All posts by vd@admin

China: Daily Scan, November 5, 2021

China issues IPR protection, application plan for 2021-2025 period: Xinhuanet
November 3, 2021

China has recently issued a major plan on IPR protection and application work for the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025), highlighting innovation, application and protection in the sector, according to IPR authorities. The plan is a blueprint with detailed targets and measures for the country to embark on a journey to strengthen its intellectual property undertakings, the National Intellectual Property Administration (NIPA) said. Click here to read…

China to regulate business operations of police family members: Xinhuanet
November 3, 2021

Chinese police authority regulates business operations by family members of police officers as it released a document listing business areas to be avoided.The negative list, published by the Ministry of Public Security (MPS), delineated five areas in which police officers’ spouses, children and their spouses are banned from entering. Click here to read…

China seeks to expand IoT applications into more areas: People’s Daily
November 4, 2021

China plans to have more than 2 billion connections for its Internet of Things (IoT) by 2023, according to an action plan jointly formulated and released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) and seven other ministries. Click here to read…

11 nabbed over money scam using digital currency: China Daily
November 4, 2021

Police in Xinmi in Central China’s Henan province have detained 11 suspects after cracking down on the country’s first money laundering case using digital currency. “The crackdown has opened a new battlefield to fight against money laundering in the country,” said Xinmi police in their official WeChat account on Wednesday. Click here to read…

UN General Assembly panel adopts China’s draft arms-control resolution: China Daily
November 5, 2021

The First Committee of the 76th United Nations General Assembly passed a draft resolution on arms control submitted by China on Wednesday. It was the first time in 30 years that China proposed a measure on international arms control and disarmament issues at the UN. The draft resolution “Promoting International Cooperation on Peaceful Uses in the Context of International Security” says that “all countries have the right to exchange equipment, materials, and science and technology for peaceful purposes, and that all countries should take concrete measures to promote peace while fulfilling their obligations to prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery”.Click here to read…

Latest blasts in Kabul deepen concerns over security; Taliban govt urged to take stronger measures in fighting terrorism: Global Times
November 3, 2021

Explosions at the biggest military hospital in Kabul, Afghanistan, which killed at least 25 people and injured more than 50 on Tuesday, deepened the international community’s concerns over the security situation and stability in Afghanistan. Analysts urged the Afghan Taliban interim government to take stronger moves to crack down on terrorism before more extremists are stirred up and drive the war-torn country into a hotbed of terrorism and extremism. Click here to read…

Xi Jinping vows to address trade practice concerns as China seeks to join Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership: South China Morning Post
November 4, 2021

Chinese President Xi Jinping criticised protectionism and unilateralism on Thursday, promising to address concerns about China’s trade practices as the country seeks to join a Pacific Rim trade bloc. “China supports the reform of the World Trade Organization in the right direction, the inclusive development of the multilateral trading system, and the legitimate rights and interests of the developing members,” Xi said, adding that China would push forward its efforts to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). and the Digital Economy Partnership Agreement.
In a video address to the China International Import Expo (CIIE) in Shanghai, Xi said China has “fully fulfilled the commitments it made when joining the WTO in 2001”. Click here to read…

Beijing orders fresh batch of apps, including some run by Tencent and Alibaba, to rectify violations as regulatory crackdown continues: South China Morning Post
November 3, 2021

China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) has ordered 38 apps, including news and music services apps run by Chinese tech giant Tencent Holdings, as well as popular social media platforms such as Xiaohongshu, to rectify violations related to excessive data collection and publishing misleading information, as Chinese authorities maintain a regulatory crackdown. Click here to read…

Top Hong Kong court rules against government bid to expand riot prosecutions: Reuters
November 4, 2021

Hong Kong’s top court on Thursday quashed attempts by the city’s government to prosecute people for rioting or illegal assembly even without being present at the scene – a ruling lawyers described as a landmark. The five-judge panel in Hong Kong’s Court of Final Appeal, headed by Chief Justice Andrew Cheung, unanimously rejected an earlier ruling by a lower appeal court that people, such as supporters, could be criminally liable without being actually present under the common law doctrine of “joint enterprise”.Click here to read…

Chinese developers’ shares, bonds stumble again as Kaisa, units suspended: Reuters
November 5, 2021

A rout in shares and bonds of Chinese property developers deepened on Friday as Kaisa Group Holdings Ltd (1638.HK) and three of its units had their shares suspended, a day after Kaisa said an affiliate had missed a payment on a wealth management product. Shenzhen-based homebuilder Kaisa, which has guaranteed the wealth management product, said in a statement on Thursday it is facing unprecedented liquidity pressure due to a challenging property market and rating downgrades. Click here to read…

China: Daily Scan, November 3, 2021

Chinese vice premier stresses efforts to ensure energy supply: Xinhuanet
November 2 2021

Chinese Vice Premier Han Zheng on Tuesday stressed efforts to ensure the supply of energy this winter and next spring under the new concept for development. Han, also a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, made the remarks when chairing a symposium during an inspection trip to the State Grid Corporation of China. Click here to read…

Chinese premier urges efforts to foster, strengthen market entities: Xinhuanet
November 2 2021

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has underlined the importance of work to foster and strengthen market entities to stimulate market vitality and social creativity. Li, also a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, made the remarks while chairing a symposium during an inspection trip to the State Administration for Market Regulation on Monday. Click here to read…

China bans private contact between judges and lawyers to uphold judicial integrity: Xinhuanet
November 2 2021

Private contact has been banned between judges and lawyers, and between prosecutors and lawyers, according to newly introduced Chinese regulations aimed at better safeguarding judicial integrity and justice. Click here to read…

China steps up development of subsidized rental housing: Xinhuanet
November 2 2021

China has accelerated the development of government-subsidized rental housing as part of the country’s efforts to better meet people’s housing needs. In the first nine months, 40 cities across the country have started the construction of 720,000 government-subsidized apartment units, accounting for 76.9 percent of their full-year target of 936,000 units, showed data from the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development. Click here to read…

Senior CPC official calls for imbibing revolutionary history to advance national rejuvenation: People’s Daily
November 3 2021

Wang Huning, senior official of the Communist Party of China (CPC), on Tuesday emphasized learning from the country’s revolutionary history and pushing forward the great cause of national rejuvenation. Wang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and a member of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee, made the remarks in Beijing while attending a symposium marking the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Soviet Republic and the central revolutionary base. Click here to read…

Hacking from India rose in past 2 years, targeted China’s medical industry using forged physical examination forms at the beginning of epidemic: Global Times
November 2 2021

Hackers from India have been caught actively launching cyberattacks targeting China’s multiple sectors as well as individuals in the past two years during the epidemic, and their attacks are largely on the rise in the first half of 2021, the Global Times learnt from an exclusive interview with Chinese tech giant 360 Security Technology on Tuesday. Click here to read…

China rolls out largest integrally formed propellant tank bottom of new launch vehicle: Global Times
November 3 2021

China rolled out the largest integrally formed propellant tank bottom of the new launch vehicle in the country, which was built using new spinning technology developed by the Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (SAST) with a diameter of 3.8 meters, The Paper published on Tuesday. The entire length of the tank is 21 meters, which is one of the longest units to launch vehicles in China, according to the report. Click here to read…

Beijing stock market publishes draft rules for trading and membership management: Global Times
November 3 2021

The Beijing Stock Exchange published on Tuesday the draft rules for trading and management of its membership. This is one step closer to the opening of the third stock exchange in the A-share market just over two months after it was announced. The draft rules that add to the 31 specific rules that provide guidance for IPOs, fundraising and mergers and acquisitions, company regulations, securities trading, and membership management, among others will be effective on November 15, the Beijing stock said in a late-night statement on its website. Click here to read…

China considers new mix of tax, fee reductions for small, micro-sized businesses: Global Times
November 3 2021

China is mulling a new mix of tax and fee reductions to address hardships confronting small and micro-sized businesses and self-employed people, Premier Li Keqiang said during an inspection tour to the country’s top market regulator, the Securities Times reported Tuesday. Click here to read…

Chinese firm to build Tiansuan satellite constellation to support 6G development: Global Times
November 2 2021

Chinese private satellite company Spacety and Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT) have inked a deal to jointly launch a series of satellites to build an open-source platform that could support the development of 6G network, satellite internet and other technologies. The project, the Tiansuan Constellation, is a satellite constellation targeting computing software and algorithms. Combining computing software – the core network systems of 5G and 6G, as well as artificial intelligence (AI) – with satellites has become a popular scientific research topic, Fu Yunhao, an employee from Spacety told the Global Times on Tuesday. Click here to read…

Shenzhen relaxes rules for developers buying land, backing away from the cap that sent real estate auctions into a tailspin: South China Morning Post
November 3 2021

Shenzhen has relaxed the conditions for taking part in land sales, one of the first among China’s local authorities to backtrack from the draconian measures that have sent the entire country’s real estate industry into a tailspin. According to the new rules laid out by the Planning and Natural Resources Bureau of China’s technology metropolis, more than one developer will be allowed to bid for land at the same price, where the competition will be based on how many homes they can build under the “affordable” price category. The bureau put 11 plots on the market last week, the third land sale this year. Click here to read…

China to strengthen personal data protection in fintech sector: Reuters
November 3 2021

China will strengthen personal protections in the financial technology sector to curb unauthorised data collection and abuses, the country’s central bank chief said on Wednesday. Beijing will improve the legal frameworks in the sector and countries should jointly set standards for personal data protection, People’s Bank of China Governor Yi Gang said via video at the Hong Kong Fintech week. Click here to read…

China’s COVID-19 cases spike ahead of Communist Party conclave: Reuters
November 3 2021

China’s new locally transmitted COVID-19 cases spiked to a near three-month high and tighter curbs to contain the spread are expected in the capital Beijing ahead of a key gathering of the highest-ranking members of the Communist Party next week.The National Health Commission confirmed on Wednesday 93 new local symptomatic cases for Nov. 2, up from 54 a day earlier and the highest daily count since Aug. 9 at the peak of China’s last major outbreak. Click here to read…

China: Daily Scan, November 2, 2021

Zheng Shanjie elected as Party chief of Anhui: Xinhuanet
November 1, 2021

Zheng Shanjie was elected secretary of Anhui Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) on Monday. Zheng was elected to the post at the first plenary session of the 11th CPC Anhui Provincial Committee. Click here to read…

China’s personal information law comes into effect: Xinhuanet
November 1, 2021

China’s law on personal information protection came into effect on Monday. The law, adopted at the 30th session of the 13th National People’s Congress Standing Committee in August, has detailed provisions to strengthen the protection of personal information, especially that of online platform users. Click here to read…

Xi calls for stronger actions to jointly tackle climate challenge: Xinhuanet
November 1, 2021

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Monday called on all parties to take stronger actions to jointly tackle the climate challenge. Xi made the remarks in a written statement for the World Leaders Summit at the 26th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP26) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which is being held in Glasgow from Monday to Tuesday. Click here to read…

China’s tight coal supply easing, prices stabilizing, says NDRC: Xinhuanet
November 1, 2021

China has seen significant improvement in its coal supply as production has significantly expanded and prices have stabilized, according to the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC). Since mid-October, the country’s average daily coal production has been above 11.5 million tonnes, with the highest figure in recent years reaching 11.72 million tonnes, the NDRC said. Click here to read…

China’s former provincial legislator prosecuted: Xinhuanet
November 1, 2021

A public prosecution has been initiated against Zhang Xinqi, a former senior legislator of east China’s Shandong Province, over suspected bribery. The Nanjing Municipal People’s Procuratorate recently filed the lawsuit with the Intermediate People’s Court of Nanjing, an official statement said Monday. Click here to read…

Xi signs order to promulgate regulations on military equipment procurement: China Military
November 2, 2021

Xi Jinping, chairman of the Central Military Commission, has signed an order to promulgate a set of regulations on military equipment procurement. Focusing on war preparedness and combat capabilities, the regulations are the basic rules governing military equipment procurement. The regulations, comprising 42 articles in eight chapters, took effect on Nov 1, 2021. Click here to read…

China busts cyberattacks from India targeted at China’s defense and military departments: People’s Daily
November 2, 2021

A number of cyberattacks targeting China and countries in the South Asian Subcontinent have been busted this year with hackers from India behind the attempts to launch attacks on China’s defense and military units as well as state-owned enterprises, Antiy Labs, the country’s leading anti-virus company, announced on Monday. Click here to read…

PLA sent nearly 200 aircraft near Taiwan in record month: Global Times
November 1, 2021

The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) reportedly sent nearly 200 aircraft to the aerial area near the island of Taiwan for exercises in October, in a move that experts said on Monday has deterred Taiwan secessionist provocations and foreign interference attempts. During the drills, the PLA broke the record on several occasions and dispatched attack and transport helicopters for the first time. Click here to read…

NGO with overseas backing punished for deploying monitoring network covering East, South China Sea, with 22 sites close to Chinese navy: Global Times
November 1, 2021

A non-profit organization sets up marine debris surveillance spots basically covering China’s coastal linesAfter an individual attended a non-profit conference on the oceans and learned that the organization set up marine debris surveillance spots in China’s coastal cities to gather the information of the oceans, the person reported this situation to state security authorities in June 2019. The person in charge in the organization claimed that all the monitoring data was for government collection and use, and asked every surveillance location to report data through internet every two months at the excuse of certain state-affiliated departments requiring such data. Click here to read…

China’s first securities arbitration center launched in Shenzhen: Global Times
November 2, 2021

China’s first securities arbitration center, a joint initiative between the Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, was launched on Monday in Shenzhen. The center is part of the country’s pioneering reforms with the first arbitration organization in the world that has been jointly established between an arbitration organ and a stock market. Click here to read…

PRC targets binge eating and wasting food in crackdown: Taipei Times

November 2, 2021

In its latest campaign to rein in excesses across all aspects of society, China is now targeting overindulgence of food. Beijing yesterday released an action plan that tells diners not to order more than they need and encourages consumers to report restaurants for wasting food. It also advocates buffets for official receptions rather than banquets, while banning companies from hosting lavish feasts “in the name of meetings and trainings.” Click here to read…

Chinese satellite hints at space warfare prowess by dodging US surveillance: South China Morning Post

November 2, 2021

A Chinese satellite has used a manoeuvre to avoid being followed by a spying US satellite, hinting at its capability in potential space warfare. But some defence analysts said the scenario was not new and the incident should not be seen as escalating the rivalry between China and the United States in space. “It is not difficult to monitor satellites,” said Chinese military commentator Song Zhongping. “The US, Russia and China are all able to monitor each other’s satellites in orbit. But the US will certainly plan its space infrastructure through monitoring the satellites of China and Russia.” Such monitoring and manoeuvring was not necessarily for a military purpose, he said. Click here to read…

Chinese state-owned think tank flags national security risks of metaverse, citing potential political and social problems: South China Morning Post

November 1, 2021

A state-run think tank in China has warned of national security risks involved with the metaverse, as both Big Tech companies and start-ups join the gold rush in trying to make this concept of a shared virtual reality space a viable business model.
While the metaverse is still in its early stage of development, its “technological characteristics” and “development patterns” show that it has potential national security significance, according to a research note published on Saturday by the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relation, which is affiliated with China’s Ministry of State Security. Click here to read…

VIF News Digest: National Security – Defence Studies & Terrorism, 16-31 October 2021


  • Exercise Yudh Abhyas 21.
  • Inaugural India – UK Maritime Dialogue.
  • Indian Army at Cambrian Patrol Exercise.
  • UK Joint Tri-Service exercise Ex KONKAN SHAKTI.
  • Admiral Sir Tony Radakin, Chief of Naval Staff, Royal Navy on a visit to India from.
  • Ambassadors’ Round Table for Def Expo 2022.
  • Chief of Naval Staff, Bangladesh Navy visit to India.
  • Indo-Pacific Regional Dialogue (IPRD).
  • Agni-5, successfully launched.
  • Test of indigenously developed Long-Range Bomb (LRB) successful.
  • India-Israel Joint Working Group (JWG) meeting on bilateral defence cooperation.
  • Meeting of the India-Nepal Bilateral Consultative Group on Security Issues.


West Asia
  • Iraq: Islamic State terrorists killed at least 11 people in an attack in Diyala province.
  • Army killed four al-Shabaab terrorists in Bakool region.
  • IS-KP could be able to attack US in six months, claimed Pentagon official.


Jammu and Kashmir
  • NIA arrested 12 OGWs in ‘J&K terrorism conspiracy’ case.
  • Security forces killed four LeT terrorists in Shopian and Kulgam districts.
  • NIA searched seven districts of J&K in ‘JeI terror funding’ case.
  • NIA Special Court sentenced four HM terrorists in ‘JAKART case’.
Left-Wing Extremism
  • STF killed a Maoist in Bihar.
  • Police eliminated three Maoists in Telangana.
  • NIA conducted searches at four locations in Bihar in ‘Arms Recovery’ case.
Islamic Extremism
  • NIA filed supplementary chargesheet against an al-Qa’ida terrorist in AQIS module case.
  • NIA court convicted 9 SIMI terrorists in Patna Serial Blast cases.
  • NIA filed a charge sheet against IS terrorist in ‘ISIS Delhi Amroha module’ case.
  • NIA officials arrested an IS terrorist from IGI Airport in Delhi.


  • Indian Army & Amity University to jointly set up a CoE in Engineering, Innovation, and Technology.


Exercise Yudh Abhyas 21.

The 17th Edition of Indo – US joint training exercise “EX YUDH ABHYAS 21” commenced at Joint Base Elmendorf Richardson, Alaska (USA) on 15 October 2021 with an opening ceremony that saw the unfurling of the National Flags of both countries amidst playing of the National anthems, “Jana Gana Mana” and “The Star Spangled Banner”. 300 US Army soldiers belonging to First Squadron (Airborne) of the 40th Cavalry Regiment and 350 soldiers of 7 MADRAS Infantry Battalion Group of Indian Army are participating in the exercise. The 14 days training schedule includes activities on joint training in a Counter Insurgency / Counter Terrorism environment under United Nations mandate. Click here to read…

Inaugural India – UK Maritime Dialogue

India and UK held their inaugural maritime dialogue in a virtual format on 18 October 2021, as agreed in the India-UK Roadmap 2030 for future relations adopted at the Virtual Summit between the two Prime Ministers in May 2021. The consultations, which were led by the two Foreign Ministries, involved exchanges on cooperation in the maritime domain, Indo-Pacific and regional/ multilateral cooperation. Click here to read…

Indian Army at Cambrian Patrol Exercise

A team from 4/5 Gorkha Rifles (Frontier Force) which represented the Indian Army at the prestigious Cambrian Patrol Exercise at Brecon, Wales, UK from 13th to 15th October 2021 has been awarded Gold medal. Ex Cambrian Patrol organised by the UK Army is considered the ultimate test of human endurance, team spirit and is sometimes referred as the Olympics of Military Patrolling among militaries in the world. The Indian Army team participated in the event and competed against a total of 96 teams which included 17 international teams representing Special Forces and prestigious Regiments from around the world. Click here to read…

UK Joint Tri-Service exercise Konkan Shakti.

The maiden India – UK Joint Tri-Service exercise Ex KONKAN SHAKTI is scheduled in India from 21 – 27 Oct 21. The maritime component of the exercise, to be conducted off the west coast of India, is scheduled to be held in two phases. The harbour phase is planned at Mumbai from 21 – 23 Oct 21, while at sea, the exercises will be conducted from 24 – 27 Oct 21. The naval linkages between India and the United Kingdom is one of antiquity and, over a period, it has grown substantially in terms of interoperability and synergy. The exercise will also see participation by IAF aircraft that include Jaguars, SU-30 MKI fighters, AWACS, AEW&C and Flight Refuelling Aircraft. The land phase of the exercise is being conducted between Indian Army and UK Army at Chaubatia Click here to read…

Admiral Sir Tony Radakin, Chief of Naval Staff, Royal Navy on a visit to India from.

Admiral Sir Tony Radakin, Chief of Naval Staff, Royal Navy is on a three day official visit to India from 22-24 Oct 21. Adm Radakin interacted with Adm Karambir Singh, Chief of the Naval Staff on 22 Oct 21. Amongst other naval bilateral cooperation issues, the Chiefs emphasised on collaborative mechanisms towards ensuring peace and security in the region. He is also scheduled to visit Indian Navy’s Western Naval Command (at Mumbai) wherein he would interact with VAdm R Hari Kumar, Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Western Naval Command. Adm Radakin would also embark HMS Queen Elizabeth, Flagship of UK CSG 21. Click here to read…

Ambassadors’ Round Table for Def Expo 2022

In a major outreach to the friendly foreign countries as also to the defence manufacturing industries of the world, Raksha Mantri Shri Rajnath Singh chaired the Ambassadors’ Round Table for Def Expo 2022, in New Delhi on October 25, 2021. The Round Table was aimed to brief the Ambassadors of foreign missions about the planning, arrangements and other details of Def Expo 2022, which will be held in Gandhinagar, Gujarat between March 10 and 13, 2022. More than 200 delegates, including Ambassadors, Heads of Missions and Defence Attaches attended the Round Table, reflecting the growing global interest in the Indian Defence space. Click here to read…

Chief of Naval Staff, Bangladesh Navy visit to India

Chief of Naval Staff, Bangladesh Navy, is on an official visit to India, from 23 – 29 Oct 21. At New Delhi, Admiral Shaheen Iqbal will interact with the Chief of Naval Staff, in addition to the Chief of Defence Staff and other high ranking Gol officials. During the bilateral interactions, issues relating to joint cooperative efforts like Coordinated Patrol along International Maritime Boundary Line, bilateral exercise BONGOSAGAR, conduct of naval training and reciprocal visits of delegations would be discussed. Click here to read…

Indo-Pacific Regional Dialogue (IPRD).

First conducted in 2018, the Indo-Pacific Regional Dialogue (IPRD) is the apex international annual conference of the Indian Navy. The aim of each successive edition of the IPRD is to review both opportunities and challenges that arise within the Indo-Pacific. IPRD 2021 is being held as a three-day online event from 27to 29 October 2021. This year’s IPRD will focus on eight specific sub-themes under the broad theme of “Evolution in Maritime Strategy during the 21st Century: Imperatives, Challenges, and, Way Ahead”. Click here to read…

Agni-5, successfully launched

A successful launch of the Surface to Surface Ballistic Missile, Agni-5, was carried out on October 27, 2021 at approximately 1950 hrs from APJ Abdul Kalam Island, Odisha. The missile, which uses a three-stage solid fuelled engine, is capable of striking targets at ranges up to 5,000 kilometres with a very high degree of accuracy. The successful test of Agni-5 is in line with India’s stated policy to have ‘credible minimum deterrence’ that underpins the commitment to ‘No First Use’. Click here to read…

Test of indigenously developed Long-Range Bomb (LRB) successful.

Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and Indian Air Force (IAF) team jointly flight tested indigenously developed Long-Range Bomb (LRB) successfully from an aerial platform on October 29, 2021. The LR Bomb, after release from the IAF fighter aircraft, guided to a land-based target at a long range with accuracy within specified limits. Click here to read…

India-Israel Joint Working Group (JWG) meeting on bilateral defence cooperation

India-Israel Joint Working Group (JWG) on Bilateral Defence Cooperation has agreed to form a Task Force to formulate a comprehensive Ten-Year Roadmap to identify new areas of cooperation. This was decided at the 15th JWG meeting held on October 27, 2021 in Tel Aviv, Israel. The meeting was co-chaired by Defence Secretary Dr Ajay Kumar and the Director General of the Israel’s Ministry of Defence, Maj Gen (Retd) Amir Eshel.

The JWG is the apex body between the Ministry of Defence of India and Israel’s Ministry of Defence to comprehensively review and guide all aspects of Bilateral Defence Cooperation.
The two sides reviewed the progress made in Military to Military engagements including exercises and industry cooperation. The Co-chairs were also appraised on the progress made by the Sub Working Groups (SWG) on Defence Procurement & Production and Research & Development. Click here to read…

Meeting of the India-Nepal Bilateral Consultative Group on Security Issues

The Fourteenth Meeting of the India-Nepal Bilateral Consultative Group on Security Issues (BCGSI) was held in Bengaluru on 28 October 2021. The delegations comprised officials from respective Ministries of Defence, Foreign Affairs, Home Affairs, Directorates of the Indian Army and the Nepal Army and from the National Disaster Management Authority.

Discussions covered issues relating to mutual security concerns, training and capacity building requirements of defence forces of Nepal, cooperation in disaster management, requirements of Nepal Army for various defence stores, exchange of experts/instructors, exchange of high level and functional level visits, joint expeditions and adventure sports activities and information sharing. Click here to read…


West Asia
Islamic State terrorists killed at least 11 people in an attack in Diyala province

On 26 October 2021, Islamic State (IS) terrorists attacked and killed at least 11 people in the predominantly Shiite village of al-Rashad in northeast of Baqouba in Diyala province in Iraq. According to officials, IS terrorists had kidnapped two villagers earlier and later raided the village when their demands for ransom were not met. Several other villagers were injured in the attack. Attacks on civilians have become a rare situation in Iraq since IS was largely defeated in 2017, but the group remained active through sleeper cells in many areas. Click here to read…

Army killed four al-Shabaab terrorists in Bakool region

On 20 October 2021, Somali National Army (SNA)’s 60th Division killed four al-Shabaab terrorists and injured several others in a gun-battle near the town of Wajid in Bakool region. “SNA carried out a counter-terrorism (CT) operation based on an input that al-Shabaab terrorists are punishing the local residents,” said Wajid’s District Commissioner—Mohamed Moallim Yusuf. Click here to read…

IS-KP could be able to attack US in six months, claimed Pentagon official

In an assessment, the United States’ Intelligence Community and Pentagon claimed that Islamic State in Afghanistan or Islamic State-Khurasan Province (IS-KP) in six months. On 26 October 2021, Colin Kahl— Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, informed that “Afghanistan could still pose serious National Security concern for the US even after it ended its two decade-old war in defeat in August 2021.”

In a testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC), Kahl said that “it was unclear if the Taliban has the ability to fight IS-KP effectively following the US withdrawal. Islamic State (IS-KP) could have the capability to attack the US in six months or has the intention to do so.” Click here to read…


Jammu and Kashmir
NIA arrested 12 OGWs in ‘J&K terrorism conspiracy’ case.

On 30 October 2021, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) officials arrested two Over-Ground Workers (OGWs)—Ishfaq Ahmed Wani, and Umar Bhat, in ‘Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) terrorism conspiracy’ case. The case is related to a conspiracy to carry-out terrorist activities in J&K, and other major cities in India, by Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM), Hizbul-Mujahideen (HM), Al-Badr, and affiliated groups, including The Resistance Front (TRF), and People Against Fascist Forces (PAFF).

Earlier, on 29 October 2021, NIA officials raided 08 locations in Srinagar, Sopore, and Baramulla districts, and arrested two OGWs— Amir Ahmad Gojri, and Saddat Amin. Till now, 23 OGWs/sympathisers have been arrested in this case.

In another search operation on 22 October 2021, NIA searched 10 locations in Srinagar, Kulgam, Shopian, Pulwama, Anantnag, and Baramulla districts in Jammu and Kashmir (J&K), and arrested eight OGWs— i) Adil Ahmad War, ii) Manan Gulzar, iii) Hilal Ahmad Dar, iv) Sobhia, v) Rouf Bhatt, vi) Shaqib Bashir, vii) Zamin Adil, and viii) Haris Nisar Langoo. All OGWs have been instrumental in providing logistical and material support to terrorists. Click here to read…

Security forces killed four LeT terrorists in Shopian and Kulgam districts

In two separate counter-terrorism (CT) operations on 20 October 2021, security forces eliminated four Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) terrorists, including two commanders, in Shopian and Kulgam districts of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K). Earlier in the day, security forces acted upon an input and carried out Cordon and Search Operation (CASO) in Dragad area of Shopian district.

The CASO turned into gun-battle after terrorists opened fire on the security forces personnel. In other joint operation on the same day, security forces eliminated two terrorists, including a LeT district commander—Gulzar Ahmad Reshi, in Kulgam district. Reshi was involved in recent killings of labourers from Bihar at Wanpoh. Click here to read…

NIA searched seven districts of J&K in ‘JeI terror funding’ case

On 27 October 2021, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) searched 17 locations in seven districts—Anantnag, Kulgam, Ganderbal, Bandipora, Budgam, Kishtwar, and Jammu, in Jammu and Kashmir (J&K), in connection with Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI) terror funding case.

The case was registered in February 2021, in connection with separatist activities of JeI, where the JeI operatives have been collecting funds domestically and abroad in furtherance to be used for terrorist activities. Click here to read…

NIA Special Court sentenced four HM terrorists in ‘JAKART case’

In ‘JAKART’ case, on 25 October 2021, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) Special Court (Delhi) sentenced four Hizbul-Mujahideen (HM) terrorists— i) Mohammad Shafi Shah aka Doctor aka Dawood aka Nisar (12 years Rigorous Imprisonment [RI] and fine ₹ 15,000), ii) Talib Ali aka Waseem aka Abu Umer (10 years RI and fine ₹ 10,000), iii) Muzaffar Ahmad Dar aka Gaznavi aka Mohammad Ali (12 years RI and fine ₹ 15,000), and iv) Mushtaq Ahmad Lone aka Mushtaq Aalam (10 years RI and fine ₹ 10,000).

The case was registered in 2011 against Mohammad Yusuf Shah, and other HM terrorists for carrying out terrorist activities in India and constantly receiving funds from Pakistan. Through Jammu and Kashmir Affecters Relief Trust (JAKART)—an NGO and frontal organisation of HM, funds were provided to active terrorists and families of slain terrorists of HM in Jammu and Kashmir (J&K). Click here to read…

Left-Wing Extremism
STF killed a Maoist in Bihar

On 23 October 2021, the Special Task Force (STF) eliminated a Maoist—Pramod Koda, in a gun-battle in Lathia Pahari in Lakhisaari district in Bihar. “Lakhisaari police launched a search and rescue operation based on an input that some Maoists were hiding in the forest area of Bhagatpur after abducting son of a Public Distribution System (PDS) dealer. The STF team encountered Maoists followed by the exchange of fire, in which a Maoist was killed, and rest of the Maoists managed to escape into the forest,” said Additional Director-General of Police (ADGP)- Operation— Sushil M Khopde. An AK-47 rifle was recovered along with the body of slain Maoist. Click here to read…

Police eliminated three Maoists in Telangana

In an exchange of fire with the Maoists, district police, along with ‘Greyhounds’ (elite anti-Maoist special police force) eliminated three Maoists at Venkatapur village in Mulugu district bordering Chhattisgarh. Post-operation, “police recovered multiple arms and ammunition, including a SLR (Self-Loading Rifle), an AK-47 rifle, a machine gun, gadgets, and explosive materials,” said Mulugu Superintendent of Police (SP) G Sangram Singh Patil. Click here to read…

NIA conducted searches at four locations in Bihar in ‘Arms Recovery’ case.

On 28 October 2021, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) searched four locations in Danapur and Chainpur in Patna district, in connection with ‘Arms and Ammunition Recovery’ case in which a Maoist— Parshu Ram Singh had linkages with top Maoist leaders and was providing hand grenades, explosives, and other arms and ammunition for furtherance of terrorist activities in Bihar, Jharkhand, and other States. Click here to read…

Islamic Extremism
NIA filed supplementary charge-sheet against an al-Qa’ida terrorist in AQIS module case


On 29 October 2021, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) filed a supplementary charge-sheet in the NIA Special Court, Delhi against an al-Qa’ida terrorist— Abu Sufiyan, under Sections 4 & 5 of the Explosives Substance Act, 1908. Earlier, the Charge-sheet was filed against 11 al-Qa’ida terrorists, including Abu Sufiyan, under various Sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act [UA(P)A], and the Arms Act on 26 February 2021. Click here to read…

NIA court convicted 9 SIMI terrorists in Patna Serial Blast cases

On 27 October 2021, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) Special Court (Patna) convicted nine terrorists of Students’ Islamic Movement of India (SIMI), in Patna Serial Bomb blast cases. The nine convicted SIMI terrorists are— i) Imtiaz Ansari, ii) Haider Ali, iii) Numan Ansari, iv) Mujibullah Ansari, v) Umer Siddique, vi) Azharuddin Qureshi, vii) Ahmad Hussain, viii) Mohammad Firoz Aslam, and ix) Mohammad Ifteqaar Alam.

The cases ‘RC-10&11/2013/NIA-DLI and RC-12/2013/NIA-DLI’ related to a series of bomb blasts which took place at Patna Railway Junction and Gandhi Maidaan on 27 October 2013. Click here to read…

NIA filed a charge-sheet against IS terrorist in ‘ISIS Delhi Amroha module’ case.

On 26 October 2021, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) filed a charge-sheet in the Special NIA Court (Patiala House, Delhi) against an Islamic State (IS) terrorist— Mohammad Shahzad Kamal, under Section 121 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and Sections 17, 18, 39, and 40 of the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act [UA(P)A].
The case was registered in 2018 against Mohammad Mufti Suhail and other operatives of Harkatul-Harb-e-Islam (HuHeI) — an Islamist organisation affiliated with IS. Click here to read…

NIA officials arrested an IS terrorist from IGI Airport in Delhi

On 23 October 2021, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) officials arrested Muhammad Tauqir Mahmood (33 years-old) upon his arrival at the Indira Gandhi International Airport (IGIA) in Delhi from Dammam in Saudi Arabia. Muhammad Tauqir was involved in sending few youths from Bengaluru to Syria to join Islamic State (IS) during 2013-2014. As a dentist by profession, Tauqir was resident in Saudi Arabia in recent years.

Further investigation has revealed that Tauqir, in association with other IS operatives, had raised funds, radicalised, and recruited Muslim youth of a ‘Quran Circle Group’ and allegedly sent them to Syria. Click here to read…


Indian Army & Amity University to jointly set up a CoE in Engineering, Innovation, and Technology

The Army Training Command (ARTRAC) of Indian Army and the Amity University (Uttar Pradesh) inked the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to jointly set up a Centre of Excellence (CoE) for studies in Engineering, Innovation, and Technology, at the premises of the Amity University in Noida, Uttar Pradesh. The CoE will focus on emerging areas of science and technology, including Information Warfare (IW), Wireless Communication, Robotics and Automation, Tracking and Surveillance, Supply Chain Management, and many other research areas in the larger domain of defence technology and management. Click here to read…

Africa Now – Weekly Newsletter (Week 44, 2021)

Welcome to Africa Now, your weekly newsletter for Africa, presenting the most important developments in the continent – news that matters.


GERD and Instability in Horn of Africa

The Nile is a well-known and long river, though relatively modest in terms of volume. Over the years, the downstream riparians (Egypt and Sudan) have consolidated their control over water resources. Egypt is the most powerful state in the basin; and it has achieved a substantial degree of hydraulic, legal and political control over the Nile waters. In line with a 1959 settlement, Egypt receives 55.5 billion cubic meters of water from the Nile annually, whereas Sudan can draw 18.5 billion cubic meters. Ethiopia receives no water from the Nile. In 2011, when Egypt was within the throes of the Arab Spring protests, Ethiopia decided to start building Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), previously known as Millennium Dam. Since, Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia have been involved in a bitter dispute over the GERD. Despite several attempts by African Union, none of the countries are ready to budge and they are prepared to go to war, if needed. As the tensions among the three disputants continue to rise, adding to irritants in relations such as the Ethiopia-Sudan border dispute and other sources of regional instability, such as the Tigray civil war, the issue becomes very important for India for many reasons. In Egypt Indian investment surpasses 3 billion USD with more than 450 private companies actively working. Similarly In Ethiopia, Indian investment surpasses 5 billion USD and India is probably 2nd biggest investor for Ethiopia, just after China (don’t have the data since covid started). There are lots of LOCs too, particularly for Ethiopia. The highest number of academic recruitments in Africa from India, also takes place in Ethiopia.


US condemns Sudan coup, suspends $700 million financial aid

The US is withholding $700 million in emergency financing for Sudan in reaction to the continuing military coup attempt in the nation. Click here to read…

Mali expels ECOWAS envoy from the country

ECOWAS, West Africa’s main political and economic bloc, has been pressing Mali to respect its commitment to hold elections. Click here to read…

Libya’s Chaos Is a Warning to the World

Ten years after Qaddafi’s death, Libya is a harbinger of the enduring global disorder to come. Click here to read…

Egypt says prepared for possible collapse of GERD

Egyptian Minister of Irrigation and Water Resources Mohamed Abdel-Aty said Tuesday that Egypt has preventive measures to protect it in the event that the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) collapses. Click here to read…

Renewed clashes dim hopes of a credible election in Somalia

Several days of fighting between government troops and militia have heightened political uncertainty over the long-overdue national polls. In addition, there is still no agreement on the electoral procedure. Click here to read…

Algerian gas to Spain will bypass Morocco

Algeria will from now on deliver its natural gas to Spain exclusively through an undersea pipeline, after Algiers abandoned use of a line through Morocco. Click here to read…

Whither political Islam in Tunisia?

The future of Ennahda will depend not on its ideology, but its organisational transformation, political choices, and the political system’s new arrangements. Click here to read…

Nigeria becomes first African nation to roll out digital currency

Nigeria’s central bank earlier in February outlawed banks and financial institutions from transacting or operating in cryptocurrencies, saying they posed a threat to the financial system. Click here to read…

Chinese teaching in Zambia taken to higher level

The making of the Chinese language as one of the examinable subjects in Zambia was a clear indication that the teaching of the language has been taken to another levelClick here to read…

In Israel, Congolese president says seeking ‘closer security, agriculture ties’

During visit at President’s Residence, Herzog promises to ensure that Israel reopens embassy in KinshasaClick here to read…

A Rasta president for The Gambia?

The Gambia is going to the polls in December, to vote their new president. And among those who wants to be president is independent candidate, Rastaman Bankole Yao Jojo Ahadzie, aka Banky. It is the first presidential election since the departure of Yahya Jammeh, who ruled for 22 years. Click here to read…


2-day ‘Haryana-Africa Conclave’ aims to boost trade

To further strengthen diplomatic connections and bilateral relations, ambassadors, senior embassy officials from 12 African nations, ministers and bureaucrats from Haryana came together for a two-day ‘Haryana-Africa Conclave, Series-1’. Click here to read…

India In UNSC: Will Continue to Support Sudan, South Sudan in Peace and Development

India will continue to support Sudan and South Sudan in countries’ progress towards peace and development, said Counsellor in India’s Permanent Mission to UN. Click here to read…

MoS Muraleedharan meets first VP of South Sudan, discusses trade, investment ties

Union Minister of State for External Affairs (MOS) V Muraleedharan has met First Vice President of South Sudan, Dr Riek Machar Teny Dhurgon and discussed trade and investment ties between the two countries. Click here to read…

India’s outreach to tiny Togo is part of a bigger plan in Africa

It was only in September last year that India opened its consulate in Lome, the capital city of Togo, one of the smallest countries in Africa that borders Ghana, Benin and Burkina Faso. Click here to read…

Indian ambassador hails Egypt’s decision to lift state of emergency

Ambassador of India to Egypt, Ajit Gupte told Daily News Egypt that President’s Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi decision to lift the nationwide state of emergency is a very positive step. Click here to read…

An Indian teacher building bridges in Ethiopia

During the imperial times in Ethiopia under His Majesty Haile Selassie, there were tens of thousands of school teachers from India, mostly from the Indian state of Kerala, who taught in schools all over Ethiopia. Click here to read…

China: Daily Scan, November 1, 2021

Regional broadcasters cautioned over excessive entertainment: Xinhuanet
October 29, 2021

Four regional broadcasters were summoned for an inquiry on Friday for airing excessive entertainment programs in their satellite TV services. The broadcasters under question are the regional radio and TV stations of Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Hunan. During the inquiry, the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the National Radio and Television Administration did acknowledge the contribution of the four regional broadcasters in promoting mainstream values and spreading positive energy in recent years. Click here to read…

State Council appoints, removes officials: Xinhuanet
October 29, 2021

The State Council, China’s cabinet, announced the appointment and removal of officials on Friday. Deng Xiaogang was appointed vice minister of agriculture and rural affairs, the State Council said in a statement. Zhao Junning was appointed deputy head of the National Medical Products Administration. Wu Kongming was named president of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Click here to read…

Senior CPC official urges enhanced supervision, education for political, legal workers: Xinhuanet
October 30, 2021

A senior official of the Communist Party of China (CPC) on Friday urged enhanced supervision and education for political and legal workers, and more effective rectification of wrongdoings found in the process. Click here to read…

China’s personal information law comes into effect: Xinhuanet
November 1, 2021

China’s law on personal information protection came into effect on Monday.The law, adopted at the 30th session of the 13th National People’s Congress Standing Committee in August, has detailed provisions to strengthen the protection of personal information, especially that of online platform users. Click here to read…

Xi urges concrete actions to address climate change, energy issues: China Military
November 1, 2021

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Sunday called on the international community to take concrete actions to address climate change and energy issues. Xi made the remarks while addressing the 16th G20 Leaders’ Summit via video link in Beijing. Climate change and energy issues are today’s prominent global challenges, which concern the common interests of the international community and the future of the Earth, Xi said. Click here to read…

Report finds only 13 percent of young consumers in China are not in debt: People’s Daily
November 01, 2021

A report on the consumption behavior of young people in China has found that the younger generation of Chinese consumers, primarily people aged between 18 and 32 years old, has jumped forcefully onto the consumption wagon. By the end of 2021, consumers under the age of 35 are expected to contribute 65 percent to the overall consumption growth in China. Buying now and paying later has become a way of life for young consumers, according to a report jointly released by Bank of China Consumer Finance and Datagoo, a data platform under Time Media Group, based in Guangzhou. Click here to read…

China’s first hydrogen fuel cell hybrid locomotive starts trial run: People’s Daily
October 29, 2021

The first China-developed hydrogen fuel cell hybrid locomotive started a trial run on Friday on a railway line for coal transport in north China’s Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. The hydrogen energy locomotive project was jointly launched by the Inner Mongolia subsidiary of the State Power Investment Corporation Limited (SPIC), CRRC Datong Co., Ltd., and the Hydrogen Energy Co., Ltd. of SPIC. Click here to read…

PLA plateau troops get portable individual oxygen supply devices for soldiers: Global Times
October 31, 2021

The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has been commissioning individual portable oxygen supply devices for soldiers in a move to ensure the troops’ top combat capabilities in high-altitude plateau regions. Since last year, the Logistics Support Department of the Central Military Commission (CMC) started to provide PLA plateau troops with individual oxygen supply devices, including portable oxygen cylinders, portable oxygen generators and solid oxygen plants, the PLA Daily reported on Sunday. Click here to read…

Maiden flight of China’s carrier-based stealth fighter spotted, ‘aircraft to rival F-35’: Global Times
October 31, 2021

China’s next-generation aircraft carrier-based fighter jet made its long-expected maiden flight recently, foreign media outlets reported, with unverified photos of the prototype warplane in the sky circulating on social media platforms. If true, this would mean a tremendous step for China’s aircraft carrier program, observers said. Click here to read…

China applies to join DEPA in boost for global digital trade: Global Times
October 31, 2021

China has applied to join the Digital Economy Partnership Agreement (DEPA), an international agreement that establishes approaches and collaboration in digital trade issues, a move that experts say could help Chinese digital companies tap overseas markets more easily as they face increasing crackdowns from certain countries, particularly the US, by seeking to establish a globally recognized cooperative mechanism for cross-border digital trade. Click here to read…

Beijing names and shames costly local government projects in bid to curb debt: South China Morning Post
October 29, 2021

Beijing has named and shamed eight local government projects in four western provinces as part of its push to rein in mounting local government debt and excessive borrowing in the property sector. The State Council, the country’s cabinet, rebuked local officials over their loose debt policies and told them to “strictly follow fiscal discipline”. It also warned it would step up scrutiny of local government infrastructure spending and projects. Click here to read…

China’s falling factory activity a sign of economic woes ahead: Reuters
November 1, 2021

China’s factory activity contracted more than expected in October to shrink for a second month, hurt by persistently high raw material prices and softer domestic demand, pointing to more economic disquiet in the final quarter of 2021. The official manufacturing Purchasing Manager’s Index (PMI) was at 49.2 in October, down from 49.6 in September, data from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) showed on Sunday. Click here to read…

China: Daily Scan, October 29, 2021

Zhou Naixiang elected governor of China’s Shandong: Xinhuanet
October 28, 2021

Zhou Naixiang was elected governor of east China’s Shandong Province by the provincial legislature on Wednesday. The 13th Shandong Provincial People’s Congress elected the governor at its sixth session. Click here to read…

U.S. criticized for clandestine bio-military activities: Xinhuanet
October 28, 2021

A Chinese military spokesperson on Thursday urged the United States to handle the inquiry into its bio-military activities in an open, transparent and responsible manner as they are related to international peace and security. Tan Kefei, spokesperson for the Ministry of National Defense, made the remarks at a regular press conference in Beijing. Click here to read…

Chinese FM calls for stronger cooperation among neighboring countries of Afghanistan for lasting peace, stability: Xinhuanet
October 28, 2021

China stands ready to work with all neighboring countries of Afghanistan to strengthen coordination and cooperation on Afghanistan-related issues, so as to help achieve lasting peace and stability in the country, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi has said. In a video message to the Second Meeting of Foreign Ministers of The Neighboring Countries of Afghanistan on Wednesday, Wang noted that the first Foreign Ministers’ Meeting held in September was a creative move, as the participants officially launched the mechanism of coordination and cooperation among Afghanistan’s neighboring countries, and issued a joint statement covering a broad range of issues. Click here to read…

Former senior political advisor of Hainan given life sentence for bribery: Xinhuanet
October 28, 2021

A Chinese court on Thursday sentenced Wang Yong, a former senior political advisor of south China’s Hainan Province, to life in prison for bribery. Wang, former vice chairman of the Hainan Provincial Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, was convicted of taking bribes worth over 90.47 million yuan (14.14 million U.S. dollars) by the Guilin Intermediate People’s Court of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. Click here to read…

China releases plan to shield intellectual property rights: Xinhuanet
October 28, 2021

China’s State Council has released a plan on the protection and application of intellectual property rights (IPRs) during the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025). According to the plan, the country expects to see significant improvements in its IPR management capability by 2025. By then, IPRs will become a powerful booster for the country’s high-quality economic and social development, it added. Click here to read…

AUKUS, a hot topic at Beijing Xiangshan Forum Webinar 2021: China Military
October 28, 2021

The 5th session of Beijing Xiangshan Forum Webinar 2021 was held on the evening of October 26 around the topic of “Strategic Stability: Impasse and Way Out”, in which the establishment of the so-called trilateral security partnership, AUKUS, by the US, Britain and Australia and their nuclear submarine cooperation were heatedly discussed. Click here to read…

Beijing mandates COVID-19 booster shots in services sectors and for construction workers: Global Times
October 28, 2021

Beijing, the capital city, has vowed to promote booster shots of COVID-19 vaccines among construction workers and people in the services sector, such as chefs, purchasers, attendants, cleaners and security guards, and booster shots will be made mandatory for personnel in high-risk key positions. The capital city reported five new cases and two asymptomatic infections on Thursday, bringing the total number of local infections to 27. All these patients were under quarantine before they were confirmed as infected with COVID-19. Click here to read…

Wang Yi calls for coordinated action to expand economic exchanges with Afghanistan: Global Times
October 28, 2021

Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi has called on countries neighboring Afghanistan to take coordinated action to expand economic and trade exchanges with the country, stressing that more multilateral coordination and efforts are needed to help stabilize Afghanistan. Wang’s remarks were consistent with what he said in Tianjin and Doha. It is more comprehensive, which shows that China’s policies toward Afghanistan are clearer but experts said it doesn’t imply recognition of the Afghan Taliban government. Click here to read…

FBI director asks US businesses to work more closely with the agency to defeat Chinese espionage efforts: South China Morning Post
October 29, 2021

The head of the FBI urged US companies on Thursday to develop closer ties with it to counter a “multi-avenue” effort by Beijing to amass enough intellectual property to “become the world’s only superpower”. In a virtual address to the Economic Club of New York, Christopher Wray, the director of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation, encouraged its members to establish partnerships with the agency’s local offices – before breaches occur like the Microsoft Exchange email server hack discovered earlier this year. Click here to read…

China to build outpost for Tajikistan special forces near Afghan border: Reuters
October 28, 2021

China will finance the construction of an outpost for a special forces unit of Tajikistan’s police near the Tajik-Afghan border, the Central Asian nation’s parliament said on Thursday. The post will be located in Tajikistan’s eastern Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Province in the Pamir mountains, which border China’s Xinjiang province as well as the northeastern Afghan province of Badakhshan. Click here to read…

Huawei paid Democratic powerbroker Podesta $1 million to lobby –sources: Reuters
October 28, 2021

Chinese telecoms giant Huawei paid Democratic lobbyist Tony Podesta $1 million to lobby the Biden administration on its behalf, double what the lobbyist has revealed publicly, according to two people familiar with the matter. This month, the prominent Washington lobbyist disclosed a $500,000 payment from Huawei in a third-quarter lobbying report. But Podesta actually received $1 million total in separate installments in June and September, the people said, declining to be named since the information was not public. Click here to read…

China: Daily Scan, October 28, 2021

White paper lists China’s achievements in responding to climate change: Xinhuanet
October 27, 2021

Significant changes have taken place in China as the country responds to climate change, according to a white paper released Wednesday by the State Council Information Office.

China has coordinated economic development with pollution and emission reduction, pushed forward revolutions in energy production and consumption, driven low-carbon industrial transition, increased carbon sink capacity of ecosystems, and promoted green and low carbon lifestyles, said the white paper titled “Responding to Climate Change: China’s Policies and Actions.” Click here to read…

Chinese FM elaborates on China’s policy towards Afghanistan: Xinhuanet
October 27, 2021

Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Tuesday briefed the media on his contact with the delegation of the Afghan Taliban’s interim government before he left the Qatari capital of Doha. Wang noted that during his visit to Qatar, he had contact with Acting Deputy Prime Minister Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar and Acting Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi of the Afghan Taliban’s interim government, during which the Afghan side elaborated on the domestic and foreign policies pursued by the Afghan interim government. Click here to read…

China to defer tax payment for manufacturing SMEs: Xinhuanet
October 27, 2021

China will defer tax payment for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the manufacturing sector to ease the impact of rising costs, a State Council executive meeting decided on Wednesday. The decision would in effect defer around 200 billion yuan (31.32 billion U.S. dollars) of tax payment for manufacturing SMEs, the meeting said. Click here to read…

China to keep record of off-campus training institutions: Xinhuanet
October 27, 2021

China will soon have a comprehensive record of all off-campus training institutions in the country, the educational authority announced Wednesday. In a circular, the Ministry of Education has tasked all educational authorities in provincial-level regions with confirming the exact number of off-campus training institutions in their respective areas, and ensuring all of them are registered with the ministry’s online platform for after-school training management. Click here to read…

Hong Kong passes bill to vet movies over national security: Xinhuanet
October 27, 2021

The Legislative Council (LegCo) of China’s Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) on Wednesday approved a bill allowing authorities to revoke certificates of films that would be contrary to the interests of national security. The Film Censorship (Amendment) Bill 2021 was adopted in its third reading at the LegCo, giving the Chief Secretary for Administration of the HKSAR government power to direct authority to revoke the certificate of a film whose exhibition is believed to damage the interests of national security. Click here to read…

China to extend tax incentives for overseas investors: People’s Daily
October 28, 2021

China will extend the preferential tax policy for overseas investors investing in the mainland bond market, as part of its efforts to promote opening-up and attract foreign investment, the State Council’s executive meeting chaired by Premier Li Keqiang decided on Wednesday. Click here to read…

Experts seek ways for countries to enhance mutual trust, consensus: China Daily
October 28, 2021

Experts said the international community should enhance mutual trust and consensus to find new ways to jointly address global security challenges and safeguard world peace and stability. Over 50 scholars from more than 20 countries and international organizations participated in the 2021 Beijing Xiangshan Forum Webinar that concluded on Tuesday. The webinar was organized by the Beijing Xiangshan Forum Secretariat, which is sponsored by the China Association for Military Science and the China Institute for International Strategic Studies. Click here to read…

China’s employment situation better than expected in Q3, but challenges remain: Global Times
October 28, 2021

China’s employment situation in the third quarter was generally stable and better than expected, a spokesperson with the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security (MOHRSS) said on Wednesday, while more still needs to be done given the rising uncertainties of the international environment and the uneven recovery of the domestic economy. Click here to read…

PLA attack, transport helicopters spotted near Taiwan for 1st time, ‘provide more tactical options’: Global Times
October 27, 2021

Joining fighter jets and special mission aircraft, attack and transport helicopters of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) were spotted near the island of Taiwan in a drill for the first time on Tuesday, with military experts saying on Wednesday that choppers can provide more tactical options in landing operations, and this displayed the increased combat readiness of the PLA in the region. Click here to read…

2,918 Chinese entrepreneurs have net worth of over 2 billion yuan, says Hurun: Global Times
October 27, 2021

A total of 2,918 Chinese entrepreneurs who have a net worth exceeding 2 billion yuan are listed in the Hurun China Rich List 2021, and 520 of them belong to newcomers. Zhong Shanshan, 67, founder of beverage company Nongfu Spring, topped the list with a net worth of 390 billion yuan. The new-energy sector came under the spotlight in 2021 amid the country’s multiple efforts targeting peak carbon emissions and carbon neutrality, with eight of 10 fastest risers related to the sector. Zeng Yuqun, 53, chairman of CATL, an electric car battery provider, tripled his wealth to move to No.3 with 320 billion yuan. Click here to read…

U.S., Japan square off with China on maritime security amid tensions: Kyodo
October 28, 2021

The United States, China and Japan squared off over maritime security at a regional summit on Wednesday, with U.S. President Joe Biden and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida taking part in the online meeting for the first time since they took office. The virtual gathering of the East Asia Summit took place as tensions between the United States and China have been intensifying recently over several issues in the Asia-Pacific region, such as the South and East China seas and the Taiwan Strait. Click here to read…

US has troops stationed on Taiwan, island’s leader Tsai Ing-wen confirms for first time: South China Morning Post
October 28, 2021

Taiwanese president Tsai Ing-wen said she believes that the United States would help to defend the island in the event of an attack by China, amid confusion about the US administration’s position on military intervention. Speaking to CNN in an interview aired on Wednesday, Tsai also confirmed for the first time that US troops were stationed on the self-governing island, explaining that Taiwan had a “wide range of cooperation with the US aiming at increasing our defence capability”. Click here to read…

Vegetables pricier than pork worry Chinese consumers as costs swell: Reuters
October 27, 2021

Vegetable prices are surging in China after heavy rain swamped crops this month, fuelling concern over food prices at a time when consumers must brace for a hike in energy costs in the run-up to winter. Unusually heavy rains drenched northern swathes of China in September and early this month, flooding the top vegetable-growing province of Shandong. “All the vegetables are dead in the ground,” said Zhou Rui, a farmer who cultivates about 7 hectares (17 acres) in the Juancheng county of the province. Click here to read…

China: Daily Scan, October 26, 2021

China maps path to carbon peak, neutrality under new development philosophy: Xinhuanet
October 25, 2021

Chinese authorities on Sunday unveiled a guiding document on the country’s work to achieve carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals under the new development philosophy, laying out key specific targets and measures for the coming decades. By 2030, China’s carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions will peak, stabilize and then decline, and by 2060, China will be carbon neutral and have fully established a green, low-carbon and circular economy, it says, reiterating the country’s previous pledge. Click here to read….

China’s daily crude steel output hits 3-yr low: Xinhuanet
October 25, 2021

China’s average daily output of crude steel recorded a three-year low in September, according to the China Iron and Steel Association (CISA) Monday. The average daily output in September fell 21.2 percent year on year to 2.46 million tonnes, CISA vice chairperson Qu Xiuli said at a press conference. Click here to read….

Chinese scientists develop new quantum computer with 113 detected photons: Xinhuanet
October 26, 2021

Chinese scientists have established a quantum computer prototype named “Jiuzhang 2.0” with 113 detected photons, achieving major breakthroughs in quantum computational speedup. In the study, Gaussian boson sampling (GBS), a classical simulation algorithm, was used to provide a highly efficient way of demonstrating quantum computational speedup in solving some well-defined tasks. Click here to read….

Xi’s speech at the conference marking the 50th Anniversary of the Restoration Of the Lawful Seat of the People’s Republic of China in the United Nations: China Military
October 25, 2021

Fifty years ago today, the 26th Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted, with an overwhelming majority, Resolution 2758, and the decision was made to restore all rights of the People’s Republic of China in the United Nations and to recognize the representatives of the Government of the People’s Republic of China as the only legitimate representatives of China to the United Nations. It was a victory for the Chinese people and a victory for people of the world. Click here to read….

Beijing Xiangshan Forum webinar 2021 kicks off: China Military
October 25, 2021

The Beijing Xiangshan Forum webinar 2021 opened on the evening of October 25, which will last for two days. Themed on “Pursue Win-Win Cooperation, Advance Global Security Governance”, the webinar invited more than 50 experts from over 20 countries and international organizations to analyze the global security landscape and discuss the international hotspot issues together. Click here to read….

China’s State Council appoints, removes officials: People’s Daily
October 26, 2021

The State Council, China’s cabinet, announced the appointment and removal of officials on Monday. Deng Li was appointed as vice minister of foreign affairs; Hua Chunying as assistant foreign minister; Lu Yingchuan as vice minister of culture and tourism; Liu Guoyong as deputy director of the General Administration of Sport of China. Click here to read….

Over 2 million seek career as civil servant: China Daily
October 26, 2021

Record number of registrants sign up for annual exam, which will start on Nov 28. The number of people registering to sit for the 2022 national civil servant exam reached a record of more than 2 million, according to a private institution that offers training for the exam. Registration for next year’s test concluded at 6 pm on Sunday, with about 2.02 million signing up, 514,000 more than last year, said Offcn Education and Technology Co. Click here to read….

Baidu to foster 5 million talents to power AI growth: ChinaDaily
October 25, 2021

Chinese tech giant Baidu Inc will cultivate 5 million artificial intelligence talents in the next 5 years, aiming to create a well-rounded tech labor force and power AI growth, said Robin Li, co-founder and CEO. Li made the remarks at the Emerging Engineering International Forum 2021, hosted by his alma mater Peking University, on Saturday. Click here to read….

Chinese border troops in Xinjiang get new all-terrain vehicle for winter logistics support: Global Times
October 25, 2021

The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Xinjiang Military Command has received a new type of all-terrain vehicle, which is expected to ensure logistics support to plateau border defense troops as winter draws close and as China-India border tensions again risk rising after the latest military talks failed to reach an agreement due to unrealistic Indian demands. Click here to read….

Chinese securities regulator nominates new senior official: Global Times
October 26, 2021

Chinese securities regulator, the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC), has nominated a new senior official that “knows the market well” based on his experience for more than two decades. Wang Jianjun was appointed as a vice chairman of the CSRC, replacing Yan Qingmin, according to the appointment announced by the State Council, China’s cabinet, on Monday. Click here to read….

Chinese online education giant Koolearn to cut tutoring services for K-9 amid mounting pressure: Global Times
October 26, 2021

The Chinese online education conglomerate Koolearn Technology Holding Ltd (Koolearn) said that they will stop offering subject-based off-campus training services for students of K-9 or the compulsory education period in the Chinese mainland. This is the latest move of the company in its business transformation after the government introduced sweeping measures clamping down on China’s private education industry. Click here to read….

Former head of Chinese weapons giant to face corruption charges after formal arrest approved: South China Morning Post
October 25, 2021

The arrest of a former chairman of one of China’s largest weapons manufacturers on corruption charges was approved by China’s state prosecutor on Monday. In a statement, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate said it had decided to formally arrest Yin Jiaxu “on suspicion of accepting bribes and making illegal gains for relatives and friends in accordance with the law”. Yin had been the party secretary and chairman of China North Industries Group Corporation (Norinco) until his sudden retirement in 2018, three years ahead of his official retirement age of 65. Click here to read….

Xi’s not there? COP26 hopes dim on Chinese leader’s likely absence: Reuters
October 26, 2021

The leaders of most of the world’s biggest greenhouse gas emitters gather in Glasgow from Sunday, aiming to thrash out plans and funds to tilt the planet towards clean energy. But the man running the biggest of them all likely won’t be there. Chinese President Xi Jinping’s expected absence from the talks could indicate that the world’s biggest CO2 producer has already decided that it has no more concessions to offer at the U.N. COP26 climate summit in Scotland after three major pledges since last year, climate watchers said. Click here to read….

Global Developments and Analysis: Weekly Monitor, 18 October- 24 October


Fight terror risks in overseas projects with shared intelligence, Chinese ex-security official says

Countries should step up intelligence sharing to protect overseas investments, according to a former senior Chinese public security official, as Beijing faces greater risks to its belt and road projects. “In the face of challenges, countries need to establish a concept of mutual security,” Chen Zhimin, China’s vice-minister for public security until 2017, told a panel organised by the Beijing-backed Boao Forum in Changsha, Hunan province, on Oct 25. “[Nations should] agree to share intelligence, rules, education and experiences – including hi-tech and big data components – on security matters, in order to achieve a new model of global development,” said Chen, also a former vice-minister of internet regulators the Cyberspace Administration of China. He is currently a member of the country’s top advisory body. China’s latest five-year plan identified “protecting the rights and interests of Chinese overseas investments” as a key goal to ensure national “economic security”, acknowledging that there were increasing risks and uncertainties regarding the safety of China’s wide range of overseas projects under its Belt and Road Initiative. Click here to read…

G-7 trade ministers call for ridding supply chains of forced labour

Ministers from the Group of Seven advanced economies agreed Oct 22 to seek to eliminate forced labour from global supply chains, taking a stance seen as in line with Western criticism of China’s treatment of Uyghur Muslims. The joint statement from the G-7 trade meeting in London marks the first time the group has endorsed import restrictions and other trade policy tools to stop forced labour. The ministers voiced concern about states imposing forced labour on vulnerable groups. While not calling out China by name, the statement follows months of Western denunciation and sanctions imposed on Chinese officials over alleged human rights abuses in the Xinjiang region. The group also seeks to promote due diligence by companies in order to identify and prevent human rights violations within supply chains. In addition, the G-7 ministers adopted digital trade principles to guide members on promoting the free transfer of data across borders. Ministers shared concerns about multinationals being compelled to keep servers in countries they operate in and called for a ban on forced disclosures of source codes. Click here to read…

China’s SOEs beat hamstrung private sector in profits

China’s state-owned enterprises have pulled ahead of the private sector in profitability this year, as private businesses grapple with an array of challenges including regulatory crackdowns, cash crunches and soaring material costs. Big state industrial companies logged 1.77 trillion yuan ($275 billion) in total profits for the first eight months of 2021, up 87% on the year, compared with a 34% rise to 1.64 trillion yuan for their private counterparts, government data shows. The category covers enterprises in manufacturing, mining and similar industries with more than 20 million yuan in annual revenue from their main operations. If this continues, the state sector could beat the private sector in full-year profits for the first time since the global financial crisis of 2008. The trend has raised alarms about the repercussions of President Xi Jinping’s emphasis on strengthening state enterprises, dubbed guojin min tui — “the state advances, the private sector retreats.” While Xi said in April 2020 that reform of state-owned companies was needed, he also asserted that the sector could not be “denied or diminished.” It also underlines the hurdles to China’s bid to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement on Trans-Pacific Partnership, which bars members from favouring state enterprises. Click here to read…

Xi’s ‘Common Prosperity’ in Theory and Practice

The publication in the party’s theoretical journal, “Seeking Truth,” appears partly aimed at reassuring investors and entrepreneurs spooked by novel language about “rationally adjusting” excessive incomes in the original mid-August readout of Mr. Xi’s speech, which came at the height of Beijing’s campaign to rein in its internet giants. The expanded remarks still contain such language, but the tone and structure contain some marked differences. Mr. Xi forcefully addresses entrepreneurship right near the top, saying that “common prosperity depends on hard work” and innovation and that law-abiding entrepreneurs should be particularly encouraged. The newly released remarks also warn about the dangers of “welfarism” and government dependence—language that was absent from the original readout. In theory, there is a fair amount for investors to like here: most important, it shows that Mr. Xi understands the importance of incentives—and that the rapidly escalating regulatory campaign over the past year risks damaging entrepreneurship. The speech also fits with Beijing’s long standing skepticism about big outlays for social services, as opposed to infrastructure or carrots for businesses like cheap land. The problem, of course, is that this is all happening in the lead-up to the 20th Party Congress next fall. Click here to read…

China Plans Property-Tax Trials as It Targets Speculation

China said it would conduct five-year property-tax trials in some regions of the country as Beijing looks for ways to rein in real-estate speculation and distribute wealth more evenly. The National People’s Congress Standing Committee, the country’s top legislative body, passed the tax-pilot program on Oct 23, the official Xinhua News Agency reported. The State Council, China’s cabinet, is expected to disclose details in the next few months, including which regions this initiative will cover and how the tax rate will be set, people familiar with government deliberations said. Chinese leader Xi Jinping has long sought to impose a nationwide property tax to curb housing speculation, bring down runaway prices and reduce the financial burden on families already strained by rising education, medical and other costs. But his broad property-tax push has met heavy resistance from within the ruling Communist Party, including both the elites and its rank-and-file members. An initial proposal to test-run the tax in some 30 cities has been scaled back to around 10 cities, according to people familiar with the deliberations. A new law aimed at advancing the tax across the country likely won’t be finalized until around 2025, the last year of the current five-year development plan, the people said. Click here to read…

China’s Indonesian coal imports hit record amid power crisis, Southeast Asian nation now biggest supplier

Indonesia is now overwhelmingly China’s biggest overseas supplier of coal, with shipments hitting a record last month after Beijing loosened curbs on imports to tackle its power crisis. Cargoes of coking, thermal and brown coal from the Southeast Asian nation surpassed 21 million tonnes in September, from just over 17 million tonnes in August, and now account for about two-thirds of China’s total imports, according to customs data. Chinese buyers have been forced to tap other suppliers of the fuel to replace Australian exports banned almost a year ago after political relations with Canberra soured. But hopes that Mongolia could supply more coal – particularly the higher quality produced by Australia and used by steel mills – were dashed as coronavirus pandemic restrictions in China’s neighbour saw cargoes sink below 1 million tonnes, according to the data. Indonesia’s benchmark coal price has hit record levels, bolstered by a surge in demand since June, when Beijing pledged to raise imports in an ultimately unsuccessful attempt to head off the power crisis that is now gripping the country. Late last year, China struck a three-year deal with Indonesian miners for US1.5 billion of the fuel as Beijing sought long-term options to displace Australian supplies. Click here to read…

Japan to lobby Saudi, UAE, and other oil nations to boost supply

Japan will urge petroleum-producing nations to raise output and ease the soaring global oil prices that have hurt both corporate earnings and household budgets. The plan to lobby oil producers, in collaboration with the International Energy Agency, is based on directives by Prime Minister Fumio Kishida. Tokyo also looks to offer state support for affected industries, as officials from relevant ministries met Oct 18 to discuss ways to address the oil price rally. “The government as a whole will respond swiftly to make sure there is no disruption to industry or the daily lives of citizens,” said Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno, who attended the meeting. Tokyo will work with the IEA to ask Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and other major oil producers to boost output. Koichi Hagiuda, the trade and industry minister said after Oct 18’s meeting that he intends to talk with oil producing nations ahead of the OPEC Plus meeting set for early November. DaishiroYamagiwa, Japan’s economic revitalization minister also attended Oct 18’s meeting. Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi spoke by phone Oct 18 with Kuwaiti counterpart Ahmad Nasser Al-Mohammed Al-Sabah, asking for the Persian Gulf country’s cooperation toward stabilizing the market including via greater crude production. Click here to read…

Semiconductor giant TSMC’s decision to cooperate with Washington’s chip data request fuels anger in China

The decision by Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co (TSMC) to comply with a US request for information has stirred anger and uneasiness in China over fears that Washington could use the information to sanction Beijing, even though the Taiwan chip maker said it will not reveal confidential client information to the US government. TSMC, the single-most important player in the global semiconductor industry, said in a statement on Monday that it will “respond to” a request by the US Commerce Department seeking information from companies in the chip supply chain, a list that also included South Korea’s Samsung Electronics and US chip firm Intel. While the US government said its request was aimed at finding out reasons for the chip shortage – and no Chinese company was directly involved – the move has raised alarm bells in China. Xi Chen, an academic committee member at Peking University’s Institute for Global Cooperation and Understanding, said earlier that the data could potentially help Washington impose sanctions on Chinese companies in a more precise way. The decision by TSMC to comply with US sanctions on Huawei Technologies Co devastated the Shenzhen-based company’s smartphone business. Click here to read…

Toyota testing hydrogen combustion engines in race cars

Toyota said Oct 25 it is testing hydrogen combustion engines in race cars as it works toward using the technology in commercial products. Such engines burn hydrogen as fuel instead of gasoline much like rockets. The Japanese automaker said testing the technology in race cars will allow it to collect data and try to fix problems on-site. Toyota Motor announced earlier that it was developing a hydrogen combustion engine, which Ford Motor and other automakers have also developed. Vehicles powered by such engines are different from fuel cell vehicles that use hydrogen to create electricity, and from electric or hybrid vehicles. ”We want to propose multiple options to meet regional needs,” Naoyuki Sakamoto, chief engineer of the hydrogen-powered engine Corolla model, said in an online news conference. Sakamoto declined to say when the hydrogen combustion engine may become a commercial product, acknowledging further development are needed to address its so far limited driving range. Infrastructure for fuelling such vehicles is another obstacle. One advantage of hydrogen engines is that minimal adjustments are needed from regular internal combustion engines, except for the fuel piping and injection systems. The use of hydrogen as fuel comes with some risk concerns, but hydrogen fuelling stations are operating across Japan, with no major accidents so far. Click here to read…

Biden and Democrats Push for Budget Deal This Week as Rifts Remain

President Biden and Democratic congressional leaders raced on Oct 25 to strike a compromise on a domestic policy and climate package, pushing for a vote within days even as critical disagreements remained over health benefits, paid leave, environmental provisions and how to pay for the sprawling plan. Negotiators were closing in on an agreement that could spend around $1.75 trillion over 10 years, half the size of the blueprint Democrats approved earlier this year, as they haggled with centrist holdouts in their party who are pressing to curtail the size of the bill. They have coalesced around a plan that would extend monthly payments to families with children, establish generous tax incentives for clean energy use and provide federal support for childcare, elder care and universal pre-kindergarten. An array of tax increases, including a new wealth tax for the country’s billionaires, would pay for the initiatives. But a final deal remained elusive amid disputes over the details of potential Medicare and Medicaid expansions, a new paid family and medical leave program, programs to combat climate change and a proposal to lower the cost of prescription drugs. Click here to read…

Saudi Arabia pledges 2060 target of net-zero emissions

One of the world’s largest oil producers, Saudi Arabia, announced Oct 23 it aims to reach “net zero” greenhouse gas emissions by 2060, joining more than 100 countries in a global effort to try and curb man-made climate change. The announcement, made by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in brief scripted remarks at the start of the kingdom’s first-ever Saudi Green Initiative Forum, was timed to make a splash a little more than a week before the start of the global COP26 climate conference being held in Glasgow, Scotland. Although the kingdom will aim to reduce its emissions, Prince Mohammed said the kingdom would do so through a so-called “Carbon Circular Economy” approach. That approach focuses on still unreliable carbon capture and storage technologies over efforts to actually reduce global reliance on fossil fuels. The announcement only pertains to Saudi Arabia’s efforts within its national borders. Earlier this month, the United Arab Emirates — another major Gulf Arab energy producer — announced it too would join the “net zero” club of nations with a target to reach net-zero emissions by 2050. The UAE says it is home to three of the largest solar facilities in the world and is the first country in the Middle East to deploy nuclear power. Click here to read…


Chinese, Russian navy operation cuts through 2nd Japan strait

Chinese and Russian naval vessels for the first time passed through a second strait in waters off the Japanese archipelago simultaneously on Oct. 22. A fleet of 10 naval vessels consisting of five from each country traversed the Osumi Strait, located between Kyushu and Tanegashima island, into the East China Sea, Japan’s Defense Ministry announced the following day. The same fleet on Oct. 18 moved through the Tsugaru Strait, separating the Japanese islands of Honshu and Hokkaido, into the Pacific Ocean, meaning it has now travelled halfway around the Japanese archipelago. As well as being the first time Chinese and Russian naval vessels have passed through the two straits at the same time, it is also unusual for such a large number of vessels to simultaneously sail through a strait in waters off the Japanese archipelago. The move was an apparent attempt to put military pressure on Japan, according to a Japanese government source. China and Russia are believed to be trying to counter repeated joint military drills Japan is conducting with the United States and other countries. Click here to read…

Wang Yi offers 5 suggestions on improving China-Japan ties at Beijing-Tokyo Forum

As next year marks the 50th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between China and Japan, Chinese State Councillor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi offered five suggestions to guide bilateral relations at the 17th Annual Beijing-Tokyo Forum via video in Beijing on Oct 25. He highlighted the importance of rebuilding mutual trust, upgrading cooperation, managing differences, expanding exchanges and enhancing coordination. Supported by China’s State Council Information Office (SCIO) and Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and jointly held by the China Foreign Languages Publishing Administration and Japan’s think tank Genron NPO, the 17th Annual Beijing-Tokyo Forum opened on Oct 25 in Beijing and Tokyo at the same time in dual online and in-person formats. Issues from history, the Taiwan question and other issues bear on the political foundation of bilateral relations, said Wang. He urged the two sides to abide by the principles and spirit of the four political documents between China and Japan, warning that Japan should not be vague on the issues, let alone try to cross the bottom line. Second, China and Japan should upgrade cooperation to achieve higher levels of mutual benefits as the fundamentals of mutual needs and complementary advantages remain unchanged, said Wang, noting that the potential for cooperation is still huge. Click here to read…

Taliban to form new armed forces including former regime troops

Afghanistan’s Taliban-led government on Oct 25 announced it is to form new armed forces for the country including soldiers from the previous regime’s military. The former Afghan military and Western-backed government collapsed on Aug. 15 when President Ashraf Ghani fled Afghanistan as the Taliban took control in a lightning offensive while the US and its allies were withdrawing troops after 20 years on the ground. In September, the Taliban appointed an interim government in Afghanistan, declaring the country an Islamic emirate. Defense Minister Mullah Mohammed Yaqoob, the son of Taliban founder Mullah Omar, announced the formation of new armed forces on Oct 24, in an audio message released by the Defense Ministry. Taliban spokesman, Zabihullah Mujahid, told Arab News: “Army is a priority and urgent need of the country. The Islamic emirate would work on forming an empowered army that would be responsible for protecting Afghans and would have the ability to defend the peace of Afghanistan at any cost.” He said that the new army would be comprised of Taliban fighters and soldiers of the former regime. However, there was no comment on whether the formation of the new armed forces would be supported by other countries. Click here to read…

AUKUS spurs French strategic review with tilt toward Japan, India

France is reviewing its Indo-Pacific approach after being blindsided by the AUKUS alliance that scuttled its submarine deal with Australia, a French official said in Tokyo on Oct 19, with Paris keen to strengthen ties with Japan and India. Philippe Errera, the French Foreign Ministry’s director-general for political affairs and security, was visiting Japan with Alice Guitton, director-general for international relations and strategy at the Ministry for the Armed Forces, to meet with their Japanese counterparts and lay the groundwork for a “2+2” ministerial-level meeting by the year-end. France has also been boosting ties with India in recent years. In 2019, the two countries accelerated their strategic convergence with a two-day summit in Paris, which led to joint military exercises and India agreeing to buy French fighter jets under a contract worth 7.9 billion Euros ($9.2 billion). Together with Japan and India, “we note a convergent vision on the fact that the Indo-Pacific stakes are not reduced to military competition with China,” and should include areas such as economy and health, Errera said. For Paris, considered the most proactive proponent of an Indo-Pacific approach within the European Union, the increasingly tight-knit Anglosphere may be a motivation to shore up its own security presence. Click here to read…

Why Dubai plans to build infrastructure in Kashmir

The government of Dubai, one of the UAE’s seven emirates, recently inked an agreement with India to ramp up infrastructure investment in Jammu and Kashmir. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government said the deal will see Dubai building infrastructure in the troubled region including industrial parks, IT towers, multi-purpose towers, logistics centres, a medical college and a specialized hospital. “The world has started to recognize the pace (at) which Jammu and Kashmir is traversing on the development bandwagon,” Indian Trade Minister Piyush Goyal said in a statement. Sultan Ahmed Bin Sulayem, chairman and CEO of DP World Dubai, told media in Srinagar: “We are committed to connect Jammu and Kashmir to the rest of India. We know how to do that, we know the obstacles.” No figure for the value of the accord was given but Sulayem pointed out that the investments by his firm will be part of the Modi government’s “Make in India” initiative. This is the first investment agreement by a foreign government involving Kashmir since New Delhi scrapped the region’s special status in 2019. Click here to read…

Myanmar threatens to skip ASEAN summit over junta chief’s exclusion

Myanmar’s junta threatened on Oct 25 to skip an Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) summit after the bloc said that the country’s military chief could not attend over doubts about the government’s commitment to defusing a bloody crisis. Myanmar has been in turmoil since the generals ousted civilian leader Aung San Suu Kyi in a February coup, triggering nationwide protests and a violent crackdown on dissent. Earlier this month, ASEAN – under international pressure to broker a diplomatic solution to the conflict – excluded junta chief Min Aung Hlaing from a forthcoming leaders’ summit. The exclusion from the Oct 26 to Oct 28 meeting in Brunei “broke ASEAN principles”, junta spokesman Zaw Min Tun told local media on Oct 25. He confirmed that the bloc had instead invited a “non-political” representative – director general of the foreign affairs ministry Chan Aye. “But we aren’t sure whether to attend or not … Attending it could affect our country’s sovereignty and image,” the spokesman said. ASEAN issued the rare rebuke to Myanmar after the junta rebuffed requests that a special envoy meet with “all stakeholders” in the country – a phrase seen to include deposed leader Aung San Suu Kyi. Click here to read…

U.S. National Security Advisor met representatives of Myanmar’s shadow government

U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan met on Oct 26 with representatives of Myanmar’s National Unity Government (NUG), set up by opponents of army rule, the White House said late on Oct 26. In the virtual meeting, Sullivan reiterated continued U.S. support for the pro-democracy movement in Myanmar and discussed ongoing efforts to restore the country’s path to democracy with NUG representatives Duwa Lashi La and Zin Mar Aung, the White House said in a statement. Sullivan expressed concern over the military’s violence and said “the U.S. will continue to promote accountability for the coup”, according to the White House. Protests and unrest have paralyzed Myanmar since the Feb. 1 coup, with the military accused of atrocities and excessive force against civilians. The junta blames the unrest on “terrorists” allied with the shadow government. Recognizing Myanmar’s junta as the country’s government would not stop growing violence, the outgoing United Nations special envoy on Myanmar said earlier on Oct 26. Click here to read…

Kishida orders Japan NSC to weigh strike capability after North Korean launch

Japan’s National Security Council will consider having the country secure the capability to strike enemy missile bases in response to an imminent attack, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said Oct 19 after the group met to discuss North Korea’s latest ballistic missile launch. “We reaffirmed that we will consider all possible options, including enemy base strike capabilities,” in a planned update of Japan’s national security strategy, Kishida told reporters. Tokyo is analyzing Oct 19’s launch by Pyongyang with an eye on the possibility that the test involved a submarine-launched ballistic missile, he said. “For the security of Japan and the region, we cannot overlook North Korea’s striking progress in nuclear and missile-related technology,” Kishida said. Kishida and Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno were away from Tokyo at the time of the launch for the first day of campaigning ahead of this month’s lower house parliamentary election. Both cut short their speaking schedules and returned to the capital. The prime minister said Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihiko Isozaki was on call to handle any problems that arose in his absence. Click here to read…

N Korea rattles from walking skeletons, not sabres

It’s probably no coincidence that North Korea’s test of a submarine-launched ballistic missile on Oct 19 came just as the country’s military was reported to have begun investigating soldiers’ “nutritional status.” After all, if the “human bullets” who have vowed to protect the leader are getting so few calories it affects their readiness to fight, it makes sense to distract enemies from that sign of national weakness and focus on a new and shiny, non-human projectile that will give the enemies something to worry about. Seoul-based Daily NK reported that it had learned from “a source in the North Korean military” that leader Kim Jong Un “issued an order on October 9 calling for improvements in ‘logistics and soldiers’ health’ during October and November.” This is the period when the military is preparing for the winter months and for winter training. The General Political Bureau and Ministry of Defense in response to Kim’s order are investigating not only wintertime food supplies for the Korean People’s Army (KPA), but also “the state of ‘frailty’ among soldiers due to malnutrition,” the specialty news organization said. Click here to read…

US and Taiwanese officials meet to discuss ‘meaningful’ UN role for island

US and Taiwanese officials discussed plans to allow the island to “participate meaningfully” at the United Nations on Oct 22 in the latest move to upgrade Washington’s relationship with the island. The US State Department said in a statement released on Oct 24 that “high-level representatives” of the US State Department and Taiwan’s foreign ministry had discussed “expanding Taiwan’s participation at the United Nations and in other international fora”. “The discussion focussed on supporting Taiwan’s ability to participate meaningfully at the UN and contribute its valuable expertise to address global challenges, including global public health, the environment and climate change, development assistance, technical standards, and economic cooperation,” the statement said. “US participants reiterated the US commitment to Taiwan’s meaningful participation at the World Health Organization and UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and discussed ways to highlight Taiwan’s ability to contribute to efforts on a wide range of issues,” it continued. The talks came just days ahead of President Xi Jinping’s speech at the UN on Oct 25 to mark the 50th anniversary of the People’s Republic taking China’s seat at the UN. Taiwan, under the name of the Republic of China, had held the Chinese seat until then. Click here to read…

Taiwan rides soft power wave as democracies sour on China

Taiwan cannot match the economic or military might of China. Yet as Beijing doubles down on its belligerent words and actions toward its smaller neighbour, Taiwan is reaping the benefits of soft power as China’s image declines. Harvard University announced last week it has relocated its overseas Mandarin program from Beijing to Taipei — a shift that its student paper reported was “due to a perceived lack of friendliness from the host institution, Beijing Language and Culture University.” Harvard’s decision could spur other universities with programs in China to make similar moves and comes at a time when countries and organizations are beginning to recalibrate their approach to China and reconsider their view of Taiwan. Some in Beijing appear aware that China has a major image problem — one that is at least partly of its own doing. Three days after Harvard’s announcement, Fu Ying, a former diplomat and current chair of the National People’s Congress Foreign Affairs Committee, gently suggested in a People’s Daily column on Oct 21 that China could improve its image abroad. Carefully quoting Chinese leader Xi Jinping throughout, Fu’s column could be interpreted as a subtle critique of the more combative diplomatic posture Xi has encouraged. Click here to read…

EU-Taiwan relations: MEPs push for stronger partnership

MEPs hail Taiwan as a key EU partner and democratically in the Indo-Pacific, one that contributes to maintaining a rules-based order in the midst of an intensifying rivalry between the major geopolitical actors in the region. To step up cooperation, the text adopted by MEPs stresses the urgent need to launch an “impact assessment, public consultation and scoping exercise” for an EU-Taiwan Bilateral Investment Agreement (BIA). Members highlight the importance of trade and economic relations between the EU and Taiwan, including on matters relating to multilateralism and the World Trade Organization, technology such as 5G, public health, and essential cooperation on critical supplies like semiconductors. The report expresses grave concern over China’s continued military belligerence, pressure, assault exercises, airspace violations and disinformation campaigns against Taiwan. MEPs urge the EU to do more to address these tensions, to protect Taiwan’s democracy, and the island’s status as an important EU partner. Parliament insists that any change to mainland China-Taiwan cross-strait relations must be neither unilateral nor against the will of Taiwanese citizens. Finally, Members propose changing the name of the European Economic and Trade Office in Taiwan to ‘European Union Office in Taiwan’ in order to reflect the broad scope of EU-Taiwanese ties. Click here to read…

China law tightens land borders amid regional tensions

China’s top legislative body on Oct 23 passed a law to strengthen the country’s land borders amid rising tensions with India over disputed territory and concerns over a possible influx of Islamic extremists from Afghanistan. Under the new law, the People’s Armed Police Force and the Public Security Bureau, which are in charge of maintaining public order in China, can be mobilized to guard borders in addition to the People’s Liberation Army. The forces will look to handle serious incidents, terrorism and illegal crossings in border regions. The law also stipulates that weapons can be used against people illegally crossing borders if they engage in violence, as well as banning the use of drones and model airplanes near borders without permission. The law, passed by National People’s Congress Standing Committee, specifies that infrastructure facilities for transport, communication, surveillance and defense can be built on the Chinese side of its borders. It also stipulates that no organization or individual can build durable structures near borders without China’s approval. A provision on the protection of water resources is believed to have been made with India in mind. The law states that the national and local governments are obliged to take measures to protect the stability of trans-boundary rivers and lakes. Click here to read…

US nearing a formal agreement to use Pakistan’s airspace to carry out military operations in Afghanistan

The Biden administration has told lawmakers that the US is nearing a formalized agreement with Pakistan for use of its airspace to conduct military and intelligence operations in Afghanistan, according to three sources familiar with the details of a classified briefing with members of Congress that took place on Oct 22 morning. Pakistan has expressed a desire to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in exchange for assistance with its own counterterrorism efforts and help in managing the relationship with India, one of the sources said. But the negotiations are ongoing, another source said, and the terms of the agreement, which has not been finalized, could still change. The US military currently uses Pakistan’s airspace to reach Afghanistan as part of ongoing intelligence-gathering efforts, but there is no formal agreement in place to ensure continued access to a critical piece of airspace necessary for the US to reach Afghanistan. The air corridor through Pakistan to Afghanistan may become even more critical if and when the US resumes flights into Kabul to fly out American citizens and others who remain in the country. Click here to read…

President Erdogan, cabinet discuss expulsion of 10 allied envoys

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Oct 25 backed down from his threat to expel 10 Western ambassadors over their joint statement of support for a jailed civil society leader. Erdogan said during the weekend he had ordered the envoys to be declared persona non grata for seeking the release of prominent philanthropist Osman Kavala, 64, detained for four years on charges of financing protests and involvement in an attempted coup. He spoke after the United States and several of the other concerned countries issued identical statements saying they respected a UN convention that required diplomats not to interfere in the host country’s domestic affairs. Erdogan said the new statement “shows they have taken a step back from the slander against our country”, adding: “They will be more careful now.” The envoys from Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Finland, New Zealand and the US called last week for a just and speedy resolution to Kavala’s case, and for his “urgent release”. Erdogan said – after chairing a cabinet meeting devoted to the crisis – spoke of his “duty as head of state to give the necessary response” to foreign violations of Turkey’s sovereign rights. Click here to read…

Sudan security forces arrest PM Abdalla Hamdok, ministers

Security forces in Sudan have arrested Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok and several other members of the country’s civilian leadership, the information ministry said, as a military officer dissolved the transitional government. Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, a general who headed the Sovereign Council, a power-sharing ruling body, announced a state of emergency across the country and dissolved the council and the transitional government. Hamdok was arrested and moved to an undisclosed location after refusing to issue a statement in support of the coup, said the information ministry, still apparently under the control of Hamdok’s supporters. The arrests on Oct 24 prompted thousands of people to take to the streets in the capital, Khartoum, to demand the release of the political leaders amid reports of clashes and gunfire. Soldiers were stationed on the streets of Khartoum and restricted civilians’ movements, as protesters opposed to the military takeover carried the national flag and burned tyres across the city. Footage broadcast by the Al Jazeera Mubasher television channel showed protesters moving past barricades and entering the street surrounding military headquarters in Khartoum. The footage also showed soldiers standing by as protesters passed them and marched down the street. Click here to read…

Bangladesh police arrest 450 people linked to attacks on Hindu homes and religious sites in worst unrest for over a decade

Bangladeshi police have arrested 450 people following attacks against Hindus in the Muslim-majority country in some of the worst unrest in over a decade, which has seen Hindu religious sites vandalized and homes destroyed. Authorities logged 71 cases linked to violence during the major Hindu festival of Durga Puja across different parts of Bangladesh, the police’s assistant inspector general said on Oct 18. In the last five days 450 people have been arrested in connection with attacks on puja venues and temples, as well as Hindu homes and businesses, and for spreading rumours on social media during the religious holiday, local media reported. The senior police official added that the number of arrests and incidents could increase as investigations are still ongoing. The United Nations’ resident coordinator in Bangladesh, Mia Seppo, condemned the turbulence on the same day: “Recent attacks on Hindus of Bangladesh, fuelled by hate speech on social media, are against the values of the Constitution and need to stop”. She also called for the government to ensure an impartial probe and the protection of minorities. Click here to read…

EU says to hold nuclear talks with Iran in Brussels ‘this week’

The EU’s top negotiator will meet his counterpart from Tehran this week in Brussels for talks on restarting negotiations over Iran’s nuclear deal, a spokesman for the bloc said on Oct 25. The EU and world powers are scrambling to try to get negotiations in Vienna aimed at reviving the 2015 accord back on track after the election of a hard-liner in Tehran. Iran’s chief negotiator on the deal, Deputy Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri, wrote on Twitter that he would be in Brussels on Oct 27 “to continue our talks on result-oriented negotiations.”EU spokesman Peter Stano said the meeting would involve the bloc’s lead negotiator Enrique Mora, who visited Tehran earlier this month to push Iran to restart full negotiations. Stano said the EU’s diplomatic service was “sparing no efforts to resume talks of all parties in Vienna.” But the Vienna-based talks through intermediaries made little headway, before being interrupted by the election of hard-liner Ebrahim Raisi as Iran’s president and suspended for the last four months. The EU acts as coordinator for the deal that also involves Britain, France, Germany, China and Russia. Click here to read…

How Egypt turned the page with a comeback on the regional stage

Egypt has experienced a decade of upheaval since the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak in 2011, contending with two revolutions, environmental pressures, and more recently the economic challenges of COVID-19. And yet, this most populous of Arab countries, straddling the African and Asian continents, has emerged from the turbulence with a new sense of purpose and a desire for greater engagement with the region and the world. It has been announced that Egypt is a nominee to host the COP27 UN climate conference for 2022 — a distinction that seemed unthinkable just a few years ago. This October not only marks the 48th anniversary of the 1973 war with Israel; 40 years ago on October 6, President Anwar Sadat was assassinated by Islamist extremists during the annual victory parade in Cairo. For many in the Middle East, Sadat’s positive legacy is a work in progress: The Egypt-Israel peace process, Egyptian economic development and political liberalization, the Palestinian peace process, and overcoming the challenge of violent extremism. Egypt struck the jackpot in 2015 with the discovery of a giant reservoir known as Zohr, which has developed into one of the largest single gas fields in the Middle East. Click here to read…


EMA greenlights new Pfizer-BioNTech manufacturing sites and Covid vaccine formula as it mulls extending jab for ages 5-11

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has approved two additional manufacturing sites for the production of Pfizer-BioNTech’s Covid vaccine, as well as a new formula, as it considers rolling out the shots for those aged five to 11. In a statement issued on Oct 18, the EU’s drug regulator revealed that its human medicines committee (CHMP) has given its seal of approval for two additional manufacturing sites for the production of Comirnaty, the Covid-19 jab developed by the US-German partnership of Pfizer and BioNTech. The agency also said that the CHMP “approved a ready-to-use formulation of Comirnaty” with changes to “provide improved storage, transport and logistic options for vaccine distribution and administration.” The new formulation will be available in a phased rollout starting early next year. In a separate notice on Oct 18, the EMA said it has started evaluating an application to extend the use of Comirnaty to minors aged between five and 11. The watchdog said it will review data on the jab, including an ongoing clinical study conducted on this age group in order to make the decision. This will then be forwarded to the European Commission, which will make a final ruling. Click here to read…

China battles new COVID-19 outbreak with eye on Beijing Winter Olympics

Tens of thousands of people in northern China were placed under strict stay-at-home orders on Oct 25 as authorities sought to stamp out a growing COVID-19 outbreak in the run-up to the Beijing Winter Olympics. Residents of the Chinese capital were also advised not to leave the city unless necessary, although regular transport services out of the city continued as normal. China reported 39 new cases on Oct 25, bringing the tally from the latest Delta variant-linked outbreak to more than 100 cases over the past week. The numbers are extremely low compared with most other places in the world, but China has pursued a zero-case strategy throughout the pandemic and authorities are determined to stamp out the latest outbreak with the Winter Olympics just over 100 days away. Several housing compounds in the capital have been locked down, and organizers on Oct 24 indefinitely postponed a marathon at which 30,000 runners were expected. And at a press briefing on Oct 24, Xu Hejian, vice minister of Beijing’s publicity department, advised people against large gatherings and “unnecessary” travel out of the capital. Click here to read…

Some Russian regions shut workplaces as daily COVID-19 cases hit new peak

Russia reported its highest single-day COVID-19 case tally since the start of the pandemic on Oct 25 as some regions imposed a workplace shutdown to combat a surge in infections and deaths. Faced with worsening disease rates and frustrated by the slow take-up of Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine by its own population, authorities are introducing stricter measures this week to try to slow the spread of the pandemic. President Vladimir Putin last week declared that Oct 30 to Nov 7 would be paid non-working days but said every region could extend that period or start it earlier depending on the epidemiological situation. Six regions, including the Samara and Perm regions east of Moscow, began their non-working days on Monday (Oct 25), TASS news agency reported. From Oct 28, Moscow will introduce its tightest lockdown measures since June 2020, with only essential shops like supermarkets and pharmacies remaining open. Authorities in St Petersburg, Russia’s second-largest city, said COVID-19 restrictions would not be lifted until at least 80 per cent of its population was vaccinated, RIA news agency reported. Nationwide, only about a third of the population has been inoculated. Click here to read…