All posts by vd@admin

China: Daily Scan, July 20, 2022

China launches inspection of municipal, county-level law-based governance: Xinhuanet
July 19, 2022

China on Tuesday launched an inspection of law-based governance at the municipal and county levels. The inspection will focus on law-based government administration so as to accelerate the construction of rule-of-law governments and consolidate the foundation of the rule of law at the grassroots level. Click here to read…

Delegates to 20th CPC National Congress from central Party, state organs elected: Xinhuanet
July 19, 2022

A total of 293 individuals have been elected as delegates to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) from the central Party and state organs at a meeting held in Beijing from Sunday to Tuesday. Click here to read…

Political advisors discuss expanding China’s talent pool: Xinhuanet
July 19, 2022

Chinese political advisors put forward suggestions Tuesday for expanding the country’s talent pool during a consultative meeting of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC). Click here to read…

China, EU agree to jointly tackle global economic challenges: Xinhuanet
July 19, 2022

During their 9th High-Level Economic and Trade Dialogue on Tuesday, China and the European Union (EU) agreed to make joint efforts to promote practical cooperation in the field of economy and trade, and to jointly cope with the challenges facing the global economy. Click here to read…

China’s top legislator calls for enhanced parliamentary exchanges with Bangladesh: Xinhuanet
July 19, 2022

China’s top legislator Li Zhanshu on Tuesday held talks with Bangladeshi parliament speaker Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury via video link, with both sides vowing to enhance parliamentary exchanges. Click here to read…

Universities make significant progress in China’s sci-tech innovation: Xinhuanet
July 19, 2022

Chinese colleges and universities have taken the lead in building over 60 percent of the key academic national laboratories and more than 30 percent of the national engineering technology research centers over the past decade, said the Ministry of Education (MOE) Tuesday. Click here to read…

21 provincial-level officials punished by discipline watchdogs in H1: China Daily
July 19, 2022

Discipline inspection and supervisory agencies across China have handed down punishments to 21 officials at the provincial or ministerial level in the first half of this year, the country’s top anti-graft body announced Tuesday. Click here to read…

Bride price tradition fueling fresh friction: China Daily
July 19, 2022

The practice of giving money as a wedding guarantee comes under scrutiny as amounts skyrocket. Li Hongyang reports. The recent break-up of a prospective bride and groom as a result of a failure to agree on a bride price of 300,000 yuan ($45,000) has caused heated debate online nationwide. Click here to read…

20 provincial-level regions report COVID-19 cases with multiple surpassing 400 on daily basis: Global Times
July 19, 2022

More than 20 provincial-level regions in the Chinese mainland have reported locally transmitted COVID-19 cases, and daily caseloads have begun to tick up in recent days. Epidemiologists said this new wave is challenging the coping ability of more inland and small cities, which are not as well equipped as metropolises, and emerging subvariants of Omicron further press anti-virus efforts as they spread faster and are harder to detect. Click here to read…

China to foster market-oriented, world-class business environment governed by sound legal framework, says Premier Li: People’s Daily

July 20, 2022

China is committed to fostering a market-oriented, world-class business environment governed by a sound legal framework, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said on Tuesday. Li made the remarks at the Special Virtual Dialogue with Global Business Leaders hosted by the World Economic Forum. Click here to read…

U.S. Senate votes to move ahead on chip bill to compete with China: Reuters
July 20, 2022

The U.S. Senate on Tuesday voted to move ahead with a slimmed-down version of legislation to provide billions of dollars in subsidies and tax credits for the semiconductor industry, hoping to ease a shortage that has disrupted production in industries from automobiles to electronics and high-tech weapons. China’s Belt and Road’s “hidden cost” is forced labor, says U.S. report: Kyodo

July 20, 2022

The U.S. State Department highlighted the use of forced labor in China’s Belt and Road infrastructure project in its annual human trafficking report released Tuesday, while maintaining its assessment that Japan’s efforts to eliminate trafficking are not yet sufficient. Calling forced labor the “hidden cost” of China’s Belt and Road Initiative, the department said in the Trafficking in Persons Report, “All countries should be able to pursue development opportunities without sacrificing their respect for human rights.” Click here to read…

China’s approvals for new coal plants rebound amid renewed focus on energy security after last year’s power crisis: South China Morning Post
July 20, 2022

China’s call to boost coal supplies following the power shortage last year and subsequent surge in approval for coal-fired plants has climate experts worried about the nation’s carbon-neutral goals. Provincial governments across China approved plans to add a total of 8.63 gigawatts (GW) of coal-fired power plants in the first quarter of 2022 alone, nearly 50 per cent of the capacity approved in the whole of 2021, according to a new report from Greenpeace East Asia on Wednesday. Click here to read…

New Omicron variant identified in NE China’s port city of Dandong: Global Times
July 20, 2022

A local asymptomatic infection discovered in the port city of Dandong, in Northeast China’s Liaoning Province, was identified as a new sub-lineage of the Omicron variant BA.2.3. No viral sequence with small genomic differences to the strain has been found either in the domestic or in the global data base, the local health authority announced on Tuesday. Click here to read…

PLA guards against US ship as it sails through Taiwan Straits again: China Daily
July 20, 2022

The Chinese military has monitored and guarded against a United States guided-missile destroyer that sailed across the Taiwan Straits on Tuesday, a spokesman from the People’s Liberation Army said Wednesday. “The guided-missile destroyer USS Benfold sailed through the Taiwan Straits on July 19 and publicly hyped the incident,” said Senior Colonel Shi Yi, spokesman of the PLA Eastern Theater Command, in a statement. “The theater command organized naval and air forces to track, monitor and guard against it during the passage.” Click here to read…

China to foster market-oriented, world-class business environment governed by sound legal framework, says Premier Li: People’s Daily
July 20, 2022

China is committed to fostering a market-oriented, world-class business environment governed by a sound legal framework, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said on Tuesday. Li made the remarks at the Special Virtual Dialogue with Global Business Leaders hosted by the World Economic Forum. Click here to read…

Global Developments and Analysis: Weekly Monitor, 11 July – 17 July 2022

China faces difficult decisions with slide in economic growth

China’s economic growth teetered on the brink of contraction in the second quarter year on year, reflecting a two-month lockdown of the financial and industrial hub of Shanghai. This came on top of Covid-19 shutdowns and travel curbs that have hampered recovery in the world’s second-biggest economy. Following an increase in gross domestic product of 4.8 per cent in the first quarter, growth in the three months to June of just 0.4 per cent dragged expansion in the first half down to 2.5 per cent. This year’s growth target of “around 5.5 per cent” would require a bounce back to 7.5 per cent in the second half. But a return to stable growth will be the paramount goal of Beijing ahead of a landmark political meeting later this year, the 20th national party congress, which includes a leadership reshuffle. This can be expected to lead to increased pressure to fine-tune President Xi Jinping’s zero-Covid strategy and for stimulatory measures, such as looser monetary policy and fiscal stimulus, without triggering a surge of inflation. This is in contrast to a tightening cycle to combat inflationary growth well under way among China’s trading partners. Recent statements by top leaders have shown a rising sense of urgency about the need to put the economy back on a stable track. However, if there is to be a new round of credit-driven investment it should not be at the cost of exacerbating local debt problems. Click here to read…

China and EU to hold high-level trade talks this week after months of delays

Just before the summer lull hits Brussels, the European Union will hold a high-level trade dialogue with China on July 19 – talks the 27-member bloc has been trying to organise for more than three months. Valdis Dombrovskis, the European commissioner for trade, and Chinese vice-premier Liu He will co-chair the virtual meeting, which will also include representatives from the trade and economic ministries of both sides. According to a European Commission representative, a number of global economic challenges will be discussed, including food security and energy prices, supply chains, financial services, and bilateral trade and investment concerns. “The dialogue is taking place against the background of war in Europe and increasing uncertainties in the global economic outlook,” the representative said. The last high-level meeting between the EU and China was a virtual summit in April; it ended unsuccessfully after the EU failed to gain any assurances from China that it would not support Russia’s war against Ukraine financially or militarily. But both sides agreed to talk again “to find concrete ways to progress on these issues before the summer”. While Brussels continued pushing Beijing to nail down a date, China took time in responding. Click here to read…

Europe Fears Widespread Economic Fallout if Russian Gas Outage Drags On

As a deadline approaches for Russia to resume supplying natural gas to Germany this week, European officials and executives are growing concerned about a cascading economic fallout that would spread across the continent should Moscow keep the tap shut. The Nord Stream pipeline that ferries gas from Siberia to Germany closed July 11 for annual maintenance that is expected to last 10 days. Many in the West fear that Moscow might prolong the closure, possibly permanently, and deprive Germany, Europe’s industrial powerhouse, of a key ingredient for its and its neighbors’ factories. European leaders blamed Moscow for using gas as a weapon when flows along the pipeline began to ebb last month. Moscow blamed that shortfall on technical issues related to Western sanctions. According to the annual maintenance schedule, Nord Stream goes back online July 21, meaning that gas flow should resume the following day. Complicating the calculus, officials and executives say it might not be easy to determine whether Russia is restoring gas flows fully. Under one scenario, Moscow could switch the pipeline back on but with lower volumes, as it already has, citing technical problems linked to the sanctions. Germany is highly dependent on Russian gas, and it also acts as a transit hub for gas headed to Austria, the Czech Republic and Ukraine. Click here to read…

China jobs: youth unemployment hits record high in June – nearly 1 in 5 young people out of work

The hits keep coming for China’s disillusioned youth who increasingly cannot seem to catch a break when it comes to landing work in a job market that – at least for their demographic – keeps going from really bad to even worse. Nearly one out of five young jobseekers were unemployed last month as China’s youth unemployment rate hit an all-time high of 19.3 per cent in June, official figures show. It was a sharp rise from 18.4 per cent in May, and marked a year-on-year increase of 25 per cent. The intensifying struggle among those aged 16-24 to carve out their own piece of China’s economic pie came in the midst of the nation’s economy growing by a mere 0.4 per cent in the second quarter of 2022, year on year. This was largely the result of Beijing’s zero-Covid strategy, which forced large-scale lockdowns in Shanghai and other major cities – far from ideal conditions in which China’s latest army of fresh college graduates were plunged into. China’s National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) has previously noted that new graduates generally push the unemployment rate upward come June and July each year, but the youth unemployment rate has seen a steady rise since October. Click here to read…

A fifth of Chinese developers face insolvency as investors grow tired of repeated bond extensions, S&P Global warns

At least a fifth of rated Chinese property developers will end up becoming insolvent, putting as much as US$88 billion of their distressed bonds at risk, according to S&P Global Ratings. While some developers have resorted to debt extensions and bond exchanges to buy time to avoid default, investors will soon lose patience and press their claims through the courts or debt restructuring if a recovery of the sector does not play out by the first quarter of 2023, the ratings agency said. Exchanges and debt extensions have been the two most common ways for Chinese developers to resolve their bond default risks. Guangzhou R&F Properties, for example, recently received approval to regroup all 10 tranches of its offshore bonds worth a total of US$4.94 billion due between now and 2024 into three amortisation notes that mature in 2025, 2027 and 2028, giving it three to four years of breathing room as it struggles to raise cash. But “this forbearance may not continue,” said S&P. “If a sales turnaround is not forthcoming, investors will reject repeated extensions. “The end of the beginning is at hand for China developer defaults.” Click here to read…

Russia has price cap-busting oil plan – media

Russia has ramped up efforts to create its own national oil pricing benchmark as part of its response to Western efforts to limit its oil revenues, Bloomberg reported on July 14, citing government and industry sources. According to the agency, the Western sanctions campaign, which was launched after Russia began its military operation in Ukraine, and the attempts to squeeze its oil export revenue with a proposed price cap, have reinvigorated the idea. US Treasury secretary Janet Yellen is attempting to set an upper limit on how much Moscow can charge for its crude exports. Some experts have warned that the scheme may backfire. The Russian government wants to have a pricing benchmark in action sometime between March and July of 2023, the business news outlet reported. Discussions about the plan are in the early stages, but were confirmed by an executive in the energy industry, the report said. The country has tried for years to launch a national benchmark based on crude trade at the St. Petersburg International Mercantile Exchange, but the volume of foreign deals made on the exchange has not been high enough for this purpose. The US and its allies are seeking to damage Russian crude trade with nations like China and India, which refused to join the sanctions drive, by leveraging their dominance in the areas of insurance and finance. Click here to read…

Saudi Arabia outlines what it will do for oil output

Saudi Arabia is ready to increase oil production to its maximum of 13 million barrels per day but does not have the capacity to pump out more, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman said during his address at the US-Arab summit in Jeddah on July 16. “The kingdom has announced an increase in its production capacity level to 13 million barrels per day, after which the kingdom will not have any additional capacity to increase production,” he was quoted as saying by UAE’s newspaper The National. The crown prince also said that the global community should join forces to support the worldwide economy, but noted that unrealistic policies regarding energy sources would only worsen the situation. “Adopting unrealistic policies to reduce emissions by excluding main sources of energy will lead in coming years to unprecedented inflation and an increase in energy prices and rising unemployment, and a worsening of serious social and security problems,” he stated. Mohammed bin Salman’s words come a day after his talks with Joe Biden, who was in Saudi Arabia on his first visit as US president, and urged the kingdom to increase oil production in order to reduce global reliance on supplies from Russia. Commenting on his trip to the kingdom, Biden said Saudi Arabia’s “energy resources are vital for mitigating the impact on global supplies of Russia’s war in Ukraine.Click here to read…

Middle East Buyers Ramp Up Russian Fuel Imports

US and European sanctions have led to a significant shift in the direction of Russian energy flows. Bloomberg reports diesel and other fuel products shunned by many countries in the West are heading to the Middle East. Increasing flows began after the Russian invasion of Ukraine and reached 155,000 barrels a day in June, according to new data from Vortexa Ltd. Meanwhile, European imports have slumped 30% since the invasion on Feb. 24. Vortexa’s data shows most of the products arriving in the Middle East from Russian ports are fuel oil, diesel/gasoil, and more recently, jet fuel and kerosene. “Most of the Middle East’s imports from Russia are of fuel oil — a leftover from the refining process and often used in power generation and shipping,” Bloomberg noted. About a third of the inflows of fuel products went into the Fujairah Oil Terminal for storage in the United Arab Emirates. Imports of Russian fuel products are at a 2016 high and could increase further because of Western trade restrictions to punish President Putin for the invasion of Ukraine. However, Koen Wessels, senior oil products analyst at Energy Aspects Ltd, said Russian flows to the Middle East will be temporary and could eventually slow because of shipping insurance-related restrictions for vessels leaving Russian ports. Click here to read…

Afghan minister holds talks with Chinese mining firm, progress to be expected

An Afghan government official from the mining sector met with the representative of a Chinese mining company July 17, and they discussed issues ranging from technical to financial operations of the Aynak copper project, the second-largest copper ore body in the world. But an insider said that no substantive progress was made. A staffer of Chinese mining giant Metallurgical Group Corp (MCC), the company that owns the Aynak copper project, told the Global Times July 18 that the company has staff in Afghanistan at the moment, and they are keeping in close contact with the new Afghan government over the project. The remark came as the Acting Minister of Mines and Petroleum Sheikh Shahabuddin Delawar held a meeting Sunday with a vice president of MCC-JCL Aynak Minerals Co (MJAM), a Chinese-funded mining company registered in Afghanistan under MCC, according to the official website of the Afghan Ministry of Mines and Petroleum. Discussions were held at the meeting on the latest developments, as well as technical, financial and land acquisition issues, and the transfer of ancient artifacts in the field of the Aynak project, said the ministry. While there have been frequent talks, no substantive progress has been made, the Global Times learned. “The only thing we needed to confirm with the Afghan government is the ownership of the mine, which has already been done with the new government,” a staffer with the MCC Group said. Click here to read…

Kishida: Up to 9 nuclear reactors to go online by winter

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said the central government intends to bring up to nine nuclear reactors online this winter to prepare for possible power shortages during peak periods. Kishida told a July 14 news conference that he instructed economy minister Koichi Hagiuda to start preparations. “We are aiming to put as many nuclear reactors as possible online,” said Kishida. “We will have up to nine reactors operating this winter to secure enough sources of energy to cover about 10 percent of Japan’s overall power consumption.” The move comes as the government is asking the public to save electricity this summer amid a power shortage, which will likely become even more severe in the winter. According to government sources, five of the nine reactors are at Kansai Electric Power Co.’s nuclear power plants in Fukui Prefecture: the No. 3 and No. 4 reactors at the Oi plant; the No. 3 reactor at the Mihama plant; and the No. 3 and No. 4 reactors at the Takahama plant. All nine reactors were brought online at least once after passing the Nuclear Regulation Authority’s screening for a restart. Four were in operation as of July 14. Kishida said he also instructed government officials to get 10 more units of thermal power plants ready for operations to ensure a stable power supply during peak periods. Click here to read…

China closes in on Japan’s hydrogen technology patent lead

Though Japan continues to lead the world in hydrogen-related technology, its edge is narrowing as new patent filings by the country’s companies and research institutions slow while Chinese players forge ahead with government backing. Hydrogen is considered the ultimate clean fuel since it emits no carbon dioxide when burned. Tokyo-based research company Astamuse, in which Nikkei has a stake, has compiled a ranking of countries, scored in terms of the competitiveness of their hydrogen technologies between 2011 and 2020, based on the number of times their patents were cited in similar patent applications, expiration dates and other data. The 2020 figures were based on preliminary data. Japan came out on top overall propelled by its strength in fuel-cell patents, which are key to harnessing hydrogen to power cars, homes and factories. Toyota Motor has been developing fuel-cell vehicles for the past three decades, and became the first automaker in the world to commercialize the vehicles in 2014. It had expanded their driving range about 30% by 2020. Japanese petroleum company ENEOS and Industrial gases company Iwatani operate more than 160 hydrogen stations, and are working to halve the cost of building a new station from the current range of 300 million yen to 400 million yen ($2.19 million to $2.91 million) currently. Click here to read…

China locks in record long-term LNG deals to bolster energy security

As global competition for liquefied natural gas intensifies in response to the Ukraine war, China is increasingly turning to long-term contracts of a decade or more to ensure the country’s growing needs will continue to be met years into the future. Chinese demand for natural gas grew at the fastest rate on record in 2021. LNG demand jumped 18% to 78.9 million tons, surpassing Japan as the largest importer. Spot contracts accounted for 39% of China’s LNG imports last year. But contracts lasting 10 to 20 years make up a rapidly growing portion of those with delivery dates in 2022 and beyond. Chinese players signed 23 long-term contracts for a total of 27 million tons of LNG in 2021, according to Mika Takehara at Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corp. Both figures were among the largest on record, she said. Most LNG was purchased by China’s three state-owned energy groups — China National Petroleum Corp., CNOOC and China Petrochemical, known as Sinopec. But energy companies owned by regional governments and private-sector utilities are also increasingly dealing directly with overseas suppliers. Three-quarters of the sellers were located in the U.S., Qatar and Russia. Between January 2021 and this April, Chinese companies had signed 10 contracts for 13.9 million tons to 14.8 million tons of LNG from American entities alone. Click here to read…

Myanmar revokes foreign company exemption from currency rules

The Central Bank of Myanmar on July 13 reversed its position on exempting foreign companies from forced exchanges of currency to the local kyat, several sources at the bank said. The central bank in April had instructed financial institutions to convert foreign currency earned by its customers into kyat within one business day. Existing foreign-currency deposits were also to be converted into the kyat in stages. In mid-June, the bank issued a notice exempting companies that are 10% or more owned by overseas entities, which applied to the majority of foreign companies doing business in Myanmar. It has now rescinded this exception in a new notice, sources said. Companies making investments approved by the Myanmar Investment Commission, as well those operating in special economic zones, are expected to remain exempt. The currency exchange rule comes as Myanmar suffers a serious shortage of foreign currency following its military takeover in February 2021. The government established the Foreign Exchange Supervisory Committee in April, which now must approve any conversions from kyat to a foreign currency, or money transfers abroad. Foreign currency from the forced conversions will be used to repay foreign debt flagged as a priority by the FESC. Click here to read…

Why China can’t let Laos default

Laos faces intensifying economic and financial crises and there is likely no way out without some form of a Chinese bailout or debt forgiveness. Various warning signs are blinking red in the small Southeast Asian country. The national currency, the kip, has lost around a third of its value against the US dollar compared to this time last year. Inflation hit 23% in June, its highest level in decades. Meanwhile, much of the landlocked country faces fuel shortages. The communist-run government has huffed and bluffed but finally undertook a cabinet reshuffle in late June, bringing in a new commerce minister and central bank governor. Some emergency measures have stemmed certain economic problems from worsening. But those haven’t alleviated the nation’s underlying financial woes, which are now more precarious than ever. “The chances that Laos will default on its debt obligations are extremely high,” says Carl Thayer, an emeritus professor at the University of New South Wales in Australia. Indeed, the country’s foreign debts have swelled to over US$14 billion, or 88% of gross domestic product (GDP). Around half that amount is owed to China, including the Lao state’s one-third stake in the $5.9 billion China-Laos railway, a megaproject that opened in December amid concerns about the line’s commercial viability. Vientiane barely scraped through making its annual debt repayments last year. Click here to read…

Super-strong dollar imperils world economy

The US dollar has been on a major surge against major global currencies in the past year, recently hitting levels not seen in 20 years. It has gained 15% against the British pound, 16% against the euro and 23% against the Japanese yen. The dollar is the world’s reserve currency, which means it is used in most international transactions. As a result, changes in its value have implications for the entire global economy. Below are five of the main ones. 1. Even more inflation. Petrol and most commodities such as metals or timber are usually traded in US dollars (though with exceptions). So when the dollar gets stronger, these items cost more in local currency. For example in British pounds, the cost of US$100-worth of petrol has risen over the past year from £72 to £84. And since the price per liter of petrol in US dollars has risen steeply as well, it is creating a double whammy. When energy and raw materials cost more, the prices of many products go up for consumers and businesses, causing inflation around the world. The only exception is the US, where a stronger dollar makes it cheaper to import consumer products and therefore could help to tame inflation. Click here to read…

‘Judgment Day’ warning as Russia hunts Ukraine’s US-made HIMARS

Nearly five months since President Vladimir Putin ordered the February 24 invasion of Ukraine, Russian forces are grinding through the Donbas region of eastern Ukraine and now occupy around a fifth of the country. Shoigu, one of Putin’s closest allies, inspected the Vostok group which is fighting in Ukraine, the defence ministry said. Shoigu “instructed the commander to give priority to the enemy’s long-range missile and artillery weapons,” the defence ministry said. The ministry said the weapons were being used to shell residential areas of Russian-controlled Donbas and to deliberately set fire to wheat fields and grain storage silos. Russian defence ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said a depot in the Black Sea port of Odesa that stored Harpoon anti-ship missiles was hit, while a US-supplied HIMARS multiple-launch rocket system was struck in the eastern Donetsk region. There are concerns in Moscow that Ukraine’s longer-range missiles could be used to target Crimea, which Russia annexed from Ukraine in 2014. Crimea is of particular strategic importance to Russia as it includes the headquarters of its Black Sea fleet at Sevastopol. Another prized target would be the 18km (11-mile) bridge that links the Black Sea peninsula with mainland Russia. That prospect of an attack on Crimea prompted a warning from Russia’s former president Dmitry Medvedev, who said such an attack would trigger devastating consequences for the Ukrainian leadership. Click here to read…

Chinese military upgrades near disputed Himalayan border viewed as provocative in India

The upgrading of China’s military projection and logistics capabilities along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in the Himalayas, designed to prepare for contingencies, is being viewed by the Indian side as offensive and provocative. Citing Indian intelligence sources, The Hindu said the People’s Liberation Army had expanded its troop accommodation capacity within 100km (60 miles) of the LAC from 20,000 to 120,000 in the past two years. The Indian newspaper’s report, published late last month, said the PLA had deployed four divisions, or 48,000 troops, from its Xinjiang military district, with the soldiers being rotated on the disputed border facing eastern Ladakh, where the worst fighting in over four decades saw at least 20 Indian soldiers and four from the PLA killed in the Galwan Valley two years ago. Zhou Chenming, a researcher from the Yuan Wang military science and technology think tank in Beijing, confirmed the PLA had renovated and expanded barracks along the LAC since that clash, including permanent buildings and temporary ones. “Many of the permanent buildings are warehouses for fuel storage, while other accommodation and portable facilities will be used for housing troops,” Zhou said, adding that the PLA was capable of deploying up to 120,000 troops to the LAC in a week if necessary. “China doesn’t need to station so many troops in border areas because of its powerful military projection capacity and infrastructure and logistics supply network.” Click here to read…

South Korea’s Yoon faces becoming a ‘lame duck’ as nepotism claims, wife’s gaffes hit ratings

Barely two months after South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol took office, his support base has quickly dwindled as a lack of experience, accusations of a poor attitude, gaffes and various political and personal issues weigh on his approval ratings. This could complicate his political agenda, especially in a parliament where the liberal opposition Democratic Party dominates his conservative People Power Party. His approval rating plunged to 32 per cent from a high of 53 per cent five weeks earlier, according to an opinion poll last week by Gallup Korea. Disapproval stood at 53 per cent, up 19 percentage points in the same five-week period. Yoon’s approval rating could extend its decline, as he had barely two months to rally his base before his ratings began to tank. Approval ratings of South Korea’s presidents typically stand at 70-80 per cent during their early months in office, fuelled by high expectations for their new governments. Resentment among conservatives against former president Moon Jae-in’s political missteps such as skyrocketing real estate prices and his associates’ alleged nepotism had helped Yoon to the presidency. Yoon was initially lauded for delivering on his election promise to make himself more accessible than his predecessors, allowing journalists to question him on his way to work every morning, a first for a South Korean president. But he came under fire for his curt responses and poor attitude. Click here to read…

China’s Communist Party finds it easier to win hearts and minds at home than overseas

When Xi Jinping became China’s president in 2013, he showed he was determined to maintain the Communist Party’s mandate to rule by winning the people’s hearts and minds. At the start of his first term he ordered bureaucrats across the country to confess any loss of touch with the grass roots to the party. The campaign ended up lasting for more than a year. He also kicked off a far-reaching anti-corruption campaign, with graft busters setting up a website and a social media account that enabled people to report corruption via their phones. Xi also famously warned the party in 2013 of the risk of losing the people’s trust, using the term Tacitus Trap, which describes a lack of trust in a government regardless of its actions. Yet just months before Xi is set to begin his third term as the party’s leader at this year’s 20th party congress, crises have emerged that point at the heart of trust in the government, including a banking fiasco in which thousands of people risk losing all their savings in local banks. The Tacitus Trap, named after the Roman historian, describes the dire situation facing a government when no matter what it says or does, people assume it is a lie or a bad deed. It was one of three traps, along with the middle-income trap and the Thucydides Trap, that Xi warned publicly in 2013 could undermine China’s rise. Click here to read…

Three more countries set to join BRICS – official

Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Egypt plan to join BRICS, and their potential membership bids could be discussed and answered at next year’s summit in South Africa, Purnima Anand, the president of the organization, told Russian media on July 14. “All these countries have shown their interest in joining [BRICS] and are preparing to apply for membership. I believe this is a good step, because expansion is always looked upon favorably; it will definitely bolster BRICS’ global influence,” she told Russian newspaper Izvestia. The BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) account for over 40% of the global population and nearly a quarter of the world’s GDP. Anand said the issue of expansion was raised during this year’s BRICS summit, which took place in late June in Beijing. The BRICS Forum president said she hopes the accession of Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Egypt will not take much time, given that they “are already engaged in the process,” though doubts that all three will join the alliance at the same time. The news of the three nations’ plans to join BRICS comes after Iran and Argentina officially applied for membership in late June, with Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh touting the bloc as a “very creative mechanism with broad aspects.” Click here to read…

Italian president rejects PM Draghi’s resignation

Italian President Sergio Mattarella on July 14 rejected Prime Minister Mario Draghi’s attempt to resign. Draghi announced his intent to step down after he survived a confidence vote but lost the backing of his largest coalition partner. Draghi met with Mattarella following a confidence vote in the Italian Senate earlier in the afternoon. While the PM comfortably survived the vote by 172-39, the ballot was boycotted by the Five Star Movement, the largest partner in Draghi’s broad coalition government. Having earlier stated that he would not remain in power without the support of the Five Star populists, Draghi said that he would step down as the conditions to govern “no longer exist.” However, Mattarella has the power to accept or reject the prime minister’s resignation, and he chose the latter option. The move sends Draghi back to Parliament where a fresh confidence vote will likely be held. Should Draghi win the support of lawmakers, snap elections could be avoided. Mattarella appointed Draghi, who formerly led the European Central Bank, in 2021, in a bid to stave off an economic downturn as Italy recovered from the coronavirus pandemic. However, Draghi has faced persistent criticism from the Five Star Movement’s leader, Giuseppe Conte, over rising inflation and energy costs, as well as his support for EU sanctions on Russia and weapons shipments to Ukraine. Click here to read…

Russia-Ukraine grain talks outcome revealed

Russia and Ukraine have agreed to establish a joint coordination center on grain exports in Istanbul that will include representatives from all parties, Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar told local media following the four-way talks that also involved Turkey and the UN. On July 13, negotiators from Russia, Ukraine, Turkey and the UN met in the Turkish city to discuss the situation regarding the held-up Ukrainian exports. Ahead of the meeting, Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba said that Kiev and Moscow had been close to breaking the impasse on the issue. “An agreement has been reached on technical issues such as joint controls at the destination points and … the safety of navigation on the transfer routes,” Akar told journalists. Russian and Ukrainian delegations “should meet again in Turkey next week,” he said, adding that the parties would “review all the details once again” during that meeting. Ukraine is one of the world’s leading grain exporters. Yet, it has been unable to export its grain by sea due to the ongoing conflict with Russia. Kiev and Western nations have accused Moscow of preventing Ukrainian grain shipments from leaving the nation’s Black Sea ports. Click here to read…

South Korea seeks to kickstart talks to resolve historical feuds with Japan

South Korea hopes a high-level visit to Tokyo next week will kickstart talks aimed at a breakthrough in historical disputes despite concerns the death of former Japanese premier Shinzo Abe could disrupt efforts to mend ties, Seoul officials said. Relations between the two North Asian U.S. allies have been strained over disputes dating to Japan’s 1910-1945 occupation of Korea. Washington has been pressing Tokyo and Seoul to mend fences in the face of the North Korean nuclear threat and the rising influence of China. Officials in the administration of new South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol, who took office in May vowing to improve ties with Japan, told Reuters they feel emboldened by Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s recent election victory which could give him more scope to advance his policy agenda for another three years. Foreign Minister Park Jin will visit Tokyo as early as next week, a trip which a senior official handling Japan policy said is aimed at “turning on the tap” for serious negotiations on issues relating to wartime laborers, which stalled under Yoon’s predecessor. Park will visit Tokyo on July 18, Japan’s public broadcaster NHK reported on July 14. South Korea did not immediately confirm the report. Yoon would also likely use his Aug. 15 Liberation Day speech marking Korea’s independence from Japan as a chance to send a reconciliatory message to Tokyo, the official added. Click here to read…

China’s Xi visits Xinjiang for first time in 8 years

Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Xinjiang this week for the first time since 2014, seeking to demonstrate his success in subduing the country’s restive northwestern region. The trip, reported by state broadcaster China Central TV and other news outlets, comes as Xi works to solidify a rare third term as leader of the Chinese Communist Party at its twice-a-decade congress this fall. Xi observed freight trains on the China-Europe Railway Express in the regional capital of Urumqi on July 12. “With the Belt and Road Initiative progressing, Xinjiang is no longer an outlying area,” he said. “It has become a pivotal region with historical significance.” The following day, Xi visited a residential community in Urumqi and watched a traditional dance performance by Uyghur Muslims. “We need to bring even more happiness to the lives of different ethnic groups,” he said. The state-run Xinhua News Agency published a photo of a maskless Xi walking the streets, surrounded by Uyghur children. During Xi’s last visit to the Xinjiang region in September 2014, suicide bombers attacked a train station in Urumqi. He warned of a protracted struggle with “terrorist separatists” in the region and ordered a crackdown against “terrorist elements.” The Xi administration has pushed for the “sinicization” of Islam in Xinjiang. Click here to read…

China, Russia military activity near Japan up 2.5 times since Ukraine

Chinese and Russian military activity around Japan increased 2.5 times in the four months following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24, sparking alarm here over a potential escalation. Releases by Japan’s Ministry of Defense show 90 instances of activity by Chinese and Russian military vessels and aircraft near Japan in the four months after the invasion began. There had been 35 in the four months before. A Chinese vessel and Russian vessel entered Japan’s contiguous zone near the Japanese-administered Senkaku Islands on July 4. The Russian vessel then sailed north through the Senkakus on July 5 before entering the contiguous zone near Japan’s southernmost Okinotori islets the following day. The type of activity recorded has also shifted since the Ukraine invasion began. On June 7, four aircraft believed to be part of the Russian military flew straight toward Japan from west of Hokkaido. They shifted course just before entering Japanese airspace after the Japan Air Self-Defense Force scrambled fighter jets in response. Before turning away, the four planes were on a trajectory toward Hokkaido’s largest city of Sapporo, a Japanese defense official said. Concern is growing that such activity may be part of planned military operations in the area. Click here to read…

Abe’s house of cards: Death leaves largest party faction in limbo

Nearly a week after an assassin took the life of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, the ruling party faction he led has yet to zero in on a possible successor. The largest faction in the Liberal Democratic Party, known as Seiwa-kai, is scrambling to maintain unity. But Abe’s murder left the group with little time to select and groom a suitable successor, putting it in a precarious position. The group boasts 93 conservative-leaning upper and lower house LDP lawmakers, with many calling for bigger military spending and revising the nation’s pacifist charter. After producing the longest-serving prime minister, the group yields enormous clout in the party. Senior members met July 11 at a Tokyo hotel to discuss the next step but could only muster a vague pledge to maintain solidarity. In 2017, Abe floated the idea of having four core leaders in the faction, modeled after a similar setup his father, Shintaro Abe, had when he led the faction decades ago. Given the lack of a clear leader, the faction could opt for this option. Right now, Hakubun Shimomura and Ryu Shionoya, both former education ministers, are serving as acting chairs of the faction. They have supported Abe’s family through the ordeal by meeting with mourners at his private residence. “There are proposals to have two acting chairs or to set up a seven-person structure,” said a senior member of Abe’s faction. Click here to read…

Sri Lanka’s acting president declares state of emergency

Sri Lanka’s acting President Ranil Wickremesinghe has declared a state of emergency, according to a government notice released late on July 17, as his administration seeks to quell social unrest and tackle an economic crisis gripping the island nation. “It is expedient, so to do, in the interests of public security, the protection of public order and the maintenance of supplies and services essential to the life of the community,” the notification stated. Sri Lanka’s ousted President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, who fled overseas this week to escape a popular uprising against his government, has said he took “all possible steps” to avert the economic crisis that has engulfed the island nation. Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s resignation was accepted by parliament on July 15. He flew to the Maldives and then Singapore after hundreds of thousands of anti-government protesters came out onto the streets of Colombo a week ago and occupied his official residence and offices. Sri Lanka’s parliament met on July 16 to begin the process of electing a new president, and a shipment of fuel arrived to provide some relief to the crisis-hit nation. Wickremesinghe, an ally of Rajapaksa, is one of the top contenders to take on the presidency full-time but protesters also want him gone, leading to the prospect of further unrest should he be elected. Click here to read…

Biden Lays Out a U.S. Middle East Vision Heavy on Diplomacy

President Biden laid out his vision for the U.S. role in the Middle East July 16, pledging to stay engaged in the region and strengthen relationships with Arab nations to counter the influence of China, Russia and Iran. “The United States is going to remain an active engaged partner in the Middle East as the world grows more competitive, and the challenges we face more complex,” Mr. Biden said in a 10-minute speech in this seaside town during a summit of Arab leaders. “It’s only becoming clear to me how closely interwoven America’s interests are with the successes of the Middle East.” “We will not walk away and leave a vacuum to be filled by China, Russia or Iran,” he added. He also repeated a pledge that the U.S. is committed to preventing Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon. Mr. Biden said the U.S. would chart a new approach to the Middle East focused on diplomacy over aggression. “Today, I’m proud to be able to say that the era of land wars in the region, wars involving huge numbers of American forces, is not underway,” he said. Mr. Biden’s speech comes amid mounting concern about Washington’s commitment to the region, which was galvanized by the chaotic pullout from Afghanistan last summer. Click here to read…

Biden disputes Saudi minister’s account of meeting with MBS

President Joe Biden hints the foreign minister of Saudi Arabia was not being truthful in his account of the US leader’s meeting with the kingdom’s crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman (MBS). Biden was referring to comments made by Adel al-Jubeir, who told Fox News he did not “hear” the US president tell MBS that he directly blamed him for the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi during their discussion in Jeddah on July 15. “I didn’t hear that particular phrase,” al-Jubeir told Fox News correspondent Alex Hogan in an interview on July 16. “The president mentioned that the US is committed to human rights because since the founding fathers wrote the constitution and he also made the point that American presidents – this is part of the agenda of every American president.” Upon returning to the White House early on July 17 after his four-day Middle East trip, Biden was asked by reporters if al-Jubeir was telling the truth in recounting his exchange with MBS. Biden pointedly replied: “No.” Biden, who visited Saudi Arabia, Israel and the occupied West Bank in his first trip to the region as US president, previously told reporters he brought up Khashoggi’s killing at the top of his initial meeting with the Saudi crown prince. He said he “indicated” to MBS that he held him “personally responsible” for the 2018 killing. He added that MBS repeatedly denied responsibility during their meeting. Click here to read…

Amid Russia-Ukraine war, Putin to visit Iran for Syria talks

As Russia’s war on Ukraine grinds on, President Vladimir Putin will travel to Iran next week for a Syria summit with his Iranian counterpart Ebrahim Raisi and Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Kremlin has announced. “The president’s visit to Tehran is being planned for July 19,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on July 12. He added the trio would meet for peace talks on Syria. Russia, Turkey and Iran have in recent years been holding talks as part of the so-called “Astana peace process” to end more than 11 years of conflict in the Middle Eastern country. Russia and Iran are the key military and political backers of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, while Turkey has provided military assistance to the Free Syrian Army and other rebel groups still fighting against al-Assad’s forces in the northwest. The foreign trip marks the Kremlin chief’s second since he sent troops into Ukraine in late February; he visited Tajikistan in late June. Russia and Iran hold close ties, while Turkey has attempted to act as a mediator during the Ukraine conflict. July 12’s announcement comes after the White House said on July 11 that it believed Moscow was turning to Iran to provide it with “hundreds” of drones, including those capable of carrying weapons, for use in Ukraine. Click here to read…

WHO declares Marburg outbreak in Ghana, after first two cases of deadly Ebola-like virus reported

Two cases of the deadly Marburg virus have been identified in Ghana, the first time the Ebola-like disease has been found in the West African nation, health authorities announced on Sunday. Earlier in the month, blood samples taken from two people in the southern Ashanti region suggested the Marburg virus. The samples were sent to the Pasteur Institute in Senegal which confirmed the diagnosis, the Ghana Health Service (GHS) said. “This is the first time Ghana has confirmed Marburg Virus Disease,” said GHS head Patrick Kuma-Aboagye said in a statement. No treatment or vaccine exists for Marburg, which is almost as deadly as Ebola. Its symptoms include high fever as well as internal and external bleeding. A total of 98 people identified as contact cases are currently under quarantine, the GHS statement said, noting that no other cases of Marburg had yet been detected in Ghana. The World Health Organization (WHO) said Guinea had confirmed a single case in an outbreak declared over in September 2021. Previous outbreaks and sporadic cases of Marburg in Africa have been reported in Angola, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, South Africa and Uganda, according to the World Health Organization. Click here to read…

China makes tweaks, but tough COVID policy still drags on economy

China has been tweaking its stringent COVID curbs but shows no sign of backing off from its “dynamic zero” policy and has lagged in vaccination efforts that would enable it to do so, casting a heavy shadow over the world’s second-largest economy. The absence of a roadmap out of zero-COVID and expectations that it will persist well into 2023 leaves residents and businesses facing a prolonged period of uncertainty. Recent scattered COVID flare-ups, the imposition of lockdowns in some cities and the arrival of the highly contagious BA.5 variant have added to those worries. On July 15, China is expected to report that gross domestic product (GDP) grew just 1 percent in the second quarter, with full year growth forecast at 4 percent, according to a Reuters poll – far short of Beijing’s official target of around 5.5 percent for 2022. In addition to a sharp lockdown-induced slowdown, growth has been weighed down by a sputtering property market and an uncertain global outlook. This week, Shanghai’s 25 million people were subject to more mandatory city-wide testing, and fear of tougher measures or getting caught up in China’s zero-COVID bureaucracy continues to exact an economic toll, including on consumption and jobs. Nomura estimated 31 cities were implementing full or partial lockdowns as of July 11, affecting nearly 250 million people in regions accounting for a quarter of China’s GDP. As the rest of the world tries to coexist with COVID, China points to the lives saved by its tough measures. Click here to read…

China: Daily Scan, July 19, 2022

Chinese vice premier stresses innovation-driven development of Xinjiang: Xinhuanet
July 18, 2022

Chinese Vice Premier Liu He on Monday called for efforts to boost industrial vitalization and innovation-driven development in northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Click here to read…

Top political advisor calls for greeting 20th CPC national congress with steady progress: Xinhuanet
July 18, 2022

China’s top political advisor Wang Yang on Monday called for steady progress to greet the convocation of the 20th national congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) later this year. Wang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), urged steady progress in improving the quality and efficiency of the CPPCC’s work in the second half of the year. Click here to read…

Beijing issues coupons to boost catering consumption: Xinhuanet
July 18, 2022

Beijing began issuing coupons worth a total of 100 million yuan (14.82 million U.S. dollars) on Monday to spur catering consumption, according to the municipal commerce bureau. Funded by the government and platform enterprises that provide catering services, the promotional campaign is expected to cover more than 70,000 restaurants, the bureau said. Click here to read…

China reaffirms determination to wipe out mafia gangsters, protectors: Global Times
July 18, 2022

China will wipe out all gang-related crime, reaffirmed the top prosecutor on Monday, saying that China has indicted 230,000 people who were engaged in mafia-like gangs and other crimes, and 2,987 people who acted as their protectors, in the three-year national crackdown on gang crimes from 2018 to 2021. Click here to read…

Huawei to launch HarmonyOS 3.0 soon, to shake off US export ban: Global Times
July 18, 2022

Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei is set to launch an updated version of its self-developed operating system (OS), the HarmonyOS 3.0, on Saturday, putting the firm on the fast track to shake off reliance on Google’s Android, while also paving the way for it to recover from a hobbled handset business amid years of the US’ ruthless sanctions. Click here to read…

Wristbands, big data used to monitor people who commit ‘less serious’ crimes in China: South China Morning Post
July 18, 2022

Chinese prosecutors say they have been using electronic wristbands and big data to monitor people who have committed offences that are not serious enough to warrant arrest. It is part of a move to make fewer arrests and be more cautious about prosecutions under a new criminal justice policy, prosecutors told reporters in Beijing on Monday during a review of progress over the past decade. Click here to read…

Afghan minister holds talks with Chinese mining firm, progress to be expected: Global Times
July 18, 2022

An Afghan government official from the mining sector met with the representative of a Chinese mining company Sunday, and they discussed issues ranging from technical to financial operations of the Aynak copper project, the second-largest copper ore body in the world. But an insider said that no substantive progress was made. Click here to read…

EU, China to hold trade dialogue amid simmering tensions: Reuters
July 19, 2022

The European Union and China will hold a high-level economic and trade dialogue on Tuesday amidst tensions over a number of issues including the war in Ukraine, Xinjiang and an as yet unratified investment agreement. Click here to read…

Japan, China cut holdings of U.S. Treasuries to multi-year lows –data: Reuters
July 19, 2022

Japan and China pared back holdings of U.S. Treasuries in May to multi-year lows, data from the U.S. Treasury department showed on Monday. Japan’s holdings fell to $1.212 trillion, the lowest since January 2020, when the country’s stash of Treasuries was $1.211 trillion. In April, Japan’s holdings were at $1.218 trillion. China’s hoard of U.S. government debt dropped as well to $980.8 billion in May, still the lowest since May 2010 when its holdings were at $843.7 billion, data showed. In April, China had $1.003 trillion in Treasuries. Click here to read…

China’s military puts advanced rocket launch system to the test at high altitude: South China Morning Post
July 19, 2022

China’s military has put the precision strike capability of its new rocket launch system to the test at high altitude, according to state broadcaster CCTV. The People’s Liberation Army used the PCL191 multiple launch rocket system – which is mounted on a truck – to hit a target several kilometres away at a desert shooting range in the west of China during a recent test, Sunday’s report said. Click here to read…

Shanghai enforces new virus testing: Taipei Times
July 19, 2022

Several large Chinese cities, including Shanghai, are on alert due to new clusters of COVID-19 infections, rolling out repeated mass testing or extending lockdowns on millions of residents, with some measures triggering a public outcry. China has reported an average of about 390 local daily infections in the seven days ending on Sunday, higher than about 340 seven days earlier, according to Reuters calculations based on official data as of yesterday. That is tiny compared with a resurgence in other parts of Asia. Click here to read…

China refutes U.S. report on Xinjiang-related issues: Xinhuanet
July 19, 2022

A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said on Monday that the issues related to Xinjiang are not about human rights, ethnicity or religion, but about fighting terrorism and separatism, and the Chinese government’s counterterrorism and deradicalization measures have substantially turned the security situation around in Xinjiang. Click here to read…

China, Vietnam agree to strengthen inter-party exchanges: Xinhuanet
July 19, 2022

Chen Xi, a senior official of the Communist Party of China (CPC), held talks with Truong Thi Mai, head of the Organization Commission of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV), via video link on Monday. Click here to read…

Researchers propose new AI model to better understand human expectations: Xinhuanet
July 19, 2022

A research team has proposed an artificial intelligence (AI) system in which robots not only serve as listeners but also speakers, providing an opportunity for AI to better understand human expectations. Click here to read…

Eight injured in apartment building gas explosion in north China’s Tianjin: Xinhuanet
July 19, 2022

Eight people were injured after a gas explosion in a residential building in Beichen District, north China’s Tianjin Municipality Tuesday morning. The explosion, which took place at around 7:15 a.m. and damaged the six-story building, has not led to life-threathening injuries, according to local authorities. Click here to read…

Chinese mainland reports 199 new local confirmed COVID-19 cases: Xinhuanet
July 19, 2022

The Chinese mainland Monday reported 199 locally-transmitted confirmed COVID-19 cases, including 134 in Guangxi and 32 in Gansu, the National Health Commission said Tuesday. Altogether 500 local asymptomatic carriers were newly identified in 14 provincial-level regions on Monday. Click here to read…

Judicial system tightened to better protect minors: China Daily
July 19, 2022

Comprehensive judicial protection for minors is being improved, with some 2,900 people with criminal records and engaged in industries that have close contact with minors removed from their posts since 2020, senior prosecutors said on Monday. Click here to read…

Number of legal disputes rises: China Daily
July 19, 2022

The number of civil disputes related to bride prices surged from dozens in 2009 to tens of thousands at the peak in 2016, before leveling off in the thousands, according to China Judgments Online, an official government database that reports court decisions from across the country. Click here to read…

China, India agree at latest commander-level meeting to work out mutually acceptable resolution of remaining border issues at the earliest: Global Times
July 19, 2022

The resolution of the remaining issues along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) can help in the restoration of peace and tranquility of the region and enable progress in bilateral relations, China and India reaffirmed after a commander level meeting on Sunday, called by both as “frank and in-depth.” Click here to read…

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest: July 19, 2022

U.S. Simplifies Application Process for Afghan Special Immigrant Visa: Tolo News

The United States will simplify the application process for Afghan special immigrant visas with applicants only needing to file one form, according to a statement issued on Monday by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Click here to read…

Qatar Foundation Reports Helping More Than 400 Families in Nimroz: Tolo News

A Qatari foreign aid organization has provided food aid to more than 400 families in Zaranj, the capital of Nimroz. The aid was provided by Hamad bin Khalifa al Thani charity, also known as the Qatar FoundationClick here to read…

Earthquakes Devastate Quake-Hit Afghanistan Again: The Khaama Press

Two relatively powerful earthquakes have been reported by local sources in the provinces of Paktika, Paktia, Logar, and Badakhshan. In the Gayan district of Paktika province, which was already severely damaged by the earthquake on June 22nd, reports of damages include the demolition of several homes and the injury of many people. Click here to read…

Taliban’s Central Bank Injects $12 Million to the Market to Maintain the Currency Value: The Khaama Press

The Central Bank will hold a foreign currency auction on Tuesday, 19 July, according to the Central Bank’s newsletter, inviting banks, money exchange dealers, and other competent parties including qualified money service companies to participate. Click here to read…

Economic jitters felt by stock market- The Daily Star

The jitters surrounding the state of the economy are reverberating on the stock market, with the key index dropping for the fifth day in a row. Click here to read…

Indian army chief here on a 5-day visit- The Daily Star

Indian army chief General Manoj Pande yesterday lauded Bangladesh Army’s leadership and overall high standards. Click here to read…

Bangladesh seeks time to respond to UN- The Daily Star

Bangladesh has sought a week from the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) to respond to a letter wanting to know the country’s human rights issues and the government’s relations with rights bodies. Click here to read…

India for 4th Dhaka-Kolkata train service- The Daily Star

India has formally proposed to operate a fourth inter-country train service from Dhaka to Kolkata. Click here to read…

EU delegation here to talk about trade standards- The Daily Star

A six-member delegation of the European Parliament arrived in Dhaka yesterday to learn about the country’s trade with Europe and its progress in adapting to more demanding trade standards. Click here to read…

PM assures Autsho shopkeepers follow-up on plot allotment issue- Kuensel

The shopkeepers of Autsho town say they are hopeful of getting plots in the town after Lyonchen Dr Lotay Tshering committed to follow-up with the relevant agencies regarding the long overdue plot allotment of Austho satellite town last weekend during his visit to Lhuentse. Click here to read…

New machines to reduce TB testing time- Kuensel

The health ministry (MoH) yesterday launched VITEK MS and VITEK 2 compact services at Jigme Dorji Wangchuck National Referral Hospital (JDNRH) that would cut turnaround time and improve service delivery with efficient and test results. Click here to read…

Bhutan to host 75th RCM- Kuensel

Bhutan will host the 75th Regional Committee Meeting (RCM-75) for the third time this year from September 5 to 9 in Paro. Click here to read…

Indian travel agents arrives in Maldives for familiarization trip – Raajje

Travel agents from leading travel agencies from India have arrived in the Maldives on an invitation by the Maldives Marketing and Public Relation Corporation (MMPRC) on a familiarization trip. Click here to read…

President ratifies the Evidence Act – Raajje

President Solih ratified the Evidence Act on Monday. The Evidence Act bill was passed by the Parliament at the 22nd sitting of its second session on June 30, 2022. The act specifies the procedures to be followed when gathering evidence in civil and criminal proceedings. The act also specifies the processes to be followed when submitting, accepting, and evaluating evidence. Click here to read…

Thailand’s Myanmar Policy Is Costing Communities on Both Sides of the Border – The Diplomat

On June 30, a Myanmar air force jet, identified as a Russian-made MiG-29, violated Thai airspace while on a bombing raid in eastern Myanmar. The jet’s incursion prompted the evacuation of homes and classrooms in the Phop Phra district of Thailand’s Tak provinceClick here to read…

China-Backed Illegal Rare Earth Mining Surging in Northern Myanmar – The Irrawaddy

Illegal rare earth mining has surged in northern Kachin State since last year’s coup in areas along the border with China controlled by a militia sponsored by the Myanmar military. Click here to read…

Myanmar leader shops for support, weapons in Moscow – Aljazeera

With both regimes increasingly isolated on the world stage, Myanmar’s top general has been in Moscow to meet senior officials from Russia’s defence ministry, pledging deeper military ties and cooperation on nuclear energy. Click here to read…

Six Myanmar Regime Officials Assassinated in Yangon in Last Four Days – The Irrawaddy

At least six Myanmar junta officials including a judge and an army captain have been killed in the commercial capital Yangon in the last four days. On Monday morning, army captain Aung Naing Phyoe from the military’s weapons factory and his wife Ma Jue Jue Aung were shot dead by gunmen in Yangon’s Hlaing Township while they were drivingClick here to read…

India signs MoUs with Myanmar, other countries to increase pulses import – ZeeBiz

In a bid to ease the supply-side pressure amid rising inflation, the government has decided to increase the import of Tur and Urad for the next five years. The Ministry of Commerce and Industry on Monday issued a notification stating that New Delhi will import Tur and Urad from Myanmar, Malawi and Mozambique. Click here to read…

Myanmar central bank orders firms with up to 35% foreign ownership to convert forex – ChannelNewsAsia

Myanmar’s central bank has ordered companies with up to 35 per cent foreign ownership to convert foreign exchange into the local currency, state media reported on Monday, extending a rule aimed at relieving pressure on the kyat to include more businesses. Click here to read…

Nepal Oil to pay Rs17 billion to Indian oil supplier to reduce outstanding dues- The Kathmandu Post

Despite reduced fuel cost amid decreasing fuel price internationally, the oil monopoly has kept prices unchanged. Click here to read…

Dahal receives warm welcome in Delhi as Nepal’s envoy is kept cooling his heels- The Kathmandu Post

Officials at the Nepali embassy say they are still awaiting response from the Indian ministries for formal meetings with Shankar Sharma, Kathmandu’s ambassador to India. Click here to read…

Government to provide Rs 7 billion loan to NOC- The Himalayan Times

The government is to provide a loan of Rs 7 billion to Nepal Oil Corporation to make the supply of petroleum products smooth. Click here to read…

Ban continues on import of 10 types of goods- The Himalayan Times

The government has retained the prohibition on the import of 10 various goods. Before this, the ban had been imposed until the end of Asar (July 16). It has been extended till August 30. Click here to read…

Undeterred coalition resolves not to rush into election: Dawn

Amid the opposition Pakis¬tan Tehreek-i-Insaf’s (PTI) fresh demand for early general elections after registering a thumping victory in the crucial Punjab by-elections on Sunday, the two main component parties of the ruling coalition — the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) and Pakis¬tan Peoples Party (PPP) — on Monday insisted the Nat¬ional Assembly will complete its term until mid-next year, and general elections be held after the government carries out electoral reforms and fixes the economy. Click here to read…

Basking in poll glory, Imran toughens line: The Express Tribune

A day after securing a resounding victory in Punjab by-polls, former prime minister and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan on Monday reiterated his demand for holding fresh elections in the country under a new chief election commissioner (CEC). Click here to read…

US dollar soars to new high against PKR in interbank market: The News

The Pakistani rupee depreciated further in the interbank market on Tuesday hitting a new low of 216.75 in the interbank market against the US dollar.The rupee lost 1.55 during the intraday trade. It lost 4.25 rupees or 1.97% against the greenback on Monday and closed at 215.20, suffering one of the biggest single-day falls. Click here to read…

Remittances surge to record high of $31.2bn in FY2022: The News

Pakistan received $31.2 billion in remittances from overseas in July-June FY2022, a 6.1 percent increase from $29.4 billion in the previous year. Remittances increased 18.4 percent month-on-month to $2.76 billion in June. These inflows saw 1.7 percent year-on-year growth in June. Click here to read…

Sri Lanka
Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa withdraws from Presidential nomination- The Daily Mirror

Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa has decided to withdraw his presidential nomination and the SJB will support SLPP MP Dullas Allahapperuma in the Presidential election in Parliament tomorrow. Click here to read…

Israel’s Arkia considering to operate flights to Sri Lanka- The Daily Mirror

Israel’s second largest airline, Arkia is looking at expanding its operations to Sri Lanka and Thailand, following Saudi Arabia’s plan to allow unfettered access to its airspace to Israeli airlines. Click here to read…

70% of Sri Lankans believe that the Executive Presidency should be abolished- The Daily Mirror

The June 2022 syndicated survey conducted by Verité Research, revealed that 70% (± 2%) of the country’s population is of the opinion that the executive presidency should be abolished. Click here to read…

Freighted petrol undergoes quality sampling, unloading tomorrow: Minister- The Daily Mirror

One shipment of Petrol reached the country is presently undergoing quality sampling and unloading will begin tomorrow, Power and Energy Minister Kanchana Wijesekera said. Click here to read…

RW to seek assistance of UK govt. & intelligence over Easter Sunday attacks- The Daily Mirror

Acting President Ranil Wickremesinghe today stated that the absence of a proper Easter Sunday investigation has meant that this issue has still not been fully resolved and he is requesting the assistance of the UK Government and their intelligence services. Click here to read…

Sri Lanka’s ambassador urges ADB and World Bank to take bigger role in debt restructure- The Island

Sri Lanka has not reached any initial agreement with the IMF on debt relief, and its largest creditors -the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the World Bank – are urged to come up with a package that would speed up its debt restructuring process, Sri Lanka’s Ambassador to China Palitha Kohona told the Global Times in an exclusive interviewClick here to read…

West Asia Round up-June 2022


One of the most important aspects during the month was engaging and hectic diplomatic activity and high level visits.

Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman visited Jordan, Egypt and Turkey (June 20-22) essentially aiming at rapprochement and reconciliation as well as to garner participation at the July GCC +++ Summit with President Biden. Turkish President Erdogan had taken the initiative to intensify and reinforce partnership with Riyadh, Abu Dhabi and Cairo pursuant to domestic economic challenges and external developments.

Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi received his Venezuelan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan counterparts and discussed ways of enhanced cooperation. With President Maduro of Venezuela (a sore for the Americans and as sanctioned as the Iranians) Tehran signed a 20 years cooperation plan. Maduro also visited Qatar, Turkey, Kuwait and Algeria. Also in a bid to restart to JCPOA talks and in view of the pressing energy security and crisis, the EU’s foreign policy Chief Josep Borrel visited Tehran. It was agreed to hold talks in Doha though not much hope was evidenced.

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian visited India and discussed among others the operations of transit routes relating to INSTC (North South Transport Corridor), Chabahar and Caspian Sea for the Russian cargo among other issues. He met Dr Jaishankar EAM and NSA Ajit Doval. He also called on PM Modi. India abstained on an IAEA Resolution that was critical of Iran.

Iraqi PM Kadhimi visited Riyadh and Tehran in a bid to restart talks between Saudi Arabia and Iran.

Algeria suspended its two decades old Friendship Treaty with Spain on account of Madrid’s pro Morocco stance over Western Sahara. Also it stopped all imports that might even impact the oil and gas exports.

Qatari Emir Sheikh Tamim in his first visit to Cairo conferred with President Sisi. Ties were tensed during the blockade for nearly four years between the two countries. He also received second time the National Security Adviser Sheikh Tahnoun of UAE.

PM Naftali Bennet paid a surprise visit to UAE to meet Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed. Also President Herzog paid a visit to Jordan to meet King Abdullah II in Amman. Probably the visits were aimed at framing up some elements of the proposed security architecture during the visit of Biden. Of course the bilateral and regional dimensions of the relationships are equally frayed and important. Israeli ruling coalition lost majority and the Knesset was dissolved paving way for 5th elections in a short period. Yair Lapid took over as the interim PM.

Turkey changed its official name to “Turkiye” which was accepted by the UN. Turkey also lifted its objections after consultations with Sweden and Finland on their application to join NATO. At the same time it also provided a list of wanted Turks to be extradited. Israeli Foreign Minister also visited Turkey.

Hamas restored ties with Syria. EU President Ursula Von der Leyen visited Ramallah and promised to provide all assistance and restore full funding to the Palestinian Authority.

Returning from G7 Summit in Germany, PM Modi visited UAE to express his personal condolences on the demise of Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed and to meet and congratulate his friend the new President Sheikh Mohammad bin Zayed. This was his 4th visit to the Emirate and as a special gesture PM Modi was received by the Emirati leader and the meetings were held at the airport itself when a Joint Vision statement was also issued.

Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu visited Qatar (June 4-5) and held meetings with the Qatari leadership and business community. Unfortunately, the visit was clouded by the controversy generated as a result of some remarks against Prophet Mohamed by a Spokesperson of the ruling party. This had witnessed protests by several countries however; Indian government’s stance and action taken by the BJP were broadly accepted by the countries in the region. OIC also issued a statement condemning the incident and statement which was rejected by India. Kuwait even apprehended and deported those protesting on the streets against India.

India -Saudi Arabia Joint Committee on Defence Cooperation met. India and Egypt held joint air defence exercises. INS Kochi also made port of call on a goodwill mission to Red Sea port of Safaga.

More details …..
Indian Prime Minister’s visit to UAE

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 28 June visited the UAE with aims to deepen engagement with the Gulf state. This was Prime Minister’s fourth visit to the Gulf state which is a crucial energy provider for India. Prime Minister during the meeting with President Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan conveyed his condolences on death of the preceding President and Emir of Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan. Earlier in February 2022 Prime Minister Modi and Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed held summit and both leaders signed a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA). The two leaders issued Joint Vision Statement titled “Advancing India and UAE Comprehensive Strategic Partnership: New Frontiers, New Milestones.” Narendra Modi during his latest visit reviewed the progress of the comprehensive partnership.

Iranian Foreign Minister’s Visit to India

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian on 8 June visited India at the invitation of External affairs Minister, S. Jaishankar. The Foreign Minister met with Prime Minister Narendra Modi and National Security Advisor Ajit Doval. During the meeting with Indian External Affairs Minister, both leaders discussed whole range of issues such as measures to improve political, cultural and people-to-people ties. India praised Iran’s role in facilitating India’s medical assistance to Afghanistan including supply of COVID-19 vaccines for Afghans living in Iran. They also talked about increasing regional connectivity and reviewed the progress made in Shahid Beheshti terminal, Chahbahar port. India is hopeful that Chahbahar port could provide sea access to Afghanistan. It can also be transformed into a commercial transit hub for Central Asian states. Indian Ministry of External Affairs has reported that teams from both states will meet in near future to evaluate the operational aspects. The Iranian Minister informed his counterpart about the progress in JCPOA talks and exchanged views on Russia-Ukraine conflict.

New IRGC Chief Appointed

Iranian government appointed Mohammad Kazemi, the former head of Intelligence Protection Organisation as the new chief of Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corp. (IRGC). Kazemi has replaced Hossein Taeb who according to Israeli media was behind the Iranian plot to kill or abduct Israeli tourists in Turkey. Israel in June has issued travel advisory to its citizens to avoid travelling to Turkey who could get killed or abducted as part of its retaliation policy.

Notably, in June, two Iranians working in the aerospace industry were killed in separate incidents during their active duty. One of the victims, Ali Kamani was part of IRGC’s aerospace division in Khomein who died in a “driving accident” during an unspecified mission. Earlier in the month, Mohammad Abdous was also killed during a mission. Both victims have been labeled as martyrs indicating that their deaths were linked to foreign powers. In early June, one IRGC Quds Force colonel, Ali Esmaelzadeh was also killed in an accident.

In related news, Iran tested Zuljanah satellite launcher for research purposes. The satellite vehicle was launched with a suborbital target which would be used to collect data from the launch.

Iran Nuclear Talks

Iran hosted the European Union (EU)’s foreign policy chief Josep Borrell on 25 June. Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian during the meeting with EU foreign policy chief agreed to resume nuclear talks with the US. Iran expressed its desire to restore the 2015 nuclear accord and mentioned that it hoped the US will responsibly and fairly engage to reach final point of the agreement. Borrell also hoped to resume the talks to restore the nuclear deal that would benefit the region and the world. Meanwhile, Qatar played host to indirect talks between the US and Iran to salvage the JCPOA. The talks after number of rounds ended without any progress in June last week.

Qatari Emir’s Visit to Cairo

Qatari Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani visited Egypt on 24 June after years of cold relations including Cairo’s support for 2017 boycott of Doha due to alleged claims of backing terrorism. Qatar also opposed the 2013 military coup by Abdel Fatah Al Sisi to topple the democratically elected government under Mohammad Morsi. After the failure of the 2017 boycott and thaw in relations with Saudi Arabia, Qatar has sought to re-engage with the largest Arab state. In the aftermath of the Russia-Ukraine conflict and resulting food insecurity and economic downturn in Egypt, Qatar provided US$ 5 billion as investment to improve the economy. Both sides discussed about the key regional issues; measures to improve bilateral and economic relations. The visit by the Qatari Emir was the first since the 2021 declaration to normalize ties with Doha. Notably, the Qatari Emir and the Egyptian President met on the sidelines of Glasgow Climate change summit and Beijing Winter Olympics.

Saudi Crown Prince’s Visit to Egypt, Jordan and Turkey

Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman during the first leg of the regional tour visited Cairo and met with President Abdel Fatah Al Sisi. Egypt has been a close ally of Saudi Arabia and supported its war in Yemen and 2017 Qatar blockade. Both leaders shared their views about regional and global politics and talked about measures to combat terrorism.

In Jordan, Saudi Crown Prince met with King Abdullah II. Jordan is facing the economic consequences of Russia-Ukraine conflict and the COVID-19 crisis. Jordan is seeking to jointly carry out economic projects and new investments. Saudi Arabia had committed investment worth US$ 3 billion, however it remained stalled. Therefore, the recent visit could unlock the investment projects aiding the Jordanian economy. Jordan and Saudi Arabia has closely coordinated on security issues. Jordan has refused to wholeheartedly back Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen.

Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman visited Ankara and met with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan aiming to fully normalize ties after the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. Saudi Arabia is seeking to utilize its economic reserves and oil production capacity to ease tensions with Turkey and in fact offered financial aid that could help Turkey’s economy ahead of presidential election in 2023. Saudi Arabia is hoping that trip could lead to full normalization and restoration of ties. Both states have lifted restrictions on trade, flight connectivity and TV screenings.

Israeli Foreign Minister’s Visit to Turkey

Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid visited Turkey on 23 June in an attempt to boost their bilateral relations. Israel is worried about the attacks on its citizens in Turkey by Iranian spies. Turkey has assured about the safety of all visitors and stressed on its commitment to fight against terrorism. Israel has appreciated Turkish cooperation in foiling Iranian operations. Turkey on official level has avoided taking sides between Iran and Israel but only mentioned that it will not allow any kinds of operations on its soil.

On bilateral level, Turkey enjoyed close diplomatic and strategic ties with Israel which was disrupted in 2010 after Israeli forces attacked Turkish flotilla carrying humanitarian aid to Gaza. Turkey in the recent years has been highly critical of Israeli policies in occupied Palestinian territories. Israel has also criticized Turkey for supporting Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood.

Israel Government Collapse

Israel’s coalition government made up of eight ideologically distinct political parties has collapsed in June 2022. The coalition government was formed in 2021 to deter Benjamin Netanyahu to return to power. The coalition government had weak majority since its formation. In recent months, few Members of Knesset withdrew their support due to political reasons leading to dissolution of the Knesset. The Jewish state will witness fifth election in three years in November 2022.

Iraqi Parliamentarians Resign

On 12 June, 73 members of parliament belonging to nationalist Shiite bloc under influential cleric, Muqtada al-Sadr resigned, complicating the political impasse in Iraq. During the October 2021 parliamentary election, the Sadrist Movement secured the highest number of seats at 73 in the 329 seat parliament. The Sadrist movement political agenda is based on Iraqi nationalism and opposition to external involvement including the US and Iran.

After the October 2021 election, the political factions failed to agree on the appointment of a new Prime Minister, reserved for member of Sunni community. According to Iraqi laws, if any seat in parliament becomes vacant, the candidate that secures the second highest number of votes in their electoral district would replace them. The resignation of Sadrist MPs however empowered the pro-Iran Shiite factions and their allies such as the Coordination Framework with current majority at 122 seats.

Iraqi Prime Minister’s Visit to Iran

Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi on 26 June visited Tehran and met with President Ebrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein. Both sides discussed about removing barriers on financial transactions, facilitating religious pilgrimages and railroad connectivity between Shalamcheh in Iran and Basra in Iraq. Al-Kadhimi prior to his visit to Iran met with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Notably Iraq since 2021 has served as the mediating ground for Iran and Saudi Arabia. It has hosted series of meetings to resolve all outstanding issues between the two regional powers. In Saudi Arabia, both sides discussed about measures to support and strengthen regional security and stability. Raisi and al-Kadhimi during the press conference in Tehran did not specifically mention Saudi Arabia. They however talked about improving ties across the region. The Iranian President warned about normalizing ties with Israel as well as presence of foreign powers that would aggravate the problems in the region. Iran agreed with Iraq’s views on ending the Yemen conflict and both sides have supported UN negotiated truce in Yemen.

Iraqi Court Sentences British man to 15 year in Prison

An Iraqi court in Baghdad on 6 June sentenced a British tourist, Jim Fitton to 15 year in prison on charges of smuggling artefacts out of the state. Fitton is a retired geologist and was arrested at Baghdad airport on 20 March 2022 after security officials discovered 12 fragments of pottery and other shards in his possession. The artefacts were picked during a group tourism expedition in Eridu, a Mesopotamian site, in Dhi Qar province. The court dismissed Fitton’s claim that the items were collected as souvenirs and he was unaware of Iraqi laws and the value of the said artefacts. Besides, the British citizen, one German national, Volker Waldmann was also arrested. Waldmann while carrying the artefacts did not collect them from the site. The court found that he did not have criminal intent and announced his release. The verdict reflects the sensitivity attached to ancient artefacts which were willfully plundered and transported during colonial period by western powers.

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest: July 18, 2022

UN Official Calls for Afghan Girls’ Access to Secondary Education: Tolo News

Markus Potzel, the UN deputy special envoy for Afghanistan, in a visit to the eastern province of Nangarhar, stressed the need for Afghan girls’ access to secondary education and said girls and boys should be provided with the same rights to educationClick here to read…

Interior Minister Asks World to Recognize Islamic Emirate: Tolo News

“Based on international principles and our Islamic and national traditions they should recognize the Islamic Emirate, but if they don’t recognize it, I assure our people that Afghans are not without resolve. They (Afghans) have fought for 20 years without foreign resources, and with their faith and zeal, they will fight against the economic situation with the strength of their arms,” he said. Click here to read…

Gunmen Shoot a Newly Returned Man from Iran Dead in Northern Afghanistan: The Khaama Press

According to local sources in Faryab province in northern Afghanistan, unidentified assailants shot and killed a man in the district of Almar, which is located about 35 kilometers from the provincial capital. The incident, according to sources occurred in Halwa Khor village of the said district on Saturday night, July 16. Click here to read…

Fuel stocks dwindling- The Daily Star

Uncertainty looms over the country’s fuel stock as the Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation is finding it difficult to import fuel amid a dollar shortage at local banks. Click here to read…

Stop illegal entry of Rohingyas in Bangladesh- The Daily Star

Dhaka has requested Delhi to stop the illegal entry of Myanmar nationals into Bangladesh from India. Click here to read…

Dhaka Metro Rail now set to cost 50% more- The Daily Star

With the partial launch of the country’s first ever metro rail only five months away, the project cost is set to rise by more than half, and the deadline is also going to be extended by a year and half. Click here to read…

Rice import resumes at Benapole land port after 10 months- The Daily Star

Import of rice from India resumed at Benapole land port today (July 17) after 10 months with a consignment of 512 tonnes rice entering Bangladesh side in the afternoon. Click here to read…

Indian Army chief on 3-day visit to Bangladesh- The Daily Star

Indian Army chief Gen Manoj Pande today embarked on a three-day visit to Bangladesh beginning tomorrow (July 18), his first foreign trip since assuming office. Click here to read…

Labour rights violations, red-tapism might hamper Bangladesh-EU trade: Envoy- The Daily Star

Violation of labour rights and “red-tapism” in business are the two big factors that might hamper trade between Bangladesh and Europe, said EU Ambassador to Bangladesh Charles Whitely today (July 15), stressing the need to improve on these fronts. Click here to read…

New tourist entry points in southern dzongkhags from September- Kuensel

When tourism formally reopens on September 23, new entry and exit points for tourists in southern dzongkhags will also open, according to the Tourism Council of Bhutan (TCB). Click here to read…

Will the new tourism policy impact tour guides?- Kuensel

With the new Tourism Levy Act coming into effect on June 20, tour guides are unsure about their engagementClick here to read…

Bhutan records the highest temperature at 38.5C amid global heat warning- BBS

Many around the globe are feeling extreme heat this time around. It is no different for Bhutan. The country recorded historically the highest temperature of 38.5C in Punakha yesterday. This is 0.5C higher than the historical temperature which was also recorded in Punakha in 2019. Click here to read…

(Interview) Bhutan-China ties won’t harm India’s interests: Bhutan Foreign Minister the Hindu

India’s interests on the Doklam tri-junction will not be harmed or “compromised” by the agreement between Bhutan and China for a three-step “road map” to resolve their outstanding border disputes, Bhutan’s Foreign Minister Tandi Dorji said in an interview to The Hindu. Click here to read…

Bill to increase GST, TGST to be submitted to parliament before new session begins- The SUN

Finance Ministry, on Sunday, has stated that the bill pertaining to increase of the Goods and Service Tax (GST) and Tourism Goods and Service Tax (TGST) will be submitted to the parliament before they convene for new session. Click here to read…

Madduvari MP: Gov needs to explain hesitancy to investigate Maduvvari rape case- The SUN

Parliament representative for Maduvvari constituency and Parliamentary group leader of the opposition, MP Adam Shareef said that the government needs to explain its hesitancy towards re-kindling the investigation of the gang rape of a 14-year-old student girl in R. Maduvvari. Click here to read…

President Solih to visit India on official trip- The SUN

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih is scheduled to visit India on an official trip. Click here to read…

Foreign Minister Shahid conferred Grand Cross of Order of Antonio Jose de Irisarri- The SUN

President of the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), Maldivian Foreign Minister Abdulla Shahid has been conferred the Grand Cross of the Order of Antonio Jose de Irisarri by the Guatemalan government. Click here to read…

President ratifies amendment to Fisheries Act- The SUN

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, on Sunday, ratified the first amendment to the Fisheries Act. Click here to read…

President: Reopening of border led to economic revival- The SUN

The decision to reopen Maldives’ borders after the lockdown prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic was a good decision which led to economic revival, elevating the country to where it currently stands, states President Ibrahim Mohamed Soli. Click here to read…

Soldiers drain flooded streets as rain continues to batter Male’- The SUN

Officers from the Maldives National Defense Force (MNDF) Fire and Rescue Service have been dispatched to drain the flooded streets as rain continues to batter Male’ City. Click here to read…

Myanmar companies with 35% ownership of foreigners must convert foreign currency to Myanmar kyat- The Global New Light of Myanmar

The Central Bank of Myanmar (CBM) made an announcement on 15 July, stating that Myanmar companies with 35 per cent ownership of foreigners must convert foreign currencies from their foreign exchange accounts to Myanmar Kyat, according to the decision of the Foreign Exchange Supervisory Committee (FESC)’s meeting No 32/2022. Click here to read…

Myawady Trade Zone handled US$ 42.262 million worth of trade volume- The Global New Light of Myanmar

According to the Ministry of Commerce, a trade volume worth US$ 42.262 million was handled at the Myawady Trade Zone in June. Click here to read…

Maximum amount of CMP garments, industrial raw materials, agricultural products exported abroad in Q1- The Global New Light of Myanmar

During the three months of the 2022-2023 Financial Year-FY, industrial raw materials, including CMP garments, were exported the most, and agricultural products were the second largest, according to the Ministry of Economy and Commerce. Click here to read…

SAC Chairman Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing holds talks with Head of Novosibirsk, arrives back from Russian Federation- The Global New Light of Myanmar

Chairman of the State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing currently in Novosibirsk of the Russian Federation held discussions with Head of Novosibirsk Mr Andrey Alexandrovich Travnikov at the latter’s office meeting hall yesterday. Click here to read…

Govt allocates US$16 mln for ART medicines, medical supplies in current FY – The Global New Light of Myanmar

The government allocated $16 million to buy ART medicines and medical supplies in the 2022-23 Financial Year (FY), according to the Ministry of HealthClick here to read…

Myanmar attends 32nd South East Asian Games Federation (SEAGF) Council Meeting in Cambodia- The Global New Light of Myanmar

Union Minister for Sports and Youth Affairs U Min Thein Zan attended the 32nd South East Asian Games Federation (SEAGF) Council Meeting held in Cambodia between 11 and 13 July together with the director-general and other four members of the Department of Sports and Physical Education. Click here to read…

Dagon University signs MoU with Gifu University of Japan- The Global New Light of Myanmar

A signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Science Departments of Dagon University and those under the Engineering Faculty of Gifu University, Japan, was held at the meeting hall of the Rector’s Office in Dagon University yesterday. Click here to read…

China-Backed Illegal Rare Earth Mining Surging in Northern Myanmar- The Irrawaddy

Illegal rare earth mining has surged in northern Kachin State since last year’s coup in areas along the border with China controlled by a militia sponsored by the Myanmar military. Click here to read…

Myanmar’s Suu Kyi testifies in election fraud trial- Caledonian Record

Ousted Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi is testifying for the first time in an election fraud charge against her and two co-defendantsClick here to read…

Ensure security personnel, staff on poll day get to vote: SC- Himalayan Times

The Supreme Court has ordered the government to ensure that security personnel, including Nepali Army soldiers in military barracks, government employees deployed on poll duty, prisoners, and detainees have the right to vote in the upcoming parliamentary elections likely to be held in November. Click here to read…

Drought hits paddy in Tarai- Himalayan Times

At this time of the year, farmers should have been busy planting paddy. But, drought has left farmers in misery. They are just looking at the sky expecting rain. Click here to read…

Indian envoy Srivastava calls on HoR speaker- Himalayan Times

Newly appointed Ambassador of India to Nepal Naveen Srivastava today paid a courtesy call on Speaker of the House of Representatives of Nepal Agni Prasad Sapkota at the latter’s office in Singha Durbar.Click here to read…

‘Visit fruitful, I had candid talks with Indian leaders in Delhi’- Kathmandu Post

The Maoist Centre chair on his three-day India trip, its purpose and the outcome.
Click here to read…

India visit fruitful: Maoist Center Chairman Dahal- Republica

Talking to media persons at the Tribhuvan International Airport upon his arrival from India after concluding a three-day visit on Sunday evening, Chairman Dahal said that the conversation with the Indian side was held in a cordial atmosphere. Click here to read…

What message did Liu Jianchao bring to Kathmandu on Nepal-China relations?- Online Khabar

It was only in 2003 that the Chinese government gave its first official view on the armed conflict that started in Nepal in 1996. “A group in Nepal are defaming our respected leader Mao Zedong,” their statement read. Click here to read…

PTI stuns PML-N with thumping win: Dawn

The Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf on Sunday routed the PML-N by winning at least 15 seats in the crucial by-elections on 20 seats that got vacated after the disqualification of PTI members who had voted for Hamza Shehbaz for Punjab chief minister’s office. Click here to read…

US terms Imran’s claim disturbing, looks ahead to strong ties: Dawn

Addressing a convention of Pakistani physicians in Atlantic City, New Jersey, Director Pakistan Desk Neil W. Hop described US-Pakis¬tan relations as “a partnership we cannot do without”. Click here to read…

Imran renews call for fair polls after PTI’s landslide victory over PML-N in Punjab: The Express Tribune

The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) saw its victory in Sunday’s by-elections in Punjab as an endorsement of its demand for fresh elections in the country, with the party Chairman Imran Khan reiterating that “fair polls” were only way forward. Click here to read…

Latest party position in Punjab Assembly after by-elections: The News

The landslide victory of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) in Punjab by-polls has completely changed the numbers game in the Punjab Assembly and Chaudhry Pervez Elahi is most likely to replace Hamza Shehbaz Sharif as the new chief minister of the province in coming days. Click here to read…

What now for PDM?: The News

They have for sure put an end to Hamza Shehbaz’s dreams of retaining chief ministership of Punjab. The PMLN needed to win at least 11 seats so that Hamza Shehbaz could be re-elected as Punjab chief minister while the PTI needed at least 14 for its CM candidate Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi to win the elections. The results that came in showed a triumphant PTI hitting the proverbial home run. The PMLN has conceded defeat and it is now merely a formality of a vote before the PMLQ’s Pervaiz Elahi becomes the next CM of Punjab. Click here to read…

Sri Lanka
State of Emergency declared from today- The Daily Mirror

An Extraordinary Gazette has been issued declaring a State of Emergency across the island with effect from today. Click here to read…

India eclipses China to become top lender to debt-laden Sri Lanka – The Daily Mirror

India has surpassed China to become the top lender to Sri Lanka, as the former came to the rescue when Sri Lanka started experiencing some acute shortage of foreign currency from the beginning of the year which reached a breaking point in March causing a complete collapse of the country’s economy. Click here to read…

CPC to low fuel prices from tonight- The Daily Mirror

The Ceylon Petroleum Corporation (CPC) has decided to reduce the retail price of their fuel from 10.00 pm today. Click here to read…

Much needs to be done to prevent falling down; Ranil- The Daily Mirror- The Daily Mirror

Whilst revealing that the G7 alliance on the global food crisis has offered Sri Lanka US$ 14 million to spend on food, Acting President Ranil Wickremesinghe said there is much to be done to avoid third-world countries such as Sri Lanka falling down on their knees in the face of the global situationClick here to read…

US organization donates medical supplies worth USD 908,547 to SL- The Daily Mirror

Heart to Heart International, a renowned global humanitarian organization in the United States made urgent medicinal supplies worth USD 908,547 (LKR 326,077,518.30) to the people of Sri Lanka following a request by Sri Lankan Ambassador for US Mahinda Samarasinghe. Click here to read…

Possible recession in eurozone likely to worsen SL’s forex woes- The Daily Mirror

Fitch Ratings this week warned that Sri Lanka’s export and tourism sectors are likely to take a hit from the possible recession in the eurozone and it could further exacerbate the country’s actuate foreign exchange shortage. Click here to read…

IMF hopes to soon resume Sri Lanka high-level discussions- The Daily Mirror

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is still in contact with the officials at technical levels within the Sri Lankan government and hopes to be able to resume discussions with higher-level officials, an IMF spokesman said on Thursday, after Sri Lanka’s president announced his resignation. Click here to read…

China to play positive role in supporting SL: Wang Wenbin- The Daily Mirror

China is ready to work with relevant countries and international financial institutions to continue to play a positive role in supporting Sri Lanka in overcoming difficulties, easing its debt burden and realizing sustainable development, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said on Friday. Click here to read…

China will agree to US$4 billion aid for Sri Lanka ’at some point’: Kohona- The Daily Mirror

Sri Lanka is continuing negotiations with China for as much as US$4 billion in aid and is confident Beijing will agree “at some point,” Bloomberg News reported on Friday (Jul 15), citing Sri Lanka’s ambassador to China. Click here to read…

India to support early solution in SL through democratic means: Indian HC- The Daily Mirror

India will continue to stand with the people of Sri Lanka as they seek to realize their aspirations for prosperity and progress through democratic means and values as well as established institutions and a constitutional framework, Indian High Commission in Sri Lanka said. Click here to read…

Africa Now – Weekly Newsletter (Week 29, 2022)

Welcome to Africa Now, your weekly newsletter for Africa, presenting the most important developments in the continent – news that matters.


Simplifying peace-making in a complex world

Three former heads of state of Nigeria, South Africa, and Ethiopia reflect on what it takes to end conflict in a meaningful way. Click here to read…

At 20, African Union Has Achieved Much but The Work Goes On

The launch of the African Union on July 9, 2002, was met with great optimism. The AU has since accomplished much to unlock Africa’s potential and secure prosperity, but there is more to do. Click here to read…


Biden, Egypt’s al-Sisi discuss cooperation, global supplies of food, energy

Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi and US President Joe Biden discussed cooperation between the two countries, the repercussions of the global food crisis, and the disruption of energy supplies. Click here to read…

French, Nigerien Ministers Meet, Discuss Security

A French delegation led by Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna and Minister for the Armed Forces, Sebastien Lecornu, met with Niger President Mohamed Bazoum in Niamey. Click here to read…

Congo-Brazzaville Ruling Party Wins Parliamentary Vote

The Republic of Congo’s ruling party won a majority in last week’s parliamentary election, based on provisional results seen by AFP on Saturday as opposition groups alleged electoral fraud. Click here to read…

Algeria to provide Italy with additional gas, official source says

Algeria will provide Italy with an additional four billion cubic metres (bcm) of gas this year, on top of the 21 bcm planned previously, an official source told Reuters. Click here to read…

Libya oil chief says full output to resume after deal

Libyan oil output will resume from all shuttered fields and ports, the Tripoli government’s newly installed head of National Oil Corporation (NOC) said on Friday after meeting groups that have blockaded the facilities for months. Click here to read…

Egypt to withdraw troops from Mali peacekeeping mission: UN

Cairo’s decision comes after seven Egyptians peacekeepers were killed in Mali since the start of this year. Click here to read…

In Kenya, elections have lost their shine

The country may now appear to be caught in the grip of election fever, but there is little expectation for real and sustainable change after next month’s polls. Click here to read…

Zambia plans to cancel over $2 billion projects to rein in debt

Zambia is cancelling more than $2 billion worth of projects financed by commercial loans to reduce the risk of accumulating more non-concessional debt. Click here to read…

Mozambique Receives US$300 Million from the World Bank to Promote Inclusive and Sustainable Economic Recovery

The World Bank Board of Directors approved today a US$300 million grant in support of the Mozambique Institutions and Economic Transformation Development Policy Financing (DPF) operation. Click here to read…

Nigeria’s Tinubu picks Muslim senator as presidential running mate

The move by Tinubu, who is also Muslim, breaks with past practice where presidential candidates from major political parties have chosen running mates from a different religion in a bid to foster unity in the country. Click here to read…

South Africa police say 14 killed in bar shooting

A mass shooting at a tavern in Johannesburg’s Soweto township has killed 14 people and left three others in critical condition, according to police. Click here to read…

Angola’s José Eduardo dos Santos, once one of Africa’s longest-serving rulers, dies

José Eduardo dos Santos, once one of Africa’s longest-serving rulers who during almost four decades as president of Angola fought the continent’s longest civil war and turned his country into a major oil producer as well as one of the world’s poorest and most corrupt nations, died Friday. He was 79. Click here to read…

Top Chinese diplomat meets Zimbabwe President, hopes to make inroads in Africa

Top Chinese diplomat Yang Jiechi met with Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa where both the leaders spoke of cooperation in expanding their partnership to a new high, reports said. Click here to read…

‘I will not get intimidated’, says South African President Ramaphosa as Opposition calls for impeachment

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has said that he will not get ‘intimidated or bullied into submission,’ after the Opposition party announced that it would seek his impeachment in Parliament over allegations of corruption. Click here to read…

Ethiopia holds first meeting of peace committee

A body charged by the Ethiopian government to look into possible peace negotiations with Tigrayan rebels has held its first meeting, a top aide to Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said. Click here to read…

Kenya’s Uhuru Kenyatta hosts Guinea Bissau, Somalia presidents

Kenya’s President Uhuru Kenyatta is hosting two visiting presidents on diverse agenda. As he received the Guinea Bissau leader Umaro Sissoco Embaló at State House on Friday, Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud arrived at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA), his first official visit to Kenya since he was elected in May. Click here to read…

Zimbabwe’s gold coins available from July 25

In a statement, the Central Bank Governor, Dr. John Mangudya announced the features and characteristics of gold coins which are to be introduced soon. Click here to read…

Congo Republic’s ruling party dominant in legislative elections

The Congolese Labour Party of President Denis Sassou Nguesso won nearly 110 seats out of 151, according to provisional results published by the minister of territorial administrationClick here to read…

Gambian court hands down death sentences for Jammeh-era murder of political activist

A Gambian court on Wednesday sentenced five former members of the intelligence service to death for the murder of a political activist during the rule of ex-dictator Yahya Jammeh. Click here to read…

Authorities Target ‘Mafia’ to End Power Outages in South Africa

South Africa is set to tackle “mafia” groups that have compromised power utility Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd.’s operations and contributed to nationwide blackouts. Click here to read…

Chad sets August for national dialogue including armed groups

The Chadian government has said it will hold a national dialogue starting from August 20, a precursor to elections promised by interim president Mahamat Idriss Deby who ascended to power following his father’s death last year. Click here to read…

Algeria-Tunisia border crossings reopen after 2 years of closure

Several cars and signs celebrating Tunisian-Algerian friendship marked the reopening on Friday of land borders between the two countries, more than two years after they closed due to the coronavirus pandemic. Click here to read…

Somali military trainees officially appear for the first time in Eritrea

The Eritrean government has for the first time officially announced providing military training to thousands of Somali national army members. Click here to read…

The Ivorian power triangle shuffling the presidency for 30 years

President Alassane Ouattara, 80, and his predecessors Laurent Gbagbo, 77, and Henri Konan Bédié, 88, meet for the first time in 12 years in gathering which could define the next chapter in Ivorian politics. Click here to read…

A Chinese port in Nigeria will change the world economy

In November 2010, little-known Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping gave a speech in South Africa promoting the creation of “a new type of China-Africa strategic partnership for a better future.” Click here to read…

Sudan tribal clashes near Ethiopia border leave 31 dead

At least 31 people have been killed in clashes this week between two tribes in Sudan’s Blue Nile state bordering Ethiopia, the security services said on Saturday. Click here to read…

AU deploys 160 new police officers to beef up security in Somalia

The African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) said Thursday it has deployed some 160 police officers from Nigeria to support stabilization efforts in the country. Click here to read…

US Withdraws from Peace Monitoring Groups in South Sudan

The United States has pulled out of the systems that monitor the peace process in South Sudan because of the country’s failure to meet reform milestones, the State Department said Friday. Click here to read…

Kohavi to visit Morocco on Monday, in first official trip by Israeli military chief

Israel Defense Forces chief Lt. Gen. Aviv Kohavi will travel to Morocco on Monday, in a first-ever official trip by an Israeli military head to the north African nation. Click here to read…

Algeria Stirs Backlash for Attempting to Hijack Rwanda’s Bid to Host African Medicines Agency

The Algerian regime is again at the center of a controversy for challenging an AU vote that granted Rwanda the rights to host the African Medicines Agency. Click here to read…

Central African Republic launches ‘Sango Coin’ cryptocurrency amid industry rout

Central African Republic will start selling a cryptocurrency it says will be worth $21 million next week, it said on Friday, amid a wider rout in the industry and scepticism over the project’s feasibility in a poorly connected, war-torn country. Click here to read…

Moroccan firm donates 15,000 tonnes of fertilisers to Rwanda

Moroccan firm, OCP Group, has donated 15,000 tonnes of Di-ammonium Phosphate (DAP) fertilisers, a development that will support the country’s fertiliser use and increase farm productivity efforts. Click here to read…

Jihadists kill dozens across northern Togo

Over the last three days, almost 30 people have been killed by suspected jihadists in attacks on five separate villages in northern Togo. A sixth attack, a reported improvised explosive device (IED), was also recorded in the littoral West African country. Click here to read…

Jihadist blow up two crucial bridges in Burkina Faso

Two bridges were blown up by armed groups in Burkina Faso on Friday night by suspected Jihadists in the West African nation. Click here to read…

Six people killed in rare attack near Malian capital Bamako

Six people have been killed in Mali, including two gendarmes and a police officer, in a rare attack near its capital Bamako, the security ministry has said. Click here to read…

Gabon and Togo Commonwealth entry is latest dent to French influence

The Anglophone pivot comes on the back of successive coups in Mali, Guinea and Burkina Faso to remove pro-French leaders. Click here to read…

Japan seeks a hearing by Africa

On Tanzania’s much venerated national holiday; ‘’SABA SABA DAY’’ (the 7t day of the 7th month), His Excellency Matsunaga Kazuyushi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative to ECOWAS, treated me to a generous dialogue in his Office at the Embassy of Japan in Abuja.
Click here to read…

Women in Tunisia: Has a female prime minister changed Tunisia?

Tunisia has seen a marked shift in attitudes towards women political leaders since Najla Bouden became the first female prime minister in the Arab world. Click here to read…

Firefighters struggle to contain wildfires in northern Morocco

Firefighters and the military struggled on Friday to contain three wildfires in northern Morocco that have killed at least one person, as hundreds of residents evacuated their homes because of flames that ravaged large swaths of pine forests. Click here to read…

Mysterious Ebola-Like Disease Kills 3 In Tanzania, Probe Launched

Three people have died from a mysterious Ebola-like disease in Africa’s Tanzania, prompting the government to dispatch a team of doctors to investigate it.
Click here to read…


African leaders to visit Delhi next week for key investment meet

A slew of African leaders will be in Delhi for a key investment meet next week that will be inaugurated by India’s Vice President Venkaiah Naidu in presence of External Affairs Minister Dr S Jaishankar and Trade Minister Piyush Goyal. Click here to read…

India explores upgrade of Zimbabwe railways; NRZ team in South Asian nation

INDIA says it is currently exploring possibilities of partnering the National Railways of Zimbabwe (NRZ) in training, capacity building and upgrading of the railway system. Click here to read…

India, Madagascar sign MoU on tele-education

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between the Madagascar government and Telecommunications Consultants India Limited [TCIL] for participation in the e-VBAB (e-VidyaBharati and e-AarogyaBharati) network project on Tuesday. Click here to read…

Huge business potential for Indian companies in Ivory Coast: India’s Envoy

It is the largest economy with 40 percent GDP of West African Economic & Monetary Union (WAEMU 8 countries) and remains Francophone West Africa’s economic hub with significant influence in the region. Click here to read…

Lt Gen M. Subramanian appointed Force Commander of UN Mission in South Sudan

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres on Wednesday announced the appointment of Lt Gen Mohan Subramanian of India as Force Commander of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS). Click here to read…

India-Egypt Defence Ties: Why Modi Is Rekindling a Friendship Started by Nehru

Ties between India and Egypt had blossomed in the heydays of the non-aligned movement (NAM). Click here to read…

Nigeria’s Crown Flour Mills to Import 500,000 mt of Wheat from India

The milling company has also received government support for its request, as the ministry has written to the High Commissioner of India in Abuja on its behalf to consider the business’ importation request.
Click here to read…

After vandalism during unrest in South Africa, India-based Cipla reopens Durban manufacturing site

Indian generic drug manufacturer Cipla revealed that one of its plants in South Africa has reopened more than a month after it was vandalized during a period of civil unrest that claimed the lives of more than 300 and caused an estimated $3.3 billion in economic losses. Click here to read…

SRM University-AP Organized Embassy Connect with 14 Countries

The office of International Relations and Higher Studies at SRM University-AP organized an Embassy Connect Programme, in which ambassadors, education attaches, cultural attaches of more than 14 countries and joint secretaries, and deputy secretaries of various regions from the Ministry of External Affairs participated. Click here to read…

Snooping Storm Brews in Mauritius Over Indian Team Accessing Internet Landing Station

Mauritius’s political climate is currently seeing heated debate due to a major developing controversy that has brought into focus India’s close strategic relations with the Indian Ocean Island nation, especially New Delhi’s intimate ties with the current prime minister in Port Louis. Click here to read…

Eid Al Adha: Indian PM Sends ‘Warm Greetings’ to King Mohammed VI

Morocco and India have enjoyed flourishing bilateral cooperation since the establishment of diplomatic ties in 1957. Click here to read…

Planning a Maasai Mara Safari from India Now Easier Than Ever

Recently, the governments of Kenya and India agreed to strengthen the relationship and collaboration between the two countries. Click here to read…

Ankita Konwar merges ancient knowledge of both worlds in Egypt, works on balance

In the middle of decayed temples and chapels, Ankita chose to merge ancient Indian knowledge of yoga with Egypt. She performed two yoga asanas in Karnak temple. Click here to read…

China: Daily Scan, July 18, 2022

Oppo said it will respond to tax evasion allegations from India: Global Times
July 15, 2022

Chinese smartphone maker Oppo told the Global Times on Thursday that it was reviewing a response to a notice from India’s Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) which alleges that the Chinese company has evaded customs duty worth 43.9 billion rupees ($551 million). Click here to read…

Hong Kong court jails young men who tried fleeing to Taiwan by boat: Reuters
July 15, 2022

Seven Hong Kong men who tried to flee Hong Kong by speedboat to escape protest related charges were on Friday sentenced to between seven and 10 months imprisonment for acts to “pervert the course of justice”. The complicated legal and diplomatic saga began in August 2020 when 12 pro-democracy protesters were caught by the Chinese coastguard on a speedboat bound for Taiwan, then jailed in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen. Click here to read…

Young people continue to face unemployment issues: China Daily
July 15, 2022

The urban-surveyed unemployment in China continued to fall over the last two months, while authorities continue working hard to help young people overcome difficulties and land jobs. Click here to read…

Chinese vice premier stresses development of rural industries: Xinhuanet
July 15, 2022

Chinese Vice Premier Hu Chunhua on Friday called for efforts to develop the country’s rural industries into a solid foundation for rural vitalization and agricultural modernization. Hu, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, made the remarks during a teleconference in Beijing. Click here to read…

China, Singapore vow to deepen cooperation: Xinhuanet
July 15, 2022

Liu Jianchao, head of the International Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, met with Heng Swee Keat, first assistant secretary-general of Singapore’s ruling People’s Action Party and deputy prime minister of Singapore, here on Friday. Click here to read…

Xi Jinping’s inspection tour of Xinjiang: Xinhuanet
July 16, 2022

Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, recently inspected the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in northwestern China and visited officials and the general public of different ethnic groups. Click here to read…

Ride-hailing platform Didi faces 4.27 million yuan penalty for illegal activities: Global Times
July 16, 2022

China’s ride-hailing platform Didi Chuxing has got on the headlines after its subsidiary Didi Pay, mainly in providing payment means of Didi Chuxing’s ride-hailing businesses, recently received a warning from the Operation Office (Beijing) of the People’s Bank of China (PBC), and fined for 4.27 million yuan ($632,000) in what could be the highest fine since late 2019. Click here to read…

Maritime rescue forces deployed at Nansha Islands: China Daily
July 16, 2022

The second division of the South China Sea air rescue team under the Ministry of Transport and the Nansha maritime rescue center have been deployed to the Nansha Islands to support local maritime emergency and rescue missions, as well as supervise maritime traffic safety and ship pollution in the region, Xinhua News Agency reported on Saturday. Click here to read…

China renews yellow alert for heat waves in multiple regions: China Daily
July 17, 2022

China’s national observatory on Sunday continued to issue a yellow alert for high temperatures as intense heat waves linger in many regions of the country. During daylight hours on Sunday, parts of Xinjiang, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Hebei, Beijing, Hubei and other areas are expected to experience temperatures of over 35 C, the National Meteorological Center said. Click here to read…

Patriotic Education Center launched in Hong Kong as youth education tops agenda of SAR govt: Global Times
July 17, 2022

The Patriotic Education Center established by the Hong Kong Federation of Education Workers – the largest teachers union in the city – was officially launched on Saturday with the aim of promoting patriotic and national security education. Industry representatives said pushing forward the patriotic education tops the agenda of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government with more measures expected to be rolled outClick here to read…

Multiple real estate projects resume construction in China after homebuyers refuse to pay their mortgages for unfinished housing: Global Times
July 17, 2022

Multiple real estate projects in China have resumed construction, after some disgruntled homebuyers denied to pay their mortgages for unfinished or stalled housing projects as cash-strapped property developers run out of cash, domestic news outlet Financial News reported on Saturday. Click here to read…

China expedites local government debt issuance to bolster capital of smaller banks: Reuters
July 17, 2022

China’s banking regulator has worked with the finance ministry and central bank to accelerate the issuance of special local government bonds to help supplement the capital of small and medium-sized banks, China Banking and Insurance News reported. Click here to read…

China’s Xi shows no sign of change in Xinjiang policy: Taipei Times
July 17, 2022

Chinese President Xi Jinping, on a visit this week to the Xinjiang region, where his government is widely accused of oppressing predominantly Muslim ethnic minorities, showed no signs of backing off policies that have come under harsh criticism from the US and many European countries. Click here to read…

China’s Communist Party finds it easier to win hearts and minds at home than overseas: South China Morning Post
July 17, 2022

Ahead of this year’s 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, we take a look at how the country is responding to three potential traps highlighted by President Xi Jinping in the past decade. In the first of a three-part series, we examine the Tacitus Trap and how the party can shore up its domestic legitimacy amid a host of challenges. Click here to read…

Sri Lanka turmoil highlights risk for Chinese firms investing overseas: South China Morning Post
July 17, 2022

The turmoil in Sri Lanka is the latest warning to Chinese investors about political risk in emerging markets, analysts have warned. Chinese companies operating overseas need to prepare crisis management plans in case of social unrest and political turmoil in these developing countries, according to Chris Torrens, a partner at the consultancy Control Risks. Click here to read…

Chinese mainland reports 117 new local confirmed COVID-19 cases: Xinhuanet
July 18, 2022

The Chinese mainland Sunday reported 117 locally-transmitted confirmed COVID-19 cases, including 59 in Guangxi and 28 in Gansu, the National Health Commission said Monday. Click here to read…

China accelerates building of computing infrastructure: China Daily
July 18, 2022

China has accelerated the building of computing infrastructure amid the country’s push for developing its digital economy. By the end of 2021, super-large and large data centers in use exceeded 450 across the nation, while intelligent computing centers surpassed 20, data from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology showed. Click here to read…

Artificial heart gets green light to go on market: China Daily
July 18, 2022

When the popular TV series Dr. Tang, featuring a made-in-China artificial heart, ended in mid-July, an artificial heart with the combination of domestic rocket and medical technologies was coincidentally approved by national medical product authorities and went on the market. The implantable left ventricular assist device, named HeartCon or “rocket heart” and independently developed and produced by Rocor Medical Technology Co, was approved by the National Medical Products Administration to enter the market on Wednesday. Click here to read…

China and India hold commander-level talks, marking a positive trend in relations despite remaining differences: Global Times
July 18, 2022

China and India on Sunday held the 16th commander-level talks, the third this year, which marked an overall positive atmosphere between the two neighbors, although it will take some time for the two countries to figure out a solution both sides can accept, observers pointed out. Click here to read…

Chinese banking and insurance regulator makes fresh pledge to deal with rural bank, default mortgage risks: Global Times
July 18, 2022

China’s banking and insurance regulator vowed on Sunday to handle the risks associated with five rural banks in Henan and Anhui provinces in accordance with laws and regulations, as well as to ensure financial services for the delivery of home projects. Click here to read…

More policy support to vitalize economy expected: People’s Daily
July 18, 2022

Despite improvements in June, stronger stimulus likely in such areas as consumption, experts say. China will likely strengthen macroeconomic policy support while improving anti-COVID-19 measures to further vitalize economic activity, according to government officials and economists. Click here to read…

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest: July 15, 2022

Noted religious scholar gunned down in Kabul- Pajhwok

Noted religious scholar Sardar Wali Saqib has been killed by unknown gunmen in the capital Kabul, an official said on Thursday. Click here to read…

Taliban to Participate in Tashkent International Conference- Afghanistan Times

he Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) delegations will participate in an International Conference on Afghanistan which will be held On July 25-26, 2022, in Tashkent with the participation of more than 20 countries and international organizations, a statement from the Uzbekistan Ministry of Foreign Affairs published. Click here to read…

Dozens Dead as Flash Flood in Afghanistan- Afghanistan Times

Unseasonal rain and flooding has plagued Afghanistan over the past week. The UN has reported at least 39 deaths and 14 injuries. The central Afghan province of Ghazni is the hardest-hit region. Afghanistan’s eastern region has experienced three flash floods in less than a month. Click here to read…

Afghanistan Ranked Worst Country for Gender Gap- Tolo News

Afghanistan was ranked 146 — the lowest country — in the Global Gender Gap Index 2022 rankings. Click here to read…

Kabul Asks Ex-ANDSF Soldiers Studying in India to Return- Tolo News

Afghanistan’s Ministry of Interior Affairs asked all military students who are in India and other countries to return to Afghanistan. Click here to read…

Country first in S Asia for secondary education- Daily Star

Bangladesh has the lowest proportion of youths aged between 15 and 24 without secondary education level skills in South Asia, found a recent study. Click here to read…

Jute, jute goods exports fall for soaring shipping costs- Daily Star

Exports of jute and jute goods from Bangladesh declined in the last fiscal year due to the unprecedented surge in shipping costs and the higher price of raw fibres. Click here to read…

G20 finance leaders meet in Bali under cloud of Ukraine war- Dhaka Tribune

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which the Kremlin calls a “special military operation”, has overshadowed previous G20 meetings, including last week’s gathering of foreign ministers. Click here to read…

Foreign loans stressed to keep forex reserves in good shape- Asian Age

As a precautionary move, Bangladesh has started talks with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) about taking a loan of $4-4.5 billion to shore up the precarious foreign currency reservesClick here to read…

Bangladesh may face Sri Lanka-like situation: GM Quader- Asian Age

Jatiya Party Chairman GM Quade on Thursday warned that Bangladesh may face a Sri Lanka-like situation due to the implementation of mega projects with foreign loans. Click here to read…

DTT members confident of getting party registered- Kuensel

Members of the newly formed political party, Druk Thuendrel Tshogpa (DTT), are confident of getting the party registered with the Election Commission of Bhutan (ECB). Click here to read…

Both countries should ensure minimum cost and avoid delays to maintain viability of future hydro projects- Kuensel

Outgoing Ambassador of India to Bhutan, Ruchira Kamboj, talks to Kuensel reporter Dechen Dolkar on issues pertaining to hydropower projects, fuel prices and railway network. Click here to read…

Facilitating Nepal’s economic growth and strengthening trade ties are key priorities, says Dean Thompson, US Ambassador nominee to Nepal- Himalayan Times

US Ambassador nominee to Nepal, Dean R Thompson said that facilitating Nepal’s economic growth and strengthening trade ties are his key priorities during his time in Nepal, in his opening statement before the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Click here to read…

National pride projects’ cost goes up- Himalayan Times

Both the cost and completion time of projects run under the national pride projects have increased, finds the report released by the Office of the Auditor General yesterday. Click here to read…

‘Eligible people deprived of Nepali citizenship’- Himalayan Times

The House of Representatives today held a debate on the Nepal Citizenship (First Amendment) Bill. Lawmakers from both ruling and opposition parties said that eligible citizens had been deprived of citizenship for long due to non-enactment of new federal citizenship law. Click here to read…

US envoy nominee: Nepal ratified MCC despite China’s ‘disinformation campaign’- Kathmandu Post

In his opening statement before the Foreign Relations Committee of the Senate, Thompson says he is ‘well prepared’ to take up the assignment in Kathmandu. Click here to read…

Nepal, China agree to activate existing boundary mechanisms- Kathmandu Post

Mechanisms will be formed soon, either during Foreign Minister Narayan Khadka’s upcoming China visit, or at another bilateral meeting, officials say. Click here to read…

Imran ‘deeply hurt’ by detailed SC judgement- Dawn

PTI Chairman Imran Khan, expressing his disappointment with the detailed verdict issued by the Supreme Court in suo motu case against the ruling of the deputy speaker on Wednesday night, said the top court should have probed the issue after President Arif Alvi shared it with the chief justice. Click here to read…

Authorities across country brace for ‘rain disaster’- Dawn

Disaster management authorities are bracing for another spell of torrential rains, particularly in Sindh and Balochistan, in anticipation of a “vigorous monsoon” as rain lashed parts of Balochistan, triggering another wave of flash floods in the southwestern province on Thursday. Click here to read…

Sri Lanka
Urea under Indian credit line arrives- Daily Mirror

Forty-six thousand metric tons of urea fertilizer under the Indian credit line reached Sri Lanka recently. The consignment was taken to government warehouses in Colombo yesterday. Click here to read…

Nod given for use of lethal force- Island

The Armed Forces had been ordered to use lethal force if it is necessary to protect public property, key installations, vulnerable points and human lives, the Army announced yesterday. Click here to read…

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s resignation official- Ceylon Today

Gotabaya Rajapaksa has officially resigned as Sri Lanka’s President. Speaker Mahinda Yapa Abeywardena made the announcement at a media briefing earlier this morningClick here to read…

Fulfill people’s expectations within democratic framework: Chief Prelates- Daily News

The country will become anarchic, through arbitrary power struggles, the Mahanayake Theras of the Three Chapters issuing a statement said yesterday (14). Click here to read…

China: Daily Scan, July 14, 2022

PLA’s attack helicopters start routine border patrols in high-altitude Karakoram: Global times
July 14, 2022

The Chinese People’s Liberation Army’s (PLA) attack helicopters started to join transport helicopters in routine border patrols in the high-altitude Karakoram Mountains, a move analysts said on Thursday will enable the PLA border defense troops to gain enhanced air support and better safeguard the country’s national sovereignty and territorial integrity. Click here to read…

IMF says China needs more fiscal, monetary support to fight COVID slowdown: Reuters
July 14, 2022

The International Monetary Fund said on Thursday that China needs to add more fiscal and monetary policy support to combat an economic slowdown brought on by continued COVID-19 lockdowns, but less-restrictive pandemic containment policies also were needed. Click here to read…

Former provincial legislator stands trial for accepting bribes: Xinhuanet
July 14, 2022

Zhang Xinqi, a former senior legislator of east China’s Shandong Province, on Thursday stood trial at the Intermediate People’s Court of Nanjing in Jiangsu Province, charged with accepting bribes. Click here to read…

China approves new domestically developed “artificial heart”: Xinhuanet
July 14, 2022

China’s National Medical Products Administration has issued marketing approval for a China-developed “artificial heart” for severe heart failure. The “heart” is an implantable ferrofluids-driven left ventricular assist device, according to the TEDA International Cardiovascular Hospital based in north China’s Tianjin Municipality. Click here to read…

Former Shandong official accused of bribery: China Daily
July 14, 2022

Zhang Xinqi, former deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Shandong Provincial People’s Congress, was accused of taking 155 million yuan ($23 million) in bribes by the Nanjing Intermediate People’s Court in Jiangsu province on Thursday. Click here to read…

Media outlets fulfill social responsibility, report says: China Daily
July 14, 2022

More than 300 media outlets in China have issued social responsibility reports this year, tripling the number in the previous year, according to the 2021 Media Outlets Social Responsibility Report released recently. Click here to read…

Xi inspects Urumqi in China’s Xinjiang, second visit in eight years: Global Times
July 15, 2022

Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, inspected a university, an international land port area, a residential community and a museum in the city of Urumqi, capital of Northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, from Tuesday afternoon to Wednesday morning. Click here to read…

More Chinese volunteers take actions to bring back clearer water and fresh air to Xizang: Global Times
July 15, 2022

A group of people wearing blue waistcoats scatter around the hillside bending down to pick up garbage such as discarded plastic bottles left by tourists. Suddenly a Golden Retriever dog runs into the crowd holding a plastic bottle in its mouth. Click here to read…

Xi says Xinjiang is a hub in Belt and Road cooperation: Xinhuanet
July 15, 2022

Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, said as the Belt and Road cooperation advances, Xinjiang is no longer a remote corner but a core area and a hub. Click here to read…

Xi stresses making Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps stronger, more prosperous: Xinhuanet
July 15, 2022

Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, has stressed efforts to make the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (XPCC) stronger and more prosperous. Click here to read…

Senior CPC official urges BRICS to build anti-corruption governance system: Xinhuanet
July 15, 2022

A senior official of the Communist Party of China (CPC) on Wednesday called on the BRICS countries to jointly safeguard multilateralism and build a fair and reasonable international anti-corruption governance system. Click here to read…

World 5G Convention to be held in China’s Heilongjiang: Xinhuanet
July 15, 2022

The 2022 World 5G Convention will be held from August 10 to 12 in Harbin, the capital of northeast China’s Heilongjiang Province, the event organizers said. The event, to be held both online and offline, will be co-hosted by the Heilongjiang provincial people’s government, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Science and Technology, and the Ministry of Industry and Information TechnologyClick here to read…

Chinese mainland reports 64 new local confirmed COVID-19 cases: Xinhuanet
July 15, 2022

The Chinese mainland Thursday reported 64 locally-transmitted confirmed COVID-19 cases, including 30 in Gansu and 17 in Guangdong, the National Health Commission said Friday. Altogether 368 local asymptomatic carriers were newly identified in 10 provincial-level regions on Thursday. Click here to read…

Chinese premier pledges to ease burden of receiving medical treatment: China Daily
July 15, 2022

Premier Li Keqiang has stressed the need to reduce the burden that people face in receiving medical treatment, and to advance medical reforms. Efforts should be accelerated to ensure that high-quality medical resources become more broadly available and are distributed in a more balanced manner, Li said in an instruction to a national teleconference on medical reform held in Beijing on Thursday. Click here to read…