s city punished for severe loopholes in daily epidemic prevention: Global Times
March 11, 2022

A total of 17 officials from the pandemic-hit Laixi, a city in East China’s Shandong Province, were punished on Thursday for severe loopholes in daily epidemic prevention tasks, especially their low alert and negligent attitude against COVID-19 in populated places like schools. Both the secretary of the city’s Communist Party of China committee, Zhou Ke, and the mayor of Laixi, Liu Ying, were severely warned by the Party disciplinary body. Click here to read more…

China’s ‘reasonable, appropriate’ defense budget boost contributes to natl security, world peace: military delegation deputy: Global Times
March 10, 2022

China’s defense expenditure has kept a reasonable, appropriate increase, and will contribute to safeguarding national security and world peace, a Chinese legislator from military delegation told the Global Times in an exclusive interview on Thursday. Click here to read more…

China to take counter measures if US moves to sanction Chinese firms, individuals: Global Times
March 10, 2022

China will firmly respond with counter measures if the US moves to implement sanctions on Chinese companies or individuals under the pretext of the Russia-Ukraine military conflict, which some US government officials have threatened, China’s Foreign Ministry said. Click here to read more…

Chip proposals flourish at two sessions as China aims for technology self-sufficiency: Global Times
March 10, 2022

Integrated circuit (IC)-themed proposals and motions have been all the rage during the “two sessions”, as eagerness grows over China’s push for semiconductors self-sufficiency amid the US-led tech decoupling. Click here to read more…

China ranks first in world in terms of outstanding green loans: Quishi
March 11, 2022

China’s outstanding green loans in yuan and foreign currencies hit 15.9 trillion yuan (about $2.5 trillion) by the end of 2021, the largest in the world and jumping 33 percent from the previous year, according to the People’s Bank of China (PBOC). The country issued 600 billion yuan worth of green bonds domestically last year, up 180 percent year on year, with outstanding green bonds reaching 1.1 trillion yuan. Click here to read more…

China may warm to Japan to tackle economic slump, but faces hurdles: Kyodov

March 11, 2022

China may try to cozy up to Japan in the short run to curb a possible economic downturn, as President Xi Jinping has been keen to secure a controversial third term as leader at the ruling Communist Party’s twice-a-decade congress in fall. But Tokyo is unlikely to take a softer approach toward Beijing, with the two Asian powers recently at odds over China’s security challenges to Taiwan, its temporary detention of a Japanese diplomat and its unwillingness to condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Click here to read more…

Matchmakers a turn-off, Chinese Web users say: Reuters
March 11, 2022

Proposals for matchmaking committees within unions and a drive to encourage more graduate students to have babies triggered a frosty reception on social media, as officials brainstormed ways to raise China’s plunging birthrate. Click here to read more…

China censors online Ukraine debate, bars calls for peace: Reuters
March 11, 2022

China’s censors, who quietly determine what can be discussed on the country’s buzzing social media platforms, are silencing views of citizens protesting against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. In the days after Russia’s Feb. 24 attack, comments on Chinese social media platforms Weibo, WeChat and Douyin broadly backed Russia and President Vladimir Putin. Many posts challenging that, or even advocating peace, quickly disappeared from view. Click here to read more…

TikTok nears Oracle deal in bid to allay U.S. data concerns-sources: Reuters
March 11, 2022

TikTok is nearing a deal for Oracle Corp (ORCL.N) to store its U.S. users’ information without its Chinese parent ByteDance having access to it, hoping to address U.S. regulatory concerns over data integrity on the popular short video app, people familiar with the matter said. Click here to read more…

China’s disciplinary enforcers shift focus from corruption to poor performance: South China Morning Post
March 9, 2022

China’s President Xi Jinping is increasingly using the Communist Party’s disciplinary mechanisms, best known for tackling corruption, to punish poor performance, a study has found. It said the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) had shifted from being a “fear-inducing machine” primarily focused on corruption to becoming a “behaviour modification machine”. Click here to read more…

Familiar barriers put China’s women scientists a long way from the top: South China Morning Post
March 11, 2022

The theme for International Women’s Day 2022 is “Break the Bias”, which asks us to imagine a world free of bias, stereotypes and discrimination. In the second of a series of stories about gender equality in China, Holly Chik looks at why there are so few women in China’s top science institutes, and recent measures meant to bridge the gender gap.
By most measures Zhong Xuefeng is a success story. After completing a PhD overseas, she is now a professor at China’s Anhui Medical University. But the price she paid for that success has left her guilt ridden. Click here to read more…

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest: March 10, 2022

Afghans Yet to Reach Hoped-For Peace: Karzai- Tolo News

The former Afghan President Hamid Karzai said that the Afghans have yet to reach the peace which they have hoped for, hinting that an enduring peace will be ensured when every Afghan is included in decision-making about their country. Click here to read…

Afghanistan, Pakistan agrees one free movement of trucks- The Khaama Press

Advisor of Prime Minister Imran Khan on Commerce and Investment Abdul Razzak Dawood said that during a meeting between Afghan and Pakistani officials it was decided that trucks of the two countries will be crossing the crossing points for free. Click here to read…

FM Mottaqi calls on China’s ambassador to Kabul- The Khaama Press

Chief spokesperson and Deputy Minister of Information and Culture Zabiullah Mujahid said that acting Foreign Minister of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Amir khan Mottaqi met with China’s ambassador to Kabul Wang Yu on Tuesday, March 8, 2022. Click here to read…

Hasina thanks Modi for rescuing Bangladeshis from Ukraine- Asian Age

Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Wednesday thanked Prime Minister Narendra Modi for rescuing her country’s nationals under ‘Operation Ganga,’ alongside the stranded Indian nationals who were being evacuated from war-hit Ukraine. Click here to read…

Nepal, India, Bangladesh ‘agree’ to open transport routes in six months: Kathmandu post

A meeting of three countries on the BBIN Motor Vehicle Agreement on March 7-8 in New Delhi, where Bhutan participated as an observer, decided to go ahead with the plan to open the route(s) as pilot operation. Click here to read…

Food crisis grows as spiralling prices spark export bans- Daily Star

A global food crisis sparked by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine escalated on Wednesday as Indonesia tightened curbs on palm oil exports, adding to a growing list of key producing countries seeking to keep vital food supplies within their borders. Click here to read…

Wait for response to ‘economic war’- Daily Star

Russia tells US; French minister says world heading for 1973-type energy shock. Click here to read…

Russian-backed RT channel disappears from Bangladesh- Dhaka Tribune

Cable operators in the dark over why channel is no longer available. Click here to read…

Bangladesh reports no crossfire deaths in 90 days- Dhaka Tribune

The US sanctions may have a role to play in stopping extrajudicial killings in the country, says former NHRC chairman. Click here to read…

Transitioning from red buildings to red flats- Kuensel

If a person from an apartment in a building test positive for Covid-19, the whole building will not be cordoned off hereafter. Only the unit would be closed, referred to as a red flat. Click here to read…

Tigers threaten survival of the last yak herders in Chhumey Gewog, Bumthang- BBS

Livestock depredation by predators has become quite rampant in Chungphel chiwog of Chhumey Gewog, Bumthang in recent years. Of late, tigers have killed several yaks and cattle in the chiwog. Our reporter in Bumthang visited the only family in the chiwog who raises yak and saw for himself the menace brought by the predators. Click here to read…


At Maldives meet, NSA Ajit Doval calls for the roadmap for Colombo Security Conclave: Hindustan Times

National Security Adviser Ajit Doval said members of the Colombo Security Conclave, a grouping of India, Sri Lanka and the Maldives, remain vulnerable to trafficking, organised crime and maritime terrorism. Click here to read…

Iran and Pakistan mustn’t provide weapons to the Myanmar Junta – Pakistan Today

The USA and other nations, including Australia, Canada, and New Zealand, have already announced banning military exports to Myanmar. Even the UNO has been urging all countries to impose an arms embargo. Click here to read…

Narcotics From Myanmar Still Flowing Into India’s Northeast Despite Crackdown – The Irrawaddy

Narcotics from Myanmar continue to be smuggled into India’s frontier Northeast region despite a crackdown over the past several months. The clampdown in Assam, a centrally located state in the region, has gathered steam since May last year. It is one of the Indian states worst affected by drugs. Click here to read…

Mizoram Provided More Than Rs 380 Lakhs For Humanitarian Aid To Myanmar Refugees: State Home Minister – Lalchamliana – NorthEast Today

The Mizoram Government have provided more than Rs 380 lakhs as humanitarian aid to assist the Myanmar refugees, who have escaped the war-torn nation, following a fatal conflict with the military junta. Click here to read…

Progressive Voice urges UN to find ways to prosecute grave crimes in Myanmar – Mizzima

Campaigning organisation Progressive Voice has called on the United Nation’s (UN) Human Rights Council (HRC) to explore all possible routes to seek accountability for Myanmar through the establishment of a jurisdiction for atrocity crimes mandated by the UN. Click here to read…

Myanmar army accused of burning civilian homes in retaliation for roadside guerrilla attacks – Myanmar Now

Twelve homes were burnt down this weekend in a village near the site of a recent assault by resistance forces on a Myanmar army convoy travelling through Sagaing Region’s Htigyaing Township. Click here to read…

Russia-Ukraine conflict likely to exacerbate economic woes of Nepal- Himalaya

The ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict will likely exacerbate the economic woes of Nepal as the spiralling oil and commodities prices in the international market will further widen the country’s burgeoning trade deficit. Click here to read…

NC refutes Nepal’s view on poll alliance- Himalaya

CPN (Unified Socialist) Chair Madhav Kumar Nepal today said that the ruling coalition partners had agreed to contest the upcoming local polls on the basis of the current coalition. Click here to read…

Planned visit from the north after MCC pact’s passage piques curiosity- Kathmandu Post

Chinese foreign minister set to travel to Nepal, most likely on March 26-27, amid Beijing’s reservations about Kathmandu’s nod to the Washington grant. Click here to read…

Talks underway with other political parties to forge consensus on Citizenship Act amendment: Minister Khand- Republica

Minister for Home Affairs, Bal Krishna Khand, has said that the government has been taking initiative to take the amendment of Nepal Citizenship Act-2063 to a conclusion with consensus. Click here to read…

Sri Lanka
India, Sri Lanka explore slew of maritime security agreements for Indian Ocean Region: The Economic Times

Eyeing to secure its strategic interests in the Southern Indian Ocean region amid China’s growing inroads, New Delhi is exploring with Colombo a slew of maritime security agreements. Click here to read…

Reform Sri Lanka’s Draconian Abortion Law: Human Righ Watch

Sri Lanka has among the most restrictive abortion laws in the world, so Justice Minister Ali Sabry’s recent call for parliament to consider legalizing abortion in cases of rape is a significant development. Click here to read…

Capital-heats-up-as-anti-pti-bloc-makes-its-move- Dawn

Pakistan Muslim League-Q (PML-Q) president Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain, whose party is a key ally of the ruling Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) at the Centre and Punjab, along with a federal minister met PPP leader and former president Asif Zardari at the latter’s residence and discussed political situation, a day after Mr Hussain had met Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) president Maulana Fazlur Rehman in Islamabad. Click here to read…

(Editorial) Establishments-role- Dawn

Given the military’s long-standing sway over Pakistan politics and influence on virtually every political party, including many posturing as anti-establishment outfits, this is not surprising. So far, the PTI leadership has maintained that the ‘security establishment is with Pakistan’, insisting that it stands with the government in these difficult times. Click here to read…

Budget deficit to touch record Rs4.3tr- The Express Tribune

The federal government will miss its budget deficit target by Rs318 billion and could book, for the first time in history, over Rs4.3 trillion deficit in the current fiscal year, the finance ministry informed the federal cabinet. Click here to read…

China: Daily Scan, March 10, 2022

China’s top political advisory body wraps up annual session: Xinhuanet
March 9, 2022

The fifth session of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), China’s top political advisory body, held its closing meeting on Thursday. Xi Jinping and other Chinese leaders attended the closing meeting at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Click here to read more…

Chinese military spokesperson vows zero tolerance for “Taiwan independence” separatist acts: Xinhuanet
March 10, 2022

The Chinese military will never tolerate “Taiwan independence” separatist acts and the interference of external forces, a spokesperson has said. Relevant exercises and training activities of the People’s Liberation Army are by no means targeted at Taiwan compatriots, but “Taiwan independence” separatist activities and the interference of external forces, said Wu Qian, spokesperson for the delegation of the People’s Liberation Army and People’s Armed Police Force attending the fifth session of the 13th National People’s Congress, on Wednesday. Click here to read more…

Chinese lawmakers raise 487 proposals to annual legislative session: Xinhuanet
March 9, 2022

Deputies to the 13th National People’s Congress (NPC), China’s national legislature, had submitted 487 proposals as of noon Tuesday, the deadline for proposal submissions at the ongoing fifth session of the 13th NPC, said the secretariat of the session. Click here to read more…

NPC Constitution, Law Committee deliberates draft amendment to law on local legislatures, governments: Xinhuanet
March 9, 2022

The Constitution and Law Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPC) on Monday deliberated a draft amendment to the Organic Law of the Local People’s Congresses and Local People’s Governments. Click here to read more…

Chinese PLA cooperates with militaries of over 50 countries in COVID-19 fight: spokesperson: Xinhuanet
March 10, 2022

The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has played an active role in the global fight against COVID-19 while fully supporting domestic epidemic containment, a military spokesperson said Wednesday. Click here to read more…

Saudi, Chinese firms sign deal on space technologies, satellites, AI cooperation: Xinhuanet
March 10, 2022

Three tech firms from Saudi Arabia and China on Wednesday signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to collaborate on the development of innovative space technologies, satellites, artificial intelligence (AI) and geospatial products. Click here to read more…

Chinese manufacturer unveils new generation of commercial maglev train: Xinhuanet
March 10, 2022

Chinese manufacturer CRRC Zhuzhou Locomotive Co., Ltd. said Thursday that tests have been completed for its next generation of commercial maglev train. The train, with a designed speed of 200 km per hour, has achieved multiple tech breakthroughs such as unmanned driving and non-contact power supply, said Zhang Wenyue, deputy head of CRRC Zhuzhou Locomotive’s maglev research institute. Click here to read more…

China, India to hold 15th Round of China-India Corps Commander Level Meeting: China Military
March 10, 2022

As agreed by both sides, the Chinese and Indian militaries will hold the 15th round of China-India Corps Commander Level Meeting on March 11, said Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian at a daily press briefing on March 9. Click here to read more…

Blacklist’ targeting bribers to be unveiled: China Daily
March 10, 2022

Chinese courts will more strictly punish bribe-givers together with those who accept bribes, and set up a “blacklist” for those who offer bribes, a senior official of China’s top court said. Click here to read more…

Stable job market a priority: China Daily
March 9, 2022

The central government will do its utmost to stabilize the job market this year by continuing the employment-first policy, strengthening assistance to market entities and eliminating improper restrictions in the operation of the job market. Click here to read more…

Research seeks new techniques for aviation: China Daily
March 10, 2022

Researchers and engineers in China’s aviation industry are striving to develop new materials and manufacturing techniques to build the country’s next-generation aircraft, according to a senior researcher at Aviation Industry Corp of China, a State-owned aircraft giant. Click here to read more…

Advisors mustn’t be ambiguous in political stance, deviate from right direction, says CPPCC chief: Global Times
March 10, 2022

Wang Yang, chairman of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) National Committee, urged all political advisors to deepen understanding of the achievements of the times, enhance political understanding of the theories of the Communist Party of China, and shoulder the responsibility of uniting wisdom and strength of all Chinese, including those residing overseas, at the closing meeting of the fifth session of the 13th National Committee of the CPPCC on Thursday. Click here to read more…

Some 50 foreign students evacuated with the Chinese convoy from Sumy, says Chinese Embassy in Ukraine: Global Times
March 9, 2022

About 50 foreign students from Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and other countries were evacuated with China’s convoy from northeastern Ukraine’s Sumy on Tuesday, as the last group of 115 Chinese students who had been stranded in the region were moved to safe areas by bus, the Chinese Embassy in Ukraine told the Global Times on Wednesday. Click here to read more…

China welcomes UN human rights chief’s visit to Xinjiang but rejects political tactics says FM: Global Times
March 9, 2022

China welcomes UN human rights chief Michelle Bachelet’s visit to China and her planned trip to the country’s northwestern Xinjiang region, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said on Wednesday, reiterating China’s consistent stance on opposing certain countries’ use of this event for political manipulation. Click here to read more…

China sends first batch of humanitarian aid to Ukraine: Global Times
March 9, 2022

The Chinese Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday that the Red Cross Society of China had sent a batch of emergency humanitarian aid, including food and daily necessities, to Ukraine at its request. Click here to read more…

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest: March 09, 2022

Afghan, Iranian Forces Clash in Nimroz: Tolo News

Residents and local officials said that a clash erupted between the Islamic Emirate’s border forces and Iranian border guards in Kang district of Nimroz province on Monday evening. Click here to read…

WFP Calls for More Funds for Afghan Relief: Tolo News

The World Food Program (WFP) recently stated the organization’s Afghanistan-allocated funds are running dry as the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan continues, saying nearly no family can access enough to eat and humanitarian needs may reach levels the WFP we cannot help. Click here to read…

FM Mottaqi calls on China’s ambassador to Kabul: The Khaama Press

Chief spokesperson and Deputy Minister of Information and Culture Zabiullah Mujahid said that acting Foreign Minister of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Amir khan Mottaqi met with China’s ambassador to Kabul Wang Yu on Tuesday, March 8, 2022. Click here to read…

Bangladesh, India, Nepal finalize MoU to enable inter-vehicular movement- The Daily Star

Bangladesh, India and Nepal have finalized an enabling memorandum of understanding (MoU), to be signed by the three countries, for implementation of the much-awaited BBIN Motor Vehicles Agreement (MVA), pending its ratification by Bhutan, to facilitate movement of passenger, personal, and cargo vehicular traffic. Click here to read…

‘Motherly affection will win people over’- The Daily Star

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina yesterday said that people will continue to support her due to her motherly affection as a leader of the countryClick here to read…

Edible Oil: Stock sufficient, price still high- The Daily Star

The country has sufficient stock of edible oil to meet the demand till Ramadan, but the market remains volatile, said the Directorate of National Consumer Rights Protection (DNCRP) Click here to read…

HC questions discriminations against women- The Daily Star

With respect to women on International Women’s Day, the High Court yesterday issued a suo moto rule questioning the discrimination against women in social status, jobs and inheritanceClick here to read…

AL central leaders to visit Chattogram- The Daily Star

To strengthen the party’s grassroots in Chattogram and resolve intra-party feud, Awami League’s (AL) central committee instructed local leaders to organize a delegate meeting in all the three organizational units in the district immediatelyClick here to read…

Environmentalist Rizwana Hasan to get US Int’l Women of Courage Award- The Daily Star

The US Department of State has decided to recognise Bangladesh Environmental Lawyers Association (Bela) Chief Executive Syeda Rizwana Hasan with the International Women of Courage Award 2022Click here to read…

Ukraine war: Bangladesh’s position fairly balanced- The Daily Star

Former Foreign Secretary Shahidul Haque yesterday said Bangladesh’s position on the Russia-Ukraine issue was “neutral and fairly balanced” but it might require a review in the coming days. Click here to read…

Home beckons- The Daily Star

The 28 crew members of the ill-fated Bangladeshi ship are finally on their way home, having escaped death when the ship came under attack in Ukraine on March 2Click here to read…

India, B’desh, Bhutan and Nepal hold a meeting on Motor Vehicles Agreement: The Economics Times

According to MEA officials, this BBIN (Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and Nepal) agreement was signed on June 15, 2015, and the last meeting was held in February 2020 in New Delhi. Click here to read…

Across the Border From Arunachal, Bhutan Shows the Way To Save Black-Necked Cranes: The Science Wire

Bhutanese school children dressed as black-necked cranes perform a dance at a festival, in 2021. Photo: Sangeeta Barooah PisharotyClick here to read…


The winter sun favourite hopes to return to 80 per cent of its usual tourist numbers this year. Click here to read…

India and Maldives to strengthen professional capabilities in Maldives: The Hindu

CAG of India and Auditor General of Maldives hold bilateral meeting. Click here to read…

Anti-Terrorism Act amendment demands divulging info-sharing limit with Maldives President: Edition

The latest amendments to Maldives Anti-Terrorism Act have enforced divulging intelligence information sharing threshold or limit with the Maldives President. Click here to read…

Myanmar defectors describe military culture of abuse, fear – Aljazeera

Captain Pyae Sone waited deep into the night before making preparations to flee. His superiors had ordered him to gather 25 infantry soldiers under his command to attack anti-coup protesters the next morning. Click here to read…

The Emergence of Civilian Resistance to Military Rule in Myanmar – The Diplomat

Initially, the new junta government was keen to be seen dealing with the protests in a proportional manner. Police relied on conventional crowd control tactics and used non-lethal weapons such as rubber bullets and tear gas. However, this was soon abandoned in favor of a more aggressive approach in which armed police and the military employed lethal force during repressive crackdowns. Click here to read…

Arakan Army spokesman says nearly 4,000 cases filed in ULA/AA courts – Mizzima

The administration and judiciary in Rakhine State are overseen by the United League of Arakan/Arakan Army (ULA/AA) and up to 3,838 complaints were filed in the ULA/AA courts in 2021, according to an Arakan Army (AA) spokesman. Click here to read…

AA spokesman lauds PDFs’ resistance movement – BNI Online

Arakan Army (AA) spokesman U Khaing Thukha has heaped praise on the People’s Defense Force (PDF) units fighting against the Myanmar junta. “Speaking of the combat capability of the PDF, I can’t help but praise their courage to fight while they have no weapons,” said U Khaing Thukha during an online press conference held by the ethnic armed group on Saturday. Click here to read…

On Ukraine, Nepal has not taken sides, foreign minister says- The Kathmandu Post

In his first press conference since he was appointed foreign minister on September 22, Khadka defended Nepal’s decision to vote in favor of Ukraine that has been under attack from Russia since February 24. Click here to read…

Nepal, USAID set to sign $659 million deal for five years- The Kathmandu Post

Weeks after parliamentary ratification of the Millenium Challenge Corporation Nepal Compact, a $500 million US grant to Nepal, the two countries are all set to sign a new five-year agreement to continue regular US aid to Nepal. Click here to read…

Nepal-India railway service becomes uncertain as ordinance has expired- The Kathmandu Post

These days, the Kurtha-Jayanagar cross-border railway track between Nepal and India offers an interesting sight. Locals see two trains chugging along the tracks once every day, between 11am and 1pm. But neither carries passengers. Click here to read…

CPN (US) CWC meeting in Kathmandu- The Himalayan Times

CPN (Unified Socialist) has scheduled a meeting of its Central Working Committee on March 9-10 in Kathmandu. Click here to read…

Editorial: Rocky road for PM: Dawn

Even though the onus of proof that Mr Khan has lost the confidence of the National Assembly is on the opposition, the odds, at least for now, appear stacked against him. Mr Khan, facing a bigger threat from within his party, has a maximum of 21 days to defeat the motion. Click here to read…

Budget deficit to surpass IMF’s target: The Express Tribune

Pakistan’s revised estimates show that its primary budget deficit will breach the recently agreed limits with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and inflation will remain high but there is positivity in economic growth rate trajectory. Click here to read…

Pakistan under western pressure to condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: Business Standard

The ongoing conflict, triggered through the invasion of Russia in Ukraine, has brought the world into a divided approach between the west and the east. The NATO, US, UK and the European Union (EU) are taking to global platforms like the UN General Assembly (UNGA) to gather global support in condemning Russia over its aggression in Ukraine. Click here to read…

Sri Lanka
Overwhelming support for Sri Lanka at the Interactive Dialogue at the Human Rights Council: The Island

Sri Lanka received overwhelming support from countries of the Global South at the Interactive Dialogue on the written update of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on Sri Lanka, which concluded on Monday (7 March). Click here to read…

Sri Lanka’s Finance Minister to visit New Delhi for talks on further assistance: The Hindu

Sri Lanka’s Finance Minister Basil Rajapaksa will visit New Delhi later this month, Indian authorities said. Click here to read…

SAARC Finance Ministers Meet now to help Sri Lanka: The Island

Dr. Sudath Gunasekara, suggest Sri Lanka calls for an urgent meeting of Finance Ministers of SAARC countries immediately. Click here to read…

China: Daily Scan, March 9, 2022

NPC Constitution, Law Committee deliberates draft amendment to law on local

legislatures, governments: Xinhuanet
March 9, 2022

The Constitution and Law Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPC) on Monday deliberated a draft amendment to the Organic Law of the Local People’s Congresses and Local People’s Governments. Click here to read…

China’s national legislature holds 2nd plenary meeting of annual session: Xinhuanet
March 9, 2022

The fifth session of the 13th National People’s Congress (NPC), China’s national legislature, held its second plenary meeting Tuesday. Chinese leaders Xi Jinping, Li Keqiang, Wang Yang, Wang Huning, Zhao Leji, Han Zheng and Wang Qishan attended the meeting. Click here to read…

Top commander’s call to strengthen national defense: Xinhuane
March 8, 2022

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Monday highlighted the need to run the military in accordance with the law, issuing his call during a plenary meeting of national lawmakers from the armed forces at the annual session of the National People’s Congress (NPC), China’s top legislature. Click here to read…

China better protects women’s rights, interests via law revision: : Xinhuanet
March 9, 2022

Chinese legislators have attached great importance to the protection of women’s rights and interests, according to a work report submitted Tuesday to the country’s national legislature for review. Click here to read…

Chinese, Pakistani FMs hold phone talks: Xinhuanet
March 9, 2022

Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Tuesday held a phone conversation with Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi at the latter’s request. Wang strongly condemned the recent serious terrorist attack in Peshawar city, Pakistan, and once again expressed sincere condolences to Pakistan, saying that China firmly supports Pakistan’s efforts to fight terrorism and safeguard national security and stability. Click here to read…

China urges U.S. to release details of bio-labs in Ukraine: Xinhuanet
March 8, 2022

Chinese foreign ministry on Tuesday called on the United States to release all-around details of its biological laboratories in Ukraine, and urged relevant parties to ensure their safety. Click here to read…

Xi holds virtual summit with leaders of France, Germany: Xinhuanet
March 9, 2022

Chinese President Xi Jinping had a virtual summit with French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Tuesday. Xi pointed out that the combined impact of major global changes and the pandemic, both unseen in a century, has brought multiple global challenges that need to be addressed through global cooperation. Click here to read…

SMEs can solidify industrial economy: Xinhuanet
March 9, 2022

China’s greater emphasis on cultivating competitive small and medium-sized enterprises will help further stabilize the industrial chain and trigger the vitality of its industrial economy, officials and experts said. The comments came after the 2022 Government Work Report said China will work to nurture specialized and sophisticated enterprises that produce new and unique products. Click here to read…

China home to 2 mln 5G base stations by end of 2022: Xinhuanet
March 8, 2022

China will work to ensure the number of 5G base stations tops 2 million this year, Minister of Industry and Information Technology Xiao Yaqing said Tuesday. China currently houses around 1.43 million 5G base stations and over 500 million 5G users, Xiao told journalists on the sidelines of the ongoing “two sessions,” adding that the country will also make plans to develop 6G technology. Click here to read…

China’s economic planner outlines reform priorities to further boost growth: Quishi

March 9, 2022

China will carry out major reform measures to further stimulate growth and reduce pressure on its economic and social development, the country’s top economic planner said Monday. Click here to read…

More people charged with buying trafficked women, children: China Daily
March 8, 2022

The number of people charged with the crime of buying trafficked women and children increased to 328 last year from 155 in 2000, according to an annual work report of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, China’s top prosecuting authority. Click here to read…

Science and tech reforms priority for New Year: China Daily
March 9, 2022

Fully implementing reforms and policies related to science and technology will be a priority this year, Wang Zhigang, minister of science and technology, said on Tuesday on the sidelines of the ongoing two sessions. Enhancing basic research, developing technologies that can support China’s socioeconomic growth, training top-notch talent and improving the country’s overall innovation environment are key goals of the reforms, he added. Click here to read…

Political advisor proposes increasing economic compensations for full-time housewives in case of divorce: Global Times

March 8, 2022

A political advisor’s proposal during China’s two sessions this year calling for raising the amount of economic compensation for full-time housewives has stirred up heated discussions on China’s social media. Click here to read…

Chinese legislator urges efficient use of PLA strategic airlift, installing logistics support devices at civil airports: Global Times
March 8, 2022

China should take advantage of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Air Force’s growing fleet of Y-20 strategic transport aircraft by deploying them in a centralized and highly efficient way, and preinstall related logistics support equipment and devices across the country’s civil airports for the Y-20, a Chinese legislator suggested at the ongoing two sessions in Beijing. Click here to read…

FC-31 stealth fighter spearheads display of cutting-edge Chinese equipment at Saudi Arabia’s 1st World Defense Show: Global Times
March 9, 2022

The Chinese arms industry brought a wide selection of cutting-edge weapons and equipment, including the FC-31 stealth fighter jet, to the ongoing first edition of Saudi Arabia’s World Defense Show in Riyadh. Click here to read…

China’s Xi conveys to France, Germany opposition to Russia sanctions: Kyodo
March 8, 2022

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday voiced opposition to punitive sanctions on Russia by Western countries over its attack on Ukraine during a trilateral video summit with his French and German counterparts, state-run media reported. Xi also told French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz that China is willing to “play an active role” in settling the ongoing crisis “according to the needs of all parties concerned,” the media said without elaborating. Click here to read…

Two Sessions 2022: electric vehicle bosses propose two different charging solutions as booming industry charts a future course: South China Morning Post
March 9, 2022

Two heavyweights in China’s electric vehicle (EV) industry have lobbied Beijing for different approaches to charging, a key issue in the development of the new energy vehicle market in the country. Lei Jun, chief executive officer of smartphone giant Xiaomi which has recently entered the market and Geely CEO Li Shufu, an automobile industry veteran, have tabled different proposals at China’s annual political gathering asking for the government to change the charging approach for EVs. Click here to read…