Tag Archives: Bhutan

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest: June 14, 2022

Kabul Struggling with High Fuel Prices, Municipality Imposes Price Cap: Tolo News

The price of fuel, and also the price of taxi fares, have surged, causing a strain for many who are struggling to make ends meet amid an economic crisis. The taxi drivers said that the price of one liter of diesel is 100 Afs, which caused a surge in the taxi fare as well. Click here to read…

Stanekzai Meets Save the Children Official Visiting Kabul: Tolo News

The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sher Mohammad Abas Stanekzai, met with the International Program Director of Save the Children, Nora Ingdal, and her accompanying delegation. The delegation of Save the Children told TOLOnews that Stanekzai assured them that children’s access to education and health facilities is the priority of the Islamic Emirate. Click here to read…

The Taliban Claims Killing a Prominent ISIL Commander: The Khaama Press

In an operation by the Taliban security forces in Kabul province’s Bagrami district, a key ISIL commander was killed and another was arrested, according to Taliban officials. Click here to read…

UN: Millions of Afghans Require Immediate Assistance: The Khaama Press

A senior UNHCR official during her visit to Kabul stated that millions of people in Afghanistan had been displaced and needed immediate assistance. On Sunday, UNHCR Deputy High Commissioner Kelly Clements, with a delegation, visited KabulClick here to read…
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Projects delayed for poor preparations, coordination- The Daily Star

About 76 percent of the government officials involved with preparing, processing and evaluating development projects think the projects get approved without an adequate feasibility study and stakeholder consultations, found recent research. Click here to read…

Climate Change: Learning to be resilient- The Daily Star

Many people, particularly rural women of 13 districts, have been learning how to be resilient against climate change through a programme titled “REECALL”, led by Oxfam in Bangladesh. Click here to read…

Why only 25 Bangladeshi agencies allowed- The Daily Star

A Malaysian MP and two migrant rights bodies have urged Human Resources Minister M Saravanan to explain his decision for allowing only 25 Bangladeshi agencies to recruit workers for Malaysia, reported Malaysian daily Malay Mail yesterday. Click here to read…

Russian employee of Rooppur nuke plant dies- The Daily Star

Another Russian national working in Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant project died in Pabna’s Ishwardi upazila, police said yesterday. Click here to read…

4th Covid-19 vaccine dose free for opposition MPs: Health Minister- The Daily Star

Health Minister Zahid Maleque today said the opposition lawmakers will be provided with fourth dose of Covid-19 vaccine for free. Click here to read…

“India’s citizenship act can’t ease Bangladeshi Hindus’ ordeals”- The Daily Star

A prominent leader of Bangladesh’s Hindu community has said the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) in India is not being helpful to the Hindus in Bangladesh in overcoming the ordeals they are facing, the Hindustan Times reported. Click here to read…

Govt. is exploring more hydropower projects- Bhutan Times

The annual budget report for Financial Year (FY) 2022-23, which was tabled by Finance Minister Namgay Tshering in the National Assembly on 6 June, states the government is exploring and developing more hydropower projects for which various studies have been initiated. Click here to read…

NA repeals three sections under the Forest and Nature Conservation Bill- BBS

The National Assembly continued their deliberations on the Forest and Nature Conservation Bill today. The house decided to repeal three sections regarding Forestry officials’ power to seize, confiscate livestock, vehicles, equipment and machinery used during forest offences, and conditions on the allotment of timber from State Reserved Forest Land along the roads. Click here to read…

“China loans are not debt traps”: Avas MV

Finance Minister Ibrahim Ameer has said no loans borrowed from foreign parties put state assets at risk of mortgage. He made the statement while speaking at the Parliament’s Public Finance Committee on Monday. Click here to read…

Myanmar’s multidimensional crises have ‘deepened and expanded dramatically’ – UN News

Noeleen Heyzer said that since she took up the job six months ago, Myanmar has “continued to descend into profound and widespread conflict”. Already one of the world’s largest refugee emergencies, she reminded that multidimensional crises there have left over one million internally displaced people (IDPs) across the country with “serious regional and international ramifications”. Click here to read…

Over 300 Myanmar Military Troops Killed in Karen State in May: KNU – The Irrawaddy

Some 303 junta troops and members of the pro-regime Border Guard Force (BGF) were killed in 448 clashes with ethnic Karen fighters in southeast Myanmar’s Karen State in May, taking the total death toll among junta forces in Karen State in the first five months of the year to about 1,800. Click here to read…

Nearly 90 Myanmar Junta Soldiers Killed in Clashes With Resistance in North – The Irrawaddy

Several hours-long intense shootouts between the military detachment of Infantry Battalion 415 and the combined forces of the Kachin Region People’s Defense Force-Myohla and the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) broke out near a village in Shwegu Township, Kachin State on SundayClick here to read…

Kyaukphyu duo accused of raising funds for AA face incitement charge – BNI Online

A man and woman in Kyaukphyu who were detained on suspicion of raising funds for the Arakan Army (AA) have been charged with incitement under Section 505(a) of the Penal Code. Lieutenant Ye Thet Zaw from a Kyaukphyu-based military battalion on Friday filed a lawsuit against the pair at the township court, and the plaintiff will be questioned at a hearing on June 23, a lawyer with Legal Remedy Group (Kyaukphyu branch) told DMG. Click here to read…

Junta Watch: Defying the World on Executions; Splashing Cash While Urging Frugality; and More – The Irrawaddy

Min Aung Hlaing continues to squander public funds on vanity projects; most recently in an attempt to portray himself as the country’s supreme sports patron. On June 3, he awarded more than 1.32 billion kyats (over US$700,000) to Myanmar athletes who won medals at the 31st Southeast Asian Games in Vietnam in May—quite a sum considering Myanmar finished seventh in a region with just 11 countries. Click here to read…

House directs govt to ensure fertilisers for farmers- Himalayan Times

The House of Representatives today unanimously passed a special motion directing the government to provide fertilisers to farmers at the earliest. Click here to read…

LSP delegation reminds PM of party demands- Himalayan Times

A delegation of Loktantrik Samajbadi Party today called on Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba to remind the latter about the party’s demands. The delegation was led by party chair Mahantha Thakur. Click here to read…

Call to amend Foreign Employment Policy- Himalayan Times

Civil society members have said that the Foreign Employment Policy 2012 needs to be amended to ensure safe, orderly, and regular migration of Nepali workers. Click here to read…

Finance minister in dock again ‘for using outsiders’ to tweak taxes- Kathmandu Post

Lawmakers demand clarification from Sharma and investigation into allegations that he involved unauthorised people in the budget-making process. Click here to read…

‘Truth-seeking should be the first priority of the transitional justice process’- Kathmandu Post

Minister for Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs Govinda Bandi says there is a consensus among stakeholders that there can be no amnesty in cases of serious violations of human rights. Click here to read…

Cyber security bill to be prepared after consultation with stakeholders- Republica

Minister for Communications and Information Technology Gyanendra Bahadur Karki has said a ‘Bill on Cyber Security’ will be finalized on the basis of recommendations from the stakeholder organizations and experts. Click here to read…

US State Partnership Program: Here’s the draft of the deal that lets US personnel stay in Nepal indefinitely- Online Khabar

The United States government has floated a proposal for a State Partnership Program to be signed between the US Department of Defense and the Nepali Ministry of Defence that also includes letting some members of the US security forces stay in Nepal for an indefinite period. Click here to read…

Sri Lanka
US, China pledge help to Sri Lanka: Tribune India

In a significant development, the Chinese Ambassador to Sri Lanka Qi Zhenhong met his US counterpart Julie Chung here on Monday. Click here to read…

Blinken discusses economic, political challenges with Sri Lanka’s PM: Business Standard

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Monday (local time) discussed the current economic and political challenges with Sri Lanka’s Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe. Click here to read…

Sri Lanka official who alleged pressure to award project to Adani Group resigns: Indian Express

Prime Minister Narendra Modi had “pressured” President Gotabaya Rajapaksa to award a power project to the Adani Group, the Chairman of Sri Lanka’s Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB), M M C Ferdinando, resigned on Monday. Click here to read…

Punjab budget session put off after ‘day-long drama’: Dawn

The Punjab Assembly on Monday witnessed a daylong drama as Speaker Chaudhry Parvez Elahi refused to conduct the session and allow the provincial budget to be presented, demanding the inspector general of police (IGP) first tender an apology to him and all cases lodged against the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) and PML-Q workers and parliamentarians be withdrawn. Click here to read…

US all set to rebuild ties: ambassador: Dawn

Ambassador Blome, who arrived in Pakistan late last month, has taken over the charge of the US mission at a time of unique challenges and opportunities. Though anti-American sentiments run deep in Pakistani society, the feelings got inflamed after former prime minister Imran Khan alleged that he was ousted through a US conspiracy for regime change and ran a mass campaign calling for ‘freedom’ from ‘slaves of foreign powers’. Click here to read…

Pakistan to default if subsidies not abolished till July: Miftah: The Express Tribune

Finance Minister Miftah Ismail has said abolishing the subsidies on petroleum products till July was imperative to prevent the country from going bankruptcy, hinting at another increase in the prices of fuel that whizzed past records earlier this month. Click here to read…

Diesel may jump Rs53, petrol Rs18/litre: The News

The prices of diesel and petrol may go up by Rs53 and Rs18/litre, respectively, if the government passed on the full impact of global oil markets to consumers, rolling back the subsidy completely in a push to redeem the IMF loan, industry officials said on Monday. Click here to read…

Pakistan launches diplomatic effort to get out of FATF grey list: The News

Pakistan has launched a massive diplomatic effort to get out of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) grey list, according to official sources.

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest: June 13, 2022

UN Official in Kabul to Address Afghan Refugee Issues: Tolo News

UN Deputy High Commissioner for Refugees Kelly T. Clements, during her visit to Kabul, said she will meet with Islamic Emirate officials to discuss resolving Afghan refugee issues and establishing grounds for their return to Afghanistan. Click here to read…

Two Factories Start Operating in Herat Industrial Park: Tolo News

Amid the country’s economic crisis, the private sector established two plants at Herat Industrial Park costing almost $4 million, creating tens of thousands of jobs. These factories operate in the textile and oxygen production sectors. Click here to read…

Three Explosions Occur Simultaneously in Afghanistan’s Three Provinces: The Khaama Press

Three simultaneous explosions have been reported in Afghanistan’s Badakhshan, Kunduz, and Kunar provinces, according to sources. On Sunday morning, June the 12th, an explosion took place on a vehicle carrying Taliban forces in the Kari area of Faizabad, Badakhshan province. Click here to read…

Reshuffle in ACC to hurt high-profile probes- The Daily Star

The recent reshuffle in the Anti-Corruption Commission would hamper investigation of many high-profile corruption cases, said officials who have been transferred. Click here to read…

Graft in Bangladeshi labour recruitment to Malaysia?- The Daily Star

After a meeting with Expatriates’ Welfare Minister Imran Ahmed on June 1, Malaysian Human Resources Minister M Saravanan said the migration cost for the Bangladeshis going to Malaysia under the new deal would be zero. Click here to read…

Jet fuel price goes up- The Daily Star

Local airlines are about to face a blow both at home and abroad as the price of jet fuel increased again in the domestic market. Click here to read…

Need to unite for int’l recognition- The Daily Star

The country will need to be united once again for international recognition of the genocide carried out by the Pakistani army during the 1971 Liberation War, said speakers at a meeting yesterday. Click here to read…

Ensure inclusive national election- The Daily Star

If the next general election is not joined by all political parties, it would not be accepted nationally and internationally, a number of former chief election commissioners, election commissioners and election officials said yesterday. Click here to read…

Move to return workers to Bahrain underway- The Daily Star

Bahrain has agreed to allow 161 stranded Bangladeshi workers back to Bahrain under a special arrangement after six months of Bangladesh’s request. Click here to read…

Nu 4B bond offers for public subscription- Kuensel

The government has offered a 12-year bond worth Nu 4 billion (B) for public subscriptions to be allocated using a yield-based auction, the Royal Monetary Authority (RMA) notified on June 10. Click here to read…

His Holiness the Je Khenpo appoints Tshog-ki Lopon- Kuensel

His Holiness the Je Khenpo appoints the Tshog-ki Lopon of Zhung Dratshang. Click here to read…

Govt. is exploring more hydropower projects- Bhutan Times

The annual budget report for Financial Year (FY) 2022-23, which was tabled by Finance Minister Namgay Tshering in the National Assembly on 6 June, states the government is exploring and developing more hydropower projects for which various studies have been initiated. Click here to read…

Yoga reaches RENEW-Gawaling Happy Home- Bhutan Times

Indian Ambassador Ruchira Kamboj and officials of the Embassy of India in Bhutan visited RENEW Gawaling Happy Home in Wangsisina to commemorate the celebrations of the 8th International Day of Yoga (IDY) on 9 June this week. Click here to read…

Reopening of border gates to depend on COVID-19 risk: Foreign Minister

The Member of Parliament from Khamaed Lunana during the question hour session asked the foreign minister about the country’s border reopening plans. Click here to read…

The Maldives launches pro-India campaign on social media: Indian Express

The Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) has initiated a social media campaign in favour of India in a bid to counter the ‘India Out’ campaign in the country. Click here to read…

Prolonged internet shut down in Paletwa puts locals in difficulties – Narinjara

In Paletwa township of Chin State, the internet has been blocked by the military council for a long time and hence the local people find it difficult to communicate accordingly. The internet service came to a halt in Paletwa locality for the first time in more than two years from June 2019 to February 2021. It was the time when the Arakan Army (AA) members clashed with the Burmese army personnel. Click here to read…

Myanmar Junta to Move Forward With Trial of Australian Economist – The Diplomat

Myanmar’s military junta said yesterday that it will push ahead with the prosecution of the Australian economics professor Sean Turnell, after a military tribunal formally charged him with breaching the country’s Official Secrets Act. Click here to read…

Resistance Force Raids Army Checkpoint, Kills 13 Myanmar Junta Soldiers – The Irrawaddy

Three PDFs from Yesagyo and Myaing townships in Magwe and Salingyi Township in Sagaing Region raided a checkpoint at Sin Phyu Shin Bridge in the north of the township, said Yesagyo PDF. Click here to read…

Cambodia’s Hun Sen asks Myanmar to call off political executions – Asia Nikkei

Cambodia’s prime minister urged military-ruled Myanmar to reconsider the death sentences against four political opponents, suggesting that executing them will draw strong international condemnation and complicate efforts to restore peace to the strife-torn nation. Click here to read…

SHE TALKS PEACE: Myanmar community army – MindaNews

On “She Talks Peace,” I had an enlightening and encouraging conversation with Emma Leslie, the founder director of the Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, supporting peace processes and conflict transformation in Asia. Click here to read…

Myanmar junta can’t beat rebels, should restore democracy, U.S. diplomat says – Reuters

Myanmar’s junta likely cannot to defeat the rebels fighting its rule and should restore democracy after seizing power last year, a senior U.S. diplomat said. Click here to read…

Deuba’s July US visit kicks up a row- Himalayan Times

CPN-UML’s Pradeep Kumar Gyawali has demanded that Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba immediately inform the House of Representatives about his impending visit to the United States of America. Speaking from the rostrum of the HoR today, he said the PM must clarify about his visit to the US. Click here to read…

Forest minister seeks collective support in conservation efforts- Himalayan Times

Minister of Forest and Environment Ram Sahaya Prasad Yadav has urged the province and local governments to incorporate climate change and environment conservation-related programmes in their policies and programmes and implement them. Click here to read…

Budget sought for climate change adaptation- Himalayan Times

Lawmakers of Karnali Province have demanded that the government to bring a budget that can address the issues of climate change adaptation and social inclusion. Click here to read…

MPs from ruling parties asked not to play ‘minister’- Himalayan Times

In a meeting of the House of Representatives today, main opposition party lawmaker Bhanubhakta Dhakal has urged lawmakers representing the ruling parties not to be defensive in relation to issues raised by the opposition in the House. Click here to read…

People mulling independent runs for federal seats begin consultations- Kathmandu Post

Members of a network named ‘Swatantra Ummedwar Abhiyan’ are holding national consultations in Kathmandu on July 1 and 2. Click here to read…

Ruins of Maurya-era wall unearthed in Tilaurakot, Kapilvastu- Kathmandu Post

The recent finding is crucial to help enlist Tilaurakot in UNESCO’s world heritage list. Click here to read…

EPG was formed to remove irritants. Its report risks being a source of irritation- Kathmandu Post

Plan to unilaterally make public the report, prepared jointly be Nepali and Indian experts, is shelved for now. Click here to read…

Ministers to respond to MPs’ questions on Appropriation Bill from today- My Republica

Deliberations on Appropriation Bill, 2079 BS by the lawmakers concluded on Sunday. Click here to read…

Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka may have to buy more Russian oil: Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe: CNN

Sri Lanka may be compelled to buy more oil from Russia as the nation faces shortages amid an unprecedented economic crisis, its prime minister has said. Click here to read…

Lanka official says PM wanted Adani to get project; retracts, Gotabaya denies: Indian Express

A senior Sri Lanka official claimed before a Lankan parliamentary panel that Prime Minister Narendra Modi allegedly pressured President Gotabaya Rajapaksa to award a power project to the Adani Group. Click here to read…

There is a man-made economic crisis in Sri Lanka, says PM Ranil Wickremesinghe: WION Newes

Sri Lanka is currently going through the worst economic crisis since gaining their independence in 1948 and Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe believes that it is the fault of the previous governments and the politicians. Click here to read…

Uncertainty, Ukraine war major risks to Pakistan’s economic outlook: Dawn

In an integrity statement to parliament required under the Public Finance Act as part of the federal budget, Finance Minister Miftah Ismail and Secretary Finance Hamed Yaqoob Sheikh have also highlighted a possible increase in expenditures because of higher subsidies and interest payments and an anticipated setback to revenue collection owing to import and demand contraction, posing substantial risks to the economic growth and sustainability of fiscal and monetary projections. Click here to read…

Pakistan, China vow to step up defence cooperation despite challenges: The Express Tribune

A high-powered Pakistani delegation comprising senior military officials from all three services – army, navy and air force – visited China from June 9 to 12 as part of the meeting of Pakistan China Joint Military Cooperation Committee (PCJMCC), which has an apex committee. Pakistan’s army chief and vice chairman of China’s Central Military Commission are part of the committee. Click here to read…

Govt to review salary tax relief after IMF objection: The News

The proposed tax relief in Personal Income Tax (PIT) to the tune of Rs47 billion is totally unacceptable to the IMF and the government is left with no option but to consider bringing changes in it. Click here to read…

PTI case about prohibited funding, ECP tells IHC: The Express Tribune

The IHC, while dealing with the PTI’s plea to stop the commission from giving an immediate verdict, noted in its judgment that an ECP representative had told the court that the electoral body was carrying out proceedings against the party under sub-rule 6 of the Rules of Political Parties 2002. Click here to read…

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest: March 30, 2022

UN Calls on Islamic Emirate to Honor Promise on Girls’ Education: Tolo News

The members of the UN Security Council have expressed their deep concern regarding the inability of girls beyond grade six in Afghanistan to return to their schools, as they were promised. Click here to read…

EU: Decision on Girls’ Schools Impacts Engagement: Tolo News

The European Union on Monday in a statement said the decision on girls’ education by the Islamic Emirate violates the fundamental right to education, and called for the immediate re-opening of secondary schools for girls in the country. Click here to read…

WB suspends $600M worth of projects in Afghanistan over school ban: The Khaama Press

The World Bank has announced that they have put on hold four projects in Afghanistan worth of $600 million following the ban on girls’ secondary schools in the country. The projects that were funded by Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund (ARTF) concentrated on agriculture, education, health, and livelihood. Click here to read…

World Bank approves $358m for safer roads in Bangladesh- The Daily Star

World Bank today approved $358 million to help Bangladesh improve road safety, and reduce fatalities and injuries from road accidents in selected high-risk highways and district roads. Click here to read…

Russel wanted to be an army officer: PM- The Daily Star

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina today asked Bangladesh Armed Forces personnel to always be ready to protect the country’s independence and sovereignty. Click here to read…

Only 3,000 social workers to protect vulnerable children in Bangladesh: Unicef- The Daily Star

Over 100,000 social workers are needed in Bangladesh to adequately respond to the needs of vulnerable children, but currently there are only 3,000 social workers in the country, Unicef has said. Click here to read…

Freedom of expression still heavily curtailed in Bangladesh: Amnesty International- The Daily Star

Freedom of expression continued to be heavily curtailed by draconian laws” in Bangladesh in 2021, Amnesty International has said. Click here to read…

Can firmly say Rab last resort in rescuing abducted victims: DG- The Daily Star

The Rapid Action Battalion’s success in combating crime with upholding humanity is unprecedented in the world, said its Director General Chowdhury Abdullah Al-Mamun. Click here to read…

Bomb attack on Benapole land port workers: 3 cases filed against 36- The Daily Star

Three cases have been filed against 36 people in connection with yesterday’s crude bomb attack on workers of Benapole Land Port in Jashore’sSharshaupazila, which left 20 people injured. Click here to read…

Onion import to continue: agriculture secretary- The Daily Star

The option to import onion will remain open now in order to keep the price of the cocking ingredient stable ahead of Ramadan, said Agriculture Secretary Md Sayedul Islam. Click here to read…

US to provide $152m aid for Rohingyas, host communities: Ambassador- The Daily Star.

US Ambassador to Bangladesh, Peter Haas, has announced USD 152 million in new humanitarian assistance for nearly one million Rohingyas and host communities. Click here to read…

Santal farmers killed selves being deprived of irrigation water: Farmers tell probe body blaming operator- The Daily Star

While the probe committee from the Ministry of Agriculture visited Rajshahi’sGodagariupazila today, many farmers elaborately told them that the death of two santal farmers was primarily because the operator deprived them of irrigation water. Click here to read…

BNP incited left parties to call hart all- The Daily Star

Information Minister Hasan Mahmud yesterday said BNP instigated left-leaning political parties to enforce hartal, which protested price hike of essentials. Click here to read…

Actions will be taken on free-roaming Covid-19 positive cases- Kuensel

The increasing number of positive cases in the community is attributed to the people not isolating themselves strictly after testing positive. Click here to read…

India releases Nu 737M for 12th Plan projects- Kuensel

The government of India released Nu 737 million (M) yesterday for projects including roads, urban development and school infrastructure. Click here to read…

8Economic affairs ministry proposes options to reduce fuel price- Kuensel

The Ministry of Economic Affairs (MoEA) has proposed numerous interventions to the Cabinet to reduce fuel prices. Click here to read…


The Maldives, UAE sign MoU on experience exchange on gov’t development, modernization: Raajje M

A significant agreement has been signed between the Maldives and United Arab Emirates (UAE), as part of Vice President Faisal Naseem’s ongoing visit to the UAE. Click here to read…

The Day Civilians Took Office in Myanmar After 53 Years of Military Rule – The Irrawaddy

On this day in 2016, a civilian government took office for the first time in 53 years in Myanmar following the National League for Democracy (NLD)’s victory in the November 2015 general election. Click here to read…

In Solidarity with Coup Leader, Myanmar Ex-Generals Appear at Armed Forces Day Event – The Irrawaddy

The appearance of ex-generals from the previous Myanmar military regime at the Armed Forces Day commemoration and subsequent ceremony hosted by the current regime on Sunday proves that they are all in solidarity with junta leader Min Aung Hlaing, who staged a coup that has so far killed 1,700 people. Click here to read…

Myanmar Junta Helicopter Crashes in Chin State – The Irrawaddy

A military helicopter crashed and injured five people onboard at Hakha, Chin State’s capital, on Tuesday morning, according to Myanmar’s junta. It is the third air force crash since June. Myanmar’s air force is known for frequent deadly crashes, even during training exercises, due to its largely outdated fleet.Click here to read…

Myanmar Junta Enacts Law Allowing It to Deploy Police to Front Lines – The Irrawaddy

The Myanmar military regime has enacted a new law making it compulsory for law enforcement officers to fight alongside soldiers on the front lines, while expanding their powers to restrict citizens’ civil liberties. Click here to read…

Karen Ethnic Armed Group Tells Myanmar Govt Employees in Its Area to Quit – The Irrawaddy

District level Karen National Union (KNU) offices recently called on non-striking government employees working for the regime in KNU-controlled areas to resignClick here to read…

Public to Boycott Myanmar Junta’s New Year Water Festival – The Irrawaddy

Myanmar could not celebrate Thingyan in 2020 and 2021 because of COVID-19 and military rule but this year the regime is trying to bring the Burmese new year festival back to life. Click here to read…

Airstrikes Continue After Myanmar Junta Suffers Heavy Losses – The Irrawaddy

Myanmar’s military continues using helicopters to attack villages near the Thai border in Myawaddy Township where its troops are suffering heavy losses. Daily fighting has continued in the Karen State border district for months amid heavy junta reinforcements, artillery and airstrikes. Click here to read…

Youths in Sittwe mark Right to Truth Day with calls for justice, human rights – BNI Online

Commemorated annually on March 24, the UN-recognised day is known in longform as International Day for the Right to the Truth concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and for the Dignity of Victims. Click here to read…

(Editorial)Ties consolidated- Himalaya

Wang’s visit was, thus, a good opportunity for Nepal to clarify Nepal’s position that any development assistance from a country would be utilised solely for development purposes and that it would never accept any project with political and other conditions. Click here to read…

NC to tie up with ruling allies for civic polls- Himalaya

The central working committee of the ruling Nepali Congress today unanimously decided to forge poll alliance with other coalition partners in local elections scheduled for May 13. Click here to read…

Nepal, Republic of South Sudan establish diplomatic relations- Himalaya

Nepal and the Republic of South Sudan have established diplomatic relations. With this, the number of countries with which Nepal has bilateral diplomatic relations has reached 175. Click here to read…

Mahat-led delegation meets PM Deuba- Himalaya

A delegation from Nuwakot led by Nepali Congress Spokesperson Prakash Sharan Mahat today called on Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba and apprised him of several issues facing the district. Click here to read…

Congress comes up with formal decision on poll alliance- Kathmandu Post

Members of rival Nepal Congress faction fear that alliance with communists could harm the party’s voter base. Click here to read…

Security printing will give sense of independence in printing sector: Communications Minister Karki- Himalaya

Minister for Communications and Information Technology Gyanendra Bahadur Karki said the purpose of making the country independent in the printing sector is being gradually fulfilled. Click here to read…

Reaction to Wang Yi’s Nepal visit in Chinese media- Nepali Times

Delayed and toned-down reaction to Foreign Minister Wang Yi’s trip to Nepal seems deliberate. Click here to read…

‘Stars not aligned’ for MQM announcement: Dawn

While the combined opposition tried with all its might to prevail upon the party to announce a decision there and then, MQM-P avoided making a definitive statement at such a late hour and announced that it would make its decision public the next day. Click here to read…

PM forbids PTI MNAs from attending NA session on no-trust voting: The Express Tribune

Prime Minister Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. has barred the ruling PTI lawmakers from attending the National Assembly session on the day of voting on no-trust motion, which is likely to be held in the first week of April. Click here to read…

‘Pakistan can play role for diplomatic solution to war’, PM tells Ukrainian president

Prime Minister Imran Khan has told Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy that non-partisan countries like Pakistan are in a position to play a helpful role in reinforcing efforts for cessation of hostilities and a diplomatic solution in the war-stricken country. Click here to read…

Umpire’s neutrality leaves smaller parties confused: The News

The ‘umpire’s neutrality’ is behind the change of plans by smaller political parties, as they are reluctant to trust the commitments made by the government and the opposition. Click here to read…

Sri Lanka
Can we eat money?’: Prices high, supplies low, despair in Lanka- Indian Express

Sri Lanka is facing one of its worst economic crises, battered by the Easter Sunday blasts of April 2019, two Covid waves and now the Russia-Ukraine war. Click here to read…

Sri Lanka avoids recession in Dec quarter, GDP grows 3.7% in 2021: Business Standard

Sri Lanka’s economy grew at a slower-than-expected 1.8% in the 4th quarter of the 2021 financial year, taking its full year growth to 3.7 per cent, data from the govt’s statistics department showed. Click here to read…

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest: March 29, 2022

UNDP to Provide $50M to Implement Afghan Economic Programs- Tolo News

A senior official of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) announced a $50 million grant to help implement economic programs for citizens in the north of Afghanistan. Click here to read…

Laghman Governor: ‘No Armed Opposition Groups in Laghman’- Tolo News

Zain al-Abuddin Abed, the governor of Laghman province, said there are no armed opposition groups in the province. Click here to read…

Ban on Intl Media Programs Sparks Local and Global Reactions- Tolo News

The recent decision to prohibit Afghan local media from airing foreign TV channels’ news programs provoked reactions globally. Click here to read…

UN Calls on Islamic Emirate to Honor Promise on Girls’ Education- Tolo News
The members of the UN Security Council have expressed their deep concern regarding the inability of girls beyond grade six in Afghanistan to return to their schools, as they were promised. Click here to read…

Karzai hopes Beijing huddle to be fruitful for Afghanistan- Pajhwok

Former President Hamid Karzai has said that China is Afghanistan’s good neighbor and friend and expressed hope pf future cooperation. Click here to read…

Younis Khan and Umar Gul to coach Afghan players- Pajhwok

Afghanistan Cricket Board (ACB) says that former Pakistan captain Younis Khan and national player Umar Gul has agreed to work as interim coaches with Afghan National Cricket team at UAE training camp. Click here to read…

Bill to curb banking fraud- The Daily Star

The Payment and Settlement Systems Bill 2022 was placed in parliament yesterday with a provision to punish top bank officials for fraudulence committed digitallyClick here to read…

Bangladesh an important partner in diplomacy’- The Daily Star

The European Union considers Bangladesh a very important partner in the regional and global diplomatic landscape, as the country has been able to demonstrate its economic and diplomatic strengths in recent years, EU Ambassador to Bangladesh Charles Whiteley said yesterday. Click here to read…

Momen in Colombo to attend 18th ministerial meeting of BIMSTEC- The Daily Star

The eighteenth ministerial meeting of the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) opens in the Sri Lankan capital tomorrow (March 29) as the members explore ways to strengthen the forum on all fronts. Click here to read…

US sanctions on Rab an abominable move: PM- The Daily Star

Prime Minister sheikh Hasina today came down heavily on the USA for imposing sanctions on Rapid Action Battalion and some of its officials, terming it an “abominable move”.Click here to read…

Police use teargas, water cannon during clash with hartal supporters at Paltan- The Daily Star

Police used water cannon and fired tear-shell during a clash with hartal supporters at Paltan intersection in Dhaka today. Click here to read…
South Asia Diary: Ukraine war triggers food crisis in Bangladesh- WION

The war in Ukraine has triggered a food crisis in Bangladesh. Traders are hoarding essential commodities to drive up prices. The Bangladesh government has responded by announcing a nationwide ration scheme. Click here to read…

Major Covid-19 travel protocol changes from today- Kuensel

With the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) announcing phase-wise relaxation on the travel restriction in the country on March 26, the system of switching drivers ferrying goods at various points of routes has been lifted from today. Click here to read…

Transportation becomes cheaper with no driver-switching system- Kuensel
With the driver switching modality cancelled from today, businesses expect the price of commodities to drop as transportation becomes cheaper. Click here to read…

(Editorial) Entering the new phase- Kuensel

From today we begin a new phase of relaxation. In Thimphu, movement across mega-zones is allowed and the use of private cars, taxis and city busses resumesClick here to read…

The inspirational story of Bhutan’s first Oscar nod: ‘Lunana: A Yak in the Classroom’- Knkx

The film Lunana: A Yak in the Classroom, nominated for an Oscar in the Best International Feature category, traces the year-long transformative journey of a young Bhutanese teacher, Ugyen Dorji (played by actor Sherab Dorji). Click here to read…

An Ex-President, ‘India Out’ & China: Why is Jaishankar’s Maldives Trip Vital?: The Quint

Abdulla Yameen, a former president currently leading an anti-India campaign, was recently freed from house arrest. Click here to read…

S Jaishankar, Who is in the Maldives to Discuss Bilateral Ties, Has Praised the Maldives for Its Efforts to Combat Climate Change.: Industry Global News24

S Jaishankar, who is in the Maldives to discuss bilateral ties, praised the Maldives’ climate change initiatives and stated that India is collaborating on one of the country’s largest climate adaptation projects and is eager to give its expertise in this field. Click here to read…

US issues sanctions on alleged arms dealers for Myanmar military – The Financial Express

The United States imposed new sanctions on Friday targeting alleged arms dealers and companies it said were involved in procuring weapons for Myanmar’s junta, the US Treasury Department said. Click here to read…

Myanmar junta chief vows no talks with opposition “terrorists” – KFGO

Myanmar’s junta chief on Sunday said the military would not negotiate with “terrorist” opposition forces, vowing to annihilate them during a speech on Armed Forces Day, as opponents of last year’s coup vowed they would fight on. Click here to read…

UN expert slams govt silence on death threats against activist – Free Malaysia Today

A United Nations human rights official has questioned the government’s seriousness in handling the harassment and death threats faced by a Rohingya activist in MalaysiaClick here to read…

UN agencies to raise $800m for Rohingyas in Bangladesh camps – NewAgeBD

International communities are set to join a conference on Tuesday for making new commitments on providing funds to maintain the expenses in Rohingya camps and adjacent areas in Bangladesh in 2022. Click here to read…

Nepal to receive 11.4 billion rupees in Chinese aid- Himalaya

The government of the people’s republic of China will provide more than Rs 11.40 billion in grant assistance to the Government of Nepal under financial and technical assistance. Click here to read…

PM embarks on India visit on Friday- Himalaya

28Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba is leaving for an official visit to India on April 1 at the invitation of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Click here to read…

Deals on energy, connectivity on the cards during Deuba’s India visit- Kathmandu Post

Deuba is visiting Delhi on April 1-3 in his first official foreign outing since assuming office. Click here to read…

Loans on commercial terms could greatly increase Nepal’s debt burden- Kathmandu Post

Focus should be on grants, and if credit is a must, interest should be nominal, experts say. Click here to read…

EC allows fringe parties to contest polls with respective election symbols- Republica

The Election Commission (EC) of Nepal has decided to provide separate election symbols to all the political parties registered for the purpose of contesting local level pollsClick here to read…

JUI-F supporters vow to stay in Islamabad till PM’s removal- Dawn

While a number of political developments were observed at the national level on Monday, workers of the opposition parties believed that the stage had been set and their leaders needed to give a last push to topple the government.
https://www.dawn.com/news/1682369/jui-f-supporters-vow-to-stay-in-islamabad-till-pms-removal” target=”_blank”>Click here to read…

Pakistan dealt well with Covid: UN- Dawn

A UN report released on Monday places Pakistan among the countries that have done fairly well in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic.

Capital police facing shortage of over 1,700 personnel, NA told- Dawn

The capital police are short of manpower compared to its sanctioned strength, the National Assembly has been informed. Click here to read…

SC irked by Imran’s remarks about Nawaz wooing judiciary- Dawn

Taking exception to the statements made by Prime Minister Imran Khan about the judiciary at a public meeting a couple of days ago, Justice Jamal Khan Mandokhel on Monday wondered if the premier could restrain himself from “irresponsible” utterancesClick here to read…

Qureshi to leave for China today- Dawn

Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi will leave for China on Tuesday (today) where he is expected to meet foreign ministers of other countries, including Russia, Iran and Central Asian states. Click here to read…

Sri Lanka
To help Sri Lanka tackle an economic crisis, India pledges to continue cooperation, aid: Hindustan Times

Jaishankar also held talks with Sri Lanka’s finance minister Basil Rajapaksa, who has been coordinating with the Indian side on measures to cope with the economic crisis. Click here to read…

Sri Lanka President Gotabaya Rajapaksa thanks India for ‘invaluable assistance’: The Hindu

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa on Monday thanked visiting External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar for India’s “invaluable assistance” to Sri Lanka, which is grappling with one of its worst economic crises. Click here to read…

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest: March 28, 2022

US Hopes for Reversal by Islamic Emirate on Girls’ Education: Tolo News

The US Special Representative for Afghanistan said on Saturday he is hopeful that there will be a reversal of the Islamic Emirate’s u-turn on girls’ education in the coming days.“I am hopeful that we will see a reversal of this decision in the coming days” Thomas West, US special representative for Afghanistan, said at the Doha Forum. Click here to read…

Mullah Baradar Calls for Afghan Self-Sufficiency: Tolo News

First Deputy Prime Minister Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar said that the aid provided by international donors will alleviate urgent needs for a short period of time, but said that the ministries must work toward self-sufficiencyClick here to read…

Qatar, Indonesia sign letter for providing humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan: The Khaama Press

Qatar has announced that they have signed a letter of content with Indonesia based on which both the countries will cooperate in providing humanitarian and development assistance to the people of Afghanistan. Click here to read…

Impoverished Afghan families; private schools, universities lose students: The Khaama Press

Owners of private schools and universities in the Afghan capital Kabul complain that they have lost 60% of their students as the new educational year has just begun across Afghanistan. Click here to read…

It’s delightful to see achievements of Bangladesh- The Daily Star

Chinese President Xi Jinping has said he is willing to work with Bangladesh to push the China-Bangladesh Strategic Partnership of Cooperation to new heights. Click here to read…

Voter list update begins on May 20- The Daily Star

The Election Commission (EC) will start updating the voter list from May 20 and this would be the last registration of prospective voters before the 12th parliamentary election. Click here to read…

Protesting price hike of daily essentials: LDA hartal in progress- The Daily Star

Half-day hartal, announced by Left Democratic Alliance (LDA) in protest of the price hike of daily essentials, has begun across the country. Click here to read…

Bridge lies with no approach roads- The Daily Star

People of several villages under two unions in Dhanbari upazila have been suffering immensely for long as the bridge over the Bangshi river does not have approach roads on either sideClick here to read…

A big leap in tech industry- The Daily Star

Bangabandhu Hi-Tech City likely to get $1.3b investment by 2025Click here to read…

Mass media employees bill to be placed at JS today- The Daily Star

Information Minister Hasan Mahmud will place the Mass Media Employees (services and conditions) Bill-2022 at JS today. Click here to read…

Bangladeshi exporters worry as global brands cancel Russian orders over Ukraine invasion- Benar News

Bangladeshi businesspeople are jittery about the future of bilateral trade with Russia, saying that international sanctions over Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine are disrupting their exports of key products such as ready-made garments. Click here to read…

Taiwan-donated oxygen concentrators, face masks, arrived in Bhutan- Focus Taiwan

A total of 2,000 Taiwan-donated N95 respirators and 50 oxygen concentrators have arrived in Bhutan, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced Sunday, amid a sharp rise in COVID-19 infections in the Himalayan kingdom. Click here to read…

Expansionary fiscal policy pushes debt-to-GDP ratio to 138.8 percent- Kuensel

The country’s outstanding external debt increased to a record high of 138.8 percent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at the end of the fiscal year 2020-21 from the previous high of 121 percent. Click here to read…

Businesses to seek more relief measures- Kuensel

Most of the businesses would not be able to repay loans or operate if the relief or monetary measures are discontinued after June 2022, according to Bhutan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) President Tandy Wangchuk. Click here to read…

Chilies from southern districts to hit market by April end- Bhutan Times

Despite initial delay in plantation due to pest infection and cold waves, chilly growers in the south are hopeful that their chilies will hit the domestic market by April endClick here to read…

Govt. to recruit doctors from Myanmar- Bhutan Times

With critical shortage of health specialists and their services becoming even dearer in the country, the Ministry of Health (MoH) has initiated the process to recruit foreign doctors from Myanmar on a contract basis which will extend for two years. Click here to read…

Chinese Minister Wang completes three-day visit, returns home- Himalayan

China’s State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi returned home today after completing his three-day visit to Nepal. Click here to read…

Wang urged to get China border opened- Himalayan

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi met CPN-UML Chair KP Sharma Oli and CPN-Maoist Centre Chair Pushpa Kamal Dahal separately today. Click here to read…

Nepal to receive 11.4 billion rupees in Chinese aid- Himalayan

The government of the people’s republic of China will provide more than Rs 11.40 billion in grant assistance to the Government of Nepal under financial and technical assistance. Click here to read…

Tiktok: A tool to win elections- Kathmandu Post

TikTok has been misused by propagandists to spread the political narrative in Southeast Asia. Click here to read…

Main opposition harbours hope to defend pole position, through poll

alliances- Kathmandu Post

UML leaders put on bold faces but are looking deep for opportunities to fight upcoming local elections in collaboration with friends and foes. Click here to read…

(Opinion) Fixing the broken parts in Nepal-China ties: kanak Mani Dixit- Nepal Times

Foreign Minister Wang Yi must use his Kathmandu visit to clear the growing distrust between Beijing and Kathmandu, and seek to better understand Nepal, including its age-old links to Tibet. Click here to read…

Nepal Army Day marked in Kathmandu- Republica

Nepal Army organized a special ceremony to observe the Nepal Army Day and Maha Shivaratri festival at Tundikhel, Kathmandu on Tuesday. Click here to read…

China opposes attempt to engage Nepal in geopolitical games: Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi- Nepal Live Today

“China believes that all countries are equal regardless of size, and respects the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of all countries.” Click here to read…

India-Maldives launch initiatives to expand security ties to protect S Indian Ocean: Economic Times

External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar, who is on a two-day trip to the Maldives, said on Sunday that “India and Maldives share a deep and abiding friendship. Click here to read…

Explained: What’s behind the new anti-India campaign in the Maldives?: Indian Express

The theme of the rally was “India Out”, a slogan coined two years ago by protesters who claimed that the MDP government led by President Ibrahim Solih had “sold out” the Maldives to India. Click here to read…

China And Pakistan Stepping Up Engagement with Myanmar, And That’s Bad News for India – Swarajyamarg

With global attention focused on the crisis in eastern Europe, China has surreptitiously stepped up its engagement with Myanmar’s junta and has also got Pakistan involved as its proxy to supply arms and munitions to the southeast Asian nation. Click here to read…

Myanmar’s crimes against the Rohingya warrant UN intervention – The Guardian

Now that the US has finally accepted that Myanmar’s ethnic cleansing and mass murder of Rohingya Muslims amounts to genocide (Rohingya refugees welcome US decision to call Myanmar atrocities a genocide, 22 March), the UN should enact its responsibility to prevent and respond to this most serious violation of international human rights and humanitarian law. Click here to read…

Myanmar army denies Rohingya genocide, says some individuals may have committed crimes – US News

Myanmar’s military did not commit genocide against minority Rohingya Muslims during 2017 operations in Rakhine state, but crimes may have been committed by personnel on an individual level, an army spokesman said on Thursday. Click here to read…

Myanmar military deliberately killed civilians after coup: Report – Aljazeera

Myanmar’s military and police deliberately killed civilians opposed to its rule in the six months following the coup in February 2021, in a policy that amounts to crimes against humanity, according to new research published on Thursday. Click here to read…

Armed Forces Day Spotlights Atrocities – Human Rights Watch

Myanmar’s Armed Forces Day on March 27, 2022, is an opportunity for foreign governments to take stronger action against the military’s widespread abuses, Human Rights Watch said today. Click here to read…

Massive Military Regime Convoy Arrives in Western Myanmar – The Irrawaddy

A Myanmar military convoy consisting of 80 vehicles including artillery and armored vehicles has arrived in Mindat in southern Chin State, according to the Chinland Defense Force (CDF), a local resistance group fighting the regime. Click here to read…

Drug use on rise in Rakhine under the current government – Narinjara

Rakhine State has been witnessing the increase of illegal drug uses, including WY stimulants, under the current administration of military backed government, allege locals. Ko Aung Chae, a resident of Buthidaung locality, claimed that the use of drugs among teenagers was on rise in their township, which is located in northern Rakhine. Click here to read…

Japan’s ‘Special Relationship’ With Myanmar Has Abetted Decades of Military Rule – The Irrawaddy

That “special relationship”—when it comes to aid, investment and involvement in the so-called peace process—has so far resulted in little more than making sure that the Myanmar military remains firmly entrenched in power. Click here to read…

PM Imran says ‘foreign-funded conspiracy’ out to topple his govt, claims to have evidence in writing: Dawn

Prime Minister Imran Khan on Sunday claimed that the opposition’s no-trust move is part of an alleged “foreign-funded conspiracy” hatched against his government over his refusal to have Pakistan’s foreign policy be influenced from abroad. Click here to read…

NA to deliberate on no-trust move today: The Express Tribune

The much-anticipated session of the National Assembly to deliberate on the no-confidence motion filed against Prime Minister Imran Khan by the opposition parties will be held today (Monday). Click here to read…

Gas crisis to hit country in summer too: The News

After the Singapore based LNG trading company GUNVOR backed out of delivery of four LNG cargoes that were to be delivered in the remaining four months, in April, May and two in June of its five-year contract ending in July 2022, and the decision of Pakistan LNG Limited not to procure spot LNG cargo for April at the price of $34.677 per MMBTU offered by Vitol Bahrain in the bids opened on Friday, it seems the country would now experience a gas crisis even in the summer season. Click here to read…

Sri Lanka
India asks Sri Lanka to release fishermen, fishing boats from custody: Economic Times

India expressed its readiness to work together with Sri Lanka for joint research to enhance the productivity of the Palk Bay fisheries. Click here to read…

S Jaishankar Lands in Sri Lanka For Bilateral Talks, BIMSTEC Summit: NDTV

This is his first visit to the island nation since India extended an economic relief package to bail Sri Lanka out of the current economic crisis. Click here to read…

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest: January 19, 2022

Minister Orders Police to Stop Unauthorized Operations: Tolo News

Acting Minister of Interior Sirajuddin Haqqani ordered Kabul police districts to avoid launching unauthorized operations and to not detain suspects or search people’s houses without consulting the ministry. Click here to read…

Earthquake in western Afghanistan kills 28, destroyed 800 homes: The Khaama Press

Deputy Minister of Information and Culture and spokesman of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Zabiullah Mujahid said that two earthquakes in the western Badghis province on Monday, January 17 killed 28 people, wounded four, and destroyed 800 homes. Click here to read…

IEA asks Norway to take lead in recognition: The Khaama Press

Deputy of the Prime Minister of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan in economic affairs Maulaee Kabir meets with the Norwegian ambassador to Kabul Andreas Linedman and expressed hope that Norway would take lead in recognizing the interim government in Afghanistan. Click here to read…

President Hamid to DCs: Don’t abuse power while discharging duties- Dhaka Tribune

The president reminded the DCs that getting services is the right of people, not an act of kindness or benevolence. Click here to read…

India’s Modi urges collective global effort to deal with cryptocurrencies- Dhaka Tribune

India has been mulling virtual currency-related regulations which were widely expected to be introduced in the winter session of the parliament in December before being shelved. Click here to read…

Govt turns down DCs’ plan to oversee development projects- Dhaka Tribune

Proposal to move Sub-Registrar’s Office under Land Ministry. Click here to read…

Exporters enjoying US sales bonanza- Daily Star

US consumers expected to purchase 30pc more garment, footwear in 2022: study. Click here to read…

(Opinion) Free our universities of suppression and violence- Daily Star

It is a matter of common sense that a university is supposed to create space and opportunities to generate knowledge, open up scopes for creative ideas and thinking, invite questions against the existing knowledge and system, and raise voices against injustice, discrimination and oppression. Click here to read…

Gelephu reports 15 new community cases- Kuensel

Gelephu reported 15 new Covid-19 cases from the community yesterday, taking the total count of the active community cases to 20 in the past two days. Click here to read…

Primary contacts of the positive case in Mongar quarantined- Kuensel

All 16 primary contacts of the 38-year-old non-Bhutanese man, who had come from Wangdue and tested positive for Covid-19 at Gyalpoizhing, Mongar, were traced and quarantined yesterday. Click here to read…

Imports and exports in Samdrupjongkhar resume- Kuensel

Imports and exports in Samdrupjongkhar, which were suspended after one of the frontline workers at the border checkpost (BCP) tested Covid-19 positive yesterday morning, resumed at 3pm after sanitising the area. Click here to read…

MoEA minister discusses P I barrage, Sunkosh status, Vegetable exports, power export to Bangladesh, Third internet gateway in Delhi visit- Daily Bhutan

In the first ever in person meeting with Indian ministers in more than two years, the Minister of Economic Affairs Loknath Sharma went to Delhi on January 10 with a host of issues from difficulty in exporting vegetables to hydropower to the third internet gateway. Click here to read…

Opposition raise concerns over youth unemployment crisis- Bhutan Times

While the government has pledged to create more employment opportunities for youths, the Opposition Party in its meet-the-press on Friday raised a scathing criticism stating that the government failed to give priority to job creation. Click here to read…

Maldives still one of the favourite destinations to travel for Indians – Deccan Herald

Post-Covid, tourism in 2021 saw a deluge of Indian travelers flocking to Maldives, and this upward trend has remained consistent with the start of this year as well. According to Dr. Abdulla Mausoom, Maldives’ Minister of Tourism, India has now replaced Russia as the top source market for Maldives, with the sheer number of Indian travelers surpassing that from all other countries. Click here to read…

Leaked memo shows Myanmar’s junta feels legally vulnerable – Arab News

An internal Myanmar army memo surfaced last week, instructing all members of the military to not answer or even accept any letter, summons or warrant from abroad, especially where it is clear they are from the International Criminal Court, the Argentinian federal court or any of the plaintiffs in either of these casesClick here to read…

Army denies operation inside Myanmar territory -The Hindu

In response to news story ‘Three killed in exchange of fire near International border’ published in The Hindu dated January 14, 2022, the Army on Monday denied that any such operation has taken place inside Myanmar territory. Click here to read…

Karen State: 2,190 Burma Army Soldiers Killed – KNU Claims Junta Now Resorting to Airstrikes as its Ground Troops Reluctant to Fight – BNI Online

A Karen National Union military tactical commander, in an interview with Karen News, said Burma Army soldiers were showing signs of not wanting to fight. Colonel Saw Htoo K’Shaw, Tactical Commander of the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) Brigade 5 said the Burma Army had suffered heavy casualties in its clashes with Karen troops and this had caused its rank and file soldiers to withdraw from battle. Click here to read…

Aung San Suu Kyi Hit With 5 New Corruption Charges – The Diplomat

According to the Associated Press, these five additional charges are connected to the granting of permits involving “the hire, purchase, and maintenance of a helicopter.” Click here to read…

Constitutional and legal contradictions surface amid local election talks- Kathmandu Post

Some parties in the ruling coalition appear to be in bid to exploit the loopholes to delay local level polls, which have been proposed by the poll body for April-May. Click here to read…

(COLUMNS) Redrawing the map: CK Lal- Kathmandu Post

Territorial issues between countries are as challenging to resolve as claims over land ownership between squabbling siblings. Click here to read…

Ruling Parties Agree On Local Elections In April- Rising Nepal
A meeting of the ruling political parties’ joint mechanism, the High Level Political Coordination Committee on Tuesday discussed holding local election. Click here to read…

Bilawal sees probability of opposition parties working together: Dawn

“If they (PDM) are ready to withdraw their stance on the issue of en mass resignations and consider my proposal of bringing a no-confidence motion, then certainly there is a possibility that we can work together,” said the PPP chairman while talking to reporters outside the Parliament House on Tuesday. Click here to read…

Editorial: Vicious cycle of politics: Dawn

While the PTI government is riven by internal discord, the opposition parties are too much in a state of disarray to present any serious threat to the current dispensation. But nothing is certain given the ever-shifting sands of Pakistani politics. If conspiracy theories are to be believed the game is on. Click here to read…

Pakistan to pay Dasu attack Chinese victims: The Express Tribune

A total of 10 Chinese national lost their lives and another 26 were hurt in a suicide attack on a bus that was carrying them to the work site of the Dasu Hydropower Project in July last year. Click here to read…

Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka’s Tamil MPs seek PM Modi intervention on political solution: The Hindu

Prominent Tamil legislators from Sri Lanka’s north and east have written to Prime Minister Narendra Modi seeking India’s help in ensuring that Colombo addresses the island’s long-pending Tamil question with a lasting political solution. Click here to read…

India extends $500 million line of credit to help Sri Lanka purchase fuel: Money Control

India on Tuesday announced a $500 million credit line to help Sri Lanka purchase petroleum products as the island nation struggles with a massive fuel and energy crisis. Click here to read…

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest: January 18, 2022

Pakistani NSA to Visit Kabul Tuesday: Tolo News

A high-level delegation of Pakistan, led by the country’s National Security Adviser Moeed Yusuf, is due to visit Afghanistan on Tuesday, Pakistani media reported. Click here to read…

IEA assures transparent distribution of humanitarian aids: The Khaama Press

Officials of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan have reacted and denied that claims over humanitarian assistance are being squandered and not delivered to the people in need. Click here to read…

Discard after use: Why Washington parted ways with RAB- Dhaka Tribune

Should the fact that sanctions against RAB came only months after de-prioritization of counterterrorism by the Biden administration be taken as a mere coincidence? Click here to read…

EC dialogues close with Awami League- Dhaka Tribune

President praised the ruling party for taking initiative on EC law. Click here to read…

Grading eateries loses appetite- Daily Star

Plans to bring the country’s restaurants and bakeries under a grading system according to their standards have seen little progress in three years. Click here to read…

AL places proposals, including enacting law, to President- Asian Age

Bangladesh Awami League, during the talks with President M Abdul Hamid on Monday placed some proposals, including enacting new law, strengthening the Election Commission (EC) and using EVM like technologies in the polls.Click here to read…

Bajo, Lobesa, Khuru towns cordoned off- Kuesel

To rule out any residual Covid-19 cases in the community, Bajo and Lobesa towns in Wangdue and Khuruthang town in Punakha and the areas surrounding them would be cordoned off and movement restricted. Click here to read…

Schools gear up to implement coding curriculum- Kuensel

‘Alien Attacks,’ a game developed by eight-grader Chencho Namgyel Ghalley, won the mini-coding contest held in Thimphu yesterday. Click here to read…

Opposition says govt’s. chili and egg import lift not sustainable- Bhutan Times

The opposition party is concerned with the government’s interim measure in allowing the import of chilies and eggs to overcome the shortage in the country as it will affect the food self-sufficiency, self-reliance, and sustainable growth rate of the country. Click here to read…

Booster dose for all eligible population to begin this month- BBS

The health ministry will roll out the COVID-19 booster dose for the eligible population on 24 of this month. The Health Minister said the country received 150,000 doses of the Moderna vaccine yesterday. The doses will be enough for approximately 300,000 people. The ministry will announce the booster rollout plan in the coming days. Click here to read…

Over 500 new Covid-19 cases confirmed across Maldives capital in 24 hours – Raajje

According to the latest figures publicized by the Health Protection Agency (HPA), a total of 954 new Covid-19 cases and 1,958 additional recoveries were confirmed across the archipelago nation between 6pm Friday and 6pm Saturday. Click here to read…

With #IndiaOut, Maldives opposition expanding links to China – Sunday Guardian Live

Just about a year ago, on 28 August 2020, the Opposition coalition of Progressive Party of Maldives and People’s National Congress held a number of rallies across the nation to protest the so-called “selling off of Maldives” to India. Click here to read…

ASEAN to invite Myanmar’s non-political representative to meetings until ‘meaningful progress’ is made on five-point consensus: PM Lee – The Bharat Express News

Until there is “meaningful progress” in implementing the five-point consensus, ASEAN should stick to its decision made at the 38th and 39th ASEAN summits to invite an apolitical representative from Myanmar at ASEAN meetings, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said, according to a press release from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) on January 15. Click here to read…

More could be done to restore peace as invitation already extended for peace talks resumption: Snr Gen Min Aung Hlaing – Eleven Myanmar

Chairman of the State Administration Council and Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing has expressed his belief that more could be done to restore internal peace as the invitation has been extended to peace talks for the resumption of new paces of peace.Click here to read…

Fight between military and rebels intensifies as hundreds of monks flee Myanmar: Report – WioNews

Intense fighting between the military junta and rebel groups have forced hundreds of monks to flee temples in eastern Myanmar as crackdown intensifies, according to media reports. The United Nations (UN) estimates that almost 90,000 people have fled, with local non-governmental organisations (NGOs) placing that figure far higher at 170,000. Click here to read…

Pay your power bill or pay with your life, Myanmar soldiers warn citizens – First Post

The schoolteacher had just gotten out of bed when four Myanmar army soldiers pounded on her door. Her electricity payment was overdue, they said, and ordered her to pay it immediately at the government power company office. Click here to read…

Philippines says ‘indispensable’ Suu Kyi must be involved in Myanmar peace process – Reuters

Deposed Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi is “indispensable” in restoring democracy to the military-ruled country and must be included in any peace talks, regardless of her conviction, the Philippines’ foreign minister said on Sunday. Click here to read…

Nepal’s active Covid-19 caseload advances to 30,877 as 5747 more test positive- Himalaya

The national active Covid-19 caseload of Nepal climbed to 30,877 on Monday as 5,747 people tested positive for the infection in past 24 hours. Click here to read…

Province 2 named Madhes Pradesh, Janakpur capital- Himalaya

The long-standing debates on naming Province 2 and designating its capital have been eventually settled as the province has been named Madhesh, while Janakpur was chosen as its permanent capital. Click here to read…

Oxygen may not be an issue like last year, but experts stress preparedness- Kathmandu Post

Shortages of the life-saving gas during the second wave prompted hospitals to step up capacity. Doctors say there is a need to keep a close eye on the virus situation. Click here to read…

Kathmandu’s temple restoration after 1934 quake- Nepali Times

Monuments were rebuilt using Moghul style, and structural elements were interchanged. Click here to read…

Major U.S. airlines warn 5G could ground some planes, wreak havoc- Republica

The chief executives of major U.S. passenger and cargo carriers on Monday warned of an impending “catastrophic” aviation crisis in less than 36 hours, when AT&T (T.N) and Verizon (VZ.N) are set to deploy new 5G service. Click here to read…

Pakistan keen to work on gas project, PM Imran assures Putin: Dawn

PM Khan and President Putin spoke by phone about the progress in relations between the two countries, regional situation, Islamophobia and justification of blasphemy by some of the western countries as freedom of expression. Click here to read…

Editorial: The establishment pivot: Dawn

INFORMATION Minister Fawad Chaudhry has claimed that four senior members of the PML-N have met some important people and offered themselves as replacement for the Sharif family. The PML-N has rubbished this claim contemptuously. Click here to read…

Pakistan ‘successfully completes’ trial of Chinese herbal medicine to fight Covid:The Express Tribune

The Chinese medicine, Jinhua Qinggan Granules (JHQG) manufactured by Juxiechang (Beijing) pharmaceutical Co Ltd, is already being used in treatment of Covid-19 patients in China. Lanka invites Indian investments in infra, energy & manufacturing as Jaishankar & Basil Rajapaksa review status of loan request: Economic Times

External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar held a virtual meeting with Finance Minister of Sri Lanka Basil Rajapaksa on Saturday. This interaction follows Rajapaksa’s visit to India last month. Click here to read…

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest: January 13, 2022

Aid Must Be Coordinated With Islamic Emirate: Hanafi: Tolo News

The Second Deputy of the Prime Minister, Abdul Salam Hanafi, said that humanitarian aid must be distributed in coordination with the Islamic Emirate to the vulnerable people in Afghanistan.  Click here to read…

Resistance Front Proposed Transitional Govt to Islamic Emirate: Tolo News

A member of the negotiating team of the Resistance Front (RF) says they proposed the establishment of a transitional government in Afghanistan in their two-day meeting with officials of the Islamic Emirate hosted by Tehran.Click here to read…

US to send $308 million in humanitarian aid to Afghanistan: The Khaama Press

The United States has announced that they will send to Afghanistan $308 million and one million doses of “Covax” vaccines as part of their humanitarian aids to the country.Click here to read…

Jan 16 NCC polls: Voters fear chaos, CEC pledges fairness- Daily Star

With the Narayanganj city polls only two days away, voters fear there may be chaos on election day over taking control of polling centres by supporters of some ward councillor candidates.Click here to read…

Assign staff to help students cross roads- Daily Star

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina yesterday said educational institutions up to higher secondary level must assign their own staff to make sure their students cross roads safely.Click here to read…

Momen: Rohingyas posing security risk for region- Dhaka Tribune

The foreign minister urges Vietnam, Asean to speed up Rohingya repatriation.Click here to read…

Looking back on the 1/11 era- Dhaka Tribune

The reputation of the caretaker regime may precede itself, but it still has a legacy to hold on to.Click here to read…

US-Bangla Airlines has signed a contract with Comilla Victorians in BPL- Asian Age

US-Bangla Airlines, one of the private airlines of the country, has signed a travel partnership agreement with Comilla Victorians for the eighth edition of Bangabandhu Bangladesh Premier League (BPL).Click here to read…

GDP growth to rebound to 5.1: World Bank- Kuensel

The Bhutanese economy is expected to grow by 5.1 percent in the financial year 2021-22, according to the World Bank’s “Global Economic Prospects” report, released on January 11.Click here to read…

The state of state owned enterprises- Kuensel

The country’s state-owned enterprises (SoEs) are not in a good state. At a meeting between the finance ministry that governs SoEs and the heads of SoEs, what came out was that there are more challenges than opportunities.Click here to read…

RSTA’s Iron Horses to Help Monitor Traffic- Bhutan Times

RSTA will procure 13 Royal Enfield 500ccs’ to monitor and meet the demand of ever-growing vehicle numbers and accidents.Click here to read…

Outstanding individuals, schools and clubs awarded for their contributions to grassroots football- Daily Bhutan

On December 22, 2021, the Bhutan Football Federation (BFF), a bronze member of the AFC Grassroots Charter, presented awards to unsung heroes who have contributed to the growth of the football scene in the kingdom.Click here to read…

Covid-19: Maldives expects to receive syringe shipment within the week – Raajje

The decision to administer booster shots to frontliners and those at high-risk of complications from Covid-19 who have received both doses of Covid-19 vaccine, comes following recommendations from the Maldives Technical Advisory Group on Immunization and they are currently being administered in categories.Click here to read…

Myanmar Army becoming more and more oppressive on civilians – The North Lines

A Myanmar junta court in Naypyitaw found 76-year-old civilian leader and Nobel Peace laureate Aung San SuuKyi guilty on at least three charges and sentenced her to four more years in prison- two years for the possession of unlicensed walkie-talkies, and two years for breaching coronavirus curbs, according to legal sources. Click here to read…

As Myanmar’s Military Junta Starts Suffering Huge Losses, India Needs To Reset Ties With Pro-Democracy Forces – Swarajyamag

Myanmar’s military, which seized power on February 1 last year, is bleeding profusely from attacks by pro-democracy resistance forces and the country’s ethnic rebels.Click here to read…

Junta’s Coup Was Declaration of War Against the Myanmar People – The Irrawaddy

The Irrawaddy speaks to David Scott Mathieson, an independent researcher on conflict and peace in Myanmar, about the junta’s decision to stage its coup and how the Myanmar people are resisting the military’s takeover by both non-violent protest and armed resistance.Click here to read…

IDP camps in Chin State’s Paletwa town see food supplies dwindle – BNI Online

Camps for internally displaced people (IDPs) in Chin State’s Paletwa town have been running low on food for weeks, said managers of the camps. The World Food Programme (WFP) mainly provides food for the IDP camps and they have not received food since the second week of December 2021.Click here to read…


Subedi couple released- Himalaya

Ram Kumar Subedi and his wife Madhavi, who were arrested by the Central Bureau of Investigation on the charge of preparing fake government documents in the Lalita Niwas land grab case, have been released after 21 days in judicial custody.Click here to read…

World Bank’s GDP growth projection for Nepal unchanged at 3.9pc for this fiscal- Himalaya

In its latest Global Economic Prospects report, the World Bank has forecast Nepal’s economy will grow 3.9 per cent in the current fiscal year ‘supported by better agricultural output and rebounding services activity on improving vaccine coverage’.Click here to read…

Nepal’s blossoming honey industry crushed by wild weather- Himalaya

In the 15 years Chitra Bhan Khatri has been keeping bees in west Nepal, he never had trouble providing food for his insects – until last year, when unseasonally heavy rain left his honeybees hungry.Click here to read…

Deuba’s six months in office: A poor show of governance- Kathmandu Post

There is not much for the government to boast about on any front, observers and analysts say.Click here to read…

(Opinion) Supporting Africa’s small farmers- Kathmandu Post

With climate volatility set to continue, farmers need support to adapt to the changes.Click here to read…

Tourism ministry writes to police and CIAA seeking action against Narayanhiti Palace Museum Chief- Republica

The Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation at the direction of Tourism Minister Prem Bahadur Ale, has sent a circular seeking action against those involved in the Narayanhiti Palace Museum restaurant scandal. Click here to read…

PDM meeting on 25th to discuss no-confidence option: Dawn

This was announced by the Maulana while talking to reporters after his meeting with Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) president and Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly Shehbaz Sharif who visited the PDM chief’s residence here on Wednesday.Click here to read…

Pakistan urges Spain to help prevent humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan: The Express Tribune

Pakistan has urged Spain to play its role within the European Union (EU) to engage interim government of Afghanistan to avoid the impending humanitarian crisis.Click here to read…

Another IMF loan may be on the cards: The Express Tribune

The domestic economy is facing three major challenges — low export earnings, declining saving rate and the spike in global commodity prices.Click here to read…

Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka seeks 1 billion dollar loan from India: The Financial Express

Sri Lanka is negotiating a USD one billion loan from India to import goods from the country, the governor of the Central Bank Ajith Nivard Cabraal said on Wednesday, amidst a shortage of almost all essential commodities.Click here to read…

Sri Lanka seeks new China loan: The Hindu

Sri Lanka ruled out an IMF bailout on Wednesday and said it plans to seek another loan from China to address an economic crisis that has led to food and fuel shortages.Click here to read…

China: Daily Scan, January 13, 2022

China’s new yuan loans rise in 2021: Xinhuanet
January 12, 2022

China’s new yuan-denominated loans totaled 19.95 trillion yuan (3.13 trillion U.S. dollars) in 2021, up 315 billion yuan year on year, central bank data showed Wednesday. In December alone, new yuan loans stood at 1.13 trillion yuan, down 123.4 billion yuan year on year, according to the People’s Bank of China (PBOC).Click here to read…

China unveils plan to boost digital economy in 2021-2025 period: Xinhuanet
January 12, 2022

China’s State Council on Wednesday rolled out a plan to facilitate the development of the digital economy in the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025). The country aims to raise the proportion of the added value of core digital economy industries in its GDP to 10 percent in 2025, up from 7.8 percent in 2020, according to the plan.Click here to read…

China’s NEV sales top globally for 7 consecutive years: Xinhuanet
January 12, 2022

China ranked first globally in terms of the sales of new energy vehicles (NEVs) for a seventh straight year in 2021, despite economic uncertainties and supply-chain pressure, official data showed Wednesday. The country’s NEV sales came in at 3.52 million units last year, according to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT).Click here to read…

China aims high in agricultural sci-tech innovation: Xinhuanet
January 13, 2022

China is striving to beef up its innovation capacity in agricultural science and technology to further safeguard food security of the country, according to a five-year development guideline of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS) released on Wednesday.Click here to read…

Xi’s Party school lecture highlights CPC’s historical confidence: China Military
January 12, 2022

Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, called on Tuesday for efforts to deepen the review, study, education and promotion of the CPC’s history so as to better understand and make good use of the historical experience of the Party over the past century.Click here to read…

Foreign car companies record mixed performances in Chinese market in 2021 with chip shortage becoming a headache for some firms: Global Times
January 12, 2022

Foreign car companies showed a mixed performance in the Chinese market last year with some brands, like BMW and Porsche, recording a surge in sales, while some companies are facing the challenge of a widespread chip shortage. According to a report by the Securities Times, sales of German automaker BMW in China hit a historical record in 2021. The company delivered 846,237 units in China last year, up 8.9 percent on a yearly basis. Following the same trend, Porsche delivered 95,671 cars in China in 2021, up 8 percent from the previous year, the report showed. Click here to read…

Nation to ramp up 6G innovations, satellite-empowered networks: Global Times
January 12, 2022

China vowed to increase support for 6G innovations and promote 6G international standardization in a digital economy development plan for 2021-25 released on Wednesday, reiterating the country’s ambition of maintaining its edge in the ultrafast 6G era, despite challenges and hurdles.Click here to read…

China steps up construction along disputed Bhutan border, satellite images show: Reuters
January 13, 2022

China has accelerated settlement-building along its disputed border with Bhutan, with more than 200 structures, including two-storey buildings, under construction in six locations, according to satellite image analysis conducted for Reuters. The images and analysis supplied to Reuters by U.S. data analytics firm HawkEye 360, which uses satellites to gather intelligence on ground-level activities, and vetted by two other experts, provide a detailed look into China’s recent construction along its frontier with Bhutan.Click here to read…

New US report dismisses Beijing’s claim to South China Sea ‘historical rights’: South China Morning Post
January 13, 2022

The US government stepped up its criticism of China’s territorial claims in the South China Sea on Wednesday, issuing a report that declares “historical rights” a meaningless term.
Referencing the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (Unclos) and an international ruling dismissing most of China’s claims in the South China Sea, the US State Department said in its report, titled Limits in the Seas, that they “gravely undermine the rule of law in the oceans”.Click here to read…

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest: January 12, 2022

Taliban says won’t allow any country to use Afghanistan military aircraft – Business Standard

Acting Defense Minister Mawlawi Mohammad Yaqoob Mujahid on Tuesday at a ceremony in Kabul, during which the Air Force held an exercise, said the military aircraft that were taken abroad should be returned, according to Tolo News.Click here to read…

Afghanistan crisis: Taliban expands ‘food for work’ programme – BBC

The Taliban has said it is expanding its “food for work” programme, in which donated wheat is used to pay tens of thousands of public sector workers. It comes as the United Nations (UN) has appealed for $4.4bn (£3.2bn) in humanitarian aid for Afghanistan.Click here to read…

Metro to be costlier than Padma bridge- Daily Star

The eagerly-awaited Dhaka metro rail project is set to witness huge cost escalation and time extension after a new drawback has shown up in the design: inconvenient entrance and exit points at the stations.Click here to read…

High-tech vessel shines hope on hilsa research- Daily Star

Researchers now have gotten an opportunity to promote hilsa production in the country, thanks to the introduction of a high-tech vessel by the Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute.Click here to read…

Taka devalued again due to declining reserves, high import costs- Dhaka Tribune

Economists say although exports have picked up significantly in recent months, it has failed to offset the imbalance created in the forex market by the low remittance and high imports.Click here to read…

ACC receives 451 complaints from January 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021- The Bhutanese

According to the Anti-Corruption Commission’s Annual Report 2020-2021, a total of 451 complaints were received over the 18-month reporting period, from 1 January 2020 to 30 June 2021.Click here to read…

Chili farmers feel threatened by imports- Kuensel

As the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests temporarily lifted the ban on chili import to “ensure availability, stabilise prices, and curb illegal import”, commercial chili farmers in Tsirang and Dagana are questioning the impact of such decisions on sustaining chili production in the country.Click here to read…

Samdrup Jongkhar town goes into lockdown- BBS

Samdrup Jongkhar town went into a three-day lockdown after two loaders and two frontliners tested positive for COVID-19 today. They were tested positive during the routine enhanced surveillance. Click here to read…

With an Ex-President at the Helm, the Maldives’ ‘India Out’ Campaign Gains Steam – StartFor

Former Maldivian President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom’s recent support for the “India Out” campaign could elevate the opposition movement’s profile, threatening Indian investment and influence in the strategic island nation. The India Out campaign is a loosely organized series of protests and propaganda objecting to India’s involvement in the Maldives.Click here to read…

V. Aarah case: two more hearings slated for January in Yameen’s money laundering trial – Raajje

Two more hearings have been scheduled for January in the money laundering trial of Abdulla Yameen, former president of Maldives over the leasing of Aarah island in Vaavu atoll to a foreign party for resort development.Click here to read…

2,300 Myanmar Junta Troops Killed in Last Month: NUG – The Irrawaddy

An estimated 2,380 Myanmar junta soldiers were killed and around 600 wounded during the last month, according to the parallel National Unity Government. Between Dec. 7 and Jan. 6, 1,077 blasts and attacks targeting junta forces were reported across the country, except in Rakhine State.Click here to read…

UN urges Myanmar military to stop attacks on town – Business Live

Myanmar’s military must halt attacks on the town of Loikaw and lift a blockade on those trying to flee, a UN human rights investigator said on Monday, as a shaken resident described constant shelling and air strikes in the area.Click here to read…

KIA, MNDAA Fight Burma Army Same Day – BNI Online

In northern Shan State, fierce fighting broke out between the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and the Burma Army (BA) in the Mongpaw area and the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) and regime soldiers in Muse District. A local told SHAN that the KIA fought against the BA in the mountains near Mongpaw on Wednesday morning, but could not say if there were any casualties.Click here to read…

Gathering of 25-plus people in valley prohibited- Himalaya

Authorities concerned of the three districts in Kathmandu valley have put a restriction on gathering of more than 25 people in public places to curb the rising cases of COV- ID-19. The restriction will come into force from midnight today.Click here to read…

Two major Madhes-based parties in crisis- Kathmandu Post

Disputes deepen in Upendra Yadav’s Janata Samajbadi Party and Mahantha Thakur’s Loktantrik Samajbadi Party over key appointments.Click here to read…

Student organizations demand medical college administration officials be arrested- Republica

Seven different student organizations issued a public statement regarding “the fact that three medical colleges have charged higher fees than stated by the government.”Click here to read…

Pakistan’s economic condition better than India: Imran Khan – Money Control

On Tuesday, Khan said that Pakistan is in a better economic condition than many countries in the region, especially India, speaking at the inaugural session of the International Chambers Summit 2022 in Islamabad. Click here to read…

BSF Seizes Drugs Worth ₹100 Crores From India-Pakistan Border In Punjab’s Ferozepur – Republic World

Amid ongoing investigation on Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s security breach incident where he was forced to skip the Ferozepur rally, the Border Security Forces (BSF) recovered 22 kilograms of heroin from the district in three separate incidents. Click here to read…

Pakistan refuses IMF’s proposal to renegotiate loan fearing new conditions – Business Standard

Pakistan Finance Minister Shaukat Tarin has said that he has refused to agree with the International Monetary Fund’s new proposal to the cash-strapped country to renegotiate its loan programme, fearing that the global lending agency might impose new conditions.Click here to read…

Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka will repay all debt due in 2022, gradually build reserves-cenbank gov – Market Screener

The Sri Lankan government will meet all debt repayments in 2022 and work on a more comprehensive plan to address the dwindling foreign exchange reserves, its central bank Governor Ajith Nivard Cabraal said on Wednesday.Click here to read…

Skyrocketing inflation! Sri Lanka may go bankrupt – English News Track

Sri Lanka is currently facing serious financial and humanitarian threats. Here, inflation has gone up to a record level and it is being said that this could lead to bankruptcy in the country. Earlier, on 30th August last year, after the sharp fall in Sri Lankan currency and the rise in food prices, the Government had declared a National Financial Emergency.Click here to read…

Is There Any Going Back From The China-Sri Lanka Ties Over ‘Development’ Projects? – Youth ki Awaaz

Sri Lanka is looking to levy concessions from China, whose interest in the island-country go quite far, from the development of ports to the expansion of trade and commerce. The superpower winking and wooing its Sri Lankan audience for its debt diplomacy is a ploy to checkmate the ascendancy of India in this region.Click here to read…