Establishment of Relations | 1992 |
Brief History | Relations between Uzbekistan and India have their roots deep in history. There are frequent referencesto Kamboja in Sanskrit and Pali literature, which is stated to includeparts of present day Uzbekistan. Sakas participated in Mahabharata on the side of Kauravas. Ancient trade route uttarpath passed through Uzbekistan. In later years, Fergana, Samarkand, Bukhara in Uzbekistan emerged as major towns on the trade routes linking India with Europe and China. Indian merchants based in Samarkand and Bukhara were an integral part of local economy. Interactions over thousands of years contributed to close cultural linkages in architecture, dance, music and cuisine. Mirza Ghalib and Amir Khusro are notable Indians of Uzbek parentage. Indian movies have traditionally been popular in Uzbekistan. |
National Leaders- India | President – Sri Ramnath Kovind Vice President – Sri Venkaiah Naidu Prime Minister – Sri Narendra Modi |
National Leaders- Uzbekistan | President- Mirziyoyev Shavkat Miromonovich Prime Minister- Aripov Abdulla Nigmatovich |
Key Visits to Uzbekistan (President, VP, PM) | Prime Minister’s Visits: 1. 6–7 July 2015 2. 23-24 June 2016 |
Key Visits to India- | President’s Visit- 1. 30th September to 1st October 2018 Minister of Foreign Affairs- 1. 20-24 August 2017 2. 11-12 February 2018 |
Main Treaties and Agreements | 1. Intergovernmental Agreement on cooperation in the field of tourism 2015 2. Protocol on Cooperation between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Uzbekistan, and Ministry of External Affairs, Republic of India 2015 3. Intergovernmental Programme of Cultural Cooperation for 2015-17 4. Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Government of the Republic of India on cooperation in the field of agriculture and allied sectors 2018 5. Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Government of the Republic of India on cooperation in scientific-technical and innovation fields 2018 |
MOUs | 1. Memorandum of Understanding between the Khokimiyat of Andijan Region (Republic of Uzbekistan) and the Government of State of Gujarat (Republic of India) on establishment of mutual cooperation and partnership 2018 2. Memorandum of Understanding between the Khokimiyat of Andijan Region (Republic of Uzbekistan) and the Government of State of Gujarat (Republic of India) on establishment of mutual cooperation and partnership 2018 3. Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation between the Office of the Security Council under the President of thе Republic of Uzbekistan and the National Security Council Secretariat of the Republic of India 2018 4. Memorandum between the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of India on cooperation in the field of military education 2018 |
Working Groups | 1. Uzbekistan-India-Intergovernmental Commission on Trade-Economic and Scientific-Technical Cooperation 2. Sectoral Joint Working Groups in the areas of Pharmaceuticals, Tourism and Information Technology |
Bilateral Trade – | Total Trade: 1. 2017-18- 234.39 USD Million 2. 2016-17- 155.51 USD Million 3. 2015-16- 139.89 USD Million Major Imports: 1. Fruit and vegetable products, 2. Services, 3. Fertilizers, 4. Juice products, 5. Extracts and lubricants. Major Exports: 1. Pharmaceutical products, 2. Mechanical equipment, 3. Vehicles, 4. Service, 5. Optical instruments and equipment. |
Grant/Loan/Aid | |
Ongoing Negotiations | [For example FTA and Status] |
Disputes | |
Key Officials | Ambassador/HC– India to Uzbekistan – H. E. Ambassador Vinod Kumar Ambassador/HC –Uzbekistan to India – H.E. Farhod Arziev |
- Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India
- Ministry of Commerce, Government of India
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan