VIF Neighbourhood News Digest – December 08, 2022

Female Students in Grade 12 Take Final Exam to Graduate: Tolo News

On Wednesday, female students in the 12th grade took a final exam in Kabul, as well as in other provinces. Some of them were positive about the test, but they voiced concerns over the fate of younger female students above sixth grade in the country. “We learned at the start of this week that they would give an exam on Wednesday, and we are not as prepared compared to previous years,” said Rukhsar, another studentClick here to read…

Restoration of Great Mosque of Herat Begins: Tolo News

After seven decades, Herat’s information and culture department said that it has begun the restoration of the province’s Great Mosque, also known as the “Jami Masjid of Herat.”The restoration of all of the mosque’s ancient tiles is expected.Reportedly, natural disasters in recent years have damaged the majority of the tiles of Herat’s Great Mosque.”Seventy years ago, it wasn’t really that everything was repaired, only the places that collapsed were restored, but right now, all of them are under the restoration process,” said Zalmai Safa, the head of Herat’s department of information and culture’s historical monument preservation group. Click here to read…

First Public Execution Conducted in Western Afghanistan: The Khaama Press

The de facto government of Afghanistan publicly executed a man named Tajmir convicted of a murder at a crowded football stadium in South-Western Farah province earlier today, where a number of the group’s top ministers and leaders attended the execution. Enforcing the Sharia law has been the foremost priority of the rolling government, as the verdict was issued by the Taliban’s supreme leader Haibatullah Akhundzada last month. The punishment includes public executions, public amputations, and stoning. Click here to read…

Afghan Traders Face Critical Challenges in Exporting Pine Nuts: The Khaama Press

Afghan Traders in Khost Province are wrestling with critical challenges in exporting pine nuts abroad. Hundreds of tons of pine nuts are harvested annually, however, a lack of export and a proper marketing system to transfer products to the regional markets causes massive losses to Afghan traders. The traders called on the Afghan administration to enhance trade agreements with the neighboring counties, Pakistan in particular, to facilitate the movement of commercial goods and other necessary items in a timely manner. Otherwise, the products will get rotten before reaching any commercial markets. Click here to read…

PM Hasina: BNP, Jamaat cause misery for the people – Dhaka Tribune

Prime Minister and Awami League President Sheikh Hasina on Wednesday slammed the BNP and Jamaat for causing misery for the people, stressing that her government has been squarely focused on mitigating the woes of the public…She urged the people to vote for the boat symbol for the trend of development and democracy to continue in Bangladesh. Click here to read…

Next general election in first week of Jan 2024: PM – New Age

‘After 2023, in the first week of January 2024, the next national election would be held. In this election, I seek your (countrymen) vote for our electoral symbol boat,’ the prime minister said while addressing a grand public rally at the Sheikh Kamal International Cricket Stadium in Cox’s Bazar, organised by the Cox’s Bazar district Awami League. Click here to read…


South Asian Foundation Bhutan to assist more youth in Bhutan – Kuensel Online

The 19th Governing Council Meeting of the South Asian Foundation (SAF) decided in Thimphu yesterday to make programmes vibrant in the region for youth. Dignitaries from India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal attended the in-person meeting. Click here to read…

Smilegate supports literacy education in Bhutan – The Korea Herald

Smilegate Foundation, the charity arm of South Korean gaming giant Smilegate, said Wednesday it has opened two new community learning centers on Nov. 28, to support literacy education for women and children in Bhutan. According to the foundation, the centers, which were built together with UNESCO and Bhutan’s Education Ministry, seek to provide women and children in remote areas with access to education, with the hopes of increasing their overall quality of life. Click here to read…

50 years of tourism in the Maldives and, remarkably, it’s still the ‘ultimate island paradise’ early visitors found – SCMP

“Does it really exist?” asked Dirk Brink – a “well-known local money trader and inveterate traveller” – in the pages of the South China Morning Post in March 1976. “Is there really a country which belongs to the ‘Brotherhood of enemies’ (United Nations) which has all the qualifications of paradise?” Brink had, a headline teased, “finally found the ultimate island paradise for the jaded jet-setter looking for a place to lie down”. And he was going to tell readers all about it. Click here to read…

Maldives gov’t requests to waive Schengen Visa requirement – Avas

The Maldives has asked for ease in obtaining a visa for travel to all European Union (EU) countries — the Schengen Visa. Foreign Minister Abdullah Shahid made the request to the Head of Taskforce for Electoral Campaign Bid Committee Expo 2030 Rome, Dr. Gaetano Castellini Curiel, at a meeting at the Foreign Ministry on Tuesday. The meeting was held as part of the ongoing high-level engagements of Representative Curiel, who is currently undertaking a visit to the Maldives from 5 to December 7, 2022.
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WFP Says It Received $7Mln From EU To Tackle Food Insecurity In Myanmar – UrduPoint

The European Union has allocated around 6.5 million Euros ($6.8 million) for the support of the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) in its efforts to tackle the humanitarian food crisis in Myanmar, the WFP said on Wedesday. “More than 800,000 people in the southeast, northwest and border areas, as well as impoverished peri-urban Yangon, will be reached thanks to the continued EU humanitarian support. The funding was made through the EU’s Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations,” the statement read. Click here to read…

Myanmar’s Daw Aung San Suu Kyi Praises Young Anti-Junta Resistance Fighters – The Irrawaddy

In her first public comments about Myanmar’s ongoing ant-regime resistance movement since last year, the country’s ousted leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi said she was proud of young Burmese people and all those struggling to defend and fight for democracy. She shared the message via her Australian former economic adviser, Sean Turnell, who was released by the regime three weeks ago after spending 650 days in prison.Click here to read…

How long will the world drag its feet on Myanmar – UCA News

An internationally-respected Baptist leader is arrested and detained, a Cardinal’s home village is bombed and seven students are sentenced to death — yet still the corridors of power around the world echo with silence and inaction over the tragedy in Myanmar. On Monday, Reverend Dr. Hkalam Samson, the former president of the Kachin Baptist Convention (KBC), was stopped at Mandalay International Airport, on his way to Bangkok. Click here to read…

Investing in hydro-power projects – The Kathmandu Post

Nepal has started issuing hydro-power developers licences to mobilise domestic and foreign capital. In this line of thought, licences to so-called developers are being overwhelmingly issued. Politicians, bureaucrats to technocrats have bagged such licences to generate electricity from the ever-flowing rivers. But neither has it worked in the past, nor is there a hope to realise the anticipated output in the futureClick here to read…

Repercussions of remittance economy – The Kathmandu Post

Remittance has remained one of the largest contributors to the national economy for years, and will probably remain so for quite a while. The World Bank estimates that remittances accounted for 22 percent of the GDP this year. Informal inflows are considered to be at least 50 percent higher than official figures. The economic size of remittances is too high not to have a significant impact on the political economy of the country. Click here to read…

Officials from Nepal and India agree to course Mahakali to its original state – Khabarhub

The Nepal-India Border Coordination Meeting held at the NHPC in Dharchula on Wednesday agreed to let the Mahakali river flow in its original course. Earlier, there had been tension in the border area after India built a temporary dam to divert the flow of the Mahakali river towards Nepal. Wednesday’s meeting agreed to remove the temporary dam with wire mesh and let the river follow the natural courseClick here to read…

Nepal Elections: How Machiavellian Moves By Beijing’s Proxy In Nepal Backfired And Prompted Its Rivals To Close Ranks – Swarajya

Oli, reportedly egged on by Beijing which is desperate to install its proxy in power in Kathmandu, called up his bete noire Pushpa Kamal Dahal, the chairperson of the CPN(MC) on 24 November. Oli invited Dahal to join his alliance and form the government. The CPN(MC) then tried to leverage Oli’s offer and use it to extract more than its due from the NC. Click here to read…

Delay in finalising ‘dissolution’ plans bad for PTI’s cause: Dawn

As Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan reiterated his threat to dissolve the Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa assemblies, the delay in securing support for and implementing his plan seems to be working against him, as the situation on the ground is changing with each passing day. Click here to read…

Pakistan seeks emergency $3b Saudi cash injection: The Express Tribune

Pakistan on Wednesday requested Saudi Arabia to urgently provide $3 billion in cash after its foreign exchange reserves fell to a critically low level, as the new army chief was also expected to play a role in bagging the bailout during his upcoming maiden visit to the Kingdom. Finance Minister Ishaq Dar made the request during a meeting with Nawaf bin Said Al-Malki, the Saudi ambassador, according to his ministry’s officials. Click here to read…

Pakistan sends oil import deal draft to UAE: The News

Pakistan has sent the draft of Inter-Governmental Agreement (IGA) to the UAE for an official nod from authorities concerned in Abu Dhabi. Once it is approved, negotiation for a commercial agreement for the import of Mogas under GtG mode will start between officials of Pakistan State Oil (PSO) and Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC). One of the top officials at the Energy Ministry confirmed the development to The News. “We have sent the IGA draft to the UAE for approval. Once it is signed, commercial talks would begin between the state entities of both the countries.”Click here to read…

Sri Lanka
Country receives entire stock of MOP fertilizer required for paddy cultivation – Daily News

Sri Lanka has received the entire amount of Muriate of Potash (MOP) fertilizer required for paddy cultivation for Maha season. This stock of fertilizer has been imported from Canada at a cost of USD 40 million. The total stock of fertilizer consisting of 41,876 metric tons was officially handed over to Agriculture Minister Mahinda Amaraweera by the Secretary of the Ministry of Irrigation and Mahaweli Development. D. C. Jayalal. The Ministry had taken steps to buy MOP fertilizer by spending the money provided to the Mahaweli Water Security Investment Programme, which is funded by the Asian Development Bank. MOP fertilizer is given to the farmers for paddy cultivation in our country after two seasons as it was not imported after chemical fertilizers were banned in 2021.

Sri Lanka’s children go hungry as food prices soar – BBC

The three-year-old is losing weight and complains of leg pains and weakness. The doctor’s diagnosis is clear – Nitisha is underfed and malnourished. But the treatment suggested is difficult to come by for her family – wholesome meals. Like many people in Sri Lanka, this family from a tea estate village in Hanthana, in the centre of the country, have seen their finances collapse. “We manage two meals a day and it’s the same thing – rice with potatoes or lentils. We can’t afford anything else,” says Harshini, Nitisha’s mother. For weeks, the family has not had milk or eggs, she added. Click here to read…

Annual Sri Pada Pilgrimage Season begins – Daily News

The annual Sri Pada Pilgrimage season 2022/23 began on Unduvap Full Moon Poya Day yesterday. It will end on Vesak Full Moon Poya Day in May. The processions, carrying the Sacred Casket Relics of the Buddha, sacred objects, and the statue of God Saman from the the Sri Pada Raja Maha Viharaya temple in Galpoththaawala, Ratnapura reached the Sri Pada Maluwa yesterday morning. Large crowds came to pay homage to Sri Pada on the first day of the pilgrimage season yesterday. Click here to read…