Tag Archives: Guangzhou

China: Daily Scan, December 08, 2022

New Party chiefs appointed for Chinese provinces: Xinhuanet
December 7, 2022

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) has decided that Yuan Jiajun no longer concurrently serves as secretary of the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee. Yi Lianhong has been appointed as secretary of the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee, and no longer serves as secretary of the CPC Jiangxi Provincial Committee.

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CPC leadership analyzes economic work for next year, makes arrangements for anti-graft work: Xinhuanet
December 7, 2022

The Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee convened a meeting on Tuesday to analyze and study the economic work in 2023, and make arrangements for improving Party conduct and moral integrity, and combating corruption.

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Chinese, Arab media organizations launch initiative to deepen exchanges, cooperation: Xinhuanet

December 7, 2022

Chinese and Arab media organizations have launched an initiative to deepen bilateral media cooperation to help cement the China-Arab friendship and jointly contribute to the building of a China-Arab community with a shared future.

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China launches nationwide workplace safety checks: Xinhuanet
December 7, 2022

The Office of the Work Safety Commission under China’s State Council has ordered a nationwide workplace safety inspection starting from Wednesday to March 2023, according to the Ministry of Emergency Management (MEM).

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Policy looks to boost industry growth: Qiushi
December 7, 2022

China has introduced measures to shore up the growth of its industries, pledging to boost the resilience of industry and supply chains, steady the exports of industrial products and step up services and support for foreign businesses.

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COVID quarantine made voluntary: China Daily
December 7, 2022

Centralized quarantine for COVID-19 patients has been made voluntary and the rule requiring a negative nucleic acid test result for domestic travel and entry to public venues has been scrapped, as the country takes “small, yet continuous steps” to adjust to the disease.

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Chinese scientists establish first deep-sea in-situ spectroscopy lab in South China Sea: Global Times
December 7, 2022

Chinese scientists have successfully developed the first lander-based multi-channel Raman spectroscopy system, which can be mounted on the lander to form a deep-sea, in-situ spectroscopy lab in the South China Sea.

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China’s newly released 10-point plan an active move to optimize COVID response, more scientific and precise: Global Times
December 7, 2022

China’s newly released 10-point plan is a more scientific and precise move that the country has taken proactively to further optimize COVID-19 response, rather than “a complete relaxation,” leading health experts said during a press conference on Wednesday.

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New energy, heating equipment drive foreign trade, highlighting the resilience, rapid response of China’s industrial chain: Global Times
December 7, 2022

Chinese foreign trade has begun to show a clear diversification amid the epidemic, with traditional manufacturing under order pressure. However, some sectors such as new energy, heating equipment and World Cup-related products are witnessing rising demand.

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Digital industrial clusters prosper in China: People’s Day
December 7, 2022

The rapid development of the digital economy over the recent years in China has led to a tide of the construction of digital industrial clusters. A batch of digital industrial clusters with international competitiveness has taken shape and grown strong across China, injecting fresh impetus into the high-quality development of the Chinese economy.

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Reaction to China relaxing COVID restrictions in major policy shift: Reuters
December 7, 2022

China announced on Wednesday the most sweeping changes to its tough zero-COVID policy since the pandemic began three years ago, loosening rules that curbed the spread of the virus but had hobbled the world’s second-largest economy and sparked protests.

The relaxation of rules, which include allowing infected people with mild or no symptoms to quarantine at home and dropping testing for people travelling within the country, are the strongest sign yet that Beijing is preparing its 1.4 billion people to live with the disease.

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‘Too many positives!’: As China rows back COVID curbs, virus fears spread:Reuters
December 8, 2022

As many Chinese embraced new found freedoms on Thursday after the country dropped key parts of its tough zero-COVID regime, some cities warned residents to maintain vigilance against a virus that, until now, has been largely kept in check. Three years into the pandemic, many in China had been itching for Beijing to start to align its rigid virus prevention measures with the rest of the world, which has largely opened up in an effort to live with the disease.

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Senior Guangdong provincial legislator under probe:: Xinhuanet
December 8, 2022

Li Chunsheng, vice director of the Standing Committee of Guangdong Provincial People’s Congress, is under probe for suspected severe violations of Party discipline and laws. Li has turned himself in and is being investigated by the Communist Party of China Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission, according to an official statement Thursday.

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New Party chief appointed for Chongqing: Xinhuanet
December 8, 2022

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) has decided that Chen Min’er no longer concurrently serves as secretary, standing committee member, and member of the CPC Chongqing Municipal Committee, and that Yuan Jiajun concurrently serves as member, standing committee member, and secretary of the CPC Chongqing Municipal Committee.

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Full text of Xi’s signed article on Saudi media: Xinhuanet
December 8, 2022

A signed article by Chinese President Xi Jinping was published Thursday on the Saudi newspaper Al Riyadh, as he is attending the first China-Arab States Summit and the China-Gulf Cooperation Council Summit, and paying a state visit to Saudi Arabia in the Saudi capital Riyadh.

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Xi lands in Riyadh for China-Arab States Summit, China-GCC Summit, state visit: Xinhuanet
December 8, 2022

Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived here Wednesday afternoon to attend the first China-Arab States Summit and the China-Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Summit, and pay a state visit to Saudi Arabia at the invitation of King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia.

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Chinese mainland reports 4,031 new local confirmed COVID-19 cases: Xinhuanet
December 8, 2022

The Chinese mainland on Wednesday reported 4,031 locally transmitted confirmed COVID-19 cases, the National Health Commission said Thursday. Altogether 17,134 local asymptomatic carriers were newly identified.

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CPC leadership analyzes economic work for next year, makes arrangements for anti-graft work: Qiushi
December 8, 2022

The Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee convened a meeting on Tuesday to analyze and study the economic work in 2023, and make arrangements for improving Party conduct and moral integrity, and combating corruption. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, presided over the meeting.

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China’s leadership holds symposium for soliciting advice on economic work: Qiushi
December 8, 2022

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) has held a symposium with non-CPC personages to solicit opinions and suggestions on this year’s economic situation and economic work for the next year. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, presided over the symposium on Dec. 2 and delivered an important speech.

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Nations step up space cooperation: China Daily
December 8, 2022

Scientists from Saudi Arabia will soon have the opportunity to carry out an experiment aboard China’s Tiangong space station that is expected to help with the design and production of high-efficiency solar cells.

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Vaccination drive targets elderly in Guangzhou: China Daily
December 8, 2022

Gu Qiongzhi, 75, reassured her family members over the phone after she had received her third dose of COVID-19 vaccine at a vaccination site for elderly people in Guangzhou’s Huangpu district on Tuesday. It took only minutes for Gu to complete her vaccination against the novel coronavirus, she said.

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Alibaba founder Jack Ma steps down as head of Zhejiang entrepreneur association: Global Times
December 8, 2022

Jack Ma Yun, founder of e-commerce giant Alibaba, has stepped down as head of the General Association of Zhejiang Entrepreneurs, domestic news site ThePaper.cn reported on Wednesday.
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China: Daily Scan, December 05, 2022

China, Russia co-chair 26th session of committee for meetings between heads of
gov’t: Xinhuanet
December 2, 2022

Chinese Vice Premier Hu Chunhua on Friday co-chaired the 26th session of the committee for regular meetings between Chinese and Russian heads of government, together with Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko via video link. Click here to read…

Chinese universities contribute to rural vitalization strategy: People’s Daily
December 2, 2022

Chinese colleges and universities, including those under the administration of the Ministry of Education (MOE), have made great efforts in assisting poverty alleviation and achieved fruitful results in advancing rural vitalization, a major task in realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Click here to read…

ABB’s largest robotics factory starts operation in Shanghai: Xinhuanet
December 2, 2022

Swiss tech giant ABB on Friday officially opened its largest and fully automated robotics factory in Shanghai where “robots make robots.” The mega factory in the Pudong New Area is the largest robotics research and development, manufacturing, and application base of ABB worldwide, the company said. It involved an investment of 150 million U.S. dollars and covers an area of 67,000 square meters. Click here to read…

China gives nod to industrial silicon futures, options trading: Xinhuanet
December 2, 2022

China’s top securities watchdog has greenlighted the trading of industrial silicon futures and options in Guangzhou Futures Exchange. The introduction of industrial silicon futures and options is conducive to improving the price formation mechanism of industrial silicon, and enhancing the risk management abilities of market players, the China Securities Regulatory Commission said in a statement on Friday. Click here to read…

China’s Guangzhou reports 162,700 infections in latest COVID-19 resurgence: Xinhuanet
December 2, 2022

Guangzhou, the capital of south China’s Guangdong Province, has registered 162,700 COVID-19 infections in the latest virus resurgence, with asymptomatic carriers accounting for about 90 percent of the total, local authorities said Friday. Click here to read…

Beijing Xiangshan Forum Webinar 2022 concludes: China Military
December 3, 2022

The Beijing Xiangshan Forum Webinar 2022 concluded on Friday with participants achieving consensus on “advancing the Global Security Initiative and jointly safeguarding peace and development.” Click here to read…

Myanmar, China hold economic forum to further enhance cooperation: Xinhuanet
December 3, 2022

A forum on China-Myanmar economic cooperation was held here on Friday to further enhance economic and investment cooperation between the two countries. The forum, with the theme of “China’s New Development and China-Myanmar Cooperation,” was organized by the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (UMFCCI). Click here to read…

Chinese solar industry decries reported new US crackdown measures: Global Times
December 4, 2022

Chinese solar panel companies and industry insiders on Sunday expressed defiance over the US’ reported plan to impose new tariffs on Chinese firms that it deems to be “circumventing” US tariffs. Washington’s new crackdown measure will not have much impact on Chinese firms but will force them to speed up steps to enhance their industry chains, they said. Click here to read…

Key project of China-Russia east-route natural gas pipeline is completed: Global Times
December 4, 2022

A key construction project of the China-Russia east-route natural gas pipeline was completed on Saturday. It will allow Russian gas to cross the Yangtze River to reach Shanghai, laying the foundation for the full completion of the landmark China-Russia energy cooperation project. Click here to read…

Military recruitment for first half of 2023 kicks off: China Military

December 4, 2022

Military recruitment for the first half of 2023 kicked off on December 1, 2022. The registration timeline is a little different for male and female applicants. The registration of male soldiers has already begun on December 1, 2022, with the deadline on February 10, 2023, while female applicants can enroll from January 1, 2023 to February 10, 2023. Click here to read…

Shanghai to ease COVID-19 test requirement: China Daily
December 4, 2022

Starting on Monday, Shanghai will no longer require passengers to hold a negative nucleic acid test result to take public transportation, including buses and subways, according to a municipal government announcement on Sunday afternoon. Click here to read…

Eight-point decision on Party conduct reaches 10th anniversary, leads to stricter self-governance, purer society: Global Times
December 4, 2022

It has been 10 years since the eight-point decision on work conduct were formulated and implemented after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in 2012. More than 760,000 violations have been dealt with and more than 200 senior officials have been punished, which Chinese anti-graft experts believed showed obvious achievements in the CPC’s stricter self-governance and building a purer society. Click here to read…

China’s first hydrogen industrial vehicle production line put into operation in the Greater Bay Area: Global Times
December 4, 2022

China’s first hydrogen powered industrial vehicle production line is now fully operational in South China’s Guangdong Province, which will support the green development of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and the achievement of China’s “dual carbon” goal. Click here to read…

Ease China’s Covid controls to revive economy, cope with US pressure: South China Morning Post
December 4, 2022

A group of leading Chinese economists has called on authorities to ease Covid-19 controls suppressing economic activity, saying the move is needed to help fend off risks, including US pressure. In an open letter posted online on Saturday, the six economists said priority should be given to lifting restrictions on commercial areas such as transport, office buildings, restaurants, hotels and shopping malls. Click here to read…

Think tanks release report on China’s outlook on human rights: Global Times
December 5, 2022

A report examining contemporary Chinese outlook on human rights was released on Monday. Jointly released by the China Foundation for Human Rights Development and the New China Research under Xinhua News Agency, the report said China’s outlook on human rights has been continuously enriched and improved in practice, with its own cognitive perspective and ideological connotation based on the actual conditions of the country. Click here to read…

China’s BYD to start selling EVs in Japan by early 2023: Reuters
December 5, 2022

BYD Co’s Japanese division said on Monday it would start selling its first battery electric vehicles (BEVs) in the country early next year, as the world’s largest EV maker further steps up its plan to either sell or make its cars available across major markets. China’s BYD, in which Berkshire Hathaway owns a stake, said it will roll out an electric sports utility vehicle, ATTO 3, in Japan starting Jan. 31. The car has a cruising distance of 485 kilometres and will cost 4.4 million yen. Click here to read…

COVID confusion in China as authorities row back curbs: Reuters
December 5, 2022

A patchwork easing of the world’s toughest COVID-19 curbs sowed confusion across China on Monday, spurring hopes for more clarity as officials shift tone on the dangers posed by the coronavirus in the wake of last month’s unprecedented protests. Three years into the pandemic, China’s zero-tolerance measures, from shutting its borders to stifling lockdowns, provide a stark contrast with the rest of the world, which has largely opened up in its efforts to live with the virus. Click here to read…

Xi unwilling to accept foreign vaccines:Taipei times
December 5, 2022

Chinese President Xi Jinping is unwilling to accept Western vaccines despite the challenges China is facing with COVID-19, and recent protests could affect his personal standing in the Chinese Communist Party, US Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines said on Saturday. Click here to read…

Think tanks release report on China’s outlook on human rights: Xinhuanet
December 5, 2022

A report examining contemporary Chinese outlook on human rights was released on Monday. Jointly released by the China Foundation for Human Rights Development and the New China Research under Xinhua News Agency, the report said China’s outlook on human rights has been continuously enriched and improved in practice, with its own cognitive perspective and ideological connotation based on the actual conditions of the country. Click here to read…

Chinese mainland reports 4,247 new local confirmed COVID-19 cases: Xinhuanet
December 5, 2022

The Chinese mainland on Sunday reported 4,247 locally transmitted confirmed COVID-19 cases, the National Health Commission said Monday. Altogether 25,477 local asymptomatic carriers were newly identified. Click here to read…

Vaccinating elderly key to exiting pandemic: China Daily
December 5, 2022

An abundance of data has shown that domestic COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective for the elderly and other vulnerable groups, drugmakers have said, as experts reiterated the importance of expanding immunization coverage in order to cope with the epidemic. Click here to read…

China: Daily Scan, December 01, 2022

Coronavirus in China: cities ease some rules, ban blocking of exits amid protests and surge in cases: South China Morning Post
November 28, 2022

Authorities in Beijing and Guangzhou have eased some zero-Covid measures and warned that essential exits must not be blocked, amid calls for an end to lockdowns following last week’s deadly fire in Urumqi. Health authorities in Beijing said high-risk areas should be defined by units and buildings. These areas could be expanded when transmission risks were unclear or transmission was widespread in the community but only after “rigorous assessmentClick here to read…

China delays civil servant exam: China Daily
November 28, 2022

China has decided to delay the civil servant exam scheduled on Saturday and Sunday with no specific time was announced, according to the National Civil Service Administration. Click here to read…

Chinese premier meets Kazakh PM, calls for enhanced cooperation: Xinhuanaet
November 29, 2022

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang held a meeting with Kazakh Prime Minister Alikhan Smailov via video link on Tuesday, calling for closer high-level exchanges and enhanced cooperation between the two countries. Click here to read…

Chinese vice premier calls for deepening China-Russia energy cooperation: Xinhuanaet
November 29, 2022

Chinese Vice Premier Han Zheng on Tuesday attended the opening ceremony of the fourth China-Russia Energy Business Forum and put forward a three-point proposal on deepening China-Russia energy cooperation. Click here to read…

Xi holds talks with Mongolian president: Xinhuanaet
November 29, 2022

Chinese President Xi Jinping held talks with Mongolian President Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh on Monday at the Great Hall of the People during his state visit to China. Xi welcomed Khurelsukh and pointed out that the two presidents meeting again after two months as promised fully reflects the high level of China-Mongolia relations. Click here to read…

China’s C919 jet obtains approval for production: Xinhuanaet
November 29, 2022

China’s domestically developed C919 large jetliner received its production certificate on Tuesday, meaning the model can enter mass production. Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC), the C919’s developer, received the certificate from the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) East China Regional Administration. Click here to read…

China to launch weeklong campaign to publicize Constitution: Xinhuanaet
November 29, 2022

China will launch a weeklong campaign to improve public knowledge of the country’s Constitution on Dec. 4, the ninth national Constitution Day. The campaign will focus not only on promoting the comprehensive implementation of the Constitution, but also studying, publicizing and implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China held in October. Click here to read…

China launches campaign to boost employment for college graduates: Xinhuanaet
November 29, 2022

China has launched a campaign to offer employment services to college graduates to help them land jobs. The campaign, lasting from Nov. 28 to Dec. 18, will organize a string of online and offline activities, including recruitment and assessment, according to the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security. Click here to read…

China’s pursuit of sci-tech goals to benefit world: Qiushi
November 29, 2022

China’s pursuit of self-reliance and strength in science and technology does not mean it will decouple from the world, experts said, adding that the goal is to turn the country into a more capable and innovative contributor when tackling global challenges with the international community. Click here to read…

Chinese gov’t spokesperson stresses enforcement of HKSAR national security law: People’s Daily
November 29, 2022

It is imperative to fully and faithfully enforce the law on safeguarding national security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), a spokesperson for the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of China’s State Council said on Monday. Click here to read…

UK-China ties at crossroads after Sunak announced end of ‘golden era’: Global Times
November 29, 2022

UK-China ties are now at a crossroads after UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced in his first foreign policy speech on Monday that the “golden era” of UK-China relations is over. Whether Sunak is continuing the status quo of “hot economics, cold politics,” or is seeking to become more hawkish and shortsighted on his China policy remains to be seen, experts said. Click here to read…

China sees 191 million underage internet users: China Daily
November 30, 2022

The number of underage internet users in China hit 191 million in 2021, leading to an internet penetration rate of 96.8 percent among Chinese minors, according to a report released on Wednesday. Click here to read…

US dismisses China protests to S China Sea mission: Taipei Times
November 30, 2022

The US Navy yesterday dismissed Beijing’s objections over a “freedom of navigation operation” conducted near the Spratly Islands in the latest incident drawing new attention to one of the world’s potential military flashpoints. In an unusual move, the US Navy’s 7th Fleet issued a rebuttal to China’s objections to yesterday’s mission, calling it “the latest in a long string of [Chinese] actions to misrepresent lawful US maritime operations and assert its excessive and illegitimate maritime claims” in the South China Sea. Click here to read…

World’s top supercomputers to aid high-quality development of Yellow River Basin Global Times
November 30, 2022

The Yellow River is regarded as the “Mother River” of the Chinese nation. For thousands of years, its basin has been a political, economic, and cultural hub in the long history of the Chinese civilization. Today, the 5,464-kilometer-long waterway has fed 12 percent of China’s population, irrigated 17 percent of all arable land, and supplied water to more than 50 large- and medium-sized cities. Click here to read…

Several districts in Guangzhou lift restrictions, allow qualifying close contacts to be quarantined at home: Global Times
November 30, 2022

Several districts in Guangzhou, South China’s Guangdong Province, issued notices on Wednesday to adjust the epidemic prevention and control measures, with Haizhu district allowing close contacts who meet the conditions to be quarantined at home, and Tianhe, Conghua, Panyu and Huadu districts lifting restrictions in temporary control zones. Click here to read…

China factory, services activities slide to 7-month lows on COVID curbs: Reuters
November 30, 2022

China’s manufacturing and services activities shrank further in November to seven-month lows, official data showed, stung by the country’s strict COVID-19 restrictions and rising infections that analysts said will hurt the economy well into 2023. Click here to read…

China wants US not to interfere in ties with India – Pentagon: Reuters
November 30, 2022

China has warned the United States to not interfere in its relationship with India following deadly border skirmishes between the Asian giants in 2020, the Pentagon said in a report. Ties between India and China have nosedived since the worst border clashes between them in 45 years killed 20 Indian and four Chinese soldiers. Deployment of troops has remained high on their Himalayan border since then, though India’s imports from China have surged. Click here to read…

Factbox: A chronology of dissent in China in recent decades: Reuters
November 30, 2022

Over the past week, thousands of Chinese in numerous cities have protested against China’s COVID-19 lockdown policies, in one of the biggest acts of public defiance seen since President Xi Jinping came to power in 2012. Click here to read…

China, Russia conduct joint aerial strategic patrol: China Military
November 30, 2022

According to the China-Russia annual military cooperation schedule, the air forces of the two countries conducted routine joint aerial strategic patrol in the air space over the waters of the Sea of Japan, the East China Sea and the west Pacific Ocean on November 30. Click here to read…

US dismisses China protests to S China Sea mission: Taipei Times
November 30, 2022

The US Navy yesterday dismissed Beijing’s objections over a “freedom of navigation operation” conducted near the Spratly Islands in the latest incident drawing new attention to one of the world’s potential military flashpoints. In an unusual move, the US Navy’s 7th Fleet issued a rebuttal to China’s objections to yesterday’s mission, calling it “the latest in a long string of [Chinese] actions to misrepresent lawful US maritime operations and assert its excessive and illegitimate maritime claims” in the South China Sea. Click here to read…

Jiang Zemin passes away: Xinhuanaet
November 30, 2022

Jiang Zemin passed away due to leukemia and multiple organ failure in Shanghai at 12:13 p.m. on Nov. 30, 2022, at the age of 96, it was announced on Wednesday. The announcement was made by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), the State Council of the PRC, the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, and the Central Military Commissions (CMC) of the CPC and the PRC. Click here to read…

China to enhance prevention, control of invasive alien species: Xinhuanaet
November 30, 2022

China will enhance its capabilities in preventing and controlling invasive alien species to safeguard agriculture development and biodiversity. The country faces multiple risks of invasive alien species due to its long land border, foreign exchanges, illegal introduction and breeding of exotic pets, and illegal release of animals, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs said in a statement. Click here to read…

China to further boost COVID-19 vaccination among elderly: Xinhuanaet
November 30, 2022

The Chinese government has released a work plan to ramp up vaccination among its elderly population to protect this vulnerable group against COVID-19. The work plan issued on Tuesday by the State Council joint prevention and control mechanism against COVID-19 aims to leverage the protective effect of vaccination to reduce the risk of severe or critical illness and death among infected seniors. Click here to read…

China safeguards climate justice, boosts global confidence in climate governance at COP27: Qiushi
November 30, 2022

The 27th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP27) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) recently concluded in the Egyptian coastal city of Sharm El-Sheikh. Click here to read…

World’s top supercomputers to aid high-quality development of Yellow River Basin Global Times
November 30, 2022

The Yellow River is regarded as the “Mother River” of the Chinese nation. For thousands of years, its basin has been a political, economic, and cultural hub in the long history of the Chinese civilization. Today, the 5,464-kilometer-long waterway has fed 12 percent of China’s population, irrigated 17 percent of all arable land, and supplied water to more than 50 large- and medium-sized cities. Click here to read…

Several districts in Guangzhou lift restrictions, allow qualifying close contacts to be quarantined at home: Global Times
November 30, 2022

Several districts in Guangzhou, South China’s Guangdong Province, issued notices on Wednesday to adjust the epidemic prevention and control measures, with Haizhu district allowing close contacts who meet the conditions to be quarantined at home, and Tianhe, Conghua, Panyu and Huadu districts lifting restrictions in temporary control zones. Click here to read…

U.S. not seeking decoupling from Chinese economy: Kyodo
December 1, 2022

The United States will keep pressing China to address economic practices that create disadvantages for U.S. companies, but is not seeking to cut economic ties with the Asian powerhouse, Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo said Wednesday. Click here to read…

Vice premier stresses optimizing COVID-19 response: Xinhuanaet
December 1, 2022

Chinese Vice Premier Sun Chunlan on Wednesday underlined the importance of constantly optimizing the country’s COVID-19 response. Sun made the remarks at the National Health Commission when listening to experts’ opinions and suggestions on improving epidemic containment measures. Click here to read…

Xi holds talks with Lao president: Xinhuanaet
December 1, 2022

Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and Chinese president, held talks Wednesday with Thongloun Sisoulith, general secretary of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party (LPRP) Central Committee and Lao president. Click here to read…

Chinese mainland reports 4,080 new local confirmed COVID-19 cases: Xinhuanaet
December 1, 2022,

The Chinese mainland on Wednesday reported 4,080 locally transmitted confirmed COVID-19 cases, the National Health Commission said Thursday. Altogether 31,720 local asymptomatic carriers were newly identified. Click here to read…

China-Japan defense hotline to start next spring, expected to benefit regional stability: Global Times
December 1, 2022

A defense hotline between China and Japan is expected to be launched next spring, Japanese Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi revealed on Tuesday. Chinese observers said the move can avoid escalation of tensions if miscalculation or other frictions happen between the two sides in their maritime and air relations. Click here to read…

China to further upgrade its virus control policy: People’s Daily
December 1, 2022

China’s COVID-19 prevention and control work is facing new situations and new tasks, with the weakening pathogenicity of Omicron, increasing uptake of vaccination and growing disease response experiences, Vice-Premier Sun Chunlan said on Wednesday. Click here to read…

China: Daily Scan, November 18, 2022

Tibet starts building first county-level rooftop PV power generation project: Xinhuanet
November 17, 2022

Southwest China’s Tibet Autonomous Region on Wednesday started the construction of a county-level distributed photovoltaic (PV) power generation project on rooftops, the first of its kind in the region. Click here to read…

Former Chinese senior discipline inspector stands trial for bribery: Xinhuanet
November 17, 2022

Liu Yanping, a former senior discipline inspector, stood trial for bribery on Thursday at the Intermediate People’s Court of Changchun City in Jilin Province. Liu was formerly head of the discipline inspection and supervision team sent to the Ministry of State Security by the Communist Party of China Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Commission of Supervision. Click here to read…

Former senior discipline inspector charged with taking bribes: China Daily
November 17, 2022

Liu Yanping, a former senior discipline inspector, was charged with taking bribes of 234 million yuan ($32.8 million) on his first trial in Changchun Intermediate People’s Court Thursday, when he pleaded guilty. Click here to read…

China sets up national university for aged, to ‘build lifelong learning society’: Global Times
November 17, 2022

China’s Ministry of Education released a notice on Thursday that it has decided to set up a national university for the aged, a move that experts believe is intended to cope with the aging society and build a lifelong learning society. Click here to read…

U.S. imposes new sanctions over Iran sanctions evasion, targets Chinese firms: Reuters
November 17, 2022

The United States on Thursday imposed sanctions on over a dozen companies based in China, Hong Kong and the United Arab Emirates that Washington accused of facilitating the sale of Iranian petrochemicals and petroleum products to buyers in East Asia. Click here to read…

Foxconn hires over 100,000 workers for COVID-hit Chinese plant – Yicai: Reuters
November 17, 2022

Apple (AAPL.O) supplier Foxconn has hit a hiring target of 100,000 new workers for its Zhengzhou plant in China, financial news outlet Yicai reported on Thursday, a milestone that could ease production pressure at the COVID-hit site. Yicai, citing an unidentified high-ranking staffer at the plant, said Foxconn had received more than 100,000 job applications so far and was ending its latest hiring drive. Click here to read…

Anti-corruption chief at Chinese spy agency admits taking US$33 million in bribes: South China Morning Post
November 17, 2022

A former anti-corruption chief at China’s national spy agency has pleaded guilty to bribery.
Liu Yanping, 67, appeared before Changchun Intermediate People’s Court in the northeastern province of Jilin on Thursday, charged with accepting more than 234 million yuan. The court said that Liu, the former disciplinary chief at the Ministry of State Security, had pleaded guilty and expressed repentance. The court was adjourned and he will be sentenced at a later date. Click here to read…

Paper calls for ethical governance of artificial intelligence: China Daily
November 18, 2022

China has shared its positions on the supervision, development and use of artificial intelligence, as well as on related international cooperation, in a paper that calls for strengthened ethical governance of AI, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said on Thursday. Click here to read…

No efforts spared to stop virus in Guangzhou: China Daily
November 18, 2022

Medical workers are going all out to treat critical and severely ill patients with COVID-19 while sparing no effort to halt the spread of the virus in Guangzhou, capital of Guangdong province, a local senior health official said on Thursday. Zhang Yi, deputy director and spokeswoman of the Guangzhou Health Commission, said an expert consultation system has been set up in accordance with patients’ health conditions and they are being treated with traditional Chinese and Western medicines. Click here to read…

FBI director ‘very concerned’ by Chinese ‘police stations’ in U.S.: Reuters
November 18, 2022

The United States is deeply concerned about the Chinese government setting up unauthorized ‘police stations’ in U.S. cities to possibly pursue influence operations, FBI Director Christopher Wray told lawmakers on Thursday. Safeguard Defenders, a Europe-based human rights organization, published a report in September revealing the presence of dozens of Chinese police “service stations” in major cities around the world, including New York. Click here to read…

Second child dies in China virus isolation: Taipei Times
November 18, 2022

Chinese authorities faced more public anger yesterday after a second child’s death was blamed on overzealous anti-virus enforcement, adding to frustration at controls that are confining millions of people to their homes and sparked fights with health workers. Click here to read…

China to step up internet censorship with stricter rules for social media and streaming sites: South China Morning Post
November 18, 2022

Chinese social media and web video platforms must approve all news-related comments before they go online and step up training for censors to keep out “harmful” content, according to new regulations taking effect on December 15. The new law, an updated and approved version of the 2017 Regulations on the Administration of Internet Post Comment Services, was publicised by the Chinese internet watchdog on Wednesday. Click here to read…

Full text of Xi’s written speech at APEC CEO Summit: Xinhuanet
November 18, 2022

Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered a written speech titled “Staying Committed to and Jointly Promoting Development to Bring Asia-Pacific Cooperation to New Heights” here Thursday at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) CEO Summit. Click here to read…

Data reveals China’s continued attractiveness to foreign investment: Qiushi
November 18, 2022

China has retained its strong appeal to foreign businesses, with capital inflows continuing to grow steadily in the first 10 months of this year despite gloomy investment sentiment around the globe. Click here to read…

Xi says China committed to building Asia-Pacific community with shared future: China Military
November 18, 2022

Chinese President Xi Jinping underscored on Thursday that China is committed to promoting the building of an Asia-Pacific community with a shared future, and will do more to enhance the stability and prosperity of the Asia-Pacific. Click here to read…

China: Daily Scan, November 16, 2022

China’s ex-senior provincial legislator prosecuted: Xinhuanet
November 15, 2022

A public prosecution has been initiated against Sun Guoxiang, a former senior legislator of northeast China’s Liaoning Province, over suspected bribe-taking. The Langfang Municipal People’s Procuratorate in Hebei Province recently filed a lawsuit against Sun with the Intermediate People’s Court of Langfang, an official statement said Tuesday. Click here to read…

Key messages western media have missed in Xi-Biden summit: Xinhuanet
November 15, 2022

Chinese President Xi Jinping and his U.S. counterpart, Joe Biden, had their first face-to-face meeting on Monday since the latter assumed the American presidency. With translators providing simultaneous interpretation in a three-plus-hour meeting, the two leaders had a “candid, constructive and in-depth exchange of views” on a wide range of issues of strategic importance in China-U.S. relations and on major global and regional affairs. Click here to read…

China to promote green development of nonferrous metals industry: Xinhuanet
November 15, 2022

China has released a plan to advance the low-carbon development of its nonferrous metals industry, a key producer of industrial carbon emissions, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) said on Tuesday. Click here to read…

State Council appoints official: Xinhuanet
November 15, 2022

China’s State Council announced the appointment of an official on Tuesday. Sun Weidong was appointed as vice minister of foreign affairs, according to the announcement. Click here to read…

China works to bolster employment prospects for college graduates: Xinhuanet
November 15, 2022

China is rolling out multiple measures as part of efforts to help 11.58 million graduates streaming out of colleges to enter the workforce or start their own businesses in 2023. The Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security jointly held an online video conference on Tuesday to further improve employment promotion policies and make arrangements for helping graduates find jobs or start businesses next year. Click here to read…

Chinese military issues trial provisions on promoting transparency in Party affairs: China Military
November 15, 2022

With the approval of China’s Central Military Commission (CMC), the CMC General Office recently issued trial provisions on promoting transparency in Party Affairs in Chinese military, which will come into force on January 1, 2023. Click here to read…

China’s ex-senior provincial legislator prosecuted: China Daily
November 15, 2022

A public prosecution has been initiated against Sun Guoxiang, a former senior legislator of Northeast China’s Liaoning province, over suspected bribe-taking. The Langfang Municipal People’s Procuratorate in Hebei province recently filed a lawsuit against Sun with the Intermediate People’s Court of Langfang, an official statement said Tuesday. Click here to read…

Chinese TCM drug Lianhua Qingwen sees booming market demand in Shijiazhuang: Global Times
November 15, 2022

Chinese drug producer Shijiazhuang Yiling Pharmaceutical (Yiling Pharmaceutical) has ramped up production amid the booming demand of the company’s popular Chinese herbal medicine Lianhua Qingwen in Shijiazhuang city, North China’s Hebei Province, where the company’s headquarter is located. Click here to read…

China’s defence minister tipped to lead talks with US military, but sanctions on likely successor may pose early challenge: South China Morning Post
November 15, 2022

China is expected to send the outgoing defence minister Wei Fenghe to represent it in the first talks with the United States military since Nancy Pelosi’s trip to Taiwan earlier this year prompted Beijing to freeze dialogue with the Americans. One major issue China wants to resolve in the talks with Wei’s US counterpart Lloyd Austin is the sanctions imposed in 2018 on Wei’s probable successor, Li Shangfu. Click here to read…

Chinese mainland reports 1,568 new local confirmed COVID-19 cases: Xinhuanet
November 16, 2022

The Chinese mainland on Tuesday reported 1,568 locally transmitted confirmed COVID-19 cases, the National Health Commission said Wednesday. Altogether 18,491 local asymptomatic carriers were newly identified. Click here to read…

Xi’s proposals on global cooperation, development gain worldwide support: China Military
November 16, 2022

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday called for collective actions and close cooperation to make global development more inclusive, beneficial to all, and more resilient, and stressed the importance of joint efforts to unclog industrial and supply chains and stabilize market prices to tackle food and energy crises. Click here to read…

Chinese customs intercept new insect species, possible carrier of disease-spreading germs: Global Times
November 16, 2022

Customs officers in South China’s Guangdong Province have found a new species of cockroach-like insects while examining logs imported from French Guiana. The new species could carry unknown pathogens that might cause diseases. Click here to read…

Xi’s intensive meetings with world leaders show charm of major-country diplomacy: Global Times
November 16, 2022

Chinese President Xi Jinping met a number of foreign leaders – including some from US allies and major developing economies – on the first day of the G20 Leaders’ Summit in Bali, Indonesia, fully underscoring the strategic and guiding role of head-of-state diplomacy and implications of Chinese diplomacy following the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) as the world expects China-proposed solutions and its wisdom in handling issues of concern amid growing geopolitical uncertaintiesClick here to read…

U.S. FBI director says TikTok poses national security concerns: Reuters
November 16, 2022

The U.S. operations of Chinese-owned TikTok raise national security concerns, FBI Director Chris Wray said on Tuesday, flagging the risk that the Chinese government could harness the video-sharing app to influence users or control their devices. Risks include “the possibility that the Chinese government could use to control data collection on millions of users or control the recommendation algorithm, which could be used for influence operations,” Wray told U.S. lawmakers. Click here to read…

Big-power rivalry overshadows Biden-Xi cooperation pledge: Reuters
November 16, 2022

Their photo op looked good for U.S. and Chinese leaders Joe Biden and Xi Jinping, but the superpowers remain driven by geopolitical rivalry despite their pledge to cooperate on global issues like climate change and public health. Biden and Xi sought in their meeting in Bali this week to ease tensions between the United States and China, and some experts saw an improvement in the mood after relations atrophied to near historic lows this summer. Click here to read…

China, France seek respect for Ukraine’s territorial integrity: Kyodo
November 16, 2022

French President Emmanuel Macron tweeted Tuesday that he and Chinese leader Xi Jinping called for respecting Ukrainian territorial integrity and sovereignty and stopping escalation of the war in Ukraine as they met in Indonesia’s Bali. Click here to read…

China COVID-19 cases rise despite less testing: Taipei Times
November 16, 2022

China’s COVID-19 cases rose further yesterday, including in the capital, Beijing, even as many cities scaled back routine testing after authorities last week announced measures aimed at easing the impact of the country’s heavy coronavirus curbs. Click here to read…

COVID-19 lockdowns spark protests in Guangzhou: Taipei Times
November 16, 2022

China’s tough COVID-19 lockdowns are fueling an increase in public anger, with some residents in Guangzhou, one of the country’s biggest cities, staging rare protests against the stringent rules. In videos circulating on social media, hundreds of protesters were seen marching in the street and pushing over police barriers in Haizhu district, which has been in lockdown since late last month. Click here to read…

How China’s language shifted after Xi-Biden meeting: Taipei Times
November 16, 2022

After Chinese President Xi Jinping spoke for more than three hours on Monday with US President Joe Biden on the sidelines of the G20 summit, China’s readout of the meeting indicates the country’s approach to US ties is shifting. Click here to read…

Top US-China panel urges halt to normal trade relations if no WTO compliance: South China Morning Post
November 16, 2022

Congress should suspend normal trade relations with China if Washington determines Beijing has not complied with the World Trade Organization market access agreement it signed decades ago, the US government’s top advisory panel on China policy said on Tuesday. In a sweeping annual report comprising 39 recommendations and covering nearly every aspect of the bilateral relationship, the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission also called on US lawmakers to study the feasibility of blockading Chinese energy imports in the event of a military conflict involving Beijing, particularly those transiting the Strait of Malacca.
And in the latest sign of Washington’s growing alarm that Chinese leader Xi Jinping may attempt to invade Taiwan, the panel urged Congress to put more manpower into preparing for economic punishment and military resistance against Beijing if it were to attack the self-governed island. Click here to read…

Full text: Chinese FM briefs media on Xi-Biden meeting and answers questions: Xinhuanet
November 16, 2022

Chinese President Xi Jinping and his U.S. counterpart, Joe Biden, had a candid and in-depth exchange of views here on Monday on issues of strategic importance in China-U.S. relations and on major global and regional issues. After their meeting, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi briefed the media on the meeting and answered questions. Click here to read…

Full text of Xi’s remarks at Session I of G20 summit in Bali: Xinhuanet
November 16, 2022

Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered a speech titled “Working Together to Meet the Challenges of Our Times and Build a Better Future” here Tuesday at the first session of the 17th summit of the Group of 20 (G20).

The following is the full text of the speech: Click here to read…

China: Daily Scan, November 15, 2022

4 weaknesses in China’s economy, from local government finances to poor regulation: South China Morning Post
November 14, 2022

Deteriorating local government finances, weak banks and inadequate regulation are among the main risks facing China’s economy, according to senior officials and regulators who have recently published candid assessments following the agenda-setting 20th party congress. Vice-Premier Liu He, central bank governor Yi Gang, Minister of Finance Liu Kun and banking and insurance regulator chairman Guo Shuqing have all reflected on the dangers facing the state-dominated financial system, though they have not outlined specific improvements. Click here to read…

Xi told Biden Taiwan is first red line that must not be crossed, urging US to respect China’s path, system: Global Times
November 14, 2022

At the very core of China’s core interests, the Taiwan question is the first red line that must not be crossed, Chinese President Xi Jinping told US President Joe Biden during the meeting on Monday in Bali, Indonesia, urging the US to respect the differences between the two countries’ paths. Click here to read…

Quantum computing patent filings surge in China: China Daily
November 15, 2022

Applications by Chinese companies for patents related to quantum computing have surged in the past two years alongside an industry boom and increasing awareness of the field, though experts said the country still has a long way to go to catch up with foreign competitors. Click here to read…

State weapons contractors capitalize on growing global market for munitions: China Daily
November 15, 2022

A number of State-owned defense contractors have developed and promoted their own loitering munitions — also known as suicide drones — expecting to seize the rapidly expanding demand for such hardware in the market. Click here to read…

Beijing braces after rise in COVID cases: China Daily
November 15, 2022

The number of COVID-19 infections in Beijing has continued to trend upward in recent days, involving most districts, a senior official said on Monday. Xu Hejian, spokesman for the municipal government, said at a news conference on Monday that people should be aware of the capital’s severe and complicated epidemic situation and that the government will strengthen accurate and scientific prevention work. Click here to read…

Chinese cities harness nuclear power for winter heating: Global Times
November 15, 2022

A growing list of Chinese cities are utilizing nuclear energy as a source of winter heating, with 9.24 million square meters covered so far. In Haiyang, East China’s Shandong Province, the nuclear power plant has entered test operation to provide heating services to 200,000 residents living in a city area of 5 million square meters, domestic news portal China Media Group (CMG) reported on Monday. Click here to read…

Chinese mainland reports 1,621 new local confirmed COVID-19 cases: People’s Daily
November 15, 2022

The Chinese mainland on Monday reported 1,621 locally transmitted confirmed COVID-19 cases, the National Health Commission said Tuesday. Altogether 16,151 local asymptomatic carriers were newly identified. Click here to read…

Xi, Biden hold candid, in-depth exchange of views on bilateral ties, major global issues: Qiushi
November 15, 2022

Chinese President Xi Jinping and his U.S. counterpart, Joe Biden, had a candid and in-depth exchange of views here on Monday on issues of strategic importance in China-U.S. relations and on major global and regional issues. The current state of China-U.S. relations is not in the fundamental interests of the two countries and peoples, and is not what the international community expects, Xi said. Click here to read…

Biden, Xi trade barbs over Taiwan, seek “principles” on competition: Kyodo
November 15, 2022

U.S. President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping traded barbs Monday over Taiwan, with Xi stressing that the question of the self-ruled island is “the first red line that must not be crossed,” but agreed to develop “principles” to manage their intensifying competition. In their first in-person summit, which took place in Indonesia’s Bali, Biden expressed objections to China’s “coercive and increasingly aggressive actions” toward Taiwan, saying they undermine peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait and jeopardize global prosperity, according to the White House. Click here to read…

Xi raises anti-secession law in talks on Taiwan with Biden, says China foreign minister: Reuters
November 15, 2022

Chinese President Xi Jinping raised the country’s anti-secession law in talks on Taiwan with U.S. President Joe Biden at the G20 Summit on Monday, the Chinese foreign minister said in a statement. Xi told Biden that China will uphold the “One country, Two systems” proposal for Taiwan and will make all efforts for peaceful “reunification” with Taiwan, the statement said. Click here to read…

China’s property investment falls at a faster clip in Jan-Oct: Reuters
November 15, 2022

China’s property investment fell at a faster pace during January-October, declining 8.8% from a year earlier after slumping 8.0% in the first nine months of the year. Property sales by floor area dropped 22.3% during January-October from the same period a year earlier, compared with the 22.2% plunge in the first nine months of the year, according to data from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS). Click here to read…

China picks public health expert as Beijing leader: Taipei Times
November 15, 2022

China has named former SARS firefighter Yin Li the new Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader of Beijing, as President Xi Jinping begins recalibrating the “zero COVID” policy that has slowed the world’s second largest economy. Yin, 60, replaces Cai Qi as party secretary of the capital city of about 21 million people, Xinhua news agency reported on Sunday. Click here to read…

Xi says China supports African Union to join G20: Xinhuanet
November 15, 2022

Chinese President Xi Jinping said here Tuesday that China supports the African Union to join the Group of 20 when addressing the G20 summit. Click here to read…

Highlights of Xi-Biden meeting ahead of G20 summit in Indonesia: Xinhuanet
November 15, 2022

Chinese President Xi Jinping and his U.S. counterpart, Joe Biden, had a candid and in-depth exchange of views here on Monday on issues of strategic importance in China-U.S. relations and on major global and regional issues. Click here to read…

Courts make joint agreement on IPR protection: China Daily
November 15, 2022

Legal protection on intellectual property will be further strengthened in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region thanks to an agreement made by courts in the three areas. The agreement was jointly signed by the Beijing Intellectual Property Court, the Tianjin No 3 Intermediate Court and Hebei’s Xiong’an New Area Intermediate Court on Friday. Click here to read…

China: Daily Scan, November 11, 2022

Standing Committee of Political Bureau of CPC Central Committee discusses optimizing COVID-19 response: Xinhuanet
November 10, 2022

The Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee met on Thursday to hear a report on COVID-19 response, discuss and arrange 20 measures to further optimize epidemic prevention and control work. Click here to read…

Xi steers import expo into global platform for sharing Chinese opportunities: Xinhuanet
November 10, 2022

Entering its fifth edition this year, the China International Import Expo (CIIE) in Shanghai has become a vital platform for promoting trade, investment and global cooperation, and a “golden gate” to the vast Chinese market. Click here to read…

China to grant zero-tariff treatment to 10 least-developed countries: Xinhuanet
November 10, 2022

China will grant zero-tariff treatment to 98 percent of taxable items from 10 least-developed countries in a bid to promote an open global economy. Starting from Dec. 1, China will waive all tariffs on 98 percent of the related imports from Afghanistan, Benin, Burkina Faso, Guinea-Bissau, Lesotho, Malawi, Sao Tome and Principe, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia, according to the Customs Tariff Commission of the State Council. Click here to read…

China front-loads 2023 central budget funds: Xinhuanet
November 10, 2022

China has allocated multiple funds from its 2023 central budget in advance to support local government work, the Ministry of Finance said Thursday. Specifically, a total of 211.5 billion yuan (about 29.2 billion U.S. dollars) of transfer payments have been prearranged to ensure food security and stabilize agricultural production, according to the ministry. Click here to read…

Chinese firm plans to develop commercial remote sensing satellite system: Xinhuanet
November 10, 2022

The China Siwei Surveying and Mapping Technology will build its new-generation commercial remote sensing satellite system by 2025, the Science and Technology Daily reported Thursday. Click here to read…

PLA Navy brings ship-based aircraft to Airshow China: Xinhuanet
November 10, 2022

The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Navy has exhibited an array of its maritime combat equipment, including ship-based aircraft, at the ongoing Airshow China 2022. At the airshow, audiences have the chance to observe more than 10 types of navy equipment, including J-15 carrier-based fighter jet, Z-9S ship-based helicopter, and KJ-500H reconnaissance and early warning aircraft. Click here to read…

Pilot projects lead to spate of business reforms: Qiushi
November 10, 2022

A raft of reforms to improve the business climate, including steps to eliminate regional protectionism and streamline business registration, will be rolled out nationwide after being piloted in six cities last year, according to a notice released by the central government. Click here to read…

Beijing, Tianjin provide aerosolized vaccine as booster shots, latest move to combat Omicron flare-ups in China: Global Times
November 10, 2022

China’s capital city Beijing and North China’s Tianjin Municipality have started to provide aerosolized adenovirus vector vaccine as booster shots starting from Thursday following a couple of cities including Shanghai, as COVID-19 flare-ups caused by highly transmissible Omicron variants have been reported across the country, with number of new infections in Beijing particularly rising lately. Click here to read…

China to promote multilateralism, globalization as ‘Asian moment’ arrives: Global Times
November 10, 2022

For the next few days, the world’s attention will shift toward Southeast Asia, where countries are scheduled to host three major international and regional summits. They are trying to seek solutions and consensus amid growing geopolitical turbulence and the long-lasting impact of COVID-19. As the “Asian moment” starts, with the ASEAN summit, G20 and APEC meetings kicking off one after another, China is expected to continue advocating for multilateralism, free trade and a higher level of globalization in the face of mounting challenges, further deepen cooperation with developing countries and play the role of stabilizer in regional and global affairs, experts said. Click here to read…

China exhibits fighter jet engine with 2D thrust vectoring control nozzle: Global Times
November 10, 2022

China for the first time exhibited a turbofan engine with a 2D thrust vectoring control nozzle at the ongoing Airshow China 2022 held in Zhuhai, South China’s Guangdong Province, with experts saying on Thursday that such an engine could provide aircraft, particularly fighter jets, with enhanced maneuverability and stealth capability, and it reflects the rapid development of China’s aero engine sector overall. Click here to read…

Global chip giants step up presence in Chinese market, defying US coercion: Global Times
November 10, 2022

Global companies in the integrated circuit (IC) sector continued to rush to display their latest technologies at the 5th China International Import Expo (CIIE) in Shanghai, where a designated display zone was set up for ICs for the second consecutive year, underscoring growing foreign firms’ confidence in China’s IC market despite the US’ strengthened blockade and calls for decoupling. Click here to read…

Alibaba’s Singles Day shopping event set to end with subdued sales and no fanfare: Reuters
November 10, 2022

As Alibaba Group (9988.HK) wraps up the world’s biggest online shopping festival on Friday, the operative word seems to be flat – potentially flat sales and flat in tone with the Chinese e-commerce giant not even holding its usual gala show. The Singles Day shopping festival, which despite its name has evolved into a multi-week event, is a key barometer of Chinese retail demand. Consumer sentiment is, however, at a low ebb – hit hard by China’s stringent COVID curbs and a sharply slowing economy. Click here to read…

China’s modernization expected to bring wide-ranging global benefits: Qiushi
November 11, 2022

Wide-ranging benefits are awaiting both China and the world as the country is marching on the Chinese path to modernization — a holistic vision set out at the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, officials and experts said. Click here to read…

China hosts 3rd Int’l Army Forum on Military Education: China Military
November 11, 2022

The Army Engineering University of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) hosted the third International Army Forum on Military Education via video link in Nanjing city, east China’s Jiangsu province, from Nov. 8 to 9. Click here to read…

Standing Committee of Political Bureau of CPC Central Committee discusses optimizing COVID-19 response: China Military
November 11, 2022

The Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee met on Thursday to hear a report on COVID-19 response, discuss and arrange 20 measures to further optimize epidemic prevention and control work. Click here to read…

Pilot project to protect folk cultures: China Daily
November 11, 2022

A total of 12 areas across China have been required to innovate, protect and develop the copyright of Chinese folk cultures as a national pilot program. The pilot consists of four provincial-level areas — Jiangsu, Sichuan and Guizhou provinces and the Inner Mongolia autonomous region — as well as eight cities, including Weifang in Shandong province, Huangshan in Anhui province and Jincheng in Shanxi province. Click here to read…

Radar used for detecting satellites put on market: China Daily
November 11, 2022

In modern military operations, reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance have become major determinants of outcomes in combat. Great powers are unprecedentedly reliant on space-based assets, mostly low-orbiting satellites, to spy upon their rivals and adversaries, posing a challenge to those parties on how to detect spy satellites and take countermeasures. Click here to read…

Guangzhou announces new measures to control COVID-19: China Daily
November 11, 2022

Haizhu district, the epicenter of this round of COVID-19 outbreak in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, has further strengthened its prevention and control measures starting Friday. According to the new measures that will last until the end of Sunday, all the residents in the district are required to stay at home unless absolutely necessary to limit the flow of people. Click here to read…

PLA Navy’s 3rd Type 075 amphibious assault ship makes training debut: Global Times
November 11, 2022

The Anhui, the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Navy’s third Type 075 amphibious assault ship, recently conducted realistic combat-oriented training, the PLA Navy announced on Thursday. This indicates that the vessel has entered active service, analysts said. With the hull number 33, the Anhui carried out the exercises in an undisclosed sea region, the PLA Navy announced on Thursday. Click here to read…

China: Daily Scan, November 10, 2022

Senior Chinese lawmakers meet to deliberate draft laws: Xinhuanet
November 9, 2022

The Council of Chairpersons of China’s National People’s Congress (NPC) Standing Committee discussed draft revisions to an existing law and the draft of a new law at a Wednesday meeting. The meeting, which was presided over by Li Zhanshu, chairman of the NPC Standing Committee, heard reports on changes made to a draft revision of the Wildlife Protection Law and a draft of the reservist law. Click here to read…

China aims to foster digital transformation of SMEs: Xinhuanet
November 9, 2022

China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has recently released a guideline to facilitate the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The guideline calls for the creation of digital applications for instant communication, long-distance collaboration and project management in order to better meet the needs of such companies during the transformation. Click here to read…

Airshow China displays manned rocket for moon landing: Xinhuanet
November 9, 2022

Space-savvy audiences at this year’s Airshow China can catch a glimpse of the model of the country’s next-generation manned rocket for a moon landing. With a takeoff weight of 2,100 tonnes, the new launch vehicle is 90 meters long. It has a lunar-transfer-orbit capacity of 27 tonnes and a near-Earth orbit capacity of 70 tonnes. Click here to read…

Xi inspects CMC joint operations command center, stressing troop training, combat preparedness: Qiushi
November 9, 2022

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday inspected the joint operations command center of the Central Military Commission (CMC), demonstrating the stance of the new CMC on implementing the guiding principles of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and enhancing troop training and combat preparedness. Click here to read…

Investigators probe mysterious death: China Daily
November 9, 2022

Investigators are looking into the unexpected death of a resident in Korla, Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, who died at hospital on Nov 2 after medical treatment, according to a statement by the city’s anti-epidemic work group on Wednesday. Click here to read…

Campaign foils fraudsters targeting seniors: China Daily
November 9, 2022

Procuratorates nationwide approved the arrests of 7, 594 people and filed public lawsuits against 8,516 others accused of being involved in fraud targeting the elderly from April through September this year, according to the Supreme People’s Procuratorate. Click here to read…

Beijing, Guangzhou airports see large-scale flight cancellations amid surge in COVID-19 cases nationwide: Global Times
November 9, 2022

Airports across the country saw widespread flight cancellations on Wednesday, with some airports even reaching a flight cancellation rate of 98 percent, according to flight information provider Flight Master. The local health authorities also announced that eight districts in Guangzhou will temporarily suspend offline classes. The measures are seen as a response to the mounting pressure of COVID-19 cases nationwide. Click here to read…

China unveils largest solid-fueled commercial rocket at Airshow ahead of maiden flight: Global Times
November 9, 2022

China unveiled the Smart Dragon-3, the country’s largest solid-propellant launch vehicle to provide commercial services for global clients, at the ongoing 14th China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition, also known as Airshow China, in Zhuhai, South China’s Guangdong Province, ahead of the launcher’s maiden flight. Click here to read…

Chinese arms firm offers army brigade combat team solution: Global Times
November 9, 2022

China’s leading arms producer exhibited its new-generation army brigade combat team for the first time at this year’s Airshow China, which kicked off on Tuesday in Zhuhai, South China’s Guangdong Province, reflecting the latest achievements of the integrated development of mechanization, information technology and intelligence of the Chinese army, and the concepts of manned-unmanned coordination and air-ground coordination. Click here to read…

New rifle series named Type 20, to improve military’s combat capability: Global Times
November 9, 2022

The Chinese military’s next-generation service rifle, which used to be called the QBZ191 series, has been formally named the Type 20 series, and the spokesperson of the manufacturer said at the Airshow China 2022 that this shows that the new rifles are just like the 20 aircraft family, which include the J-20 stealth fighter jet, Y-20 transport aircraft and Z-20 helicopter. They will become the next-generation firearms to greatly improve the Chinese military forces’ combat capability. Click here to read…

Chile vows to enhance cooperation with China in lithium sector: Global Times
November 9, 2022

Chile’s consul general in Chengdu, Southwest China’s Sichuan Province, Gustavo Díaz Hidalgo on Wednesday vowed to further enhance cooperation with China in the lithium sector, in a bid to stabilize the global supply of the vital mineral for making batteries, Chinese media outlet thepaper.cn reported on Wednesday. Click here to read…

Chinese copper companies say more mining is needed to boost supply: Reuters
November 9, 2022

China’s top copper producers are urging the government to mine more of the metal, at home and abroad, as concerns grow about disruptions to global supplies, the state-backed China Nonferrous Metals News reported on Wednesday. Jiangxi Copper Co Ltd , Zijin Mining , Tongling Nonferrous Metals Group Co Ltd (000630.SZ) and others urged relevant authorities in a meeting on Tuesday to launch a new round of ore prospecting as soon as possible and open a new batch of mines for development, the newspaper reported. Click here to read…

Suspected Chinese rocket debris found off Philippines: Kyodo
November 9, 2022

Debris likely from a Chinese rocket has been retrieved off the Philippines for a second time this year, its authorities said Wednesday, fueling criticism that China is not taking sufficient steps to reduce the risk of accidents. China said Friday the wreckage of its Long March 5B rocket re-entered the atmosphere and fell into the sea the same day, underscoring that most of it burned up on reentry. The rocket was launched last month to transport a module to the country’s space station. Click here to read…

China seeks upgrade of massive trade zone with Southeast Asian nations amid US hostility: South China Morning Post
November 10, 2022

China is expected to start talks with Southeast Asian nations about an upgrade to their giant free-trade zone in a potential boost to the stability of Beijing’s manufacturing supply chains amid mounting rivalry with the United States. Officials in Beijing have told state-run media they will approach leaders in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) bloc this week about accelerating negotiations for what they call the Asean-China Free Trade Area “Version 3.0”. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang is in Phnom Penh this week to meet with the bloc’s 10 members during a series of summits. Click here to read…

China’s economic tsar sends rare public message, warnings to future policymakers : South China Morning Post
November 10, 2022

Fresh calls by China’s economic tsar – including for continued supply-side reform and closer economic connections with the rest of the world – are not only a testament to his own legacy, they may also serve to muffle expectations for a quick and impactful stimulus.
Vice-Premier Liu He’s comments came as the market has been anticipating expansionary measures in the first year of President Xi Jinping’s third term, with a shift away from the current preoccupation with debt curbing, financial de-risking, and the removal of obsolete industrial capacity. His assessment serves both as a reflection of his 10 years in the economic policymaking arena, and as a rare public message to future economic policymakers – potentially Li Qiang and He Lifeng. Click here to read…

Chinese premier holds talks with Cambodian PM on strengthening bilateral cooperation: Xinhuanet
November 10, 2022

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang held a meeting with Cambodian Prime Minister Samdech Techo Hun Sen here on Wednesday on deepening mutually beneficial cooperation. Li noted that China and Cambodia enjoy a deep traditional friendship, a high degree of political mutual trust, and fruitful practical cooperation in various fields. Click here to read…

Chinese mainland reports 1,133 new local confirmed COVID-19 cases: Xinhuanet
November 10, 2022

The Chinese mainland on Wednesday reported 1,133 locally transmitted confirmed COVID-19 cases, the National Health Commission said Thursday. Altogether 7,691 local asymptomatic carriers were newly identified. A total of 343 COVID-19 patients were discharged from hospitals after recovery on the mainland on Wednesday, said the commission in its daily report. Click here to read…

Anti-sub drones up for sale at air show: China Daily
November 10, 2022

Detecting, tracking and hitting submarines are tough challenges for any navy because such tasks require sophisticated, expensive hardware and well-trained, experienced personnel. For most militaries around the world, anti-submarine operations are too difficult to carry out due to the lack of affordable weapons. Click here to read…

Russian businesses ink more deals at CIIE, as close ties boost consumer demand: Global Times
November 10, 2022

At the ongoing 5th China International Import Expo (CIIE) in Shanghai, more Chinese and Russia companies are engaging in two-way trade and investment, reflecting growing bilateral economic and trade cooperation between China and Russia. Click here to read…

Germany blocks Chinese stake in two chipmakers over security concerns: Reuters
November 10, 2022

The German government on Wednesday blocked prospective Chinese investment in two domestic semiconductor producers after the moves raised concerns over national security and the flow of sensitive technological know-how to Beijing. The government said it had vetoed the takeover of the chip factory of the Dortmund-based company Elmos (ELGG.DE) by Silex, a Swedish company that is a subsidiary of Chinese group Sai Microelectronics (300456.SZ). Click here to read…

China: Daily Scan, November 9, 2022

Intelligent marine equipment shines in Airshow China, helps safeguard China’s maritime security: Global Times
November 7, 2022

Various types of marine equipment, especially intelligent unmanned high-speed vessels, which are playing an important role in safeguarding the country’s maritime security and scientific research, are one of the highlights of this year’s Airshow China, scheduled to be held from November 8 to 13. Click here to read…

International Military Flight Training Conference 2022 kicks off in Zhuhai, China: China Military
November 7, 2022

International Military Flight Training Conference 2022 was held in Zhuhai, South China’s Guangdong Province, on November 7. Twenty eight Chinese and foreign representatives delivered speeches, either onsite or via video link, on the theme of “talent, innovation, collaboration and development”, exchanging ideas, approaches, and methods of leveraging scientific and technological innovation to foster air force defense construction, training reform and personnel training. Click here to read…

China rolls out regulations on concluding treaties: Xinhuanet
November 7, 2022

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has signed a State Council decree outlining a set of regulations, which will come into effect on Jan. 1, 2023, on the conclusion of treaties, according to an official statement released Monday. Click here to read…

Former senior political advisor of Liaoning sentenced to death with reprieve: Xinhuanet
November 8, 2022

A Chinese court on Tuesday sentenced Liu Guoqiang, a former senior political advisor of northeastern Liaoning Province, to death with a two-year reprieve for taking bribes. Liu, a former vice-chairman of the Liaoning Provincial Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, was convicted of taking bribes worth over 352 million yuan (48 million U.S. dollars) by the Tianjin First Intermediate People’s Court. Click here to read…

Xi inspects CMC joint operations command center, stressing troop training, combat preparedness: Xinhuanet
November 8, 2022

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday inspected the joint operations command center of the Central Military Commission (CMC), demonstrating the stance of the new CMC on implementing the guiding principles of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and enhancing troop training and combat preparedness. Click here to read…

Chinese FM meets with UNGA president: Xinhuanet
November 8, 2022

Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Monday met via video link with Csaba Korosi, president of the 77th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). Click here to read…

China to further promote green growth in building materials: Xinhuanet
November 8, 2022

China has released a plan to advance low-carbon development in the building materials sector, a large producer of industrial carbon emissions, vowing to secure a carbon peak target in the industry by 2030. Click here to read…

Researchers develop green, efficient electric rare earth mining technology: Xinhuanet
November 8, 2022

Mining rare earth has long been considered a dirty business, as it can lead to water and soil pollution, but a new technology developed by Chinese scientists may reverse the trend, offering a greener alternative for the industry. Click here to read…

China approves 3 new national manufacturing innovation centers: Qiushi

November 8, 2022

China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced Monday that it approved the establishment of three new national manufacturing innovation centers. The innovation centers, backed by research or tech firms in Zhejiang, Jiangxi, and Sichuan provinces, will focus on graphene, virtual reality, and ultra-high-definition video industries, respectively, said the ministry. Click here to read…

Former Liaoning official sentenced for bribery: China Daily
November 8, 2022

Liu Guoqiang, former vice-chairman of the Liaoning Provincial Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, was sentenced to death on Tuesday with a two-year reprieve for taking bribes worth about 352 million yuan ($54.2 million). Click here to read…

New drones of Wing Loong family debut at Airshow China: Global Times
November 8, 2022

A number of new drones of the Wing Loong family, including the Wing Loong 1E, Wing Loong 3 and Wing Loong 10A, made their debuts at Airshow China, fully demonstrating the comprehensive strength of China’s aviation industry in the field of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). Click here to read…

China holds high-profile display of advanced warplanes, weapons at airshow, ‘deters Taiwan secessionists, external interference forces’: Global Times
November 8, 2022

When the six-day Airshow China 2022 kicked off on Tuesday in Zhuhai, South China’s Guangdong Province, spectators were greatly amazed by the country’s most advanced J-20 fighter jets’ outstanding flight performances with challenging maneuvers of tactical significance in a very humid weather, as well as their landing before the general public for the first time, which experts said, together with flight performances of the YU-20 aerial tanker and the J-16 heavy fighter jet among others, constituted a confident and high-profile move that not only showed the capabilities of the aircraft, but also served as a deterrence to “Taiwan independence” secessionist and external interference forces. Click here to read…

Over 90 pct of responders in Macao support amendment to law on safeguarding national security: People’s Daily
November 8, 2022

About 93 percent of about 111,000 pieces of advice received in the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) were in favor of the amendment to its law on safeguarding national security, showed a report released on Monday by the Macao SAR government. Click here to read…

More overseas students return in China’s grassroots work: People’s Daily
November 8, 2022

While over 1 million returning overseas students took innovative careers and launched start-ups in their motherland in 2021, grassroots work in civil services and communities has become a new choice for more and more such returnees. Click here to read…

China’s security increasingly unstable, uncertain: Reuters
November 8, 2022

China will comprehensively strengthen its military training and preparation for any war, state broadcaster CCTV quoted China’s President Xi Jinping as saying on Tuesday. China’s security has been increasingly unstable and uncertain, Xi was quoted as saying. Click here to read…

Shanghai bourse kicks off week-long conference to woo global investors: Reuters
November 9, 2022

The Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) kicks off on Wednesday a week-long global conference to promote China’s capital markets, according to an official agenda, the latest in a flurry of activities by regulators to woo international investors. Click here to read…

China canceled Michel’s speech at expo opening: Taipei Times
November 9, 2022

Chinese authorities behind a major trade expo in Shanghai pulled an opening ceremony address by European Council President Charles Michel that was set to criticize Russia’s “illegal war” in Ukraine and call for reduced trade dependency on China, diplomats said. Click here to read…

COVID-19: China’s COVID-19 epicenter shifts to Guangzhou as outbreak widens: Taipei Times
November 9, 2022

New COVID-19 cases surged in Guangzhou and other Chinese cities, official data showed yesterday, with the global manufacturing hub becoming China’s latest COVID-19 epicenter and testing the city’s ability to avoid a Shanghai-style lockdown. Click here to read…

Senior municipal legislator under probe: Xinhuanet
November 9, 2022

A senior legislator in Shenyang, capital of northeast China’s Liaoning Province, has been put under investigation for suspected severe violations of Party discipline and laws, an official statement said Wednesday. Fu Zhongwei, director of the standing committee of the Shenyang municipal people’s congress, is being investigated by the Communist Party of China Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission, according to the statement. Click here to read…

Chinese plane maker COMAC gets 300 new orders for C919 jet: Xinhuanet
November 9, 2022

Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, Ltd. (COMAC) said it has received 300 new orders for C919 jet at the 14th China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition, also known as Airshow China. Click here to read…

Chinese mainland reports 1,294 new local confirmed COVID-19 cases: Xinhuanet
November 9, 2022

The Chinese mainland on Tuesday reported 1,294 locally transmitted confirmed COVID-19 cases, the National Health Commission said Wednesday. Altogether 6,882 local asymptomatic carriers were newly identified. Click here to read…

New policy to aid entrepreneurs: China Daily
November 9, 2022

China has unveiled a new pro-growth regulation for self-employed business owners, including policies that provide greater support in terms of taxation, finance and the protection of intellectual rights, in a bid to inject fresh impetus into individual and small, family-run businesses. Click here to read…

China: Daily Scan, November 1, 2022

China’s political advisors discuss study of key Party congress : Xinhuanet
October 31, 2022

The Standing Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) National Committee convened a meeting on Monday to discuss the study and implementation of the guiding principles of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC). Click here to read…

China opens more sectors to foreign investment: Qiushi
October 31, 2022

China on Friday issued a new catalog of industries where foreign investment will be encouraged, opening more sectors to foreign investment. The 2022 version of catalog, jointly unveiled by China’s National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and the Ministry of Commerce, will include 1,474 items, with 239 new items added and 167 existing ones modified. Click here to read…

China steps up financial support for real economy: Qiushi
October 31, 2022

China has beefed up financial support to further bolster the country’s real economy this year, according to a report submitted to the National People’s Congress Standing Committee on Friday. The country’s monetary policy has been further strengthened and improved in 2022, with the comprehensive financing cost of enterprises steadily reducing. Click here to read…

Preparation for 14th China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition in order: China Military
October 31, 2022

The 14th China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition, or Airshow China 2022, is to be held at Zhuhai International Air Show Center from November 8 to 13. There will be more than 740 enterprises from 43 countries and regions to participate in the exhibition, and a number of new aerospace products will debut during the event. Click here to read…

China’s top procuratorate orders arrest of former vice governor of Liaoning: China Daily
October 31, 2022

The Supreme People’s Procuratorate has ordered the arrest of Wang Dawei, former vice governor of Northeast China’s Liaoning province, for suspected bribe-taking. The National Commission of Supervision has completed an investigation into Wang’s case and handed it over to prosecutors, the SPP said. Click here to read…

Chinese cities clamp down on COVID as cases rise before winter season: Reuters
October 31, 2022

Officials in Chinese cities and provinces across the country are pulling no punches in stamping out sporadic COVID-19 outbreaks as winter nears, quickly closing venues and enforcing longer temporary lockdowns on millions of people. Cases in mainland China hit 2,898 on Sunday, topping 2,000 for a second straight day and pressuring the country’s controversial zero-COVID policy, which has hamstrung the economy and exasperated its citizens. Click here to read…

Center for big data opens in Lhasa: China Daily
October 31, 2022

A new center for big data began operation on Saturday in Lhasa, Tibet autonomous region. It is the first such center at the regional level and a step toward big data integration and application sharing, local media reported. Click here to read…

Xi holds talks with Vietnam’s communist party chief: Xinhuanet
November 1, 2022

Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and Chinese president, held talks on Monday with Nguyen Phu Trong, general secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee. Click here to read…

China rolls out events on global youth development, climate change: Xinhuanet
November 1, 2022

An Action Plan for Global Youth Development and Global Youth Climate Week were launched in Beijing on Monday, in a bid to promote youth engagement in the global development agenda. The events were attended by over 300 youth delegates from around the world both online and offline. Click here to read…

Chinese mainland reports 498 new local confirmed COVID-19 cases: Xinhuanet
November 1, 2022

The Chinese mainland on Monday reported 498 locally transmitted confirmed COVID-19 cases, the National Health Commission said Tuesday. Altogether 2,221 local asymptomatic carriers were newly identified. Click here to read…

Guangzhou cancels 888 flights after detecting 527 COVID-19 cases in a single day: Global Times
November 1, 2022

The city of Guangzhou in South China’s Guangdong Province is facing pressure from imported COVID-19 cases from other provinces and from overseas, and there has also been a local rebound. The manufacturing hub reported 527 locally transmitted COVID-19 cases on Sunday and it has dealt with a total of 260 COVID-related incidents since October 1. Click here to read…

Policy key to stable economy: People’s Daily
November 1, 2022

Despite drop in official PMI, better tax revenues and spending hold out hope, experts say China must continue to intensify macroeconomic policies and accelerate the implementation of a raft of pro-growth policies to stabilize the economy, experts said. The country’s macroeconomic policy support for growth stabilization will remain undiminished. The improvement of tax revenues will strengthen the sustainability of fiscal policy, and big-ticket government spending will continuously support a number of areas, including people’s livelihoods and key infrastructure projects, said Lian Ping, chief economist at Zhixin Investment and head of the Zhixin Investment Research Institute. Click here to read…

Apple supplier Foxconn quadruples bonuses to staff hit by China COVID lockdown: Reuters
November 1, 2022

Apple (AAPL.O) supplier Foxconn said on Tuesday it has quadrupled bonuses on offer for workers at its Zhengzhou plant in central China as it works to quell employee discontent at the major iPhone manufacturing site over COVID curbs. Daily bonuses for employees, who are part of a Foxconn unit responsible for making electronics including smartphones at the site, have been raised to 400 yuan ($54.72) a day for November from previously announced bonuses of 100 yuan, according to the official WeChat account of Foxconn’s Zhengzhou plant. Click here to read…

Chinese cities clamp down on COVID as cases rise before winter season: Reuters
October 31, 2022

Officials in Chinese cities and provinces across the country are pulling no punches in stamping out sporadic COVID-19 outbreaks as winter nears, quickly closing venues and enforcing longer temporary lockdowns on millions of people. Cases in mainland China hit 2,898 on Sunday, topping 2,000 for a second straight day and pressuring the country’s controversial zero-COVID policy, which has hamstrung the economy and exasperated its citizens. Click here to read…